Wingham Times, 1890-04-25, Page 6• ii' F1 W&Y« APRIL 25, 1390. Yvbat. wonders 14ke i ll mow Ladies' ,kLotu•e: Journal.: Women, I think, like many, not ladylike naen. They like honesty of purpose and consideration, They like men who believe in wo- They like their opinions to be thought Qf some value, They like a halt who can be strong as a lion when trouble conies,. 'and yet, if one is ire: vows and tired, cant button up a shoe and do it with an aluout,t of consideration that is to tueutal and physical bracer -up. They like a man who eau take hold of the baby, convince it of his power, Rad, get it to sleep after they have been, worrying with it, and welkiug with it until their eyes are tired, and they feel as if they had no brains. They like a man who is interested, in their new dresses, who can give an, opinion on the fit, and wlio is properly indignant at any article written against wome.i, They like a man who knows their innotlent weaknesses and. caterrs to diems; who will bring house a box of candy, the last new magazine, ur the latest puzele sold on the street, that will do more than its duty in en. tertaieing everybody for the whole evening. They like a man who is master of the situation --»that is, who has brain enough to help a woman to decide what is the best thing to do under the circumstances, and who has wit enough to realize, when out of the fairer sex is slightly stubborn, that persuasion is more powerful than all arguments in the world. They like a man who likes them --- who doesn't scorn their opinions ; who believes in their good taste ; who has confidence in their truth, and who, best of all, knows that the love pro- mised is given h•iin. That's the sort of man a woman likes, and her every sigh of satisfac• tion; ad his virtues are mentioned, is a little prayer that says : God bless him, After Frost. Bare tiro Feet, This adviee of course applies mainly to the country horse. Yet it is true of many city horses that if they could be sent to the country for ttir'ee or four months during spring and sutra suer, the feet keep bare white out at pasture, or paying their way by doing a little farm work. Horses so treated would return to their city duties with new and elastic material iu that portion of their anatomy that conies in contract with the ground. That portion of the hoof that had been sub- eeotfd co the smith's abominable raep wotild have disappeare,l,its place being occupied by a new smooth crust—one Ole to retain tie needed nil and ruuisture within the foot. Without these, as it is well known to all horse- mtin of experience, the foot becomes dry teed brittle ; holds the nail hu' in- differently, the shoe being soon Iost or loose. A free, wide frog and suitable width at heel, are indispensable to elasticity, and wiehoat elasticity and ability for "rebound," the foot of the horse is in poor condition to stand the severe ooncuasion unavoidable upon city pavements, The natural inherited formation of the foot of the horse eatuot be materially dinged. It is not this that is advocated hut, on the other hind it is the departure from the :normal shape, that change that comes through being all the time bound in by an Irma tint, having no provision for expansion when the horse's weight wanes down upon it. This expanaioti -. widening at the heel—is oue of the weans by whish concussion is taken elf the hoof; its well as off the limbs and. entire body when the wei,eht, and what is more than the there weight, the force exerted when teethe,. spetel or heavy pulling, is operative. lj nr p e Regar:liug the foot of the country° Horse, it should be kept in tined that buyers are always on the lookout for, marketable annuals, useful for oily use, and than they want swell ala have good feet. Luiperfectlnn in condition as to flesh, grooming, training carriage, eta, ere amenable to skillful mauipu• lesion at the city atabie, but as atated the boot is a thing of Slow .growth. Repairs of injury to the foot are like» wise teotiw, simply in;cause the faults are likely to be faults of struoture. Aft buyers know the full moaning of the truism, " to foot no horse," and farm iia may sa wolf settle down to the comets tion that horses having ilniter- fe,: `s feet, ar wether oongetsital or acquit. + ,4rActif.k 4040, _1P>i, pi1. city pavemeuta, en the time kept shod, the foot is quite liable to be the drat part of the auatoiuy to yield to the roughness found for the horse iu city life. Planttuir 'Wises. The tree planting season will soon be on band, and in Ontario, at least in the rural sections, ornamental plant, ing is as yet in its infancy, and a good deal of oenaure has been passed on fasters for neglecting it, inasmuch as. notwithstanding the cry of Lard times farmers are in a position to procure some of the comforts and luxuries as well as the necessaries of life. The log shanty has given way to the taste- fully frame anh the most substantial brick house, and the old ox -cart has given way to the stylish top buggy, and to correspond with, and beautify their fields, licines end readsmore ornamental tree plauting should be resorted to, AA a ground work to practically carry out this nothing more suitable can be had than a ju- dicious planting of evergreens. They can be tirade both ornamental and useful if properly laid so as to protect the buildings, orchards and crops from the gold winds. Among our native deciduous, of course the maple stands pre-eniinent, and for planting on the roadsides no better selection can be made. It would, however, greatly relieve the appearenee of a few other kinds snob as our basswood, elm, ash, ste,, wore interposed among them, which when properly trained possess a beauty and elegance of which they are destitute when found growing in the woods with long hare trunks and scraggy branches at the top. There are also other verities that may be grown for ornament, and profit such as our sweet hickory, walnut, chestnut and other nut bearing trees, and it is surprising at the present prides of this fruit in our markets that greater attention is not paid to these trees by our farmers. Then the wood of all these kinds will soon be scarce in Ontario for menufaoturing purposes and thus a double profit will be made. Every •farmer this spring should lay. out toplant some one or other of the trees above mentioned for ornament, use cud profit. Left•Hand Writing by Soidiai=p. The .Boman soldier used to be train- ed to use his left haled as well as his right. This was doite so that if he happened to lose his right hand in action, he could carry on the fjbht with the left to a more beneficent use. A gentleman in New York city, a while since, tools it into his head to collect specimens of writing from sol- diers wbo had lost their right heed in battle and afterward learned co use the left. He gave public notice of his desire, and offered prizes for the best of these specimens. Pretty soon they began to come in, and by the time specified for awarding the prizes, 300 samples of hand. writing by maimed soldiers had arrived. I Ilttve just been looking over some of this writing. A great many of the specimens are a ritten iu a beautiful manner. All are good. The writing in nearly all cases slants backwq,rds instead of forward. One piece of writing. from a soldier whu had lost both arms, was made by holding the pen in his mouth. Just a Mint to Hoye. I stood in .a store, the other day, writer a Detroit editor, when a boy oaine in and applied for a situation. Can you write a good Baud ? was asked. Yaas. Good at figures? Yeas. i s Know the city well ? Yates, That will do -1 don't ways 'yen, said the merchant. But, I said,wileti the toy hast gone,. I know the lad to be an honest, hi. dustrious bay. Why don't yoga -give him a ebancel Because he has'nt learned. to say Yee, sir, acid ho, hie, 11 he answers tee as he did when applying for a situ.btion, how will he atiswer cue. toners after being hemi a await ? What could .I say to that i He had ftilletr into a bud habit, young as he was, whish turned him away from the first situation .11e had applied for, So Carefhalt *44 Swasibls. Careand uptown dense .arc the hest agencies for the preservation Qf health. Be careful and sensible, ,Avoid chills. Ale aura to protect yourself against the vagaries of the weather, De no over -work yourself, and above all rio not worry. Worry is poison and hila more men in a day than work slays in a year.. 13e cheerful, Keep your head cool and your feet warm, andyou will easily •survive an epidemic thatowes half its power to the fears of its vic- tim, won by Ser Tongue. Sowders--•flow lona; did you know your Wife before you were married to her? Riply--Two days, f owders--Warn':, that rather a short acquaintance'l ,Riply--1f you had beard uiy wife talk you wouldn't ask such questions, At the end of those two nays I felt as though I had known her for five years. An experiment made the past sum- mer with cows, proved that with a handful of salt, or about two ounces of it, was given every day, the yield of butter was increased one-fifth ; and when the salt was with -held the yield fell off iu the same proportion, The reason, beyond question, is that as salt is required for full digestion of the food, more of the food Was chang- ed into milk. Keep salt Within reach of the cows. Next to cheese and beef cattle, eggs are the principal export from Canada, the value of the eggs scut to the United States last year being over $2,000,000. Should the llIcKinley tariff, now before Congress, become law, iia is likely, this trade will be cut off, along with that in horses and lambs, which are also among our lead ing exports, the American duty being prohibitory. 1lallouay's Pills, — Teachings of Eztperienee.--The united testimony of thousands, extending over more than forty years, most strongly re- commends these Pills as the best purifiers, the mildest aperients, and the surest restoratives. They never prove delusive, or give merely tem- porary relief, but attack all ailments of the stomach, lungs, heart, head and bowels in the only safe and legitimate way, by cleansing the blood, and so erndioating those impurities which lyre the source and constituent of .alwost every disease. Their medicine! efficacy is wonderful in renovating enfeebled constitutions. Their action embraces alt that ie desirable. iii a household medicine. They remove every noxious and effete platter ; and thus the strength is nurtured dud- the energies stiwu,ated. • Nature has lavishly provided cures for all the'sliseases flesh is heir to, but the proper preparation of rnauy of them has not yet been discovered. In Wilson's Wild Cherry we have a cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup and kindred ail- ments. prepared from vegetable drugs, in a pleasant and consecrated form,: and which invariably gives prompt relief uud effeots a speedy ours. Sold by all druggists. None are so fond of secrets as those who do not wean to khep them; ouch persofls covet secrets as spendthrifts covet money. fur the purpose of circulation. Widow --I hear Jones has been arrested for keeping a cow. Bitso--- For keeping a sow ? What an outrage! Yes, she belonged td another mat,. ,Airs. fl. --.• Maggie, where do you suppose you will go to if you tell such falsehoods as this lldatgie Sure, ma'am, I don't care ;.1 hate friends in ayther place.` nave you a cough ? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have youaCold ? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry.. Have you Bronchitics? ',lake Witsoutrs. Wild Cherry. i3save you last your 'Voice? Take Wit. son's Wild °berry. Save you 4stiima? 'flake WiIson's Wild Cherry. Haveett a y cold in the Heazl7 •rake Wilson's Wild Cherry. The Old " eliable Ctza for all dis. eases of the Throat,t)nest sad Lungs. Sold by all druggists. Why is a drolath standing at a public -house door iti the morning before it is opened like a man going 'o be hanged ? Because he id wetting till the Mott be drawn to get td drop. wto 'IrgietWallintei4als 'LA/REX) 0 TUX Ili D I',Tt"3: Flews Inform your renders that t ha 's postttvereeled? for the above flirt, West 13yits timely use tb :uyandsofhopeless baeta have bead permit:4 Uy carp,. 1 � r glad b send Over bottler of My' remedy% PROM to ttriy or d�oer readara teho have ••, s im dot if the trill *end me their Noreen and Post 001csr Addrew,. Oa:* "r l '/1ia ; YS YY '#111 N1ii 4;t44.TP,S .1.11 ,`9 I mil 1'ATaatens, Ilettret Or Ecafrftc Dimwit Covet, heves er #AIN Rtataat LreRnaroa. wistonett, , , , P. Alias tmli, tssUERIJiIIMifq .CONVEY IINPEt,EASroxnkT Curses-.-" Mg" nooketora, RIPLEY, Qsr, ¥onoy to Loan on farm Security at LoW Rat$ of intorno, No oonnuleelon <Mertied, tr ELSON T, R_Tf7#IIE, B. L, Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtman _+articular attention paid to division of proportion into building lots, nettiimr disputed uonnstarles, preparing complete plane of towns and villages, Op per Registry Act, and descriptions of proportion for insertion iP dceds. Cross -Sections of rivers tirade and estimates of cost of Bridges, Oulverts, 4e, Pro. Alas and estimates for grading hills, drainage, road and street improvements, sowers and other Engl. fleeting' works, Correspondence solicited, stating plose and character of work, OFFICE -At J. A. atcaTon's law office, Wingham, Ont, Notes Discounted AT REI SONABT.E RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages ate. per rent. with privilege of paying at the and of any year. Notes and accounts celleoted. ItOBT. MOINDOO. Oprws, Beaver Block. Winehatn, Unt. DANK OF HAMX lT©N, 'Sri ZNC3-S3A Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President -Jour RTuetrr. The -President -A. 0, RAats,ss DIRECTOR'S Joue Paosroa, CRAM. GUMMY, Gxo BOAC; A. T' Woon, A. B. Lisa (Toronto). c Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings Ban hot) Fa, 10 to 8; *Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of $i anti upwards received' and interest "Caul Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold. 13. WILLSON, AGENT. METER- c& DICKINSON, 17oraorross. :1..t1.'. DAVIS IS OFFERING I& 1\1" Y' UN 4. 24 PIR,oPMie,'r" AT call'. LOW RATES. SME "TIM Y 'OVF'lCE-OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WlnenAM Ocronua der, 18883 k ,: LST C & SCOTT Josephine Street - - - - - Wingham, Ont. I .1. A, HAIrsrOD, J. W. SonT'r, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Bualness Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at n. fair valuation, Ir).ouey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to •col- lecting Accounts and NOte& th seats, isa Canada -The Merehabtl," Bank of Canada, Office Fours -•From 0 a. m. to B p. tu. A. E. S1V[XTH, Agent, WEST HURON VOLLU MLLS, WINGHAM, ow 'r, I N L I Il have these mills in full operation, and aro In a .post. flan to do oustom work of all kinds on short ?wilco. WOOD AND WOOL WANTS n ex0harigcfor .roadkoroyitert 04ek,. `ff%oOI11Nd Yillt:tf; Ate, cheep, # ,ant Cutts -15PUBL1SIIW" EVARY FRIDAY M ING, ,-..*'r TIM-. TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STIIEE1 .,` WII\MUA1VM, _ ONTARIO, Snbeerlptlouprice,SlpourYeAr,* naclVatice ADVERTISING RATES: forma 1 1 yr. 11 mo. 1 4 ma. , t fl use. One Go' imn' 200 00 _ 285'00 1 #t0 00 $3O0 Bali " sG 00 20 00 12 00 1100 tivarter " 20 ie 12 00 T 00 4 ea one inch 5 008 0 a i �Iee1�. Local anti other carnal advertisements, Pc, per line for first insertion, and so. periino foreaahsubsequent insertion. Lewd notices, in nonpareil type, 10c- for first in sertion, and Se. per line for each. subsequent inserticl., No local natio will he charged lose than 26c Advertisements of Lost, Found, strayed, 01 Mations, and Business Chalices Wanted, not exceeding S lines nonpareil, 21 per in enth Houses end Perms for Sale, not exceeding ti linos. 20 for flet mouth, boo. per subsequent mouth These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for topger periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran. .aftory advertisements auris be paid in aavuueo Changes. far contract advertisements must be In the oe1ce by Wednesday noon, in order to appeeN. that week ' R. ELLIOTT Paorltta1on. AND Pussasnxa 7 ,R. 3fACDONALD, �•� JOSEPHINE STREET, Wiseman, - , Ovum D3z, F. N. GODFREY, Fiist'olass honor man and general proficiency modal•. aistnd TSurgoroneons to Ulof ,tvursOntariity. o,3lember College Phya1ulaue Office-At/Methodist Parsonage. BEL6RAi g, OriT. ANT YY B. TOWLEB. M,D.C.M., • Member College Physiofana and Surgeons, Ontario. .-Coroner for County of Huron - Office at "Tile Pivarascir " Wingham, Ont, DIa, J. A. IUILDBUM, Iionor 'Grachmte of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surkeotin of Ontario. Office and Residence -Corner of Centre and Patrick 4 streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.. WisanAat ONT, b. VANSTOICE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc, Private and Company funds to loan tt lowest rates interest. No commission clta'rged. Mortgages, towim and farm proper•t5 bought and sold. 'OFFICE--aeavertlook, Marmot, (Mr. J. A. MORTON BABRISTER Se., Winghana , Ontario hha� EVER & DICErESOl•I, H.. W. C M111EYER, Q, C. 1 E. L. DIQKINSON. $. A, lint erslfo LiBBankNof Hamilton, CoipWjysbonere Sr taking alildavits for Manitoba. ..Harm, Town and Village property bought and Aoki, Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at tt per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the beet onse to the if lendt,r',JJ.andsecurities r£or sale its Manitoba ai 0 113e north. west. Otltce-.I{ont'sBlock, 11inr;jtnm. DENTISTRY.- J. S. JEROME, 14 unman, 7 Is manufaeturing Celluloid Plates' Vulcanite plates of the hesttpateria 09 cheap WY they can be got in the, ' Dominion. A11 work warranted. aototretlsfor the pextctntteh,thonysae aed nestheticknown... TAKE NOTIeu each I will MAWS tenth for 10 cents OFFICE t In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. Oclara irk Tl N!ISTRY. -- .. H, MACItNALD, Worenisst, Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,, Silto. 'Gold, ese, 2te., Plates, ranging M��• in prices froth lige upwards per sets orovnng and ' bridgework. Teeth ex ttaoted•without the least pain y the use of Vital, Lied Mr. fiend Office, Wiingham, side entranoe op- posite the Queens hotel, open daily (Sundays except* ea) from S a m to 3 p m, Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 411, Saturday of eachznottth-OidecathoteMlinas Ofllce'atbAlbl nat hotel a . ttractting 25 Cents -'tenth- JOHN itI=CIIIE, eJ' GENERAL.IBSUBANCE AGENT aViiroi7Ak, . OirrAlelol OBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSUBANCb,' FIRE A;vU.3PARIN•F„ GUELPH, JC -DEAN, Ja., Wisot*Aa, LICENSED AUCTIONEER irOii T;)IE COUNTIC F C HURON. N. Sales attended le any part of the Co, Charger Moderate. 'WHN CUILItfL, tV:NonAn. Meagan Ai1crIolestrt Pon TITS corjirrsOrr rturt011. All orders left at the fines ethos promptly tit ons ed, to. Tering reasonable;. if Ali ES i1EIt 1u1,. e Llidfssa,tri AvcrronliSk tOS Couhrlts *Joist t Axs tiCVCti, All bales attended to promptly and o8 the Shorten Notice, Charges ns,warymarra e goatstentatau be Mad* at th 'WI:0w att Om. 1101411}rt et If Awltdtag .'�. '• h. k V. t: Sumatran Alia COfs, ineftttba. LiflTO111 EL, A)3I, 'WtttaiIA3[, All erdorieleft at the • oak* of this, T Ali 41> � elve.•pr tette J Before s married. Au Cltristit 1) 'ler at ;hunt Year's day tile; oiled up WU data's el Ifntliitig of 1it'at little lucre time Jars, end there four 1410111W Of 11iioie Sant w tend there he ill the wilding he paid for --lilt net all it ooutaiuf•d, nppurtetatuces near nephew w Ilte Laura Stem ; t11 in saying that lit 0iln engaged itt tl 011e other eve, The property of to William and of January, On doth Sharper, th and dejected, car. &nd called Wink and there ofibre Ile didn't care to er; and, as for way comfit -led fot But the youn shake his head, .could not possi positive and u Knew him well e hopes hi Out q bite straggled ui and then, wits customer left, up and retired While tViill even tenni of b to the world, it CAstotners, this ray from the o of l,tisilie ' 'What Kitty One Sabbath 1 church, Which to me i Aud heard a so utueh; Xs Was preach The text he too 'i Second chapt, 'Which told abot The church a He said they W, Of different s But the Master For each the And Artisans w That built th Which coat hit And FLia mo Re said we all And let jeai As the Great Had for eacl Those great, It :Would do WI 'or others, ju Who hads, ,As all could n Neither all Inside of the But all tog He also epok For which And a place f In the ohu I was glad, w That for su •Although not Nor yet fit I seek not th Lent into ant tiny 1 g In the In Overcom gentleman down a hu The phil brigl Re is not f however. They w be retuark was fond was, bus t the dacto anything And it rises in t another visitor of said the f loin you aa'loifg for A cirri ,by a Arta It Was fr tains of ICONS ; pit ifahl of tia w}ieelbai week acct hltddlin.` 114,01 A sto '1iAr►.inaol +saltily a misery. hungry the Iron Toot m Atilt l,tt