Wingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 8Pharmacy" Dr. Towlees Drug arm veririOs' & pct popuitar Prawripthona iteeueatea pomp0ynded. , Pare Prow and Chemical's ! Specialty. futt lino of TOM Ardsley, Periutuoa, &poage0,— ^--51pectoolee, Ito, alw,tys.in btoak---• 3gTiii s 9'ZLEP OlkT ; OENTPu4L. QirVIC E. $T ITh' sea GRAND TRUNK ToWNTIcitzT mon. Wing/wen Ont, ��e.�r�q��►� t�cs .. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1890. BlYth- Miss Annie Willard,uf Smith's Hill, is visiting friends in town this week. -,-Oofutnenoiug to look tike summer apa,in. We see the bays "pla3fog t atoll" on the square,—.Mr George 11:ing has returned to town, aftera 'couple of weeks' absence. --Mr 'I..' A Bruce, of Clinton, paid his weekly visit to town , on Monday —George Stephen, of Iiarlock, was in town this week.—Thos Nioholsan, of Auburn, was in town this week.—Me Sperling, of Rfingllam, was in our Inidst this week. --Mr Geo Dowell reterned from Liatowei and Brussels, where be re- ceived lergi' orders for their famous sugar cured meats. ---Mr. J. Laslam, of Londesboro, was in. town on Wed nesday:—Mr. T. Dell, of Londesboro, Was in tow this week J. A. Mc- Millan, of London, was in town this week.,_ -Cur little town was turned into a prize ring last week there being no less than five fights in one day. --w ooze F. Metcalfe has returned home from Clinton, having got the bard rlipt stock of '0 Diekson, of that place.' --T Roggs, of Alma was in, '' tbwn this week,—The usual services were bold iu Trinity Churcb on Wed- nesday evening: -Mr T 13,ichar nn of Seaford), was in town last week.— M B J Walls, of Hamilton, was in town .vlij. week. _,f P Fisher, of /inborn, ttrriv.d, in town on Tuesday. 6 -Axton, of Toronto, was in town this weelc.--.•111iss ' Anes Babb pis visiting friends and '.relatives in Mitchell this week.—Mr. - and Mrs. Ramsay, of Westfield. were in our midst th's week. Mr. Wm.:Ciolland, of Bay City,iiich,'has returned home. Sal We regret to announce the extend - e'3 indisposition of Mr Robert .Hants, '•who has hlzd`a,severe attack of inf erns- tioq, midis still in a very bad state. 'We is her e trust he maysoon be restored in Y given ti • the partnership lately •health to me wife and IiillinntsIe hem `;n ' o . Ambler anti Francis e young ,family a Y \ n a Wingham, under the and be (mauled to renew his engage= of ,Ila ch, of Mit N°'id dissolved The the 8th buethtse of inert as }yreeeutor in the °COntire :x. harness mnkin " .etc, tet be carried 00 at the amine tionnl CJxnrcif at stand for the tura by the id John MettlerAmbler Safely, Turnberry. ,-- On On nn own •onant, and oho id iota Ambler is 'l esdllp evening last, a pleasant' 'cbm oriz,` to settle all dohre':d to and by said pa •enllitS f was held at the residence' of Da 'd 8th Mareh,18J). xx�'yPrn G-ntnniill, About 70 or 80 . ATtotMaA.rnr.wu IIr_....11,..1 `iSL>;lf, sited an invitation to be present --- rhe evening was spent in a very,,, EAR S EOR SALE. reealsle manner.—T'o-morrow eve01. gr the gods fust, a Indene ig-- a r' 1 hays a nn•a, of farms for sale ire different O parts of tlhtario, As you are aware, tames were r boir-14, the congregi ensi »ever s cheap in this prolitico as at the present ohne, and it you warn a farm I would reeotrunend you to buy now. If your cleans are limited I tan sell yon a !arm on a small oath payment. giving you' plenty of time to pay balance of purchase mo at a low rate of ,nto 'est, thus enabling you' acquire a l7Athe of your own most easily. It you have nth Das and do 'trot t err ire von qt knell %nine for Yo Ott eltewhcro 1 x111 gladly send y tcriptfoo of fa; ms or sale in any loaalityo a.haurin�+ ,tont you, . J RS 7r 841+'n eef,ensioronto. —_ l abor C i4#tleiatiOn.,ofiw Motbo., diet Mende haire fairly commenced work on, tbett'naw church, Thee its. tend voting'. a good, substantial hullding,_..,-M rs Scott gear of $004 - forth, p.13, 0,0 orga.n it/ the Presbyterian church last, week. if one of s+#1 ►t act's Idako:, Iota it si fine iniltrngnsant, At the Stretford aaeist)s 144 week the litratford I& ra?i recovered; a verdict for $60 shit cgsis from elle Stratford Timm for libitl. muter—In BMW's, pn the ISO Inst, the wife of fa Barret; a e00, Aa,P.esa ri--In Wingliam,'on the 2$U; loot,the wife at Mr (leo Campbell .;.e: daughter. ztrnxcxzivr. ScRARr-.FORses—At Monteith, Manitoba on the 13th but, by the Itav Mr Wilson, Dir John It Sehart; to Miss Sadie Forbeseldest daughter of btr hobo Forbes, alt of Monteith. the same, Mr Wm Carie the oft fiapit and Ito Atlas Matilda I Norbra, youngest dauihter of 1$r I►oiit Forbes, of Monteith. drattP,-Kpie11 ,+At the roaidenee of the bride's fathor, township of Morris, on the 19th lest, by Rey A Forrest, Mr William Stamp, of Marlette, lalichigan, to Miss Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr David height, Weene.—Itivaas- liy the tteV If Berry of Diild. way on Marsh lith 1890, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr Robert Woods, of Carrick, Co Bynoe, to bilea Therlsia Rivera, of Turnburry, rrzzcir. taste., --in Morris, en oho 21st inht, Jas. 8, son Mt Robt'ltitillen, aged 1$ years, 2 Months, and 8, days, WINGHAM MARKETS, tyincurea, Marsh 2z, 1390. orrected Ly I. Deans, Produce Dealer. ''our per 100 lbs, Nail Wheat per bushel, . Spring " Oats. Barley Peas, Potatoes, Butter, tub do nolle, Eggs per doom. Wood per cord, Hay per ton, Turkeys icer lb•, Jose, Ducks,. ". Chickens, •+ t; 225 to 225 0 75 to 0 80 t75to 080 20 to 20 30 to 85 62 30 to . 33 12 to 16 12 to 16 10 to 10 1 25 to 1 50 5 00 to 000 07 tc OS 05 to 05 00 to X7, 0fi to C6 MAPLE..SYRUF aotl' UGAN, BANANAS, RiPE TOMATOES, 1ie,, at the f1 ECL1j4 . JOHN KERRI. Winghatn, March 20, '90. — Dressmaking Announcement— Mie McLennan 2 Mccenzie Rave'taken possession Of stare opposite the Bank on Josephine street, next door t0 Mr fields' butcher shop, where they Intend 0.1rrt Mg on a. first-class Dress, and. Mantle -making Establishment, rders promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaran. teed, UST OP: il, R • +es jitat opened I 'General Pr�Wsia.n ad •Crater Stare nearly' opposite ttie Market. The stuck consists of Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, Sp ,ees, Maisons, Ourrants, • Elatbs, Figs and Prunes. CANNED GOODS OF ALL' KINDS—Fruit, ieae, Cork, Salmon, Corned Beet and Sardines. All kinds of Bi,cuit8. Dried. !heats, Fisli, Butter, i gas and Liverpool Salt. A full assortment, of CROQICERY ANDGLASSWARE: in sets or separate. Batter, Eggs, Dried Meat, etc., taken in exchange. As we buy for c , we are aule to Fell at the cheapest rates. By canine . nd inspecting o tr goods you will oblige Seeds! TOWN PROPERTY For Sale. The undersighod offers forsalothree valuable park lots on the east side 0f John street, Lots 80, 81 and 75, containing 1 ores, with good buildings, first• clash orchard ..to. This property, situated in I+Cwer Wingham, II he sold on easy terms to suit put, chaser, f $1,2011. For further Pt+artinalara apply to JAS. 1tloCl,T:`ri:(x AN, atre'enuaui p. o. FARM TO RENT. southe Nivea oft! td stNos.s 23 anndt 24, 3 tmconcession Morrie Township. The farm consists of 100 aetes aver&) of which are clooied: The farm is well fenced and in good condition,' it is well adapted for dairying or gain, but especially dairying It is about two miles from the 13Iuevale Cheese Factory. Th1 udwe as nearly all ploughein dli Wheat fall,pi"TOhere are a good 40203 feet barn, atone stabling and sheds for implements, The "dwelling house is 28x20, well finished inside and oho;i%vltha. goad wood shed at- tached. 1 will baso for "bee or a term of years, and can also rent a quahtity of implements -binder, reeaper, mower, rake and ploughs. For terms apply R. A. GRAHAM, Winghnn,, Ont. Holstein. Bull for " Sale. I3LUEVALE CHIEF, No, lt,clvdrroyian9"S'te(,.aFbuay]b98ire,,oownmie Cfke0huhiefhas be accepted for registry thesixthvolume al the Holstein -Frasier( herd Rook, nod ntuubered as above, Stock for oaks. JAMES ELLIOT, Bluevale, Cat. Notice of DISSOS, T1OI. Of PA <, EMIR e . thefts- 1 v, for the purpose of taking into .00nsidt'ration proposals for its restoration', The church in goes - tion (1wii,ici, waft built about 27 years since mid it W di attended, ander the pastorate of the Rev .G M Totten;) !las for solnt ti'tne shown evidence of the ravages of time; and we trust the needed rirp,t"irs will. be met by a, liberal response and actir co-operation by its frequenters and friends. 11hie 3e. ThP soft warm weather and rain for .the Lust feW days, bas made the reads hi. am almost impassable eondi• nice, and everybody is wishing forr' spring.—We are losing Sotne •iii' cur j,rtpule.tion. this ween l Sra,Gbas,Walms ley, • and family aremoving near Hayfield, and John Welinsley and fam- ily are a" t, moving away. ---Messrs ,Duff & St wart are sawing maple and: shipping to Liv'areeel'.- •b:tx literary $•>ciety had it full bons!) last Wedtaea. .44y -evening, *haft the debate tame off' St1ijjt'Ot—"Resolved that Aniiekation to the ti ftit,eil 8tates woeld ' benefit 'e ,atloid rr'„ unci 4 p'4'Ct1, 111'00141'P ply all the speakers ad given the subject. ay. l` t fedi, the Credit til a more. Istlyk • Mr Jas. Tituntinel ,eftpealittiy, artads an excellent speechh re credit I can money no 'a can k erniu a Bottled. you m not tv11I not Bermuda, al. Ute for'the oongequoneeC," ' IIut, doctor, I can afford neither the Milo nor the money." , "'•i'elli, if that is l'npoS0tbte, try COTT'S L 10 OF PURE NORWEGIAN 00» xxvzit OIL: 1,00101meg. con it Rernfnd& not. tied, Dad Inlay eased of COH$UNIJP?lON, • .13r'ot hitiso Cough. ortievoie. Cold x i,av© cintiun with .xlf; $,sa: thee advafit[tlie *'that the'hniat tyCnilir, tivesttiinatik Orth toffee t. Another thong Which romibtent K it 11s tike Nittthnid.th,t iiroperttes or the Hy. ' hOso ites which. it' eonttilhfr, on Ax .It Aide at *NW*, hhs mti waapdx'. ne arra• vott ret the tcrtmkitti,' keeetT si nO'tt me„ “eaeva10 . 866 E.! Suds Wheat is very low, So are SII CrtaIs! DO YOU YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR SEEDS AS CHEAP ? Use, read T. A. MILLS' posters • every morning. Wingilan, Mar. -11 21, 1890. uoas�Mi�, arrdrrIO! Mar R;A.GRAHAMI. tit 128, 1890; Win,n,'l1aIll, Ont, 1890 wishes S A. 1 . to intimate to the Ladies of Wiligbarn and'8urruunding' country that }ler stock of phi) tery f1' has arrived and is now opened out. The stack is Weil - assorted, .and contains all the iai::tionable styles for this year, FEATHERS,• - FLOWERS, - IBBON ', w LACE$,, - ETC. A large of . FANCY GOODS - always on hand. The MANTLE DEPA RTMENr >' contains a varied Assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin l3roeades, flushes, Velve=ts anct M'antla'Olc,tlis to Choose frOtn, Perfect fitting, and latest anti !Boat fashioilallle garments. An inspection invited;' ., . First door north of E. F. Gerster's jewelery'&tote.wrispk Wingharn, March 80, 1890, Stallion Route BiIIs: Pfiit tEASON bi' Use. .'Ye you wtiot a est; Showy H111, u'o11 put together slid 5tttaotivoi edldptayeti; oft odil• paper Or card; aeardyourprgortot1eeTIMNs filbb; >» (11 00. ttxs TO1 r , SStQO JE ? OM. dtC Pnot r snnable, tied woo ty retail Pttpnott,V SEE erster's NEXT WEEK. } 3 t SS.. guropa, i'rofl Hamburg, Germany, 3 -.-6ASES FAN YTABLE EGG SETTS, SALAD SETTS, IPI tyIT /3014:s, VASPS, 'l3IsctyrT JARS, WA.Tlt;;SETTS, ROSE JARS, CM'S ft SAUCERS NEW BA'NN'S, OVII,1:AN'l'b, NEW 11Ei tS, NEW NUTS, IctW ;<tit i'xt?, y a qmt and I#tlpiWeCbefdlre 1V` "�,,,_, .. , milting' '!tout ZIYEA5 PUS C IASES, Times Office, rvmgroem.+THE CHINA HOUSE, • W:T4 PATE!