HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 811 Dr. Tovirlerls Drug Store ritys104144' and popular Prescriptions accurately oompoonded. Pure Drugs and Chemicals a specialty. ,--AtullIbto of Toilet Articles, Parttime% Sponges,- -S11001440, etc, always hastock— )3E1iti ; TELEPHONE ; CENTRAL OFFICE. STMettiSII10 and (IND TRUNK TOWN TICKET Wingham, Ont. ttRiiingiclani Clues FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1890. •ODDFELLO WS' 8810to'S 131 UV, eta, einem We herewith give a synopsis of the ser. mon delivered last Sabbath to the Oddfele lows in the Baptist oburoh, The Rev l‘ir Priest took 'for his text Galatians "Bear ye one another's burdens." We are assmbIeJliu the Divine presence s " this afternoon ;Inieormnemoration of the , ilet anniversary of the establisbrent of • Ameriean Ochlfellewship. To me it is extremely approprgaik that a soeiety whorls foriodatiori priaciples are essentially chrittt. tian, should conunriorate their aoniver- eery by Divine worship. These 71 years have been with yOu as an organization, years of wondroiltertrwth ; years in which 1011 have been permitted, to accomplieh much foe the elleviatien of want and for the cheer of the distressed. and barea,ved. During this time many a gaping wound of suffering humanity bas been bound up with the ointment of human sympathy: Mealy a widow and fatherless family lute had the star a bops rise in their inidnig gloom, ' Organized in Me, with fiye members, your society now numbers 650,000. Dur- ing this interval upward of See,000;000 hare been expeeded in the relief of its menthere. By last yeer'e report 1 notice that in Ontario 'alone the membership numbers nearly 17,000 and the amount expended for relief in 1830 amounted to abont§s2,00o. Well may you "rejoice in your past, be proud of your present, and be hopeful of ,yoar fetere,"e It is not my purpose to eetogize' your society. Were alty eulogy necessary the facts that I have already stated are sufficient and are far cr)rc4lt4ueus than any words of praise that might utter, "A tree is Rao WU by Mush of the fruit that your 111eti tat= had borne cannot btt cal' forth the akirriiration Of even your sternest op- ponents.. Whilst 1 do not profess to be a "oociobY Mau," 1 annot be forgetful of • the noble and beneficent work that you have bean enabled to perform. But, brethren. there is a danger of be, coming interested and engrossed in the abstract organization airs of losing sight partially at least of the priuciplee ev Inch the orgauization holds and wbih alone entitle it to au etistenee. There is a pre- vailing danger of gathering around the istn instead of•the principles that cons* tute the ism. & society has a right to an existence only as it exists for the further- anee of some principle or principles. And itc so far as the society, ins bUea With these principles curies out the spirit of them in so far is it worthy of, onfidenee and esteem. Your motti, "Priesidship, Love and Truth," well embodies the principles you as an Order profess tp advoeate, the principles of rre.ternity. The words that 1 have chosen to address you train this afternoon are but the /AIM- ' tical application of these principles. And in so far a4 you are obeying this injunction in so f tr are you Mae to the prinoipter: ef ,yoar Order. "Bear yo cum another's but. dens." Life wi tic all les grand peesibi titles brisA its Orden* to all. True with some the bur. dens are heavier thuu welt-otherYet to nue arid all -there femme timesof tentptatioe, of morrow or euffering,of bereavement. The teaching of the Apostle itt that by loving sympathy, by active bre, b protietti ltriettenity, we ale to Share each other's burdee. to lighten each other's loud. Our `Savior iltusrrates the duty by I/leper:chic et the Geous'fabartuta. A more complete tixdnomnrehotisiveilloetration is found in the life of our Sevieut himself. n* osine totOldie tnpevea!Gocl fiee Men, but Mae to ,revertl try men by st living illustration the reiationalt.p he should occupy and the Pe* at ienntuot he mbould pursue towards foll4vo. 1:0$41110 1144 In it 701t 4111 . • seer *living eXeMplitiotion of tide ditty The needy or Offering never appeated to aim in YAW* His hod Was ever outetrefeli- ed in blowing. He not only died,butHe alga lived for Others. Bearing one atietlier'e Ordeue le not perfunctorily voting relief to the distreseed,lent toolted br the Christ spirit voluntarily and joyfully torifloing ourselves for our fellows. Tine duty we owe to our fellows. We are all metithere of One universal family God is our Coromou )the, and as • mom- beg of the otto Brotherhoed, ettoli bas a nu claim upon the other, There is a very large sense iu which you are your brother's keeper. This is a moral obligation Worn. holt upau every son of ,A.darn's roe and to ignore it is simply nothing more than being morally diebonest. Not only eo, but thin duty is necessary tor a man's own devlopreeut: What so mean, what so dwarfed, as "the man con - centered all in self." The most exalted typeeo manhood nave been those who forgetful of self have lived for their fel- lroWii, What better exempla could we have of tine than the case of the Apostle Paul, The rule of the Kingdom is that as we bless others( we ourselves are blessed, that as we seek to uplift our fellows we ourselves are lifted nearer God . Not only so, but brethren, we are going to live over in eternity all the memorials of life. What a joy to have clustering around those memories. deeds of kindness, acts of love Whitt a joy to know that something we have said or done or given has mule it easier for some other lost man to behold the Lamb of God, to reach a throne iu the Ilingdom of God 1 HoW eau we earry out this injunction ? I reply, first by realiziug the relationship existing between ourselves thud our fel- lows. By realizing that between or- selvee and our fellows there exists the bond of brotherhood. I am aware that it is by no :neaps easy to practically realize this, Our prejudices a re so deeply rooted iu our systems.. It may not be u easy thing to some of us to rea lize that the savage Indian, the squalid. Bsquimitux, the heatheu (rhinee, the sable African, are our brothers. Ourieaste prejudice makes it difficult for us to recognize in the humble laborer, the poor: beggar ou the street, a brother. Yet, notwithstanding, thus the word of truth teaches nee that there is no human behig, no •matter o what clime or color, im matter bow low slink in sin, uo matter how high or how low he may be in. the 80°40 scale, but be• tween him and me there exists a fraternal tie,°the bond of brotherhood. There was a caving itt of an embankment itt Loudon, close by 'Victoria Park. Workmen were buried under the send and were tunotber itig. Upon the sidewalk stood one specta- tor ottreleeely contemplating the disaster ea if he had, uo interest in it. Some one hurried up tzi him, pale as a sheet; calling him by name, he whispered, "Your brother ties under there 1" No Urging was needed then, no lack of interest, the man sprang to his duty, Brethren, your brothers need your sympathy and steeistanoe. The troubles that threaten society today, socialism, the labot question, and the multitude other perplexing problems will never be settled until mail canoes to recognize in his fellow man, a brother. Again we can carry out this iej unction by oultiyating love for one auother, 'Unless love reign in the beart, this duty wbioli is the practical evidence of such love existing, cannot be performed. Love is a plot taut grows by eultivation. Unitivate this previous plant and as it grows so will it evidetice itself iu the Christian duty, Moreover above all, the enirit of Christ must dwell in our heeds: we =1st have dome into touch with Him. His life, His love must be flowing through us a this duty is to be performed. He who is the centre and source ot all good must reign and rule in your heart. Brethren, the principles that you as a society profess to hold are noble, elevating and Christian. But mark you, the only principles that you or I really hold, are rho principles that exert all influence upon our lives, that influence our eonduot. You profess to be au Oddiellovv. You are a, true Oddfellow in only so far act, yea ex. tend the band of sympathy to the Melt mid buffering, as yoe treat all maukind as brethree, as yen "Bear one auother's bur. dens." WINGH414 lgABEETS, • Wiseman, May 1, 1890, Corrected tO• T. time, Produce Preesr. A 2 50 tO 250 0 76 to 000 0 76 to 000 28 te 00 86 * 60 62 4 .i1i, 20 to 25 12 to 14 12 to 14 8 to 0 1 24 to 1 00 6 00 to 000 Fume per 10015il. Pall wheat per bushel, • Spring 'y Oate. • • Barley Peas, Petatoinf, Butt/or, tub (to Anita, V,gga per dozen, Wood per cord, nay per ton, MERS ATTEN A m —1'0 W wilf be held le (LiridaY) evenidg, at dug of the Refer F J A 0 o'nlo Delegates siti be Convention to be. at -d other rumor the meeting. 8.0 large a t of the 0 If A .ton's law oleo this ted to attend the Reform a ooderleh on Sionday next, :4 mat rs wili be brought before n4itnoe is roan a•President. t 110/0HRTS012, Secretary. EQUAL RIGHTS ASSOQIATION. A. Convention of the friends of the above Association will bo held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ON, • TUESDAY, MAY AT 1030 e. re., For the purpose of completing local organization and the formation of a County Brandi, A representative member of the Provincial and address the Convent n. A public meeting wi a held in the evening in the Town Hall, at 8 o'o ek, when addresses will be do - livered 00 5501 ou lon's agitated by the Association. A representati of 16 or 20 hem mil neencleslitY is desired. By autho ty of the sedation will be pr*soLt Cif to • 4pril, 1890. Car.INTY OF HURON TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS, 1990. Primary (80:1) and Junior leaving and retie Matriculation (2n4) Examinations at the Collegiate institutes and High Schools in the County, on Tues- day, tith July, 8.40 a,su. ; Senior luuvhtg and flown Matriculation (1st 0), Tuesday, July 1655, 8.40 a. 01. Candidates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth must notify D, NI, Mallech, Esq., 1, A. Schools, Clinton P, 0.; not later than zlnd of stating which of the two schools they intend to write at; and those who wish to write at Gederiell must notify .1, E. Ton,, Esq., I. P. Schools, Goderich P. 0., at the same date. The notice twist be an- companied by a fee of 0100. No name will be for. *yarded to the Department unless the foe is paid. Head masters of the Collegiate Institutes and Bigii Schools will please send the applications of their candidates to the inspector of the divisions in which the Collegiate Institues or High Schools are situated. Forms application may be had from the Ieispeo. tors • Secretary, PETER ADAMSON, Secratary B. Examiners. oderieh, April este, 1890. Ex -Cosi. or Pao's,. Assee. TO $25 REWARD. The above' and Calle paid for any person who will give ser stiuh iforttiition as will lead to the appre- hension um conviction of the party or parties who burglario y entered the Winglzoni Public School between le hour of 4 II,ni Saturden 26th APO1 and the fol wing Monday morning. Ily Qrder 01 550 Bosom, 130.411D. OM, April 2655, 1890. Cheap Property. Two choice Lots, well fenced, on the cornq of Folick and srtarecietsioWrigrox; 1214z1v:11,,, tex'evellensit ready up. Also quantity of lumber. WUS be told cheap. D, 11. GORDON, Te ders Wa ed. Tenders vi he received by the dersigned up to 4 o'elock p. 1. on Monday, May 555, 1890, tor the erection of a BRICK MBTHODI CHURCH, with Stone Be merit in t e 'Village of Bluevale. Plans and ape 'notions my ba seen at the Oleo of Joseph Leech, lucva , on and after the 22nd of April, er at the o 0 the anchiteet, Mr W E Bin- ning, Listowel. Tenders wil e rec 'red for the civhole cOntrart, or separatel „viz, Cal enter work; painting glitz - Mg and 5' smith work; d for the brick and stone work a plastering. ,The owcst or any tender not . arily accepted. •Satis dory security required or the proper completion alt a work. JOSEPH .EtiCH, Secretary, Trustee Board. Bluevale, April 16th, 1890, To Breeders. • The llolstein.Prieslan •HURON LAD, No. 11660 Registered in the fourth volume of the Holstein Friesian nerd Book, wilibe kept for service during the season ef 1800 at Lot 11, Concession 1, 'Morris. Terms --$1.60 for grade cows; thoronghbred Hol- stein cows, 820; with the privilege of returning; 50 be be paid at tiro° of service. • JOHN' A MeDIVEN, Morris, Apr1181'10880- The iindersighed offer:, lots on Outcast Endo of .1 75, containing 12 acre WI Wass orchard, etc, ie to Winghant, will phaser, for 01,2 old on .c For forthe JAt M o three valuable park trent, Lots 80, 81 and good buildings, first. ,situated in Lower eros to suit pur. r pa radars apply to oCLI AN, Whiten oh p, o, Property for Sale 14 W014 Theundstslgned effete ter sale his rlwellberbouse and (Me Or mere floras of liked, es purchaser may require, Th*property 18 hied( 10eittitir and will bo w void on renabloterms, ;for ullParticulltr% to the ovrit*rr. • /AMP; ANGUS. Apit (Rho 180, Pleasant Valley Apiary. PUBS ITALIAN QUEENS , von SAL1i. vestedqueris, during MaY ....•.. 00 during June 1 75 Untested queens, atter June 1 00 or 6 untested, Queens after Juno 1655 4 00 I also have a quantity of tired hites Andric:All hives for Carpenter work attended to in all its branches with tioatness and despatch. gETEll A. MILLER, Wingham, Ont. ALLAN LINE ILOVA.L MAIL STEAMS111138, Aro Intbsided to SW every week from Montreal and.Quebec, TO Derry. and Liverpool. frit ul1bn ot the sesson, &minus, may. 7th, krraImatrltgVinDpiae'riIZ10* 81, OADINs *60. 70 and $80, Accordivig to'istation, trocrootoms,*28. Intermediate Includes all romd. sltsi Mr thovoyage. Steerage at lowest rates, ske. comitodation unsurpaesed, 1' 56s can embark at Montreal. Apply to Wig A. WAN, Montreal, or RNII:g DAVIS, Wnlophst, ALL READ SPRING at° I! ill 1,0B D E. Our Dress. Goods Department Has ecomebfamous for immense variety of colors and styles, and at all - plieee in IIBNRMTTAS, FAILLE, FANCY I'LAIDS (BLACK AND COLOBBB), MABVBIL- LEAUX PoliGuE LUXOR. We fail todiscover a single weakness in aur Dress Goods. OUR 1 PRINTS take in all the novelties of the season.' ORDERED. CLOTHNNC. Our Tweed Department is well stocked in all the newest stylei and makes, Don't fail to examine our large and attractive stock before .buying, sr' See our nobby Hats, Ties, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves and Collars. CARPET AND LACE CURTAIN DEPT. 4 Big stock, cheap prices, WA goods in Brussels ; Tapestry; Union and Hemp at lowest price. We extend a cordial greeting to all to visit our store, examine -stodk, get prices, and compare goods. No trouble to show goods. ,....._._2____,,44#4444z....444.4444.4.4:mommor....mgeameaomonerawompraer#4.42( • SEE erster's Advt. NEXT WEEK JUST OPENED. 7 -mm' has just opened up a General Provision arid Grocery Store, nearly opposite the Market. The stock consists of Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Spices, Raisens, Currants „ Dabs, rigs and Prunes, ' OANNZD GOODS OF ALL IONDS—Fruit, Peas, COM, St11110011,, Corned Beef and 'Sardines. All kinds of Biscuits. Dried Meats, risk tutter, Rggs and Liverpool Salt. A full assortment of CROCKERY AND %ASMARA in sem or separate. Itater, tges, Dried Meat, etc„ taken in exchange, ,At, Iva buy for cash, we are nolo to Melt at the cheapest rates. By caLIoti4tict inspecting our goods you will oblige Wingbanii On • T Out 'Lace Curie Floor OH Clothe ex this mouth, and complete stock. .every , time, when sidered, Goods wi fountain -head; are Have you bou Spring Suit yet? li.un to the Bear. fitted. We have want for him eithe or in goods by the can get him a H tame, Ask for a May F . BOB TrIs Banat, May 9, 1 LOCAL —Stratford will lett --Honest goods at honest people to buy, jewelry store, next do( --The Rineardine it will play our juttiore li cr —The regular mon abbe School Board day evening next. —To —Quarterly rnectin dueted iu the llietlaor bath last, by the past —Dress and rum peotriptly and to ot Baxter tee their home opposite the old Poet --A. number of b Ma:Ionics Order attend fate Mr Van:Mlle itt 1 'eeti:w!suFG ritiiewrsituegriallaams —& meeting will, b hotel, MotatiAv organize a quoit rin the`forruatiou of echo invited to attend:cell' —A large delegate earnpnient and Matt attended divjue eery Sunday last, in surer fellows of that place —Suet atrived-10 lernoes, also banana other fruits at the S e —Tho eotureitteat :securing of show gro uWoeusst ee,r no nPra irr,id‘uVyi till. 6 M. A full cettend quested. e Saturday night-. 8, 10, 12ic ; Men's- a Underwear, 50o 'So, PtleTesh:tveMetttlili:diuu 'has been very. to every night. On 5 Wednesday Morning eardine, on Wednee ground was covere —A. nice line of recoivedgluttli4Srmt.eGerai, Wingbra a.„ _4re‘4.4 held in Ritchie's Pla at Which it *as doci entertainment at At 011 Vriday evening, 3.0.„Oelck.A l'ooppht,etibtitto to Geo The:neon, 2 Wih .--,"Itrtteretniettere re Brititsh Coliimbia,it fig Was recontVhel $10 from IVIagbam. A Were: Messrs T. 13 rluety, Prod Wrigh 11 isfurther stated # 'tilt' airs in th, *bete you, e8,11