HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 7.1thigipa uts. .-.1S nniti.lSfllat 1Plill>AY t1;,gJIVNiliG,. •,-All: 't`tn;-^- i` ICE., ,IOtiePt•IlNL STtst.>r7 ':e.A/111: - t,k1•YTi RIO, tilirioo.r per yeaY,liya4V4 C0 .—...-- V 1 It'.fISINu. It A7'1:R 1 t y,l 1 s tile, 1„ rno. 1 1 n 4. Otte 00 r5f; 00 i r20 00 i; Iii I05 00 uo On lz 00 0(10 20 ea it Ota7 tel 4.4u . 1 I:, 0u 3 0i1 I 2 00_ 3 0e hal mimeo nth ott}aea hits, Pe. per lh,e 14.11, ;Lou Oe. psi tine tort:aell WWbeeeneet 's, in nouparell type, 100. for Wet In- . per lin.[ lel' each eubr.0quont imertic[,, ''ed Ion- that- zee. wine:charged bust, rental, Mtt ay ed, x;itttntiol.a, L'harleva N anttd, Mit aete1101011 s linea per mouth, Flame for Sale, not execedhtg 6 tines, ntth, Ott•, pot subscgm tit month. s will be etttttly a t1 tred to. or for MI fur longer ath'el:De ments, e, el.ts without euetitie directions, will be iiltiel and charged accortllt.giy. Trate. isf.it maw most be paid in att0anee. 'wtdunsduy cneon,nin otdci tool et l.uu It, FS,1,Itr1T ' Paorll 'tOI AVD PU1GIWtxtt. ..,.,__,.-,W.....----.-.W-_._ -_— J.0tihPI1INIf, STREET, T, ONreta0O' h1Al.B1tNM, Graduate or Toronto University. ' Bell a c, a t tflei Curler�ot't.outre lade aa,ONT. ax,4 GOD6'1U Y, loner man and general proficiency medal- Maiereity. Atembert,ultepu inyajeiiu,s• us 00 Gnturlo' 1310011.Al r, O1T.. tblethodist Pars1naxe. :OW LER. M D.P.el., ?liege Physiclane and Surgeons, Ontario.. -Coroner for County of iluron— TR[t PIIARaIACY " • \Vlnyhant, Orit.: J. A. MORTON 13A1t1RISTItlt se., tViuginan Ontario. R & DICI iNSON, MEYER, G. C.1 E. L. DICKINSON, a. A. TERB AND S(8L1CITUItS, Etc., Etc., bo- g itarrk of Hamilton, t301 Ili esionereII or ,tsdavits for Manitoba F nd 11 Helly, bought and sold. Money (private aired on mortgage security at 67 per cent. 'vested for private persons, upon the bets e titeutities witho.it any expenee to the lands for sale in blanitOba auu the North. -Bent's Block. wineliem. rANS'TOL`E ' ITER, SOLICITOiI,., NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, ETC. LE—Beaver S 011 Ulf and I%LYTt , Oar. UNT., 0 to and Company funds to loon at low rates 5. Mortgtigea, town and 'farm . property, and sold, blcrcautilr: collections a specialty TISTI.t6'.— J. B. JEIt0111E, Omoilaat, Is manefact,ur'ing Celluloid Plates ' 'Vulcanite plates of the bestmateria as cheap as they can bo got in the Dominion. All work warranted. ton of teeth, theor ' only sate anestheticed for the lkiown a ttorlce.-1 wilt 10.00act tt:oth fur 10 flouts. VICE: In the Beaver Block; 'opposite the• wick hotel. NTIS' TRY'..- W. II. MACi1NALD, WINelIAM. „ptt 'Maker oPVulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, t, prices from �S,500 uow idti'p r set• rcrowneg and 'bridgework. Teeth ex ell without the least pati lis the use of Vital - Air. head Office, Wing•h5at, side entrance op- 0 pt- o the A Queen's m to t 1? 011. Win daily att'Myth eel Y ant 4th Saturday 00 eachmatith_ Ot00eatMiln( e•• I; Gerrie: let incl 3rd Mondays of each month— o at Albion hotel. .istractiilg 210 cents. • IIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGiNT iOltAlt,., 0111111T coINNL'uGIIAII, INSURANCE FI1UO AND MARINE, GUELPH. ONTARIO BEANN,.Ja., W10Ounat, • C ENSLD AUCTIo ERR, OR THE CQUNTlr: OF Sales attended in any pati et tiro Co. Charge) Aerate. OIIN CURRIE,. wi2or1A;xl, ONT., LICENSE1),KUCTIONilliit FOR 'tlrE COUN31 or nviut1 . All orders left at the Tweets office promptly at end.. I to. Terme reasonable. MARS IIENDttlso t, • ,1010118110 AtcT,t0Nt1EI1 Beret. All .COCS'fl0S liUR01e ANOi All silica attended to promptly endon the Shottes • ar Ch t,hai7tes'Sladeratuand Satisfaction Guaranteed. AA necessary arraltgomettts con be made at th ;Alms' office ONO, - .. 11OLTON' & ILINN N8 I'.. & D. L. SSt\I:eolitt ARA Clrlt, itsenSt110 LISTOWEL Asn IVINDHA,a1. All orders left at the dike, of the tom will.re to tit:n tipt atta+tti'!u SONG, 'w;( Mam noon, 'Fondly in tho mnnnli:iht, darkling,. t•Ioftly wlti1llor wcrde sincere, Tlet vont V(11'n of mweet affection Softly fall nn'+n my ear Lot your worth of sweet tifectinn Softly fall upon fnY ear. ¶throteh 'ore, n•artine -Live mo sorrow, 'rhonah Yoe ahgnncte tt1VQ, me.pain, Frmdnr still will be our lmeting, YOU will come to me at1tain; Fonder ,tr.iI will be our meeting, Ion will come to me again, '�, ihee you're far noon- thanrttirie,, thiel my hen.rt will'tilin<g to vote twill von think of me when absent, Will ' our heart be fated and tree; Will yon think of me when absent, Will Ynur heart be fond and true. Will you write in fonder assents, Th'tn you whisper now to me, ndttl (tome mope ha py 8000, m p Will I In that eouutry wild. and free; Will 1 noon -make home more happy In that country wild and free. 'r'ro'tbytery of acturorl. THE. SPREAD QF INFLUENZA. The Uecord of tho diipitiendo til the least lend the Left(ni* Ley:rtett Therefrom. The gitestions with regard to influenza which are most calculated to interest the non-medical public are manifestly those which relate to the principal or ordinary channels of its propagation, and to the 'extent to which it may be regarded as. contagion. On these, unfortunately, thele is very little to be snide for the ins- , torics e if former epidemics are, in a great measure, contradictory in respect of both, In some instances personal con- tagion lits appeared to he at least •highly probable, while in others it might almost be excluded, As an 'example of the latter class, Ii't is recorded by Dr. Theophilus Thompson that, on the 2d of May, 1782, Adruiral feetnpenfeldt, wlio was afterward lost by the sinking of the Royal George at Spithead, sailed from thence with a squadron of ships under his command. On the 29th of the ntontll influenza ap- peared among the crew of the Goliath, one of the ships of the squadron, and the ;crews of t=iie remaining ships were after- wards affected. So many men were ren- dered unfit for duty that the squadron was obliged to return into port about the second week in June, not having had any communication with the shore in the interval; and having cruised only be- tween Brest and the Lizard. If the disease were one of what is tech: nically called long incubation—that is, one. the symptoms of which do not make 'their appearance for a considerable time after the exposure to infectioneethe ial- terval between the 2d and the 20th of May, although unusually long even in 'filch a case, might admit of explana- tion. But one of the most remarkable peculiarities of influenza appears to be the extreme rapidity of its diffusion and the manner in which it attacks large numbers of people within a few hours of each other. Another example, similar to the last, was furnished by Lord Iiowes fleet, which sailed from England for the Dutch coast on the 6th of May. To- wards the end of 'May the disorder ap- peared among the crew of the Rippon, and, two days later, among the crew of the Princess Amelia. The crews of other ships in tete fleet were affected at different times, some not until their re- turn .to Portsmouth in the second week of June. This fleet, like that of Admiral tienilienfeltlt, had no communication 'with the shore after leaving Portsmouth until it reached the Downs on its return; ;about the 8d or 4th of June. An equally remarkable.iatstance of ap topposite :kind was observed during tho. epidemic of 1836, when tho Malady is first ztentioned as having been prevalent in Lisbon and among the•tnercllant ship ping in,8Portugtese and Spanish port/ during the month Of January. Early in February it appeared in the Russell, an English anan.of-war, then at • anchor in ;tire gagu:l, and the first inan attacked diad been exposed the greater part of the clay in a boat and on shore. The disease rapidly spread and affected eighty-four of the crew. In the same year the Cano- pus, of Hien after three 'years pus, with 650 , service on the 1lIediterraneau station, left Malin on the 1st twf o t four hoursuar, and, ter at having stopped Gibraltar and'a part of the day at Barce- lona, reached 'Plymouth sound on the 1st of February. The weather was cool and wet, and influenza was prevalent on shore, yet the crew continued in perfect health until the 15th, when the epidemic ;struck down two-thirds of the crew. In March the disease reached such a 'Height at Barcelona that business was ,almost entirely suspended, and in April the crew of the Childers Were effected three or 'four days after she left that place. She arrived et Gibraltar, and next day 'obtained assistance from the Jnsseur to weigh anchor, ( n account of the weakness of her own crew. On the 15111 the disease broke out on the Jas - 'seer, the first man affected having been Thin Presbytery met in Clinton on the 1111) incl. Session records were eXtttnitI11 and attested, Reports fin "State .of Relig=ion" and Sal,bath Observnnee were given hy ,Messrs Musgr.Ytt end Henderson, respective- ly, In the alienee ik-Mr I'do(onnell, indisposed hy la grippe, the -report on Temperance was Fend. hy Mr ,Aelosson. o1r Fietghbr stated that the ootrgreg- ,a:tien of O'irdtet Church, •f3ensalI, rais- ed the stipend of thide minister to • *,000 awl g tve, a month's holiday yearly, Tills Presbytery expressed satisfaction with the own tnendahle action of the llsensall oongrogatioft in the ntatter. A call was taken up from Bayfield and Bethany in favor of Rev Robert Henderson, A letter from. .Ver M11€10o0Rll was read, stating dist he moderated in the call. in the tl luaL way. The call was sustained, atter hearing Messrs Simons and Torrance in support of ib, testifying to its unanimity, etc. The congrega- tions proiliise an ttdntt•1 stipend of 345() and the Presbytery agreed to apply to the Assembly's Houle Mission ..,Committee fur asupplemt(rtt'of $309 :to make the stipend $750: It was also agreed to ask that the sut3ple. inent of 82i() he cosetiuuPtl to Grand Bend and Corbett. Ile torts of -itis . siouary meetings held and missionary sermons preached raid given. Messrs II,3ticlersan and Simons Were appoint- :eri . members of the Synodes Com - mittee of Bills and Overtures. Do Ltiuq, of I)nncla•s, was nentinated es 'the next Moderator of the' General Assembly. The foll:,wr1g motio=n was unanimon.tly passed wttli, regard to Sabhntlt ()`lservitece: Tho Presbytery, in view of the peristent attempts nettle hy railroad, ,eantd, steamboat comp `anies and eider commercial opertttio.ts 4orob hie rotigunit r t of the h o0 iof community well 'kept Sabbath, and being itnproes- ed with the importance of preserving - the s,tcretin"ss of tete day, both from •.its economic and religious point of 'view, would express its decided sttitiy- ::faction with the (till now before the Dominion Legislature to secure the better observance of the Lord's Day. and would 'farther express the hope that our representatives in Parlialrtint • give the hill their hearty support, and that a copy of this resolution be 'sent to Mr Charlton and tlio members mile represent this annnty in the `,3olniuion Eiouse of Cbn'ltnons. Next lneetin of Presbytery t0 b( 7ueld in`Blyth in May. Tito X'-3117,3 of tido Tatephone. . We remember well a number of leading Brantford gentlemen being !guests of Prot. Belix at his residence on Tactic) Heights, to experiment with ft very crude telephone, which Graham Bell, thea teaching vitib'le speech, (an invention, hy•the•w,ty, of ;Vlnllvllle Beti's,in I3oston,)had bonen working at. It answered the purpose, of coarse,bnt was not nearly as handy or effective as then present instrument. It was here, too, that the first telephone lids: was str'ting; from Prof. BelPs to the cig;y, smite two miles, so that Brant- ford in'oy very justly be designated the- btri',rl)l•to.i of the telephone, if no..., •the hirtnplace of its inventor, who 'Dame fr,nn Sootlatld as ft young man With hie father.. It was the develop" t p merit (Attie telephone fiystc:m, and the prospect of the 1UUnlfieent l'etnrris tt;lleelt foilo yeti, Which induced Poof. Melville Boll, himself it man of wealth and endowed with high 'mental and inventive gifts, to leave here, much to th(; regret of the people of Brantford, anti, we believe, t0 his cult,-•.BettittM ford 1.'.a8osftor. aetautil or oy ureic -mem upon e. tiotsitritrrl- ty mmnir Members of which were weak- ened by recent illness of another kind.— London Times. Olrtdetane e Cbrottolosy. 1800 ---Deo, 29, horn in Liverpool. 1831 --Graduated at Oxford. 1882—Entered Parliament. 1834--J nnior Lord of the Treasury. 1835—Under Colonial Secretary, Resigned, 1839—Married, 1880—The State itt'ligation to the Ghnl'ch, 1840—Church Principles Cansid• ered, 1041—Vice :1.'resiaent of the Board of Trade. 1845—Bei igned. --Colonial. Secre'tat+y. 1536 --Resigned. 1847—Advocated freedom of Tows ,Ad 4• 18. 7 1802 --Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1855 ---Resigned. 1858 --Lord High Commissioner to the Ionian Isles. —Studies of the Homeric Age, 1859—Chancellor of thelExchequer. 1865—i,eader in the Commons, 1800—In Opposition. 1805—Prime Minister, Roue Ilnrno. ' —A Chapter of Autobiography. 1S60—Carried Irish disestablish- ment. —Juventes i1undi. 1570—Carried Irish Laud Bill. 1871—Unveiling of his statue in his native city. —Abolished purchase of artny commissions. —Abolished confiscation in pe nal laws. 1873—Irish university reforms pro- p0f0(1. • —Resigned,but resumed power. 1874—Dissolved Parliament. 1876-1•Ion'r'r Svl.chronism. 1879—Midlothian triumph. —Gleanings of past years. 1880—Prime Minister again. 1885—Resigned. 1886—Prime Minister. -Irish Home Huls proposed. --Resigned. • fGEA MARBLE VtO'RKS Ta3oln1 a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen years !memos in wingham I desire most heartily to tender tny'thanlrs to my friends and the public gen. orally for the liberal pa10011850 extended to nae in tho past. I nuts also state that l am to a position t0 otter bettor htductments than ever to those requiring anything h1 the lino. of Granite or Stolle 'Monuments, ;HEADSTONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, FOR FENCING, &e 'I would 'bepiea*ed to have those desirous of pro- curing any articles 'In 'MY line to call and examine geode, cogitate prices and leave their orders, so that the goods Inas be secured and prepared early In the •season. You eau select from the latest designs and obtain the finest workmanship at the most favorable prices, Most respectfully, yours, W1 . SMYTH, Wingbam, Ont. Oat .e,I'1 opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm ereatud the people generally that they hat reopened thein TIMES" SUSSOMEERS. All pertien who have rot psf'l for the " TIMTi8 " for the } Pori 1888 and 1889. are requested to re. nett the amount at oilte, 'Wenet''l , money, and hope this notice wi 1 be sufficient. and that a eer'erttl response will be the result. 11. ELLTOTT, Shingles,Shinglea Oat fileal RiII ill Wrnghnm, The undersigned have on hand a large quantity of And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the Highest Idarkat Price. They will supply oustomere with the BEST Gaimes in.Oat Meal. Agricultural and Arts •Associatioll, T'onoNTo, March 14.—The report of the secretary of the Agricultural and Arts Association to -day, states'that during the year the live stock register Was as follows : Seven hundred and twenty-sed'en horses, 258 cattle and 920 swine. The cash received from registration and sale of the herd book amounted to $2,229,36. There was an increase in the number of pigs re corded. and also 'of the improved Yorkshire variety. The Association's prizes for the best managed farms will he awarded this year in the foliowin,g electcrial divisions : Peel, Cardwell, East York, North 'Stork, West York, East Slntcae, South SimcoP, Algoma nounty, Muskoka. Parry Sound, North Ontario, South Ontario, East Dur- ham and West Durham'. FIRST-CLASS : ' Shingles9 • ELDER & CLEGG, vr- XN'GHA'M - - 01•7"11 WINGY?.M ROURING M1L.FS! The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given t0 our firin during several) ears prior to the burning of our mill by in- condiariem, During the past season we have re- rnoddclfed the tow,. mill to the latestapproved sys- tem be 1io veof w Dann ownggi1iveller Process ebetter accommodation tion than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS WHICH WILL BE SOLD. CHEAP FOR, CASIr. ALSO, ON BAND. Heiock and Day Pine 'one of the relief party, so as to render it SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to 'be again favored with a trial by ail old friends and many urs mosw t respectfully, HUTTON & CARR Ingham Mill, Oct. ?0,1580. The Bell Organ Co., Guelph. have sold their business to an English syndicate for 5750,000. All the old members of the firm of W. 13e11 tis Co. retain a large interest in the new company, A young physi'.ian attached to the Chelsea Hospital for Wonsan has in- vented and used, it is said With sue• cess, a machine which, in cases of cancer, will direct acurrent of elec- tricity against a diseased cell strong enough to destroy'it and at the same time will not injure a healthy cell Those that are destroyed are said to turn into a hard substance, that re - minis without causingthe patient any inconvenience. /Juneau Times t We am 'told that the protection per yard of 'cotton is less than it, was at iirit. Were we not premised that domestic competition highly probable that his illness had been due to contagion. Notwithstanding that instances simi- lar to those last quoted have not been very utmotntixon, the balance of proba- bility is certainly opposed to the bollef that contagion furnishes the ordinary 'mode of spreading the disease. Many attempts have been made, in successive would bring down the plies, and that 'epidemics and in different countries,ith to t in this way the public would reap a wI LUMBER, DRESSED OR UNDRESSED, WO07D &O- AT TOE Wingharn Mills Josephine street, adjoining OP R track. L..84 J. MoLEAN. Wingbam, Oct. 11, 1830. Pioner adareStore, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the following lines : IRON PIPE, ALL SIZES 110070 ,' TO INCH. IItON AND BRASS PIPE FITTINGS. FIRE BRICKS, • MILL FILES, MACHINE OILS. AMERICAN WATER WHITE COAL OIL, CntSIIOLIit'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingh&m Agency. frame hypotheses which iuight some show of reason be held to afford an -explanation of the facts, but these ef- forts have it no instance been entirely •successful. The question of temperature can hardly be considered trufturtant in the case of It toalady which has prevailed hi Russia during the winter, Bind, appnr- ently by direct extension, in Venice and bse other Italian towns during the su , 'quest spring and summer. Tho authorities are 'Very generally •agreed in asserting that influenza years havo been sickly years in other respects, and that contagious fevers, measles, smallpox and other maladies have fre- quently roquently preceded or followed the less serious epidemic. This feet, if faetibbe, aloes not in. the least tend to expel the obscurity by whic=h the whole question is surrounded; because we have learned to regard each one of the maladies in ques- tion its the OUteobie of a -specific conta- gion, las ;capable, of reproducing; itself, and itself only, and hence tis standing in no 'itaticeivable casual' relttioti to the thars, unless, perhaps, that all alike It's n0 wonder the weather prophets make Mist(tkem, for a Starlit always collas no before it comes down, 1.118tr1Otlnn entll31n the Fleirool•1'biiln, but education (edit only in life, A 4111tht 1e gilt to telt) titl1 ppr+ae b6 tbdtt• We are scle agents in Wingltam for tete sale of Genuixie Rubber Paint the hest'Pi the world. • All kin4 of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom 'prices. Land PIaster in bags always on I L. Cilinn BROCK.ENSF HRE'S Photograph *air THE "WITNESS" - harvest from the seeds of productive duties ? But we aro now told that it is the foreign, not the domestic ' com- petition that has.brought down the price and we are given to understand that more duty roost be put on to en• Ride manufacturers to tease the price.,. This is a pew view of protection, and'. contra tcttoti o le rom• The suhe ago. Vyears twelve tl naclo iso t Let a1 halt niidit 0 he rendered more severe byyt'�the •t itj1}r7Wif pl lei 444400' �'i''+0 Long Experience, close attention nn i 1 , t `eLp�•rtic s u c �+rlYtCltl, R 11A UG P. P L�Uhfacilities, cel A of , TACT unexcelled t'OR ex e ter un to turnout unlfoioily n e ass of work equal to that of ally 'Gallery in the wrest, jrarWoili 'of every description artL calls, promptly and satibfactorily dont ,7'01:=1890. Nor 39� PREIUM• to Seleet Front. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR OLI) AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS. See the Premium List. ANNUL SusscnflTI0))s t DailyWitness.......... .....ea 00 Weekly witness $1 00 The: NORTHERN Mncne1n01R, ORly He. per annum, is the oheapeet illustrated paper in the world.. Contains the Sunday School Lessons, and hoe abundant of interesting .information for :elle and` young. See the list of ptiontium books for old and new aabeerihers. , Agents wanted. Sample copies free JOHN DO`CTG.ALL & S0I'T) ",Witness" Office, MONTREAL. t d' . f tl is in direct eon p Mind wandering cured. books inamod in 0110 reading Teatitnothnlo from all ports of t(( tho 1( obs. Pe apootns 8088 t. Sniisetttne 237 LYft'115.00. o. I Ort to Prot, cr 22,Con. and the land�r9 premtises is a Boot at a geed young 0 eatecl, beim- o' WWII of Wi td, ANDR ham lion Faris for e. r offers for ale his earth, being east Tu . orry, containing 60 aures, e seven acres 10 fall wheat '(1 is tteddod, 11'01011. On the o , afro anda lost house, and lard. farm is splendidly 10• three mi from the flourishing am. For furtt r particulars, apply V MITCRETAC,, nen the farm, Wing. Bice, or to the propriety • ATM MI'1Cllt% ,akota. gremlin, Cass Co., Nor :BiNETS AND FAItijII. Gr. rr A. 6PE0IALTY.---- A Large Assortment of Frani kept constattly an hand, Prices low as are 'consistent with good writ' ZETI.IA N D SAW 11,L CUBE ri.i�� - T�9�USA�105 Di 8�TfilE$ Qivt fW" 1C Yaonl' .. +,.. * When i say Truro 1 tt6 not; meat, meraTyr to stop them for a time, ri tt d tbestt. have them return agate, 11 M L A N A R1q A D t O study, C U R E. 11Warhave imnrad retied lien a of PK IEpilopsY or. Falling sloltOO*0 a life.l011g ie doh stet cases. ise est others havefelledois y reason f :Mikanet Rormed.. IGttele i e. Ext ressnatiid lfnee fora treatise and a D6tO Post (Ate. It coist.+ yea ltothln .tor a tai, a d B U tori o . A sss:—i�i'. , ltlil�"q ratio a tatra�fwh if0114dl. -Bala . T71.101411194 IISIVrii ` 1 ... . . GiORGEItIOMSON, Frapieto Lumber of all ki cdss First-class 'Shit gl arid Cedar I'as; Car land Order's a S n atj WOOD .t11n1ver1d In oily pard ‘V iug 1l;itl1; ;r bole$ 1+yitlaig pi hi+1 y Itlltiidad to. tit9atllt'Glt,TtfOMFY1t tlt'Is0`11,10Ve