HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 8Pharty' Dr. " owler's Drug Store Phyalelese' and popular Itreeeriptione acounateli compounded' Pure Drugs and Chemicals a s0ecialt . --A full 11» of Toilet Articles; Perfumes, Sponges,-- .-'8pa4pptte, tote, always in stook— ;IiELtrs •, TELEPHONE CENTRAL OFTIOE, STEAMBRIP and °KANO TRUNK TOWN TICKET FFICE, *Cinema, Ont, atilingOm (r��!s•+. yy}}yy m FRIDAY. MARCII 21, 1890. Frost has daiaaged the wheat cro of Southern and Central Illinois. Stix should be in every borne: It saves twenty nine„ its cost. Sold by all druggists. The grant of $10,000 to Toronto University was carried in the Qut;bee Legislature by a vote of 28 to 19. Evangelista Crossley end Hunter have opened meetings in Brantford, under the auspices of the Ministerial Aseooiation The Western Fair will be held in London from the 13th till the 27th September next Dr. bunt, of Clarksburg, hits been ghosen by the Liberals of Center Grey to contest that constituency in the Provincial election: W. W. Ferran, of Clinton, has sold his colt, B dl Bird, 22 months old, to 13. J.' Downing, of St. Charles, Mich., lot.. the sutra of $1,700 cash. Negotiation are in progress for the establishment of a Llraticli of the Bowmanrille piano works in St, Thomas, to employ 250 hands. 14 Ir J. A. Mackinnetti has been ap' pointed C, P. a. Liana ar of Tran port'ation, and Mr Thomas Tait taksq his place a. General Superintendent rf the Outario and Atlantic divisions. The Goderich Turf Clnh has decid• ed to give $600 in purses, divided equally, far throe races on Dominion D,ty—free-for-a'1, 2 35 class and three mitiutti cines, Ptcers anti trotters Allowed in alt races. p Rev Dr It id, treasurer of the Presbyterian Church, has received freta diff .1nry MuEwen, executrix of the will or the late Mrs Catherine 11:1+•.wen, of Exeter, the stun of $7,- 21S, to ho devoted to the foreign ttti aiot) fund blit $500y .which goes to,T3 ranch. to !t)3,t*llt i#,Cl; Judge'fA ew, .af the Clo.un y of Wel- lington, ii iying,,dau eroui;ly ill at his •hatne in EI n'f%'rblu pneumonia, cow bines: with Alt Itfrec' tioti of the heart, Oh Satui•t$k 1'e slept he' WaS in Galt, and returned hems in the best of spirits and health. ,About two u`01.tt_k oi. Sunday he was suddenly stricken dowa,and the sy11:p. toms wens' e:f Emelt a :emus na- ture that forte doctors were summoned. `)'here is alight hope of his recovery, Wedtaesflay afternoon he was a little better, !hilt iv still in a critical con - ,di 4ipn. vc+1r•1t TA £t7 To fhosa who Have never need Wil-- soli's Wil 1 Cherry, we be to explain that it is a preparation for the Cure of 'Coughs, C ,(cis,, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping ' lough, Loss of Voice, and kindred diseases, iseases, whish has been in .eueee ssfui use for twenty years It is rt perekv lie:4et 16f1e medicine in the forte of ey^ru�1, pleasant- to the taste, And zt++t,r Minteddiate relief to sufferers froth dist3aties Of the Tltroat,011HBt and Lungri ' Wilson's Wild (berry never disappoint.. Try it for yourself and ItA11fi}V. ;old by all druggists. '131A6ne T' pt- it f7ca 11 tea anon. WAtr,n. 14AAND1)4 1a D ton $'toripa, en the lute N'trctt. "'' r t We , .n•ot Mr fi P We11A, of Wisixtt un, t, ,1,i4 lytta 1 . Wise. T1, naycc-..*grit matt on' the lathFeb.,by' _Lb,.ti , .Jahn 7: ia. c•, at the !derma elite i)fide s p. e . lir it ,b tietchanan, Mott Elisa Mneut. tea :lt, sig of I ' . It'atemioeb. 01146, Nett tr WInsthatn,.rn thsidth 1 rhe letiOnt , 8111 . , rw:1 EA! 7'ranl 44.41,'aar„ 81. he. V)nrliarn, on the 20* s iota wife NG44M MAU7=740., WIiteHA1f, March $Di. MA?. 0orregted by ;r. TApno, }'reduce pester,, $ 4'15 ab, &tour per. 1.00 Fall Wheat per bushel, Oats " Barley Neils, Potatoes, Mutter, tub do Belle, Eggs per dozen, le nod per cord,. flay per ton, Turkeys per ib•, drew, tt Ducks, ,e Veilekgna, '+ 07iit o W7f o 25 I* SO to AS E0 le SQ 12 is 10 12 to 12 tri 1 25 to 5 oo to e7 tc 05 to e0 to 00 to 224. A 80 Se 84 ' Z(.13'"1". ; ill 0 UTI0N of PARTNERSHIP.. The und8relgned Willem to rent h!s faer0.1) inlr lbs oath halves of lour Nos IS and 21, ,lei gonaeNlon " Novas hereby Given Olaf the rote hip her. Morrie Towne/dm, Thu farm oonalsts of 2Q0 aotys tour* skid ou Ammer)))Ammer)))ns rr + , lldrrs, hiss over 00 of with* see cleared. The term, is villi this day bee dissolved by �ttlfl° •)itytnt Ali so - fenced and t cod di t t 11 i d i n g con tion. I ewe adapted Qr count* glue tit take fire* aro tub* d town, iiorQ, dairying or groin but en tall dal l Ti i _• � � who Ifni A 011 pay al tabtliGies. 280 1 Win ham Feb, 0 • 1) 11 N 11 about two miles from the 13)oval° CheesoitKFactorv. There aro Afton Act'es In FAtl 31 heat The stubble g . r • Ifni was.noarly all ploughed in the fall. There ere ARTH[tg Coon. a stood e0xC0 feet barn, stone stabling and shock; for I Wr a see t It, ILL T '., *hi, bg ti0ltlr it:tpiomento, The dwelling hose to 28xI0, welli ..r. .,0_... ,, 13 t finished Inside and out, with s good wood tined et' 1 e 00n0 I *ached. 2 ve lease for ona or a tout of ,years and 1 • In connection th above bee leave to remind all can also tt a quantity of inspletnents•�-lender, customers of 1 late Orin an the public generally U6 reaper, ower, rake and ploughs. For terms apply that I shalt •till continue the business in all its 07 to R, A. QRAf*AM, branches. Ise work a specialty. vYinghatu, Ont, SVM. DOBE, 1. The eeeipts of grain Wednesday Were Madera e and prices genes:ally unchanged, Wuknr. The market rewaino quiet, with receipts f200 bushels. Foioes steady at 87o for f; 11, 84o for red winter, Ole for spring uu 65o for goose, Bsnr,EY.--The market is inlet and steady, with sales 'of 800 bustle at 38a to 42e. OAre,—Firm, wittt,Hales f 400 brothels at Sle to 32o, PEAR,- Ste idy; 100 butiloele selling et 53o to 54c. Dass se loot.—The market was steadyplet .d • y, with dales et $5 00 to 46 20, the' latter e•r choice light cues.. Eufeal Live Stook Markets, Baal' I3 NVALO, March 19,—Cattle— Receipts, Yri oars ; steady and firm ; sales of 0511 to 1,1'5 ib steers, $3 70 to $4 05. Sheep mud 1 tabs—Receipts, 28 ears ; mar- ket strong foe sheep and firm for lambs; sales of good 90 to 100 lb sheep as $5 80 to $6 14; extra, 10 lbs $6 25; fair, 78 to 85 lbs 05 25 to $5 65; culls sial common,$4 50 to 05 ; lambs;; 6 50 to $7 50 for good to best. Flogs—I eceipts, 28 oars; market slow for light g. acles at lower prices ; sales of Yorkers at 0 35 to $5'40; pigs, 04 20 to 04 25; heav and mediums, $4 40 to $4 45; closed we k. Three huudre• Chinese in California started last wee for China, most of them being ,old m"hers who go to work in the new gold fie • s recently opened there. There is ma doubt that the Chinese in,Califeuuia . ave caught the gold fever, and that sev al thousands will return to the old co try. Holstein Bull for Sale. BLUEVALE OHIEF, No, 14091, bred and owned by James Elliot, Blue, vale, tint, calved February 36th, 108A. Sire, Crown Imperial, ;840; dant, Thecela, No• 5167, Bluevale Chief liar been accepted for registry 14 the sixth volume of the floloteiu•Freoinn Herd Book, and numbered as above. Stock for sale. JANES 1LLI0T, Bluevale, Cnt, RISS NOTICE OF' TION of PART given that Mes Notice Is her merty curie on tient Crows .n,undd at the To n of Wing we0' e0! - time ago ' x60 the le -filets 1,a roto t by<. dDavi Tingle ouly, C'•wston Il not be reepon acted nee the said dissolutio 1) ed this 20th day of March, .WILLIAM 0 DIP. e partnership for- avid Pringle and Wit. rm of Pringle & Crowston, n in the County of Huron, ed by mutual consent, and • nceforth been carried oo nd that the .aid R'f1ham ie for any debts eon - 0. WSTON, Notice of DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that thepartnerehip lately sabsisting between John Ambler and Fronds A Billingsley, of the Town of Wiuchatn, under the Min of Ambler & Co, was dissolved on the 8th day rf 51are11, 1890, by mutual consent. The business of harness making, eto, will be carried on at the same stand for the future by the said John Ambler solely, on his Own .adbount7 and the saki John Ambler is authorized to settle all debts due to and by said colnpany. Dated 8th March, 1890. oS'trxsss : /. P. A. BILLINGSLEY, DIATHEW AMBLER. iJOHN AMBLER. • PURE MApLE:SYRUP and SUGAR, BPXNMpB.R Rt E TOMATOES, te., at the CURSE." JOHN KERR. t*l''rtgllam, March 2(>, '90. TEN POUNDS xn TWO WEEKS =s�) THiNK OF IT As a t'Iesh Prodnt er there eau be uo+igtreettienl but that .SCOTT'll EMULSIO Of Pure Cod Liver fllfend HypophosphItes . Of'kltne and soda is arithbrtt a rival. Marcy have gallica a Pound a day by the usti of It. It tutor CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA,, 8RONCIfTIS, 00 U G If s AND EASES. OWAA$ING $1 1 QLIC. 1 denuinemuds hySoottittCowh 9efltivlile¢,SODUOiti Wrapper; at an Druggists, Ws, and if,00. Y. IW Dressmaking, Announcement Mi$Se$ McLenncn k Mckenzie Mare taken possession of store opposite the Bank on Josephine street, next door to Mr Fields' butcher shop, where they intend oars) Ing on tlret•olass Dress ' and ¥antle-making Establishment. Orders promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaran• teed. accts! Seed! Seedau 00 Wheat is very log, S are all Cereals, DO YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR SEEDS AS CHEAP P if, so, read T. A. MILLS' posters every morning. DILLS, Winghy%, March 21, 1890. HOflML ATTNTW I Staflion Route Bilis. POT SEASON or 1800. dttriy lPuttogetherattractively' displaced, oShowyn jar ocard, send your order to the TIMES omce, A Ntrm.u.ilt or, GOOD COTi3 TO Cfoosi F'1toJt. Adage reasonable, and orders by malt promptly attended to. , Times Mike, W'inglinm. rot solo, one year i1ret.sless pedigree. Abe dc,veral coved `They ars '11 regi Apply on Lot l ale. OTIOE TO CREDITORS. In fhe natter of Francis A ,1iillingalay, of Me Tinea of ilringham,h, the Uoutffy sf )Huron .tr ureas.*• mrekt r, an 144olvenf, Notice is hereby given that the above named Francis A Billingsley has mode ail asoigmnont to me under the provisions of rho Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Qimptor 124, and amending acts of all his estate and effects in trust for the benefit of hie creditors. Billingsley is herof eby cocrenvened andof he will be held at�the law ofiioe of 11 Vanetone, in the Town of %Ingham, on Motley, the 24thday of btareh,1890 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the appointment of inspectors acid the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All emitters of the said Francis A Billingsley are bereby'notifed to filo their ofaims with my solioi• ItQr,R, Van,tono, 1SS'inghtam, duly verified by ash. security (if Jso any) held by themt,eon or re beforeee thef15 h day of April A. D. 1890. Dated at Wingbaut this 18th day of March A,. D. 1$00, S. J, SMITH, Assignee, It. VANSTQNE, Selioitor for Assignee, ham. Wingham,. 1890 CHS, 10141011TEL Wiehea *o-hatintate to the people of Winettaut And . surrounding; country that lee bits purehastti the harness business lately earried on by Jtessrs. J. J, Iimrittth. Ss Son, and will conduct- It in the handing ono dor south of b1r T A Mlle" store. • • DOUBLE AND SINQLE HA,1tNI;sa heavy or tight, made to order, ...-..-... A full line of Moro Blankets, Sleigh`Helie, corryoombs, Brushes, etc., always on hand. Rep,a•iriitg,naatly and prcmptry done The patronore of the publlo solicited, and satlehie. tion in work and material + uaranteed, OE KN1CH r. EL, Winelist», March 4. 11390. SF' I1VG ipso MISS A. OYD Wishes to intimate to the Ladies of Wingbam :and surrounding country that her stock of, Frig Rud S Timmer _tutees has arrived and 'is now opened out. The sock is well - assorted, and contains all the fa$:,:ionabte styles for this year. FEATHERS, - FLOWERS, - RIBBONS, - LACES, ETC. A large stock of FANCY GOODS always on hand; The MANTLE DEPARTMLNr, ' contains a varied assortu,ent a�,illts, Satins, Satin Bl•oeiides, P}ushes, Velvets! and Mantle Cloths, to choose from. Perfect fitting, and latest and most shiohahle garments. .An inspection invited. First door north of E. F. Gerster's jeweliry.store, Ingham. March 20, 1890. MISS '330 Y1). SEE Gerster'S Advt. NEXT WEEK. • trUST,, ..A.BRIVEDd By SS.• Europa, from Hamburg, Germany. 3 CASES FAN Y TABLE 0 INAw.3 EGG SETTS, SALAD' SETA'S. +'IieUJT a3GWLs, ° ASFe, 13ISau1 ' :ABS, WATER, SETTS, ROSE JARS, OVI,S SAUCERS NEW fi,AaINS, NEW OU.Rlii' NTS, NEW PEELS, NEW IVUTS, N1W Jflttrn'T13, CHOICE & RELIABLE GROC `i I ► 3 mp te$NihIsp1naagt Call and Inspect before Making ' out Z.VIAB iters of elntllar l,reeding rt•d in o0a 10, ,Mo nminlnn herd Donk. Tire 1tI ar Myth P.O. CHINAE. j Wit T. YATES3 DONALD.