HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-11, Page 5If W?oa etor, The i ldranr's concert br the Town Hall on 1`'riday eventfg,, lrtat was success, and fipe'aks well for oar princi- pal, Mr. Taylor, as a juvenile irratruc-' tor, etc, The medal for the best 'recitation was awarded Iiiaa Jessie 'Gibson, who deserved credit for her siiilfnl bundling of the temperance `question in a financial point of view. --- within a twelvemonth the business up- heavals in Wroxeter have been tor. rifle and we are beginning to wonder when our. ship of state" wtil reach 'the cairn settled waters and sail on gloriously on a solid business basis. We are glad to report our changes are not of at break -down character, but on the contrary, a marked, improvement 'in the situation is the etas every time. The latest glove is the entrance cf Mr Thos. ;Millar into 'the dry goods business with Mr jab, Sanders, who only took in a' partner about two weeks ago in the person of Iver Mc - 'Laughlin, of Corrie, and lir Miller :has bought out Mr McLatigliliu'k iii• 'terest. Tom Miller is long and very favorably known in this locality and we commend him to 'the public gen- erally. As secretary of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co, he made friends.--Joeph Marks is about malt• ing extensive changes on his grocery store. A story is to be added. and the whole building will be made wider and will add greatly to the appearance ` of that part of our town. -A choir is 'to be organized in our village on a "scale hitherto unknown in the singing ' annals of our village, • Dr Brawn is to bo leader, and his eapabi itis for such are undoubted. Tuere will be solve tall singing after awhile, we Hope, as there are some fair average singers here —The Town Council have caused to be closed up for the present the street running; from Dr Smale's'to the 'Canadian Pacific Railway siding, as' it was a menace to. the traveling public. —141r Thos Gibson, M.P.P., has re. turned from the sitting of the Local.— Miss Mary Sanderson is opening out a 'stock .of millinery in the Sanlerson block—Miss, Newton Gibson has got 'in a finespring stock of millinery also. CI Are opening up this week a large shipment df oats and Shoe A thoroughbred Jersey cow,belong-1 ing to Mr John Hannah, of Tucker - smith, has a particularly good milk record, . During the past season she gave milk for nine and a -half months and; during that time she gave 4,800 pounds of milk, and fifteen and a -half pounds of milk produced a pound of butter, She thus produced 320 lbs of butter, which at an average price of 17 cents per pound would cake the yield of the co'w in cash '.$54 ' for the season, besides the skirl milk, which wool: be worth ,a considerable•sum, Listowel• The second of the Mechanics' insti- 'tute entertainments will kilo given on Friday evening next, when . an expel- ' "lent programme is expected.—The numerous frnnds of Dr.'J, .A.Burgess will be very sorry that he is about to 'leave •our town. The Dr. has practis- ed as M: D. in our midst for upwards of eleven years, but is now fI under - 'stand going into the drug business in Lakefield,—. Arrangements aro being inade to celebrate the 2.4th of May in town by sports and games iu the driving park.—Win. Garroch, of the firm of Garroch Bros.,.eigar manufao' turer, died at his mother's, the old family homestead, in Sheffield, on Sunday March 30, never having fully ree.oaered from,la grippe.—G B Ryan, of Guelph, hasopened.out a stock of dry goods in Campbell's block,—Wen. Anderson, who was burned at floss Bros, a short time ago, is slowly recovering. --Rev. N. R. WMon ghly, of the Norf.ilk-st Methodist church, 'Guelph, pretzel ed n:.'tssioiiary sermons to large congregations on Sunday last. Mr. Willoug;hly is a preacher of znore than average ability. His morning sermon especially was 1istm- td. to with great attention, -The Royal Templar life boat crow name to • town as advertised on Thursday and started a series of meetings which are being well.attencted night after. night. This team is composed of Prof. J. T. Mills as leader and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald as vocalists.. The recitals and spicy talk of lir. Mills are well appreciated by the people, as . is the beautiful siugiug of Mr. Mc- Donald. 0.1 Sunday morning 111r. Mills,preaclied for the Congregation- alists and in the eveningMrs.Mcihonald preached to the Methodist alaureh' to a full boase; after which_ a,. general grass 'meeting was held which had the real gospel temperance ring about it, 'A Voluble Frenchman. A Winnipeg, Man., special dated March 13 says: The legislature had a session. lasting from'.,8 p. in. Tuesday until 0 a. m. yesterday. Martin, a Frenchman, spoke for' nine and a half hours on the educational bill. Ile wished to annoy the government by talking two or three days, but the house made him talk untll he was so -exhausted that he had to give ' up the floor. The speaker' would not• al- low him to'support his body on the desk, and he had to stand up the whole titre. Several members of the house brought • bedding'int9 the legislativehall and went to sleep. When lunch was brought in :Martin ata his' sandwich, and drank • his wine while talking, the speaker ha'oing threatened to ages l his right to the floor if lie remained silent longer than three minutes. The amendment to the biliwas voted down, 10 to 7.. A UU1Ae)9CE Iu th lanes Banos GRAS. KN CHTEL Wishes to intimate to the people of wingham and surrounding country that he has purchased • the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. 'J. J. lIomuth Rs Son, and will conduct it in the building one door south of Mr T A Mills' store. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, made to order, A full lino of llorse.Blani:ata, Sleigh Bells, Currycombs, ,Brushes, etc., always on hand. Repairing neatly and promptly Bono Mr. lvanamalcer's Life Insurance. Joli>i Wanarnaker' carries $1,700,000 life instirtince. No man in the world (probably no two men) supports such a number of policies as he. It is quite cer- tain that he must have policies in nearly every company in the world -Only three companies will risk as much as $100,000 in a human .life, and those are in New York. ;This amount of life insurance must cost Mr. Wanamaker. between $300,000 and $400,000;per year,,but it is a good in- vestment if a man engages in such large transactions:as he, because if it enters. into his business standing it gives those he deals with a certain knowlkdge that when he dies there will . be money • to carry on the business. -=Chatter. of superior Quality and handsome Styles, and the prices at which they are marked will make them rather inter- esting to intending purchasers. REMEMBER ,THAT THESE BOOTS ARE FROM THE BEST Makers in Canada, and therefore can be relied on to give satisfaction. Whips, The patronage of the public solicited, and satislae' tion in work and material guaranteed, C. KNEOHTEL. Winpham, March 4. 1800. Our NEN. PAINTS ?1ND NE DRESS GOODS are receiving favorable attention, and sales are encoura.;lnr a for this season. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to the Ladies to call and inspect, and, of course, purchase if they are suited. • 'Our Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing .Departments are now complete, so that in SUITS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS,'TIES, -HANISKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSE, &c., We promise y;iu satisfaction and very close prices, G Why MT. Qladstono Uses Postale; Do you .know why it is that the Tto'n. 4niiliam E. Gladstone invariably uses the humble postal card for the purposes of correspondence? It is because ho is tlie father of the postal card tri Great Britain. He made a long and hard battle in ad- vocacy of its adoption, and now he uses it more than i)ny twenty other men in public life to prove his faith in its utility. --Eugene Field's Letter. Janaestovm. Miss Isabella Peacock is•at present visiting friends in no,vbrifig;e.—:lir and Mrs hoover spent Sunday with Me Win 1roaes of the 2nd line,—Me Wallwin proaohed a very appropriate Easter sermon in Jamestown church last S:thbatli. -Miss Irisrie Ramsay spent the past week visiting her sister; Mrs John Pugh, of Brussels NAV/ hppruntice coming to t' wn to learn blacksierithin .---flea lags were "rttn down'' the river last wi'eit, and spine of the boys in showing their dexterity got a dip once in at while. Mr. Arthur Horatio Nelson Jet. Ikius has severed his connection with 44 At, Oatliariiies Gtt.",efcee ON<• -::M I Y E The Brown. Anchor. Stdre - i -.WipgItLia w.. H. W A L ;- • A C -E 1. •I THS just opened out a large new stock os 0 0 In the store one door south of the Post Office, and is prepared to gr4,. great'bareains in 'special lines of LADIES' GOLD WATCH (IENTLE,11+1N'S GOLD and SILVER'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, • 'EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. ,EE.PAIRING and NEW WORK —Done on the shortest notice, and all work guaranteed.— An inspection. of Goods and comparison 'o' Prices invited .y r Goods left for repair with Mr.'R, R. \'anstone will he given out... E.11ia � o WALLACE, Winghana, Ont. Creinatoiies in Bagiand. At the Woking (England) areihatory the number of cremations is steadily in creasing'. In three years, front .1884 to 1887, the annual average wase$. In 1888. thero were 20. In 1880 the number in creased to ' 40, the "total number at the end of the year having been exactly 100. So far in 1800 tlidre - have been several every week.......New York Sun. Just before Robert Fisher, a, wealthy farmer: of Spencer county, Md., died a few weeks'agc l>e informed his brother that he had buried $80.000 in bonds in a jar in bis cellar. After his death the jar was found as described, bttt the bonds were gone and they have not been found. In an inquiry before the railway coma, rnissioners it has just collie out that two Met hi the einploy of a certain railway company as locomotive engineers were coinpelle4 to work for forty.eight hour on a stretch. The men seemed to takeit as a nuttier of course, too. A. Ip.+tsburger has recovered, in the courts. the full value of personal prop» arty stolen from the sleeping car while he slumbered. It was only a few hun- dred dollars, yet enough to have placed safe,in rhtt sleeping car, By SS, 'Europa, lrcnt HG>',r,.bur„t Germany., 3 OASES FANCY TABLE CHINA EGG SETTS, SALAD SETTS; FRUIT BOWLS, YAM, . BISCUIT JA1113, WATER SI TTS'; Rt)Siei. JARS; MS SAtC%,R.Sr , NEW BASINS, NEW CURRANTS,' • �) FRUITS,NEW 7ELL�, NEW. N1TS, , VS CHOICE - '-, a LIA BL ' aOCC I Call and Inspect Wait Malting VbuS X,Ar I±'UE:Fi`L THE CHINA HOUSEI