HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-11, Page 8"The Pharmacy, Dr. Towlees :Drug Store Via,y0dOttung ind popular Preecriptions eetturatele compounded. Pure Druv,s. and Chemicals aspecialtp, e -e, fell Ilueo Toilet ArtMee, Perfumes, 3poeges,-- .-speotaoles, ete• always in stook - BEM : CENT.RAt OPF10131. STEAMSUIP and Glteein T111/111i TOWeeTICKET VMS. WingWen, - Onte (t4eatingantrEinto FRIDAY, APRIL, 11, 1890, Personals. Ur Il Cowl, of Hausa% was iu town a few days this week—Mr Win Irwin. of the teaching staff of the Listowel High School,. spenthis Easter holidays in town—Mr Geo Duffield was in Lucknow ou bac nem on Wednesday.. Kr A. Tremaid, of Listowel, spent a few days in town last week, visiting his sop, Mr A. Tremelu, jr J IT Lowery, of Suminethill, visited friends in and around Wingliam last week ...Albert Hendry is visiting In father in Ifichigan, who is suffering f rune 13right's diftease...bfr A Glebe, relieving agent G T It, passed through town Thursday. Alr Wallace, of Goderioh, father of .afr w H Wallace, jeweler, spent Good Friday in town—Mr Jolla Buchanan, of Tor oto, spent a few days in town this weeke. 1-tev Mr Priest is in oliuton .this week oonclue• ting revival services in the Baptist church in that place. • FM To 0171t LADY READE110.—Tbe Cana. '41:en Queen is now having its animal frse laiStributiou of Choice Imported Flower Seeds, &tree package containing an im- mense number of rarest varieties, together With The Queel on trial for three months will be sent free to each of •our reader, forwarding her address and *illy 13 ee tamps to cover actual expellee. Eive trial subscriptions and five packages by rued or 'express, (free of expense) to serge address iu Called)). or U S, for oily $1. TM Queen isone o the finest Illustrated Lather' Magueneee oil this Contiuent, it ie devoted to Fashion, Art, Liteeature, Plower, the Tailet, Household Matters, and contaius the Latest Imported, Designs for Peuey Work and Home Decoration. The Seed leistributioe for 1800 tontienees fee this loofah only. No lover of ,beitutifel flowers eau afford to liaise it. Address The Cana- dian Queen. Torouto, Canada. —Mv Dees Trues.—Upwarde of half century ago, one Peter Currie, teeeher, punster and general joker, thought meet to sit six months at least at the feet of fin: Wilhiatn flenailtou, Protessur of logic and metaphysics in the University of Ediu- burgh. Mv beelfellow. John Nichol, a classmate of Peter, rushed into eair bed- room with great glee and told me how Peter had made his mark in the class, Sir William ;wilted its menmers to (Mine " method." Peter, like hie earinseake, uut kuowing what lie sued. boldly came to the reseue.opeued hie inouth arra brayed forth: Method is method methodireil. The cachluatiou of the students wool 1 laevo •drowned the cacitliug in chorue of a hun- dred heel in a f arrner's beruy aril. klethinks L see a Smile rippling the noble face of the) Scotch t$tagirite, The trio have long ei oar joined the great majerity and 1 have often chuckled over the Scotch bull, as 1 fin ve been esteeming it. Strange to say, bet wen 12 rid ay night and. Mendty mortueg, 1 ari H. glimmetiug notion that tIe wiseeere had a confused concept of what eetestitetes philosophical method. Tee weed methodized hoeing to have been tiKka by io • to differentiate the method of ,duction .4 deduentel from the common pleee tu ee ale of every day Iife, But 'that as D. 1m.y, it goes without saying that wen of action are meet of niefliod. Joshua makes Gilgat a ntrategio 'basein • wOrla. At Antioch the word christian Wes nickname, Piet as Methodist was at Oxford, where Methodism WKS Cradled which ia one of the moot potent forces in christendoin of two hemispheres. John Ituoz set the perish schools of Scotland ag9iug, Monument of far.seeing method, that will not livein nionumoutsof stone or bras& The sinentation fund inaugurated by Obaliners,a, true man of method, shows the ttkiglity power of tItles. The ideas of n.Pounds and a Raikes have blossomed aud are bearing fruit in be Sunday schools of the present. And while muidug this morning early, ou the words and Works of this quarter's lessons, 1had a wakiug dream that the child ok Issiab's sublime prophecy may typify the Sunday school of the near f attire, which the blaster assembles may make the instru. went of bringing round a corporate union of the chtirchee, when a united churoh shall etnerge from the clouds of canter). versy, fair as the biome, clear as the stne, and tevible as ex army with bfentiers. Wi LrrelooW. Langside. Miss Uella Ross left fel? London, last week, to resume her situation.— Mr Campbell left for karquette, Mich., after spending a jolly vacation at his old how..—IVIr John Davidson left for Toronto last Monday, to join the poi ice force,—MseterRoy Crowstou who has been viuiting "ICe;vin Grove Parm,"bas returned to his home in Wingliam.—Mr W. Walker, teacher in ward No. 8, spent his Basin holidays at his old home in Wroxeter, Mr T. Ross has sold his fawns horse, Darnley Chief, for it 10 NO sum to Mr of Luck DOW.—.Mr James Crnw• pton disposed of one of his fine brood mares to Mr J,Steid,of St. Helens.—A few of the choice. ones mingle together. —Sugar inaking'and taffy pulling will soon be too sweet to be agreeable — ;Laster passed by very quietly, even the hens refused to osokle. Ploughing has began. Cuirass. . An entertainment was held in 8. S. No. 7, Calross, on Friday, 21g ult. under the auspices of the teacher, Mr. Hartley, and the pupils of t1u school The programme consist,d of songs, violin music, reel tatione, .61:oruses uy choir, club swinging and dtattilolfell exercises by the Teeswater 'calisthenic company. Also an address by the Rev. Mr Maleolw, of Teeswater, Rev. A. R. Linton acting as chairman. The school was very prettily decorated and reflects much credit upon the teacher .and pupils, The receipts ainunuted to about $20 end live being used in beautifying the school—The I. O. G. T. Liidge on the 6th line is said to be progressing very favorably and it memberi ars rapidlyincreasing, but owing to the bad state of the roads. and weather, it has been • deeided to meetings only Once in two weeks for a tune. We wish them success. Maple sugar and syrup is now he im- port:Int subject 'under discussion and inany are taking advantage of tho old adage"Stolett sugar ts-sweet," • It may he of interest to sotne of one readiere 1.0 know thea the 7th of "ti ay next will he the last day for the redemption of the notes of the City Flank, Royal Canadian Dank ad Consolidated Bank, and that after that the bills of these Banks wil be worthless, The Rv g.Sellery, B. A , 13.D , of 13rrtssels, in a recent sermon un t4tri- per.oitileave the following in tereating statistics; 10'0,000,000 httsbl s Cf grai is annually manufactured into beer; Great Britain's lignor hill amoonts to i'.1,000,000,000 annually; United States $1,600,000,000. anc1-"Ontario $5,000.000 20,000 insty,,artS engaged in the liquol trolFlc, The Vital rev - vitae is t5L180,000,010 and the total expenditure 82.500.000 • of the crimes coniinitted is traced to drink. There is estittia.ted to be 60,000 drunk. melt( in 'Canada and 800,000 in the United States, ,A00 SOUS. theimen-ni %Ingham. on the srd inst., the wao of Mr I U nyeiner, agent 0 1' ; v Son. AfAceogsr.o-In Winithemi, on the 3rti initant, the wile of meW U leacdonala, flautist; 0 eon, still. Wen. itauzuBb ehe euh•eu,,.0tiou of l'i.teao.n. The geeat ,141.7011ettleve;;iitie,tti4,0 re7menes of the bride'epareuts, the 2nd twit, by the iler teaeher nytkes CdpOrintittll tt centre of eft Istizabeth Ann lloyentrY1 wiesiointry work, mud 'immanent enter. I all tr'"$b "vAn°514 rise; was trilich an caravan routes, , Rua bitltrotfiliAgz-,Itiohittglar--ap the residenee of tbe ,110man roads converged there. raw, pre. iig°0thin1;11\71t,ihlo:nhtt'vorrr,l,fir):ii:itl34:nt:101"101.:.'"1.41'1,Y°.::(Yn018:onatte81141Patli:1:11!:: ios ocicleitt I i inkna Antilleil eentre, make3 VARwics.--Matifixav--At that talc/Ice riti the the voteries of Diana, does the Rebrecalfelximas. 10th of morria, e. bnr.) by Corin'll built on an istlinitle • Dr2t14 J ‘mia9 Winulutni 011 RIEC:iatiVo ilth.1800. Aurally to hie work =wig the Gentiles, M14011414 INIAREETS. WIS011Alit April 20, ISM Corrected by P. Poem, PrOduee Peeler. l"our per 100 lbe, . it 25 tO 2 ee Pen Wheat per wallet, e ti .. e /5 to 080 Oate, • ' •- 20 to 27 Burley • . 20 te20 Peas, .. 20 Potatoes, 20 to 23 Butter, tub . 22 to 20 do ttolls, 22 40 14 Eggs per dozen, 8 to 8 flood per cord, . . 1 26 to 1 DO (fay per ton, 0 00 to 0 00 — Property for Sale - IN NYINOTIAM, The underaigneli. entre for sale )de ilWelling house end one or fore aures of land, as purchaser may require. The property is nicely lecated, and will be sold en imisonableterins. For full partioulars, apply to the owner, Wine -ham Aprillith, 1800. Spring JAMES ANGUS. Pleasant Valley Apiary. PURE ITALIAN QUEENS Poet SALT Tested queene, during May . • $4,00 •" during June 1 76 Untested Queens, after June leth ... . • 1 00 or untested, queens after June 1500 4, 00 I also have a etiantity of chaff fetes and ay: all hives for BOO, Carpenter work attended tri in all its branches with, neatness and despateb. PETER A. 14IILLER, Wiugham, Out. TOWN PROPERTY Fcir Sale. — • . Tito urdersigbeil offers ter sale three varbable park lots on the east side of John street, Lots 80, 81 and 75, containing 12 acres, with good building's, first. class orchard, de. This pioperty, situated in Lower Wingimm, will be sold on easy terms to suit pur• (Maur, for 51,200. For further particulars apply to • JAS, MaCLENEGAN, • Whitechurch p. o. ouse and Lot for Sale, . CHEAP, With immediate posseesion. Lot 08, Frances street west, Apply to a, . Beal Estate Agency, Emit Block, Winghain. 'AREE TO BENT. The undersigned wishes to rent his farm,being Ilis south halves of lots Nos. 28 and 2, Ist concession Morris Township. Tho farm consists of 100 acres. over 80 of which are • *caned. The farm is well fenced and in good eontlitioii. It is well adapted for daling or grain, but, os)/boially Oitryin,1 It is • about two miles from the Bluevale Cheese' Factory. There are fifteen acres in Fall Wheat The stubble lend was nearly all ploughed in the hill. There are a good 4040 feet barn. -stone stablingand sheds for implements, The dwelling house is 28X20, well finished inside and out, with a good wood shed at- tached. 1 will lease for one or a terra of years, and canals° rent a quantity of implements -binder, reaperonower, rake and ploughs. For terms apply to A. GRAHAM, Wingliam, Ont. Holstein Bull fQr Sale. • ELUEVALE CHIEF, Not 14401, bred and owned 'byJanes Elliot, Moe: vale, Ont, Calved February nth,' 1880. Sire, f)rowri tutorial, ittgu; dam, 'Meals, No. 5167, Bluevalo Chief has been accepted for registry in • the sixth volume cf the Holgtein•Fresian Herd J3ook, and numbered as above. Stook for sale. JAMES ELLIOT, Blueyitle, Ont. • PURE •,• offers new PUractiuus in SPIiiING GOODS. • 0 0,• Great variety of Myles. Round to please every h )'er DRk.AS GOOD, PRIMPS Sateen; Gingliarns, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Laces, Flouncings, Hosiery, Corsets. . •and Embroideries, Gloves, Ribbons, • Underwear Gentlemen, see our NEW S MINOS, PA.NTIN6S' d OVER We have just opened up REPEAT LINES 'and Other new goods, not shown early ill the season, and have secured some extra value in DRESS GOODS and TWEEDS. . We will 'be pleased to 'show you things, supposing you don't wislt o buy, and get priees, We have opened up a large shipment of new. BO TS Ardb SHOES. Pure and FresIL0 SEE- Gtii'=';1 REICKANT Tit LE. nspeetion requested by etttY IiPlieRlici• whither . two gcns, deed some of his I Antet Code, voliet of 'the feteIfelilIprll eer Janes, Aged set bterury 'Week while a prisoner in ' # tli14 ihrei1;11 tle'; ilieefe;e"ed. iteiel eeeks. , !emeriti, in tower NATirttb^,rn, 40 the Oth Instant, Is a bettor than other to -called wonderful flesh producer. SCIOTT'S Elllt.TLSiON ft put 4‘10 in a srefinon temp *rapper. JJ Joil•ii owl 01 .he goordne, Aoki by rut Dealer* tet 110e• an(i 411"," SPOTT A 110IPNV, Belleville • SEE erster's Advt. •EXT JUST G EEK •12i.P.e.'"eeeeeee PENED. has just opened up a General Poasion arid incery Stare, nearly opposite the Market, The stock consists of uga'rA,treas Tobaccos, Spices, Raise* Currants) Datts, Figs and Prunes. CANNED GOODS OF ALL XINDS—Frait, Peas, Corn, Salmon, Corned Beef and Sal dines. All kinds of 13isenits, Dried Meats, Fish, 13 utter, Egg i..4 anti Liverpool Salt. .A fall assortment of COOKERY AND OrLASSWARE •itt se or separate. Butter, Ego, Dritd Meat, eto., taken in exebanp. As wp boy for cash, we ale able to sell ttt the chq.lpest xates. By calling ard inspecting our goods yottw lc A rill obilito A 'LI 4firtilidiatil ' iarei) 2,8, 180e 14: