HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-02, Page 1) ,V4,
,rt; 'en
ul styles, and at rte t •
Tress Goods.
, )3..
±e newest .s1.3 `.; and
Cn'ttalV(9 stack bcfiare
and Collars,
all -wool Tapestry
store,'eNatniiie stool;,
thaw goods. •
em.' ra
liDEFA She',
Bions, Currants,.
Yr'uit, Peas, (lira, Salllion,
13utt.er,.Eggs and Liverpool
nt of
1111 eXaba11ge. As tee
illy chc &Beat fates. By
will Gluge
W11Lgll8rll, ,
NO 18
This month remtn s us that hot
weather is near at h nd. Don't be
caught napping, bu ` lave your cool
dresses ready.
We are sbowintr Wool Dg Laines,
Dress Lenos, N un' . Veilings, Lawns,
IVIuslins, Prints, and her cool .dress
goods, Just the ing for hot
We import all a ur Parasols di -
red from Europe, and in value
theycan't be beat. , 'ee our $1,5
lin?, .
!:'f your Linen P essneeds re-
,111enishing, remelnl er our Table
Linens, Napkins, 'i ' wels, Towel-
Ings, and all linen go 's come from
the Old Country di ct#'tc ile'Doar,
.Stock full and lue 'right 0,1l
through the store
WHOLE NO. £il:
.-Mr Allen, Se rotary f the Reliance —Public Mali 1 Board m eting Tuesday I --Ou Tuesda:
Electric Light Co pang, %terford, Out, evening next, lodging to Mr
was in town on Iv onday, i 1 the interests —if your watch or clock is out of repair standiug in ft
of his company, take it to E F Gerster and get it repaired, store, became
He will give you good eatisfa fico, which was be
Menem J J Homuth Sc Son have a large i
stook of tweeds and all kinds of cloth, and —The regul meeting the Town
are giving deoided bargains iu stylish suits, Connell will be eld on Mon y evening
Drop in and leave your order for &suit, No
trouble toshow goods and quote prices,
—The regular quarterly services in
connection with t e Wingha Methodist
church, will be he on bund next. The.
services will be o ducted by the pastor.
Wingham le en Tues ay last, an.
other old pioneer u the per on of Angus
Morrison. He w a well adv oed in. life,
and in religion a member o the Boman
Catholic church. He was b vied in the
cemetery nea Teeswater on Wednes-
—New maple sugar in abundance and
cheapest in town, at Jas MoKelvie's.
—The eleotio in Ward 1, on Mon-
day, to fill the vacancy used by the
resignatiou of R M Rob usou, resulted
in the election o Mr Geor Green, by a.
majority of eig . The vo stood we fol-
lows ; George reen, 40;,., amuel You1li11,
—Gents' olothes cleaned, dyed, repaired
and pressed also ladies' coats and dresses
dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Shoji ou .Victoria St., next door to Abra-
ham 'sshoe shop. R. MITCHELL.
U $ T. U R R; I _A meatin of the Rofot
town will bo, ld in Mr J A,
—Messrs Gray Yo her, & Sparl;]thg ship- I out.
pad five carloads of sa ou Baur ay last
per C P R.
—11 you want a nob y hat, tie or collar,
C. latest style iu American goods, Reid,
e tailor, has them.
—Messrs Wed, Miller and Isaac
Swindleburst left n Wedues y for Sault
Ste Marie,for the ummer.
—R3 Hill's is the only place in town
wh you eau buy the pure maple sugar.
—M4 Wm ttoc e,late of' st Wawanosb,
with leis family, emoved t Detroit,Miohc.
,gen, during the est week.
—Top Phaeton buggy for sale, Apply
to Geo Thomson, tGetland mills, Box 125,
'Wingham. - ,
office,. this (F day) evening,' i
to appoiut del gates to attend
Convention to be held at
Monday next. Let there be
—Division Cot
'Tuesday. Judg
• •eleien eases wor
t was h td in town ou
Doyle resided. Only
up for iifixing.
—A. nice line of baby carriages just
received at S. Gracey's furniture store,
A largely sign town, last
Commissioners of
:against granting a
Saturday night—Dress shirts, 950 ; Ties
,10,12 o; Men's and Boy's soft hats, 5uo;
nderwear, 50e; Socks 12io;;13uits at all
prices; art M H Mambo's.
1 petlti
his t
his Tri
hop sic
n was forward-
the License
ing, protesting
use for Wing -
—On and, after the 5th instant, Messrs J
J I3ornuth at; Son will sell all kinds of boots
and shoes at cost for oesh. Call and see the
immense stook and'get some of the bar-
MEontxics INs Twos —Boo s will be
issued this (Pride, afternoon d evening,
at usual hours -2 ill 6:45 and till 9.30.
• Ws LXTna0W, lbrarian.
lers of the
:orton's law
t 8 o'clock,
he Reform
oderioh on
good turn-
--Tust arrived, 35b lbapure maple sugar,
at R Hill's.
—We underst nd a petlti will be pre-
sented to the wn comic h "; u Monday
eveningnext,aski g that bo ." not to spend
any publio funds n electric gas lighting
this year.
—PP Gerater can fill a presentation or
Rther special orders within twenty four
—The annual eting of the Ingham
Mechanics' Insti tute, for the els ion of
officers for the ens ing year and ransae-
tien of general bu ess, will be b id in the
Institute rooms, on gndayleveuinext,
May 5th, at 8 o'olo . A full atte dance
of members is requested.
—Apples by the peck, bushel or barrel
at R HiIl's.
—A goodly n mber were at tl a Grand
Trunk station n Wednesday to b 1 bye to Mr and rs john Coad a d Mies
Minnie Coad, ho left by the 11, 0 train,
for Neepawa, nitoba. Their n tmerous
friends in town and country wis tbe,n
prosperity in t it new home.
—G T R trains for Toronto and oast
leave Wingham at 6.80 a.m, and 11.10 a.m.
via W G & B Division; and at 6.45 a,m.
and 8.40 p. mea via Clinton and Guelph.
Good aonneotions by all trains.
—A. meeti't)
Western 1.+'iti5
K.orinan's liote'
3 o'elook, Tho
to.get the level
will report, an
brought beforetJ
—We believe t at th sect known as
,,TheBrethreu," o whit quite a few reside
in Wiugliatn. are • bout gain to join their
bands together a 1 holt regular meetings
each Sabbath, to ioh ' I will bo welcome.
-dust arrived --10 eases of oranges and
lemons, also bananas, pine apples and all
other fruits at the Star Restaurant.
—A number of yo ng m n of the town
purpose leaving earl next •eek for differ-
ent points in Man robe nd the West,.
Amengat others wl o int, nd going are :
Messrs Walter D bar, 0 Currie, 11
% Green, and John Li klate - Ittr Jos Yoa
hill will leave fo pe' about the 160,
lust. The Trutt:, wish them every
—1•r F Gerster has decided to remain in
town until Wingham becomes a city.
h of the comm tree appointed
grounds the North-
Vile wad, at
this (Friiay-alteration at
sub -commit ee appointed
of Mr B 1 illson's field
other busi ess will be
(e committee or consider-
afternoon last team be'
isdale, of Has awanosh,
t of Mr M oIudoo's
Cighteuod at a nd roller
g drawn along he street,
end ran a few de south, what be wagon
came in orrntao with a hitc1i g osb, the
sudden stop th owing Mrs ` c oy, who
was in the rig a the time, ou Ie trying
to save herself, o e of her ar s as very
severely sprains and fraotvr.d. he was
taken into Mr linerclrean s .s re and,
medical aid pro ured, No ou lee was
hurt. The ho see got loose rom the
wagon and ran own the str t a short
distance befor they were caugh
—The Old Reliable Star Restaurant
takes the lead in all its lines. Jas Mo.
—Pineapples and bananas, at it Hill's.
—It sppea that some part or .parties.
have for som time annoyed those who
have ,put thei horses in th Methodist
Church sheds uring the even g service.
Whips were to en, robes mis laced, and
spirited horses orried. "The Rev. Mr
Scott intimated unary eveni ig that if
the said party or parties were found out
they would, be se orely dealt wi h.
—If you:fttve never used alabastine for
whitewasliitx and kaisomining, just have a
chat with aatne of your neighbors who
haus, before you begin 'house cleaning.
Sold only by Jas. A. Cline & Co. .
At theting f Court Maitland, No.
5, Crsnadia the*
der f fore tors, held on
Jtiriday night last, tlio fol wing officers
were elected for th onsuin r term:—John
Gillespie, C it; Wn Smyth V GI '11; T) M
Outten, b' S; R 141 obinso , Tree.); W K
Loutht, R 8; lu I3eci with, W; J Kerr, J
W; J Irwin, S B; T mail, B.
—Dress and mantle making done
promptly and to order by the i4lieses
Baxter at their home ou. Victoria Street,
opposite the' old lost Office,
-.Although the a ring is r of yet far ad,
:vaned, our garden are already beginning
to wear a different spear, ih many oases
one vieing with other, for the best,
prettiest, neatest g rdennl Spring time
sepeoially remind& no of that promise,
tha* while the earth roma neth, emitter
Arid Winter, day and ight, 4eed time and
obeli never eane,
—Pine clothing is as much au evidence
of refinement as are fine manuers, and
badly madd, ivartistio or unfashionable
garments' are as offensive to good taste as
vulgarity is to the gentleman. 5 J Reid,
oytr lopular tailor, claims to produce as
gloo• ting and as well made garments as
at city establishment and at about one-
third ess cost. 11 you want a suit or
i.pr g overcoat, out right and made right,
giv him a call and you will not he disap-
Un luted.
. Reid, the tailor, is now agent for the
arisian Steam Laundry of London.' All
o in that line should be sent to him,
earl of Jas Me.Kolvie, of the Star
ostatlraiit, as formerly. ,
—A subso ber writes thus concerning
Winghum's t ee poets: etL•iing;ow for
depth and le ning; poet ogg for pathos
and barmen ; poetess E ty Hoy for fun
and atnusem 1st. Ile uld also ask
Kitty, the Q en, whethe she world al-
low another ight in her rain; another
worshipper of he great sh 'ne to pay tri-
bute with his en, letting im commune
with thy hindr d spirit iu ntimeut and
verse p things sublime.
-HonsEa 'itx rED.—I wil be buying
d e toef ht years old ho s, weigh-
t 000 to 1,9 0 lbs., in Wi gham, till
—Some t o between 4 p hn on Satur-
day last an Monday morni ig, some party
or parties en erod the publi school build-
ing and diel considerable damage. The
school board held a speoi 1 meeting on
Monday eve ing, and de ided to offer a
reward of O2 for the ap rohension and
conviction of the guilty pa ties. It is to
be hoped at the guilt ones will be
found and ado an exa pee cf.
—Reid, the tailor's, workmen have been
rking antil one and two o'clock in the
no ing ever since they started here,
wb oh is air evidence of the popularity of
;t a work they are turning out.
Ms Dean Tam
of the 1st of Ma 7 in the year of grace
1838, John Nion , my bed fellow, and i.
took it into our s pi: nG heads to anticipate
sunrise, scale Ar hu Seat, a hill 80.0 feet
abovethe sea ley 1, nd on reaching the
top to was our fan with the dew of early ,
morning, All this e accomplished, and -
returned to town n time for a hearty
breakfast. Yonder t•low is St Leonards,
the sone where Se • t ates Deuce Davie
Deans, bis heroie di ug ter Jeanie, and
her poor erring s sier, the Lily of lit
Leonards. Into t e kite en steps Reuben
Butlor,preaoher a d par sh school master,
of Liberton, on a hill y nder to the left,
The Por;ens snob in w iiob poor Reuben
had unwillingly t• tal a pard, suggests
the labor demonst align of 1st May. 1l„ A
ohristian democrao is till a potent factor
throughout b.;otlau ` ; no riots there.
Socialist spouters wi 1 let ff their gae,and.
nothing more,in Hy e Par , and the Beeth
ing crowds of Lou ou's roletariat will
cheer to the top of , eir bent. Should the
police toroe act wit its wonted tact and
forbearance, things will pas,' off quietly.
Germany, the ora e of the Reformatiou,
the ;home of +takers, authors and
readers, will show heir Young Kaiser that
they are Worthy o some hing better than
a one man power, ? Riot 'any be expected
where religiou is form public schools
a sham, and publi libra les unknown.
Wlw, LITneow.
Eloetric fight.
Mr. 0.3. Readin as just returned
from a visit to Torto and Guelph,
where he has bee examining the
different systems oleetrie light and
their workings. er thorough ex-
amination, he is f the opinion that
the Edison In andescent system
would be the most .uitabin for a town
like Winghem. It considers it the
best adapted for int for lighting. It
gives a Steady wl.litt light, and bas
only to be seen tbe appreciated
The lamps mostly sed ere the IG
candle power, wino ► are more than
equal to two coal• of lamps with a
three fourth inch wic The price per
lamp would be from to 5 cents per
'tight, There is no d nger in handing
them, as every lamp has a separate
key to turn the light on or off, when
required. For stre,'t J;ghting, r,..
Reading considers it 4111 he cheaper
than the arc light. t would require
ht for that pur-
?u1-pose. Mr. Reading intends canvass•
tag the town to get he feeling cf the
merchants and other reglirdingz a plant•
being put in here by private parties,
Y Mueln.
Rarly in the mornlug
Per: ovals.
Mr Trod Campbe , of the Canada Paper
Co, Toronto, was u town last Friday.
He was giving his vo, dietary call, prior to
assuming the managem;ntof the Toronto
business of the Company ..Mr 11 Coad, of
Hensel', was in town a w days this week
..Mr W L Little and w fe leave this week
for Butte, Montana, w ere 1'1r Little ex-
pects to go into busin ss.. Mr and Mrs. J
A Halstead, of Mount 'orest, spent a few
days in town visiting ends during the
past week.. Mr A Wadde 1, of Stratford,
agent of the Temperau e and General
Life Assurance • Comps y, was in town
during the week..MrL illioo, of Listo-
wel, was in town on onday,. Mr E E
Wade, barrister. of B ssels, was in town
on business og'Tlie .Mrs W I1 Yates.
is in Goderich visitin relatives.. kr and
Mrs Jas Lentil, of 't is town, ware in
Goderich daring the p at week attending
the funeral of Mrs outit's father, the
late Wm Kyle, of aha r town.. The Goderich
Signal: Mr 5 J Reid of Wingham, was in
town during the wee .Mrs B 3 Crawford
.nd Miss Annie Thopeon, both of Dun-
gannon, are visiting Mrs John Martin's,
of the Brunswick...a Rev • o v
J P Mcl;wen power 1t
, a 3. caudle po
of Toronto, General 'sslonary Superin-
tendent of the Baptist Churoh, was in
time on Monday..l r Wm Hamilton,
Loudon, Inspector' of th - North American
Life Assurance Compa • y,was in town this
week.. Teeswater .New• : Mr E i' Gerster,
of Wingham, spent Sunay in this village
. , Dr Bethune, -of Seafor ,was in town on
Thursday ..Messrs John Tilt, of Doou; N
Tilt, of Listowel. an J M Gotby, of
Stratford, were in town o Wednesday, attending
the funeral of the let, Wilmot Gotby..Mr
A Woodman, of; Lo• esboro, gave the
Truss a,pleasant call a Wednesday..Mr
and Mfrs Wm Clegg we a iu Blyth on Mon-
day. l Iaster.John Rit hie, sou of Mr John
Ritchie, of this town, left on Thursday
for Loraine, Ohio, . Mi • Hattie Fisher, of
the Post Office, is visit ng friends in Flint,
14liohigan..Mr J Wils.., V 5, paid a pre, Winghani 0 riietei
fessional visit to Goderich, ou Wednesda
At the adjour ed vestry meeting of St
Paul's church, a co mittee els appointed
to procure plane for to new Churoh prom
posed to be built ou he corn of John and
Coetre streets and r port to a meeting to
be called. It is p posed to b 'ld a church
coating about 0,0 , exclusive of grounds,
with a seating ca &city from 00 to 500.
Upwards of 45,00 have alread been sub-
soribed>nd it is t ought no di cults will
be experienced n raising th required
amount. 4
-H F Gerater is the oldest and has
proved himself the mast relic le jeweler
ib to n.
Mr Joe Itis oh, who ha resided
Wingham for a yards of twenty: VC years,
intends removing a Detroit, Mt igen, in
a short time. Ir Riadon lh beat a
staunch member the Uauadia Order of
Foresters, and 1 s held the ilea of
ltecoi'diug Secre ry in Court aitland
ever since the ins ` ution of the ourt in
187. He will bo reatly mieee by the
mom"bors ofthe Co t,butwillleave ith the
best wishes of th mombere of th society
is well as the town people gewere
day, the 7th of May. . Bum.
—On Friday ight last, one o Mr Wm
Black's teams w a standing at he Cana-
dian Pacific sta n attached to the bag-
gage wagon. Whe the 8 o'cio k freight
same in, they bee ne frighten d and ran
away, After lea 'ng the st tion yard
they ran down Jou street a d turned
down the Diagona road, an wore not
caught till they re abed Blue le. Noth-
ing was broken, an the team w a Brought
back, looking none he wor for their
long run.
—E F Gerster makes it specialty of
making monogram brooches, ear -drops,
bouquet and tie pins.
—On Stand last, Maitland dge, No.
110, Independent rder of Oddf lows, at-
teuded divine s 'vice in th Baptist
church, at 3 p m. t honor of th 7lst an-
niversary of the t rder. A umber of
visiting brethren rom Luck w, Tees-
water and Gerrie, j 'red iu the romission,
which was credit bee one. Rev ldr
Priest conducted the rvices, aei preach.
-ed an able and' appy prince s mon, A.
synopios of the seem 1 is given i i another
Beautiful organ given a'w'ay by the
`harm Baking Powder Co, Valued at 'overt
00, o advertise the powder and organ.
he eking Powder is good value, and the
oh oe of getting the organ, Call and see
d o
byAI II 141 Ind ,
mens. Soldo
' ten
—An exalt 'ge makes the fo owing very
pertinent r arks:,. -Good roa s attract
poptilaatiou as well as pond s tools and $20. A word to the w
good charuhe Good roads crease the
()petty, so tha it is said
valuation of
than a farm situated fiveties frobook containing sm Lost on the 18tH i41
market mai nand by bad yo a l th
valuable than . ne ten tnilee fro
eonneoted by good road,
ehoulktake thi matter into con
and wvilnn they ark on roads
what tbfy do i it is not more t
a yeavr•,' Poor Dade in the e
tail are a great etrirneut to pro
Bitter oranges, for n armalade, to be beat for coolly fir price. Houten tic Sort.
eiclid aha;}p at It bill's. j ff
Mrs. John Render
is here visiting at
Mr. Chas. Renders()
—Mr. Robert Maxwr
mare last week —Der..
who bas been very ill wit
tion of the tunes, is iu
recovery.—Mr. Robert
making preparations r"or
brick residence —Mrs. J
of Mr, ft. 11 Jeffrey, st
Londesboro, but form
at the Junction, was
n,of Cleveland,
tri residettue of
, Iiluevale road.
1 lost a vr.lulable
cert. Yeo, jr.,
fatir way of
euthern is
building a
rey, mother
tion aG;Ntit tat
rly in chargo.
buried in the
on Tuesday.
s not been well
it was about a$
re tee died She
ea>•. ---Toe reinains-
t Gothy were brought
and interred in the
tory, on Wednesday,
a but lately retnovod,
from this to nellip• to Drum, -eta
contracted a se 'ere .cold, winch cul-
minated in a se ions form of inflam
=Ikota of the hi ars,front which he
died on the 29th,Of 1pril, Iia+ lea V. w
a wife and one a ikf, wh,n have the
sympathy of the cotntnupity in their
Y Tilii deceased lady 1
Hard to, Beat. i for some time, i)
SEE Trim —Dress Goods, 8,10, 1210 ; Kid
iv to clear, 25 and `500; Hose, 8, 10
1I} ;e1'arasols, 450, at M H •iolndoo'e. r
Black Knot on Juin T ees.
According to the - evfsed 'tatutos of
Ontario,, chapter 202 section 2, t is obli-
gatory to cut out and ;urn all lack knot
found on plum or the. y trees each and
every year es it shall appear. It is the
duty of all overseers f llighwa or street
inspectors to enforo: the pro isions of
pen It f 10 to 20
of under
his A41
t ,Y
fine. After persons 11 a been yarned by
the inspector and do t crit a burn as
directed by statute, t ey .are 1 bee to a
fine of not leas than b5 nd not ore than
se is sutfi 'ent'. KtanuANn.---In Tecst ator,' on the 22nd April, the
wife of Mr 3 lfrkl.tnd a son and daughter.
roh, a lad 's pocket
of thou y, The
above r ward by
usual the day lief
was in her ti7th
of the late•Wilm
from, Doon, Un
Wmghan, Oom
The deeeast d h
Boman, --At Teem; •r, ca 29.td April, the wired.
Ur At Bunton ; a daug ter.
is less finder will receive t
the town • ]handing it to Mr Wm
8itoXAY—ABOAnA ' At the reeidenro of the bride's
parents' 09 the 30% April, by Rev J it Moothuu8e,
Tar Iiia{el Tao Kay to tilos Kato Abraham, Ix ll ct
lei Ace iresoolt---O , inlay -09 March. 3110,1800, by Rev
Partners I Prot, i oisettus memory system Is creating greater T Sinclair, at ttid °town, Duncan MacGregor, Pair•:
iderat}ori• interest than over in all parts of rho oenntry- and finerehananti; tailor, o Miss Jennie cherry, of d' Aialej,
ak0 cod
1 persons wishbi to ftnproeo their memory sienna
g ' sena
e aforhisprospucta free as advertised in another
aq. a roe
gin an ! --Our t;tcok of Gents I*uruiehings, such
rents, d as shirts, collars, cuffs,ties, all kinds of
underwear, ct,e,is very large and mat be
FIsHER,•-In Londesborough, on the 27th April,
Margaret Jeffrey Fisher, mother of R. B. Jeffrey, alt
G T R, Londesborough, aged 66 years, "the rema
were brought to balladson 'recedes and otter
in i e cemetery b'
Morrison Lower Wingham, on y,hx 9tlth
ril, Aug 1r on, aged 72 years.
GotBY.•-ants ult.,on the 29th of April, Weer 1
mot Gotby, lately Turnberry, aged 47 yenta.