HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-09, Page 2611cc(iiata
aing r m 4. t
FRIDAY. MAY 9, 1890,
0..174c'v stn. AA 3('Q71,r.
atootta MVO. iettvinL the poor widow to ►t'ptlaco her
ITe calls we a poet ; 1'oa happy to know it.
if I ant
but worthy the tide to etnMtu.
started now fairly,1 rhyme Etta anti
Por ('taw meis the oil of poetical flame,
T e.:.:tutit to honor, twna thanks to the
May ev:•1 :;ood fortune for such he in
nay the : i(,ses extend to ltim the right
Anel emt.,.tiadi Ids miud with poetical Live.•
was now time to go to the portrait
painter to wholly *11e Nrun sittiuz,
that gentleman never waited e moment
a11(1 she .should hese the ouly hour he
could give her, Louisa made some
trilliu'� lmretllts', for trills had -changed.
her unit~:d oil the sutjt•ct,:and naw de.
sit'i•d acute .other oritatnents; and the
young party hastily (pnittecl the house,
4rbitioo will flout the hind there's no
But high aspiration will smile if we
The moelecry of ,;corn is bard to be borne,
Felicity blooming will nature revive.
it'yplrl'^'1 g)Otls, and !atom borne• et her
Little as these eareleis Otto wt'rtt
disposed to bestow a thought upon the
nrtatleittl fi,orist, it ie our inttuttu'u to.
follow her to her own home, where',.
faatigned and disappointed, sire army. d
about two hours after elle left the
meneion of t uuttai's farther. It was u
low and narrow garret, lighted only he
a window in the roof, which threw
own agleem of silky sunshine upon
one ooruer of the nearly empty room,
sed lighted up an old and comfortless
Keil which seemed placed thele that
its oeenparlt mito'ht derive • sone
warmth from a Rource which itt least
• Then welcome, nay hearty, to the poetical , ,
party, cost nothing. 'Reclining this tied
Come, scale the high eumutit; success to and supported by a broken ehair back,
slightly covered by an oid shawl ---for
the luxury of pillows was beyond
their reach—was a touch younger
wvoman; but litre the first mentioned
your pen,
No heartless despotic, but lander erotic.,
Now welcome, my brother, all hail to
eueb men.
Louisa, said a gentleman to his
daughter, entering the room which he
had quitted a minute before, there is a
woman waiting to see you down stairs
•—go to her at once.
LI, papa ! I daresay she is in no
hurry, replied the j'oune lady without
raising from the easy chair into whtell
she had souk.
My dear, no not keep lrrr waiting;
the tone of a workwornan is leer
capital, and you have no right to de.
fraud her of it.
Deft•aud, papa; what hard words
S''OUUSG. I atu sure 1 always pay
then( their bitla—what more can they
"ask ?
Her father had not waited for the
conclusion of the sentenca;aud Louisa,
seeing he was gone, proceeded with
her beak*ast, iuyendt.tg, when he had
done, to send for the woman, who she
know was bringing bar some artificial
flowers to iuepecr. Whilst sipping
her coffee, her eye fell on to n publi-
ea ion which her father had been that
ne ruin ; examining. She seized Teal
it, and soon, engrossed in its pages,
forgot the tartifi•dal flowers, the artist,
and her father's adt onitiou. An hour
passed, tetter, she was ihlterrnpted by
tI)e entrance of some young frieuus,
whose visit of course detained het in
t1le drawing room. !After a great deal
of lively but rather' empty chat one of
her visitors observed that thele was a
woman in the hall as they passedwith
a brisket of the most exquisite fancy
;dtt,vers she had ever seen. She
1.)tra.e,:t to examine theta all. With
a+ slight plush lionise, recollecting her
father's words, ran for the forgotten
trackswvo:nan ; and the next hour was
consumed by the young ladies in turn-
ing over the beautiful specimen=: con -
tuned in the baskets, tryi:ig there on.
their head; hrefore the glass, end wish -
„ng earnestly that they could afford to
pare. rice than. !'hey were good
humored, pretty, elegant girls, weal
and nigransively •dressed, and they
ape+iced jest fitted to be the i'ihabizants
<,f the apartment where this scene
' jar prtssing. It was a fraud soniely fur•
ttialaa ep room ; the wails hunt; with
paintings, the tables spread with cost-
ly books, the consols and marble
brackets covered with tasteful ornate
inents; porhtaps the value of only a
taw of these China VaSes would
armed a fortune to minty a poi•
ttntly. ll.e pleasant morning breeze
wilrch broached through the light Furls
lair curtains, and waved the rich dam -
wilt dearer., Ives scented with the
erfntn'e of holiotroNpe,. and jessamine,
nd the td eiil of sunSlltne which fell
thr {,'base globe, where the goldfish
waxen, was reflected back upon the
ieh rant chandeliers, and nnt1e thein
(hilt litre fr:agrnnts of the rainbow,
wtt:a in keeping with gay girls, woo
:used at therselvee itt the tall pier
st:ta;.ee—all except the pities anxious,
arewvnrn face of the owner of the
ravers. Drea3Re(1 hi widow's weeds,
hich time had rendered shabby,
though evidently preeerved with
ire, her look us she banded out one
rnrtrf"ul wreath after entailer, was so
,41v. i3Adtrtlth.'irst with her customers
she, too, worn a widow's cap, and such
clothinlg as she had here the traces of
mourning. Iler fare was wan and
thin, and she was evidently suffering
from some serious malady which had
trained away the springs. of life,
!ler slender hands were busy iu fab-
ricating solve of these bea?itiful flow-
ers which her mother had carrier]
abroad for sale, and their delicate
coloars and gay•groups meds her pale,
sickly cheeks look still more gha"tly
from the contrast. A half -finished
wreath of orange fiowors lay near her;
and ti e tide they seemed to whisper
of love, and joy, and hope—of bridal
splendor, and till the luxuries of the
wealthy—was affecting when compar-
ed with her ow_t appearance sued her
evident poverty.
Ah, another, dear ! said' she, as the
elder widow entered, I thought you
long in corning; but 1 hope you have
sold the flowers, and brought me all I
Her mother silently shook her bead
as she sat down her basket, and with
tearful oyes gazed upon her daughter's
disappointed i face.
1�o•hinn l !lave you sold nothing 1
inquired the latter again, in amaze-
ment and despair. How could that
be ? I thought both Miss Frizell and
Mrs. Dashwood had ordered them of
Miss Frizell detained ime nearly two
hours, replied the mother, tossing over
all nay things, and then bought a two
'shilling sprig; and as 1 was an hour
after the time appointed at Mrs. Dash -
wood's, she was angvy and would be
pleased with nothing. Indeed it is.
quite true ; the flowers Were so Minch
tumbled by Miss Frizeli and her
friends that, uutil they were all fresh
done up, they are hardly worth looking
And Bliss Singleton's wedding
wreath ? said the daughter. How
can I finish that unless I have the
materia.s 1 require? Only two shill-
ings for four hours walking and wait..
ing ! All, mother, mother, how little
they know, the value of time to us?
Will you buy the white and green silk
with that looney i•
I spent it lay child, in buying food.
I knew we had nothing in the house,
and your poor buy will.be wanting his
dinner presently. Is he asleep?
Yes; see how soundly he sleeps,
,1t1SWerc?& the young woman; and re..
moving a slight covering,she exhibited
nn the bed Weide her a small flair boy,
apparently about a twelvemonth old,
solo peacefully slumbered in the happy
indiderence of infancy.
Both gazed •at the child till the tears
brimmed to their eyes ; but after a
few minutes the young another turned
away and said, what eats we (lo : This
wreath •Ia ust be finished, or in another
week we 40401 be llouseless. She
paused a moment, and a crimson Spot
which told of an internal struggle,
appeared upon her cheeks, whilst her
thin lips grew paler than before; their
thawing from her finger her wedding
ring, she held it out Wiser inotner. It
is but a short time! she nrurtnured;
and what .matters it? holly should I
feel so bitterly at parting with the
F?yinllol, whet the reality has been
torsi from me ? For ottr child's sake—
his child's sake•- dt must be dono l
And what does it signify what is
at, had they bestowed olio thought of ala 1 Ie hilince the mother
(ralrt air her, e3ccepr•, in engire the took the ring; for what could she .sinned was 14o touching, that she felt
of `Gran beautiful a ecln7eara ' eke • If was �a sacrifice she could not g
ilowe•rn, exelnired, happy, happy girl(
rhea yon Wetli' tills wreaths flow littl•i
wilt yon snspeet t o bitter tr'ee's,
the weary fin;;r'rs and tl1A aching
hearts whtclt leave accompanied its
growth f And 1 watt nnt'A as happy 1
kVho wntt'd have imagined then the
miserable D.),ert3O I now present, ? Blit:
tial 1 not giving way. to envy `s' 130-
eA11SP stay pr(a+pects are blighted,
mould I wish hers to be dmimert?
.lt,ar,rti forgive tot' 1 ---Fuld slliltint"i alt
the bed beside her still a •et•piug hey,
site tc)utbiW4dN11eFFt a11(1 11F•.tIAU1er•it
OLIO her Fnothet''ri return.
111e elder widow, meanwhile. with
weary steps and heavy heart pursued
her way to fulfill this painful errand;
Lott so deeply lugrossed was she in
her own nesernfnl refleetious that she
scarcely noticed where she was wan.
dering, until( she fonod herself at the
door of a large jeweller's shop in a
fashionable Greet, She entered tim-
idly ; and waiting till she saw one of
the shopmen disengaged, she ventured
to explain her errand find exhibit the
It is not our practice, madam, to
buy second-hand goads, win; the reply;
and if wo do, can only give you the
value of the gold.
And what may that be faltered
happier one for Louise, ltriZell later
mai, They wean materially tatFric,t!•,l f;+t ,.n 1a,er")1)e,s itf file tirdtlaltatll
in their difficulties, ante, ill f:'cf, rate" Survey woe tnttvitaa in the rlotttlt tsf
ed from nitnatieu of moist d(tpreaasin;i t4o,itlaioI. 1n the t rotaetatJAll of tlte,�i
and heart breaking poverty to it degree e•tdi'ig they entered a &id I,e1t111t11 •,r,
of cotntvit whieti to then: nl,Ueraate1to 11 ern.iw ,11•l t�ri'01+1', i reins '
like ''!?tl' lint ,.Ir:11!,'e+t'ti t`s'ars,"It rill(„ in 'u ;vtiv •
wi81106, setIned eith t S +
8110 was Itrun:rd frnin FL fur more etell•i tt^,t ttn i hrih''lnl-., th'• termer all•.
lamentable stein—Item a poverty ,•f p reeellt•tl t 't lee y,' watilin. Ill
(Walt of kindly eh(11,1ty to Ile r llt',;,11 1`0,'11ts to ti'• ;0..7.,-,,,,,.!,l 1'• ;-OPay() (till' cat
b•rr3, Whist(, htit tai' snit" 5u111 leai,ul(s the c1))))(tot , art.: zoo L'cavtit,i, and
US thi` As tlltgot lluvt' 1rintVe,tt and. !'on or,- a ?r (;•,1, t rl`i,'a:t papeti
Lteutl•Oy1+ii e.Ve1,V i t',,' ti' :.,,Attt)Fttartt PI I',tt'rl' 1;c IT a t' :,;1 rIlyre, testae. oil
her names. Isar tee 3F'ssott was t f •-t•- I the tutor t; •"tt yr :..ot-s n''It o' lily
ural ; Ulla tilit Atlee theta:,'nik'w,a; LOiIRa held 1 S,i, a -' .F' a"', '•i:ii!1'Iti'(l til"
1'i'tzrll now sets all example to lii'r tan. ant von tri , nl4.1'an„ yourself'
young companions ltot11 OI conotdera ltahle to pro'e::n'i<'r; for iut'riu»tit,;,;'
tint! toward those tradespeople elle us. Tho t:.i,i:(i' mei. 110 inure*, Irv,
crnploye+s, alloy Of inott!'rittlnil Witt went, ,1v^r to , Cllr"1 • tti?tling illy) tllt'
5Wlt-(tt•niltl ill the We of tt1.1n:111e me field and i,'t. sate 11 r, t' •;e l,t)11, '.1'1'•'
and expresses which hri' Fetal*ll ill life hull no r•eu:li,''1' :i+,17 ;.114' i:`r1 en:Fty toito
appeal's (0 justify or re(lniro, ht, a; Iii( f,tl io Fs' .as it Mad. . rl'hi'
_ ,alu•v ,, 'r.: SI 1 it c1 up their tbeodolito
• .9 CaaailihtiStleltc;a. an,l gem; for tilt ..• iiv••a, while the girl
Every one knows the st•try of the fernier, ill greet ,h-e,yeiled,ifter slams,
Frenchman who, while sitting with ''\'1011 Fire le 10110in' f,tr? Ott pt no
his head to the open window of an allow the boll yet* (+overmnent
.English rail way car, hoard a sudden papers?"
shout of "Look cut!" and popping his
head accordingly, melted at trezaaend
ons bump on the forehead from the
projecting pn•e of a se.Liiotding which
feelin!;, a dearth of Pul'llliin•'1 (ill. a tie' !odd l It era :, 1 •i ,•1e 11IVIe it
she, the tr•tin was just passing; where.
I s>,ppose about half•a-drown, he upon monsieur exe.ainiod, indignantly:
curiessly answered. . Irishman trig fool! He say 'look out'
And ie that the utmost you can when he me to 'gook iu!'
give we ?• replied she, in a pleading
tone, I ant in great distress, and
have not another sixpense in the
Are yon not the person who sells
artificial flowers? enquired the etet.tice.
luau who had been'£or some minutes
watching her, and was interested by
the sweetness and propriety of hor
man ners.
She replied in the affirmative.
And did yon pelt nothing this morn
ing ? again asked be. '
One young lady purchased a two-
sllil(ing flawer,replied the poor widow;
but she detained me so 'long that 1
displeased an excellent customer by
failing in punctuality, The gentle-
man bit his lip ; and hastily crossed
the shop he returned in another min-
ute leading Louisa, for lie was 11 er
father, and she lead been occupied in
selecting a new pair of bracelets for
herself at the apposite counter..
Repeat what you have just .said to
my daughter, said Mr. Frizell, I ask
it as a favor for her rake entirely:
L :case me, sir, and forgive the
young lady, replied the widow firmly..
She was probably not aware of how
much value an hour le to a trades
person; but I do not wish to complain
of syr for that.
Permit me at least to rectify her
errors, continued the father; !Fut as
our business can he !tetter transacted
in a more private place, suffer nae, iu
the first instance, to convey you liolne.
You have probably, walked far this
It was in vain that she offered any
opposition ; and in another minute
she was seated beside Louisa in Mr.
Fr'izoll's elegant equippage, to the
great Mortification of that young lastly,
who flung herself into a corner and
did her ptmost to ,cgnceal herself
from view, least anyone should recog-
nize her with snch a companion.
They could not approach the lodging
very closely in the carriage ; hut Mr.
Frizell, nothing daunted by the nar-
row street or dirty staircase, resolute-
ly drew on his reluctant daughter ;
and the child of wealth and 1uxnry—
the gay, the elegant, the fashionable
Louisa, Frizell.—for the ,first time
stood face to face with the groin and
Wasted, sufferers from (vent .and dis-
' Never could she forget 'the, thrill
with which she' p lanoed mango the
miserable room, and eyed tlli' fo?itllie.
sufferer stretched upon that bed:
Poverty 1 till then she had not known
what it was: and yet this was poverty
in its least repulsive shape; for,
though bare and desolate, the room
was clean ; and though feeble and
emaciated, the invalid was tidy itt her
person ; whilst the beautiful little
boy who sat beside her, bending bis
dark, pensive eyes on the strange visi-
tors, as if to question their object,
gave a degree of grace and elegance ,the latter will rid. safely to the broad
sea of flItbiie confidence and respect
long after the wreck of the former has
been cast upon the rooks of disaster
and disgrace.
A similar utisuoneeption ocetirt'sf
during ilte Beige of a5e.hitstOp01 wflAtl fit c '7,1`Qad�: 011):ry clergyman, teach --
during minister or other per4on authorized
by law to bop ice, marry or perform
rue fui:inti service in Ontario, shall
keep a registry, showing the persona
wr,o'u he hat -b'p• izeil or married, or
W va You nP,trrie'' X17 A Sutiorauuttath•nit
clergy awn.
A wrier in the t;Lnada Lttw Inn. -
mil, for April, eon11"tt,de that utarriar;t'a
Lir s apraalunatel clerrrynirn are
vi.irlEible, kle' gnotes the. revised stat'
odes of Ontario, '1.i'11 Chip. -1t3,
an L+pgltsh wiivardnlu•au was brought
up for having given a severe thrashing
to a French grenadier, the English
matl.'s only explanaiten being that he
would 'ave it and so I just 'ad to give who 1)1170 (lied within his cute, and
it hive. It appeared oe inquiry that
bthe Gnardsrhtn had accosted the other says is to his congregation. Surely
111 what he supposed i0 be Ft'ent!1, says tills corre?p paned(, no !mime/Pat-
that the pt1Z7,lr'd Frenchmen hitt(( ed, r, asonalde and law-abiding per.
in bewilderment, C`otnlnen l
(How?) which John Bull mistook for
Onto on. Coma on yourself, then,
he roared, if you will 'ave it 1 and forth.
with the listings began ill earn-
But mare. starting than all was the
mistake made k.y a Queen of Denmark
during her visit to the Danish colony
of Iceland, where the good old bis lop lttns and ,,,,pore„ c>f e ,.:erianee
exerted himself to thutmost to show of people who till the s rfl. ' And this
her everything that was worth seeing. lamely wisdom has often. whittle!,
The Queen paid many coinptimonts to a, market literary gtatlittt ” jyt; ler
her host, and having learned that; be notable instance, the fol!owin;; para. -
a family man, gracionsly inquired graplia gleaned from f;rrty •six. hetter:a
from as riS many hnslta.ndlnen or their
wives, Observe that ;arid of the
sell wilt support the claims of these
supei'anueaate,f ele.ics---who Fare with,
o111 cure or congregation—and admit
that they have authority, under thew
law, to solemnize marriage.
$'aria wane onne,
The most reitsnnach:, thing ill
an agricultural paper care the practice!
how many children lie herd. Now, it
happened that the Danish word ehild-
t'en was allltoet identical in soured sayiugs are proverb•lr "t� for terseness,
with the luelantie word for "sheep" force and wide applicability:
s0i the worthy bishop—vthose know. The spring seat makes tr !nen or boy
lodge of Danish Was 2101 so complete teat tenger'. A bushel Of mu or a
as it ;nig' t have been—understood site of meat raised at holier is worth
her Majesty to ask bow many sheep two in town. Ignoraa'o 0 uanee'c mors:
he owned, and promptly answered loss on a ferns th.tn Fall eisis enmbined.
"Two hindered."
Two hundred children aided the
Queen astonished. [ow can you
posaaibly maintain such a iimnbert . `
Easily enough, please your Majesty,
replied yonr hyperborean prelate,
w1tla a ehieerftal slnllo. In L11Fl Rnnitlat'1' not rtiiitrairr great'ieaas, bat retakes it'
I taro them out o11 tilts hills to graze, break out. Much society does add to
and when winter conies I !till aucl cut ruonkeyisw, A little teaming gained
thenal—.Eiariiers 31atgta axe, aionil is warts mere than agroat deur
obtained by the i titnu`.tta ort coinpany `
Sensaation:mit ,kaurnulis;st Must , anti much assistance, A vegetable.
(Chicago Eloctrotyper.) eating man, other thintg being equal,
The public ;~nuts the truth and can rho rnorr:.work in 11 given tune,
honors the truth. It is ready to no. !'aid out Munger and stand more cold,
cord praise and confidence, or conA. heat, nunger, thirst, be more civil
detonations and mistrust, anti in near- and useful, and lave lou'.0r than a
ly every case the public estimate is flesh eater. When a farmer thinks he
correct. It may seem tl smart thing line learned all abeer, farming add
for a newspaper Tian to force his news- will neither read nor listen to ono who
paper ince sticldsn recd„ mtiou by pan. reads, lie does not help in this age of
derin; to the local taste for sensation- .progress,
aline, but he is stare to meet a rear- Don't farm from force of mourn -
tion sooner or later, and his descent tsancesalldexpect to lualte money while
will be more rapid than his growth. waiting for aotnething better to turn.
No editor ever built himself up to' an up. Be in love with your business if
honorable place in the estimation of You would succeed: Nine tinges out of
'11istotnrnuuity by abusing his brother ten it ie more profitable to buy a rich t ..
editor. If be succeeded in winning farm and sell its prodnets to gray for it
the high regard of the public, that than to buy a boor one at a small
Course was not the means by which it price and Ming it into a high state of
was gained: Of two newspapers in a cultivation. Farman give personal
locality—duo resorting to personal attention to their farms much less
vituperation, mud -slinging and senna. than mere of other professions give to
tionalislu, the other pursuing a calm, their af'f'airs. Economy is one of the
persistent, upright course of gathering first things a1 farmer must consider,
the news and publishing it without He roust use jtidp;euhent and discretion
fear or favor, never stopping to reply in the sxereiss of economy. Great
to the waspish attacks of its rival•--• hiss of labor and results from plan ting
more thaw can be properly cultivated
and taken care of at the proper bind.
It does not pay to waste time trying
to salve •a crop once neglected.
Average ert'ps do not pay. Profit
lies in extraordinary yields, to bit
The farm effords ss broad and doer)
a field for study and thought at any
subject, Manual labor. wt1•,d-liewsng
and water -drawing ineltvh,l, does not
Inlet the mind but greatly t,-)IeFlits it,
Re well as the body. Isolation dogs
to the group. When Louisa saw the
gratitude with, which hor father's
purchases were acknowledged, and the
satisfaction with which the bum of
only twenty shillings was received, she
egan to understand It little the value
and this power of money. But the
glowth of still deeper feeling which the
restoration of the wadding ring 0005-'
nr +rt its tr.ear'Ireas, wish they have asked, for which slue saw to htr f.er the moment t,tat tabu would vr%1•
bl hay them ah, Fut(1 declare they inevitatlle; but they dal hist ,possess tingly sacrifice. Half her trfnitore to bo
Olean' to make them, it tnflst be another art erfluit . Siletltl • there, author 11r recei'or of shell a glance ns
h , P y y y► (hast,
di t pafter. nr .
l rk, Finally fore., shetook it stud. left the room'
charming. f y . �l f , Happy est itch alias nbonhtet fon
,ev etiN•Rf`t'it++ poi tilt. :"llolti of 1rr i" eviliist her rhe i t unhappy. 'e : f;ji *duos "
�1 3„1:t: to U ltl dili;rait 1121,1 zl4itt itlbtt; White) t;attllitlg attughtellop to, $rtiooe b y da aF 1t gait @i'ldeiitlly lb tri~
The estimated cost of reconstruction'
of TorontoUniversity building is $225,-
000, exclusive of the library, which is
to be a separate fire proof building.
This will, it is estimated; cost about
00,030. Out of the money in hitnd
.$20,000 to $2:5,000 will Iva left for this
after the cost of r0e0netrnction ilr (net.
Until the library oan he 1inilt, admin.
itltidation for thdtboolce Evill b(i found
311 (hilt siutllt littildtngt - J
obtained only by application of brain
and hand labor, Couple energy with
judgment and you will have a span
that tvtl pull you through,
4 �
The Misses nail, evathgeliet , Wore
presented, previous to leavit;r; ,Cil th'
with fa purse of 1350 and their ticketi
for Guelph, as ft slight nemtitieratiou
for the weal( lacrorYipllaliecl tlrroujll
their: inktrutnelftalitj'.
0, the selling J
To lltatlte a Neill
WI'rever wlrt:l r�I
'Tis swollen witJ
with blood.
Thousands of
era frons tkrios ai
twee, but ntolar (I
s}stein their pit
Says 1)r, F. l;
strauite purit'lw
strangest seems
who teaches tri
is p,hybieaily et i
socially sednt'ti
who Sans the
tatere al's a tri
tutu; tet wb
e'Itizati, ttakt-1h pi
mal) Wilo 8a11Jt,
which !U: dv.er.,
A big victory
ge dies( rev, 111 l
The license ticl
la t go nn k 4riiy.
;sill. the 1 it..11-ti
by the vires of
00113pi181)o t this.
halal bib 1318 „et
it wa.t dt.,tri
through the vi.1
Aged live year,
Pitatiel:r. III., Ti
w.ytrt of Vetaa.
oe.tueetlou with'
tela Cougregiatiot
nued.ty, their 10,
rti»;lootfuily iuvii
,&ai3,`ri 11
ie1Cn1i time ig•-
tlre Z alu;t'c,tt
e'.rlted by t140 1i•
dE, aot of braved
h•tlll of a deadly
h whoa seized it
in sucha, way tt
As he held it, tit
bun) coiled itnel
length it got a
tighter and ti„ti
to detach it. A
increased. the d
that £t L11"tr ':7t:1 n
on neck. r •Y t
W.18 Colnpiled 1
snake the.' d'1
' :Auto !Fico r11:1 1
N,1lietltc: of. errs
Al. Ora
The €ollt,rnli
graph of Ilot p:
Jay wail.h ori
`L few days; si
11en) was 11.e
Ci glad Jury c
anent wltIIII.1t
,ticoholio 'lee.
customs (If.51'1
brought fief tr
frnitfut au ti')
They atr'it;,iv
striedillg the
aridly out,
public Arland,
A Paterbo .,'
ti:,,000 out of J
-strong thin„a 1
about the rum
valeta the pmol
e1F3iyed soma
uttered by .Iu
Ittetlmdisrn ag
je+itss who so
41nnrSe inolatlt:
as hath OS
Majesty's 1),a;
Those who t
Mujosty'a su1.j
defies their eye
tha.ti tr hall li
gain? Is it not
then, would el
sunlptucue )
nlattst of there
t•1 the st:Fnes,
thu,n 1 The et
coma, thole w,;
burns to tbtl r
1- there; the
wails, the rt
And 041ust tin
--dough h that
11 0 linen, 1111
114 can,.( tl:
toy 1'i k1s of 1
Not se; for tl
th,ai efJLS thy
Ti k as tlt.sst
la: ag mei yam
11..& :.1; ;Lt.?