Wingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 3fresh t0+i W. d not w t to 'heap doctor bad Tho doctor slt'urisy, . alld a r, land promised tnetliuill•+ and w, )011net After dark to Uievideiou'n Ate sobbed out., i father; lie wants any 1nOTe thitge difference, 1 i rs. t know what Mt' he Makes up his on. Do go and I. ley place is worth met beyond men. r. Maurice, ]'il to her husband. up hid coat with- i)ue to think, and Lull stately house I been born and lel: I 'Why, lie's d the rcaud4lised ade his request. 04 WUbt telt hila d for a moment. ; he althea, and perhaps ire risk, Ile open - by, •and Davids,.n 4su a 1elivered. ung plan from the )11 by name, wishing, ni't take nu denial. low hint in. lance down the brit able, there flashed or some odd ('alley .elf ; it was there is his father was eating s brought you out Mr Gatherwick with - his fork.—You may with ii glance at the ea, air ; he's very itis tightened about hila. .get him what he tme table ---Davidson., led•the spot with his stood Maurice's chair ;Lerwick thought of it Ling instant before 11e principles. be said impatiently. it all before. 1 thought tune ago that 1 would alfaunieet1J11 between' over been there since," ; blit—for the first tithe t himself in opposition Ivir GattlerWiek —I've him, anti 1.'is1 going 1 now. 'elf might have played its native fields, fo* all ak coneuwed atter his ire, lle had believed by cert1.ii rules and hitt life ; his dol) had to both. If 11e were to ek to -morrow and put I piece, how long would Id lie risk that sore dis• ,d tiuie ? Possible at no • This exile meant more t could to !queries, He most by it ; n solitary old I ilefore him ; better that . up ' fre411 plans with a for foundation. Maurice end would fiat; out new y ... :iy, bad found them al- 'q hies( "ever tr0unled lint t the father bitterly i and nd ilade 110 sign, while lours ticked themselves septet away to 'M'Oalluni tu°volt, and told hint the title's wrongs, 11i'Callum inueh perplexity, His gout prodigals' were well 'ref;. 1 he not reiterated them ;For agaiirsip Davidson's 'an - a1 And yet he,t.00,had liked e; prodigals often are rather ople--he would go end see rate, and there would he one if they took eoine jelly th.thein, ' it it was black• currant jelly ' to give }tie when 1 was 111, ed on the way. We batt a pot; it's said to be ling stub, if you give it to tient wee pest givitlo it 11 ; he smiled faiiitly tip in ,'s perplexed face -•--talked a. ontieatedly about Nell, and and seboot pra.ike long aero ally drifted away to a 31/11911 try just beim daybreak. id her face down on file 4- 77..IL'ERANCa, COI 1,414. TOD at \vrsattait T. W. 0. T. O. CUppiugo, 1>lrs, 81400, the wife of tllo new Governor of Mississippi, is a staunch \V. O. T, 13. woman, wears her riebon rtitvaye, nucl will not have wine at her en( ertainioents.—Union .wijnat, Cyrus hamlin writes, concerning a journey thr''nt h «tlllitle ; Musty of the jails leave been empty. I visited one where the jailor shift be had not had a prisoner far some fano. He opened the jail oceasiunelly to keep the locks iuu_runnius order, but he added, where there is to tit'uukennees, ttlere, is no jailing, " Towns and cities r oeive annually from !iqu,er iiceneies about $1 250,000, while over $27,000,000 is paid into saloonsby the people, . Fur • every dollar paid in for liueuse about twenty one dollars are paid oat by the people. The fiu•loo:t autagonizes all goad government mid all educational inti- euoes.—(Si ret 1t. lrrbylet. leash Price E1r ;hes calls upon all Nou cenliriniat ohuralees t0 raise the fiery cross in the temperance crusade. Ile poli is out that they must be prepared to put something ii. place of the tavern. Why, he woks, shoe d not their unused vestries be c ulverterl'intu clubs, debating -halls, and parlors for the working men? • Granting for the sake of argument what must be denied for the sake of truth, that pr .hibition in the State of Maine is just such a f..i..ure as some peep a claim --our enemies themselves being judges—there is no liquor mallu factored in Maine, Suppose, then, we secure just 51.1011 a law in every shite, find It proves just such a failure, there wilt be no liquor manufactured in the United States. Wou'd not this give us' a temperance vantage ground r which 310 system of "regulation" could ever do Soittltel'n California White Rib, b,m. Mow to sole the Sum epteetton. Senator 00 10.4, , f G eerl;ia, has a tiloti104 of his own in solving therace gtte•atiun. Shut up 6118 ruin bops at It: W330 a 04t1r0Y. An old Ve'rniontor was ,.p a brief visit to Boston some years ago, when be heard of a wonderful ine}truntent every erossreed and In every toNtl and Irecently invented,called the telephone, hatchet in the South where the Whites l through which a maxi could hold a and the blacks intermingle, and the . Couver$ation with it friend a hundred pledges his word. dist whore you now !miles away. This taxed the old Ulan's. hoar of ten: cases of bloodshed you' credulity too heavily ;be must see that will net, Hear of mitt. The 'senator ' to believe it, and tell his neighbors duos not believe iu license in any forte .when be returned hors, what the anti the remedy he suggoets is worth'; world was coming to`' in L'oston 1 So considering,—St. ,1tban•e N o :noon be visited the telephone ofliee and i witnessed the operation of sending and Tomperaiee in India. 1 reoeivtng a message. Still he would The Anglo Indian Temp rause An-: tlotahe satisfied. Ile milted if he could seele,tiea, foutlded by i\1r, \V,S. Wine,lttwas cess Ghat iiis.'a. ifewatnoto far M. P., and of which Mr. rsatnuel uiith, .41, LT, is presideilt,00utinues to 1 from his farm there was a telepbone receive from its assents in India. very I station, through which a message was satisfactory reports of the progress of sent requesting that the lady be its work. The object of the associa- brought to that end of the wire tion is to ewer() tee ultimate prohibi- I Ode Vermonter patiently waited until tion of the sale of liquor throughout a signal came that she. lyes there. India, and special attention is Using I (Jame, s!1', speak to her yotlrself,said r given to tee promotion of teulpuranee j the operator, , b uhe answers will they comenize among the.sludeuts 1j1 colleges and; it high schools, over fifty brauches of disturbed, for there is a thunder storm the association having beeu formed, ' going on somewhere Along the lino. mainly composed of educated natives. I Oh, hold on now,said the suspieiaus Mrs,llaiue points out that the most : old fellow thrt won't change ley wife's recent fraforinatitin shows not only voice ; for she's got a thnhxcler of her that the movement started by tl.e; own ; you can't fool nie. society is inakling rapid ad vaucemen t in 1 Go on, sir, they are waiting a caul India, and temperance principles fax Say, shouted the farmerinto tits and wide, but also that the various instrument., is that you, olda11 pre vivcial governments are note I WWb0 are yowl came a female voice thoroughly awakened to the fact that' in repl'y. pub;io opntiou ill Great Britain will I Iul Josh 1 right here in Boston, and 'have. I hain't corning home this week ! not tolerate the sCandels that ' Marked their exile adlniuistratfons in I At this munient an electric shock was imported to the wire by the storm the past. and somehow its efleot on Josh was a o blow on the side of the head Haat what Men Like in Wonlon. knocked hire flat. That's Sairey There is a certain something, which, every time ! quietly acknowledged the for want of a better name, is oalled farmer as he picked himself up,—'me wolnallliness, and it is that which Arena,. makes woman attractive to men. A great many virtues go to make up this one great possession and they are what meu like in wo,nen. 11Ie11 like, in the first place, amiabil- a terday, with 'a disfigured nose and a ity in a woman. black eye. They like a pleasant appearance. Yes, sir; responded .the sergeant. They like the doing of little things Do I look like a mau who was that are pleasant to them. struck by lightning last night 1 'They like the courtesy of the lire- No, sir. You look like a man who side. was whacked with a club. What's the They like worsen whose lives and trouble? faces are always full of the sunshine' of I was out late last night. I got contented mind and a cheerful dis•thunder storm. a c, home during the b orm. FOR W BEST V.:. O D URID O O UING.1 GO TO • STER'S "We little dream of the conflict Fought in each human soul ; And earth knows not her heroes, Upon God's honor roll." \Tr. Knight, the teetotal 111ayor of Newark -on -Trent, instead of lerovid- iug the' customary dinner. with . wine for the ,corporatist on their return from church •on election Sunday, gave 5O each to the local hospital and rifle corps. The Manchester Women's Christian 'TeuYperauce Association purpose hold- ing a day of humili:iton on account of the drink traffic, An invitation is issued to the churches and temperance oscities throt:gbout the.country inviting their co-operation. • Strucks Dy Lighting, You see my face, don't you 1 asked a citizen at the neutral Station yes - es, CAPS, S92 iIIR. J. S, COLLARS, CUFF., ezC Cheap for KASH. AT -WEBSTER' ED. 01986EY'S VflL?IY ?AUHMN. Has a most complete assortment of the ,LATEST, (;HOIcESr, and MOST CHARMING} ARTICLES 1n Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Silver Goo l s. position, There cave a flash as I opened the They like an ability to talk well and door, and I Went down like a log. a'knowledge of the virtue of sileuce. When I recovered my wife said I had They like li motherliness big enough been struck by lightning. to understand the wants of the older, Hump 1 Slie was probably waiting as well as the younger boys. for you, and whenyou entered she They like a disposition to speak gave you a whack. rather than evil of every human being. Just uiy ides, oxactly. Thought so all the tune although she denied it. They like sympathy—which means a willing ear for the tale of sorrow or All right. There'll be other theuder gladness.stoma this spring 1 w They like knowledge afbo'toddress Oh, yes. well, which, by -the -fly,, doesn't paean Luough said,. I be watching.. and conspicuously. Men are most, attra3- waiting. Just keep your ears open. i Next cine there's a Hash, and rumble —she— whop--shit—Good-e ;ye. Negro Wisdom. ed by good material, plain draper es At Weldon, N 0, at a recent lecture and quiet colors ; not by showy colors .an old negro is reported as saying: When I see a man going home with a gallon of whiskey and half a pound of meat, dat's temperance lecture enough for Inc, and. 1 sees it every day, I know that everything in his home is on the same scale—gallon of misery to Half -pound of comfort, neat Work. A young Harvard graduate is get- ting up a, series of five and tell cent concede at Boston to keep the poor out of, the saloons. The admission ticket entitles the holder to a bun and coup, of coffee. Burdick Did It. An associated press despatch from Duluth, Minn , under date 10th inst. says : For the first time in the his- tory of this city there has been no public drinking on Sunday, This is the first step of the reform administra- tion which Was put in power through the energetic work of Y, . A., Burdick, ,who conducted a two week's campaign. Every saloon, without exception, was closed Saturday night at 11 o'clock and on Burnley it was impossible to buy' any liquor, • or designs. They like intelligence, but they pre- fer that the heart should be stronger. than tl.ib brain; They like a companion ---.a woman who,.has.,sufljcient knowledge of the world and its ways to talk well with them, who is interested in their lives and in their plans and in their hopes; who knows how to give cheering word, or how to listen quietly and by a tender look express the ,grief which the heart is feeling. They may sometimes say that children are a bore and a nuisance. but ft man shrinks from a wolnan Who openly declares her dislike of them. A man expects the maternal instinct in woman and is desapp tinted if he does not find 1t. They like women to be afleotionate —there never was a man yet, no mat- ter how stern, no matter how cold, no matter how regressive as far as hi own feeling are concerned, who did not Tike a loving squeeze of the hand, or a teuder kiss froeu the wonlfan nearest to hint. These aro some of the thing, that glen like in women,•—Ladies'• Horne. Journal'. A Liquor Seller &itUletctl., TonoliTo, April 1L—At the Civil Assizes to -day a verdict was given, in the case (f Mrs. O. D. Stogdill, a widow of i,toydtnWnr against sanies Duggan, a. hotelkeeper of this . place. The plaintiff served Duggan with a notice not to sell liqut r to her soli The son bonght liytior in Duggan's hotel and got intoxicated, lie left the hotel on a bitterly cold night and the next mornti11g.Wts found dead in a,4110W drift. 11Fr died, a doctor said, from the eff'e'cts of cold and eep sore. The jury awarded Mrs btogdill a 11,000 6.11.03M1s1,3011.1.Semeneffes.suns*VearaecncirnISUSal 0. P. R. TI:1Ii Tr113LL. Trains arrive and depart as follows : LIJAVINO 5:35 a. to ..........For Toronto 2:15 p. 2:15 p. m For Teeswater 10:50 p. to A bad habit broken aweyfrom is .n good d'ay's work. The earlier a habit is formed the stronger the hold it has. Private personal": habits are more ditfienit to get rid efand liars a more demoralizing effect than public onef+, AARIYiie9 5'35 Ill :1'8 p.m 10:30 " G- E A. MT) TRTJ.t.Q-i' s -Y5' Z TO i' r' ' CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALIT WARRANTED. GO RIGIIT TO GREEN'S BLOCK b'OR YOUR JEWELLERY.,. A Blessing to Every Household. HULL®',=t'`AY'S PILLS AND PINT E !TD These remecles havo stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines fur Family use. T 'LEES Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LITER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and nee invaluable in Ml complaints incidental to females of all ages. ®INTJS LEJNT Is the only reliable remedy for had legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. '0R URONCHITIS. s<1RE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, GOUT, EVEUMATISII, OLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SEPT DISEASES IT 11AS.N0 EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 558, Oxford Street, Lon,.,:::, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is Oxord Street, London, they are spurious. A. O. STRA'THDEE, AGENT, W3\OIEAIL Through tickets to all points in America -North. West, Pacilio Coast, etc., via the Shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. r owestfrciltilr rates 10 all points. - —TIME TABLE. - LBAVR \YI)IOtrddt, ARR3rr AT WINOIIAII. 0:30 a.tn.roronto, Guelph,PalIn leach, sc. 8:30 pan. 11:10 " ' 11„ 10:10 ” 5:40 p,111. " " Clinton, " 1.25 ' Palmerston, Mixed.. -10:15 a.m. 0:45 5.111 ..London, &a..........11:00 " 8:401 pan.. 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a.m.. ......Kincdrdine, &e 0:30 a.m. 8:30 pain " 11:10 „ 10'10 0:10 0.31) BARBER, SHOP. , ABLE HINA--3 EGG SETTS, SALAD SET S, IRU1T BOWLS, VA.SYS, BISCUIT. JARS, WATE u^TTS, EOSE.JARS, CUI-S a. SAUCERS' NEW RASINS, NEW, CU al:.ANT NEW PE + . S, NEW NUTS, NEW FRUITS, CHOICE .: R LI.A GRObEREPS MR. MALCOLIS MODONALD, (LATA all amsr,) ✓ staring purchased the ba•berinit bttsinoss of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., ie.prepared to gtve,sii old•austomcrs and as many now ones as patro1I(le blml satisfaction In all linos of the profusion. I4AVING AND •.HAIRGUTTIItG are 'my specialties. 01,s the a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon arra ,a[elntyre'e lore. • M. MCDDONALD. Call and I pect before Making Your X PURCHASE drr •• C■f1I A'.. 0 SE, • y......m+tee...- , -0 TILE 1M1 DIT 'IM Please inform: your feeders that I havo x positive r ested3 for the above i3eaes fly 31. tintIy .iie 19 '.t tadsofhGpeteascaseshavebeenperracneattytitre1, I•_r:' t glad tow send two bottles of my remedy razz to any ofyqourreaders tube have • 1m tion If the will send tut their Express and Pest 0m'* Address Rsepetscct.> Ii-, a ✓ELOOU M,O 149 'Mitt At$4110411.:eltq "t'oatritT0t,.t"r1s gAtllihlR. TES °UFFIEL 8.E. SON give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage COAL, PAELOR., 130X Altil) COOK STOVE ; l+ ITItN ACES AND. I A.NGt1S,T1NWAlt1, ,G. c., &e., LAMPS, LAMP GOODS CUTLERY ANI) WOODEN WARE. Aunerioain and Canadian Oval 011, wiuulesalt and retail. ka'v'etroug i- ins a specialty. llepairing neatly and t)rotilptly done. Don't wake: any mistake but call and iT111l'3 0t our stunk and .get our pl'ices. D UV' I131 LD 8v S ON, STONE BLOC KWING HA .X. "l