HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 7• a7_ Of an abundance of a foe, 4i inat. thy paternal o,vre racy know '. ' ' And eonsts+roy"believe, laiel lieges of prophetic time °ri, behold thee seek remotest °Ilene? art thou tis apoealyptio foe Assigned tone a crowning woe'? Shill, symbol of induetrinus whrth. The -indolent i i.y well come forth And Io sou freely gain ; And 1tb that will'nbt earn .his bread •t With. etveatof brow and itching .head, rs l; ; E}o brand Inim iU dieddin, mice al i t!ard art'but clone 'by ,ittle melt maintain; 'What'thou,,lr we use the spoiler's art, 'To 'Hake thee from our coast depart, Our ratteour is iu vain ; Tor thou cant soar where none can climb; With tetnpegt speed seek other clime, The aerial space thy very home, The arched sky its vaulted dome. at Vote. :91•Iiw11 tnin+tturee now much ,$KO • To se Ottr barns, theme. its .1li gi sen to thee a very harm Nilo earth to thee belong? 'Will thy o loaardk the millions utthern zone, 'Nor meet tifieslande of the Will be m.tuepoltreea, d by thee Anil rooks to thee be known? :feathered tribe, Tneve thou tittifibe, hy throng? e. sleet] ample room, FIRE MOL' NI VDICT1011. HOW THE,'fl1INf;l IS DONE BY NA- TIVES IN MANY COUNTRIES* crow tQ' of the &mow* pf h atroorphoro,tot1t the subbornuoro,Or o)4 incly who ob,• ,*(dug to the inip rptitioa, Would not putout her night light. 8uol'i • a fire to be efficient .tflu;t burn ,alone, At last the strong'minded Wg tui` rune o*fP Plied to vh* Itnhhfnle of Orr iltto ul 'Teeth" Ret give in; fire was obtained, but of bqf' kb. Favorite 1Metfanll"-Oruder 10.:4w611a 1 quality, for it did not stop the murrain. Whhch, Oculist/ a Aentereee hand to (A belte5f pea the t ecl,liar virtues of fire Vfperaac-•-The Pottery and rattans than, 1 obtained Wale friction of wood be cat one time err mallet prevailed among ria• tpne of the fl'a't thin(;a every chili tions of Indo-European race, and net Yet}rna°ftbout fire in that "certain savage I tna sears ago the obtaining of need What °aurae wilt thou a1Huroe froru tiler°?es.produce it by este rubbing of two I(fire) was praoticecl in the Highlands of 'Vitt though eternal AHOY mounds dare, sticks. Delightfully simple ns the de- II� Bcotlaud. 011e af, itei lttincipal virtues Wilt Hoek the toy peaks afar ecription of the prone is is. any one who 1 has always been eonsidelred to be its et - {Beneath inclement Polar Stier? hnsitried to ,perfortu ,elle operation will Roieney agains't.disease.--Fireman, Lon. /Old England claims imperial pride, - certify that it is by no means an easy don. >-1t se 11)4.40).4 hrcteriee+;;lnlent.h the tide, one. and very likely will afterward de - Where . ---- m`lifon ui,•ritf ors Nva ; „°Tare fervently upon oath that the thing Wtltron'tt Wild Caherlry Relieves Coughs She of her ;iiant wealth untold, • (cannot the done. Many travelers shave and colder at etre*. and cures (utolcly.. Her hoarded neaps of shining gold, A Vetter gift 'night ogle tried, under the most auspicious c.ecutn- Than thee thou treat deveurug hoard ; istances io icountries Where aheprodw� And Kay fear lane! receive bo; ,n In ) r i vca, ,ark , Out. Si, A. ao ee• for n and urate i.ant. ee het.. IV, the tortili- Plate°..., iaterip.,, M tlte., ,ed. ,aiiilcea. known.. agnea., to the Amy, ' per set eeth ex f Vitale ince op- except-•. a every , nb[flne n�.• nontb— h rAafaie,, COM' Kat oft r at en& lion ArOar ! ShortAi Intecd. le at Mi het felon of fire in this rat anner is inevery sday use, with a grinning native to ,choose the weapons and give a practical exhi- tbition of his own skill—and after many • have .gt'ven up the attempt in a state of I the store after having made a purchase of Vasoline on 7•eather. The ladies have a new use for vaeoline, observed a drug clerk, as he jerked his thumb over his right shoulder in the dire°, Joint and muscle aching experiments . tion of awell•dreseed lady who was leaving names , mammy has en litaed a;1.144114. stvek oR noun BLfainnab, CpnaYC0140$. n14taniF6, wu1Ps, TRUNKS, VALISES etc„ Which will be gold at bottom pricer. HAtRNIfESS,.dortbleorpingle, made to order on short notice, and iriitiftttntion guaranteed. ,fs-A call solicited. SHOP—opposite the. Bonk of Hamilton, JOHN AMBLER, Wingham, rob, ith,isee. imind bordering on temporary insanity. "We ourselves," writes a traveler, "have been successful just often enough to un- derstand the uncertainty of the %Ip eril tion." JUDGMENT •1t•ND DE a^i ,itITY. In the tiret place judgment is required .in choosing the sticks. The immense variety of tropic vegetation furnishes many sorts thatianswer the purpose, but many al§o•that will not; an''expert some- times may ;be'long in finding, two species euitable. One must be light and soft, fortable by eonstantwear in the rain and a the oilier heavy, of elitse texture, and l coat of vasoliue, rubbing it in well with a bothenust he dry. Upon the heavy bit he cuts two grooves, in the form of a cloth, and iu a short time the leather bee cross, fixes it tight—with his prehensive comes as soft and pliable an when it is toes probably—sharpens the light bit, taken from the shelves of the shoe dealer, places it in the intersections of the cross, and twirls it steadily between his palms. Gradually tinder forms, in the shape of dust, which drops down the .grooves in a tiny heap on either side. If the twirling be interrupted for a second that repre- sents so much waste time, which must be recovered at enormous interest. If the heavy piece shifts the tinder is dis- Kind Wolds are the brigheat flowers But the power of placed. originating.ti ;.; of earth's existence; they make a very paradise of the humblest home that the world can show. Use them, and especially around the fireside circle. They are ,jewels beyond price, and more precious to heal the wounded heart and make the weighted down spirit glad than all the otaer blessitn.s the world can give. the Butter Interest. alt a 'ereca ineetiut;, of the Glengarry :lt!'armera's Institute, At A.wrey, M P P for South Wentworth, delivered a very practi- ,eal addrees on the dairy interest of On- 'iario. After referring to the fact that we `sent i.8.000,000 worth of cheese to England dant year, the quality of which. was the attest in world, he Raid it was somewhat ,startling that fourteen years ago. Ontario tent more s ttert0 England that at pros• est, because Ontario to -day did not make tile kuid of butter Chat was malted iu England, i uglaud would take 510,000,000 worth of beater train OKterio each year' but the queutity must be right. It must heegud to Dauisli or Irish butter. At e very dinall o',et cheese factor ea could be So errauge,l as to make butter duriug . the wniter mouths, and cows, which for the most part were dead stock during the (sinter, made to yield a profit all. the year, milkiug eleven auotitbs iustead of four or ilve. Gar creamery Mr Awrey kuew of, -y it I its butter ate Purouto for 30 .to 40 ceute •. .en. nouecl. 1 carruers could tusks the same course, just ae.if. he were handhug faint .. Icifid, .+1t uuy rate tergety increase the i and steel. The fungui. tinder is glowing smug of what they make. It tuav be - ea- in an instant. fllaine.l iu reference to the superiority of The friction methods in use in differ- i)auihh juteer, cleat the State has there entf al a parts siof the etwo world are thevarious. ick One aree" taken a tart a interest in its produ�tiou, byie groove ---a blunt pointed 'stick being run the h.ihiiu; -batter ailiws.' life scheme along a gyoove of its own making in a 111ulU fed is tIli till a,tll.i Ulttter &e0'4l at the iece of ood lying on the ground. In expanse of the State during severe). mouths Tttliiti Mr. Darwin saw a native produce d'u each year, where fresh samples of but. fire in a few seconds, but only succeeded 'tar will be received every fourteen days, iiitnselfafter inucli labor. This device the juigee decision to be given on the but- is employed iu New Zealand, the Sand - ter as received, old its couditon at the end wick Islands, Tonga, Samoa and the of fourteen days. The samples are to be Radark Islands. Instead of rubbing the Hent immediately ou the receipt of a letter otter tribes vable cmake k e it rotatekward nr rapidly d a or telegram, so that the dairyman will not round holo in the stationary idly in of be able to make a special cask for - exbibi' wood, in the manner referred to, thus Con, and the samples are to be repeated making, as happily designated, a fire as often as required. Competing dairies drill. ).his dot ice has been observed in must send in a return of the feeding and Australia.. Kamschatka, Sumatra ' and system generally followed on the fal•m, the Carolines, among the Yeddahs of with special reioreuce to the week during Ceylon, throughout a grt'at part of South 'which the eam{,lls are sent in. At present AfricIn- dian tribes of , among North America,e Esquimaux ai n the the number of dairies entered. is 360. West Indies, in Central America and as Niue judges have teens selected, and these far south as the Straits of Magellan. It act iu groups of three 0arh, each group was also employed by the ancient Alexi- recording an itidependentopinion on each cans, and Mr, Taylor gives a quaint pict- Sample, which is checked by those of the urs of the operation from Mexican MS., (other two groups. Each group will consist in which a man, half kneeling on the of two butter merchants and one dairy ground, is reen the causing palms of this own hands. The The exhibitors aro paid the usual tsimple method of rotation seems to be anrrket rate for their exhibits. The shows generally 'in use, but various devices will be held at intervals of a fortnight dor have been resorted to for the purpose of ting eight months of the year, diminishing the labor and hastening the the petroleum compound. What's that 2 They are using it on their sheen now. OOu their shoes ? Yes, and the ladies must 1,0 given credit for having made a valuable discovery. The ingredientsef yasoline have a wonderful effect'on fine leather, and it is fast taking the place of allthe compounds Manufactur- ed for softening the shoes. Take a pair of shoes that have become stiff and unoom- M tT S _ 0 MISS NELLO McHARD3. CLAISfie JOR INSTRUCTION ON PIAM. AND Organ, in Woe Csl$ro iMd Rorrvw. Mown Boom as. this's'', Baeoa. WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS! 1 B parties who have not !or the "'7 iliac 7 for floe ?met. 108$ and 1099, ai$ rot/nested' to 41- mit the arnenntI,t'0nci. We 0404' 'Haney, and hope this notice iviill be sufficient, -mai that a general reepouee will be the retreat. Y1JTT. Sbingles,Shifglea The undersigned have on base a lenge quantity off FIRST-CLASS, Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen tender my thanks to rs business in my friends and ire the publiost c gen. erally for the liberal patronage extended to Hie in the past. I may also state that •I am in a position to offer better inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line 'of Granite or Stone Shin gies, Monuments, Yes, indeed, this rainy weather has caused i HEADSTONES, quite a boom' in the vasoline trade.—St. l WINDOW SILLS, Louis Republic. STONE TRIMMINGS, FOR FENCING, &c Stix should be in every home. It lwould bepleased tohave those desirous of pro - saves twenty times its cost. Sold by curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, crmpare prices and leave their orders, so that all druggists. the goods may be secured and prepared early In the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest won kmanship at the most favorable prices. Moat respectfully, yours, WM. SMYTH, tt•ingham, Ont. WHICHWILL BE SOLD - CFIFAP FOR CASH. ALSO, ON BAND, Hemlock and Dry . Pine this manner with facility is not an ac- complishment possessed by every one, even in the countries where the practice exists. Tlie inhabitants of the tropics do not always depend wholly upon their two sticks; among many tribes they are nothing but a last resort. They have other methods of producing fire. A na- tive carries in his betel box perhaps a fragment of hard pottery and a morsel of dry fungus. Fixing a bit of the latter in the hollow of the former, and holding it down with the thumb—in such a way that it follows the edge—lie smartly strikes his box, which is bamboo, of EMORY Mind wandering aired. Books learned' inone reading. Testimoniala from all parts of the. globe. Prospectus POST p,ntt p„ennt� on application to Prof. fir IfifihA,e. New York.• WEST HURON VYOLLN 1LL$I WINGHAM, ONT. Oat Meal bill Opened. INOLIS&COI LIJJi1MBER, DRESSED OR UNDRESSRD, WOOD &O-1 .,A'T Tun Wingham Mills The undersigned desire to inform farm ' ors and the people generally that they hat reopened their). have these milts in hill operation, And arc in a pool. tion to do custom work of all kinds on short notice. result. ' Bow to Breathe. 'run FIRE DRILL. The following heretofore unheard of The Guacho of the Pampas takes "an information in regard. to the breath elastic stick about eighteen inches long, ate l breat hint; Was in alis palbli:cill Ken: presses one. end to his breast and the Welty recently by a echoel•boy of twel ve other in the hole in a piece of wood, and years, who wrote an essay on the sub- aaicarpenters center raidly turns tb t curvedIn other cases jest ; the rotation is affected by means of a We breathe with our litiver our cord or thong. wound round the drill and lights, our r otic ys and aur livers. if ' pulled alternately by this end and that. it wasn't for our breath we would die A further advance was tnade by some when we Sept. Our breath keeps the 3ortli American Indians. who appear to life a going when we sleep. Boys in itave applied the principle cif the bow a roam stake bad air called carhoniolde. Carboniaide is as poison as mad dogs. A lot of soldiers Were oncein it black hale in Calcutta, and ' carboteide got in there and killed WPM. Girls seine - times ruin the breath with corsets that squeeze the diagram, A. big digrarn is the host for the right kind of breathing. Clersy malt-- How can We reach the young Men of the present day ? Fattier of five datighters_Wilttt`s the 'natter with tho 014.401)f 04P4 }vitt' of Il boot 1 WOOD AND WOOL WANTED In exchange for goods or custom work. STOCKING YARNS, ate„ cheap. INGLIS & CO. Wingbata. Fel.. Rth 1Aen Oat Real IV1iIY in ihtingham, And are now prepared to.ptirches° Oats in unlimitedquahtities and at the Highest ,,'-Market Price. Josephine Street, adjoining CP R track.. L. & J. Mi.LEAN. , Wfngt,am, Oct. 11. 1889. Pioneer llardare Stor They will supply custoniere with the BEST G1uDES iu Oat Meal. WINGHAM TANNERY! BEST BRANDS OF Sole, ELDER & CLEGG, yr =N Ci•HA M - - 01•1"1" WINGHAM f LOURING MILE 1 STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to, tilt following lines: IRON PIPET AI.L SIZES FROM I. TO INCA. IItoN AND BRAbS PIPE FITTIrGy. FIRE BRICKS, MILL FILES, MACHINE OILS. AMERICAN WATER, WHITE COAL OIL. • We are sole agents iii. Winghfim far the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the world. All kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom 'prices. • • The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during several ycars prior to the burning of our mill by in- cendiarism, During the',.ast season we. have re• meddelled the town mill to the latestapproved eye. tem of Hungarian Roller Process trail ling. We be Here Wocan now give better accommodation than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, A' Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again fay.,red with a, trial by all old friends and nal Your` smost respectfully, MUTTON & CARR VrkgrYem MMl net.'r0, 1189. Harness, and Upper EEl ALWAYSAT-F.3DR Manufacturers would de well to examine stock and compare prices. Dello± Rave too. tr fed alt Joath' Ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves,. lel In Dog. Coonan rAet9rl U':anmade ade to order. _ (OL Strong Workingmen's Gloves, 11 is eXpUlStte. • drill, and the still more ingenious pump i Iii peer, flutter Calf surf bl}eepakin. drill was used by the Iroquois Indians. 1.1' c aid for Furs, Bines, Air a full description of •these instru- meets we must refer the reader to Mr. Taylor's valuable chapter In his "Ile. searches." These tn.ethods of producin g fire are but rarely used in Europe, and Only in connection with superstitious ob. eervances, We read in Wuttke that some time ago the authorities of a Mecklenberg vii• cage ordered a wild tiro to be lighted against the murrain among the dattlo For two hours they strove vainly to en- fain rt etittrk, hUt the fault was not tun tgitest 'price p Sheepskins and Wool. Cot81fotu's C,ot:NER DRUG al W. I. CHAPMAN. Wingllam Agency, Land Plaster in bags always on In. Ata Mina & Co. B ' OCKENSHIRP' Pho 1 graph Gal cry. Long Exp % lents', close at ention and unexcelle facilities, a Iles me to turn o t unlforml a class of work e : nal to th : t of any. Gane y in th west, jar Work of e erg description artier Cally, promptly at satisfactorily deme: cumFriss!__`nI01i5Ar10S OF Bp?1'LES ge AWA). 'YEARLY. � merely to stop Sheat for a tarns, a ReI� I have made the diseaas of When 1 as bare I do net leek. e . Mtn tbemreturnat attain. ,1 MiIAN ARADICAL .0 !Warrant aemy remedy to easeorstete have g worsticas► or Because thers have a lite -long study. Give uXpcess worst owes, Beeaanothers have felled 1t reason for Rmmed receivinga Eat Sand at tea Pose Ora treatise and a Sege foe' tail, and it will, cure you..A,�dresst-N• W ROOTS est a halt It costa cyouo, Io$ itAIDIS$'TilRitte TOROMTOn i ,py,,0y •rtrr+Oh Waco, We l�fF,li'i �� • .] BETS AN —A ''ECl A Large Assortine t of Fran,'a kept consta tly on ha . Prices as low Sas sr consistent wit good work. . MllLY G1 e1: FS rtY. ZET ' AND SAW MILL GEORGE. THOMSON, Proprietary Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty, 'WOOD delivered to any part t t iVingham. LA order br wU prompt y attended to (FY,ows T'Iloltso 1t•hrhlasin. Po