HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 6s., :,1 Yi f } ��jl, s . it l tr of i 14i FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1890. Cutroee. 'Mr E N Pickell's dwelling . ;louse was completely destroyed with most at the contents on Tuesday last by Are wy:liiclt issupposed to• have been ori. ginat.ed from a spark alighting from; the kitchen chimney on rhes roof. Mr Pickett and family: were at dilxuer when the Are was, noticed and al- thong;; the neighbors were quickly on the grotand and did all they could very little was saved. The wind was blowing a still breeze at the time, Me fickle has. tI1e sympathy of his neighbors in leis severe loss.— Mr Win (lase and Mr Thos Nlolntyre having rented es, two. hundred acre farm in K'stless, near Whitechurch, !lave tunved their effects, and calculate to put in a verys large crop. Fall wheat looks welt in this Locality —The Bone and the sinew Lf our vicinity are busy seeding, the weather of late being very favorable for out door work. . Ho Got Damages. A contractor for a new building on 'Michigan avenue left the cellar at a certain spot, and a young man who was passing by on his way into a grocery stumbled ,in. A gash was cot in his scalp, two teeth loosened, his ear cut, and his coat was ripped up the batik. Where's the boss of this job I he -demanded as he got up. ' , I'm the rnan,.replied the individual named, I'm very sorry this happened, and what— Sorry, are nu! Well being sorry won't pay the damages!. 1' want you b cern° down. I am sorry, as I said before, and . Urn willing to do what is, right. If you -- No beating around, and I want cash damages. How much 4 Well, I'Ii tell you what it is, a man who will set a trap of that kind ought to he made to sweat for it; and if you don't fork out two shillings I'll law you clear to the Supreme Court and Ina again. Two shilling!? gasped the boss. • Yes two shillings, not a red less, ' It was handed to hint quicker than greased lighting, and as he want his way be said :o some of , the by- 3tandere : • That's the way to get your rights —stand right up t� folks. Tiift Dor who Saiaokes. The effect of tobacco on school- boys is so marked as not to be open for discussion. So wrote Prof. 112c Shary, President of the Baltimore Academy of ISIedieine. Dr. Willard. Parker assorts that tobacco is ruinous iitx our schools and colleges, dwarfing body and , mind, Dr. Drysdale, the senior physician in the ,London Metropolitan Hospi- tal, speaks of medical students who have entirely destroyed their intellect by the nee of tobaceo. In Vermont a bright boy of four- teen fell .tran;ely bellied his class. His teachers could not account for this i but the incapacity increased till he sickened and died,, when it was learned that he was killed by tobacco, to which he was in the habit; of helping himself secretly frons his father's store, Dr. Pecaisne, ofParis, found by investieatiori that even the restricted use of tobacco by children leads often to a change in t'le blood, pan stew of the face, ernaeiatinri, palpitation and intermission of the heart, diininution of the nortnal quantity of blood, torpuselee, difficulty of digestion and stugeishnt'ss of intellect, !'hero is another point to which I want to tali your attention. fur some of you will by and by wish to get Situations as bookkeepers or to be- come art -students. Professor Oliver, of the Leval Academy, says, he eais. invariably recognize the user of to. baro from his tremulous hand and absolute inability to draw a cleat;, straight line. I know of e, merchant who used to test the handwriting of every boy who applied to hiss for a situation, and invariably in this way detected and invariably rejected to. baceo.0 ers, .fir. 3.'. Independent._ 0,0*,0004,004 There is no Dokier Illative of action.' tit.ttu the dcsil'e of doing good. llht'ty what we want is riches, but to be able to do without it he velem- What. Breeding awl Ir'epdiltg:'lX'ilr Do. We have received from Sulitbs, Powell & Lamb, well known breeders of Holstein Friesian cattle, a copy of their catalogue fur 1890, ;attractively illustrated lend covering 2,48 pages. The success achieved sly tltity firm in milk and butter production :has been sometltiu; marvelous, In the mills records here are some of the animal ave •ages 60 cows laud heifers, 13,019 pounds each, 46 coatis and heifers, 17,043 pounds each, 27 cows and heifers, 18,042 pouuds. mob, 9 cows aud heifers, 20,231 pounds each. Weekly batter records nava s been made averaging Sit follows 100 cows and heffers,19.26 Pounds.',, • 83 cows and heifers, 30 pouuds, 63 cows and heifers, 21 pounds, ounds, 46 cows and heifers, 22 p 80 cows and heifers, 23 pounds, 18 cows and heifers, 24 pounds, 19 3 year-old heifers, 19 pounds. 34 8 year•old heifers, 17 pounds. 18 2 year-old heifers, 14 pounds. 60 2 year-old heifers, 12 pounds, Seven owe and heifers average 100 pouuds for 8e days' and 20 cows aud heifer averaged 98 pocinds for 80 days. In most of the above the yield went nearly a pound higher, but we omit bite fractions. It's high enough with. out. In further demoustration of the quality of tIle milk, that from several of the cows was analyzed, and the result averaged 13.2129 per cent, total solids, 4 2078 per cent, butter fat and 8.945 per'cene. easeirtey, albu- men, sugar end ash—a very good showing indeed. For For tons. For For For For For For For For some. For For . For For For .For For For For note. For For For For For For heart. For For 0 New Language of Mowers. (Detro.t Free Press.) printers -The t,mpress rose. , single men--Bachblors' but• - milkmen—Cowslips, dairymen --Bu ttereu pe. astronomers—Star flowers. skaters ---Ice plants. sleighing parties—snowdrops, early risers—liorning-glories. boatmen—Water lilies. bridal parties ---• Orange bloc• anglers --Fish geraniums. brewers -Hop flowers, gristmen--Dusty millers. all hands—Fox gloves. tib•te{lets•--Lie•lacs. the clerk—)duly hocks, wool raisers—Sheepweed smokers• --.Dutchman's pipe. parting friends.-- Forget -me cobblers. -Wax flowers. fiddlers-Vioi.ets. policemen— Locust blossoms.., hairdressers=Dock combs, ,7 dudes--Dandy-lions, :,ef the lovesick — Bleeding- cooks—Pans-les. railroad oonduetors -- Oar. nations. For canine fandiers — Dogwood blossoms, For blaoltemiths --- flerfeshoe ger- aniums. For military medical staffs—Hear. your -troop. For high -tempered people—Snap- dragons. For old soalters—Rum blossoms. For poulterers --- Henbane and chickweed.. For our colored brethren—Black- berry blossoms. For jewelers—{*olden rods. Not So biaily Inclined. Detroit Free Prete: Seen any robins around yeti he inquired, as they met in the pest office. The other looked at him •with in- jured dignity for half a minute and then beckoned hurt out of the crowd and said. "W'V'littt about robins ? Why', robins--birds'1 "Yes, I know that there is a bird called a robin -•what of it Leaked if you had eee)t any tide spring. Suppose I had? Why, nothing, only robins come in the spring ? Yes, I believe they do. Do you want them to wait and come in toe fall ? Well, - See hero, my friend, said the other, as he laid a hand on his shoulder. Int all birds alone, robins included. They are all right. Let epring alone. lb la all right, Jetst kOep right on at• tending to your business, and let other things attend to theirs. Good day, sir, dotes or Thought. liars thoughte quickly ripen into bad actions. An effort mads; for the happiness elf rsthors lifte us above ourselves, Ile quick, Yntt t'au't eso n minute] but once --make the most (f it. ► civet RfI1414x11C, 'RTITTea 00 TUE t 5AVR or WILL PITT )IIfiGCCRfI, Our Willie, in the grave lies low, And bur sad hearts are rent with pain; When from this earth, we too shall go, We scow we'll meet our boy again. 9 So sad and sudden was the call, That tools our darling boy away, It did our sorrowing hearts appall, "Thy will be doue," 'twos hard to say, Our home is very lonely now, We sigh to see his vacant chair, We miss him when ie prayer we bow, We miss our dear boy every where. But not as without hope we Mourn, Our darling boy, just passed awav; To realms of bliss we know he's borne, Where •cruel d(tath has lost his sway. But he who wept at Lazarus,' tomb, In pity does.oursorrow see, When we weep for our darling son, Just passed' into eternity, God took away ilia precious gut, Wltlall to the, kindest love was given; Our hearts are lonely and bereft, But we shall meet our boy in heaveu. His 144 day in God's house was spent, For there`lae loved to labor most, ,And first -heard there the message sent; But was found watching at hie post. Oh, that we bad been by his side, .ud heard his last loving prayer, When he prayed for his darling child, The dearest object of leis care. Oh that we had been with our darling boy, Ere from this world he had to go; Oli that we'd heard his last good-bye, And why we did not, (Sod doth know, To see him, won't be long to wait, And much we long his face to see; He'll waiting be at Heaven's gate, And by our boy we'll weloomed bo. Missy. An unkind word falls easily from 1110 mouth, but six ooaoh-hordes can- not draw it. back again. You:just faring a couple of little quarrels into your family and they'll breed like sparrows.' We cannot judge for. one another ; we have each our peculiar weaknesses and temptations. Nature has lavishly provided cures for all the diseases flesh is heir to, but the proper preparation ot,rnauy of theta has not yet been discovered. In.Wilsou's Wild Olierry we have a cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup and kindred ail- ments. prepared from vegetable drugs. in a pleasant and consecrated forth, and which Invariably gives prompt relief aud effects a speedy cure. Sold by alldrugn Sts. The first condition of human good- ness is something to.love, the second something to reverence, As violets pinebied will never grow again, so a good name. once lost, will never be regained. Cultivate forbearance till ycur heart yields a crop of it. Pray for a short memory as to a11.unkindness. When a kindly face greets us, though but passing by and never irnotts.us again nor we 1t, we should feel it an obligation. Have you a cough 2 Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you a Cold ? Take' Wilson's Wild Cherry_ Have you Bronchitis 2 , Take Wilson's ;Wild Cherry. '• Have you lost your '.Voice? Take Wil- son's Wild Cherry. Have you Astbma2 Take Wilson's. Wild Cherry. Rave you a cold in the Head? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. The Old. w eliable Cure for alI dis- eases of the Throat,Ohest and Lungs. bold by all druggists, • Never look back. You can't help the mistakes you have made. Don't make any more. .Don't think of what you have achieved, but of what you may accomplish. It is best to strive to cultivate an interest its simple, innocent apd ham, pensive pleasutes. We may thus aid. in diffusing that spirit of contentment Which is of itself; rich and a permanent possession. Judge—And wheat did the prisoner. say when you,told hint that you would have him arrested ? Compltthrnnt— Ile answered n eehanlcaily,yor Honor, Judge.--• Explain. Complainant— Ile hit me on the head with a htinmer. The Girl Who Helots matter. There is a girl Z Jove to think of. She is. the girl who helps mother, In her own home she fe a blessed little Mini, and comforter. She takes un• finished tasks frogs{ the tired, stiff fingers ; she is a staff upon which the gray-haired, white-faced heather leans and is rested. She helps mother with the house work, or the week's trend- t its i with a cheerful'coiivosaltion told congenial companionship that solve girls, do not think worth wasting ala "only mother." .Anid when there comes a day when she tenet bend over. the body of her mother, hands hided, ,disquiet merged in rest, the girl who Helped mother will find a, benediction of pews upon, her bead and in her heart, y li,. FATE{ $0N, Bnrcirr or Menu Dtnstoi` Copier, IesrEa or MI: IMMIX Licsarsts. WINGIIA I, • • ONT, P, 'C)IAPb1AN, ISSUER oe 3tAI1RIAGE icon yens, NOTARY "DOW, CONVEYANCER, Ere Oates.-•" Pig" Bookstore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Sates el htteraet. zvn commission charged. 0 amine, S N a T I Ii Cdr T I(1 C 1i } Ih Pt'I1LIIci11:Ic-- E.V4RY t'1;1Y"tall ilt)I.Irl:�tt, 1111;- 1"1M S OFFIC I.,,fr;sea •sires S'tNEC1 Wlsv" w Li chi, ON'T.A. ,543.. Sulyticriptior {;rice, Vaal' year, iii of a+ira zeoe ADVERTISING RATES: _ .spare _ 1 1 yr. 1 6 uw, 1 3 too, 1 1 too, Utn+ a' Anti $s.0 OQ t lu op 1 t'Gen ,10 ifi,t G " t 1� " Or n0 1 tU00 l a ss 0 Pi L. Surveyor. Civil Engineer and Draughtoah Quarter " k0 On 1:: t%4 7 vu dun 1 into building, lots, settling disputed u preparing complete plans of towns and tillages, s per RRegistry Act, and descriptions et properties for InsertioU in deeds. Crobs•Sectiuus of rivers made and estimates of cost of Br'idges,. Culverts, ac. 1're- tlles and estimates fur grading bilis, drainage, road and street intprovculcuts, sewer's and other Anal. nearing works. Correspondence solicited, stating place and character of work, OF3'10k;—At J. A. Moarox's law otltoe, Wint;banl, Ont, Particular' attention paid to division of propperties Due Inch 6 Jt 3 01 WA 1 t+0 e alis lute eiiiiU axles, Laval and outer e0e0a advertisu1lwnts, ae, per ltro tor frat insertion, marlin- per ciao ter uaea aubaegouut liwuan Leedsrtin.etters, In nom foci' type, 10e. for first its- sartton,m,d 6e. per tine tor ei,ob subsuyueut n,surtit r, No local notice will be a tat„td items than rbc Ad vertthoulernts (t lust, t+uc:ntt, rlt(ay ud, Sitautione,, and fhniuessubancos a mutt, cut; uxct:cainn e 114„: noti+arcil, SI por nt unih Douses and Perms for Rale, not exceeding ti Ihe„e, 51 for list month, Due per sub:•utp tilt. month These arum will bo Kiwi* attic:ti t to lony'uSpeciar•pel rriodatuas. for lung er aatettnwutnus, or toy Adv ertisuunonts without sl:et•itle ditertio.s, will 1ta inserted till forbid ane cbargrtt ar ertilokn,, Trim. eit0ry atitertiscinMrtb must tui to a1,1 Lnct Changes for COt.ttnct ant 01iselueute u,uet he in tthathe snlweeuruk 1 y Wedttt.sany norm, in ostler to appear I(. GLt•Iti1tt rtT Pittlint A\1, Priaisntia WAITED, A good limn to sell the Genuine New York Singer Sewing; Machine. n good situation to the flgitt {01(0. Apply to J. II. WILCOX Stratford, Ont. N.Eotley. to Loan o Noteis." . Notes Discounted AT JRi+�'E.SONABL, 1 RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at apes cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and aceonute collected. w'wr, McINDGO. O2r10E,—lraverBlock. Winchann, Ont. „ 8 OF HAMILTON, Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000.. President -501M 5TOAnT. Viee•Preaident—A. G. 11AMSAt.e DIRMCTORS Jolts PnouTos, CUAS, Ovaa»s, Ozu Boson, A. T' Wool), A, Il* Lica (Toronto), Cashier --J. TURNBITLL• Salfings Sank hours, 10 to S ; Saturdays,10 to I. Deposita of SI and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold 13.'WIL1,SON, Anna. 1411YEB, <tt DICKINSON-, . SoraoIToas. DAVIS IS OFFERING M 4i ii ON---- '7'&COP RT't AT r r. •Y LOW RATES. O.FF1C-OPPOSITE THE MARKET. wl:,altAM OCTOBER, €Tu. {58.53 s ALM ' , H e TT Josephine Street Winghain,' Ont. .1. A. HAnsTno, J. W. Scot's, Mount Forcer. Listowel, Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced to Partners and Business. Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security, Bale notes bought ,at, a fair valuation. Stoney remitted to ail parts. of Canada at reasonable charges. Special, Attention. Given; to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Af ente in Canada -The R4prr.I.nztte`k BOOR Of Cati`3ta. ottiee hours« -pram a a. In. to 6 p. rat A. E. SIV IT'FI, Agent. YY°.WSP HURON RON ¶VktN MLLS WINS-iAM, ONT. INCL1S 00. have those faille in full operation, and aro Ina poei. Lion to iso Custom work of all kinds op short natio°. W000 AND WOOL WANTED n ettebenge for {mode or eastern work. stOC1tZNG YAS1 , etc„ cltet{r, zxvr4 r DR. MACDONALD, JOSIFPHINE STREET, IVinanatt, • • gall. V. E. GODFIiIIY, Virat-claw honor nuln and peseta! proftefencv medal. ist Toronto Uuiv'errite. Member (.,,l tb0 Fbysitia„is and Burgeons 01 Unlade- BbGaltAvE, (Its._ Otlioe—At Methodist Parsonage. • 01.54(110+ W13. TOWLER:3I,11.0.yt„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, pntario. —Coroner for County of Buren— Office at "Yea PnAns(Acr" , Winghanl, OCT. TIE. J. A. 311SLDRT T31, Honor Graduates of Toronto University, and. 3fember 0f the f'.;true of PN,ystuhu+' and SUrvice ne of Ontario. Office and Residence—•Cornerof Centre sad Patrick streets, f0rtticrly occupied by Ur. letlimno. WINGilAtt - •(1sT, 11) VANIITONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. Eta, Etc. Private and Company funds to loon at lowest race, interest Ao commission charged. 3i0rteatos, towo and farms property bought and Auld. OFFICE—Beaver Sleek, WI:;caAs, Oar. J. A. MORTON BARRRISTEIR 33c,,, Winghant • Ontario • t`/i EYTR Bt DICKINSON, H. C. Meyer+, Q. C. 1 . L Qtoteosos, B. A.. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc,; Ete., So- iieltora for Bank of 1lamiftun, tAmmihsiuuers sur iktaking affidavits for Manitoba. Vain, Tuwn snit 'Yitiago property bought and sold, Money (private fuuds).loaned on mortgage aecuritt• at 14 per cent. Money int estcd fur ptiyato persons, upon the beet Mortgage securities without Any expense tot e lender. Lands fur sale -in Manitoba sou the Nort• west. office—Rent's Block. Winghaul. DENTIaTRT.- J. S. JEROMME, WDuman, Is manntacturhig Celluloid Plates 'Vulcanite plates of tate ncsttnaterla se cheap as they can be gut In the Dominion. Alt work warranted. Vegetable vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known, Taxa NOIIIO : I will extract teeth for 10 cent!. •each. OFFICE: 'In the Beaver Block, opposite tiie• Brunswick Mote]. #�itlliiW�a DENTISTRY —W. IL SIACDNALD, Wisonsu,. (�, beaker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy„ t z ., Silve, Gold, eta„ eta., Plates, ranging. In ero prices and bridgework. Teeth ext " tracted without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. stead Office, Winghanl, side entrance op- posite the t noon's hotel, open daily (Sundays except-. ed) Iron Pa to to p in, Will. be at .Blyth every 2nd and 4tlt Saturday 0f eaehmonth—OffieeatMiloe s hotel; Gorrio 1 let and 33(1d lcoudays of each month—• 011lce at Albion hotel .trading 2e cents. JCIXN.ItlTCIIIE, GENERAL IN$i11RANOR A4+•L:41T•.. WINogts, OSTkirtol 4OBEAT CUNNING;IAsf, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH.. �1 DEAN, Jit., Wu;t)1IAs, JL k l:tllriw b rom000li lttlntnry arts{ frit r tnh Hi' MIL{ 1'11 i 't1111d ei life. A►Id s several we got 1 There both sict zluassail vletroie. wick vita Iv, clsrrii there art Iligilts li oat the 1 give all young t• Iiniareh 1c i t hatpin ,Nd out, dept ,e'l upon 0;t,twa grievant It ntlipat .the .efto, ter the 4 deal of -ettippei true*et Canadi ,the re on an this ev •by 4• six cue Trade (litnit� Sheer, asked as fill '?milk the p oil fe Th very Misr e belie a:t MCC • TI una, than tea t ado t lllf tna Ina lire or Le olds Psis 13t u F; In w h u t Ltoglssi;D A•UCTION1I I1 Nott TIIN COUNxr,11( 06' HURON. Sates attended In any part of the 00. Charge's Moderate. 7511N curl zt1 , WTNolii&Mt, 0113*, LXCESsED AUCTIONEER FDIC - ere COUNTY or , xtr110111, All orders lett at the Trees office promptly at ofnd , Id to. Terms teaeOnoble, aftTAMPS' ftEND1itSOii, , Ltenssnt Atro'rtosrikn ?Oa Couxrta* {insert 451, DUO/. Ail oaks attended to promptly aud en the'Shcrtee Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Quarantoed. 1111 necessary arrangements can be tiiptio at Ib, T11128' oflieo BOLTON k IiAWXIINS 1'. L. is D. 1,, 81110a:roae AND CUM, Ipirtm ore LorroWAL any WINGNA/it. All orders lett at the tiles of She 7401e, triil,tat teive preinkt attention • 7