HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 2to Y, Vi4141al 12,8, 1lt01, TIM t: f'ICDr1t,QOQ•tJ21!1 IzsaON.. nY W't`eVellititd Oeaai, JR, * Our opening scene• --'a sutal1l country 4oheeddtottee- --a sttuple hue in size ti,id sbspo—du the central hswlet of *New England ertnutff iatric , E 1 d f d .. t it veldt! • clausal thou hint tie est, -art, 1, it ;wt0-threfMi ssl►+ea4 that, ehoitked ir, Oflaries, ham' bulla .ta good bier to thea . She , IOTA?,thee"abort* rrw.11 pth+er etlerthl . ;thl;g', itlxd to t heia s-I'ookit.t fit . t bo lex 'And the eoaafort of herdectiniltg years:' Another itdng, dear boy i for thine own vow.- Toon art by far the roost t,ruttbipint; led 1 !rive in nix school, f'ii ti l'frr► !pa ti'srtra art iter ug'itiit, aud' the pessibilitittii of thy life,. mew in its We, are the broadeet and the bright" +tat.. • itaxdlg have been. called i village, tvt Charles. think Whet manner of. twetve'fatwitaes made uP the euta ot man wilt thou be in the amities time? itn permatneat inhebitwnts; at$ yet, 0 I wilt thou let me help thee' •tri Jay tie we. Must now write, that insignifi• the immolation of a mat1hoed irob;tr cant settlement has grown to he ono and honored—a manhood Haat+ shall. of the foremost nmuuf oturing tow* command the respect and esteem tf•.. iu the State. ail who know thee 1 0, dear' boy I son In the little sehe.al•hotttte were the of at blessed mote er 1 wilt thou help pedagogue and a shore of pupils. The toe in the µpelt of thine r tuoatiop,? forutee was a White-haired. old man, tome to me when, in doubt or in not furl -rout three•soure•—a Soatohrtieu trouble, and let, me be to'thee a true by birth, uxuaed P.ubert Bruce. lie and loyal friend. Wilt thou give ate was tall end genet, with a pleasant, thy hand and with it the pledge of healthful face, though he could kook thy tsithfulnees to the good work 1 stent enough when °woolen required, The old pedagogue had conquered. He had the Bead of a philosopher. As we look iuto the echo i1 on a Saturday morning in early spring, the good old pedagogue had been for e considerattltr time ill at ease. Evi- dently there' was eo►nething upon his mind which gave t,iin leech ur rest• At length he. spoke, as speaks one, who enters .upon an important theme. Charles Eddy 1 Here, sir, answered a boy of ten or twelve summers, arising in his plaue. Come 'littler, Charles. 1 would speak with thee. Thebwy advanced to the space, be- fore the meteor's desk, lied looked up with soniething of defiance intbe ex- pression of his handsomer face. Perhaps he suspected what war coming. Charles, dost remember of telling me that Ltty mother kept thee at home on the afteruoou of T'harsday "est! The boy did not reply. Au 1' thou dktst tell me tau ; and' thy speech was false: 1. saw thy mother last eveuiog, and she knew uuttling of thit.e absentia at that time.. ,-last any exouse to offer for. the false- hood? The tiny looked up with dogged aet.r.i ie.iie.n, •ia his couutet,ahce but dirt not speak. Chitties, though didet a thing very wrong in playing truant, but. thy efalsehnoti was worse --that was wicked. Give me tuy hand. I dislike nraeh topmast' thee—to give thee pain— but tete wham school knows thine error, and it must wetness the punish- tient. The old pedagogue took the hand of the boy—a fair, plump, and prettily ditnpled hand—and pt•oceeded to ad- mtuister tare usual punishment of the ferule. Charles did not shrink icor did he wince. He received the linuishment without a sign of pain, and was thein bent to his seat : and during the remainder of the session lits tacte wore au angry and vindictive look. i=lls lips were. compressed. anti bloodier% his }rands tightly clenched.. and liit whole fratni• rigidly set Bice eine resolved heal some vengeful deed Robert Bt•nce Raw, . autl uude rstuod, and he determined than, the boy should not leave hits in such a frame df mind it he could fiel, it, So when it came flutes to oietaiss the school he bade (;felines !eddy remain with him for a little'tlme. The boy stood before hig aged ,teaoher. mod and defiant, with rips ,pale aud eyes flashing. The old 'rutin clad clave] the door behind the last re. -aud returut•d to lie piece. Cltarie:4 I have mated thee t because I lute titer so well :truly that i would do thee gre L iok 'it.e its toe eye 1 Alt? there it. tit peetsioit Akita to iuu thy t:tit3tou. Aye,,' ever punished thee thou loot thou of verrgoalitte.' -1 do not -mean a niton Woutost ever have dune 11at. s t an bin titan like . me, lint 'fhott' has thought of reeegeance itevettbrless. Cremes, let me speak a wird for thine roe alone. Attila thus! been Janne or stt,pltpal, to lied all toe others ritP,t?tl ,.l.e. ttiee, 1 ast,ould tlevex have. eitintlrtt•iererl Corporal puuieliment taut, neon l:tto*V'est the conrpoliitiuu of tthe eel. ui. Had'1 reframed front the. d i tiny how alit 1, have to the Senate b* Ws' 01.etett,saw thet none or rather Main, for silly, Oratldre, thrid lit, During tint stte>lliiatt in, the Stafne mei of theta had bald out in the creel tittrio exeoitty ix tit Sainte °badge E447,, ra+l appointed oalnee, vud klruugll•t up 411 chime balltknee, 1 knew semiit nft tilt upon the thdlamitttsat ;Mk t'risvinsr and, wK'deist Robert Brace I for my Pepe, whet# he Wee n course ,of hie rowed 01 40134 lin' ld ttftrrnoou as the last Slits nae, You g l . the visaed one.of the largetit kind Must iwportink of the City" jiffs-- till City 1'riscn, at wane inenilly Called. Dere, gentfentnit, geld the Warden, who was. conduotiug the committee overer •the ,place, ia• the departure , . if poor debtor*, The heart of Charles Eddy ivss ed out upon the corridor. evermore, God will Wove elate hutteee kEParI touched. Hobert llrinte you ere a frPe man, he•ld,1 know, t tl1 'be tusn'it did; iohoe eestrie Liete ani . r. ey Afternoon,' , . a mete he ruff wait sitinkiiue behind the ;western sit that lie snuldtee ,ever ori ► *Poral 'Ibis, the 'tltsrdctr Mott the turnkey till * neughty story; and he gave it to• nailer+ to t lfi 0011 r4 the aged debtor. ine, That wee what suede nie r it 'You iiiiiY ouiuii out, Mr Breen. you before 1 Myer saw you. ' Wherefore err this hnar•r" 0, sty Welted boy 1-_h4Lting hint The turiskey,ltad Onlooker! the heavy .clneer to ,his bosom, !+fay the richest ir'an `d'iui',"nerd' tb"i"prim iierited tee pp- fritts t,f Heaven be thine, horn' and Rome delttora 1 Poor flet• tors ! plaid &eel eitepet t lie old man. life: I —and in a Qhrietain l':rud 1 T do not da trot ttader$$taltd, like it. There, may be rases where Your debt ire pared, end you are free!. extreme inducement of force hroomex Fres 1 he repeated, halt to }tirnself, necetlsary; but the creditor should bruehing his hand acres hie brow, not have power to ianprisou, ,treses 1 .Alii raid where now shall 1 In yonder milt, the warden eontinn- rest .my weary headt . O1 thio is brook ed, is a ease that slight drag eywpet hy eryl 1. have dobe with earth, Let tee from a heart of stone. An Dict man hears fully four score yeas of age—juet tottering on the Merge of the grays --- shut up here for debt 1 One of the committee flaked ti tt watrden if he knew the circumetarrot's ,of the case. Charles gave hien his hand, and when Yes, he answered. Tile old man has, they went forth from the little school told we hie story; and I'know that Ise hopset they went hand in band, told. it truly. Be was formerly, 1'ro- friends. forevermore. And from that time Charles Eddy turned over a Crew leaf. Hie good old teacher had given hits new amlii- tie,n, and. under that teacher's gui.i- once hit. turned hie face resolutely' toware a worthy manhood. Tittle passe•! ort. Tlie little hamlet. was growing to quite a offing., and the people wanted a younger and more polished pedagogue; so Robert Bruce was forced to gather up {ata scanty store and seep a new field of labor, Charles Isddy had then grown to be a stout, rugged youth, healthful and handsoiire, with eft education as good as could have been gained iu any ttcadenny in the land. Robert &ince had taught pial Urea:.. and Latin ; and led hien understandingly through the nitlsses +tf 'andel, bt sides perfecting - !lint in tilt common branches of school education. Charles wept when he bade his faithful friend a fined adieu, for he felt that the good old man was passing out'frotu thelife of that village for all time.. . And still time passed on, Robert Bruce had well Hieb p out from the life sand recollectii his loving pupil. Charles J ` father had been the chief nut the place, when living, h owned by far the rgreater peal. the ttnotary in' anti around the vtitaf;H and when the village liege grow, and prosperity' eaule, the kers therein, tit regular town me assembled, unauiiuously voted • the town etiotlld (te named E dv- ville, and Eddyville it. became from that time. The first upward step was the devetopement of an iutrneese water- power within a pistol shut of the centre of the old hamlet, on land be- longing to Charles Eddy ; for Charles was then of age, and bad taken pos- session and assure d control of his estate ---art estate of but little value when hie father left it, but very valuable now, and growing more awl more valuable day by day. Business men of wealth and ex. pet ience cause ou and saw the wonderful possibilities of the water - powers and offered to purchase. Charles vats wise. He offered honoraoler induceuietit to the ing capitalist, but lie would it outright. He would sell uertat and privileges, but he would re interest. And lie did so. Sc , the town grew, and the feotoring interests prospered; t :1 a Eddy became o feasor of Greek and Latin, and the higher breeches, of mathematics, in. a private acadeiry. Said academy had been in opposition to another iiistetu- tion of like character, iu a neighboring town, the matter of reIime, of seer, being the dlvidietg tine between tltette This old ni a knew nothing of that. The aeudetuy had been in operation several months wbau .ie was pursued - ed to joiu its faculty. In time the projectors of the instituti•-n persuaded our old friend tel become one of the owners aud business teenagers Poor old titan I there 'was no more busil.els in hill; than there is is yonder kitchen; ball there been be would never hats suffered himself to be dragged into the mess as he (lid. However, they represented to hint that titbit's were going oar swimmingly aud he cut,et:utad to become one of the corporators, Ile tht.ti,aht it µ'nit a greed thing. And in that capacity he signed a uutnber cf 'urea given by the curp,.ration, he had not the least idea der my efly hull ling tiro till Cut II/4111. 'ease ufiere When this ho • Ars of the notes present- ed them for. payment, of the signers 'this old 'mann was. the. only one to be 'found. The others had all disappear- ed. They found hiet,ltowever, and as he had not a dollar of looney, they took. his. body,. and sent it !tither for safe keeping. A eintpie matter of veiigpauee,said a .omtnitteet elan. .. You aro right, nodded the warden This oltt . mated wonderful capacity for Greek and Latin, aud the very hightail; brauulies f unateematios, had done wore towards attracting pupils to their rivals then anything eh e. And. rr. hint Yes, utttee , the not the Call - t. It t, if' w that you have any cttriossity 111 to wetter. 1f you "entd, spurt: time ti converse with. hilt, .ah, that would please him. What is his memo? Robert BBruce, Rte is a $coteliwan by birth, and the fin t forty years of hill life was spent in the higher edu- cational iastitutioua of Edinbatr int. Whatris the amount of indebtedness'! Or, for 'What could. the paper outsteud, fug against hits be brought up. The full face amount is immethieg nuly time t lie e. a and Bion given nim by Rober t ru itt the years ugone. The boy listened with deepest interest ; and when the story had twee told be ',leased in hie 'ctrild• halt heart the good old .pedagogue, aud and promised that he would never WI a lie. And the !'title one asked--- tt lame to old Robert Bruce now t Air-! ittptwered the father, shaking hie fired redly, he must be deed long rest here for , few reinaiving . 1 shall not bnrdiu you teen. • 1f you its most itlntttrions ttatires ie the Rev turu leer out upon the wide wide wt•rld Dr Ormiston, lottg u popular preeeher friendless and furlorp, what ehall 1 del in Cannes, atld _ new it Califorida. Dear mail, said that warden, kindly i Mr Alex Nitiinir,, from Weatsida, hes iced pereuaaively,.att the name time tak- long been one iif the best known men tog hie icy the arts, conte with tee tot in!Toronto, and a tending .elder in the my sitting -roost, and we will See what Preehyterian Church, Mr John can be atone. You shall not lin turn- lfryce, a tiativP of the village, is xpettd: ed out upon the cold world till alone i.un the evening of bra days in Torontee be you sure of that. where his: one have the meth Pxten • Then the. warden led hits awny he Sive tnmtteting and eliding bnsineee yond the confines of the prison to hie in the- Dattiittu,n, keeping several owu gtrarterri;`led hint into Inc betide hundreds ..t men in e•,nniaitt employ•• .uinety'iurniehed drawing mel, where nuent. The elietdies of Whitby, who a geieleu'ae tithed ready to nutlet ,.its t•nttie from hrctatitield, hate nice of that —a gentleman, not y »ung, tall, strung finest estates in, that etiptttry, well and hauiiiimae, taut: ui ilia gratideaat• ; watered anti c'eared, transparent aookiug man, he thought, that he Bird ; etreatns, anti with their tuultaimi. ever' heel. 'flue gentleman advanced f house be ntefnlly enrbnattnred amid lana{ ex'euded hitt flat d. i Stately trees. Their reti(tieea, the "' ulnt.r" Cruor,, no yell know net-? , VV,ttttons, who come 'from Wile -41144e, Yes,auswet•etl the old malt, ill it 1' w, I have an estate of great beauty allot quivering whisper, this wan nttd tittle- fertility at 1'1 it,fieltt, in • the centre' worts face seeninag t ritnsturitred. Item part of Ontario Two snits of the arc the angel that flitted not OSS illy late .tr Carmichael, carrier, Syntitttt' Vision two days ago NR 1 etuod at the' ton, ar•e among the leading agrietil• door of toy proem -mem. 1 !mow nut turista in Csnade---nun of thrum iu the whence the iuspirntioo, but it eeemed townr•hip of :acarborough, theother to me that tbuuttrert a spirit of life in Bosanqutrt, while hi the latter town• and i lit, anti not of earth. .'That life! ale , is Sir Ilowieson, •' native of eight 1 dreamed 1 ti,e'•: end itt the the village, a mast of superior intelti- drt•ant %bother, totm—uttw of earthly !genee,anti- well rtt•gneintrd with the mottle -was intoned from thy spirit ecelesiastienl history of the Dnminiim. subbtiatue. 1 naw—Nal--No! leI Further north there tare Symington tilts a tansy of his disordered brain people who give nano- to a settlement —or—tart then—NCith a low, waiaing fated for its agriculttual eoten•prise. cry the btu iiltw t. •i,tered foreword i Standing on the street one day with and res ed both his fraud up in the tenderer tee shoulders. Yes, yes, I alit Charles Etiby;, conte to repay, ea far an 1. call, a debt that dersuti, We asked hint what part of uevdt- can he wbnl y paid Dear old ,Scotland let ottine,,from end he said friend, true guide autl gnardiau of my Syiuingtnii' Wn'-tole!. ,ttittt fhet we boyhood, y n shell conte with me fuel my home shell be your home while lite is yours. The . td Haan tried to epeek but could not. Re cent(' nail) rest Itis a ninetoe flat* fart Cant aw The pails;+ of Symington, neetling at the foot of'rinto,anci looking actors. the Clyde to trio. Lemington etch Cutter heights, although flue of the, ernallestein Southold, leas•nrodnved an unused! number of me» who have made their nook i?n Otipeda. ' One of Mr Morton, lawyer, there. a plan came past whore bo iutrotluced to tie as a l eofchutan of the name of: -leen knew n Charles Henderson. a native of Symiugtou,whe once itt lived Bigger Sea joiner. A look of pleasuraltie ear prism overspread ills foe anti he rill ---Pian, khat's my bristlier, and he bead upon'the shoulder of his new. has a farts ,text to mine. Ver just triend'aud burst uito subbing end about two miles from t itightim; tears. • ye hunt color tint and see us. t-lt• Teat evening .Eddy took his old said he had either oue et. two other i,rv,tliers who hail farms bested+ thein. We were sorry that time woold net, permit us to visit their settlement. There hoe jest appeared in the Wing. haus 'Trues the following highly flatteriug untie•+ of this enterprising region when .Robert Bruce had last family, witch will bt, read with in known the place, and be kutew not terest by ail, connected with Symin; wuere he mus bulli Charles had in- 'toil, and by those in Biggar who were formed hitn. Where the little old hut acquainted with Mr Ch trips Bender. of a school house used - to stand now sou during his vas:deuce titerei—The stood a stately academy of brick aid Hendereuri Settlement, on the 131tu+- stono and once where he had Baited vale !toted, is one of the :nest aurae-. for trout and pere,t now arosethe walls tiveand )test-tillettlagriuulturui diatriets covering acres of mtttrufaetaring cue in the Vicinity of Wingliau.. Carie_. aeras. spondingly good crops are realised. Ori.arrivinstat hie own handsome There may bo seen in tl:o done of Mr residence, Charles led the ancient P Deans epecitnens of grain,ruised alt pedagogue at once to the groat drew- on the farm of Mt Charles Henderson, ing-rotas, Where his mother sat, with of lot 8, concession 1, Morris, which three of her 3hildren. Mitt Eddy ren- certainly will be difficult to surpass. ogtiised the new -comer at sight. She These are samples of the blue spring was upon her feet in a luowent, both stem wheat, tnoastiring 5 feet 9 inches, her bands outstretched, with the light and white chanipion oats of the Sante Of a holy joy melting her aged face length. These oats were pnrchesed beautiful, by Mr Ildnderebn from Mr Eehill of Mr Brace 1 Dear old friend 1 0, Seaforth, some five years ago, anal this is joyl 1 hope you have conte to then threshed 89 bushels to the acre. leave us never agtuu. They have be ett a sure crop, and . liy and by Robert Bruce sat down yielded largely ever since.•-•• 1amiiten and tool; lea children upon his knee, AtIverher. one after another, and his heart swell - tutor to his own Hotel, where he caus- ed :suitaule clothieg to be procnrt-d,, mud ou the following morning they took the cars tar liddyville, which plaue they reached shanty after noon. There had Beed tin rttilvety in that ed with a rapture beyond the power Whetrttrat of tongue to tell, To those who have never used Wile 'Then the wife and mouser came eons With Cherry, we beg tis explain and. the old math wanted nothing more that it isra preparation for the cure of to fill the cup of his blips when he had Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Clough, Loss of Voice, and Mildred diseases, which has been in sneeeaefut use for twenty years. It is a purely vegetable medicine in the form of syrup, pleasant to the tar'tt, and gives immediate relief to suderere front diseases of the Throat,L'tteet and Lungs, Wittartt01 MA Cherry sager disappoints. 'try it *fur yourself and ;family. Sold by all druggists, over four thousand dollare, but int; ,seen that she welcomed him from the very depths of her heart as islet truly did. And so the good old r'itan bad found a home of comfort and blessed. mesa at length, end he tt Ant not beyond the powers of usefulness. Not only had the aged. widow, now past her threeeecore years, found a genial emu panion, batt the children had forbid a valuable limpet tit their sehou •lessomo, creditors have offered to take two thousand,aud. give up alt elaim.. ,ru n• el ruse, r, au Eddy concluded that he would not wohet 41.14(4)0y edwitltateeed at to ere tile. God Meati bits, be where he spetck with thb old 'mu at that tinea Another t .'knot then duet weed. Rules pray but he wou.d assurer himself that there tiiat,%a.ert Itt pupile of urine trite haves Charles Eddy Baal become alruoatt was tits mistime. Sotto walkedatowiy int mend.. shove the understanding Of a pekluauent fixture in the State past the gritted door, and saw standing tlltt4alttrrtttn titut. tvetipain to the Legislature, He lead been first µ:tet• directly before hint, with I" gourd old g 1t face at cher Lure his old tutor of the t t: tl; V thiiti l if them eouldee have lett',1 to 3 wttittwt•d mother ea'i law t.e t : tt tirt;tt t:otti4at hsva been the mike. of o't'ter artgtiialt that 1 Saw, 1'. s.t►Iu t tit to ort %oakt [lose best, fat ivHtl', it ni• ii<u .UY]v 1t k.l .so had Lr r e t wheu•tive•attd.twent y years of lige tttliPr care. %a was forcP• (1 to hurry h 1 aud for eeveit suotessrte years there.• y and on sat only its bide the roars tiler ere Dimly months batt pasted the Obl titan Tither wide a oevtllpt Ili after bit totvusnit tr kept Mini ire the would oat stay clown, hu to soother tetteher of the vilruge +tbiriyal observed always pictured with it l)ald heidi. satire tttiict , rlttd he+ vvuulel 1raVrs lalP:x Y tits at- tittle r Chet role+ to Iris ripe. Ile slid . Sent t eighth esti t d tot the - llob 6Iitltler to elfin Statt'iutt • enol Oa tale folluwitigday ()lettere !'Addy pianiuei ,. tinrpit►y th+tt:urK,lutli . I non on the egg r a year ars i not txs4 tlrei illi hie tertirti. I itt their studiee itt tt truly` butterfat their ituetlit►g, vrasping`etforts tel to it citizenst tar i circuit demanded Ii