HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-11, Page 4e E. WILLIAM'S ttetIn sti'tiagti(c1", ticilfIttY autC.tiensaine:vnet , I that the accused was guilty. The 0131EMIST body of decease& wan afterwarde General awl an. . - AND - oiler Dr Holmes and a, jury, who order- . ed a post taortem to be made by I)r. • DRUGGIST. llteeve who, with other witnesses, was kexamineci and an adjournment made until December 30 in order to have • 1 viscera made by order of Inques the Attorney exhumed by liy C. P. . TICKET NEAT. ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO. Brlinswid Hose, Wingham, - - t, On nolmoirmoomemoommemsoa_v_nalemom.....0,11....w_ mafrolm• filYteMinglani Einics FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1590. ime Whitely, MoDonagh and Appleton, an analysis o Prof. Ellis, of Toronto. On Decent.. ber 30 the Cosner and Jury again met in Clinton) when the retort of the analyst was reel etating that the quantity of arsenic.. Mond in the parts submitted to hun was 'ergo, but which he thought "vas more likely to have derived from arsenio injected'into the body of deceased after death, by the embalmer, than from the arsenic ab- sorbed by the tissues during life," It will be recollected that the toady had been embalmed and that arsenic is an important element in the fluid. used in the process. However, after hear- ' • ers evidence of Drs.Reeve, INdorriss. A special ineetiog of the couneil was beta at the town hall, on Mamie 11,th, 1890, called by the Reeve for the purpose of transacting %witless relatiag t the Treasurer's. °Moe, After looking over the accounts and hearing the statement of the Tree stirer, it wae moved by 0, A. Howe, seconded by Jas. Praetor, that the present Trensurer, Mr. James New- combe, be dismissed. at.once and that lie be required to baud over forthwith to the Wave all books, mottles, papers and other property in his possession as Treasdrerof this corporation—Carried. Oa motion of Calabiels and Kirkby, T. S. Brandon was appointed Tettsurer, at a salary' of $90 per annum, On Motion of Proctor and Howe, Mr, Wra. Clegg', of Wingharn, was ap- pointed special auditor to audit the books and accounts of the late Tree, surer, The council then adjourped to inet again on Mareh 13th, at 10 o'clock a, m. . March 18th — The Council met; Members all present. As Mr Clegg declined to act as auditor in the mat- ter relating to the tete Treasurer, on motion of Howe and 'Oaldhick, Wm Laidlaw and Chas McClelland were appointed speeial auditors to 'act in the matter. By laws Nos. 6 and 7 were duly read and passed. The council adjourned ,to me ,at the call of the Reeve. alarch 22nd—The council met at call of. Reeve, Members all present. The special aoditors appointed at last meetinghanded in their report show- ing a shortage of $2127.99. On motion of Howe and Proctor, the clerk was instructed to demand from the late •Treasuri- r and 'lite sureties immediate payment of the aforesaid sem. Pbe bond and security given by the newly appointed Treasurer was unwed and the books and other property belonging to the Treasurer's office were handed over to lam, end his receipt taken.in detail. On. Motion of Caldbick and Kirkby, the Trea- surer was instructed to draw from the hank amount of deposit receipt No. 37609. amounting to $1169, and to deposit $750 to .the credit of , the corporation. ' The council then -ad- aourned. March' 81st. 1890—The council Met pursuant to adjournment. Members all. present. Ttie Reeve in the chair. Minutes of .last regular meeting and ehree speefal meetings were reed and .passecle .Aeeciunia were ordered to be paid as follows: Special auditoes, each $10e Corporation of Blyth, hell rent, $7.50; • Misses Exford, charity, $15 ; John Hays, &tamiug. insane indigent, $15; James ()same, charity, $S; H. Mooney, expensesin connection witb late Treasurer,$16.50; Wm. Watson, repairing culvert tear Belgravia $2 ; W. H. Kerr, publishing A.uiitors' abstract, $1 ; 3. T. Garrow, legal advice, $5. Moved by S. Cald bick, secoecled by Geo. Kirkby, that the Reeve be instructed to have ap proach to Brandon's bridge put in a proper State of tepair—Carried. Movedby Geo Kirkby, seconded - by S. Oaldbick, that Jas. Proctor be instructed to have a ditch on 4th line, near Belgrave, put in a proper state of repair—Oarried. A corrmunica- tion was received from Mr. . Gibson, 111,, P. P., asking thacipanion of this council in reference to a bill now before the House propelling to make the financial statement. of the 15th December the final audit. Moved by Jas Proctor, seconded by S. Oaldilick, that tbe opinion of this council is that the proposed change' is desirable. Moved in amenetnaent,by 0, A Howe, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that the opinion of this council is .not favor able to the prop teed change—Mation Carried. Moved by 8. Oalcibick, sewn. ded by Gee Kirkby, that the Reeled 'be instructed to take proper steps to. collectefrom the late Treasurer and his sureties the amount of shortage as shawn bv special 'auditors' Inert-- Carrioa. Moved by Jag. Proetor, emended:by S. Otadbiela that the clerk insteucted to bill Mr. Dask- son, of. Seafurtb, and Mr. Daluts, of Oranbeook, each for 40 loads of seed taken from hill ,imar lot 20, on. 7— (Serried, Moved by jits. Proctor, seconded VIC A.. 1iew., that this council do 'now adjourn to meet cin the 2Gth afey far Court of Revision mid other busitiess—Carned. W. Otatate, Clerk. nee Ontario Legislature was pro- , rogued on 'Monday last. Ma. joule BnowN, of Toronto, is announced as an independent midi - date for West Huron for the Local Legislature. Mn. J. L. Htionesa'of Toronto, has been nominated by the Conservative Association of Peel to contest that county for the Local Legislature. A PRoTES'a has been filed against the return of Dr. Montague for Heidi - mend for the. House of Commons. The returning officer is made a co -res. pondent with Dr. .Montague. The petition alleges personal 'bribery as ' well as bribery by agents, and asks Lor • for the disqualification of the doctor. DESPITE the attractions of the West, Ontario's &bile lands still have a power to draw ^settlers. During the year'1889 tee Crown Lands Depart - 'anent' sold 53,540 acres, and granted 1850 locations to 'settlers convering 1114,050 acres. There were also 886 loatents granted to locatees. Ontario, - like the'other (miter!' provinces, 'yet liras much fertile land unoccupied, and though the'pioneers' work is harder than orrahe prairies, there are advan- tages in fhe proximity of markets, and consequent higher prices for produce, that make the eaten, invest - Ment of labor a profitable one. According to Mr Watson, M. P. for 'Marquette, the farmers of Manitoba will have this year to pay as a tax to Easterb manufaoturers, a BUM of $40,0u0 on their Binding twine. • "Think of it," remarks the Winnipeg Free Press, "$40,003 as'a tax on the little bits of string they are obliged to use in tying up tae wheat sheaves And when the wheat is threshed • they ship it Bast over 1,500 miles of railway, and get barely enough for it to pay for the raising --perhaps as has heppened in many cases, sell it for les than it actually costs th pot it on the market. No Wintry ander the son can get along et this rate.' THE EDWARDS-WHITEL'Y POISONING CASE. (yrot/lair (Sidon 1.1ltwe4lecorat) Perhaps clever in tile history of this locality has there bean a cats in welder as mech interest has been taken as in what ie termed the E tweeds-. Wititely poisoning cale. The pecaliar- Wee of the disesae, which terminated in the death of Hag t James Whitely, who died otathe 23rd of May, 1888, were the subject of talk at the, time, . period only to be revived. in the fell 11" LL(18"ms thon6vous terlsloo hut the matter died out in a ior 5 •returned a verdict that re. fi y 3. Whitely came to bis death from poisoning, criminelly administered to hitn by Mrs. Edwards. Interest in the case never ceased during the incarceration •of the un- fortunate accused, who was committed to prison at Goderiob, and as the Assize Court sitting approached the public in this section entered into speculation as to the probable result,• opielon being divided ae to the out- come of her trial. The trial was sup• posed to be taken up on Wednesday and the court room was filled ; many were refused admittance owing to it being already crowded. The case did not come tea until Thursday at 9 in the morning, when the room was again crowded. Coma being openea a jury was empanneted ; the defence making use of a few challenges, and sworn, when one of them,. Mr. Dant, became so ill that he bad to be exaused. Tiiis necessitated their being discharged a:ad a new'jury sworn in consisting of: Sidney Jaeltion, Seaforth ; Wale Bsll, Ho wick ; J. liedmoiara aweaosle ; James Elliot, Tarnlierry; ;Alex. Gardner, Meiaillop ; John Trevethick, Stepheis ; Anderson, Turnberry'; S. Kerr, Weavanoste; 11, Gibson, Turnberry: MeLean, alorrie; Thos. 13oyd, Celborne, • and Hiram Fislier, Hullett. • • It may be seated that the Grand 'Jury broualit in .a true hill for murder and for administeringpoison with crimi- nal intent. The Crown, boweeer, having no evidence that Whitely's death was caused by poison abandoned the capital charge and 'proceeded with that.of giving poison .with criminel intent. Mr. E.E. B.Johnston, for the Crown, presented the ease to • the jury in an impartial manner quite com- patible with the dignity of the inter - eats he represented. Minnie Johnston was the first •witnesi called and she repeated sake etantially the sante statements. as` she made before the magistrates' and coroner's courts at Clinton in Decom-t bar . last, Mr. 'al. C. Cameron made a °mead 'cress examination arid succeedea 'In causing Miss to contradict herself both at this time and as to some 6f her former statetnents. Mr. Cameron's ingenuity and persistence was reward• ed by an impression .on the jury, as well as on histordship the'Judgeatime :evidently cased them to come to the 'eoucluefon that a crime of so serious a•charadter should not be fastened on the accused by a self-aelenowledged aacom pike 'wiphout other and positive.; fy corroborative testimony. As this wasnot forthcoming it took the jury onlyatebout seven minutes to bring in aeveraiet of "Not Guilty." • he epperteance of the accused was not sharked by any signs of having 'oilfired physieally dating her cruel confinement, ner did she betray any signsof trepidation in the court until the jury ad the words .which gave lier MODEL TAILORING. TR) J.,..1 ,,..----0.---, We bay) pleasure in announcing to the people of Wirghem-1.0,4 vicinity an opening a a . IVIETttliANY TiiiLeftwa Gni . NEWS PURNISMIRG Eattblishment . Next door south of the Beavet Block, where will be found the largest and best seleaion of Tweeds, ete., ever brought into Wingl.am, SATURDAY, 5th April, is our opening day, and we request an in- spection of our stock whether you wish to buy or not. e. FEW REASONS WILY YOU SHOULD BUT YOUR OLOTIYINA, KM; MK ': We use the latest awl best system of Cutting known to the trade. W cleave more than double the stock of tweeds than any store in Win. bam, ranging inprice Trott the cheapest Canadian to the iine4t French goods antaufaetured. N'tr GuARANTEE you Styliigh gall:bents which, In cut and make up, will be equal to any 'city work. WE BUY AND SELL ONLY FOR, CASH. All cloth for naen's wear bought from us will be cut free of Chatite. I been ailing for some time, passed Clinton. .Viii:rous—Vass McDonald, London, called on aliss Willson, artist, last week.-:- John Ross, St. Catharines Oollegiate, passed through town on his way home, at. Belgrave.—Mrs. Etcher., Illuevale, is visiting in town this Week.—The Mises 7)ooper, of 'Brucetield, wore visiting frienis iu town lest week.—Wm. Mattock, son of Inspector alealoch, Is home front Toronto ill. /VISITORS To Smy—Mr. Budge, of Belgravia is in Boyd's bakery. --Me Brown, Of Kineardiue, is employed in Wisemau's.—Mrs Kay has moved into the vacant house beside the col- riate. bunacuts—Rev. Mr. Irving, Nile, occupied the pulpit in Rattenbury church on Sunday last. Mr. Irving is yet a youug man, but with the power of Which he is possessed, the vigor with which he expresses hiebself,„ the great earnestness shown, he will one day he to the fore as a whols-heart- ed, thorough minister and a power in the worla.a-.Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hansa, preached in the Presbyterian on the perfect life of a christian. In the afteraobn, the lecture room of the church was croevded to OverfloWieg with children, teachers anal friends of the Sabbath sehool. The anniversary services of this cburch are always well attended and enthusiasm 'is always preseat. Bev. Mr Henderson's rem arid were very appropriate for thenceasion. His subject being "The little Syrian Maiden," the good ehe had done iu it hard place and the pleasant. way in which she performed her duties were specially ineotioned, It was pointed out how she had been trained in her youth, the secret of her power over Naaman. Then Mr. Swallow, super. intendent of the school, made h. few, remares stating at the beginniug of the year sia, pries had been promised .but owing fe such good. attendance and well prepared lessons it was found necessary to give thirtyemm prizes, which was done, ana, very proud were the scholars who received them, or at least they ought to have been and doubtless were. In the evening, the sermon was especially to !mutat men, "Past driving" was the subjest, taking for example John. it was placed plainly before the young people the pleasure, but also the pleasure Of fast driving and 'the resolts. r, Henderson possesses quietly away on Sunday week, e ) wasburied on Tuesday, Mr and Mr • aatwretace have the deepest sympath of the entire neighborhood in thi last breaveinent,—Mr gas Bone of th t' township of Wawanosh,near Wingh 4 was visiting friends in town this weiteke Friends are always welcome leeteacotne again.—Mr alorrow,Sciencraster•at e ' Colingiate, is on the sit: list dila week, . The 'University class andeFirst .0„ axe reviewing this week. They --fieesiie to be he good humor over tho affair and the school rings as of old. . The churchas, Ontario, Rettenberry ail(' English, were beautifully deem- ated with flowers last Sunday, as it was Easter. In the two former there was a song service, and shut addressee frau the layMen and the ministers. In the latter the usual Easter service) was conducted, Piterspersed with suit -4.0 able music froin the choir alai or- ganist. . • . Evan ailist Booth is spealuiligain Perria's Hall, tilie wetsk. '.I'lle •ineet- ings are well attenaed. Special services are bother, held in tile Baptist efoicta this week, Peev Ile Priest, front Wingitata, is conduct- ing his share of theme China:pia — Win Struthers; of Grand Bead,was bane on his holidays. —Thos Jackeon, jr., has moved into the new innate Of Mr Straitb. 'It look's CO'filfortable from the outside...a- PuhliaSelmel opened on Thesday, 11 h 0 0 li nto ti 'amateur athletic nssociatioii ,ga v13 '150 entertainment on Tuesday evening. The house Was well filled and a good programme was laid before' the audience, consisting • of' readtngs, recitations, sauced with solos, duets and pertectos. The club swingine was a credit pot only to the Tepee ladies,ebut also to themselves, and the affair was well worth hoaxing, one feature not to be overlooked was the stage decorations,whieh were moat beautiful. • which °114.nlaY 1111" ba64'sit"tlY• and of 18 n, 30, when one Minnie lohnito• stoleallyleasoring ondee gave way and Who harl been living wit t arn y of deceased au ring his lifetime and with Itis Widow atterward,roade the astound itig statement that she had, on several oheasions, over a rite and a half pre. seen the wife of deemed give arsenic t r her lity-ib Ind in his food. The inexorable demands of ordinary turriani ty an 1 the interests of justice .es well as a rlgstrii for the good name of the ace:use/I resulted in Mrs WO I then firs Illwards, being Abe Was half .faintingly led out of the room, leaning on the arm of her hus- band, M. d wards, lira -the offieers of the cotir hot timely repressed it 'at the first sign there woulat evidently have heat load demon:SW/alone of ,approval on the announcement of acquittal. .., The Grand Trunk shops itt • Mont. 11. •fine voiee. and a g ma delivery , lane sorry to learn that Mr Robt and is a very talthig tasetsi I ,htmen is laid up with tin attack of his whole soul seems c.:u..esed , pludrisy.—Mr A Fothergill has gone to work for a farmer near Ohnton.— The roads throughout the eauetry are in a very bad condition, the 'worst for manyyears, it is paid, •••••••••• East Wm -Warms)), Mr. Enoch Shorts, of Wallaceburg, formerly of Wavetenosh, is spending a few days with his father, who is ser- iously ill.—Messrs E .A. Martha of Brassels, and D 0 Martin, of Blake, spent Easter with their brother Will, on the 7th poncession.—Me AL Budge, of Clinton Colieeiate Institute, was at Mr W Nicholas on Good Friday. --We his discourse, ,Lscruns—Rev. Mr. &Bore*, Deus-- • rels, lectured in •Ontario church. on Tuesday el/cuing, The audience was very small and would. 'dampen the most ardent speaker. Mr. Sellery, however, spokafor over an holt, on the "Charactecof We Bible," charm- ing his hearers, showing a very 'large and extensive knowledge ef the scriptures, while. his ability of placing it before his audience is very in:Irked, Altogether' those who heard were delighted and would gladly have gene on listening to Mr. Sellery notch longer, RSV. Messrs Iv, pastor, real and,Lonti in have titeued out over 1,500 ilea box cars aurieg tho win Thomas Calder, of the 12141 con- cession of Grey, has pureliesed froin ,t°r. Rev, rather Shea, riastor of Bt. The examinations of the Ontario Veterinary Oollego have just been con- cluded at Toronto, end attong the graduates ars the following frorn the Western District :—Peter Cools, Olin - ton ; 'James Dmt olio, • Ridgetewa James 0, Elvittge, DeleWare; W. Evans, Cold stream ; James Galhy, Winglmin ; W. Jonee, StrathroY Spencer J. hap, Petrolia; Ye. V. the platform 'and Stildon, Beatiet minister, were eliilaannedv, Wood ttock ; Geerge Kern. Tee Y L S., of Salon churckheld ; Wm. Lewson, Walkerton Tuesday eveniag. A Baal?, Pram' Mann. their usual setni in intbly meeting 00. Itti:thieto. ibolmvaessi;eypetr. Strathrov ; Prank Morrow, dent in the chair. Tile programme I, at aaerey L 011ie, Si. Themes ; Was good, eveciaily the (Ivey l 1'. parlor, ; Phelpf 1,. r venter Iitatherat by peison, Tat Sputa; Win Rawl/Age London ah•rgett before Magistratest MoGarva Ratelne of alowlek, nett • e wet a antev*4th causing the death of t Bi 1tnor the itstt,),wted OLYdesdale- lames' 0..itholic oburea etforth, is "II.its," by Mr Gettrit It is girlie last ". et "S.tan.daid 13: earer'," T.hisileaving Aker a ten years' re';idenee !peesible teat. esmay'will be (sailed fir balm, 0 it "es novo. is etaiung roue, is a (Leek ty, that place. The reveren1 gentlemea Tilt attendance was nirch le a •• /at' gs" ft"""' " anti was imported fromii.iotland (*As gein.* to Oinoinnati Ohio whore he ii,Itter than /or tlina, 't"J'8; .1-"` ." *Ole Deoernber irticlo..ep told th.lt of lethere vs H am Sauce -at '11'd ttIr Rilehie two ears fre witit htlkture reel I ' ' sttle Charlie T4twrence, who haul toe Joon tIt Jusii(totl Pie 1C*80 b.eings eeot. . • 0, „, .,,,,,•outk.)1.. ittake The t Ball on V killeosset pal, Mr. la tor, etc. ,recitatiou 'Gibson, w skilful bat 'question in within a ti heavals in rifle and ' when out•• 'the calm gloriously We are glt not of a le the contra 'in the Hitt) 'The latest Mr Thos. business 'only tools weeks ag 'Laughlin, late bough 'terest, favorably we comm erally. Mutual friends.- ing extee :store. I the wholt • and will of that p to be 01 .ecale hit t annals o be leade are uni, tall sint there a here —' to be street r Canadit WaS 11 —Mr 'I 'turned , Miss M stock c block— ' in a flat • , The, •tnte en Friday "lent p warier will he 'leave • ed as • of tle% stand • Lakefi ' made town • drivin firm o • turer, famia %Sundt recto a 'of 'Gut dry g Aide Bros, recov of th Guel to 1 more • mort etd, Roy! • OW start • babe This Mill: Has reels • are . is tl Vor Mill Alia+ pree fe teat the ' it, visi Mr Wu 81)1 lea SAS let it r so 'At kti