Wingham Times, 1890-04-25, Page 7'rules 3 NINGti•, NE STI'IE1 rARIO, r,inadVUnee • Jmo..i 1,uo, 263 12 00 2900 200 1009 �eDta, PM 3 a• Ix,511ttu reach subsequent 100, for first in iequeut insertinh' than 250 rayed, Situations, exceeding ki lines exceeding $ line., cut month red to ,isemente, or for directions, will Its icordingly. Trim. .1 in anyone° nents must be in i order to appear 'OR .AND rususnlea ET, • ONTARIO 1 proficieancy medal. College Physicians Brt01tt 5t, Ora, Surgeons, Ontario. >f Huron— Ont, nto University, and Lana and Surgeons of >f Centre and Patrick r. Bethune. OST. al, 'Etc., Etc, loon at lowest rates !d. Mortgages, town Olt and sold. 1AM, ONT. ON Ontario L. PIQKINSON. 6. A, TORS, Etc., Etc., So. n, Coiaoissioners for )a. Farm, Town and Gold. .Money (private. :curdty at 6 per cent. mons, upon the best any execute to the initoba aim the North. cap, w INOItAAa, 'ring Celluloid Plates' tea of the hest materia ley can be got in the all work warranted. tiered for the painless, safe anesthetic known. ict teeth for 10 cent& Rlopk, opposite the [ACI)NALD, WINOnen, •spite, Celluloid, Alloy,. tc„etc., Plates., ranging; . .f]t0 upwards per set, bridgework. Teeth ex tip by the use of Vital. ghoul, side entrance op - m daily (Sundays eXoept. Will .be et Blyth every hmonth—Office atMilne e+ io'days Of each month— meting 25 cents. IANCE AGENT ONTha101,° Id, ANON, LPH. IAn, rR FOR THE COL'NTt( UPON. part of the Co. Charge) VINOHA*, UNT., I 2'OB THE COb1;lTYOr DON. MES office promptly et entt rap Colinsirs lin$101 aH• neon. •omptiy and on the f.hortee Satisfaction Ottaratteed, nenta can Le YAW* at tar omit fit HAwRANS ou ,t» Mere Eraitttrill AND IV GiiA►t :oaks, or the tpA ekkrtto Before tsnow flew he and Laura married. 'thanksgiving Day and au Citristn . , laity Uncle Sam ate din- ner at tl def. board, and ou New Year's day they sat down and reek - oiled up Wit min's clear krofiits, saying clothing ,ef krait coat, amounting to a llttltl wore than three thousand dole Jars, and there l►ud been nut quite tour months of working time. Uncle Sam was delighted; and theta and there he wade . over the store— the buildttig be had purchased and paid for—lir made over the store and all it contained, together with outside appurtenances and good -will, to his •ar nephew land neice Willi am and CH t Laura Soots ; and, truly we are safe in saying that lie was the happiest will exterminate moths. one engag ged iu the transaction. One obiter event we must record. Oilcloths will last longer if one or An Irishman, on weighing his pig exclaimed, it does not weigh as 1 ex pected, and 1 never thought it would,. The human race is a good ode, said he. Yea, said the Widow to whom be was engaged; 1 ant now on the second lap, What is the difference between the engine driver and a passenger who has lost his train ? One is right in front and the other left behind. EMORY Mind waaderine mired. Books iearn.d iu ono reading. Testimonials from all parts of the globe. Prospectus roar rraata,esent on application to Prof. A. Loiaetto, 281 Irani Aro, NerrYorh Sweeping heavy carpets with salt MATTHEW AMBLER HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, wmPs, TRUNKS, VALISES eta., Which will be sold at bottom prices. It/ ENNEss, double or single, made to order on short notice, and 2atlsfeeettion guaranteed. 8H'A call solicited, SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Ilamilton, MATTHEW AMBLER, '.'he property of the store . was given two layers of wadded carpet lining are Hingham, Feb. Cth, 1890. to William and Laura on the first day i laid under them. of January. Ou the very next day John Sharper, the elder, much broken and dejected, came into the new store and called V illiaill aside, 3,nd then athd there offered to sell out. He said, he didn't care to do 1,usiness any long- er ; and, as for his son, he was in no way gttatitied for it. But the young merchant could only shake his head. It was a matter he could not possibly thins of. He was positive and emphatic; and Sharper Knew him well enough to know that his hopes in that quarter were baseless. cHe strng<gled au a few months longer and then, with scarcely a paying customer left, he threw his business up and retired to a farm. While William Snow, pursuing the even tenni of bis way, lived to show to the world, and particularly to his customers, that strict honor and integ- rity from the only sure and enduring basis of business elite rprise. ' What Kitty Key Hoard in Church. One Sabbath 1 rent to the Methodist. church, Which to me is a sacred Fpot, Aud heard a sermon which pleased me touch; It was preached by the Rev Scott. #he text he took was from first Peter, Secoud chapter forth and fifth verses, Which told about the living stones The church of God possessed. He said they were of many kinds, Of different size, strength and face, But the Master Builder, He would find, For each their proper place. And Artisans were the living stones, That built the Olntreil df God; Which cost the Saviour's d;yirtj; groans, And His most precious blood. He said we all should live in love, And let jealousy have no place: As the Great Rudder, now above, Had for each and all their place. Those great, large stones, big and strong, Would do well, near the foundation; "Mor others, just as good, to rest upon, Who hada different destivatiou. As all could not form the face, Neither all take the foundation ; Inside of the wall some had a place; But aft together a grand formation. He also spoke of wee little stores, For which the Builder, too, did call, And a place for them he also found; In the church of Ziou's lonely wall. I was glad, when he spoke thus; That for such as I there was a plane, •,Although not fit to bear the weight, Nor yet fit for the face. I seek not titre admirer's gaze, Lest into my heart might creep pride, 13ut may I get a sheltered place, In the ]piddle or inside. Overcome all evil with good, as the gentleman said when he knocked down a burglar with the family bible. The philosopher is' like the moon .--his brightness is due to reflection. He id not always bright when full, However. They were tat n dinner party, and he remarked that he supposed she was fond of ethnology. She said she was, bus the was not very well, and the doctor had told , her not to eat anything for desert but oranges. And is that yellow dome, which rises in the field yonder, the roof of another dwelling? 'asked the city visitor of his country 'friend. iOh! no, said the fernier, that is my pri a pum• kin you see, which is growing right along for the agrioaltural show: A. curious postahcard was received {Jy a firm in Cincinnati some time ago. It Was from a customer in the moun- tains -of '1'lnneseee, and read as fel- lows: of bacon a tend me tide lows : please Chi of four 10 lbs of coffee and a wheelbarrow my wife had a baby last week and a monkey wrench crops is 'eniddlin.' A story is -told of a wealthy but partimonietrs Wet Ml who was not cagily affected by the appearance of misery, Being i'n'formed that a hungry beggar wait 'eating grass in thin front of the houfte, the oxolaimdd 'Poole man, take him to the bask yard ,and lilt hint eat the grasp there. It istoit• higheyi, ammarammt laesta, Qa\Vek, CHISHOLM'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingham Agency. Seods! SGeds!! M TTSTC • A, red hot iron passed over old patty will soften it so it eau be easily removed, Kitchen sinks or other house drains should be flooded ° every week with, boiling water. If fried calces are made with brown sugar they will beep moist longer than. with any other kind. If the cover 'lf a fruit jar cannot be easily removed, invert it for a minute or two in hot water. Keep a small, open box of un - slaked lime standing in the pantry, and it will keep the air pure, The toughestfoulcan be made eat• able if put in cold water, plenty of it, and cooked very slowly from five to six hours. e Table clothes are again plain, rpot- less spreads, while sheets are made with hem -stitches edges and ruffles of lace or embroidery. MISS NELLO McHARDY, CLASSES FOR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND Organ, in Voice Culture and Harmoay. Music Rooms 1N Malta. Mal. WINGHAM MRBLE WOflKS! Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen years business in Winghaint I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the public gen- erally for the liberal patronage extended to me in the past. I may also state that I sin in a position to offer better inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, TIMES ” SUBSCRIBEES% All parties who have not pails} for the " TIMES " far the .years 1888 and 1889, are requested to roe..,, mit the amount at once. Werreed money, and hope this notice will be sufficient, and Unit B, genera. response will be the 'result. Shing1es,ShingieS The undersigned have on hand a large +quantity of Having been fined for adulterating bread with' alum, a Scotch baker has acquired among his neighbors the appelation of McAlum More. A'really good man had rather be deceived than be suspicious ; had rather forego his own right than run the venture of doing even a hard thing. Dr. James Orr, of Hawick, conal- ders that when advocates of moderate drinking get the length of the Time, thy argument they are on their last legs. It is said that if the hands are rubbed. on a stick of celery after peeling onions, the disagreeable smell will be entirely removed. A case of common muslin sheeting, that can be removed and washed oc- casionally, will keep a tuattressclean a long time. Buckets and all wooden pails not in use, as well as washtubs, should be turned bottom side up, to prevent leaking. Scalding water should never be poured into dishes which have held milk, until it has beeu removed by cool water. Stroll; tnuriatic acid applied with a cloth and the spot washed thorough- ly with water is recommended to re- move ink stains from boards. The main secret in washing flannel so they will not shrink, is to have the water hot, not lukewarm, and to rinse them in water of the same tempera- ture. The construction of the pillar and foundations of the great Forth bridge consumed 21,000 toes of Dement and and 707,000 cubic feet of granite. The total aniount.of recalling mason- ry is 117,000 cubic yards. The weight! of the steel in the bridge proper is 5L000 tons. Marion Harland advises those who use what grocers catalogue as canned goods to always open the caul some hours before cooking the contents and empty into an open bowl, set in a cool place. This removes the close,rirless, smoky taste. Drain . the liquor from. peas and beans, cover with fresh, cold water and let them soak for two hours. It freshens them wonderfully. The clean newspaper, writes 'a well-known authority, bas in the long runs the most permanent circulation and patronage. The paper which goes Lumber of all kinds into the homes and is read by the , families is the paper which counts its :.aubscribere by the year instead of depending upon the fluctuating special subscriptions, and it is, after all, the family paper which swings the power. dVica yOu ditturSed h't night and' broken of your test by a,siekchlld'Bltffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If to send at once and get a bottle of , 1Nrs.Winslores Soothing Sv\up" for Children Teething. Its valueis incalsul• able, It Will relieve the poor little sufferar immodiatdl . Depend upon it, mothers; there is no Mistake shout it. It cures Dysentery anti Diarrheas, Mg ulates the 'Stomach and Rowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tht funis, redness lufianubatiott, and gives tone and energy to the Whole system. " Mrs. Win, •sow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best 10114Atq phyelciaps and nurses in the United States, and it ifOr sale by all druggists throughout the woad., Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mies. Wooster/is 2oirramo emus." and take no ether kind WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, FOR FENCING, Arc I would be pleased to have those desirous of pro curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that the goods may be secured and prepared early in the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest workmanship at the most favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, WM. SMYTH, Wingbatn, Ont. Seeds!!! 00 Wheat is uerl Low. So a all Cereals, 00 WINGHAM TANNERY! Sole, DO YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR SEEDS If so, AS CHEAP ? read:T. A. MILLS' posters every morning. - &BEST BRANDS OF IrInSTULASS Shingles Harness, and Upper LEATHER ALWAYS ON H:1ND. • WHICH MILL 13E SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH, ALSO, ON HAND, Heffllock and Dry Pin Manufacturers would do well to examine stock and compare prices. Ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves, In Dog, Coon and Astrac'^an, made to order. Also k �ILtiS. Wingham, March 21, 1890. Strong Workingmen's Gloves, LUMBER, DRESSED OR UNDRESSED, WQO] SzC•- AT THE Wingham. Mills In Deer, Goat, Calf and Sheepskin. Highest price paid for Furs, nines' Sheepskins and Wool. Josephine street, adjoining 0 P R track. L. & J. MOLEAN. Wingham, Oct. 11.1889. Pioeer Hardware e� W. J. CHAPMAN. H1L AT?NTI091 Oat Meal Mill Opened. 9.'he undersigned desire to inform farm ern and thelteople generally that they has reopened theirl Oat keel, Mill in Wiaghgna, Mid are ,i$ir:prepared to purchase Oat in unlimited quantities and at the figlost Market Price. They will"isurply onstomera with the BttaT Guess in Oat Meal: ELDER & CLEGG TONE BLO We give special at ention to the; following lin IRON PIPE, A Stailion Route Bilis FOR SEASON OF 1890. IRON AND ,L SIZES FROM ; TO CH. AS PIPE FITTINGS. FIRE BRIG' S, MILL FILES, M =. CHINE t LS. AMEBIC • WATER " ' ITE COAL OIL., We are the s l put together a ter WINGlfnlit. A NUMBER Cr GOOD CUTS TO The undersigned odors for eaie his dwelling tYbhsa CIXOf SE FROM. and one or more acres of land, as purchaser May 'rices reasonable, Mid bracts by mail p'eaptly require. The property is al located, and Ala bey sold on tensOnabk°'terMa. "b'Ortitinll partielllart, titpply to the owner, TAMER AlidiUS. Times Office, Winghahi► j Wineham, April li'th,lkSii0, 11 you want a Neat, Showy Rill, well a and attractively displayed, TI, on ole agents in Wi ham for le of Genuine Rubbe Paint the best in the world All inds of shelf . n eavy Hardware bottom prices. and Plaster in bags always on as. L Mae & tlf'a• ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Good paper dr cord, Property for Sale end your order to the TIMES Office, ,Mtonded to. �..1 +t i"x t4� +A.11e" " ". daStee THOUSAND�StcQF BOTTLES c,IYEN AWAY YEARLY, — whoa t Ira Owht i de not mill+. iiaerely t o stop hied for It titre, and then haler thetareturna stn. 1 M11tAM# AbIOAIl.OURS. 1hateabadetbediseaseofFit% Rp11000Y ear. roillinil," Meknes* a e4oail' study, 1 wlierlatet'my, remedy to Cure the l because other* have faked it no reason fol' not now resetting s Curb., Sand M it casei, GIvs Hx d ,ted eh.. t forstreatiseIcoda y614 a Pram ttlafora of ma I niw111 cut vo. ROTI oda Ma,reitIhI Wel* 1 S IiMRR1' PDR14A 6 It *111 Telt.N Address i -+M. First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car that] prders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. Order by`mail prompt y'attended to, OEOlLGE THOMSON, Wiagbam P.o WINGHAM ftOURING MILIS! The underittgtit:d wish to tender their best thtihks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during severalyearelirice to the burning of our colli by in. condiarism During the last eeaeon We baso tea moddeltedilte town anal'to'the latestapp provesl `Ns. tem of liuhgarian Roller Process mil 1108. tVr. be Heed weber' how f i%o better aecommodatlob ihali everbotore. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Pair Rethrns, 01ALITY SECOND i"O NONE IN `I'1iT"3 StICTXON, And by close personal Ittetttion to the 'bnelne►si hope to be aptatn favtred Wail a trial by all eat friends sad rainy ash ones. Yours mast tiaptotfrttiv, ,• id11711/N & flitltlt VI where MI%Ott,'titi 1110;