HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-11, Page 7OLDFC,T C QMAN 1N 'MR WORD. A Negress who vias menitnertts showing: That sae. wen .Uora in. 174$, the northeatate ru portion of Balla% Taiga between Cryan lead Live Oak streets,atel froetine; the tIonnton and Texas Ceti trUI railway, lies. Atiet July Cote. 'who sae glut rcceutly grown too old to: I el. o. ia washing. The cabin in wllicll Mi ' lives i.. tt ludo Bourg, send yet • it,ie lity:v es met es a rel. II ie our. rounded by li. dwelt huts of the sane Lind, though hot bo well kept, all hud- dled together in 1.11 irregular colony. 'i.leerailwaty people have forced their right of way ii itll barbed wire to keep the horde of lliekaniixuies off the track, but, in vale. 'ilrc'y crawl through the fangs of the feller., well gather upon the road in such llumhere that the cautious. engineer finds it: - necessary .on l::lssiug through k`l'eedmantawn to use both bell ;and whistle. After the train had passed the other clay The ,Republic roan crawled through rthe vire fence, and with difficulty found. the cabin of the ''t Iiti Futesinny Aunty." She'sat iia a low chair airdsmols,t:d a blue 'vlay pipe, AB site raised her face slowly and ]ler wrinkled features .were first seen the writer involuntarily asked liim- Self: "Is it alive;" When elle spoke her `tremulous and cracked voice increased Itis astonishment. But it, was not only Wive, but it smoked and talked, "lily name is July Cole," she said. "I belonged to Col. Cole in Furginuy, and lie fit de 13ritishers wid Gen. Washing- ton, Norfolk was my home, sir; right 'Un de sea. My maunuy fs.,me troll; de Cape in Afrikyr and my daddy Went back dere, wr7 mammy was Denied ('t Lucretia, and was give to Col. Cole by CHISHOLM'S CORNER DRUG `Gen. Washington's lady, who bad many Wingham Agency, servants. I Was brought to RenryI county, Tennessee, and sold to Thomas Waters. Iliad great-gratidehillun den. After I helped .to settle Tennessee I was .8 sold. to William Rabb for lag'., Mare slot come to take me home to Tennessee, but ole roan Rabb wouldn't let me go, • wid him, Den I livedon Rabb's Creek, below La Grange, Tex. I was took away from my husband and two chillun in Tennessee, and my ole man he run away !and followed me till •dey caught him wid; doggy right on de banks of ole Mississippi • river. Yes, sir, right dar in de bed of de•iiver, what de hill is and de liigl; trews, and right down by de boat in de lark—fur he ivas ruunin' to git on de, • ' ,otit wid me. But dey'Caught 'ha and I . 'never saw 'im any more." - On being asked her age the old woman 'began to rise slowly, holding, in the meantime, to the phair for support. •11 doesn't know by ole figgers, but, 1 knows by happenin's," she said. She gloved to an old trunk, which was env; Bred with rawhide with the hair on and - 'tacked' with big 'headed brass tacks. From this ehe drew an old letter on blue paper, which she ,says was "de paper" given to Mars Waters by Mars Cole when the wits sold. Only the lower half of the sheet remains, the other hawing evidently •s been taken off bq time, and the only legi- 11ie portion of the writing purport to give • the date of Aunt July's birth. The only words are°"was bornDec. 10, 1745." The writer had heard that she was 145 :years old, but of course he believed noth- ing of the kind. The appearance of the 'old negro and the evidence produced by 'her to prove 'her age were astonishing. • "Dey says I. is -er hundred and forty- five year ole, an', honey, I epee' it is so." "What is your earliest remembrance, :aunty? Do you.' remember. Gen. Wash - "ton?'' "I never seed flim," sate said, "but I knows when, he was genetfal, and T knows when leo was president, too. I heord ]Mars Cole say when de tea was Hung outele de Boston ship. I has seed de Tories, an' my brother was wid Mars Cole when he went into de war wid ole Britishers. Dat war was seven years, :and Mars Cole he got shot in de arm. I 'members when dey fit de French an' In- juns, too, sir." It took quite a while to got all this out 'of the aged creature, whp is very feeble. ,She had only one want—smoking tobacco --and that was supplied, .after which the writer left her at her low, hairy trunk .putting away her documents --Cor. St. ,Louis Republic. a'%t Dressmaking Announcement--. console Ihicnseif•thatlleis no loser.'4ytJte preference, arid that be may save the money the latter expends; iipon concert tickets anti, earrict;;es,°—Oliver Leto.r. • 4. I'eoltliuc' tlatiot Icor. Probably the most extraordinary sys- ;etu' 'f voila;.; ►vas ill 1-Iungar t , whero the btl.ltot boxes were iiulneuse cwilis and the ballot polo's from four to. six feet long, wl,leh the citizen carried and de- posited, for his favorite candidate with peculiar pride. --Detroit News, Ralph, Disraeli, a brother of Lord iiosog McLennan k 'Mckenzie JIM taken possession of store apposite the Bung: on Joseprrine street, next door to Nr Fields' butcher shop, where they intend carrying on a tatit•olass Dress and Mantle -making Establishment. Orders promptly t*tended to, Satisfaction guaran. – — t'tod • JOHN AMBLER teaconsiield, retired at the age of ER, HARNESS MAR -MR after fifty years of public service, from • the office of deputy clerk of the parlia- lar •e stock of merits, to whom he was appointed by Lord Beaconsfield. STARE Seed$' os. 00 heat is aEri Low , S are all CraIso 00 fluttered 'Petco t'or retittoos, I+1. Taiue, the eminent French Mitarar' tour, was recently at Oxford and be ors tiered irisin roast beef and potatoes for dinner. The waiter brought lit, Taina, roast beef and buttered toast, M. Table exclaims,. 'Waiter, some potatoes " The welter brought more buttered toast. M. Table. in pronouncict;, "potatoes," Tail stress. on the hest syllable of potatoes and gave the "s" more sibilation than was iweessary, so to the waiter's. English ear lie was asking with tolerable clear- ness for buttered toast, When fresh lots of buttered toast began to appear, M. Taiue blandly demanded "solve- pota- toes," with the result that his table was literally covered with plates of buttered toast; however, a well known Oxford rofessor happened to enter the room at his juncture and sueeeeded in clearing p matters.—London Cor. of New Ore dans Picayune. flossatuhle. "Good morning. I should like to ask for a little information, if you please." The speaker was a northern tourist in the Ozark mountains of southwestern Missouri. He had; halted near a small,. windowless cabin, in front of which a sallow, shrewd native sat smoking'a cob 6�i'A cull solioited, SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. JOHN MLLES, Wingham, Feb. ith, 1890. 3Sii S - MISS NEL•LO McHARD'Z. CLASSES roe. INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND t.rgan, in Voice Culture and Harmony,. meow Bonne nt BEAVER BLoOK,. WI.:CrHAM • MRDLE VYORKS 1 Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen years business in Wingharn, I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the nubile gen, erally for the liberal patronage extended to me in the past. I shay also state that I am in a position to offer better induoenients than ever to those requiring anything hi the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, pipe. "Wull?" came the slow reply. The man did not glove nor did he take his pipe from his mouth or his hands from his pockets as he surveyed the elegant young man in corduroys. "I should like to inquire," said the tourist, "if this isn't the i egion where the clay eaters live? I was told I should reach it about noon." The Missourian rose slowly, and, ad- vancing his lank figure, a, gleam of fun in his eye, asked in his turn; "Clay? Be you hungry for some, young feller?" --Youth's Companion. STONE TRIMMINGS, FOR .FENCING, &o I would be pleased to have those desirous of pro- curing coy articles in My line to call and examine goods, compare pricesand leave their s o that the goods mas be secured and prepared early in the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest Hot km ship at the most favorable prices. Float respeotfully, , yours, VJM. SMYTH, Wiagham, Ont. DO +70U WANT TO r.%iLT 1 YOUR SEEDS AS CHEAP ? If so, read T. A. MILLS' posters eves tnorni11g. 1,,,e for Horses. Once in the horse business always in the horse business might be put down as a proverb. ;l have known a good many inen to get 'tired of race horses and Gell nut, but unless they sold out on account .,s of age or infirmity they have always gone back to it, Look at Will Barnes. Ile sold his stables a few years ago and swore he would never own another horse. lie is now in the market buying a lot of yearlings, showing that be ]Weans tostay 111 the business. .I could name a num- 1,er of others who have done. just what Barnes has done. There is a fascination) about racing that sticks to amen through life.—Interview in St. Leine Globe -Dem. oorat. Social Opporturritles Are %:livat. There is no good reason why the me- chanic should not play the piano or the banjo if he is so inclined; none why lie should not keep himself clean and re- . •spectehle and go into society; nolle why the doors of mansions should not open us wide to him as to the salesman in a store. If the daughters of Squire Tinse' fool: down upon a mechanic and sutiic linty. tL Counter jumper, the termer » ti Oat Meal. gill Opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm ers and the people generally that they ha reopened theirs Qat fileel liIl in inghem TIMES It SUBSCRIBERS. All pet:'tiea who have not paid for the " TIMES " for the year . 1.888 and 18bi. use requested to re• init the amount at once, We gleed money,and hope this notice witi be sufficient, and that a sienna! response will be the result. R, TLT.$I OJ T T. The undersigned have on hand a large quantity of Wind Motors for I.Iectr1oal, urposos. The use of wind power$ wfoe producing the electric light possesses the recom- mendation that it is cheap, A wind motor has been in successful operation for some time at the northernmost light, house at. Cape de la Hague, where it drives two dynamos supplying accumu- letors. The windmill restsupon a timber framing, and transmits motion by means of a vertical shaft and two pairs of cone ical cog wheels to a horizontal shaft, Pulleys Are fixed to the latter, which drive the dynamos by means of belting. The windmill works automatically, both during light winds and gales.—Eleotli ciao. And are now preparers tri purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and itt the Hiwhest add Price, They will supply customers with the B;s.7 Gitayss in Oat Meal. ELDER, & CLEGG, • • IWG•22.A. M'• - O.tt14:C', ✓ r S Watts.e—I suppose your wife is like most women—clever admits that she makes it mistake. Wickwire—Oh, she occasionally assertsthat she made a mistake marrying me. But she »ever admits even that outside the fatnily, FIRST-O4.kSK CNP WHICII WILL III; SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO, ON HAND, Hemlock and Dry PIne: T , 4J MBE DRESSED OR UNDRESSED, ®0 0- AT ..' AT THE Wingham :I+✓�ill . Josephine street, adjoining C PR track; L. & J. MoLEAN. Wingbam, Oct. ea 1889. WA ire's Thouglxtfainess. Elis wife is back 1 No more at night, When seems the,town to have a som- bl<e light,. Too dull and gray, fay he go forth with paint to make it bright, Tie's ltd his flay, till wife is hack. Pioneer Hardware Store, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the following lines: IRON PIPE, ALL SIZES FROM TV • - INCH. I i'1 . IRON A'Pits AND BRASSCT1NGs. FIRE BRICKS, MILL FILES, • MACHINE OILS. AMERI'CAN WATER WRITE COAL OIL. But who is that, With glossy slat, And step as springy as the step of fawn, Who loaves at night returning with the dawn 1 It ie the ottie>i man whose wife's ,just gone 1 Iip'Il see the paintings done! I3e'?l have the fun l The town shall flavor stray, So dull and gray; . His wife has gone 1 So gen!o nature, makes A compensation sweet, She gives for what she takes, And it is sweet, So whore the lower is plucked an- other springs. As she's providing for a myriad things. The town may not he lift to stay All dull anc'l gray : One Wife comes home to -day, ;Another goes Reny. Win hath, March 21, 1890. WINGHA TANNER 13E5T 'BRANDS <)F' Sole, . Harness... .d. AA �-y and Uppgo Jf"'....11 A. E �Y ALWAYS ON HAND.` Manufacturers would do well to merlin stock and cornparo prices. We are sole agents in, Winglram for the sale of Genuine Itubhl'r Paiot the beet in the world. All -kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom .. prices. kadies' & Gents' Driving Gloves Ill Dog; Coon and Astrae>an, made to order. Also;i trong Workingmen's Gloves, Irl Desr, Goat, Cali and bheepskin. Highest pries.pcir1 for Clouts, Times' flheepskius and Woul., Wt 4L CHAPMAN.1 Land Plaster in bags always ou he. Gl ao 52,1 FARMS FOR, SALE. ZETLAND SAW MILL 1 bane a number of tarots for sale in different pal• a of Ontario, AS yoet are aware, furors were never s cheap in this province as ut the present time, and if you want a tarin I would recommend you to buy now. It your means are limited I can sellplenty of ten a 1 farm pay b lance n a small iof y rchacomtnieng you at a low tato of ,nterest, thus enabling you to acquire a home of your own most easily. If you have means and do not tegitlr0 credit I ran give von es good calm) for your money as yf u can get elsewhere. I will gladly send you description of farms or salt, in ally locality an head sg from von. ,fo1fN J. t'A'la1ON, 84 King street cast, Toronto. T olSAttos OP BOTTLES q7NEll AWAY YEARLY: Winn I sae Cure 1 do not nfea, merely to stop them for a time, and tato have thorn return Again. 1 ki IAN A RA 010A. It, C U 6I GW nave grade the disease of Pits. Epilepsy Or ,Falling 1Dickst ess n life -los.,; study. I warrant My remedy to Cure the Worst wee. Because inherit Imve failed is no reason for not now rerelvistr, a cure. Send at dace for a treatise and a PrOtte IgtottiO of my trikttiitioie t"tattitad '. five El press and Post Office t coats you nothinle for a trial, end it will one you. Atfdrettt:--H R, ROOT* Mi 0'/ *mouth Olfinoek 118$ Liik `' AD4,,.AttlC GlIzzwr5 'rolnz MI'!'iit, GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, • First-class Shingles,. and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Special y. 'WOOD .delivered to any part cif Windham. re Order bymail prompt y attended to. GEORGE TIIOMSOr4, • Wingbam l' o WINGHAM FLOUING MLLS! The undersigned wish to to der t; .ir hest t1 at tot the ltbtral patronage given to ,ir 810) severaly^.ats prior to the burning n7 our uiir 1 } ”u• ^0ndiaricul, During the 1 set e,a,or. +til: h:eer in. moddelled the teen mull to the tattoos pmts.; oys. tem of Hungarian hull,•r Process tui tins. We t,• ;leve wacan SOW rri, a better acepmniod.tioar ever berme. Wordier Prompt Disi atoll, Tif)ir Ptetlir'nu5 Q IALIT'Y SI::CO:dl)'.0fINOIv1 IN SBOTION, wad ttv*oloto nem ,•ta1 ttteit',n t C't v '•r °•t' with a trial by 4.4 fr iends and litany near tines, 1 Uui , ,,,u1W ,,;tglet•tf Gills, HUTTON VIti„kam kill, flet, 43, hill.