Wingham Times, 1890-04-25, Page 3ver /ince I itue 7 that were sure to mai; lie plan's war far required only act Isnuortlbly set you free, g of Dan Noble to give. Lind that will snake n► Better than Shar• oetter_better in ,every :le - le saute as done, broke lee rind man. 1 can a here as soon us the ady for them, And the have a grand w ,AND C1•MPANT ! Aly 3 to be the compstly, fir he a tablishn,ent. The )t going to wait till 1 am for my loved ones to e good that I can give prefer to see and enjoy ile I live. es honestly, he went on, at's pause, do yott think ire to make_a success of ucle Lawrence, answer- , with solemn assurance, ;apital, and I will pledge health is spared to do 3c, and a far betti'r husi' lm Sharper is doing. In s is sure to be the outeet. her- there must be a 'nal at the bottom -that foundation upon which to ;cess. is your idea of a auf5- 1 ?--Conte - come, no , it this I heal business t r•cause I suppose you know 1 you call a sufficient sb? •efleeted for a li', tee time It upon his }lands and Ate(' up his face was bright understand, he said, that cash paid for the goods lace in stock, we must, if e whole -handed, have cash ners who bring produce to 'P• are certain articles of ice which are the same as le is fortunate who secures Iter, cheese, e,,gs,wooIyarn, other things of like charao- hould' say ten thousand uid set up a fair business pposing we ask no credit at ging--fifteen thousand would onrer business and twenty would not only''inake a sure it it would give us the of a bank financially. ir, said tells good-Rearted old face glowing with the radi- erfect happiness, to -morrow you inay put ou your work - 3s, for T shall want )ou at tore. Twenty thousand dol. Remember -The bust nen For a word now about of profits. We'll fix that have seen what they are. If the money I will look to von est. Williern Snow walked home- it evening he seemed to tread He was in a wondrous dream mystic Lamp of Aladdin iin essioie g the following day, young Id his father that Bill Snow e to work for Dan Noble. im dig! was the elder John's 3. n the course of_ the following heir note was changed. What aurid is the young rascal doing9 sr {asked. week`s more,and both old John ung Jdhn• knew about it, A n had appeared -large golden on a ltlueJt sanded background LIma SNOW s (30., and a large r of smaller signs were exposed s learnt Produce Bought and Cask Paid for Butter, Cheese, 1c., and so on. John gave the young rascal, presuming puppy, jbst three is to live. at the end of three mouths, Sharper at the old store -the ire, store -had scarcely a cash' g customer left. Among the rs, Ben Parker set the ball in n. He had learned why old ser had turned William Snow off,- be ff,be sure he spread it. .And g the women Mrs. Jackson and Baldwin were a power. Taut, and beyond all that the young Kant was a power in himself. only honest but honorable, in word and every deed -honor• and truthful, with a disposition '1#.4 a will to do unto others exactly he would have others do unto so living and acting, Itis word lYe a sacred pledge, and his pledges to be fulfilled, how could he do than succeed 4_r*inetnbpring, of se, that he had the field in Whitt 1br11t e TEMPERANCE COL UNIN. emanaaran runt Wnietnii Y.. w. er T. H. C11ppturs, Tls 'eased valve of Kansai in 1880 k +160,000,000. In 1888, after eight years of prohibition, the valuation was $353,000,000. At the close of a masterly temper- once address in (Calcutta, by Canon Wilberforce, dusky Mohatninedansand Hindoos crowded to the table, and dearly eight hundred pledges were taken. thedrink curse is nearer to the very large figures given by the late. Dr Guthrie than to the estimate 1 formed in 1871, Dr Guthrie stated repeatedly that no fewer than 09 per cent, of the children admitted to his ragged schools were the offspring ofparents whose poverty Was due to their drink- ing habits. The Anglo Temperance Association is snaking rapid advances in India. The object of the organization is to secure the ultimate prohibition of the sale of liquor throughout India, Charles Emory Sinith, the New Atuerican Minister to St. Petersburg, turns the glasses down when the wine is passed at public banquets, and has not tasted the intoxicating cup in llifteen years• X. Y. Z. Tablo EtlgnettoFor Children,. Here are a few good rules that can. be safely followed,-.-•• Give the child a seat that shall be strictly its own, Teach it to take its. Beat quietly. To use its napkin properly. To wait patiently. to be served, To answer prosnptly. To say "Thank you," If asked to leave the table for a forgotten article or for any purpose to do so at once. Never to interrupt and never to con. tradict. Never to say remarks about the food, such as 'I saw the turkey killed, and how de did bleed,' as I once heard a little boy remark at a Thanksgiving dinner. Teach the child to keep his plate in order. • Not to handle the bread or to drop food on the cloth or floor. To always say 'Excuse me, please,' to the mother wheu at home and to the lady or hostess when visiting, if leaving the table before the rest of Edward Everet Hale says: I am ready to acknowledge that the c.ergy are apt to be a little fanatical in this matter of temperance. Why not, in deed? They see the skeleton in tho •closet, which other people do,,n.ot see, They receive the confidence, and they know why a lad never kept the fond promise with which he entered college. They know what is the hidden cause of the rnin in this household, and the the party. fond hopes of that young pair. If To fold its napkin and put back its you want to make an active temper- I chair, or push it close to the table be- ance member of any indifferent friend fore leaving. After leaving the table not to re- turn. 1 know children who observe every cue of thes9 ru es, and use in no way priggish, but are simply well-behaved, delightful companions, and they owe it all to their mother's careful train- ing from babyhood. , Rev Dr McFarlane, Solomon Payne, of Canterbury, Pts to Miss Ruth 13ar- ker, daughter of Lemuel Barker of this town, Some females fall in love with wealth, Some with a lovely swain t But Ruth in the great bloom of health, Takeo to herself a Payne. In Concord, Ootol er, 1809, Jere- miah P Raymond, of Weare, to Miss Susan Gale. set hint at work in prisons, in charily organizations, in educations; you will soon find that lie say s less about mod- erate drinking, that he looks less doubtedly on strong legal laws measur es for keeping men out of temptation. We wish sincerely that alt clergy- men were temperance fanatics. The trouble, is that many are airing their views on personal liberty, etc., Willie some of the young men iu their con- gregations are going down to drunk- ard's graves. ' The Tra fac we Tolerate. A constant Gale forever prove, To fan the flame of virtuous love. FOR M BER irAii In Boston, April, 1821, by Rev William Sabine, Joseph Wilticutt to Miss Susan Whitmarsh, after a tedious courtship of 13 days, and but 35 days after the death of his former wife. The best way it seems for a deep sorrow to smother, For the loss of a wife is -to marry an- other. In West Springfield, Maes, Decem- ber, 1826, Stephen Bulnprey, aged 76, a revolutionary pensioner, to Miss Sarah Dewey, aged 38. In '76, he fought and bled ; At seventy-six he woo'd and wed. --- .IN s , n. • , ORDERED CLOT ---G O TO,.- WEB R'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS; CUFFS, Cheap for SASH. AT WE.JSTEIL'S ED. I11LEY'. 1:WatRY LITAELIS:11LIT Judge Digby Seymour, Q. C., in his c1 rge to the Grand Jury at New- castle -on -Tyne, Eng., held up to the jgrytnen a card in various colors eon- trastinjg, in prominent colors the amount of :Honey spent in. Britain on intoxicating drinks as compared with the money spent in Britain upon bread, butter, cheese; and other ar- ticles, 'and showing very startling results. The great black column to the left represented 2136,000,000 spent in intoxicating drink as compare et!, with bread, 8,70,000,000, butter and cheese, 235,000,000, milk, R30, 000,000, sugar, £35,000,000. tea, cot- see and cocoa, £20,000,000, coal, £15, 000,000, rent of houses, £60,000,000, rent of farms,. 260,000,000, woolen goods, x'46,000,000, cotton goods, •£14,000,000, edn uatiou, £ 11.000,000, linen goods, £6,000,0Q0,and Christain nrissious of all kinds, £1,050,000. These, remarked. the judge, were very fatartling figures, put in a very happy and Instructive way. They had sun.. toed up for .t.lhe.m there a few contr..sts as to the amount spent upon what was a great source of evil, perhaps not so tench as to quantity, but as to the quality, which, to his n,iud, was always the greatest mischief in these matters. But the enormous total was nevertheless very str'iking, as showing the great disparity between the huge amount spent upon intoxicating drinks and, stay, that upou education. En Washington, May 17, 1834, Joshua Peck to Miss Amelia Bushel. Alzookers, bode and wedding cake What changes of measures marriage makes? Quick as a thought, at Hymen's book, A Bushel changed into a Peck. Has a most complete assortment of the L/.TEST, GHOICEsr, and MOS'A CHARMING ARITICLES in Watches, Clinks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. Marriage swords. This collection of marriage an. nouncenlelats have been copied from old newspapers within the last one hundred years: In Concord, N 1-1, February 3, 1814, one of the editors of 'tete Patriot, to Miss Susan Ayer, daughter of Capt. Richard Ayer. June 26, 1815, in Carroll County, N 0, by Rev B Graves, Captain W Graves son of John Graves, Esq, to Miss Nancy Graves, daughter of General Asariah Graves. The Graves, 'tie said, Will yield the dead When Gabriel's trumpet shakes the skies But if God please From Graves like these A dozen living folks may rise, TIM 9 GAS'. t„ r $: AT BARGAINS. l . CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN *TO REPAIRING, AND WOItKC ,ALL WARRANTED, GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S. BLOCK l+'OR YOUR JEWELLERY As I walked out the other day, Through Concord street I took my way; I saw a sight I thought quite rare - .A. Hill walked out to take the slyer. And now since earth and Ayer have met together, I think there'll be a change of weather. At Herculaneum, Mo, May 23rd, 1821, John W Honey, Esq, to Mary S Austen. From sweet flowers the busy bee Can scarce a drop of honey gather; But oh, how sweet a flower is she Who turns to Honey altogether.. A Blessing to. Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINT ENT.; These remecies have stood the teat of fifty years experience,, and are pronounced the best, Medicines for Fetidly use. • TII W PIL I rurify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNAPS AND BOWELS and sr, invaluable in all complaints incidental to femmes of all ages. In Haverhill, Mase, Angust, 1829, Cotton J Simpson, of Pembroke, N H.,to Miss Sarah R Marble. An old calculation of gain and lose Proyee "a stone that is rolliug will gather no moss." A happy expedient has lately been thought ou, By which Marble may gather and culti- vate Cotton. ' Orphaned by iium. Harry's statement that rum fills the Homes is amply confirmed by Dr. Barnardo. In his last annual report. of the Homes be says In the winter of 1371, at the re- quest of the late Earl of Shaftesbury, 1 carefully investigated nay lists of resoled children. 4. tabulated in epecial columns the various 'traceable causes, nearer or more remote, which led to their becoming candidates for the Homes ; and the astonishing fubt emerged (doubly astonishing to rue, because I was not then a total ab• fltaluer, nor even int spmpatlty with that moment) that no less thou 85 per cent of all the children who were admitted to the Hordes under my care owed their social ruin and the • long truiu of their distresses to the in- jtui'nce, direct or indirect, of the drink• ha}nits of their parents, or g: autd- pareni 5, or other relatives. Years have passed sine() that inquiry wits made, stat the testimony of succeed- iug records has only confirmed the evidence collected se painfully long before. Indeed, T would not now liesitatt• to affirm thelof all any young clients, the percentage whu are stricken 0.4,44 lite, through, tl}e. agenoy. of Married, at Washington, 1(y, Marcel 1814, Samuel January to Miss Patna - 11111 JiLDGAIT. A. cold match. At Black Lakt., L I, February. 7 1828, J ernes Anderson to Miss Ann Bread. While toasts the lovely graces spread, Aud fops around thele flutter, I'll be contented with Anu Bread And wou't have any but her. TO OUR SUBSCRIBE S• The interim ANNOUNCEME. T which appeare in our columns s,me titue since, an•'oUticing a specit arrange- ment with 1 r. B. J, KEN N •ALL OO , of Enosburgh alis, 1: t., ublishers of "A Treatise . u the Hor e and his Dis- eases," where our s hscribers were enabled. to (Ara r tt c py of the vain able work FREE b s ndirg their ad- dress to B. J 4CENDALL & Co., (and enchraing , wo-ceut stalnp for mai ing saw- is 'euewed for it htnited 'peh'iod. We rust all will avail the'usely s of the o •ortullity of obtaining tl s valuable ork. To every lover of this H,,rse it is indis- pensat,le as it treats in siurple manner 1 the diseases whit afflict the nob a auitual. Tts plien sale t reughout the United totes and ',anode, make it standard au, or- ity Mention this paper when sen int] for "Treatise," TIEI 02NT MJ T In the only reliable remedy for bad legs, Bores, ulcera,, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHr1IS, SORE THROATS', COUGHS, nous, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AN ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, Loudon, and sold by all Msdicine Vendors throughout the world. Purchasers should look to the Label ou the Boxes and Pots. If the address is Oxord Street, Loudon, they are spurious. JUST AR av By SS, Europa, 'from Hamburg, Germany. 3 --CASES FANCY TABLE CHINA --3 EGG SETTS, SALAD SETTS, FRUIT BOWLS, VASFS, BISCUIT JARS, WATER SN'I'TS, ROSE JARS, CUl S tit SAUCERS NEW RASINS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW PEELS, NEW NUTS, NEW FRUITS, C. P. R. TIMB TABLE. In Bozrah, Ct,, August, 1819, John Bait, of Williatnstowu, Mess, tti Miss Mary Ann Lass, of the former pl.,ce, after a courtship of one hour. Is this not angling well, I ask, • Such tender bate to take? He caught iu one short hour the Baas, The Bass, though, caught the Bette. Married -At Williamsburg, on Friday, April 15, 1858, by Rev Mr Malone, at St Peter's church, W Moon to Miss Ann Cooke. He is not mad, though lunar light His broth did overlook. For he has gained to his delight, A wife that is a Cooke.. His goose is cooked, thud other maids May envy her the boon, Whose tail ambition wished and got The bright now in the ;boob, Trains arrive and depart as follows : LEAVING ARRIVING 5:35 min .... .... For Toronto ..., ,. , ...5:36 a. in 2:15 p. :15 pan 2:15 p. m For Teeswnter 2.15 1.0:30 p. m 10:30 " C+P„pa LST? TRUN TC R°'Y A. C. STISATHDEE, AossP, W,NGUttI, Through tickets to all points in America -North. West, Pacific Const, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Ratrege checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. - ---TIME TABLE. LEAVE WINO NAM, ARRIVE AT WINOIIAM. 0:30 n,m.Toronto,Guelph,Pahnerston, Sze. 3:30 p.m.11:10 " ' " 10:10 " 8:40 p.m. " " Clinton, " 7:26 " .,..• l'ahnerstoti,Mixed„ „ „10:15 aim, 6:45a.m....... ..,,Lotdot, &e ,.,,.,,..11:00 " 3:40 p.nt. " 7:45 p.nt. 11:10 a.m Kincardine, &o 0:80 aim. 3:30 p.m 11:10 " 1010 (1:50 p.m CHOICE & RELIABLE GROCERIES Call and Inspect before Making Your XMAS PURCHASES.. THE CHINA HOUSE. W. T. YATES. DUFFIELD & SON give all classes a chalice to invest their means to the best adVantage In Now York, March, 1832,Thomas A. Secord to Miss Oor•delilt Ketcham. "Itetehatn, Cordclia, if you can 1 have," says she-Socord'a the man, Married -At Bridacwatee, 'Wern- her 16, 1798, Captain Thomas 13ax• ter, of Quincy, aged 68, to Miss Whitman, of the foremen place, aged 57, after a long and tedious oourtsjtip of 48 years, which they both sustain• ad with uncommon fortitude. BARBER SHOP. Mlie.'MALCOL:i1 McDONALD, (LATE OP RIPLEY') RDA ht(t piireltasetl the barbering business of Messrs, Sebastian mos., is prepared to Mare all old customers and as many new ones as patronize him, satistactleS in alt Bitot, of the profession. SHAVING AND F(AIRCUTTING aro my specialties, WWI me a ca11 at the old stand, ag posit. abates, ape sesta •f1'e eior f, . 140li10Nl►x.D. Int f >lpOordt eb tgttry, 1B25, by 1 ►, COAL, PARLOR, 130X AND COOK STOVES; Fii7RNAt'ltIS: ANA' RANGES, T1NWARE,$.Ir, :etc., Iamps, LAMB UU.,DS•. CUTLERY AND WOODEN Vv AItE. Atuerican and Canadian Coal 011, wholesale and retail. E.tvetrotigh...e r specialty. ire airin , neatly and ilr'otnptly done. 1) tn't, tua144.1 ing, ap 1, any mistake but call and insect our stock and gist our prict'•... DrtJF °'IELlDT,/ ' yyS,0 't STONE 3 i4 0 V