HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-04-11, Page 37 E S ERANCE COLUMN.., 00144 FiD BY WIN4118111 R, w, 0. 'r, v, Clippings, • Jahn Bright's first public speaking 'was for the cause of temperance, ,John B. Gough bad no warmer friend in England than Mr. Bright, Yon Moltke says: "Beer is a far More eilangetous enemy to Germany thau all the armies of France." The following from the SoUtherra Journal: "Any roan that will stick to his dear old party while eighty thousand persons are going into a drunkard's grave each year, is a man that will .:stick to his dear old coffin when. :trnbriel blown his trumpet in' the eresurrection morn What have the saloons ever done for 4intbaihity? }low many souls have they saved? flow many people have they clothed, except the salloon-koep- erts family? When we have a strike the saloon -keeper often contributes unore than the dry -goods man, but he robe them of more. I never knew oue of them to give a cent that he did 'not expect a dollar in return.—T. V. J'uwde'rley. Sir Wilfred Lawson, quoting Lord Randolph Churchill's opinion that the liquor-tretlic is both devilish and •.alestructive, says that you cennot 1.rnend the devil, don't license the. devil to carry it on, and don't leeense .anyone to carr, on the devil's work, This is going straight to the' point. • .• M3oi7 and The Boys. Mother, where is your boy te•day Where does he spend his nights? .H ;large number of young men are drift •.°L11. away by means of the drinking saloon and the bottle. Mothers, for - .get me as a preacher,and only think of me as a parent. The most important thing is not piling up wealth for our ,children—the planing of life from the .cradle to the gave, and leaving the :hereafter to take care of itself. The ti tn`".e has come when the Church of -GO •should come out likes a man and ,close up tho whiskey shops and the gates of hell. Are you doing all you canto get your children into the ark 2 ,Some people place very little import- .ante on Netting tnewh in. Mothers, do not wait for the preacher or the evan- gelist, but take no rest until they are out of danger, 1 do not think it is the will of God that we shall sing the songs of Zion and our children .sing 'the song of the drunkard. The premise • is for us and our children. ' ''' Mixed up With Poiitloe. GPM of Thought. ILI that lives upon hope will' die fasting, }fumble usefulness is better than learned idleness. We can do more good by being good than in tiny other way. A grain might, es well .bs, stuffed with sawdust as with utilised know- ledge, A man of downright good. sense and flood feeling inevitably hates quarrel ling. If all the year were playing holidays, To export would be as tedious ae the work. A man that cannot mind his own. business its not fit to be trashed with. another's. There is only one thing more terri- ble than to :say a mean thing, and that is to do one, Slanders issuing 'from red and beautiful lips are like spiders crawling from tho heart of a rose. We should not walk by what hath been done, or by what is done, but what ought.to be done. He who is unwilling to submit to undeseryed blame should remember to refuse undeserved praise. Never wait for a thing to turn up. Go and turn it up yourself. It takes less time and is surer to be done, If we are ever in doubt what to do it hi a good rule to ask ourselves ;what we shall wish on the moreow that we had done, A woman may always judge of the estimation in which she is held by ? the conversation which is addressed to her. )The Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage,ie the current issue of the Christian krerald, of which be is editor, says:— The temperance cause is so mixed up with politics that moral suasion is being sadly neglected. There'used to be held a hundred temperance meet- ings where now is one meeting. While we are discussing the /awe on the subject of liquor -selling, we are l« tting hundreds of men' and Yeomen go to ruin for the lack of proper instruction on the importance of abstinence. We want in the country ten thousand old-fashioned John B. Gpugh temperance meetings, But you say.,where are the John 13. Gough. They are now in our schools and col. loges and faun houses, or already in the occupations and profession of life. The eloquence to oolne in greater than the elequence passed away. 13y all means make the laws right, but let nf1 by force of Christian persuasion stop the stampede to death of multi- tudes .who will not wait nail we get • the laws whet they ought to be. We lista to. work . more rapidly on this subject than • formerly. In olden times it took most men five or ten years to become thorough drunknrks. Now they may reach the foot of that stairs by one jump, t'ecause of the worst ' adulteration of liquors. -'t}ung men Heed to go n11 a spree and then come back end go to work, Now we have confirmed drunkards at twenty-one. It is the most urgent fluty of all mit,istet'a of religion and all reformers to get furtla unwonted efforts in the direction of moral s1,esion. Miler things need to be done, but this must not be lett undone. Amgen 'r0 Moalittts,.-Aro you disturbed et night Ind broken of your rest by a sickehiid suffcting and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth ! if so send at Aurin and got a bottle of " Mrs, Whislow'r soothing ;`3yrup"for Children Tect!iin . 108 ,l n 1I Ineal ti1• aide. It will relicvo the poor little sull'erer Wmediately. Dopoud upon it, inothera; there is no niistaic° about it, 1t cures Dysentery and lhmrthw., teetliatui the Stomach and iteweis, curcaWind Col s., n01t010 the Gama, reduces Inflammation, arid gives tome and energy to the whole (*sten,. " qhs. Win. slow'( Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is tis prescription of one of the oldest and best female p11)si .inns and nurses In tho Unite( Stator, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world Price twont*°five cents a bottle. Be sere and ask far "Rus. WIY4l,OWs V y.swv term. 'SWIM" 4:1111 tilts no other Sind • Good -nature, like a bee, collects honey from every herb;. Ill -nature, like a spider, sacks poison from the sweetest flowers. ' Men are like trees; each one must •put forth the leaf that is created iu him. Education is only like good culture ; it changes the size but not the sort. Not a day passes over the earthv but men and women of no note dog great deeds, speak great words suffer great sorrow. Of those obscure heroes, philosophers and martyrs, the greater part will never be known till the hour when many that are great shall be small and the small great. The faithful endevbrer to do right, and to bear quickly and with resigna- tion what must be borne, is of itself a frhitfut source of happiness and serenity ; but a murmuring and c!is- contented spirit may poison the. richest blessing and turn thein into better evils. It was F'ixe,d+for John. My husband doesn't chew any more tobacco, said a newly.married woman to a panty of friends, or at least he doesn't when I can see him. .}low did you stop hili 1 they all asked. Tee morning after we were mar• Heti, began the lady, and he and 7 were statin; on the front porch, I noticed be was ill at ease, and finally tasked him what was the matter with My darling, he said, taking my hands, there is something I should have told you before we were mar. ried. What is it ? I -gasped, as the vision of another woman swept over me, Love, he 'answered, I am an in- veterate tobaccoecbpwer. Ow' you, wi!1 you, forgive mi.? As he finished I s ipped rely hands from h;s, and, drawing out a box of situff and a brush, I said : Oh, John, I aro so glad you spoke of•it., for I'in nearly crazy for a dip. faoo was it picture, I ran tell you, and in lies than three minutes we land entered into a , solemn corn, pact to forever ale taiu from the weed. And dirt you really use snuff before you ri•ere married? asited one. Of the I:+dies, } No,, answered the fixed for John. wife, but I was • Tho mon who blows gilt the gas has a rival. He recently stopper] overntellt at a hotel and the smell of beetling cl'rtb prompted t1 search for him. After wrepplug up several guests, this iuttn finally peered out of the darkness nf his room and confessed that he lead tied a, towel erne!) 1 the electric light, orad it h1Id scen'Clled it, 1< tried to blew it out, he said, but it wouldn't go out;, l 8adiy Twitted, Custouler (ensiling into a hardware store, ---I've just got time to catnh a train. Give me a corn_peppex,t Facetious Dealer—Don't you mean a pop corner "Yes, n cop-porner, klurry up, Don't you mean a son -toper I Hang it (exoitedly), I said a porn - copper, Didn't '1'? (Also excited), you said pen copper. 1 said carp ponner, You said porp.conner,. I didn't, You lie, You're another. Take that, And that. (Five dollars or thirty days next morning.) 43 A Proof of povotion. A dentiet recei,ed a call the other morning 'from a oouple when he Boon had reason to believe were lovers, rhe girl had an aching tooth and es they entered the office the young man said : Now, darling, the worst is over Just take a seat and it will be out in a minute. Oh, 1 darsen't, she grasped. But it really don't hurt you any, you know. But I'm afraid it will. It can't. I'd have one pulled in a minute if it ached. I don't believe it. Oh, yes, I would. Has she got a bad tooth 1 asked the dentist. • Yes, sir. It has ached for a week, and I've just succeeded in getting her down here. - Oorae, darling, have it out. Oh, I can't ! But you must Levert stand the•hurt. Hort ? Now, then, I'll have one pulled just to show .you that it doesn't hurt, He took a seat, leaned hack and opened his mouth and the dentist seemed to be 'selecting a tooth to seize with his forceps when the girl pro- tested : Hold on ! The ;test is sufficient. HIe has proved his devotion. Caret out, Harry, and I'll have it pulled She took the chair, bad the tooth drawn without a groan, and as she went out eshe was saying to the young man: ,Now I can believe you when. you declare that you would die for me. And yet every tooth in his bead was false. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. The SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT which appeared in our columns some time Since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B. J, KENDALL Uo , of Enosburgh Falls, '`tet., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis- eases," whereby ottr subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of the valu- able work FREE by sending their ad• dress to B. J. KENDALL & Co,, (and enclosing a two -cent stamp for rtnaiiirg same) is renewed 'for a limited period. We trust all will avail tllereselves of the opportunity of obtaining, this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is iridis peneat.Ie as it treats in' a simple manner all the diseases whiih afflict the noble animal. Its phenominal sale throughout the United States and Canada, snake it standard author- ity 'Mention this paper whert sending for "Treatise." C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows: LILAVI\O 5:85 a, ni .... , ... , , For Toronto 2:16 p. m 2:15 p. m........... .For Tceswater 10:30 p, m Aaa1VJNO 5.35 a. m :05 pm: 2.16 " 10:30 " NTaD TRU.T L E Z A. 0, STRATIIDEE, Aol:xr, N•lxni¢Aai, Through tickets to all points in America—North- West, Pacific 06a08, etc., via the shortest and all - popular tauten,, Baggage chvel ed through to destil:ation. Lowest freight. rites to alt point,, TABLE, 1,14AVS1 w1•Cau,ttd. A1:Rtt-:; ('0 SO43)1 6:30 8,0,;rorcoto,Guclph,Palmerrton, ae. 3:30 two, 511::10pan. „11 11 14 •' Cli iH n, " 7:25 " Palnturstnn, \lixcd.......10:15 a.m. 0:45 a,rn..,........L,nelon, &d , ........11:00 " 11:40 p.m; " 735 p.18. 11:108.111....,.,.Kincardine, kc 6510 a.m. Elft " (g50 ri.rn BA,RBZ.i R H.OP. MR. MALOOL11 Mct)ON"ALO, (808 nr n[ru87,) i1(atui;• purrhasul the ba+bering business of Messrs, Selro hail Bros., is pre,rared to give all old costumers and ;ev many new uses as patronize 1411(1, satisfaction in sal li,a0 of the pl'ofessi.id. BilAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties, r Giro 311e a Call at the old stand, eppealte Cordon R'l,,t 610114t110'14 store, td, 31C1;10NAT.O4 4 POR THE BEST VALUE ORDERED THIN HATS, GO TO----- WE .O ..-.-._. • CAIS, COLLARS, OU FF , ea) Cheap for liASH. AT W F E S r E "d.'•ir 9 Eli, Mi,lliEY'S LITIIILIEMENT Has a, most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in " Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goods. YOU BUT § Al i' s , :l IMAMS. S. 0.jr CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIIRING, 1.l.ND WORK ALL WARRANTED: GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK ll'OR YOUR J•EWELLEBY. ill's Gily R Stets 1 '' ! y gets Fresh, and gotten up in Every Bayle.. FRUITS! - FRUITS! A Fine Stock of GRAPES, APPLES, ORANGES Etc. CIGARS SMOKER'S SUN .a L FS. CONFECTIONERY. The most complete stock in the county. Pure Creams a specii,lty. Call and see me. HILL'S CITY FESTA MT A Blessing to Every Household. NAIL®A 'S PILL -6 -"AND OINT These romccies have stood the test of arty years experience, and are pronounced the best 1i• 111+_1res fdr Family use. TI -II a5��Jfi�M Purity the blood, correct all disorders .of the Lll'ER.. STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and are lnvaluablo in all oeloplathte incidental to females of all ages. Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old w0111e410. FOR PRONC'I?t"Iii, sons; THROATS, COColdS, ""LDS, GOUT, RNLI'MATISM, GLADL'LAIt SWELLINGS A\,, ;L1. aIUN DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 583, Oxford .;out, London„ and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, Purchasers • should look to the Label on the Boxss aucl Pots. If the .address is Oseed Street, London, they are spurious. .44444.441.4.444.4444 UPHELD 8e S N ••••1111111111111!11 1•444•,,4444,44.444,41444. glYe all Glasser a chance to invest their means to the best advanta;e COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND COOK STOVES; rr7RNAuFS` AND RANGES, T1NW.APE, ,tic, &e., LAMPS', LAMP GO(,lr:> CUTLERY AND WOODEN WARM Arrlt'riC0ln and Clnl'lelian Coal Oil,.wlmles01(8 11.nr1 retail. Elt3'r,tl'r111 J1p Inv; a SpOeln.lty. Repairing neatly and promptly dente, ' 1) 'n"t male* tt,uy mistake hut Ball. and itl00Nct csnr stock and get our prieee, '$TOMB) IIL0OIi, LNG. 11 0