HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 5The •J'il nwr 1►iA4 the Miler, A co ";po4 t. writing to the Mr.George •Thoma to entertained TorolitoW41.04 10 Wyoming,, says hie employees on the evading of St that a meretiug'of farmers }Vile Yeaetitly Patrick's day to an oyster supper. held at Omuta/hie, when it was deotd This ie an -annual custom with Mr. ed to meinnrialize the DQllliniUU 'Thomson and shows the good f"eling Uovernment as follows.:between employer and employees First, whereas .the miler twills in After the supper, the evening Was general do take the following onor•- plea •antly spent in various games and Mous toll for gristing :--- amusements, until midnight, when W'ght byToll. they separated, some baying to See Measure, Flour, Bran, Shorts, -'-- , lbs. lbs, lbs. lbs lbs. their best girl home and the married 00 so 10 9 11 foreri+ W lin 69 39 10 3 12 "'4 en to escort their better halves dome. 68 23. 10 3 14 " " oo -Miss Maggie Ash, of Brantford,. i7 30 10 a 17 e " fin who has been spending a few des in 55 28 10 3. 19. ;� 41 6o R g Y 5i 25 10 !! 2l, 00 Walton, with friends, Ilan returned to I the corner of Patr f` + G4 and 58 20 10 3 57 Mr. Thomson's, where she has been Further, that there are several visiting for a few weeks —Mr. Geo. grades of flour made frotn the same Thomson chipped a car load of cedar wheat, and the farmer seldom. or posts to London, on Tuesday, never gets any of the filter or higher grades of flour to vti Bich he is etltitled Sir Joseph Hfelsso>1's old Home: Farm for Sale. tut is generally sent away with a Amon those upon whom the Queen — saoond or inferior grade, the tollp The undersigned offers for sale Lot 18, Concession being kept from the best therefore recently conferred the honor of knight- B,Ilowiok and 6 acres off the east end of Lot 19, '' p ' hood was Joseph Hickson manager of making 106 acres There are between 80 and 00 this meeting of the farmers of Piyn►p. P t gacres cleared and inn good state of cultivation On the Grand Trunk Railway, Canada, the premises are good bank barn, two frame houses, Lon,, now ass,•tLLhled at Qauefa0hie and good outbuildings. Situated about four miles Olt this afterucon of the 24th day of says the Berwick (Eng.) Advertiser of from Wroxetr• • For particulars apply to February, 1800, do earnestly petition ; recent date. "It is not generally CnOCKET`ox tae P, 0 Wyea, even demand, that our Govern• known fleet this gentleman is a native Iueut shall prntect the farmers by of Northumberland and hails from a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. legislation against the discrimination historic and classical purtion of the of Ole millers, and would suggest that Borderland. The new knight belongs An the matter o .Toho Johnson, of the Township the farmers shall be entitled to 52 to a highly respected and industrious of Last Wateaeosh,irtfhe G'oa►,tynf Huron, p funds of Hour, bran and shorts, as family in the vicinit•y of Otterhurn, harmer. and isa brother of Jaynes Hickson, is hereby given that the above named John follows : -Johnson has made an assignment to me under the smit blackh of that village. A good provisions of the Revised Statute of Ontario, 1887, W'ght by Toll. + Chapter 124, and amended acts, of all his estate and measure. • Flour, Bran, Shorts, . many years ago he left his native effects in trust for the benefit of his creditors'. lbs. lbs. . lbs, lbs. lbs, lbs. A meeting of the creditors of the said John Johnson 62 40 10 2 s for every 60 Monte to tempt fortune elsewhere, and ishorebl' convened and will be held at the Com. 61 39 I1 2 8 " " 00 ev011tUally fOuitd hiittself in Canada, menial Hotel, in the Village of Blyth, on.I'riday, the 60 38 11 a s " " 00 mei day of March, 1800, at 10 o'clock in the fore - 63 37 it 4 8 " u 60 where he secured a position on the noon, for the appointment of inspectors and the 58 34� 121 4 8 .. .. 60 Clrand Trunk 1 ailway, from which by giving of directions with' reference to the disposal of 8the said estate. 66 32 16 4 8 " " 60 great ability and conspidious industry All creditors of the said John Johnson aro re• quireat to file their claims (duly proved as required by the said Rot) with my solicitor, J A Morton, wingham, on or before the 12th day of April, 1800, atter which date I shall proceed todistribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which I shall then have notice, and I will not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been filed. CHARLES HAMILTON', Assignee, ; Bl1 th. J. A. DiORtTON.Solicitor for Assignee, Dated March 81 1890. Wingham- Zetland. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of farina for sale in dtfierent +r■ye�� parte o1 Ontario. Ason are aware farms were • r�e►#wiFe never a, cheap In this province es et tho present One, and if you want a farm I would recommend you to buy vow. If your mesas aro- limited I ran sell yon a lartn, on a s,rtall, cash payment, giving you plenty of time to pay balance 01 purchase money at a low rate of ,nteroat, thus enabling you to acquire a home of your own must easily. If you have means and do not require credit I can give volt as good value for your money as you can get elsewhere. I will gladly sand you description of farms fur sae in any locality on hearing from you, JOHN J, PATTQN, 84 Ring street east, Toronto. Ho s e and Lot Sale. Tho subscriber • ors for - le hie House and Lot on Catharine streets, Wing• ham -the finest loot In town. The house Is a large new cottage, '' ntait g alt rooms; good cgllar. well, eto, Also wo good ilding lots containing one-fifth of a. ' ore each. Will • sold on easy terms. For full pe culare apply to the p • •rietor, ROVER ►. YOUNG, 56 80 17 6 8 54 and 53 28 . 18 6 8 " " 60 he has risen to the high office he at Also, that from good wheat weighing present holds: :Under his manage - 58 lbs. and upward the farmers shall I men( considerable improvements and valuable extensions have been made in connection with the Canadian Grand Trunk Railway,and it is doubtless on aocourt of the' services thus rendered the Dotniriion that the honor of knighthood has been conferred upon Iriin. About eight years ago Mr. Hickon visited the Old Country, and sojourned f ,r a time in Northumber- land, receiving from his friends and aequintauces in the Otterburn district HARNESS MAKER, a very warm welcome. The honor that has been conferred upon• hips will create gratification in the neighbor- hood to which 1.e belongs, while the general public may be pleased to learn that another Northumbrien has thus been added. to the list of local worthies whom Her Majesty has, within the past two ytlars especially, gra' iously honored." be entitled to the proper proportion of the line or high grades. Fat;ther,by the roller process the farmer cannot get ' back the flour from his own grist. Be it therefore enacted that they be not allowed to take in for gristing dirty or musty wheat, that all parties wistoing to have such wheat gristed must do se by special arrangement. That the grain -tester bo made to hold one bushel, to be v3 eighed on •a fine adjusted beats, to be so fixed that the further end shall not have more than one inch of a drop below the level. But while tits meeting does not ex• pest. that •the Government can legis- late on the above at the present session, it, does demand that the Government do take cognisance, and foreshadow such ati Act to be brought in at the next meeting of the Daunt - len Parliament. Mir Are opening up this week a large shipment of oats and shoes of superior Quality and handsome Styles, and the pi,iees. at which they are marked will make them rather inter- esting to intending purchasers, REMEMBER THAT THESE BOOTS ARE FROM VIE Makers in Canada, and therefore can be relied on to give satisfaction. JOHN AM BLEB, The Jesuits' Estates Case: The correspondence relating to• opinion given by lacy officers of the Crown was laid on the table of the House of Commons on Monday last. It opens with a communication from Lord Knutsford to Lord Stanley ace companying a petition of the Protest. ant Alliance of great Britain, dated March 2.1 last, against the act and asking information. In reply Lord Stanley fowarded a similar, petition from the Dominion Evangelical Alliance and a copy of the Privy Couucil minutes en the suhjeot,togeth- er with the • opinion of Sir John Thompson, Minister. of Justice: The next comtnunieatio•.t is a telegram frotn Lord Stanley to Knnts£ord dated July 2, es follows : "Cti.n you inform= me at an early date whether the law officers regard the Jesuits' Esates. Act to be within competency of pro• vincial legislation. 1£ such is clearly their opinion might L allow the fact to be known publicly ?e' , To the above Lord Knutsford thus replied : "After full consideration of memo of Minister of Justine, law officers of crown concur in opinion Grand Trunk Duplication. that decision, arrived at by you not to interfere with operation of set was The Grand Trunk Rahway Com - correct coarse. Can see no objection pany, says the Globe, are pushing for• to giving putblicity to haw officers' ward with vigor the woe k of the opinion." duplication of their system. Early Supplemented • to this dispatch in April next the plying of a double Knutsford cabled on: Avg. 2: ".defer- line of rails between Toronto and riilgto my dispatch o£ Jsdy 25, the Hamilton will be 'uegun. Tenders law oflicees of crown further advise, are, now nailed fon the' earth work that the act , is cienr'lywithin the required to widen the onttings for the l: powers of Provincial ,etishtture: cuid second track, and' to. place the excav- that there are no grounds fc'r refer- aced material, in' embankments, mettle, ince to Judicial Committee of Privy section: betw,eeu Duffeein street,, and Couucil.'' Mimics The total length•9f- the line On. August 6, Lord , Knutsford is.40 miles, and it is believed chat is forwarded copies of the report of the will wast about ��' 60,000., The woik law officers, of which the substance is of., duplicating the hue, between contained in despatches quoted above Toeen inronto abeyance tMontreal,lid ce sit cethe fall, will heb re - Reports from the great Whitennew d inf te the spri42 ng. Out( hv bee the & 1 counties. in Western North. Carolina l. show at least one-third, of the plitnts vaned, and there is between 80 and 90 iti the, beds :were killed by the cold mile it s111 hand. The lq sus nbsnmmer er weather Saturday night and, Sunday. wit . the peach and, apple °reps are +iso this finished and; contracts let for the altnostwholty destroyed. The mercury resat of the work. Next, year will, it stood tit 10 above zoo Sunday morn- l8 hoped, s"a,thj' end of this large undertalfieg, which has been in pro - even 71�K• now ,betweeu three and, four eetiteea"s W1IA tmsrev toneeeu or 1tti'6s y feepiteat One%Ifs:0 t<3aslche 4s11Eir+Xx• oars. Mistakes Sometimes lalado. Brantford Expositor An advertiser has been known to make a contract with a newspaper baying, let us say, a circulation of one thousand copies weekly to the extent of $100 per annum. Ile has then entered the office of another newspaper published in the same town, where the circulation was five times as great, and he has demanded advertising space at the same rate,. forgetting apparently that he wise re- ceiving five times the value: There, are such men. They have resolved to, spend acertain amount of money advertising, and to them one news- paper is the• same as another. Let the same man go out on. the market to hilly a • few eating apples. One dealer offers .one apples for five cents, whit°e•hie next door neighbor otters hina. five apples of equal size for the same' money. Iss there any doubt as to whiach dealer the man would patronize. Why then does he not carry out the sone buciuees principle in awarding his advertising ? has on hand a large stock of Our BEST NEW •PRINTS ANO NE'DRESS G are receiving favorable attention, end sales are encoura.. in for this season. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to t he Ladies to call and inspect,anrl, of course, purchase if they are suited. Our Tailoring and, Gents' Furnishing Departments are now complete, so that in SUITS, HATS, CAPS,. SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, We promise you satisfaction and very close prices, HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS„ BRUSHES, woIIPs, TIWNK$, 'VALISES etc., Which moll be sold at bottom price3. IIARNNESS, double or Bingle, made to order on. short notice, and satiefaoution, guaranteed.. rirA oall solicited, SHOP -Opposite the -Bank of: I33uuilton: . JOlIN AMBLER,. wingham, rebs rth,,18901. WINGHAM TANNER Yr BEST BRANDS OF Sole, Harness, c, McINTYRE The Brown Anchor. and. Upper LEAT HER ALWAYS ON HAND. Dlanufaoturers would do well to examine stock and compare prices. Ladies' & Gents' Driving • Gloves, Iu Dog, Coou and Astrac'rau, made to, • order. Also New -Jewelry —Store - in - Wingharn,. H. VVALLAC trW 0 5-1 0 /las just opened out a large new stock at QUICkl off% 9p WArtFfi• Lr 0 In the store one door south of the Post Office, and is prepared t" epie great bargains in special lines of LADIES' GOLD WArl r '1 E , , Strong' Workingmen's' G1ovesv, In Deer, Goat, Calf and, bheepskin.,,, Highest .price paid fon Furs,, Iiieesr Sheepskins. audn Wool. W. J.. CHAPMAN. WEST HURON 1��01LC� XILLS; WINL AM, ONT.. b GENTLEMEN'S GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, GLO. Kw, • EYEGLASSES and• SPECTACLES.• REPAIRIDTG and: NEWW-OR,. —Done on the shortest notice,` and all work guaranteed,. 1; " An inspection of .Goods and comparison ,of .Prices •inv;led J Goods left for 1•epair„with Mr. R. R,,Vanstnne,will be ;Iver, t•iit.,,. wingham, 3tht. 1 N GUS &.0 O. have these mills in 641 operation, and aro In a post. tion to do custpin•work of all kinds on short mecca. WOOD AND WOOL WANTED in exchange for goode.or custom Work. STOCKWG YARNS, etc” cheap. INGTlXS ,&; CO. tYlvklaun.Jvh. sat rhea tlik•o all Glasser a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in.•, AA`1,4 CO:h:L, PARLOR, BOX' AND COOK STOVES; 1IRNg , "'e,1% RANG'tES,:TlNWAltL, ,Gc., &e., LAMPS, LAMP Gt.1U1f i. as CUTLERY ANI) WOODI+INW&RL. • 1 American and Can1i,dian Coal Oil, wholesale anti retail L:l''t"''li' • s.. Repairing' nratl + and tlro171 ltl'r� d' x) 'P t •u,isr. Ing a specialty. �i.lpairin., ) l � �•;�, any mistake but call and in+p*ct our stock antioat4 wit BIl„OC3i`:•,W1N-( i„