HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-18, Page 8Dr. To
is Drug Stare
4'hysieieus' and reinter Preneriptlons steward
Pare Drki`'.a' rziid Chemicals
a 1 pec a Ztp.
—A full tiao n@ T'i'.et Articles, Perfumes, Sponges,—
i e ttiel s, et;, always in stook—
; i"':1. f PIIf)i$L , CZitT.RAL
t' r .V"Is1I1F2
and tial#All TRUNK TOWNTIts
F e1481 To OUR I.Aex 1t*AnE ,—The Cana.
diem Queen is rsow having .its annual free
distribution of Choioe Imported Viewer
Seeds, a largo paokage containing An ;its.
manse number of rarest varieties, together
with The 021(ee4 on.trial for 'three months
will be sent free to eaoh :of our reader
forwarding her address and only 18 2e
an Ross, formerly of the
D. Roast left us last
taken up hie ]above
We wish him every
mon in memory of the
son was preached in
lurch, on Sunday, at
.etampe.to cover actual expense. ave trial 2 30, by the 1.1. v. R. Carson,—Our
subscriptions and five packages by mail or select parties au 1 taffy pulls are almost
express, (free of expense)' to Rattle address over..
In C0,1014l0, or ILS, for only 81. Tha Queen
is ono t}f the fittest Illustrated Ladies.
Slagazioes o'1 this Continent, it is devoted
to Fashion, .l.rt„ Liter(ttere, FlowertY, the
Toilet, IIonsehold aIrtttere, autl coit:dna
the Latest Importe:t J)e eigne for Fancy
Work and Rome Decoration. Tho Seed itartey
Uistributia fox iS1,30 eontinnes for thi4
month only. No lover of be•autifulfiowere r(utt-r, hitt
.'au afford to miss it. Addre:':a The Cana-
&atl (7[r aen. Toronto, Canada.
Mr Dull
firm of D!.
week and h
in Teeswater.l
success, --A se
late Wm viand
1lie Iv1etilodiat
weienAtt, A141I117, 1P10.
Permitted 1;v r. nevus, ,Y t'due'e Peaky.
1.''ni' 5:r Ina lila, , ' C VS 2•PyYro 2 at'mt•',Y.
F-41.Vbeatper bushel, 75 to 0WYus
0 7:e to n 1414
24 to St
+ so to 1.5
• lis)•
SO to 11,.:c. ,.
12 to 14
1'2 to s.-5
8 to 8
1 25 t0 1 50
5 82 to CO0
do it gate
Fees per demon,
Vr, d , or eor,l,
5 -hay per can,
Out. 1 iet t nits -In Wiiramei, on me 15th Inst, the
Tn :1 am CIAM C5
Ii.flTI.3f� APRIL 18, 1t:10O.
kret3e,s rola. Manitoba.
' tiiugta. April 6th, 1290
Dent cii„—P'rlittps a few linea trent
tins part 'as" the 1'rav(uee may interest a
•few of IL : readers of the Trues. After
what has been a cold, loug winter, spring
lets alwnost come again, A. few hot, i.tmny
teaks melted away 1.l• now except areuud
buiitliu;, s.. • 3+,trrn'are for the past fees days
• have W'e'al harrowing the land, and a fess
have sole/ e, little. To -day it is quite cold
c'ith rnrtit.trc'-t wind, and on appearance
of snow. There rill be a large . uerett;:e
sows in this locality this spring. Farrnort,
• geuer:sll) :are hi/petal of n goo() year. on
account of the tonere winter. I send
-you n recd el timeting the tereper:tturra for
January, also the .1i/west tetnperl;,'t.ure in
February. I think February would
ever ge haver for the whole mouth than
,`aanuary. but have do record ;
tint .me. 1;001- xxelI1;
3.11n. 1st s 20 h. 16 x 18 wind N Is.
" 2 x 30 x 14 x 33 „ • W
•' 3 x 32 x14 x30 ' „
" 4 . E 30 x 12 x 22 ' •
" a x 20 x 22 x 29 "
0- - s S11 x 1s. s 25 "•
" r 9."2 —0 -1,; „ fi W
r, 13. _.,.1. t —14: _: •2 " S .i!.'.
l) —2 --8 _•2 E
" 1.41 ' it —2 • x 8 " I. ID
" 11 x 14 X. x 14 "
"• 12 • x 24 x.1.4 x 20
.....113 x21 x10' x
,, 14 x ,Ix,1.i1. , ,
«i 15 x 30 1.L ]:9 x.190 -e„
” xh x;;11• 1,''1Nt x-34-»' " •
' 17 x 3) x..11:424 ek clutug(e,
" 18 x 14 - x'2 - X 3O " N Js.
19 X 30 x 14 x 30 " Zi
't20 x 31 -: 13 x 30 " •'
t:1. x 2x2 x 1(3
• '22 x 16 0 x 20 " N tiV
" (23 x 10 0 x 20 " 14
" 24 x 0 —28 0•' .r`1. W
:25 x 1.2' -110. 0 " J'
•• 20 1) • —30 x 10 " N W
wa x20 - x4 x6 " P
28 - —10 --39 x (l
. • " 29 x 12 —10 0 "- 1.3E
" ',0 • x 10 -10 x 10
111 x 26 -- 8 x 20 S
Feb. 15th, 36 below ,zero ; Feb. 19th 40
11r1i0W zero.
• x below zero, — obeys zero.
Th -arc ;v:ci Oonsiderable stormy wsather,
'hut /to real bad blizzards. N inga is quite
t(, new pla'te, only atoned last August. At
present there are one eievator, two :stores,
two blatcksmith shops, post °diice, butcher
sin/p.-011e }total and feed stable, with the
• - prospects of two more elevators being put
.tag this Bummer. We also eepeet to have
a cheese or butter factory in this Locality
Mien. This part of the country is well
suited for mined farming. Nearly all the
firmer are interested in dairyiug, anti 1
believe Oita in a few years 'dairying will
~wove one of t►it leading features of the
£xrtit. Thanks for space. More anon,
(Ira. Love,
Formerly of Listowel, Ont.
a specialty ; of,
(: r Makes eat It
.erste int p 1
li.onrtgraln brooches, ear -drop',
..n111iet 11116 tie pals.
y ;1,ept)'o. Maar' and Smith a have llur-
(1115ts(i : t .w Mt'..l'. •1'iori:tlo Nita p5iV ttr'
I will 31)51(1001 the bte0110ss ill
;,• 1171 1' '2114 Mi'. Stalitll, whO will
.tl't;-11. "'tit' 913(41134'$(I her(', Wits recent
111 4(5'1', r of the chartered look in
•_� t r• uhn :, )11 )
t r i i8h 1. l 1_ ( l
tY t L-
t,(.tr 511 (
) 'I
,; Chart:0 of tho 4.1))._,
dept' of T'8'sw!ttar P111511c 881113141 051
3111* '1" 'l i'4 st f{('1' (ter V100A hate 1,0111
-•41' _ • fore. 111+' 1 rel i1di'r (f the
par. it 3411 department will be
•,pel,1141 the, rat (1f )itay.--The
;AN 11•t,':5Aout.,5, of "1,41ug11tlnt, ("01i* *'t' -
ft ,% '1 1.4•t4, t' 151 t11H•'t(itVf) hall on rl'i1Pt .
i V+V• 11111•: on "Sympathy,"ail ti(.
t,.r«yts ,f Li1E»'ist's church. yip,
p,1(tIr2111"" waletint iargt?, belt 1t was
pit. n nl•:p411,y 8eleet till , the lecture
v tit liizlfly al)prFc"ilt,
olto Ftreet Metrl1Qte.
51 1t IST t us•^1 , ad trt�"irtee. The reed}
.t1 aette Tn VVil ;h stili un til l4tu intt, t:r: utfu nitltt t:;t0 tau
of Mr 1 1?reaser; 4s. son.
'rho. 1n:.rkctt is
of white at 92e.
117.1 111,4—At the residence of this bride's to 30e. real whiter
Fath, r, :fruit nth 15110, by hat tv 11 t4,81des, V 1111allt il�c4,lpty fair ; 000
is :'sutu e£ fur John (ladies, 05 Ki'tlo a, County of
t l cif grain Wed/10830y were
,noes ruled firth, Wheat --
et, with sales of 150 bus
printf le quoted at 8."1•.
Id at 80e. Jl(trleV —
field at 43c to 48',o,
nominal at 30e to
Firm, with rales.
€ •: , h., of tVot 8 to. 1144lt, r1l.anny, eldest
a int ((sox. --in Wintriatpt, on the llt't root,
R'ifli tm
Sanderson, father -PI -law of Mr Richard
(,r('01, a ss. b.". tear. S. months and 11 trays,
T.a u kt. Te sn. tin•, nn tan i`th Inst, Ellett
;fere, 11,:r.I',red wile of Andr:i. Taylor, aged 27
soar' • r 1 11 r h
,,44l,44,18..it t,,'t ester, on the 8th Inst, Iran
infant son (f 0iehttrd and Hattie Johnston,
y;:e,i a months and 10 days.
Tam:.rox—At E1 e * w,ter, on the 7th Inst, Tinsel
May, daughter Oflir rToltnton,atc.1 1 year and
4 me 11.44
19'11 t;•• -In 1)104410,110 A3 r-1 tt`h 188n, Catharine
witsvl aieii 14 years, 7 180144 11....40113 days.
. 111 11r13e,2Is, t,.4 Tuesday, April 8th,
.:Hanel 11 I'.•1reue, aged 07 years, 11 months and
11 DM'. --In Morris, on April 501, .Agnes Whito, aged
27 yeste,almonths Ord 1r,dala.
Mrs. ;slntnut'1 Po'lo(':k, of Ripley, is
Visiting her mother, Mts. Bill,, of the
1st lino. --Mr. Au4r0W Siml)snu, of
this pl1tc: , l.aVes this week for his
.1' w 11(31110 ill Wart donvli, 141•' .Etre
sorry to lose 4'tr. Simpson from our
midst, he has s1sv3I's1-.,t44y(5f1 hi
selfa kind and o17i °i.:„'.i.t-'ighbor.
What is our toss will 1/3 3uother's vain
and the people of \Vatt-aliosll Will find
in ',Ir. Simpson alid family' a valuable
addition to their community.— qrs.
Matthews, of the 1St 1i11E',ts very sick
t(t present. •
A. :eat for Symmetry.
The best t( t for sytn1no1ry is elnllaly
iC:rl,ing tl Plan :ti:it1111is face to the wall.
ho 1>:0ld2*.L.auct,aynlmetri•-
celly 21x1104' his i•hest will ju r touch the
wan, his Hose will he four inches away,
ttiigl1s five iticlxes and the masa hie toes
tlii'ee incites. The development of at nan's
play foal qualities is a most important
matter, and. is one that is overlooked' the
world over, and seldom is it dist you will
find ll. 511011 who Can stand the test
Plhiladelphia, Record. '
oe tit --'P111) market lit
slip : no reetti 1t8. Pena
' 200h11statGoatorti. !
11 WAR [l En
.k silt t youth, math arum knowledge of general otoro
hose, ss. Address, . D1Lali,
Times Olrico, Wing'1ram, Ont.
A good on to sell the Genuine New York Singer
lewin,r faciu0e.apply tA .,odd situatioitto the right man..
1. Il, WIf.C('
V Stratford, Ont.
T.� er-a,.dert
74' in °•ed 8
Tenders will be resoived by the undersigned up to •
4 o'elock. p. m. 0n Monday, May 501, 1320, for the '
erection of a
wit'-) Stone Aa'lernent, in the Village of 131001alc. ,
i'lars and sircrideal:0ns may be. seen at the ofleo -
of Joseph Lee:.lh, 1tlao(ah•, on and after the 92nd of
ApIll, or at the office of the a:ohftect, Mr VV L 11111• ,
vin Listowel. •
Te ndeu a •rill bo received /or the whole contract,
orsepare1.ety, rix carpenter work esuitiuz, nlne.
lug end ti„snlit3) %5 irls ; and for tate brick end•ston0
work mei plater 39. The lowest or any tender not
-nororsarily a.' • pled. Satisfactory securl111 1CQnit'ed
for the propy
• 1,71B An,
oflz't•s new attractions ii.
O0 s.
flrvat variety of' ::Iyle5. Boum 1 , t,'.l please (Vv trj 1,siy-t)1' in
t+. i , E :1. S GOOD -
�.�i Sr9 yrs' .isr.D. ' is fr}� p„d
rp 29
1 ...ouncA els
y ' IN
, . a:v 4.1'4,
t: 1.'9, 1 211 ` rY1fig'!4 •i'V
7 Gentlemen, -See our t
--NEW E\V vi i�I`r'4.� (s ', PA'":d'[ IN(S and OVERALLINT1.'---'---
we hate(' jiist- tlln'ne('I all REPEAT LIN i`l f1131 !')tile• 11('16 451 rail flea
shown early in 1h(. season, and have `e...• irt•)i son, ware, 1'111140111
DRESS tat)f)I)..; 411,7141 1';r l+:l+ll.)S,
We will 11(0 pleased) to show you t13311. v, Still 01.•4i11.4't'•ll1 don't. rO 11
t:0 1)113', and (get pi jGtd:S, We havo ()Relit 1l lll4 N„ largo 4II1IIUIellt of new
r'y ld"`y 1.71)."'E 09 1
completion of the work. • inspection 1'O uosted
J )SF,811 LEECH, I �l by
Secretary of Trusts? Loa rd.
111301 1e, April 35th, 7750.
Property for fiIe
r $ 41'. 175 )tI',(4ITAM
Orned otrors f n sale his dwelling house
'Ili �,iep op rtl3s.nicely located, andp-toril scree of lend, as archasWill be
'nal tun r ti:,na>leterms. Forfull particulars, *4131417•'
to the owner,
To Breeders.
The 1t018tein•I1'ries1a1i1 ir111,
IIUIt()N LAD, N'. ;,1166)
Registered 1n the fourth) volute; of the Holstein
Fruition herd 340011, ttId be kept for cervine during
the season of 180 tic Lot 11, Concession 1, Morris,
c lyes -31.50 for grade cows • thorou$libo'2 hel-
p•8, al:n; with the ptiVileye 0f returning; to t
at time of service. -
London Shopkeepers. ltlorvis,")#pratet11,1SBO.
Not long ago I heard one lady Flay 1.o
another:�y -
"If over you buy a hat or .a Pleasant Valley Apiary.
boitnt•t at any of these London shops be
sure to carry it ,sway with you, for if
you leave it to be sent the tradespeopleIron e&i,n.
will teal off some of file plumes or attics Totted Queens,duringMay ........es to
ornaments 'and )coop Bleu. for sale to , ” Ylnrimimaim; 175
other customers. ..111 the tradesmen ill tlntestcd Qnotns, after Junolsth 1 04)
„�. or 0 untpsy�ed,{Eueens after June 15th 4 od
London will do that 1ltigene Field. I e. I also Taro a quantity of chair hit es and entail
Chi4.:,;o iews. hires for solo.
user o ccidenti will Iloppon in Con-
nettlY tit, .tl citizen of Not with, stroll-
iug 111011,^,, accidentally hit his pipe with
his }land.; n piece of hurtling tobacco flew
and liit him in tlui eye, It burned a deli-
cate roil/(1111)1(1 in the eyeball, but care -
fu; treatment saved the sight of it.
RCD3c r
TArc intended to Quebec,
oop sail every week from
11���,LoitreA W1 and
To Derry and Liver r>1,
Carpenter work attended to in all its branches with
neatness and despatch.
NI/Ingham, Ont.
WN PROP a. '" ¥
Tho undersigh
lots on the east at
75, containing 1
(glass orchard, . c.
Wineham,•w 1,e
obamer,10r, ,2051.
For S
offs • for sale three valuable park
f John street, Lots 80, 81 and
1 .s, with good buildings, first -
Ti • propert; , situated in Lower
sold n easy (elms to suit our.
For fu her particulars apply to
Whiteoharch p. 0.
rirst pantile et the so -sen, waant1TA7, 1152 7th, House and Lot i- r Sale,
Pott^,roams, May 14. ?Amman, May2101.
3tartest Ocean Peast,e0Qaga,. r`%•Elva Mayo Iran (ani to (;IIlt,AP,
t' w ora r 05!
ger vy`� rVb i w•cO, according to 1 ation,
1 .•; t'r11low.l•' „ $23. Intermediate ineheies ala ream. with immediate pass•^`+ion. Let (38 Trances tree
43(44 ter ti voyage. Steerage at iowest rates. M. west, .Apply to (a. Yt11+I111.L,
04.010003) iotl 8nsurpassrd.
1 s.ter,t;ors can embark at 1011treel.
Arne to 11. Yt A, ALLAN, Montreal, 0r
1:IENtrvY DAVIS, Wnfon .M.
R .,,
Mq1c. gip i
Tr4te., at the C
" 1 .1 IPF ar
Neat Wats Agency,
y T Kent Mork, %%Ingham:
Thr e1 ler• $gaud wishes to r ht' 1119 fo.rm,boing tiro
month hal a of Tote bus :211. a1 24, lab enlcesa3On
Morris To. ship, The farm 4 Islets of 100 titres,
Deer 00 of tt h are rloe val. the farm is well
Lnre,1 and In al;.,;n,nti'nl. It (well adapted for
tialtyllef or grit : hat (11)303 lr,t .d41orying It is
about two 111.1 > fh a the 13novrdo lease Factory.
There are (17t :14 1 1 fa loll 'sheat The 1tubbto
lend was nearly all ph ghcd in the fan, There are
( ' , , e'- M
a good 4')au t ,, lulu, n , - .1t
f 1 t tun mt�sb Y< 1'
g tb 1C 13 fel
lia dwell)
O well
finished inside and t, t ;in) wood .hal
tached. I will lease for one o term of yea , and
a l leo a rt n
f r,w it or der 1• v t r tilts 'der,
reaper, mower, take and ploughs `Pot terms 5,151
to 1 (li1AISAM,
V wham, Ont.
oryy r r i cy for Sale.
V B•t.r:J,C ,
NO, 14431, bred and 1541 by Ames T:11lot Men.
KERRLYale, Ont, . salv,ed 15th 1 ft Sire Cr•u`
wtii Ifs lariat Ate da Thar ,vCr17+nEtt(0)
of has been n (p((d far ,stryIn the sixth
Yvolume of the cistern rresisi Herd Souk,
:numbered as AI ,; 80. Stuck 5,31 sal
Gr f
Wi° "! rrm' r1.- nr?tkt 440
is ?
r` ilit'ya
a -
X7 Mr
R. 1,7
has ju tt opened lip a
General Provision
�r Erocel Store
))early opposite the Market.
The stock consists of ;..4
iWy q+Tobaccos, a��9S
a n,. g LvJisv".€, Currants, • an1sjDatflrPigs clad Prunies.
CANNED 00015 ()1? ALL KINDS- ...i?"reit, 1.s(: 5, Corn, Salmon ,•,
()owled Lecf and Sardines. • _-•
•, w• i
o ,
Fish, n•
Allkinds ofli'ISOL11t . Dried ( Meats,
it..11 97 Y
a Jtr ,
(1 LiErli''
1 lar,}
Salt. .A fail a•sol{111o11t of` l
salt Plum;
%Witt()•,. (int. (-.4
4 ��' ��,y
In ;301$ 1)I separate.
nutter, Egg: -t, Dried Meat, etc., taken In exchange. As we
buy fbl' cash, we axe ante tt) e.611 at the cheapest rates. ]3
calling and int;pee.tinly 01(1' *,00d,4 you will oblige
hch X84 1,8001
•iI11+t}Itk, (,.;ft3tt.
}lull, -idea
Evttl3' goo()
11e engaged
imaginary (lus.
generally tint
the flour hat
. 41r(IIW, Oar110i
('1rtain8 0011141
(,tt�et9 butll h>3'
\Vre 11141%1'
0111'10111g 11.11.1
we (:11.11 111e41,e,
i('OI(1 t.h:44
,trf 11111' (51VE1
¢11111 S@(' them.
Our ))fees
bro1(lerie+, :i
11I)Sier3, till
,yeti pl'ice tile!
see thein
TIM 13rA15, A
Settled tend„rpt
vp to :;,e1. clack p
=ncin11185 81111' 1
Ripley. The 1>
And Shoes, is i❑
excellent busbn,
ae (tame 01 n,
1 west of any t,
angement4 C of
Dated lath A40
—House al
. —The Sire
ovenin2 and
--L:ast Sn.i
;rnot.e was the
” ,A00 , 0pies.
Chief 1',
pair of speer
e, ono day last
.--Oa Star
band time
phohili selec'
—A meet
of Trade
Chamber of
The dot'
was shiest
should be 11
ollurcll, en
the pastor.
—One 01
ilatu's spot
muskrats i
pion(), 0041'
1 ne
Choir in til
gro1!7 T87tl.,1
variety y of
,-The o
gone WtC(
the place
who, o11
}leen Cort: