Wingham Times, 1890-04-18, Page 5(1 e rt - t ll tee nk we key ey, ael ed. • .eet, lg, uf 1,5 -11'e a Ly by et,e. :3„ L luvei di irris to I, et nine lleir 43 — and •tin3. leery eis eiure ings, envs, :hese table' ;rant oniis table loved over cot, - mine ei• on tunee 33.7 von, rent ; Petel? , Arm- wity ; el by Iruick- ive ad - 260, 1)11,in- re men week. with but. bogie • tge. l,t and :Tam, ,n Mt.! :et, of •ne, Ott intann. Ve UP tate: of d ehee lieu of to Porter. Viingliani. kW —Mr Lich 1°n• the village streets aro dry ega.in, eree to the viennty sports., Mrs, Thornton, sr , Uri, 'F';1114 1'"ill rmi'llblv Wm, ' 'withl, and Mrs. (4erdnier, the nick list last Wok. All are glad to iiee Miller poet Boni, After his -Lev. A. Y Henley elle wife ere eking u, !milady, and. visitieg friends at Exciter and Wood - 4' wet,. Tao Rev, Mr. MeQuarrio, of Winghant, preached for him Sunday afieenoen —Rev, I B. Wallwin and Mrs. Wall win spent Sunday in Ithiear (hue with Rov. Dr. Hannon, 114. W Litwin preseihiug ielueational WV - Moil& --Air. James Young, of Clinton, gave in the Methodist . church, a. in. and p. m , two very intereeting die mimes. He is a brother to Nixie Ira Etcher.— Mr. leeeph Leech spent Smiday iu B. oukliu with lis brother, itev. Geofee Leech, Mr. James lelianiee in about to open another store in Winchester, whir Montreal. He will not linise'f, however, I eaVe i BlneVttlf?., rendprs are ad Vertilied for alrem y, f- r the erection of the 119 Muevale. tad oakridfm "e4r- 1, • • James Fll three voitre, of Bleievalo. worivkhis term lieeeelf d'tide year, I If, 4.:1 rpecutg. t7;,1:4",,,W.tette'r.ffi fietbert at hi ama s,a.m• have. toter eprieg wheat sowed he fall e heat, whieli loneol tleveiti illness sp dead et the (deep ef the winter, „is Mir looking fresh and :green. The NA rein sarin &limy deyti are prodneing rapid growth.—The frogs ero,k their rejeleing; the butterflies aro'on the wing; the wild wood flnwers are blotisoming; Fi.lig f tIse hird is Henri 111 the end, and ell' things tell es the winter le pagt aud gone. Zotland• - The ineetinp, of the Yownt PP pie Soeiety Of Cheistian e as held at Mrs. Thane-- sou'ie last Tuesdny evening. The elec:ed for thti next nix menthe President, M•les Walker ; Vie Presillent, Kitteou ; Curie/Toed. int Secretary, M hie Felton; Recording §lecretary, Mr. Adams,. Chaleinen of oninmiLteen, Fe..,441anon and -iqr. new Meteodiet church. From reports there will. be co siderah'e competition P. Thoinson, seeietv h prose for the contraut Now is the date Of houtto-onitng and tenovktiott ; all .have their turn at .the former, and many art) doing the letter. ---Mr. Mo- Phereou is puttittg -u new front in his shop, weieb will modernize the corner somewhat. And the interior of the Post Office is brightening and bealiti- lying .itse.f with paint, new show ceses, etc., ete,Eiiiicati nal sermons will be preached in tlio 2d ethodist church next Sunday; in the morning by Rev_ Jelin Swett, M.. A , chairman 01! the Distriei; in the evening by thea pestor. Specie) oliorelee will be takeil in Lemli of the '"hlaucational farm for the ,pii.st 104 the ,,,inege green,' alivo. with pored donne the. pest six months, • haviog added five aetive metabere to their het —MeseraWin. Currie and • John Terv:t have routed what is 'known as the Olilford. furill. for a term of yr.—Mr. Geo, Thomson has eeominencod. owning his mill apaiti. -Re intends put Ping' in a new engine some as it is hui•te and a small port of a :wet miil. 1-I' -Retell& to make • things. bum this Bummer - mem ' .Jennie Trevit bite returned from Visit -leg friends in and around Briteeds,— Formers have started - ploughing in - .41iR vicinity —The roads are in a bad titen,,ith inn,1 just ow.—Itir. John _ ita , Ienteinow, and Miss Kate, Pa nu of the church. of eipley, were visiting at their •=brethees, Mr. • M Lemon t'e, of this .plAce.—Mr. It. Kt's('', end ?dr. • A ..ticurrie wor.,• wut, a, (1-1,42.,,-a froin the Con4eeelitiolial eleireli, of Sieg. liani, to attelel i in. ,:is,, •,:it,'..10)1 at: •Yrc,tne.--,-Nir. 1 'IA 1,Iva' 1141,i con, u . Ychaelt amoig the fair eex aeaie, after sil loi ahsenee of a f!sw months. —Ntr. ?avin I; its,m has avant taken pos. sosqien of his tern,• which he had rented to Mr,' 'W n' Carrie for ll term f years • Glen:farrow; Rieheril its eleway e'eld a span eed horses twit weot to M. B Higgins. Bxeter. for the ierim. (5250-..e.pr rewn, of Wrimeter, performed a ry succeeefril opereei n M r olIatt's rye, 0,f, 11 iti rtuiS :lei ine Satur, e 1,11,1t...: -..k W,n).1 bite and taffy purty „ Retating'i, on the 11th.— tet.'riti set vimts titte littiag held by to/. Smith, in th,-A Methadiet harele-E"vra.. Oda1.14 Ortrele, of the Piaetaeion, Deaden% is nine on it visit. Mn Currie Tepees beehly etif . I h,. elintetq- in the 'sunny sonth.' Vet tit- the traih at eunerette on the pith inst., and ar- ived hoe, on teo 1 loggia iIttottit.e.t, stets isitine friends hero this wtalt, before, t. Ell ES 01111E• Tior ;kr In its First Stages. LI"elatable Mini. Bensure you get the genuine in Salmon colorwrapper; sold by all Druggies, at soc..and .co,P iSCOTT & WINNE, Belleville. 11M**,•W Air (7,113teryr. ,lswhe graduated a short num age at the Unturio Vet. eritotry Ttlronto, has entered into num 111w:suit) Nitll Mr J. D. War- wiek, of John Con nery, of Wingtenne was visiting her parents, 41 rennet Mrs:Hood, hist Vteek. —.Wood bees, Which were the order of tile day a few weeks ago, haoe abont now come to au end. Mr. 8. Irwin, of the 5th line, and Mr. A Cole, of the- Oth,- Paoli bad veri; FUCeet•TElf1.11 —Bills are out advertising the sale of the faem and chattels of Mr. W. Clark; who made an aseigureent a Sew weeks ago. The dete of sale is eef for May lst. We hone Mr. Clark will he able to settle before that time. —Miss Grav, of Hibliert, is visiting at the residence of Mr. John Bell.—Alr. John. Roes, etudent of St. Catherines Collegiate Institute, was calling on Nir. G. II. Blackwell, teacher 10 S. S. NO, IS, ono day !Wet Mut 00.13• nelly, from near Black Horse, was calling at Mr. Jos. Clegg's a few days .ago, trathiannan. rhe man' behind the ploreei is now to order of the (ley. Ihere is a etivnie for faiellieen.--Mre. copsideral•de latettiftli of land to turn loturaill, tool A9111 11,41 child:mil+ (Ivor in this tlic1rict yet. The day, f the * Lii.s P; L.1; eeoe,, however, iti.now ding, end With good re visititit'isib reluttecm neve. „ta weatItur it v. ill bo proriecuted Mr. and viie F'**,r„ Gr.) MUMMY. fj missE.MURPHY has just received and opened out to. large stock of very stylish s'PRING and STJMMER V*".1!;Pt:(311, ot and mostly overtaken Iyth, lYthi S'"`":;' . before the usual ceeiltime. After it ere. Twie liieems Lt ItioSt• delicate operation, menipulated eeday with frietele' in Teeetiater.— ht fall whole, is well in t leeeiners nee beewith the hy I)e. Chisholm, upon Arthur Lia - cell', of :lite 10th ateiut three pints of water wee.t.:i od the left Tiring plinieleing --4-41e,"711' n.iii1 15 Inn. NAP 0.1.0 eepe to clitoniele that bout ever far tide ierison, lie is tietiq ad! tel epi re- rtnils in no common d give to the WeSt VAIWO-n0'111. do e red t 011i1 Of Wir.011:111f prOttlilivnt I1t"410 IXI t `,110i1ridlorin•tonti are try busy tf CI to 1.1.,e rt-ady fin. spring 11)1'4,utitium";8'11,".„,:,is ‘:1::41r4111;1111,111:,1.' v votit3011'e 11',1,Ve ;11,%.Yd (t.tifinitqlecA , n.V "3:3(111`91 ion2hial._ A vfly wood stement t..ottegiate, VitS lasb armeezerczes Gordon & McIntyre Hatt Bonnets, Feathers Flowers 'Ribbons, Lades, etc., ole.; also baby Christening Rohm The Mantle [leper/mein contains all tho latest material of :Wins, Bro- cades, Fringes, Gaups and Hantle Cloth. Menthe )made itt the most fashionable styles and at prices to unit the timet. eo was hell r.John meove,s, weeo li. gueet tit Me., 6. ele.ett. • his tioighltot:A.42rtitoan txcitemont rosc 11 week ttgo tier Om supposed OS Of Mr, MeCoe, f Ifordyee. A umber of ycling iten of that, neigh •orhood, viz G. Mee:melee, and 4"- .4enistroug, Olituunev, . tein, 1. Peillipe, sr , and 11; hillips„jr., D. Nixon, \V. Key. aud 1..1...cy, 5i. D., 01 btartod in search. aving searcked all night witliont access, the' contitAt.d. the ntareh txt day, and witt Lt140:13 rewarilod Y April fool, be .,t," from the old - aye, who W.,S teitinting •;rout of iptueigIvors, wherr! `ti 1. 'd vieit- 1 The 'toys, wit,h bonds down and I eary !hubs, rittutinl 0,04' 11*n10u1„1 sing many 4f r ePsilif 1,ptiyes.— tl isq Fordno,4 p of t the CM ' - • Strri; ' 1(9 11.'r )ittk't 10 tin t114% — • fligh• • nt • nr.t.•A itt•no 0(11. id al.r..• ganalaat,•.; sak,a••da, for tip, tiqtrani, 011ko 0 001”t:111,,r I lid* "rtiViqud Cp, ta1,01.3 1,1e.ite F•aixtrthly z_iAtitstitt, Nth ieetaet, where fee Lee rye, "tell Haring bought at very close prices, for eash, I am determined to sell at n small advance so as to suit all purchasers. A_ call solicited, Eggs taken as cash in exchange for goods, MISS E., DIT.JRPHY, whereene A ril 4. Opposite Queen's lidtel. N W Are opening up this week a large shipment of 00 all Sho of superior Quality and handsome Styles, and the prices at which they are marked will make thern rather inter- esting to intending purchasers. REMEMBER THAT THESE BOOTS ARE FROM THE BEST Makers in Canada, and therefore can be relied on to give satisfaction. REW PAINTS AND)1Eil DRESS GOODS are receiving favorable attention, and eales are encouraging fpr. this season. A cordial invitation is hereby extended th the Ladies to call and inspect, and, of course, purchase if they are suited. Our Tailoring and Gents Furnishing Deiartmento are now complete, so that in SUITS, IIATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSE, &c., We promise you satisfaction and very close prices, D 8, GOR fro. il!'", 0 .11 rf ;eel) fje.: has jus enz4ved a largo stock et Sooteb, 11Inglish, Irish, Fr neh and Canadian Tweeds, WORSTEDS, VA N(-,17 PANTING'S, Mtn:tat OVEitCOATIN'00, EXC., and but Eat c,ot. Fine imported goody T:ec'Aty. t:-.loodu Made up 11 the moRt styles, and at 1'ri...:e3 to suit ti1vt:,11. Civeit Pizcosio153 FM111, .t conlinin,P: •nr•vls: to t',.!* -0:0eg bit', anti enstot,.....trs ell unon having tolr wants in this lino properly onwila, OUR OWN GOODS OUT FREE Oh' CH ARM:, Call.and sce our stock and get prices. v.„ r..+1.* 145 el-eAte.),..1.1.1,.ea Opposite timer.'s Hotel, Whathani, E! N: 1(1 tuts • 3 S. .1)) 11'S 1 /7,1y2r v.toy,ti Y41 rly rryllt r .4)h.A.1 .11%J Al A A:24,4 - Viehes to intimuo to the. leople WingiMin and suirotolingcotiMrt tlidt 1. 1 ivrehased the Mt 1.11••.1 broy carried ton 1:y „I. n-inth Son, t.„11.: tie m,,t.11.,t• it in the c.eUlt tYI'm T A MitIV Store, 1)ou131az AND SIZtiGLE 1JAIIVD38. lie. a !et or3 t, made A lad litm !loon Ritiot ote,, 141%1131011 F.Wbip3, 1111, _ . N8z Mai TYRE The Erowia, Anchor, (13,4.121111.1113.1.11101119.61.,00..,331G It J3Vielly Slue ingharn 1 W. -HL : WALLACEir just oponcd out a large 11CW stook or ;1: 77;::iI;t:,i''.?.....;.:!:il,:1(':.:;f::..•'..:7:'s,,,,n:,''':;.4:::--k---:A - .9LaCt,..,?, ..----\1„...„ v,- i lilli.:;*•4;•:',:-.2-;;;A-4,': ''q-tli.,,,,,:r:6-: :"Ii...:.17-1'1;'..?:7-14'It 2'. •.:''''''I.. n..AL'e-2.-,..,4...• -..„.. t the store one door south of the Post 4 Jake, and i'- prepared to gire great bargains in spocial lines of LADIES" GOLD WA.TCHE-.., GENTLENIHN'S GOLD and SILVER, W.A TOMES, CLOCKS, EYEGLASS ES and SpEcTAeLE.s. WOR,K. .—Daba 010 tllS abart,51 notice, a1.41 all work guaranteed, 5:3,7.fr An inspection of Goods and comparison of Prices invited . j•q2,1 • Goods left for. repair with Mr. R. II,, kanstone will be given out. tl0[1 0 E. 12.1 4:12 '‘.4411 10 IrvinfrTh.grn Ork • t .„ic)c)0 c..J1 s,q--7-71---:,s-77,-,,-,, &S.,.,, al* w -as Ucc- . 'cr:::-fin . •., c:14. A ..„.. Jea• 0 W -.02111 OS td ilitiniAt 10 tl,orlrl1,',(.s.. 1:i11:::fil uv:;.;t1/,t ,.11 ,D1 4 titA Ii4ti?. t„acounI t 1 y th:. r stte',:f ) A r• Ti (4. 'Iks• 11, y,1,• „ • has arrived fatal b WAV tlielleti 001. Th0 wele assorted, and contains ell the 4,'!1,:1.•01::. r 0t yet:. CrilVil„gnIP)fi 0 G 0 0 oiil 011'011l'd1100 Tar: pat! at toe mddint.,0,',1:.,d, sm.! t61'04 • Ill t ton (9) wmh matvrial aut0tm,01, tp.1 Ira 51obes0 4 Ito l• I, II e. „n\li hat T Tr? f .7412 .Lej -• m• !qv; e ;rt. 114”11:31! CIO 1 • t ''4.1 rt r"1. 1111 .V.1; Ze. $6, gimovitits, .M/ ititia..••Catri tavit .1'irtlt 11,.) ner:It 1'. u !try Oh.... Witufat,t_a, naith 'Id, • 0 (