Wingham Times, 1890-04-25, Page 5E w V'irl,'G}Ln1 autl airalnit ,r n tl,i' hugest \� t1.;1.am. t'etlitest an in; of not, ho ta•a11e. tt,ve iu y\ill;- il tett the, iin('MFi '1 lnakt3 op, will .•11. free of charge, :ti=cl• ,.1e-oin'g has coot.• cat and It i) more p omo.',y St.etlilet itrilt;r (•ttr'y. -'rhe 1 awl tunse whit th +4111 .lothwt•Il ear of the splentll,t in 11?:; MINcourse )1'•Id❑, "ale(liUtal Cot LnL'n the higlit'at wed is as stns of the: nate :;cit,3.ala, .'II•. it►• heat crew of vi vat cotupiete(1 uecesaftit. nuest1L'g5 lay e v.•nilli . 'rhea Put' I '1`. 1liils as )"wall .as soloist Ulla S OPLttl'16t, ileal(( a and forcible . traria. )nary recitals, zllus- t:u:l spicy halls .thrill 1111 tti•ght t•) unfelt. r. McDonald is truly MPS, ;elul):u:al►d re'rta tl"r :+ iIt(114t 1.1•rte• 1n,. 'rhea meetings the addition of over hers i , they local lodge r r foil'w --• Lt 1S Vie he di1'ttitos's tit the 13,:•ot'ia "y to try nod :lie best. :,bows lel the The sten that have 'Moe are workers and s.tti ;i tl with notil- .00d show. --Conductor r preached in the ..11 cat- Fined ay morning In the Ievening the s well ti.;b-d with a very Ice who listt:ned to 0 sermon anti earnest ineonverted to come to ter nle()tillg WAS held. )t'rst)1e:, canto .forwar(t alvation.---\'r. Reid, a Col:gt'etaational Col.ege, tilled in the. Oongrega• Dere tit Smolay. \Vt� Reid h.as been cngrtg• =ath;s,wlliuh its the length 1 rave. Ths'spl nl' ;tow of the Etat 1V11w1I11- os11 .Limit utt Souiiny wag held at Ilelgrave a n .rrzday, the 170 hist; 1..'!,o wtt'ttler w flue. sod there woe a fair talrnout of people. There wet~ t1 ft 11 bt•r of firm aniin,l3 on the grounds. ah the elast1014, being wogi erre.+rt•,.(antetl. '1"rte following is the prize list Heusi. -Heavy draught, William \Vellwvtn)(l;s "EthotflVL" 1st ; 'Webster t� Gable's "Osplay," 24nd 'Three y=eltr old. and under, Thos. \lctauelllii,'s 4,Potettth," Ise ; Allen Spiers "Earl of • .I.IIrett�ltill)dote," 2n4; Allen Spier's "Cadiz," ;),. Rotel and Ofltr'larte, \Ven, Iievy;,o "J,1i•ltlmlrne," let ; L. Letlnedy'a'+I la t,ril?." :hid ; John (aloftou s "Thi' Mtnf2," `;rd'. Sweep - Stakes, Thos. Ha -Audi 'end i i11'S "Potentia," Shwa -- Thnrollglll,r(•d Dnr•ltams, John Webster's "Presidcntt," let ; 11 tlorlky's • "Lord Mello." 2ud ; Thos. ILA. Taylor, ,jr's " Lord 1')aluroro," 3rd. fancier two years! old, Geo, Sowl+tr's °'I)oaghts," 1st ; John IL '1.'aylor's• "Lord of Alta," tint. Sweepstakes, John \Vebsta•r'tt President." Jr/Doss—Rola, Scott, tlnliett ; Jos rie'er+gut+nu, Mussels ; Robert, Medd, Auburn. ---- East VJaWanosh. Mr \Vera. Snell, sr., was severely in- jured, by falling tort. a stair case a few nights sint,o.--Th" hasr.ball cub on the 6th lino was ro•)•rralttized on 1M'Iuutl•ty- lli rhe -.—Thi: iitez' t'y eo- 'riety of No. 18 has been closed for c the season --'.(Yrs S, Felts isrc'c0v}'rtug from a severe 1'lue,,s,--'rhe, Fab wheat IS improving under the influence. of the late rabies and an(id wP•tther.— a,Iersrs J, r)ingwittl and U.IT,nss have gone to lituitoba.--Mr David Imbert• son. was elected, 011 Saturday Inst, to fill the mon t'y in the township :council caused by the resignation of - Mr Wm. Noche. Morris. is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER Y PMNT —.is the — in the a�R� Kone geirline unless stamped "Robber Paint Co, • Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best ° GSL!° htnh1 You can het any shade you desire. iu quantities costing; front 11) rents up. I'or Whitewashing and Kalsomining, ask for MILLINERY. Miss EA PHY has justrceeivsd and opened oat a .'erre stock of very stylish SPRING and SUMMER Icontains all the latest material of Silks, lamins, Rm.. cadet, fringes, Gimps and Mantle Cloth. Mantles matt, in tete most fashionable Peden (turf at prices to snit the tinges. 1• Winer Kati donne+ s,. Festival; viewers Ribbons,. Laces, ole., t.ty. ; also baby Christening Robes. The Meatfe Department. The irrepressible shall buy has his boots off and now his greatest trouble is to fined a mud holo to wade in. The (lbs ace of thatjaveulle delight does flefkliourever, eeein to Callen gene'ral regret. --:\'Pisa Alice 141ctiood, from • neer 1 Iuevale. is the guest of Miss 'Minnie Ltussi'11, this week.—Spring seeding is well Ruder way and it the. present fine weather Continues the 1st of May will tidal Brost 'of the groin gr' vin:(•—Mr. Eicher:1 lioch- 1•id;"tf14 working Mr. 11, A. CxraltltvlL`s farm ou shares this y(ta:r. J are:,tenvp.• 'uriter'r1• either of til(' past two cabled the farmers to .odtvay with their seed - 81)0'! •)' has done much fall wheat and :grass, ✓in'g. finely. Everybody pushing on the spring Cls fol for a propitious - a bountiful harvest. -- wen solea: sheep killed S, W. 13. Hohues • lost two iztlubs The. dog was a. 1,Iiteltwt'11 had a sheep '1'hurrtlay night. Two forma ill the barn and. e"r14, on Friday morning. if -the llulinlls was ne)titied, ad promptly pails for the Dolt the (10..14 and sheep Uobt. Hogg 11115' a owe birth to .four l.on bs re- .il are doing well.—Mr. it. of this township, hear as di:•pnseil of. hid I1o1-' calf, "Vluevalo Chief," to 1111 r.in, of Stanley,. hear for the MD' .g 1f $1110. ;beef'' wvais calved in Veiny - end is A splendid animal a of anti Mr. Cameron is to lie :ed 00 leis purchase. This Ilitu IIS have become very th all who hav0 tried tilalXL the very hest satisfaction. has a fine herd, and is tiling to the front its E" • llolsteins.. and don't take anything Mao. 'z(. A. : 'iia & Ga. IIARO VARE MERCIIANTS, Winghatn. Gtaoli?h Conference. Following is the result of the I X - lrauow bought -at very Most pare`), for t•as1t,1 am determined to 8111 1(1 a small advance 80 as to suit all purchasers. A call solicited. Eggs taken as cash in oxchnnoo for goods, MTS Jt, MURPHY, Wingham, :1 ri14. Opposite (queen's hotel. caulinaations-of young lnillisti're heed at Nlitettell last week :--Fourth y('ttr— J W Churchill, Guelph Ilistrict, first class. Third year --\V E Iierr,oOwei Sound District, second class. Second year --J \V Cozens, (.oderich, first class ; A. '' Henderson, Palmerston ; Judson Truax, Stratford ; F M Math. Ors, Galt, second class. First year—' [1 A Baylis, Walkerton,. and \'J 11 Iiarvey, 13 A,'Gnelph, first class ; J S Humphrey, Owen tuoullcl, second class. Prelitninary_\V 1f Harvey, 3 A, and 1+' W Thompson, of Guelph. District, first class ; 11 A F[atnwell, Walkerton ; [-1 S Casson, and W G llaawood, Guelph, second eidss. , Mrs Johnston, of Newbridge, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs 1)ui- mage of the est litre. ----Mr ,'i'1ott, of %Ingham, preached a very able 1'ltlcot 1711n1 sermon its Jamestown church last Snottily. Farmers are busy seeding and ennsiderltbie seed is already iu the ground. The beau- tiful spring weather is bringing the buds out on the trees, even the 'Willowy Ease -Ball Clnb is budding. Befrre long .we hope to see it out- in full blossom. Wro*eter-. Our 'city fathers met on.'l:testifly week, and t^,inlet .te•tl al; the busio e3s pertaining to our burgle.—Mr Ilse: -Elliott, the station at,•ante has • ro. t.tarined film' It prolene"..! visit tt) friends • a lricallttll'e, 11e gave to - the roviriee in the East: Ile 1,--. well. ---Rob, Miller, 0 P lis tilhbel• tit; inspec- tor, is away an a sig, t Ira jou at , present..—Our v tIIll b i'S'• dealer, John 'leery, 1K g )ing ti'...i ar'tly with - mother' car for the :Montreal market. NEw Go DS. r :lA S r, has jus reedived a large stook of Scotch, English, Irish, French. and Canadian Tweeds, WORSTEDS, I'ANCY PA.NTTNGS, SPRING OVERCOi).TINGS, ETU., and bought for cash. Fine imported goods a specialty. or..-.-. McIntyre Id 4? 0 SP rte-, 5 a 1,1 U s ra a) u et $11 a-3* q � o R rilO ' kms 74.3 Com+ �. �AQ �' re toffering very 111 • R H ro is 0-1 rat n interesting bargains in Cha LACE , C rti.J1 T A INS _ . Goods made up h the most fashionable styles, and at prices to suit the times. Over 650 Pieces to Choose Rom. I nm confining myself to the clothing trade, and customers ran dependupon h.ecing their wants in this lino properly trop,�i td, • BSon. Av. )8 . ztaise. The announcement 1,? luualu .hat the Lion. A. ill. Ross will not be It candi- date for \Vest Huron at the approach• fug general election; The T'rea,,urer 11185 o represented this constituency since 1675, thronghoot .the whole period et his parliamentary service, and the collocation Lae, brought honor And advantage,alike to the °a)nstltu eticy and to the representative. Mr. .•toss has borne ail important part in Provincial affairs. For the last three .Parliaments hes has beets one of tbo most familiar and one of the most influential voices in the Assembly. tate has been a wiss,il prurient autl•able guardian of the finauco1 of the Pro- vince. No ,job) passed through his hands. "No extrava�_ .rice min lee charg tc 1801ti11141 hien, No fatlits um:'lc leis administration of the Treasury Depart- ment, And us UMister of i gricul- ture, notwithstanding his want of practical knowledge of the science of 1Li.i.r'on itoifn. Roy. Arclli1lnld, McLean, of IDlyth, Was oloott11 ?d )'Aerator of the Hands ton' aurt Loudon Sy'nod,tat the tweeting held at Windsor .+n the :31st instant. Frau!: Woodruff has Leen fnrul.dly discharged frt,nl the intli('tlni'ut for uompiicity fll the murder of Dr. Cronin in Chicago. A,bill has ben introduced Dominion tw aerate providing logaliz.otion of Standard time twenty-four flour system. 'Mr. 1). D. Wilson with tits (laugh.. tors, Missets Maggie anal I)"rtl, 0f obi ll fortllo starting 1 ' intend ) ell 111 ilG•A r Country ah' n t the l.OtIt of May orad expect to bo alvei nt three months. many wise and usetnl measures of legislation, of sound a1IVantage to the farming Com►11nllitY. [ie liro•tglat the 1grioulturrtl College more directly order the control of praUti2lii farmers encouraged the formation. of Farlllors, Iuotittltes, illlplove(l the laws and per- ft+cteel din l.nachtnery for 112d pre„er- 811110n of the public health, and en- larged the usefulness r.f the I3ureoau of SItttisticrh. Ontario has had no more faithful servant, tool !Vest 1111081 will not rt+.adilV find tl representative that will sl.eak with equal authority in the Legislature, or that will tans leaud ir, nueb 1tu'gt' measure the (.et've tla and euu[itlt•uce of the whole people,--- G"tute. OUR OWN GOODS OUT OF OHA.RG1. Call and see our stock and get Privet. ., a ,µ+ t,, rt.4Jgrr(o Opposite 8Zneen's hotel, ww 11811a n in elle. The contraet'for tips new agrlcultur- tor (11" al hull at Atwood flus been let to Jas. melte the 1$tl'Uthera, nl' AtW.iod, the Brice 1)eiIlg ui(i0. 'iJ110 buildiin will ha a two tor•ey one, with upl'('r storey finished so that It eau be used fnr,put/Iie rueat'• 1t1,.6. no l,llildling will be -0 14011.011 tl 'ilntulatigll rho roue l , I005 '•{n one, set tLt wilt be agreat improvement mi the rickety ot.0 the Society has been uaiug t A carpenter named\'('rel, 1tt>}'ularu I , � f late, innToronto, alt htltnrtlty, dr:018 two' At tiloclvil MEd WS in Toronto the glassca t7t Irish whiskey, and died ' 'within half an hour. A duc:or pro. Ilonuced death to have been inimical by alcoholic poieo,Li11 . A CNA 11 _ lo the t; a• 11, ail 6 iS 1311E from 65c. per pair up to UM. New, hs,ndsotne and cheap Soudan Lappet Curtaining. Beautiful Flouncing— in WRITE and COLORED. all Widths, and at taking prices. Charming, things in GRENADINE'S, Inspection invited. 0 The finest range of T we ever offered, t'roni :)e. per yard up. --0 Our how Stqek BOO '3 01-1A8. "A)J.1 1.3101.-1. A. dA.i wvishes to iotiwato to the people of Wingttatu and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lari•1y carried ' on by Messrs. J. ,1. Ilonntth and will eon suet it in tke building ono floor south of JIr 1' A Mills' store. DOUBLY; AND SINGLE HARNESS heave' or light, wide to order, <Y.htll line ..f Morse Blankets, Sleigh liens, Whips, Currycombs, it a ht e, :=tc., always en h,te1. Repairing (.t, nen prc.reptly done other day att)action was br.)ught by a widowed mother named Stodgill against Jas l)aglzItIt, a 1101(1 keeper of kin';, for $ilOOO`daue.ages sustained by Richard 1.ic(,le'I, a well to-do mid her through the death of her son, irlgtlly res eeted fanner of :41cliillop which elle alleged waa, causedny Dug - township, i:turo)n_entutty, while clriv- loan supplying hien with liquor so (hitt ing home froth t;eat'ttrth on Friday ho became intoxicated and -was ;flight, was thrown froth his Wagon f w,ita'Od found dead i)( as snow drift. *ud instantly i*iil(•d. 1 t«3he was awarded $100, The patrenn'xe of the nubile A011 ,16341, and eatiefee. tion in wort: and material cuataiitced, i° ENES. ✓E EL. whaghsto, Slarah •1. 1380. foDolls Cold, a took. P I T0014 SEOES selling rapidly. No wonder, for the (anality and price settles the question at sight. L "U rir p) 64 p t lc -71A) In rft is receiving special attentic.n as usual. 10 lbs. of pure uncolored . strong Tea Dust for 131. try it. Net, RD MoINTYRE The Brown Anchc r. - Store - Wing WALLACE 1105 just opened out a large new stock or rJ3 0 ) �N•t�kt,ii,1��� '.poi' o���^' _�� �. pa lam" ilea / �' oe rare gdtthat OfratCH ti'ar,rt ap tli �;j d+ . w. syta9. ',;� ti) i .tit ?:\ •fir . In the store nm :io01' south of the Post 'Office, and is prepared to give great barsains in special lines of LADIES' G(flA' \VA'I'('i • ES, GENTLEMEN'S GOLD) and SILVER \\'ATCHE: , CLOCKS, EY [:GLASSES and SPECTACLE a E PA I RI N G and NEW WOR77. —Done on the. shortest uotiie, and all work, s,u,tranteed.-- Jr"' ids inspection of Goodsfatal c'aanp0risnn of Prices inti() e1 Goods left for repair with Mr. Tt. 11. \ ltnsteme Will bo given out. "t S 11 EV p W et L L A C tl W..ghar., 1+•''1• fJ f n 1890 I O D Wishes to intimate to the Ladies of \y i11gl18101 andeti:trrtiuueling (•t''ttitt'y that net. stt (tai or X RI:Cinvrt i aL-03 37 lI:}glh" o f o, .^.;113frd My . V,M: I Atm/ nwi VIGOROUS ou otst'. ual'z 1" TAW?. 1 ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY BANDS 0)1; e tit.ing OAI4AOIL Felt ,SCCltt'a Emulsion of Pure Baal Liver � phos1tltt;.3a1; Lime, it and ilypol� 't , _ rid �Soda Nal. ONLY CURKi7 MY Int^13t_t++ 1always art h})nes. 1 'Nat ConnSnnitnptli nr 82)! mix a nil: VP, Axa Is Now PG'r'rtNc i The MANTLE D' ttP A 1TM t..i `. contains sa a ' ' led 81 9`9 ' i assortment. of 'Silks, Seethes, 4latin 1$tnendes, flushes, Veli,alai A'r TUE RATE 01' A MIND A BAN. 1 f )fes S EASILY ASIDO MILL::." ARt10 l;1Gt:hs, to (dowse' from etfeat. 'finale ', and bpi,'- refer 1'AI:E 1T PAT A l2tt's rili13121.1 fa pale nz) olaly hw l�a.'imnl most fastrlohal)le garments. .An inspection invited. cube) (181.0). • sold hY mil Jdrnvfoto tat 1O fest door north of E. 3i'. (.4 orator's jewelory' store. nee. tend ss,00. t SCOTT" ey. BOWN2 , %iilai'l'tile. y0,y.1,i40411. y.400..F+W.../hi,4YWre.~i,Y.wiWY.,Y*00$ rin# •e n"ri i �Iµt ym t Fi "' iiI1,ii.'� 11:':0 arrived and is now open(ttl (11t. he st+tt•k i:; wveli- rISSO1•ted, 0401 r.nlhtains all .the fill; ion:'b11' styles for this yin( FEATPE q, FLOVILTSx �..EiNege�.A E , tr LTG.. ur I \lei'g large ,stock c f 1 I OY GOODS Winglram. Ilarch 9.0,4800X.