HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 2F: r90.
FRIDAY. MAY ', 113190,
1TN Ii ace COL. x'..I , vatwe AMs•
Ir. (atberwt k is obliged to you,
said a (loop voike from behind.;
tent irtstead of dtscuasnntt, matters1tt
do not. QAnceru you,kindly put up your
books and go.
Mr. M'Oallutu collapsed. Ile. dill
as be was bidden i,tr perfect silence,
too otercCnte even to attempt an
apology. Davideon followed him as
the trembling wtr►s-shd, Uathkr-
k was left to solitary' poetiessiou of
DY rNK x000. iftly as possiblet and 1\1
throne fort Dope's gfe
d. steeples, ou
the OAe field. A. 1..:.eti and very tittl'tia
lil+td• (tut the stffft,et tattle of
Mewl)" peals the balls at noun day requiem
life had been fought out
A'er the mighty dead, is
\ud the death wen* lamina numbers there. It was the oldstory h
g the muffled drum, n1 son, easy, carLLleds, tltnUgut OBS --
railing front lot o Y of his
Gather round, ye wee Noru heroes, in all respects the antipodes
me•' box
Four gallant citfeftafn oo father---Iuistai(es in the case
lleree draped in floral beauty, perfume queries hotted up-- disgrace, and
wreaths a •.;orf{eous crown. sorrow's banishment. That lead happened two
From his triumph arch of victory, years ago, and this morning's was the
motto lent to h down,
third letter ,Haat lead been sei,t back
Cola -ted silent ill his wardress, from the read.
eu.vth of feudal jars,
Muster round vaurpriuoely leader, all ye "-mad'
t"ratlieriV cic was at ono end of
gallant sou of Mars. the pole, Mr. .i'Oaltum at the other,
grandeur slowly
pet both Held precisely the same view
+Np nal the folds of gloomy a
moves hit funeral oar ; d t of one subject. The prodigal in that
.Once he strode ill ash of
splendor midst
tale wore inconveniently plentiful, it 'private door as he spoke, stud lie pass -
seemed to hint, during; thatlong q=res
utter a clerkship, it at last, be
I've got
cried, out rainy night, leaping up the
stairs into. the shabby sitting room;
I+orty pounds a year, and asteady rise
t ed .ue suet shut it too ivttlt au Gmiuosrs
the thunder crash of war, old l)arahl(i had Deet forgiven touch
• r e bad exlubttedt• an
d, Why, in seventy yearns
IIr, )'Cahoot twirled round on bis
stool to inspect the delinquent. \t h t
pranks have you been 'up to now,
Devidson 1
„None that I know o£, was the nos
of a have
1"!1 lav< -•-I'll have cue hundred an swot ; unease- There to s
1 - Mind Nell ; its better` with a sudden f•'% that b didtlk mow,
ten < noing sud that there would be elt
t12at1 greet
AgrarLG deal better, assented Nell hour !,allele littater'sl ears puzzled la i ;
cheerfully. It will seem quite a for- woe to
ter all the failures ; ,oilly I do lie bad never Mentioned Btr, Maut►ce s
tulle ofto
think you ought to be worth more uatnts even rmaad bir,uiA1'Callutn curl
\\ till, t• u
than that, thin ce,
theta is buinetlriitg, au you
I used to thiole so too ; but all de. ouster,
ponds from what point you look at it. clean know breast h itetat web, once. Dater
t 'rivake a
Davidson at oto• office had forty, a case
it never occurred to me that it was till it a cannot disappearing, like-
too little, l shoutd like to see that well—like
d'ngaia he went . ou, starting on a nameless. there's downwardIle turning treok
la .,,
new Crack, as was his fashion. lie easy, but t
would have done anything for nee in mind.
1'11 look hint up when There ought to be a turning back.
those clays. said Davidson gloomily ; it's hard
we get settled dth.h here,
They were both . thankful for this lines if otto bt one slip
is to be reckoned up
clerkship, very thankful ; but when ego n
one hes been in a certain groove for a Mr.laths 'Oallutn rwhisl ed.n o yon
lifetime, it tit . not easy changing into l l
another, and
years bad not been altogether the best
training for a daily steady grind.
Maurice liked pleasure and. sunshine
and ease generally ; prodigals are nt
usuallya race of irnmacult(te -heroes;1
his roti ects
time mud. grace granted,, p' P
of attaining the giddy height of that
hundred and ten stipend were but
faint. The novelty wore off in the
first three days, and then it was only
sheer necessity for himself and Nell,
that kept hien to his pest.
1 understand thusel husk banquets
flow very well, he r•triarked one day
to Nell ; but if tllal\prodigal bad had
stool and forty piiunds a year, he
would have hurried off hotne even
gnieker than he did.
Don't you think you might try once
more.? ;buggested Nell, half under her
breath. 1 i e ,Inas no one but you.
No,said Maurice decidedly, that's
settled I sent•a message to David-
son to tome and look us up to -night.
Gan 'elle afford to give 'him a cup of
ten, Diel! ?
Oh yes, laughed Nell; two if you
don't mind it being a little weak.
They say it's bad for the nerves too
I'eouldtl't say, its so long since we
had a chance,ofjudging. • Never mine!,
Davidseu is not particular.
MtLnrice had an extra turn at the
grindstone that day, and did not reach
home for some time after the visitor's
arrival. Nell* was bitting by the fire,
trying to keep up the conversation,
with' rather indifferent. success. She
broke off with a si' h of relief at. the
sotutd of her husband's foot ou the
stairs. Davidson finshed a. sudden un-
eomfot'table scarlet ; Ito got up off hit,
seat, and then stood' grasping the.
However, there
back and hebitatiug.
was no hesitation abbrit Maurice ; he
greeted bis father'sl"clerk as if they
had parted yesterday', and under the
most ordinary circumstances, and
were tnel'ting now in the paternal
mansion, instead of this fourth -flat
threadbare lodging.
be would west and go fresh to.' ye,
but to.ni mrnw he did not w G to
leave his bed, and a cheap doctor had
to be (tastily tent tor. eche doctor
t a
• ,sad
l iH
nittn ,
• of y
c' a touch1
spoke t,
enstitutl'Jn below per, end. promised
to send in a bottle • of it►udiuilt•, and
come again to. -morrow, ,
Nell put on her bonnet after dark
and raced arousal to Davideou'a
He looks so ill site sobbed out,
Ob, do go and tell his father; the wants
better food and se teeny loom thing;e
eve cannot get.
It'll mitinekt?-;a"hy difference, Mrs,
Maurice, Yulletil4fl t know what b. r
Gatherwick is when bo makes up bis
Wind. . -
i3ut'foi hie own sen. Do go and
int Ile•4deU Nell..
eller ,
t 1
los is as much as roti place is worth
seta Davidson it!Jltast beyond mea,
sees, 1rut, it's 111r. Maurice, 1''ll
try it.
Ned went back to her husband.
Davidson buttoned up hie ecat with-
out giving lliinseli time to think, and
hurried oil to the dull stately house
here Maurice bad been born and
Chieftiane, soldiers, gather round hint, too easily ,. the f,Lth
to et e
sturdy, ze of and ceaseless a 'warlike
e, atolable weakness t a
meYe who fearless coated the battler reprehensible under ti'e circumstances.
meats of martial fame. Mr. (zathertvick invoIunterlly corn
Ye ht amid the e,oLges of
ro the foe tram ern yo shelter poured righteously hteously in returning the unread
"Dat the whirlwind blast on conquestletter.
ed on es
Fish mended himself for his sounder priuci-
'Ye wht? fought
Creek's dark rocky ales, d pies,and felt that be had (lone
ti r death -hail on You then,
hurl g
th ava e foe And yet, somewhere underneath
"eltthe lightning a rio of ve ngeauce. saw was a faint uneasy sense of client/m=
the gasping warrior low.
fort of something wanting, Foe
Y 1 heard the cry of anguish at old oL — n
e who
what end was lie working now 1.11e
Bytstoot that day.
Firmly stood and sant•ned surrender, kept had no• irreproachable 'auta'.s(,andr olto
the surly foe at bay;. fall back p 1
houses are useful institutions, but few
Ye thef r fought at Cut Knife Creek, 'neat men labour niib enthusiasm for their
the far freest dark arcade, your force
Swept ernbrnznres through seta behoof. 11e'wight endow another
schooi perhaps; hut there tppeared"
Ye who heard the savage war cry
J your
e ' g of Jia- to be s;ohools in abundance already,
thol e's binotlF field,
Ye or felt Canadian valor, from whose and ItoLtherrwickwas
abrup abruptly taught wnd luau.
force the fnemen reeled,
his reflections at the unsatisfactory
Ya who wail rushed e o'er crimson ramparts, stage, locked up his safes and 'rooms,
followed where" •our chiwftain led,
Mournful march in awful silence by the and hurried Away down the stairs and
casket of the dead. thromdi the busy nasii6lited btl vets to
glorious bus handsome solitary house, wherein
Gallant men for gallant cortege,
bier, a battle car.. dwelt no one person to vvateln and wait
Truck of cannon, cannoutnounted from bis for his advent.
battle cloud afar ;
Low within the tomb's ti'trk confine 1e. The letter went back whence it Dame
the hero's mouldering clay, —not very far ; it was from an Eng-
the everlaatinm trumpet thunder forth lists seul)m't town this time ; the last
tlrejud$ment day. hail berm from New York. it event,
Best him there in sleep unbrokeu, cannon . hack, end was greeted with sore tis -
lou+ its r 1 ntn- may
Anil the i4 nand Battalion have their T
rifled requiem rung, ,t ,' aut`"toH
'Mighty statesman. t:w a.n soldier, in ears. in wisdom sane, wick, the younger flinging it into the
May his -name in martial teller blazon on ti1e •lie does not know' what forgive -
our nistory's•page- •' Hess means, aucl he nand net -Login
_ --- ----- — to learn now, as Paras J um cuncern-
1R. , .AT3ERW1C;S': PRO- ed.
d Nell looked up from her stitching
L}1CxAL with a dieappointed race. • 0 Maurice,
There was n p.tuse in the Gather- 1 was sure he would tell you to come.
wick office. The half !tour after five home when he found you were so near.
f redo ?
eov to
•e• b,
-Huta ; Fe e
land tong nut soles minutes What a
HIS. wasp clneinn-ti(ne ; and . it WAS Otte
l . li hY v flung
Thetis the last, time I will ever
r' it t ldier voting trouble lum,Ne11, said \1 Gather-
thought as
lave . 4 G•h•
much, and yon cannot Hay 1 have not 1 brought up
sten enoughh. against See Air Gatberwicl: 1 `hy, llie'
warned at i u just at dilter, said • the rc
r t business.
st. J P • •
• t st
• ,. nd request. • C 1 la ]
the a tt
n Rler q
tr r Pt
• mil
whom mall to '
Droller or t.or , you must telt him
it'll ililpertallt ' -
The men debated for a moment. ; he
was new to the sometime and perhaps
Bearcely realized the risk. De open -
elle a door close by, and Davidson
could hear tee message •!slivered.
There's the young roan from the
office, sir, Davidson by risme, \vis1111ig,
to SCO you, and won't take nu denial.
Davidson ? 13how hint in.
'With his first glance don'u the brig
Hanley lighted table,' there flashed
rosy the --..«, or some odd fancy
With a solemn shake of the head,
Mt. 141'Oelluin turner; round to hie
desk again. There were sounds of
some one n)oe'9ni; about. tite inner
orrice, and Mr. Getherwielt might re-
appear at. any moment ; and in touch
uneasiness of spirit Davidson aleo
wetit on with his iuvuieiig.
Now, then, 'began Mr, Gatherwick
sternly, when six had 'arrived aucl,
very unwillingly, 'Mr Ivl'Oezllnin had re-
tired down stairs --How lung have
yet, been in communication with my
sou, may I ask"
.Don't fret'',Nell. I.11 !rave a hunt
of the anis Fs ?jr.141'Otilluni•s of rroffiid the shipping hone. s here ; and
creed that is was injurinns to the coo -
if the worst coulee to the worst, well,
etitat.ion to pass strsi_ht from the wP can go back to Glasgow to our
whirl of business to the chill outside 0" accotwt.
:air. Mr. M(Jallnsrt was chi,'f.t lark ; Do you think it's because—because
-there were, !sett two ; and whenever it you married mel she asked auxiously,
vas pracricahle--cleat is to say when -
a minute or two safttir.
ever 1dr. turbo; wici( himself vias not No Nell , that it is certainly not.
present be prison --he made a
billet) las January, came the 011- { taLbc,ut the fatted calf ; it was there nl
willing answer.
Indeed, knowing it to be against my
I don't know it, sir, said Davidson,
blushing at his own audacity. You
never said we were not to speak to
him, and Mr. Maurice was very kind
to me when he was here.
It is not to happen again, said
Maurice's faiber decidedly. 1 will
have no go-between iu this office.
vir. Maurice ought to Lave; known
better than to employ you in such a
lie had nn thought of ' any such
thing, began the culprit earnestly; and
he's working so hard, he that—
That is entingh,. interrupted his
master. Pay attention to what 1
have said.—That ib all; you may go
Davidson's strongest point was not
valour; he went down disconsolately.
At the end of the street he encounter,
tct M'Cailuuf; not Ghat that gentleman
was waiting there for the purpose,
only seeing --as he mentally phrased j to the great Mr teattkerwick --1 v
it—that there was a crew loose some- not forgotten him, aid l'ei going
e it was but considerate to try sl.reight to him now.
where, ,. might have played
The m
c,lf t
fatted r
' ,r att
to put it fight, the first - step being to 111 f
find out ivhiolr sotew it was.
But that was the difficulty. Dae id
son flatly declined to give him any in-
formation about the matter,and there
by laid the foundation of it coolness
that for weeks after completely took
the gilt off those constitutional half-
hours before closing time.
Winter set in early that year, early
and very bleaky. ANeel( after week
the bitter winds weirt driving dpwn
the streets which Maurice Gatherwick
trudged daily back and forewards,senn•
Lily clothed and often scantily fed;
little wonder that he felt it keenly.
I tbiuk we must be growing old,
Nell, be remarked one night as he
came in with blue fingures and chat•
n used
to enjoy 'A
teeth. 1 y
1 t e .1
P t
t.ni ..
aitt suow tborougbly,insteaci of shiver-
ing, along after this fashion. They
say you do feel the cold more when yon
are getting on in life.
It is a new overcoat you are need.
she ser
rice ,
au g
Maurice, ing,
fire into a blaze. Couldn't we manage
one? It is such a Tone way, to that
office, and you must keep well.
Dell, do you know how much cash
omens i
1 nemeses at this present
Ju et three•and-nine-pence. If you
will pursuede any tailor to furnish
one for diet. ,you etre heartily welcome
to try. Afterwards you might look
up a shoemaker on the same tertns.et
I am needing boots worse still; look,
at those. .
Nell shook her !lead, ,
Well, well, said Maurice, with an
attempt at looking resigned, another
inotith, and the worst of the whites.
Will be over ; if we can only hold
If----- T3efere that month is over
the prodigal's brief career was ended.
+,!lowing suttabl ino but th . tutld
totraetbatttln, hetol,y, sett(1 it bene!. .tn.,at
general, a dress to which he col
/ }aP two descender o „ 'u.
the Ftaira and see their faces home When ;1•la,ir1ce set out to the far
zvu.rtla, country --New York in this case--
It wrts ,tli 11l'C,tlluin, of 5AitrSC. Neii'and her"motL0r had been fellow-
,W1iA iV}ttt'.i0artill _T• the /AtlyPi'sfftlon to passengers. The mother had been
Slight, f nd the subject „of all others aiting all the journey, and died the
that ltd came to the front was t e
day before they rearhud Sandy ]look.
case of the 1?rodiL tl 3.'u, suggested hell was reit soiita,ry, almost penui•
that 1nwee fortune V
possibly by st eirrunixtance less, t\laurteP s sole forth
occurred that seine mutants. Among hundred pouuds,dessrended to 1nm from
the letters by the binned !lost had been his mother. \What could have been`a
one in a big dashing hand, which with- more suitable arrangement than that
out tending tUL'tl)EtL' thee! the }(Pad At
they should marry and combine their
the first liege, 111x. Gatberw It had joint misfortunes,1
presumably expected.
. , 1 t
r tt , 1
• e n c e a
e t
r p ado
b D
it Traci cnnle frrtnr : but l►P ha(1 posted t e " ui'ice ' aineyd his liter ltei•st» 1 -
ehuudlance ; but this father was eatittl
'it alone
Well, what has brought you out
here? demanded Mr Gatherwick with-
out laying down his fork.—You may
leave tine roolu, with. a' {;lance at the
triad in• wi,iting -
It's Mr Maurice, sir ; he's very
and his wife's frightened aabout
wtahit me
She's too poor to •„
ought to have.
At that same table --Davidson:,
could have touched the spot witty his
hand—else! Duce stood Maurice's chair
Perhaps Mr GatherSiek thought of it,
also for one fleeting instant before lee
remembered his principles.
• The old story, be said impatiently.
We hove heard it all before. 1 thought
1 told you seine trine ago that t1 would
have nu CUneutiniUatien between
And t have never been there since,
said Davidson ; but—for the tirat turner
daring to assert himself in opposition
point of He has not even read the letter, notll-
g e teeareiu for
And you. are still in the old plisse,
my bey 1 and 1,1'Cal.utn too'1 just as
'usual ,lad to see you back,
Yes. sir,—I'm E,
Mr. Maurice ; the place has not been
right sicca you went. --Are you—are
promptly put 11414 a field) envelope enc Somehow the States had not .proved
There Mit >,
it ti (,hetet to tead1111, 1U lesfving it with al of pnvorty. He had no
the otbere to the junior clerk, David- aleexperience of that kind -with his
inn. D., bemires
took a spPng 1 ndewas own country and naturally came to
' ,r tette
fraudback, in r • as Tr a
3n 010 ct,L i g a the coocluttiou that ons
,labaul n 1 ntitdPr , u stsrtse of . injury would be rte easier matter to find
d,Cenrd1teti v some employrettt that would eke out
1+Ar ray=el£, 1 never centre'agreed their scanty means, beside the hope
with all the fust, that wits made over
e Mr. M'tla'lunt fleet'.4It'. C'ather'wick might relent and
tetter, r'o'an' ism, i renegade,n ic fOIU• bP willing. to overlook the past unser
isle rem 1rt lde; well'stn ample t able folly, ldut that hope had to tie
tell 01 t,ax teller, It's not the practice,
1 tat a,mvy1J( 11111 I'll not
strnek.out of their calculatiuus now,
an thPHt, t vs ,
and theywere not through the first
1Lvise any Ati
d ' eta foll'1,v his example:
you-- 1
No, Davidson ; I'm not.—Don't run
away with any ideas of that kind.
That ended some time ago. 1 have
just got to peg on here and help my•
But do you lake it, 111r. M
Candidly rpes.king, 1 can't say 1
do ; bttt needs"trust, you know.
David eon looked un satisfied. It
doesn't seem right, he was beginning
dolefullyr •
a btslameiltatioln.
!Maurice interrupted spilt milk, my
Itis no use crying over p
boy. Take you a solemn warning by
my case, tttr(1" dont slide into crooked
ways. You don't slide back again as
smoothly, by any nasus,•—Now draw
upyour Chair, and we will have some
This was the first of Davison's ;visits,
They continued regularly all the rest
of the winter; throughthe hot stifli k
summer, when only dust' and heat
spoke of the greeny glory drat believer•
ed ovet the whole land beyond' this
witdernes1 of stone and lime, 'hIaurioe
longed as he nad never longed in !tie
life for one sight of tossing grufu and
breezy moors ; only there was they
landlady and the butcher and the
baker, end e whole army of smeller
satelites planted between, burring the
Davidson, stay irebind to night; I
wish to speak to you, maid Mr. Gather -
wick in a peremptory 'voice, one day.
when that dusty aunrnler writ merging
into autumn, no was opening his
On the e•utnkee of getting the like wt+ek Pet.
The Pett
p t
shipping houses followed suit,
r•• r. e y There is only one course left, Nell ;
;Thee yen would liav11 left teem to `ve roust go back to Glasgow, Maurice
ntarv,•, 1 »eros' <'? rtiie ed Deride announced at the 4'Ud OF the second
p0n, who r''ltresentet.l the entire audf- week, There will be a better chance
,once. their, for me 1 know the plow's.
ti„ir err*i"rPly nladeratyon in all And eo the little= tent was pitcher!
• thine... lee might have l)..1111 taken in w once. more, alio! Mandel! found himself , nr.,b Ni •n ff'r n es, hill they d ha"k among the oiti hatrnttt•-•-wittr Aentree erns and heir, mover 1,6 was On,
, .w to lee
unmolested in its native fields., foe all
Mr Gatherwick consumed atter los
cietk's departure, lee had believed
in and stood by eert13 1l rules and
principles all his life ; his son had
gone counter to both. 11 lie were to
bring hitt back to -morrow and put
hint in the old place, how long would
it last t Goold he risk that sore dis•
grace a second time ? Possible at no •
distant date. This exile meant more
to bit'tluut it could to Itlattrioe, He
had lost the' most by it ; a solitary old
age stretched te'rore him ; better that
than to build up ' freest plans with a
broken faith for foundation, Maurice
was young, end would find out new .*
ay bad found
ell'res 11
• to tY
ready. Nothing 'ever troubled him
long, thought the father bitterly ; and
he sat still and merle no sign, while
the clow hours • ticked themselves
past. .c
Davidson w.. t away to M'Cailunn
in the st ddeu'3'rolt, and told hila the
tale of Maurice's wron e, M'Oailum
. y
much perplexity.
' n Ir ucl
stt.ned I
theories about prodigals' were well
known; had he tett reiterated them
over and over againwin Thividson's un-
willing earal And yet be,t.00,had liked
Mr Maurice; prodigals often aro rather
likeable people --lie would go nod see
hits at any rete, tinct there would he
no 1larm done- of they took some jelly
or wine with, them.
1 believe it was black. currant jelly
they used to give me when 1. was ill.
he remarked or. the way. We bad
better bey a pot; it's sand to be
strengthening stuff, if you give. it a
fair trial.
This patient wee past giving it a
fair trial ; he smiled faintly' op in
M'Calluut's perplexed force ---talked n,
little diaeorttteetedly about Nell, and
r+ f.tr►n ss to lee t epott e( (lltierenc0. Then belied been a rich
r•tw,i•r '.1.. ; rni t.1t'-' wholcr, Pin lint
t • •. • t,iit I r(t,,1f'. with ttlr. Gathet-
tvi Lite reek at.t1 tile, and the rank and
Utterly unfitted for the brittle,either his fuller, end 8013001 lrra_nl:s !nils; at n
tore or b. training, it cooled as merit
by ne Y --atnd filially drifted away to a
any ons' wield hoe safely foretold Y
ether country jest l,eforo daybreak,
from the first. Ona meriting, he was l gull laid iter face dowel o the
'not .equal to go down to the cella ;1
Tr; ArartANCZ CO?.,.
CJ, 'CTI5D BY wltie1IA11 Y. W.0.
Mill. Slone, the wifts of 11
Governor t,f Miesissippi, is a
eV. 0, 'r. u, woutau, wears be.
nevlty.•, rut(1 will not have with,
euterIainteeuts,—Union ,wiynai
Vyrus Hamlin writes, cootie
jouruoy thr=;mgil l.iaime ; Melo
jails have been empty. 1 vied
where tht• jailor said he had nc
prisoner for some time. He
the jail ocestsiunally to keep tl
in -running order, but he adder
there is 110 tll'Unlitantteas, titer(
jatliug. •
Downs anti cities r calve 1
from liquor licenses about $1 I
while over $27,000,000 is P1
saloonsby the poople, ,Fu,
dollar paid iu for license about
one dollars are paid out by th'
The Saloon auta•,ouizPs al
goverionent and all telucattolq
euees,--('crrrral1) Wright.
els='v, Melt Friers EIn„hes cc
all Non contirinist churc'uoe
the fiery
in G
the to
e usade. He points out tl
must` be prepared to put sotui
plate of the tavern. Why,
slum d not their aimed ves
0 ulvertl9l'intu clubs, (lt•batl
and parlors for the working•
Granting for the sake of 4
6 what tenet be denied for the
truth, that prohibition in toil
Maine is just such a f..i.ure
peop e claim --our enemies tl,
being ,judges—there to no lige
fttetnred in Maine, liupposr'
ee(uie just such a law in eve
and it proves just such a fail)
wild be no liquor ntanufactur
Muted States. Woll'd not
tie a tern p9ra ace vantage ;;r04
no system of "regulation” cc
do—Soictl.Lern C'.t(ifornia 11.
"We little dream of the c
Fought in each human sc
And earth knows not her 1
Upon God's honor roll."
\Tr. Knight, the teetotal
Newarkeon•'1'rent, iustead o
. ing the customary dinner. v
for the .corporati"Ii on tare
from church 011 election Sul
41G each to the local 11ur,
rifle corps.
The Manchester \Vomen't
'Temperance' Association put
ing a day of hureiliaton on
the drink traffic, An
issued to the churches and t
oscities throughout tbe.count
their co-operation.
Negro Wisdom.
AtWeldon, 1NC> at
.an old negro is reported as
Wbon 1 see a learn going,
a gallon of whiskey and hal,
of meat, dot`s temper=
enough for nie, and. 1 see
day. I know that everyth
home is on the same scale•
misery to half -pound of col
n'tev.i Wer)a.
A young Harvard grad
ting up a aeries of five ani
concerts .at 13onton to kee,
ou`of, the saloons. The
ticket entitles the holder t
crop, of coffee.
8urdiolr Lica It,
An associated press dos
Duluth, Minn , under da
says : For the first time a
tory of this city there be
public drinking on Sunda
the first step of the refortc
tion which was put in poi
of P.
who conducted a two week
Every saloon, without exc
closed Saturday night al
arta on Snnd,ty it was in
any y
A Limier Senor Pau
ToreeeTo, April 11.—A
Asstzes to -day a verdict
the case of Mrs, C. D.
widow of Lloydtown, ag
Duggan, a hotelkeeper oil
The plaintiff served Dug
thotio¢ not to Hell, hquc r
The son bcinght liyt;ctr 1
hotel and got intoxicetei
the hotel 031 a bitterly sot
the next moroleo eves fol',
a, Snow drift. Ile died, r'
from the effects of co4d 1
The jury awarded Mrs St,