HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 5the Other day of
uualuit pipe f,•!
"ithet the diet:4 Hiiie of him. gentlemen
at the removal of •these otlicera is
aggravated because It outs the conduit
pipebetween the
ors d ry t r�pnrtnerit
olid the opp i Y
rtilyeuelt canneetinu existed. I will da
tlae:hou, leader of the Opposition the
justioe to say that 1 think he would
not use :toy such pipe. It may be
•tl>lit some of hie followers are not _ so,
stirtipaloas, but the fact is patent that
pier the reinovel of the late aoRonnt••
• ant c£ thP'memoiry department the
,iatecka npoti myself have been i iucll
tames virulent, pt•rsortal and hitter.
'stow, Mr, Spencer, I have .shown that
.So far as any errors in the public
accounts in past years are concerned.I
.a►u not responsible fur thein, and I
attach no blame to the Treasurers who
preceded me. They traeted to the
accountant bj.ine accurate and efficient.
nit was not tirnught to their notice
that ho wad otherwise, eke they would
have done its I did --rein ire hint.
Since those matters were teorreeted,
I affirm without fear of successful`
contradiction that the public accounts
are as correct as any public accounts
cif any other government on this con-
tatielit; T challenge hon. gentlemen
to point out these gross blunders they
•speak of; I eyhellenge tired). tlo point out
the proof, of the utter 'untrustwortiii-
.noes w •filch they charge, and I do this
in defence, not of myself or of my
departmental otlieers, but in delenoe
• of the proviiiuial auditor, who is res•
pnnsilile for them; and I say what
1 have said before in this Ii' use, that
• roue dering the short and hurried
time from the °teeing of the year till
a .the ace tants are presented, the rte
partition of the aeccuuts and their.
accuracy resect the hinli-est credit on the auditor and his abI
Mr. Ross resumed his chair amid,
loud app,ause.
called the !To the Editor of Min Times.",
0 IR
do_l Dana kits, --Will you,,kLtrdly give apace
�In age side of to the following lines, with reference to tlao
deco eufigestt+d article in your last week's leave re "The
Verniers and the Millefs•'*
1st, -Our firm belieittt that the Scale wo
haveaadopted and are now using in the
miming of our mill rs a better one in the
interest of the farmer than the ane they
demand the Dominican Government to
2ud,--(fur tester bears the stamp
of the Crown on all its parts. •Wo know,
and are prepared to prove if properly used,
it will test grain as truly as any half
bushel will.
,°,rd. -If the farmers in this locality, in
a representative manner, after due liber:
Mien, decide they would prefer : the
Camlachie Scale to ours, wo 11eieby'
signify our williugueee to adopt it.
4th If the farmers who are dieeatia-
fled with the tester, will furnish us with
a half bushel legally stamped and fitted
as_a tester, we signify our ivillingueas ta.
use it both for buying and grisbing,.
5th,—Iii our mill wemanufacture a
ninety per cent patent and a low grade from
Ontario wheat. In every case the farmer
receives the ninety per cent patent flour;
Oth.—Wo desire to thank aur farmer
frieuda for the liberal patrouage given to
us since the remodeliug of our mill. We
have decided to reduce the price of uhopp•
ing to five cents per hundred, We will
spare no,efforts to give first plass work,
prompt dispatch and setisfnotinu.
Yours truly,
Burro, et Cana.
Wingham Midis, March 24th, 1800.
Dem to announce to her matt onstornere
• and the public, generally,.t i t be stook
for this spring is full : very line.
in the best' Home slid 'oreign. Markets,
'end will be old at the
Ribbons, Featbs, Viewers, Laces, &e.,
al'eii = Silks, Ba us, Brooadea, Velvets,
Plashes hind rringee, for Mantles. Full
line of
Eggs t
e as oasb.
its Queen's Rotel, Wingbaui.
intim molter of Francis A liillirgsley, of the
Town of Wingharn,in the Oounty of Huron
1: arnsss,.raektr, an Insolvent.
Notice is hereby given that the above named
Francis A Blllingdtey has made an assignment to me
under the provisions of the Revised Statutes of
Ontario, 1887, Chapter 124, and amending acre of all
his estate and tl&eots in trust for the benefit of hie
A meeting of the creditors of the said Francis A,
Billingsley le hereby convened and will be hold at the
law office of It Vanstone, in tho Town of Wingham,
off Monday, the 24th day of March, 1890 at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon for the appointment of inspectors
and the giving of directions with reference to the
disposal of the said estate.
All ereditore of the said Francis A Billingsley
are hereby notified to Ole their claims with my soiled.
tor, It, Vanstone, Wingham, duly verified by affi-
davit and also stating the nature and value of the
security (if any) hold by thein, on or before the 15th
day of April A. D. 1800,
Dated at Wingham this 180i day of March A. D.
Rev,' Mr. Junes, of Brussels, preach-
ed in Iinoa church there on Sunday,
—Mr.. J. D, Nicol has' gone to Bay
City, Mitek , where he has secured a
situation as clerk on board a steamer,
plying bet+vicen that place and Mar-
gaettu.--Mr. and Mrs. Tufts, of Glu-
ten, have moved into the new block
and Trelevyn Bros., of 11ungannanfe
are occupying the stole, which they
have routed, and where they will
commence bueiuess shortly.
dr Richard. Porter, who is furnish -
,int stone fur the foundation of elle
• ire3r.town hall in Wingham, had a very
siuccetnsful stone hauling nee on .Fri-
day last. At the close of the day,
those who attended the bee—and a
groat many more of both sexes assem-
bled at Mr Porter's home, where they
,spent•the night with music, dancing
• and good cheer generally.=112x* Geo
I31aekwell, who has been visiting in
.Brussels for the past few; •weeks, has
•+i returned home:—News is not abun-
dant in this locality. The muddy
roads and bad weather seems to nave
.it depressing effect on business and
things generally. HIowever, the
*sue' spring North-West fever prevails
£o some extent and is taking some off
to Manitoba to catchthe early worm ;
but from recent reports received • the'
••worm is.►lat yet thawed out in that
northern region and the early birds
if •will probably have their bills frozen
before the worth appears. A rorres-
pendent writes that some of the
emigration Agents ought to be kicked
outfor inducing people to go so soon
before any work can be done. The
moral of this is: ".We'd better bide a
lwee."---Mr. Wilmot Gothy, for many
.:{ years a resident° of this township,
moved to the village of Doon, Waterloo
•.eounty, this week. ;lVEr Gotby has
secured a lucrative position in that
,place, and his many friends wish hien
Miss Mattie Bell, of Culross, spent,
a few flays with her sister, Mrs Wm..
Taylor.—Miss Carie (Gant, of Clinton
is calling; upon her sister, Mrs Win.
Gleeson.—If a number of people
around here would ponder the virtues,
rather than the fault,, of their friends
and neighbor., and ponder the courte-
sies due hem tltetnselvea to others,
rather than alsVays having in mind
what is due to themselves, there would
be fewer broken friendships and less
slander.—A quarrel took place in No.
8, en Wednesday evening 19th inst.
on the occasion of closing the singing
class, which was being conducted in
that place of late.—The entertain-
ment consisted of brilliant, ;lee and
part songs by the singing class choir,
a number of kindergarten song were
rendered with graceful and appropri-
ate freehand motion, by a'arge•class
of school children, charming choruses
were given by, the class and school
children combined, making a grand
choir of over fifty voices, which were
trained and practiced for the occasion.
Alias Daisy 'Yeo presided at the organ
in the above exercises. Readings were
given by 'Miss Tiffin and Mr. T. A.
Reid. A number of quartettes as well
as' solos and duets, were given by
Messrs Skilling and Midford and
Messrs Yeo and Skilling. ` Mr, T. A.
Reid.gave an interesting exhibition of
Indian Club Swinging. The concert
was brought to a close by singing the
National Anthem. Proceeds amount
ed to $16.
8. J. SMITHI, Assignee,
11. VANSTONE, SolicitorWingham.
for Assignee,
--Korm 's do 1 TIoza anilohn
Are opening up this week a large shipment of
oats ald Shoe
of.superior ,Quality and, handsome Styles, and the prices"
at which they are marked will make them rather inter- , -
esting to intending purchasers. • ,
Makers in Canada, and therefore can be relied on to give
Mr. Archie Nicholson moves this
week on a farrn on the 6th of Howlett.
—School in S S No. 5. was cloafed from
• Wednesday afternoon till Tuesday
morning, the teacher, Mr G. 11 Black-
well, being troubled .with a slight
attack of pleurisy,—Nlr Bobt. Thuell,
while driving up from the sugar bush,
had the misfortune to be thrown
•from the wagon, resulting iii the
breaking. of his leg ,in two places.—
Mr W Clarke, of the ,eith, whose
• chattels were seized some tinge ego
and were to he sold last Friday, has
.made an assignments to' William Clegg,
Wingham, The sale wag postponed.
N e
est AND 2nd.
are receiving favorable attention, and sales are encouraging
for this season. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to the
Ladies to call and inspect, and, of' course, purchase if they are
Our Tailoring and
Gents' Furnishing Departments
are now complete, so that in
We promise you satisfaction and very close prices,
the Great Catarrh Special : of America, guarantees
a permanent cure for Cat rh, Bleeding and Itching
Piles, Salt Rheum and all Skin Diseases. The Pro-
fessor holds testimonials of lis work from a nutnber
of doctors in Qntario,whi h'luay be aeon at any
time. Referring to the wo l: a ' • !fleecy of Prof.
Wiloox's remedies, Mr W ,Snarling, a gentleman
well known in Dunville, Ont; =cys:
" I have beena sufiereff .Clatarrh for the past
five or six years. I doctb a Dr McCully, in
Toronto, for six months, whit co t me $50, but was
the eame when I quit as who a lstarted. I then he -
came acquainted with Prof. t'llcox, of St. Thomas,
the groat Catarrh Specialist,net 0 for the small sun of
55 he cured me. In one tr�q to ent. Any person Buf-
fering' from Catarrh and t�anti ag any reference may
call on me and I will giv2 til., in a statement of my
own experience. Farthermor , have a friend who
has been troubled with• Bloedig ilea, and WC ob.
talned one box of Prof Wilcox'P e pure, the party
le perfectly satisfied of a comp! t cure.
Cutter for F.1 Ramsay, Impair 4 r of Dry Gooks, Dun -
The following testimony t
con's treatment speaks. for itse
" We, the undersigned, do bel
to believe, that Prof Wilcox,
Catarrh Specialist of America, h
wo have ever known to cure
merit, tvithout causing pain.
(Signed) CSC
The Brown Anchor.
- dew mJewelry -Store - it - Wingham -
o value of Prot. Wit -
and have reason
Thomas, is the
cin(i,, the only 11100
tarrh at one treat.
on, M. D•,
J 15' aCu//v,
to British army)
vision Court)
All of Danville
Catarrh at one*
eamiugton, Ont.
tMr8 Andrew Newbigging,• air old
Eltua settler, diets the other day after
tt number of months illness; Although
she had enjoyed the blessing of health
'Healy all her life, her brain became
Affected last fall and elle has since
gradually grown weaker. She was the
daughter of John Harley, a 4lalive
of Perthshire, and was bi rtt in brunt•
itlgton county, Quebec, in 1833, She
was maaried to Mr Nerthigging in
Stretford, and settled with hind in,
lm.. thirty yelirll ago. She leaves it
family of two Renes aixd thtee daugbte.
the youngest of *loom is ilixtee
Mar.h 15, 1880%
" Myself and mother both cured
treatment by Prof WIilcox'e Calmed
Daughter of Dr bton,
(Bailiff Sr
Prof Win Wilcox,
81R,—P10085 allow me the ext
thanking you through the silent n
for that bottle of Catarrh Remedy
doctored with the most eminentt
also Dr Keron, of Detroit, an
have derived, more benefit f
yourmedicfee than ell the re
'disease will'bo a nerfe0t euro when
In pact of, the bottle.
Yours, With many tha
MRs Jnont
Proprietress of \foltobort clot
• r --d
Has just opened out a large new stock of
Pa •
In the store one door south of the Post Office, and is prepared to give
great bar'_ains in special lines of LADIES' GOLD WATC.HE-;,
—Done on the shortest notice, and all workguaranteed.—
s • Jan 2, 1890,.
n privilege of
9999Juin of the pen
u sent to. oto, I
lotus of Canada,
truthfully say.I
an to applicatiou of
and feel satisfied' int*
the remain.,
Prot witcox,
Dort Sni,`-I Was In own Soul;
and caw ley 'sister who is a teacher i
Politic School, probably you will rat
asked meta convey her thanks
the'bottlohae cured her of Ca
years standing. and has. also In
bores among some intimate friends
convey their thanks, She says
there will ire a great many moro 't
'remedy. Yours,
itd#tlrortnore,the Prole
writing• from the folio
Ontarkt t• -D2 Branton.
London• DrCarton.
Ill A. fit ti; ,l B Moe
,,-41td11onsi •
Floronte, Ont.
oat, Deo 18, 1889,
typo 1enh facn.
th flea Soua
her her, She
t and bays half
of three or four
e wonderful
of h 8 who Slee
yconte back
ry+'your splendid
Asa, P L 0, deo,
e testimonials In
% gnji Roon Dr Wiisodn
Th•. s; Allan Crawford,
i), *ace 8.
!any yire0fr in Prof
efnaekable 00rss st•'
nttal tKCrtnan'e
m 9 a mato e.so p nn -
An inspection of Goods and comparison of Prices invited *„al
Goods left ftr repair with Mr. R. R. Vanstone will be given out,
Wingham, O
These are only a t of the.
WileOx`s ppooweeto M to the
'tted:uy histeni y.
`OMS ants a (lid - At th
In the
0• ---
CH S. x N 14 o .TEL
wishes to intimate to the 'people of Wingham and
surrounding country that he has purchased
the harness business lately carried
on by Stoners.. J, J. Ilomuth
k Son, and will conduct It In tke
building one door south of Mr T A Mills'
Douu v, op SINGLE HARNaasa
heavy or light, made to order.
A tall line et
DOM Blankets, slelgh. hells, Whips,
ourryCoanbe, Bruehegetss.,
always on band....
It•o14;slit ng neatly and p•* ,lPPtl7 done.
7'hepetronote of the *lib solicited, and eatls(ae.
tlottlb wgtrk and tiiilteerlal giler raced.
IarC .t yr t d!aae F'-.+," 1
1) -
e manor of John Johnson, of IS Torcrralrip
haat Wawanosh,iu. the Co y of Huron,
Nott. = is hereby given that the +eve Mimed John
Johnso has made an aseignme t.to lite under the'‘
provisioi = of the Revised Ste to Of Ontario, 1897,
Chapter , 4, and amended ac', of all his estate and
effects in net for the benefi of his ereditore.
A i ieetin of the credit° : fthe said John Johnson `,
is hereby c mod and • 11 he hold at the Com-
mercial dote In the VIII + •oof Blyth, on Friday, the
21St day of M roll, 1890, ab 10 a clank in• the fore.
noon, for the appoint, ent of inspectors and the
giving of direct .ns wi reference to the disposal of
the said estate,
Ali creditors • t said John Johnson aro re-
qutred 80 file the kilns (duly proved ac, rewuired
by the said act) •lth nay solicitor, J A Morton,
Wingham, on or • ` e the' 12th day of April, 5880,'
alter which date eh !proceed todlstrlbuts the Sal
*attar!. having •.god only 80 the clatme of which t
shall then hav= otico, nd f will not be responsible
for the assets t the eah state or any partthortiof
to any pens!) or persona • +oso cleita or claim* Abell
hot have be filed.
MARGO 14A £r r', Assignee,
J. A. ATN,Etothiftor'for A
Dated M • ;h 8, 1690, W heat: -• .
Firm for Stolle.
rhe ttntlars(4ned Otters for bale Lot 18, Coneeeledda`
B,11ovet812 arista.ssotea oft the cast rind Of Litt
tOthISIil. 1416 teres ithe2e,are bcttvee'n 80 ke0110
sites naeated and ln•rt' rod states of'ettltivatioh Oft
the premises are rind bank barn arra frame lomat* •
gnat Outbuildings. Situated about font' Ifp'let _ t
tram, tatotr ;•• 1.c3'tkrti2ulat`e apply' to
C31CKIT W11.I,Vtit
W!0?4,4P.V4oVe 4