HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-28, Page 14. y.t !tit 4, '1 \r XIXO. 1.3 eee IINI(iffA111, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCII 28, 18$9,-,, T•Anteli,-Wn have something nice for you this weok aScarfs, Mantle Drapes, Piano Drapes, Sale hoard Drapes, Table Covers, eto Don't miss this A,Rnee . of selecting one from Vtei" iniVeg g(tOir of the" goods ever "shoWli in town, - OO ra AND $E1 eltett, , D?cE Ouneettis ere ail/rays a qe. cialty of ours, The new ones are here now (our own importie4); we ean sur prise you, and we know it. We have'. them both in setts and by the yard, friin the cheapeit to the hest., 'Court eelp sem TOD/. Our Dres9 Goods, Printee, Mutable, Towels, Towelling, Table Linens, Shirtings, Cottons an,4 Cottonades are all are' •c,)AIE /in) GEE F Gender hate aeolded to rentent in town until Winnhatu bee, 0, city, --Mr ft0 pUng has ootimeneed buY- ing eggs it the seeing telliee, neer the G- T ft station, s1 pafd. s II Ter une, barrister,' a Lis. towel, has been 4pontad police !eagle- *trate for that tow without salary. 1? Gerster •'the oldest and him *proved himself the mast reliable jeweler n ere, -Mr Wm RoeI, of•," East Wawa:mein having disposed -of y farm, it is veld he intends moving to o r town fo_r a time. P Gerster: makes. speolaitY 'of making monag,ratti breeelles, ear -drone bouquet and, tie p nee -No business ikle fent( acquainted with t news of tit day until: be has reed a advertisiug coutps of his paper. A. large stook of Master candies will rive this week at tile Star restaurant. as M -Me B A Gza1m has peat opened out a leap stock of fresh roceriee and provisions in the store nearly polite the market Read his anemic° t in another' co umn. -If you want a Ventune good cidthes wringer go and see those kept by Jetties A 'Mille do Co. Something new, very eheap. The Huron spring assizes will open at Goderich on Monday next, when the Whiteley poisoning case will be tried. This case will be watched with great in - tarot, • --The Misses Bonthion are selling their stock of fenoy goods `a greatly reduced prices, prior to their iezkovat from town. -Mr john Neelands wa in Brantford this week attendiug the quart ly audit of the accountshf the High Court of the Cana dian Order of Foresters, i34f which he _is Treasurer wows= • ROUT. ORR,. THE TillAtt, Mare]) 28, 1890. LOCAL NEWS. • • -The lee hnkesb is at an eua, the ice lishing all goueoi1 theiclane. been brightening up thole Shope With paper and pint, during th pas week. -Mr N T Riio, k L 8, who has, been ite the home of bie par ts in Kineardiee, for some tiny, recur ed to town this' eek. --Oysters evitte, deily,, the" freshest and belie in town; tiereed is any style, at jets McZelvietei -Mr Wm 01044:$ 'Pped two oar too& o 'barley to Delete thf week, •ati else two vies of wheat toGat and two cars of seed ttea t: to . -Luoltnow mercha an agfeement to ale etlaoes of busieetie at 7 the 1st of April next, t her. ettbeee entered in their- respeeti 'dock, on and afte 11 the 1st of Nevem. &surer. Piteapples, laseleams and pure maple s gar at R Hill's. The Wingbn junior Lacrosse club was organized -on uesday evening oflast. week, with the fol owing offfoers R'7;li11, pvesident:We G Yes, Vieetpresieent, and T E 0o'% teso'ket -treaeurer. -Noexert.-A goodt gold watch given way With one pound f Baking Powder. all and get question hest. from W T Tette, the grocer. --A. bonus lay.le pasts Lin Bayfield to -Ladiete. New Dreg.; Goode an'- t Prin te, aid a lit:4114'6a Mill as l'eo quashed her, Evening Shawle,Lecee. Gloves andliopto cause it reqnired rn re than ten per oda. at M El 1V1eIndoces. • es " r,..., eethe armed manic pal taxation to pay /0/--Itir E A. Smith, Messrs Halsted;e the, prineipal and int rest of the bonus. Scott's ebatik, has eased the residence letelyeecoupied by M • E L Dickinson, ett, %hetet street, and w 11 take possession tn ' a short time. -.4t.itelgrave, on ridgy last, Mr Peter Deans, auctioneer, s Id the Carlton feral, al:insisting of 50 acres, Li' the 6th donceesion eif East Wawanosh, t Me Alex. L Morton, for $1,500. Mr Mort a owned the adjoin - in& 50 acres. ./..., -The first of the lemon; fresh tomatoes at R Hill's. Mr Robt Parson, contractor for t ew town hall, wt In town this week. He expecte to come to Wing:barn in about two weeks to begin wort lei the centred fo 'Fred Hughes, who w oti thebial(J Ie has the excava ion to Mr I begin work on it slft1y. -ajuse arrived -10 does of Oraugeg mtia. lemohs, also beetle/es, pine apples and all tether fruits at the Star Restaurant. e - ogeeOtt 'Needy. led, four 'oar loads of e settleret • effects left the Grand Trunk railway station tfor different p9.rts of atianitoba. The arties were Jae Lillie°, <if Turnherry; Soh Reedy, of Oulross; and - Jobe Richerd on ad john Akerman, from near Delmore. T1ey take with them leorses and ot ter stdas well at imple• .11' ments.Mr Lillie gods by *ay of 'Chicago, and the other by way of North -Bay. -Roomy to rent, at the rear and over Halsted cte Scott's bank. ??er partioulers epply at the bank. -Mr Adam And ne.' who has been with Mr Thos Le 1 in his , tailoring establishment for t pest four years, •leaves for Toronto int ew days, where lie bas Ramrod a good po 'tion. Ibir Anderson is e steady, iudustrioui young man, and we sh him abundant moos, just arrived,15 boxes lemons, 15 boxes augee, 100 lbs pure maple sugar -a wholesale and r tail et R Hill's. -•A special mebing of the YWCTU was held ip Rit ife's Hall, on Monday evening. ,The Y &axe Berry that more young women do no see their way clear to join them. It is th 'r intention to hold Parlor Entertainroen on Friday evening 4th of April. Furth° Notice before tea time -will be given. -A. nice lite of baby cerrieges just teettived at S. Gracey's furniteee store, Whigham. -The meeting of tl Tuesday evening, was new members were initi number of propositions i routiue business had been' programme of songs, dial etc., was; rendered. The to menaborship of over 90. -Gouts' clothes cleaned, dyed, repaired TOGT Lodge, on 11 attended. Four tea and a 'large reduced. After, oncleaerd,a,good ties, readings, now has a and pressed also ladies' mate and drosses -.Drees and mantle making done dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed. promptly %ha to order by the Misses )144i on Victoria, Ste next door to Abra- Baxter s.t their home on Victoria Street, s shoe shop, opposite the old' Post Oftee, It, Mteonitare -11r Geo IVIatte the Iiireetort of t Atnieslation, held o to leesthe eyelet show purposes, for favorable terms, if • The ueeetteery buil Will contain eighteen WAS appointed to famish offer, Ana also enquire i te the feasibility call. Adviee free, of the detteme, and ostler ate what: *mitt. •ttnee oonlil be 'secured ern others i -The Old terestea in 'laving the retinas este tekeo tho le I Aelvith 'or oranges, lemone, apples by Abel, or barrel R ECM's. of St Thomas, the will be at Iter. on Tuesday and of April. The me:Mended and g the catarrh hose afftictea give him a zte, at the meeting pock, itt e Northwestern Pair .„„rk, W wilco Tttoodol 'ask offered great eatar eh speeialie gr°tUld suitable far mane; hotel:, Wiiighttra teem Of Yeetet, We(1088(18Y, 186 and gi '4 ()dote would erect Professor comes well r ngs. The grounds "dee geed rook eei 114' 1°6111°111°5e specialist of A.reeries.. t Mr 146Xeritte% with that con;plaint shoul -A. good yoke of working oxen for sale. &SOY to McLean dr Son, Wingham. -Iiistewe pectple are pottiogin a claim to the DQrai,n1 n Goverement for a build- ing to be used It 0. post office and custom house. A. petitie boo been largely signed and forwarded, tp tan, -E F Gorster can fill a Fresentatiep or other special °ratite within twenty-four }mere. -A.n exoh ge makes a straight hit When it says th t the editor of a newspaper t ) witt great mor favors for thanks in a moeth, than any 0 eV business man in a year. le it; also a ell established feet that he will receive m re all round ahuse ilea week then any oth man in cetelife, NOW maple sugar in ahundan°6 awl. eapest in towo, at JatredoKelyieWee -It pirlsiola sounds a warning aetinst the practice of ewiag toothpicks: He days tbe liable is responsible for much sickness, Small p rtides of the wood are swallowed, aucl loci eig in the wells of the 'Stomach, induce gas ea disturbances. He -knov;s:of 'several case whieh have proved fete'. -E F 4erster's is the only place ;Ilia engr iug is fleetly aed artistically done. The God jolt Sipial says: Mr a J Reid, of the fir of ,I A -Reid ce Bro., •ptir. aiosee opening o t a gent& furnishing. tend "tailorin estab hlitrteut iu Wiugham shortl . Sam, h q always held his own as one o Goderich' leading tellers, and Wingham dudes wil now have an tipper- tunity of gettiudnettt fits at home. -G T a trains for Toronto and east leave Wingbare at 6.30 a.m. and 11.10 aan. via W Wet 13 Division, and at 6.45 a.m. and 3.40 le M., via Clinton and Guelph. Good conhections by ell traine. tim -11 Your watch or cloak is out of repair take it,to F Gender seed get it,repaired, He wilt give you good satisfaction. -Xiss Mur hy hat leallouneement, in another column, itead tt,and then call and eget so Jae g ins she is prePared thee to i r ) .anned peaches, straw ffaiherries, p ma, etc..alo hurley jp, h, at Jas tee - 4 -An suit enaYS Borne strangers; are visiting the i ant towns, getting iefor imation its to fir Which have not regis- ter"their co -p neeship. The. law re- , (ef hips to be registered :der the pena,lty of a Ileeof 0100. -Gents' Full Itrees tittirt, Ties and Gloves; New steees in Collars auct'Cuffs; complete range of Suitiegs, \1 M Mo- Indoces, 'all parte(' six months -A. meeting f the directors arid niene= hers of the T berry. Agrieeltural. and Wingharo Dor sterol &softies, and all interested in sec lug new show grounds for the Northwest n Fair Association, will be held in the tow hall, Wingliam, on Weduesday next, il 2nd, at 2 &dock p. , Prof. toreente s memory system N creating. greater interest than ever hi all parts ot the country', and- parSous wishkg to improve their memory should -send tor Map:v.6s** tree as advertised in another column. -Special S4 School servicesevill. be held intheWelted_ Church on Sabbath next. rn the morel g anniversary sermon by Rev a' Liviugstou , of Clinton. in the afternoon a grand re*w. service is arrang- ed for. Musks by °roll mat and school - and an address by 1 v Livingstone, The church will be suitay decorated, With plants and flowers. For artidilars see programmes. enable Star Iteetturant alk its lines. J8,8 X041 • gl ill mill some odd lines of china, and sewere very cheep before stock taking rne next month. WM YATES. -The April S. ouia Afgaaine contains a ctimplete novelet e by the Marque; of, Lorne; papers on "European Recollec- tions " (illustrated), , 'The leading Amer- ican Novelists," a "On Borrowing Books;" Editor De Monies "Literary Wayeide" (illustrated , eareats of Ban- croft and other write , and the "Liglit Moods" department is as aggressive and humorous as ever. There are several good poems a id ether features. Price only 15 cents. S ecitneu copy 6 cents, -The regular ra meeting th Council of theBoar of Trade was held ' the Cotinoil Cham er, 'Wednesdt evening last. Mr eo Molienzie, President, in the aha , and, a number members present. A er tile reeding approval of the • 'nutes previou meeting, the reports of a• couple of com- mittees were treceived and acted upon, A resolution was putted i favor of lighting the streets of the town-, mi. urging the 'i'on Council to make rratigements to ',hat end, if the Attendee of the town will adroit of the expenditure. The followiee totetnittees were then ointed On Manufaotutes-lidessrs Tit Bell, W W Inglis, Abu gateau, .7 tith and S Grecey. Mercantile estsa-Messre A Cline, 1` A Mills, ) N .11 MaIsidoe and D M Gordon. conneittela consisting of IVelitirs Geo Me eilgie, Wirt Clegg, Zenj, Willson, A. Bo tura ;oho Heinle, was appointed eonwith the Town Council, or other parties, itlitsview of establishing a niontitlit mar t for the sale of horses, cattle and oth pktnlect. The emtncil thou adjourned. Agricultural imnuotente. I have accepted the agency for the sale of elm agricultural implements mane- fantured by Meaty Frost & Wood, Smith's Falle,-Ont. They manufacture the single aproe Steel .binder, the model Buckeye mower, the uew model one-horse Buckeye mower, the daftly reaper, the tiger and Maxie ,horse rake, walking, sulky, gang 4414-4Vgaral purpoee speing.ectoth. barrow. Thew implements are of the beet manufacture, and, were awarded the highest honors at the Paris, France Ex- position in 1889. Farmers needing im- plenients should call and pee these imple- ments and get prices before purchaeing. GANII8TT, Wingham. Auction Sale. 'Mr Wm Doe , of lot 33, concession 11, gest Wawttnosh, having disposed of his farm, will sell his ma stook and imple- ments by auction, o Thursday, April 3rd, at 1 o'clock p. me -05 and ;hider cash, over that mue. m ths credit. John Currie, auotioueer. To Etorsomen, Fanners and Others. We are the originators and manu- facturers of the A.DVANCE Road Cart. As the name iudicates, it is in advance of anything got up ih this country yet in the shape of tt. cart. Any person wanting a cart should call and see it before perches, ing. Price $25. Gramm, McCreimmer, Vilingham, Ont. Spring Show's. East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, April 17. Rest Huron, at Benesels, April 18. Listowel, at Listowel, April 16. Mitchell, Weduesday, April Oth. Fullerton, Friaay, April 4th. Stratford, Tuesday, Anti! 1.5th, South Heron, Brucefield, April 16. Elms, tit Newry, 'Tuesday A pri115, Wellesley, Wednesday April 16. -Mr Wm • ordon, Stratford, town on Tue day, arranging for the'1p. went ef ice t Beaks and Lockport. Ile will send forty iifty ear Joadeirons hear, if the weather 11,permit.5,, -The Enema Wells Coi6edy oommenced, k'si engagemenrie the town hal), ote T esday ' evenitig. Eine* Welle is unique a four wined She singe bees, contralto and SQ. prano,aud each art she score a once -ant, and compels the • mutation et her audit. ences. In addition to her vocal acorn. plisb meutG,Miss We s fit good pianist end. an Eintress of eo litti to singer lelamirs`tia'ritentliee Ray ie a good contra her parts well in th.far0e.cometries which are a feature of 'the entertaiurneute. T H Marks ranks high tia low comedian and sketch artist aud ins no end of applause, especially frai . boys. Mr B W Marko, the manager, kn we hie bueinese, The Company is playi here under the sus - pates of the tow• nd. They have been greeted with good ho eee. Northwestern ASSeciation. A meeting of the d rectofir-of--the above association was he •in the ltlesebeeiesi Institute rooms, ngham. on, klet421th indent. Present 0 RendersoritTrOei" denhin the chsir,e4 d Meseta fitosiere•dititsit j A Morton, M well, S Wni Iebister, Geo MeK nzie, Geo Moffett, Thos. Agnew, John Elat n, Walter Taylor. Thos Goy. John Ander cm, Geo- Crnickshadis, Peter Fowler and Elliott.) The minutes of lase meeting w.e read and" adopted, On motion, R liiott was appointed ecretney-Treasur of the associatio The following coat ideas were then ep- pointed: Ou Fin nos- Messrs Jenkine, Goy, Morten and Kenzie. Printing- • Messrs Moffatt, M swell, Youbill• seid. Elliott. Judges- ems Cruickehanks, Henderson, Agnew a d Bell. Prise Lisa - Messrs Anderson, El ton, Voteler, 'Elliott Morton apd Taylor. lettlea 'Attractious'- Messrs Isbister, Li 1e:Itleffat, Melrelool Cline and Roe. It was moved by /elm • Andersona Wended the Spring Show tie the 16th uf A.pril, 18 Horticultural green Carried. On motion charge an admission Geo McKenzie made offer of a suitable gr poses, if the Society on it. and pay him a same. It was rn seconded by Peter mittee, consisting Iebistee, Elaten,Bell ap.eitited veonei dais° the a fecv ereet100 8,88i86.800.. that doll °theist etc4illgrellO the board -Carried Cruickehttelts and a' to wait on the T solicit a grant in aid agricultural bundle adjourned. • Mr Paul Monti 8, itinerancy agent, Kincardine, spent so e days itk 605V0, this Week..10 jamiee n, of Lynden,former- ly of East Wawanos ,'has been in town for trobee chtys...Rev Daok, of Listowel, spent. Sunday ha tow -Miss M Marries spent a few days ea Dr !male, last week.. Mr Gee Green apent a tv dap; in Gorrie, last week..Mr Wm If ilton, Inspector of the North American if Aesurttuoe Company, was 0#11 n Tueeday.. Mr Walter Green, ef the "Guinn furni. .ture factory, was ,in Toro' to a couple a days het Week. On busin 11...eTeney" Matfett Rift town for his hom in Berlin, on Thursday.,Miss Whiteley and Mrs Sheriff, of Lueknow, t some days town this week, the gli ofthe Misses meea. Id Gillespie 4 visiting her parents in 111$th, •y Geo Metfat, tba eld on Wednesday 0, on the Wiegitana • at 1 o'cloa, p In. it was decided t ee of 10 cents. 141 the association it mid for show per ould erect building °amiable reptal fo ved by Thee Goy wler. that a coin Metiers Henderson Roe and Agnew, er Mr McKetiete' st of fitting op tb Roble buildings, h d be secured fro t at next -meeting Meese!, MaKettei dos were anpoilite reberr, Connell 1 the 'erection of ne s. '1'he board the MT DEAR TIMES. Mab, the Fancy's TM question to me, whil on Monday evening 1 leave the farm ?" tick, gave for answ halfpence." Not so, put it this way : "EC brown cent." leoW f our farmers let out. rent an acre or so to duce of which shall township councils, w honey for objects; for priges, euciouragi among schools and public fit:loots be uti useful knewledgeein t of rouseurne, got tip the guidance, and dire whose training in p been ;melt thet-they their pupils, tniorosee thett see that there a books in the renuiug everything; that in Rein the wietla of gr adeirreitt or endow), rhapa it W8,8 Qttee wife, abet put th sitting at the stoY et, "Why do *sty Her obedient s1ti' r: "More kicks' th °Utah friend, b rd work and not r the remedy le a.merely home heir boys, the p be, theirs. Let 0 en they are yeti: charity do the ear a healthy rival scholars, . Los o ized as &wee re way tontby Mea the eoholers u tion of the toted iterisal soienots h can 'walk out wi re in hand, and m e stamens in etois rooke, atul ,gon wnrid of u , there is u W, TT110 (4 Toront 4 Ste Itettiptsni grein prides steady, Whe halide tom at 83 o 1 spring, '87 for fall. Is firmer, with sake o 44c. Oate-Steedy, bushels at Me. Be with sales of 100 bus Dressed Rog -Tho it. 115.88 to 4141 tilt lott 0016 t Markets. ntinee email. t-tonlistiged ; ea Winter, elte tl -the Mat 5 lids it`t 40 sales of 8 target bbeht Is OA 68e tO rket •la mu t for oh