HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 6‘r,g. 0,/qt ktaits IJtDAX dAROH 28, 1890. Ifr is, rumored that the Ontario &cas- k:lone will beheld about the middle. of Nintle. • The report however tla:s. not heel) confined. Usnea, the new Assessment Act brongliA tune the (Warm, Legislature Treasurer ROSS, the exemptions kaAherto enjoyed, by clergymen and miiiisters of rel,igiop, both as regards ealaries and dwellings, are to be abol- ehed without qualification. IX the Legislature the Minister of Agirculture in answer to enquiries stated'that the Government bad not decided to iuerease the manual grant thie season to the Electoral Division Agiroultural Societies. Itwas also started ;het nothing definite had been arrived at in the way of simplifying red,upieg the cost of the municipal draiiirege. Mr Marter urged an, in- creaee in the grants to necischools and the Minister of Education in reply ims plied that au increase would be made. Da. McKay, M. F., has a,bill be. fore the Ontario Legislature to amend the Municipal Act by extending cer- tale privileges to,towns that are enjoy- ed by cities only; to confine freehold- ers to vote within the municipality, and for extending the time for pay-. mentaof debts contracted for certain improvements such as gap works, sew. .ers, parks and public schools to thirty years, instead of twenty years, as is now the case, • es sr • • Is's.. • ."^"'", for Dnugantion and Port Albert, $000. °Ogin4- of Oztsttng 3114" of c'ntal° an Britain. 0 , 0 cultural College, in a paper on the Prof. lats.w, of the °uteri° Agri - for Pine River. $150 ; awl for Laug above subject, says that ae- rue ii 'Lien hats given to'the world nearly every thing of ;importance in tile WY uf different races of cattle, horeee sheep and swine. The origin of the brede of these animals is very obseure, but the historian and archaeologist are 'able . to do a little fin us. charges entitled to elders. are Lang- The genus Bos as know in Europe side. Knox churcb, R D v I. le- ' Ku" to the anemias was divided intt) two chetreh, Brussels, Alolesworth, Dam' subgettera, Bus urus and Bos longi gaotion and Port Alber.t. frown The former is deenriliecl by Mr. Murray gave, notice that he will Coiner as roaming through ttie &treat b t et e, . Mr. Stevenson tteked leave of absence for three months during summer, with a view of visiting Scot- land, which was granted. The fol. hewing were appointed Commissioners to the General Assembly : Meesrs. M.ureay, Geddes, ISticQuarrie, Ander. 1VieDottald, ministers. The peeve at next rceetang that the arc meeting ot preebytery shall be litineratiug. ' Leave wee; granted to Mr. McLen- nan to moderate in a call at Dun- gannon and Port Albert. Mr. Ross was re -appointed convenor of H. M. 0. Messrs. Hartley and Henderson were appoiuted members if Synod's Committee ou bills and overtures. Mr. frartley,couvenor of committee on Temperance, which was received and adopted. Mr. Geddes, convenor of committee on Sabbath Schools, read a report on Saikath Sehools, which was received and adopted. It was agreed to hold a Sabbath School Couvention, and that the tone and place be fixed end all arrange - meets for it be made by the com- mittee on Sabbath Schoels. Air. Murray, convenor of com- mittee on Sabbath Obseevance, read a report on Sabbath Obseavance, Breenetere 4:4,4aftiand. The Presbytery of Maitland met at Winghain, ou the lith inst., Rev. A. McKay, moderator. There was a good attendance of ministers and elders. The Clerk stated that petiticns to the House of Commons anent Sabbath observance bad been received from uhieteee Congregations of the Pres- bytery mid were forwarded to Ottawa. 1113 Congregation of Keleswerth raised the ealary of their Ministen Rev. A. Stevenson, $100. The Pres bytery ex.pressedsatisfactien at the • action of it e Congregation. A. call to Rev, McKay from • Chalmers' Church, Kincardine Town- ship, and Knox Church, Bervie, was eustained. The etipend offered is $t;300 per annutuovith use of manse and glebe. The Clerk read,a letter from Mr. McKay signifyiug hi, acceptance of the o'll. A special meeting, of the Presby- received and adnpted. tery w.as appointed. to be held in The Presbytery will meet again in the same place on Tuesday, Maj 13th, at 11.15 a. m. JOHN• 4cIsTABB, Clerk, and uestruying beth mut UUU that fell in his way. He was uutatmed and untameab. The latter ' eub was cuamosed much • smaller min mals than the Bus urus. The ox was in Britain contemporary with the mammoth, the elitelatait and the 'rhinoceros. This was before the glacial peried, and feeding upon luxuriant vegetabies in the trope& Britaia of those deye, the wt. attained irnmerise size, skehnone showing it to have been elven feet long lid six feet 11101,0 the shoulders. Many writers consider modern British cattle as being descended from, the, Bos urns of the ancients. But it is rpt likely that this view ie correct. Seine racial of wild cattle exist in pgland and Scotland now, and no great change in their character has taken place within historic times. It is therefore highly improbable that. the untamed Bos urea would develop ' I ft RaTilitcoll, ltor.try or Bloom MYRON OOLRT, IIRSURS. ev MAL WIlittuAg, • • • QNT. 11 P, 011APMAN, Walks, Or 1/taitlA0V, LICHNSES, NOTARY ,ese ,•cerm, •, .1449, iR tritlhaY le011.1i1nt; • - - TIMES OFFICE,L44EPHINk. WINGHAM, coen,a,Rsei,. PU0140, CONVEYAMAta, 11- orrics-" 1.111;" Bookstore, subscription price, e. ea. yeeleta L441,01,44 Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates n. aipLEy, ONT. toterot. .1.,:c commutates charged.-r---.1.3,1,",:levao:;--:;411-1:_1111V.,71-i681—)tiTt,.10071"4:0•2-Eft---104401:01:4-:1-4-i-,•_-:-.‘..4.!,,...„ NELSoN T. iiiTaii114 . - -......I, 0 P. L. Surveyor, Olvil Engineer .und PrimgalltaTurf 40111,0,ritieuk.,114. 5 ou 3 031 % au 3 . 20 01 is 0.1 7 011 '484'1.) PRIMOUltie ettel1M011 paid te diela1011 of provortos into bonding lots, settliliK disputed noun acre , . „ ,...._ ...m.. . .. _ preparing complete plans el. totrivns and village% ea ,„ , I., 1 , which was received mid adopte . into dee mpdern ox. A more , At the evening sedertint, the Rev. ' that the nareet, of the MA. McLennan read the mutual report of the.Presbyterial W. F. M. Society, in behalf of Mra. McNabb, secretary of the society. On motion of Mr. Geddes, and seqonded by Mr. Ander- son, it was agreed, that having heard the report of the Presbyterial W. F. M. Society, jast read, this Presbytery express its hearty gratification at the progress of the society and the eub- etential help it is rendering to the caupe of Christ in our church. More- over, this Presbytery expresses the hope that in the hands of Christiau. ladies, giyes so much promise of greaten things in the year to come. A,ccorrlipg to appointment iViessrs. Andersop and Geddes addressed the Presbytery and Congrecation ahsem • jeci; 'The Israelitish and Jewish I Land over most of these man has some control. That food has an important ed. Mr. Anderson taking fur his sub- of the nation," and Mr. Geddee taking influence upou breed is showu by the Women in relation to the religious life ..' What is the church's great.f4 need in tact that large bOdied, fleshy cattle carrying on its work at home and have for centuries been found in the rich pastures of the river lauds ot abroad ?" , England, while in the Rectch higli..% requested to have their addresses lands, where the pasture is.icanty, the Messrs. Anderson and GOdes were peblished in the PrabYte9.24' liai" all are found in the Shetland Islands, cattle are smaller, and the smallest of and the Canak Presbyterial?, where the food is of the poorest kind, mittee on the state of religion read color. Thus inahe islands ef Jersey Climate influences the size, e,oat and, *r Sutherland, convenor of coin, - the report on the state of religion. The the cattle have a smooth, soft coat, report and its recommen`dations were while in the highlands their Coats aro rough and shaggy. A4ther„ititeresting question is, whenecneaMe, the absence of bents in these polled times of cattle in Great B • • 1 A race of polled cattle emekuow. orieinated ingaraguay some years ap,o, modern cattle, at least of the native cattle of Wales and Seotland, wits the smaller Bos toegifrons. But we must remember that Britti1Iii was several times invaded, and probably the in- vaders would each thee bring with them, their own cattleoand in course of time the breed of British cattle would be modified, so that we are to look upou the modern breeds not as the direct descendant of ally ou- race, but' as the produet of the blending of differetn; races. The chief variations in the lireeds have likely been brought about by the hand of man. The chief causes of Abange are (1) blending of difinient breede, (2) food, (3) exerciee, shelter and treatineut, (5) climate, L (al in other eactla ntivviliKthents,714,, per Imp per Registry. AO, and dese Ptiona of ,P. N.Pertld" for firstinsertion, and Se, per litrelernich*ose,ment . , . fOr Insertion in deeds. Cress•bections of mos IIIS a illearet:11,10)1008,111 lionpuren 0 pi, wv, tor tiro 141, Sealer!, and lie. par line for ef.e11 aubScqumt insertiLi.' ' tided, eusItutinijuisttehsgftec,iotsotrogf Tliaarlifillggesh, iCuthal.vedlilaiflutfe., rPoutroi No local notice will be charged We thaik.at., 1 `• and street imprevernents, sewerao:idu )10_0:: 14i,ne,A1: treirritur works. Correspondent:a solicited, too) a nAdilBv tie riiti iiisee8rt,ir cenhtasnoof01.9o‘s.vta, ielto:d7111,0tittoriateiai,titga;81,1,:,, place and character of work. MORTON'S law office, Wingham. Ont, 1 ne'llitillirselal'atIPtlarrnrilir ftotir.Sale, not exceeding II liner• FRED. ,, $1sfor MO IlLOUth, 500. per subsequent breath, -., These ttri a will he strictly arilisf cd to. P • k \IIV RIGH i longpeercipaeloroata for longer advertisements, pc iee„ I WING:ntil. Contractor and. Builder, oyx., inserted till furbid and charged accordingly. Teen, sitory advertisements must be paid in friPriuree, I Advertisements without specific dirt:Worm, will be, Changes for contract athertisenfents. nom, be in Agent for Downey's (Belgrave) nim that week the office ify Wednesday noun, it orcler,to )4 amis. all POIMAMStt, R. Hat.tobtOTToz $00,000 '1'0 LOAN. 011 Farm id Town Property at 'cry Lowest Rates and ou Terme to suit borrowers. MORTGAGES HOECHASED. NO 00PAIWSSION CHARGED. borrowers gap obtain money ip 6 days it satisfactory, 11, VANSTPNE, Beaver 13196 Wingaiarn. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT 1.tE/SONABLE RATE§ Money advanced on Mortgages at per cent. with privilege of Raying at the end of any year. Notes and accounta.bollected. Chalmers' Church, Kincardute Town- ship, on Tiiesday. March 250, at 2.30 cLock p. 'for the induettfon,of Mr. Meltay. Ur. Geddes wee' appointed to preach ; Mr. McLenna •' to address the Minister ; Mn.z Murray to address the Cougregation le Bullish and Mr. UttLetioan in Ga;tic. A'eircular was•read from the Pres- bytery 6f St. John/ intimeting its iptentIOn to aek lea* of the„rGeneral Assembly \to receiye as 'aAlinister of this ehurelt Rev. pos.: F. Fullerton, late of Wititgaweign Presbytery, New Louth Wales, add. from 'the PresbY- tory of Columbia to receive Rev. ItIr. V arren, D. csf the Presbytery' ot Stin,Jacinto, a member of the Cum- berland Prehyteriati church, There veits:preskrited a oommmuni • catiou from • 'the Ottawa Presbytery spggesting antnndinkts to the Liquor License/Act, 'This paper Wits relegat• ed•to,the Temperance Committee with instructions to embody in their report a deliverance regarding the amend- ments proposed. A communication from the Presby- tery of Bruce anent the division of the Mission field, under its eare was read. Ou motion it was 'agreed. that having received a COMMUllipatiOld from the' .7.ritsbytery 13rime,•• expressing diettpprovah of the proposed trans- ferenckof pnrtilett tho„eMiseion field ofethee Pnesbytery, Pres- bytery of Maiden& but•gOng tio sutficiant reason for such disapproval, we now renew our applicatiorte of, last yearlo the 'Synod of Hamilton and London to how the said tratuderenoe take 'effect. 'Messrs. Hartley fend Henderson were appointed to support this repplution hefosu the Synod of utiltrt and Londbri. • „ • ROBT. NoINDOO. OVRICR,--44aver Block. Wingham, Ont. BANK OF HAIVIIIATON, ‘17 Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, 8400,0000. PresidentrJoHN STUART. Vice.Presekint-A. G. HAMBAT. DIRECTORS JOON PROOTr, CHAS. GURNEY. ORO ROAM!, T Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank houls,10 to 8; Saturdays„10 to 1. Depositsn) 81 and upwards received and inarrest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United St to bought ancipeld 13. INILLpON, Army. MEYER14ICKINE301q, 00LICITORR. V.POn, A.B. Lao (Torento). rt.) AVIS . OFFERING WE- 0 1\T M --ON AT. VERT, LOW RATES. /.. RFFICE-OPPostTE THE MARKET WINGLIAM OCTOBER 4rn, 1813b land' seems to establish the truth °f HALSTED £ The Raikayiai, Dinnex. • ilENU. "Superfish," Blain 1 "Stakerliver." Beira t "Pieorpud," Bung! "Tearceeigh." Sling 1 nCheeseorackers;" Slang! "Nutsrapples.:' Sling! All out I ' Fifty centee, Sjaboa.r Ph-wiz,1 t A bachelor who,,s always had, a • fear that his littleieatiife might Yule him, sitys now that a new idea has struck him•• He is goiug to marry a type- "slt.im cheese." Ay this means tht3 pu w‘Vid be protected,fted whet), the surnme iihitese were used 1113 the rOsil trade i NO country wouldlhe bound to give fin t, ; oufigS0 tO the eoustihner. If the oastome i witA, his Otylleyeericiar that he was buyin i ,atttninmed &meet* would Mk emelt it a alt, but would eitheA have sodiething fine ',or go without, the theory that,the absence of horns began as an accadental variation waeyerpetuated.by eelection. 4 warning"Aqa,inst Poor. Cheem Mr IL Grant, of Liverpool, wiites to the Utica Herald ,waruing dairylneu agaiest manufacturing inferior cheese. He says, no doubt less cheese is eaten than former- ly, but what isthe reason? It is nothiu else but the desirataattract the public b a oheap article. The public are not aske ti). pay more money for flue cheese: th siMply buy at tete price they ale asked pay, ad if the article is not good th don't come hactiefor any more. The be way in my opiUing to grapple with th tinsatiefactory ate of affairs is firstly your governmeht,to stop the manufaotti cle filled chem.; eutirely ; whether nut 69,t of lard, old 14tter, or any. other greas Maims uo mattp Then again let ever olieese that is note. full cresol be bailee 4 he iter girl, beotrU.Se he can dictate 'to „*. r. Ted—Are you going to call on th lieiresn this *Oohing Ned—No; n with this terrible celcl, Ted—Wh difference do* that make 1 Ned Why.: thy boy,In these clayWrin heire is,not to be sheeted at. The ellitris of itid,reativiug congrega- tionts *pre eondered, 'and. it 4506(4'0Make application to the 1 A.uptatteritsitiott Committee for the 101 si"'Velnalkil.gay.0 V,50; 1)R. 61,49DONALD, ' J.OSEPHIN,E STREET, Oreaste;; rlit. J. Hongt.Graduatp of Toronto University: Qillee and Residence-711re obi stand formerly ooeu. wed by Dr. Bethuffe„at the corner of Centre,. 110 P,atrick streets, Woonam, - - - Osv., SCOTT 33.A..1\TJECURSm R. F. E. GODFRIfiy, First-class honor man and general proficiency nrOal` ist Toronto University. Member College ,Phyeiehips and Surgeons of Ontario. BMA/SAVA, Our. Oltice-At Methodist Parsonage. Josephine Street 4 Winghanif Ont. Mount Forest. J. A. HALSTED, •PONNO.N. Deposits Received Mime Advanced to Mone NV B. TOWLE& ALD.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.- -Coronor for County of Huron - Office at "Tips PHARMACY .1. W. Scow, tiatowel. and In4crest d. Parancps and J. A. MORTON siatatslr,t1kar., Ontario Wingham MEYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEI(, Q. 01.1 E. 1.. moKegseo, IL A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITcRS, Etc., 613')., 'So. Bolters for harifi' of Hamilton', Commissioners for takinp a ttkitiviiS 141T Manitoba Farm, Toan and Village property bought and sold, Money (private louneil ba,morticnce secur,itv"at 5,1 3,0) 08111. Money 3m ested: for private per.iens, upon the bot, mortgage secialties without any expenee the 11,eensdter. Lands for sale in Manitoba PAW the'Ner•th" Office-Rent:8;13100k. %Ingham. AO • ,.. • '" tk.Ctt at third a p6It1fS remedy' for the Am less doses hIve been permenantly Cured. to any of yourjeaders WIso ha* EMS initi Poet Cake Address Reap .3,4479,1!Pl4re PNI70,0.1t .85 (As o Wini 3n/TOBt ' Pleaselnforit your readers By its timely use tbousanda oth i end to send two bottles of nit rein toren IfAthlt will send the their R 13 ,s,11111".,941',P.4+Pf$4.101WVI R. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N °TAW d'al;IVEYANCER, ETC. OFFICES -Beaver Block, Win311AM. ONT., .$!.- OCIIRI:"4011d BLYIS, ONT. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates interest. Mortgages, town andfarm peopert$,, bought and sold. Mercantile collietions a speuialty, DENTISTRY. --,J. S. JEROME, %INGHAM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plate°,,, Vulcanite plates of Oe best materip.; as c,hea.p as they ca)I be got in Hie„., Dominion. A11 ivor9A Warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered fpr the painless,. extraction of teeth„ the only safe anesthetic known. TARR NOTICE.---r,WHI extract teeth for 10 cernta; each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel... • ENTISTRY.-W. H. MACDNAL,R, Maker of °Vulcanite, Celluloid, , Silv/, Gold, etc., et,; Plates, ranging • in prices from $500;tplvards per ssta croveting and bridgewopr. Teeth ex tracted without the least pain by -'the use of Vital. ized Air. Head Office, Wingliamaside entrance 03) - poste tho Queen's Wel, open daif“Stindays except-, ed) from 0 a m to 5 p Will `he at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachm0nth.0111ceat Milne ak hotel; Gorrie: 1st and lird Monda'yb' of each 'month - Office at Albion hotel. &trading -26 cents. t JOHN RITCHIE, GEn,ERatl, INSERANEE AGENT WiN011A51..„ ONTAR14., Retinue OU.NNINGHAM, insineArgis FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. P. MAT, as., WINGRAIA. LICENSED, AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTF,,, OF DAMON, Sales attended to any prhpe of the Co. Cherie' Moderato. , JOHN 033,RBIB, Wnast, ONT., maims= AUCTIONEER ZQ11 T11Z COONVI or , • maw*. - All orders letil at the Tuns *ales promptly 4 *ad., ed to. Terms reasonable. .4 J AMES HENDARS0b, Litnimeso Arm:texas Vos COemir* Nelms aina,p, 4, BEVEL All wales attended to promptly SO OS the 'Thome Notice. 0.11..,otSee Moderate and SatistaotiOn Guaranteed, misoseary arrangements can be made TatuaviiIee WU:4HW, 081 BOLTON & HAV.51148 . L, & Ik Suarzreas eve CITA Easissea LISTOWEL ants WiN011A11. Alt orders lea at the OM* al ,101%10144e. •t:t-• St, ••••• •ieli• 30 la 1111NO aod mino,turis Torte How nnigh '41° ft; ttrl 018r hernia, the . 8, gees .41/4, A.11 Ki vett to thee a very ,be Ntoet earth to the thy invaliding milli:, To soellt the seutn Nor cease tilliislande of t)i Will be tuouspolined by th And rooks to thee What course wilt thou am Wilt thoeith eternal suow iWiit seek the icy peaks et teseimath inolement Polar 00Id England claims impe Hse ikcien teneeriesloot She of her giant wealth Where millionRI Her hoarded neaps of sill 4 bettor gift 11110 Than thee thou great deV And nay fair lan Of on abundance of a foe, That thy paternal olive n , Rud conntwooy-il 4,1 Did sages of prophetic 81 ehold thee seek rernotel Art thou an apoottlyptio Asaiglied tolls a crowuil Still, symbol of industri Tlieluilolent may Well r And lesson free And hb that will 'not ear '' With, sweat et brow anti Go brand him i For thoti:ott sluggard or 'Milt tittle self ; Wiett though we use the 'To make thee from our Our reiteour is Tor thou 0)1)11483)0(1(1 whe With tempest mooed sce The aerial space thy vi, The arched sky its vital t'Itis Butter At a reran t ;fleeting, yartners's tustitnte, ILI :South Wentworth, deli ;cal address on the dair iario. After referring 'sent 3I.000,000 worth 4. ;last year, the quality lloest in world, he said t -startling that fourteen sent mere betterlm. l!li eat, because Ontario 8 • tile kind of butter tb England. England w worth of bunter trent but the quantity mum be equet to Deets!' or vory sinall omit CHOOSE So tirril.figed ttti DO H131i WIN wr mouths, mud 01 1110141 1(111 were dot cvinter, made to yielc •milking eleven 1001111 five. Odd creamery sol1 its butter le Tor,1 At 1101104. Fil•CHAeCti C .-• ithld, at any, rate littIlle of ‘vhat they u, .: ph/Ailed io reference, ' ..1)ailish uutter, that WWII io large interes the 11.11411114 -batter 1 i uciudes a o.nitinagu .,.. expose of the -Stace •I'n each year, where ter will be received the juages decision t ter as received, and of fourteen days. 31 sent immediately 0 or telegram, so that . be able to make a si tion, and the setup) RS ofteu as require must send iu a retu system generally 1( witia special reforM 'which the samples the number of d Niue judges have h act in groups of tb 'recording an inde *ample, which is cl other two groups. Of two butter me expert. The exhi ...7 ens,cket rate for th 'iwill,be held at 11161 itug eight months 41 How The following 'Information in . and breatliiir; •w tacky reeenla tly .. years, who wrot jest We breathe lights, our kitin it wasn't for on when we slept. life a going, will a room make be Carlionieide is A lot d soldie hole in (Veal ' hi there and Id times rain the that squeeze cligram is the of breathing. Clergyman -- the young me, Father of five muter with 51 At boot