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Wingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 7
en. 1 1 sue. i 00 Vast T 00 I 4 °a 4 °u ) '0 at, i.e. per tine en nuhaer;ue:n e, for first ill': aunt weenie r, in 'elle ed, SituatiofK,, t°dh , e illy.3 e'1h,tr s liner, n.ontit to mute, or ter' ettioIle, will b3 Canal). Tn.n• , l.t.,l.ntt Its utu,st he in luta to 4•pent AI:I, rnntlsut;a ^ aaeteett3 nisei)• :.ere Fb)aietene iaeaAve, 0)•T; •geons, cOntario. uroh— Winghant, oat, University, and. „ c, and Survt,ous :Hare end Patrick ethane, • ONT, Etc., k.tc, n at lowest rates, Mortgages, town, and sold. , ONT. tal• io DKIK INSON. . Et. • Etc.,. Etc., So- omun.s,uners ler Farm, Town end I. Mune) (private it' At bt per Cent. its, upon the beet ey eApeltee to t e 1ba amt the Next • W INGIRM, r Celluloid Plates of the bestin.teria can be gut in the volkNwarranted. •ranted. • . d loss for the painless anesthetic known. teeth for 10 °sato• ook, opposite the DNALD, W1Ntinut.. te, Celluloid, Alloy. etc., P lates,'ranging, 00 upwaids per set dgewoik. Teeth ex iy the use of Vital - • side entrance op. ally (Sundays except- , be at Dlyth every Inth—011ieekt Milne s lays of each month— ;ine .26 cents. CE AGtF:NT•;' ONTkRiel. 1>t att$S, Ion, iiU concur; t of the Co. Charge., OIi al , Oat., Its Tiib CO'0NTif or chile prolhptly et gild Couittasdlti8koit 4z•►r,. tly and on theShortes ttaetlon Guaranteed. s can be i ads at ih• '� Oils AW KINE AN8 Civet, %1toeNessr WINGIIAM. .r of fres ; wl{i•ja,, • illt)w bosun uta with bust of I High life in New Yolk—In the tall mkiTHEw IlimBLE8 annoimat.e team lit f. w'pri, vow., and . flats. hungry and cretin often, but hit never A liar^roorn wrecic---The broken ct °iii an noltiml eetrd rn either mother schooner, in MR Move the fir .t day we sow hint ;. ane 7,N1 Imre hien --.1.11 love the Ifttry 9111P root of all evil—The .lona of Ino name all tiro days of my the apple tree. life, The belie of the ball—Belle 1a Dons I NOISE BLANKETS, some of us—net t) r)t1l0'tls by ,(Bk,ll.tdoo a•) several Cle•.iret+$--iloni1 not complain it we gut no ll"./ter epitaph There is something to be said on both sides. \Vas ever yet a illtWlees emassaillable cite', recorded 1 01 eap 'victroies aro wait little, I1r Gather Wick vit.clieatst:1 itie'privaiples thorough 1v, carried them sens to the end ; but there are trtuee when he sits alone at tights lisctitllug to thtbt clock tioking out the letars, slut feele unlet 11) wuttld give all his wt'Itltlh fur une eiglit of the young face that; lep•od out of the 'intareit loiht, before it's tiahe,1 tr leek of 'et helpitt4, word he might have spa ten —a hand that he ;eight have sire sed out, rout of HARNESS 'WAXER, has on band a large stuck of Why did he marry her—That's for hien to Oral otlt. Fashion and Faittine •Dressin,t, style on au empty stomach. Because a man keeps hens is evidelica his name is llenery. A hoe ordinarily hos but little to say yet they genera:ly carry their point. in CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES,. WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES otc.r Which will be sold et bottom prices, IIARNNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and eatisfacutlon guaranteed. it °A oall solicited, Colts should avoid exposure, TtiPy silor Opposite thcBank of Ilatent00, MATTHEW AMBLER, tato ould and become a little h caarse. c, T q.Protoat oat Cheei4• Adoputtttiuu of lea,liitg dairymeu wait- ed upon the }iI lister` of A,grioulture as +stows itttAy to oatl his attention to a grievltnc3 from which the scads wit fel s It Itppeer1 that the exaeliest name which the efforts of the dei eyelets have secured tor the Canadian prwluet lies led to a greet deal ot inferior Amerteen cheese being shipped thr welt C4lutdtt to the lfingl.slt Market, and Hohn upou the reputatteu of Canadian cheebo. The result is to lower the reputation of cheese from the Dentin son and injure the tra•le. One phase of this evil is ml11ltio0ied in a. eireular sigtlad :by J. S. Iterwcod ):Danner, Secretary, and six members of the Liverpool Provision Trade Association & Exchange Ootnpauy (litnited) in which the co operation of .c cheese -producers throughout America is asked iu order to suppress what is known as filled cheese—that is cheese made of milk from which the Dream is taken and the place of true butter fate supplied, .by oil fate or oleon,argar,ue. The deputation report that they had a very satisfeetor interview with the Min. a ter of Agriculture and other members of e £•overnmeut and have every resew!' to believe that their views will be adopted ' sad baoam 1 1 VA/ •ant this se4siou )f Pa aim - meat, which are briefly' as fellows That all cheese hriade in Canada from unadulterated milk and ooutainiug not less. then per cent. of butter fat shall, be marked both upou the cheese and upon.. the packages with a standard brand to be, adopted by the Government. The use et; this brand shall be optioual nab the: manufacturer, but its use upou cheese' made from milk, where shamming can be proven sufficient to impoverish the article or upon cheese not made in Canada, shalt be' a punishable offence; sed second, that all cheese made hi the United States and shipped in bond through Oanada and from Canadian ports shall be branded United, States product in bond, so as to dieting-. uisil tliem when lauding from Cttnadien gaods. Other mattees of considerable im- portance to the dairymen et thlseountr were advanced by the deputation, sal) as Having registered numberslttrr all factories; oleo giving power to the provincial iuspec• tore to prosecute where- fraud is detected, but it is scarcely Likely that these will be acted upon this session. Judge "Rose at the Lindsay assizes last week administered a noble re - 1,0100 to biose who encouraged and manifest a spirit of religious iutoler• mice. . Until one reaches that min* ence, he said, when lie can declare that he knows the whole nind of r. God, it behooves, him to be butn1)1tt and sit at the feet where he may learn wisdom and be willing in the feeling rot charity to believe that others may be right although -they see differently to what he ntay see. Words like these, coming from the judgment seat at the present time, should be taken to heart by all and anted upon in the interests not only of Cinis- ttianity brit also of public peace and general welfare. Religious questions •are now elm:ring into political con tests to a greater extent than for many years past, It is therefore, incumbent on all good citizens to avoid the shadow of offence while adhering aridly to principles. Wingham, rob, Lth, 1St 0. Ml S._(i Co,operti.tiVe lusntrauce, SS OTTasv,t, April 17.—It is understood that the goverment has under consideration au important measure drawn up lay the sec• retary of State with a view of offering to the worsting classes the advantage ot a. gigantic scheme of eo.•opetative meantime and that an iedeavor will be made to get the Bill through during the present sea• Sion. The untie idea is to enable the work- ing people to insure for themselves a aam- petence•iu old age, Any person desirous of providing an annuity for himself or her- self may do 80 by arrauging to pay in so much per year to the goverment up to any age between u0•and 00, At the cud of the time stipulated,paymonta are to cease,aud the annuity ' commences. The annuity May take one or two shapes—either the annuity is paid simply ztn the interest ou the deposit, in whioh ease the deposit itself is paid over to the theirs of the' depositor on a scale calculated from both the inter- est and capital of the deposit, ie whioh case the annuity will be much larger, but there will he nothing left at the depositor's death, The largest annuity that can be provided for by any one person will be V100 per year, In a case of sickness or', death before the anuuity is due. the money. paid is available at once for the depositor or the heirs,' Tho Secretary of State has availed himself of various features of the German and French systems. The small- est payments, if continued for it lifetime, will amply protectthe insured in old age. The seheme is aimed to 'be a corrective against improvidence, and will afford to the working classes protection they cannot pay for to ordinary insurance companies. Woolen can enjoy the same advaatage as men by making payments, and various clauses in the 13i11 will protect the rights of married women. It is reaso.lable to suppose that some trees are very old, eepeetallythose that produce chesnuts. Well M.isther l4iePhelim, how'd ye schleps last night? Ali, bhad, Denny —biladl Unconscious a goed dale av the toime. \MISS NELLU McHARDY. CHISHOLM'S CONNER DrU▪ G \Vingliam Agency, Seodsl ,i,'ITORE goo fiLASSES FOR INSTRUCTION 0'4 PIANO AND Organ, in Voice Culture and IIarmony, Music Bonus ui B$Avsa Blocs, WINGHAM MRBLE VORKS i. TIMES" SUBSORIBERSt All parties who bane not pafcl for the 1- TII0U " for the years 1888 and .1859, ars requested to re - )nit the amount a1i once. 'We need money, and hope this notice will be sufficient, and that a genera response will be the result. R. ];Lha ATT, Sbiugles,ShingleS The undersigned have 'en •hand a largr quantity of Takin)r a retrospect ot my thirteen or fourteen yen% business in Wingham, I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the publlo gen- erally for the liberal patronage extended to me in the past, I may also state that I em in a position to offer better inducements than ewer to those requiting anything in the line of Granite or Stone HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, r010PENCING, &b I would be pleased to'have those desirous of pro- curing any articles in 'tny line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that 1 the goods alas be secured and prepared early In the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest wotlsmanshIP at the most favorable 1,prices. Most respectfully, yours, Monurrr� Its,: goods I n WM. SMYTH, Wingham, Ont. WINGHAM TANNERY II3EST BRANDS OF FIRST—CLASS hingles MUCH WILL 101 SOLD CHEAP FOR CSI ALSO, ON HAND, Hemlock and Dry Pine Sole, HarneSS, AT and Upper A !.. HE R ALWAYS ON '1IAND. `lauufaeturern would do well to examine stock and compare prices. VheatI�Af"I!LOaV .Q tJl arc all Cerals, . . Y Mind wandering onred. Rooke learned in one reading. Testimonials from all parts of the globe. Preepectusrosr SIMS,: oiett© 217 BtfthAve.Newo York. LTJ Istri H S.J E , DRESSER OIs •UNDRESSED, W00' BSC- AT 7110 Wingham Mills Josephine street, adjofihing. C P H track. L. ,& J. 1l1uLEAN. Wingbam, Oct.11,188e. ZETLAND SAW MILL A mon whose eye had a very sug— gestive appearance was asked if he had joined the Club the night llefore.e; Y"s be replied, buta police man held 111 + end of it • Blind tramp—Missu5, can't you give a poor, blit I tramp some thing to eat ? Sympathetic Lady—How did you loaae pair eyesight,iny good maul Looking for work. )ecorated with 73rown Paper. When the late Cornelius Vanderbilt built -his summer residence at Hartford at an expense of over $100,000 the deco- rators covered the walls of his dining roone witli ordinary blown paper, such as .is used by butchers to: wrap meat in. a anti dodo • wood a '•L C 11C1 , a c • wee � There Tl 1 rills freseoed•frieze. This room was con- sidered one of the handsomest in the wealthy town.—New York Sun. • A Now way to Dp An Indianapolis bookkeeper made some changes in figures to look suspicious, asked for and got a week's, leave, and after the .firm had published Lim as an embezzler he returned, proved that the was O. K. and got 55,000 to poultice his wounded feelings with. There is more than one way for an honest bookkeeper to make money. --Detroit I+'ree Press. ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves%: •DO YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR SEEDS AS CHEAP ? Ef so, real:T. A. MILLS' posters every morning. ILLS In Dog. Coou and Astr(0'an, made to order. Strong Workingmen's erk on goe�S filo Ves, In Deer, Goat, Calf and Sheepskin• highest price paid for `rcFurs, Hides' Sheepskins and Woul. �'iTinllaln, March 21, 1890. Opened. Oat Zeal �v71I1 Op� varieties. journeymen—Tramps. Letter carriers --Candles. A harmless fall --•••Autumn, Grave offdndor—The ghoul, Over the garden wall ---bless. .A. joint affair ---The opiunl den. Behind closed doors—Jail birds, . An 'untruthful instrument --•-The lyre. A troublesome beast—The e sight. ire. W. J. CHAPMAN■ 1OLM The t>ndersigued desire to inform farm era and the people generally that they ha% reopened thoirl i,� add Redd M11' in Ull inghemi And are 100W quaulfit1 ea awllase at the in GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load orders a Specialty. "WOOD delivered to any part of Wingllanl. or by"nlail'prompty attended to. GEORGE THOMSON, Wingba n PA Stallion Route Bills WINGHAM FLOURlN WULLS I The underai nedwlh to tender their best t haul,N ttrir. ^ Min d 4 'urs to v 'rtn for the yasliberal patronage gl several )•ears poor to the buriinp: of our mill by in- cendiarism, During the ) est acneon we Hare n'- naeddolled the town mill to the latt,toh!proved Process )e• tem of n 11cmil ate here Veeal now give better accommodation than be ever before. We oiler Prompt Dispatch, Fai-r Returns, QUALITY SECOND ;;20NONE IN'1•IIIS SECTION. And by close personal attention to the 1usines8 hope to be again fevered with a trial by all old Mende and many new ones Yours most repeettulh', MUTTON at CABR Mercantile Troubles in China. The Foochdw (China) Echo says the losses incurred by tea men during this season are computed at $30,000,000, and failures of other traders have amounted to more than half that sum.—Chicago Mail Tato World's 'Telegraph Lines. According to a recent official return the length of the telegraph lines on the globe is at present about 600,000 miles, or 26 times its circumference at the equa- tor,,—London Standard. Wingharri Bios, Oct. '10,11)80. 1urhea et n tt lit • t dist Are of xo rn ilea._ y Amnon To and broken of your root by a eickchild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth lsl f so send niece ii at S once and get a bottle o eetliii Syrup" ftir Children Teething. Its value e l. able, It will relieve the poor little sullcr0r Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there i Dna, mistake &bent it. It cures Dysentery and regulates the Stomach and Towels, cures Wind goU 0, softens the Burns, reduces Infla11i1 tion ii tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs Win. DQUIDGI• a1N15 ZNOI,1+; l Alts l:t,ti spleasant steethe Strife and is the prescription ofldren loi 0 of the oldest and best female physicians and nurser in heavy or light, made to order, biro United States, and is for sole by alt druggists _ throughout the world, Price twenty -fire .i:ierittow a A fall line of Itorae I)lankets, Sleigh 1lella, Sl 011116, Currycombs, Dr11ebes, etc., always on hand. POE SEASON OF 1890, It yon went a Neat, Showy Dill, well put together and attractively displayed, on good paper or card, send your order to the TIMES Office, A l'1.13 CI-IOOSE101.10g.CUTS TO Prices reasonable, and orders by mail promptly attended to. Ifiarktt Priem, They Will supply easterners with time liter ��Gltyell1S i�8 Oat Meal, i r� ELr1J,Lri1 . Chive-", i • A CHANGE in the liarmt hzinon CHAS. KNEOH EL Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that he brie purchased She harness business lately tarried on by 'Mosta. J. J. llonuth & Son, and will conduct it 10 the building one door south of btr T' A Mills" store. • • bottle. Bo euro and ss Tines Office, Wing arrle i see a ea:o fitttcr,° and take no other kind TRC JCAKDS Of BOTTLES qiIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure 1 do dot meta �, sw ® toerely to stop prem for a time, and thee have them ler ning Stokhoite AN a life-long studyyU 1 warrant toy the to Cur* the worsof Fitsi El:mtgp Yr eels for oasts, �ae ettd others MALI° 01f my Infalliblnot etre yomsde.v Give cure. and Post Offiei. it costs yea oath! r,Ir, ate tee, widaroma, you AddN esti:+-H. Cis ROOT' G.O. orstacts WOOS+s u1d " 6 Repairing es, anti i,roinptIy unite lThe patron:ere 01 the publi0 solleitt,d, an 1 satisme. tion in work and material Caarantecel, I O. 1CNEOEITELA 1 \vfughnitt, Matdh ciao.