HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-18, Page 18PAGE 'EIGHTEEN
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Whitechurch WI
Whitechurch Women's. Institute ,
Family and Consumer
Affairs and Grandmothers meeting
was held on Monday evening ,
September 16 in Whitechurch
Community Memorial Hall. The
meeting was convened by the
president Miss Merle , Wilson open-
ing with the singing of the /71
Institute Ode and repeating the 1'
Creed in unison..
A thank you letter was read
from Mrs. Mary Cleland and a let•
ter' from F.W.I.C. regarding pro-
jects. A financial statement
was given.
A discussion arose as to 'how the
W.T. could assist with entertain-
ment at Lucknow Pinecrest Manor
Nursing Horne. Mrs. Bi11 Gib-
son is to seek information. The. 2
program committee Mrs. Garnet
Farrier; Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Mrs.
Frank Ross and Mrs. Lorne Durnin
are to, arrange a Variety Concert.
The branch Directors Mrs. Al-
bert Cou.ltes, Mrs. RiisselGaunt
and Mrs. Jas. Currie are to
arrange a fall euchre parry.
The roll call was answered by
25 telling of their favorite news-
paper section and receiving their
Institute membership card. Miss
Merle Wilson read a poem "Grand-
mothers The songs sung with
Mrs. Farrier pianist were Happy
Memories , Your old grey bonnet,
Let the rest of theworld go by.
Mrs. Wm. Gibson sang the Rose
of Tralee accompanied by Mrs.
Garnet Farrier who also accom -
rr-\ panied Mrs. Lorne Durnin in two
violin numbers. Mrs. Wm. Rin-
toul gave two poems about Grand-
Mrs. James McInnes gave the
\Motto "What you live in you life,
you show in you face" , character
shows in folks face. The face of
the little child and old folks usu-
ally express faith. She closed
Huron Township Council met
on September 3rd with all mem-
bers present.
Council agreed to send the
Building. Inspector to attend a
course proposed to be held in Ow -
en Sound. <
Road Superintendent , Dave
Moore was instructed, to check the
road survey at the Wilken property
,in the townsite of Alma.
The Clerk was instructed to send
letter to the C. N.R. objecting to
the growth of trees and shrubs at
road crossings which are a traffic
hazard and also to remind them
of the poor state of the railroad
fences. Motion tobe presented
through Crawford Douglas,' M.P.
for Bruce Riding.
Road accounts of $57 ,358.86;
Township Accounts 9f $4,514.25
and Municipal Drain accounts of
$5 ,588.00 were ordered paid.
Council ajourned to meet on
October 7th at 9.30 a. m.
with a poem - How yon live will
show in your face.
Mrs. Dan Tiffin gave a demon,
stration on decorating a wedding
cake. She had one completed in
beautiful colors and another ready
to decorate on which she showed
how to puton the different forms
made with dummies for making
flowers and other decorations
Contests were conducted by Mrs.
Garnet Farrier. The contest
Rhyme Tyme was won by Mrs.
Bill Gibson; tallest grandmother,
Mrs. Helen Lewis; shortest, Mrs.
Johnston Conn; most 1974 coins
in purse , Mrs. Jim, Wilson; small-
est waist line, Mrs. Bill Evans.
The grandmother Mrs. Dan Tif-
fin who decorated the.cake also
received a prize.
There were 2 large tables of
crafts, made by the grandmothers,
on display. Lunch of cake and
ice cream were served by the
lunch committee. Mrs. Lorne
Durnin, Mrs. Victor Emerson,
Mrs. Metcalfe and Mrs. Garnet
Re Store .Hours
Commencing Monday, September 23, we will
close Saturdays and be open Monday to Thurs-
day 8 a.m, to- h0 p.rn., Friday 8 ran. to 8 p.m. and
Sunday 11 a.m. to 10 pm.
General Store'
St. Augustine
Council Minutes
Kinloss Council met on Septem-
ber 3rd , the reeve and all council
present. .
After. the minutes were read and
confirmed, a representative was
present from Frank Cowan Insur-
ance along with Frank Thompson
and J. A. McDonagh..
The insurance coverage was
reviewed and the Township gar-
age was increased from
$55,000.00,to $67,009.00 and
the George White sprayer added
with coverage of $3000.00.
Having received the report on
the Moffat -Thompson Drain Im-
provement., September 23rd was
set to consider the report at 8.30
Council approved application
for severance on Lot 11, Conc. 4.
" The tender of David Inglis Con-
st. , was accepted .for construction
of the closed portion of the Tay-
lor -Tiffin -Scott drain at $9453.
Some additions and deletions
were made by Council on Sched-
ule 'A' of the agreement with
the International Union of Operat-
ing Engineers for Township em
ployees and a representative will
attend the September 23rd meet-
The following accounts were
ordered paid; Prove' Treasurer ,
tile drain Deb. # 1-1973, 246.60;
Daco Laboratories. Ltd..
ruelene, 65.40; Village of Luck -
now , fire call, 125.00; David Ross
ruelene , 2128.50; Lucknow Sent-
ent-ine1, 'auditors report , '64.38; El-
mer Umbach , first aid kit, .5.83;
Bannerman . Const. Ltd , gravel
on Pennell Dr. , 46.80; Fawcett
Metal Products Ltd. , C.M. P. for
Taylor -Tiffin -Scott drain, 136.19;
Gamsby and Mannerow, plan and
report - Moffat -Thompson,
2000.00; M. M. Dillon Ltd.. pay-
ment on zoning .by -law for town
ship , 243.92; Ontario Hydro,
Twp. hall and. Whitechurch Com.
Hall, 35.25; Cliff Johnston,
repair fence on Ackert Drain,
36.00; F. Mac Kinnon , postage
8.00, T. T. Scott Drain .76,
8.76; Fraser MacKinnon sal-
ary less deductions, 389.37; Prov.
Treasurer, insulin, 2.78; Village
of Lucknow, share ice time , 73-
74 season 218.75; Wm. Evans,
drains 152.50, waste site '90.00 ,
242:50;. Wayne Bushell, bulldoz-
ing waste site, 215.00; Wayne
Bushell, municipal drainage *re-
re-pairs, 678.00; F. F. Thompson,
Ins. Agency, insurance , 278.60;
J. A. McDonagh Ins. Agency,
insurance, 190.50; Wally Breckles,
fox bounty, 4.00; Jim Murray, .
baseball equipment for Rec. ,
4►geney , road ins., 595,
sprayer repair, 3.76; Ron Machan
Hdwe . , sprayer repairs, 10.75;
Art 'He 1m , sprayer repairs, 47.14;
Ray Stanley, load, haul pit run
gravel, 4231.80; John de Boer,
pit owner, 1246.00; Equipment
Sales and Service , grader repairs,
745.77; Ont. Hydro, Twp. gar-
age , 51.72; J. A. McDonagh Ins. ,
F. Schumacher, pay less deduc-
tions, 208.55; H. Smith , pay less
deductions, 454.95; D. Mac Kin-
non , pay less deductions, 422.55;
Rev. Gen. of Canada Un.Ins. ,
65.37, C.P.P. 66.48, I. T.
194.95 , -326.80; Fawcett Metal
Products, culverts and signs,
2802.14; B.P. Oil Ltd . , gas dies-
el etc.. , 496,77; F. Schumacher,
telephone and mileage 19.74;
A. C. Showalter, backhoe rental,
77.00; Lucknow Dist. Co-op,
382.50: genet, ro
The meeting adjourned
until September 23td at 8
or at the call of the rept,
Just a few days left
get yourentries read
for the following
Saturday, September 21.
1. Decorated Bicycle. $3.00 $2,00 $1.06
2. Decorated Tricycle 3.00 2.00 :1.00
(25c for . all other entries)
3. , Decorated Doll Carriage • 1.50 1.00 .75
(25c for all other entries)
4. Best costumed rider on decorated pony
(Animals will not be judged)
6.00 5.00 4.00 .3.00.3
5. Largest family at , the fair 5.00 3.00
6: Longest beard 10.00 5.00 iN
7. Oldest lady at the fair 5.00
8. Oldest gentleman at the fair 5.00
• 9. Couple coming the . farthest distance 5.00
10. Tug of War (3:30 P.M.) . 10.00 5.00
(Elementary School Age - 10 to a team)
6.00 5.00 34
11. Log Sawing Contest (men) •
12. Log Sawing Contest (ladies)
13. Most original entry in parade
14. Best clown (in parade), adult
15. Best clown (in parade), child
16. Schools Parading in Costume
17. Public School Floats in Parade
18. Decorated Cars
19. Antique Cars prior to 1930
20. • Best Society Float
21. Best Comic Float
22. Best Patriotic Float
6.00 '5.00 38
6.00 5.W 31
5.00 3.00
5.00 3.00 32
8.00 6.00 4.00 11
25.00 20.00 15.00.I0
10.00 7.00 5.00 t3
12.00 8A it
25.00 20.A lir
`25.00' 20.00 Al
25.00 200 Iii
1. Parade class (rriust ride in parade) .
$14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.�
Entry fee of $1.00 will be charged for section 2.3.4
must be paid to the secretary by 1 P.M. on fair' dap
2. . Saddle horse; Under English saddle, rider properb at
$14.00 .00. $10.00 $8.00 $'6 O
3. Western Pleasure Saddle $12Class
$14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $0
4. English Equitation - Hunt Seat
Horse or pony to be shown at a walk, trot. cant ,
ways of the ring, may be asked to back. To be
on seat and hands of rider, manners and way of
Suitability of • horse to rider and appointments "` ''
Conformation not to count.
tst PRIZE - An English bridle and a Trophy (P
donated by the Tack Shack, Lucknow
Other prizes of $12.00; $10.00 and 58.00 donated bi
Lucknow Agricultural Society
5. Best mare or gelding on grounds S6•6
1. Potato "Race on pony
(rider elementary school ager 56.Q0 55.00 5t
2. Musical chairs on horseback 6-00 5 4.�
Entry fee of $1.00 per entry in each of the t1 P4
four events to be paid to the secretary I
fair day 410
3. Barrel race on horseback 10.00 8.00 6.00 4,00
4. Flag race on horseback 10.00 800 6 0 tE t
5. Pick uprace on horseback 10.00 8.00 6.00
6. Keyhole race on horseback < '10.00 3.00 610 tt8