HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 3Ek�cA.NCE COL1J, A, S'1 00 Dump LY WIki011A1I Y. w. 0. T. U. C14pputt A• bound the trumpet, beet the drum, No more brandy, no more ruin, Send the echo far uril[neae'beer. No more whiskey, d 1 t itirlef°y-three per Tort* rt•servatton. De. Setilielna diHtinglneh d German specialist in fnrestgy, Who has long been. in the erupt y of the llritisti Government, Porn rly ill Iutile., but latterly' at the ll,o• I Engineering Col- lege, . bas fuhliahrd a bunk nix the three art I the inrl.ect benefits urisiug front forests, whit? emphasizes. an oft repeated warning against the too great d ten tion of the:growls Dl Sehlich cent of all allildren taking the temper dwean upon th a„ ledge remain faltltful to facie forests exert on th ea TO OUR SUBSO IBE 1j1! , The sPEClAL ASHOUNcs14ENx which appeared in .our columna come time si)toe, announcing a fipiein1 arrange^ went with Dr. B. J, KetneAter, tJo„ of Euoeburgh Falls, Vt., publiehere of "A, Treatise on the Horse and his Die. cave," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of the valu- able work FHEf$ by spndir'g their ad- infi,lelsoe whichdress to B. J. KaNDALL & Qo,, litflate, Fhe regu i (and enc!otiing a two -cent stamp of• p for manic. same)is renewed for a early vows, i latiou of itnoistnre, !' ie stability of the f h,nitf•d eriod. We trust all will An average attendance of 100 a day soil anti the Ilealthl ass of a country, I avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To pp y is the record ,t!,t the Qottt a H,lu�r, of not to iori,tiou the n,provf+rngnt of . ever lover of the valuable it, is ladle • the Leai;u!', located at the epcot Booleer of wscash intercept nery, The ¢tin<ro irays ofs oftlthetsun y lers.ulay pet:amble as it treats, int a simple moaner all the diseases which • afflict the noble aninialt Its phenolaival sale throughout the United dates and Canada, make it standard author- ity Mention this paper when sending for "Treatise," Edward tied ' 'Its. gr •ind rr%forw.atory werk is already and the falling allowing itself as the outcome of int) r cit 6( airoOHE see einehstruct the move- qtt; and reduce the .t during the night. s, flowers, and fruits, w.urkiI man' sort It/8 estimated that in ninety' por ; cent. of all eases coming b:together with epee whi¢li grow in , the:, P pollee 1 the he. f shade f trees, form, a laver itiOice of New' York city" lull be traced to Aim tea of.,uituxti- of mould wl It proueoess the soil cuts. t The wife of Ll, sited Stotts Senator Spooner, of \N, is. nnsi'lrGuit18 Nrview t'l�edit tit that ' - with saying in, The fallen lean o✓ n re/ offers one of the woolen orvzf wine will persulially my snnS a gla affront me/ /has 100,000 more people Ka xas. Kansas has one peni- thary with 966 prisoners. This is ,Ste'' result of Prohibition. Texas has /100,000 lese people than Kansasand / the liquor traffic. Texas has two huge penitentiaries, with 3410 con viets. The spring court will Beed about 500 more. . Don't you think grohibitioo, a necessity 4 ageinst the el ages of temperature and iu811etices he uloveraeutni of water Al, The roots of the ity to the soil by pane - soil and bindiug it le it its reasonable and forests to a certain e by our lumbermen, s way is quite compat- it preservation to a nt, and in, barren •ou:ntry tree, planting might he largly done anew. There is little du and fitful droughts o Ontario are reduction of he forest areas. and air inthe tiees b*i,vo stat tratin► into tl together. W safe to th n tl extent, as is d their use in tl ihles, with t material ex stretehes of FOR THE 33ES.4. V. ,..,-- -, 1N— - - ORE �' RED CLOTHING, • � 4) TO WEBSTER'S HATS,. t that the unsettled eather and' summer e past few years in rtty clue to the rapid What is tee Irish question? It is Data the whiskey gor;,tinu. 1f the Irish Acc'rdin, had been able to live, in their true port ofltl►e iV C. P. R. TIME TABLE.' Trains arrive and depart as follows: AxxlvlNe 14 VINO 513.5 a, m ..., ......For Torouto5:35 a. in 2115p.m:TGpn' 2/15 P. m For Teeswater 2.15 10:30 p. m 10:30 " GI -RA. MD .B7-2- A. TRUNK E 'YA. 0. STItATHDEE, AGENT, WINOIIAM, Through tickets toall points in America—North- West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowestafreight rates to all points. o Paelio wase a. to the recently issued re- I ui„ter•of Education, 1u 1 majesty and conquer the appetite for 188S there tyre 7;79t public school there would, be no nobler teachers, 2. people. There are ne more loyal hearts ! of these'f .u) (1ti'`the face of the. earth. Whiskey c.ertitie tes, is the cause of the Irish question. third class, '1'hn whiskey hill of Ireland is $`L,25O, 000,. which iR more titan the whole renial of the e ,uu.ry —Canon (Vilbet•� Aro. Very Profitable In'neatments. ape gallon of whiskey cost about S8„ and communes. ou the overage, 65.ten-cent drinks. Now, if you, including ul The highestsalary paid was $1,500 the avuru;n salary to orales $42.3; and to females $292 There are now 5,626 school houses se the province distributed as follows: In rural dietriots 5,209,230 in,tnwds and 187 in cities. The log school house is. fa.t disappear - in.; there being only 584 in- 1888, as most drink whiskey, tiny IL ;;allot, against 1,4liu;in 1850. In the seine and make your wife the barkeeper; i period helve, scho l t, oases have inerel>na- ' then, when von ore dry; gLvc 11.11. od`.. -.9;-oeA ___O` houses are freehold and 139, rented. The number of tulips now used amounts to 44i9`71; in 1:850 there were only 1,811, )4 being roans, and x,972 les; 258 held first-class ,651 second class, 3 971 d 9.16 other eerti1i nates, county board certifioates, ----TIME TABLE. LBAVE;?MNGHAM. ARRIVE .AT WINOUAM.. 0:30 a.m,Toronto,Guelph,Palmeretonl,&a 3:30 p.m. 11:10 •' 10:10 ” 3:40 pain " 0 Clinton, 7:25 " ..... Palmerston, Mixed........10:15 a.m. 0:45 mint ...... ....London, &c..........11:00 3:40 p.m,. a 7:45 p.m. 11:10 8.m......... Kincardine, &c 6:30 11l0a.m. ••3:10 aim 10•10 6:50 p.m tee cents for a drink. \'Vhen the whiskey is crone she will have after paving for it, $Ot.0 left, and every -gallon thereafter will yield the same. profit. This money she shoul.l put away in the Satin 'S Bank,, so that when you have become an inebriate 'n,iable to support yourself, and. :shinned and despised by every re- spectful; perenn, your wife may have money enough , to keep you until your ti,li# conies to fill a drunkard's grave. The Need of the Eour. Why, Ie prohibition needful? Blasted homes will tell youwhv, Lives now wrecked and prison crowded Stiffibil moans and willow's cry ; Children crouching iu their garrets,' Sltiv'riug on each bitter sigh. 'WI you as no words could utter, Prohibition's reason why. !nliere has been euough,of scheming, "1tLjld reproaches and. reproof ; Tao touch parleying with evil, While our valour keeps aloof, El, ery man must wake to conflict, Crush the evil—that's the plan, Flight—for truth will always conquer, Prohibition's in the van! BARBER, SHOP. MR. MALCOLM McDONALD, CAPS, S 'HRTS,. COLLARS, GUFF 3, Cheap for KASH. -p AT WF1S•T' S CV. DIIISIZ'S iEVYLT DZI1111211,1! Hasa most complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICES:, fundi ' MOST CIIARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Goo TO17 CAN I T AT SA GAMS (LATE OF aIPLEY,) gfyvinZ,gnrchased the ba -boring business of Messrs. Subintigudirus., is prepared to give all old customers and as many new encs as patronize him, satisfaction in all Hoes of the profession. SHAVING AND. HAIRCUTTINGx are my specialties. t� G?nve neo a call at tha.old stand, opposite Gordon and At 11iityre s store; ar-., unDONAL134 • Kiss Regina: It rthschill, daughter of,the late Baron Rothschild,a pioneer merchant, left Port 'Townsend, Wash- ington Territory, on the 17th instant, to race aronni tho world against Geo. N'r:,ucis Train. Five thousuud dollars have been contributed by citizens for her expenees. She will °go. east to New York, via the Canadian Pacific, take the French line to Havre, then Overland to Brindisi, thence to Hong Kong by another steamer, and from Yokohama by the regular Canadian. boat A tug. will meet the steamer at Cape Fla'tery and take the fair traveler to Port Townsend at a speed of twenty miles au hour. Miss Rothschild is just past her 20th year. Sheep•I{illiam Doge, The remarks made by Mr. Dryden, in, the 'Ontario Legislature on the, second reading of his bill relating to. the destruction of sheep by doge; show that the,lpse suffered'in this way is 'much more Serious than is generally teszassisztuszatesessizzicamiceurasszerutszoommoire It must have been dreadfully hard ito, wear those old coatsof armor. Yes; ;they have the appearattee,of hardware. , The meson why—H r}iy—Are you isiugin, in,the Moir Do •, 'f owarde-- No-; I \";aye joined; the church. The postage stamp is a good deal Elike the small boy, It hos to be licked before it will:do its work. If thou art wise thou Icnowest thine aupposed. '1teturrtaare at hand from .`own, ignz,tretice, and when thou art only about oue•third of the Ontario, ignorant thou liuuwest not thyself, ' townships, and in these about $14,500;' , A broken widow haul- Be p:iner. is 'paid every year as compensation t0 A the compensation is only two-thirdsi cause both.are ou' the beat. ills owners of sheep killed by dogs The,ltlice andtranlps,frateruize be. CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, WARRANTED:. AND Wo ie GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK b'Olb YOSJR JEWELLERY„ Hill's Git The Most Succesefal Remedy ever discov prod, not is Bead proof beloand doe? t KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Orae= encomiast A. suns%. $,tssDxn TOT ItED 1' NORMS. 'CLEVELAND BAT AND TROTTING H Ez. tWOOD, Ira., Nov,. 20, 1888. Dn. B. J. Kstatia r. Co. , your gen- • pear Sirs: I have. alb, vaye Phase bottles, - dell's Sppavin Cure b tthe halt dozen would Like prices int r quantity.. I think it is ono of the best Itnfine on earth. nave toed it ours trill. •A, Sure= KENDALL'S ;SPAVIN, CURE. Baouta K. g..Jovembee 3x,1388. Dn. B. J. /CusDALL CO. Dear sirs :I desire tat;tve you testimonial of my good opinion ofyour 1p1ndall'8RpavinCure. Ihave need it for Lameness. Stiff Joints and Etppnving,and I havofound tasure aure,3cord'. lty r •ommend 1t to ltuhorteme A E. Dnxlaes, ea my stablesfor threeiyeers. Res ysters � Oyster' Fresh, and gotten up in Every Et sirina g, truly.ower Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S` SPAVIN CURL 8 of the value, this repretents a loss off, The pedagogue keeps,>nehbcll till the over $19,000, which w,onld be about' heated terns comes on., and then he $57,000 for the whole,Proviuce. This keeps cooksomewhere else, is a petty serious wetter, but this•is There is always room,itt the tnp— a,pretty serious matt, but this net end when.a email men gets there he all; Sheep often nli are, not actually only serves to set off the• surrounding o Ocirried.are ftHsieh injured ley vaauuoy., he'ing frightened and. overheated ; and what is More lnt,}iertatlt still, the The reason that so it e beeotae a protitnble industry itoo , UIPI1 bft11't 1 teping of sheep, which might other- make botlxwide meet is heesitde they wisnt are too busily rllgsged iu making Dae Oi>,tario'• is much discouraged. The end drink. chief rtt'mecly. profuse by Mr Drycleti Sotto poor, Foolish men, who live id a proviso for the' de.struetion of use for such it burden, seem to wait' dobe straying ahont untituz led and not/ the earth. All the earth exit is some. under proper °aft, This. would pro., • tiling to turn on. lt�blq Cause dog owners tis take better Ted—Why are you so sore Miye core of then animals. At all events L , a1 bar n't ' beau? Ned--s�I some resaedy'etteins tPietteesdry. ifs?- , ,1U y ,.,Yf your ,sba rintlbu the `J<'IMa!lir in lege ours te�etit'to be tis great a \plicaellee called on her the ()titer eve►stag, it an grrlr paynitnnt ol" d la hei'etf a z7 a 'titles wasn't, an itrfatah:iiri iu tllta , . , . lot: RUITS.I: - FRUIT At,Fitio Stock'of; GRAPES, APPLES, ORANGES Etc CI ►.R5 & SMOKER'S SUNS I: OOt F,EO.:.1 IO,NERY The most coti1plete:stock} in,.the county. , Pu�ru..)reams, a- specilslt and, see ,me. HILL'S`.: 1111. EITAUI. ',: t .E 133ess a g . to : Evveiy. ,•HQusebQld: SHO . WAY*' PftL ' ,ANOw: .Tbeee remedies havG;;atood the test of fifty years experience, and ,aro.. pronounced. tire: beet Arc BATT, Wf11TOR COWITT, 0810, DE0.1t, IF.BEL. . Die. B. J. K1i,Dat.L Co. sax whit I have dans' Gents: I feel It my duty to with your 1Fendal o spavin Cure. I have cured:. twontyave, horses that had BppTins, ten ot.. diner Dane. nine atfiletedwith !f al IIead and:, seven of Sts JIM, Since I have ban /.ae 08 your+' boots and.' of owed the directions, I have never;.' lost a oambf any kind. ►+IDasw Tema,/ Yours truly. Horse Doctor. Family..use..,, T �'_�IS ' ptiriPy the blood, correctlall uable, On all complaintsrders of theincidentalto females of EYS :,ll ages.,AND BGVn'b m TSL, . oI .T111.,E �T'2` I. the only; Reliable romedv for bad legs, goresulcers, and old wounds.. FOIL BRONCHI THROATS, ()UG1 8,.nr0L'S, •GOUT, .lICF1ttUMAT1S5i,, GLA.1)ULAli SWELLINGS ANP. DISEASES mates N(, .EQUAL. ti.unuiact{Ired only at 7S, New.Gxfotd. .Late 338. oxford Str and sold by alllrkledieine},fendore throughoutithe .world. • t✓ Purchasers should look to the Labeleoe the Boxss,and,Pots.. If the Oxord Street, Loudou„.@hey al Q, spurious., • —DUFFIELD 8i. give all olasser a Chance to invest their means to the beet advantage,.:. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE: Price $1 bar bottle, or six bottles for vs. Al1Dro its have -nor oa,a Bet it TOT:. 0uyor* 4h � zzl to any addressee receipt e�'a1E+b • tors. Dn. PkJ.HigasLLCd RUGOI�. SOLD .41r,,ALL A*nICa TO Morons.— Are you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a sickehild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? it so send at once and get. a bottle of ” hire. Winslow's Soothing Svrup" for Children Teething. Its value 1e Meal :ul• aero immediately. will Depend d upolemi n it,, ,uothers': there little ffs no mistake about it. it cures Dysentery. and Diarrhte n, rezulates the Stomach and Bowels, cure. Wind Colin, softens the Gunas, reduces Inflammation, and giver One and energy to the lvholo system. "Mrs. Win. alow'8 Soothing. Syrup" for children teething Is pleasant to theapaste and Is the prescription of one of the United Stateshe oldest , Anil is�for saleebyaall druggistses s throughout fhb world. Price twentt-five cents a bottle. o tortseto Be And take no othe lkinnd tVlxeww tl ' t 8 ill the cities ar . nil indebte • Aarprtrilr bettiopgetiatgbk tha,1)Iroprietor. COAL, 'PARLOR, •l3OX. AN1) COOK S'j'fV1,;S; 1i tYl1N A I:TV(i Z ES,''d'wlV ivArn3, .te:, �4c+ LAMPS, LAMP GO ''f CUTL1 AND. tta Q(l10b.liWAF.E. Atuet ,oiln and Canadian ,Coal Oil, *witt?l.esale. atnd .1'ett4i . lime .n s�t)eeialty,• : Rejlaia;Ing.1►ot?aily:,untl: prot4nl►tly' :tile e• ,any a take btit Call all,nd.inetst,ct our stock.antt get t)u DIIPPIEp ' & .. S:0