HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 4IAI
Coterie treat it woo cold in Iliontobt►, #tt txre
but you did not feel it. I have footed. •
out the rssasou 'we'don't feel it. There tfitesatcvTATIox To treses
wars a friend of mute, who carries to
Mitnitubta, working at a oeeteiu place
near here mud there wee a orae stay,
AxrttU atoaan.
mega A
OnSeturdayeva a;,p'ebruary2nd,
tug there who had beton in the country 1890, a large number of the tttentbere
the winter ea '89. ',they were going and adherents of the NM.ethodiet
o. M.
tie his
to bed one night about the last of eitterch sled Sabbath school, R
And!, when the men eon r4t3ctoed to asisetuleled a.t the residence f
pull off" his shirt, My fraud asked baneaiei a ci ee, to do boner to
him if he was only going to wear one !tenor was due, Mr. Hebert a
shirt new. He said oh•t no, there famre scnd favorably
!tort+ily , aMics B all celae has est en o
ie the Methodist church h.
some years, and Mimi Aueie h
the leading singer and worker ii
the ohurah and Sabbath
Renee. the following Address an
are three there yet. That is one Teas
on when it is cold we don't !Ret it.
well say before closing that this is
e country for a titan with a small
c,aprtal, Taping I have not taken up
Cup, Brunswick Douse, ,` to
Winghan. .. . Ora. too i.uuch of your space,1 tun,
It Ithngm t cs
FRIDAY, MARCH *1, 1890.
Mu: Joi#te Oa..siuole, ex -M. P. Pe
bas been nominated as the equal
r ghte oaudidate for West Peterboro,
for the Ontario Legislature.
Tun Ways and Gleans Committee
of the U`zaited. States Congress has
agreed to reduce the duty on certain
grasses tf raw sugar 50 per cent,
} ati view of the report that Canada
contemplates restoring duties on cer-
tain articles now on the free . Iist,
Mr. Baker, of New York, has intro.
duoed u bill in the United States Oon•
greas levying in addiiion to the pre-
asent :import duties a sum equal to the
amount of export duty assessed by
any country on articles shipped to the So
United. States. No, article shall pay Tu
a less import. duty than the amount of tail:
exliAitit darty levied upon it. Eggs sbiill are
be subject to a duty of 5 centa per eig
dozen, hay 25 per cent, ad val., a
straw . 8 per ton, fish, 1 cent per `Cay'
pound, and plants, trees, and shrubs gin
+ 5 per cent. ad val.
there watt $ fairly good 8Udtetxee,
The chair woe oeoupied by ,, k� Borst,
IP: 'a, Q. T. who gave the opening
address—a short, interesting and iu.
;rtructtve �apeeoh oft Forestry, In
which he pointed out woe of the
prinoipai benefits rind objects of that
Order, and advised all eligible person
present, who were noir already mew -
berg, to make up their minds and j•aiu
at as early a date as pesaible, Atter
whittle addrestethe entortainineut woe
lines Mary Olark re yd� otr
Ohiong°, where she has b vl0 du; •
on Thursday last,•• --,fir, !whites Clerk,
of Otneago, son of 111r. Wm. Clerk at.
the 5th, canna• home Saterday evening,'
and will: spend a few days with
!chards h2 this vicinity. -- Ails=
eicuat•y services will he held in,
the Sunshine Methociist oltru•ch next.
Smelly morning at 10 30. toe,
known 'disposed oil Tlee ritsci al contri. Misses Hull, evangelists, at present
lA p l !stetting in Blyth, vela sacrist,-...(} s
rganist butors to which were as follows:-. Tuesday eKetting, a,a entertainaneue
he for, Mr. Will Sterane, of ,Blyth, the uouuo wets given ie, the Smile S:tshoolttoustr,:
been n singer of the evening, His songs under the auspices of the Literary
were highly appreciated and repeated. Society. The saltoo►bouae WAS literal-
ohool, ly encored, A. Sebastian, irk oostutne ly packed and many had to stan+'t
d pre. sang "A Obiuese Ditty," and fairly . tip dtarim the wh sle evening. Mt
s; and brought down the !louse. Mr. J, A. Witt Geddes teas periled to the chair,
Cline, of Wieghaen, rendered several and the programme was comeiemied.
capital songs in good style, and sus Songs were given, by Misses Porter --
his reputation as a vocalist o£ field, Geddes, Gray and Godfrey, and
a high order. Mr, Geo, Duffield, gave f M,.sere Caine, Peek, Porterfield acid
a song in good voice. The 1 inghain:• ateelellaud ; Feet etioes by Mise
orchestra and Brass .Baud were highly Geddes, Perdue and MuOreeken „
appricated by the audieuce,: the for- I violin music by Messrs ,tfuOrtieken
mer taking a landing part in the mid Garniss; instrumental tango by
programme, Tile i3elmore Orul1estral Misses M.erLean arid Johustnn, Kiev,
gave several selections, and wwere, oral dialogues were rendered, the
heartily applauded. Miss ,Netto Me diffe,rent�oheraoters bring well takeeee
Hardy presided at the organ. • The entertainment was a oemplete.
Greenaolt• success and the Literary Society: 'navy
Oh Saetixtt;<ay, 25th lest, clone a justly feel proud of the snoee+ss,
quantity of snow fell, giving a level eehreved. Visitors were present from
cover of about t3 or 8 inches, which wingham, Brussels, 13Rlgrsv,t, Mar=
soon brouglr;t, the sleighs out and made nock, as well as many *ore Turnberry
things stir std obepstem. They Imo and East Wawanosh. Mr James,
Casbeen having a lively time here, the line ore has moved from the second
phreatalogist, Mr Coza ns,o£ Win nam line to the Coulter faun, on the first
g' 'line.
Yours, &e., ttentation speak .for thewselve.
Fairfax, March 5, '90. D. Danson. la more enthusiastic and happy gather-
- •.-�- ' ing could not have aaeseinhled had it
Blyth, been a wedding instead of a present,
Rev Mr Raoey conducted his usual .tion. During the evening a table
servioes this week in Manchester, on heavily laden emerged from a quiet
Sunday evening —Mr k' Conroy, of root borne by -two young men to tlu
Loudon was in town this week.— centre of the spacious,sitting room,
Word has been received here of a 'die. the two sisters were called to the
RAMS firo in I itaburu, on Sunday front, while bliss Donnie Rr+:z22ner
night,.—l3tyth's next monthly fair will read the following address in a clear,
he held an 'Tuesday, the bear, of April. mild, pathetic voitte, and Rise, Eanwa
This one promises to be a great sue. Hnll and Miss Vietta Laeaa n2ade the
veils (weather permitting), as the presentations
Committee has spared no pains in Misses BESSIE AND AEND;4 11fci1 EE,
trying to make this fair a greater Dram Fiume :—We regret to
success th1u the last.—Mr George learn you are so soon to leave ens to
Middleton, of Toronto, was iu town reside in another part of the country.
this weeli,- .. il1s are out to the effect Perhaps the are selfish in clinging to
that a gran4 jjubitee in connection. th080 NO love, but we cannot help it;
with the Selvetiou Array will be held indeed we believe we were built that
here ou ik(oia(lay next ---Professor i3 way, to love the good and the true,
F Oakes, of Clinton, has started a Four residence amongst us, and more
singing actio*! here, with a class of
sixty raembera.---The regular meeting
of the Y P 0 ,A, in connection with
Trinity Church. was held on Monday
xiigbt.---if r J Fisher, of Aubu.rn,t has
rented the Mansion House from Mr J
ott, and will take posserision on
esd next.—The Misses Hall. who
holding revival services in commo-
n with the Methodist Mural) here,
nteeting with grand success,twenty
nht have already confessed their sins
an have found pardon and peace.---
, Richard, who peeled the skin off
r nose ?—We see Mr John e .aSc-
nnon this week exercising himself
his bicycle. ---Mr Charles Fraser,
who left about three months ago for
veland, Ohio, returned home on
rsday of last ween. --McKinnon &
ell, pork packers, have put a new
sage machine in their large estab-•
weztt this week.•--. Mr William
ntgowery leaves next week for
itoba, where he intends to .take
and, Seccess, $illy. -xi ie !ears!
Forsyth & See have rented their
Iter mills for a term of y;ears,--
Powell, of the corn nr store, was
off a couple of days this. week
a sharp attack of la grippe.—
W Shane,. 131yth's comae singer,
one of the: !tache„ artists at St
riek's concert, which, was held in
rich on, Monday night.—We are
to slate. that Mrs Hodgins, who
een very ill for some time past,
le to, be around again. ---Mr D B
inuon, proprietor; of the Mara -
House, was in Belgrave this
—y1>: S Shibley,, of Strathroy,
n our midst this week. —A R
arcus;, foreman of the Gale Sul-
Harrow acid Seeder Co, of Wind.
and Detroit, is. visiting friends
wn this week, ---Abel Robinson,
r some time. past has been, is
ploy of J Forsyth, & Son, leaves
y for Toronto, where he has
d a situation in a large menu -
•reg estaablislttnent.•-- Vie Samuel
ns. was in Goderioh this week.
Geo, Barton, of; the. firm of
n, Son & Co, of: Toronto, was
midst this weelo,* tra Conrod
r left for .13ensall: on Friday, to
see he
intro to
fall, down stairs the other d roti Ffertcld of the i3th n t tp 1
aud dirlocate his shoulder,.. -.The last it ealey concerti: X, Peter Terrill, of,
monthly horse fair was e,, success. A Beimore,• Itereby: certif�r. that the
*giber trgber of buyers were present, sand ellarge nigde by Me at Balmere onthe
asiiiigh as $175 was paid for some 28th. Feb.,, 1890, against Gustavo.
ps, over teveuty-;&ve animals Barton, of having,improperlyretained,
ohanged;haeals,' The neat fair• will a oe oye belangtne to the. Beirnore
be Ilea on. April .3rd.—:1�Lr, G. A, Cheese and 13utter Company white.he
Deadman lisxai, ndit a• Gerd 'of eight was Treasurer hand talesman of said.
moughbred Jorsiey. cattle. The, Q;ompany, was tiittrue and without
aerials. are beaming very popujar in i foundation,, trod L regret !raving in
this dedtion.-.-.A;rratigempilts, are sY• any view or ,t any time made use of
feac'ly being Made for the. n1Oneter sucsh irnpaoper,�. eatpressioua regardixig
The following letter, published in Thu
let issue of the Brussels Post, will be Pow
toe interest to marry of our readers s sou
DEAD Srn,—A,a 1 have some _spare . mo
time 1 will try and pen a few lines Mo
about this part of Manitoba, Souris Man
Plains,, We are settled twelve miles up 1
i1 from Souris (Plutu Creek). This, is a that
; village with about three /mired. Ren,
3eabitants, situated on the banks of
• the Souris. rive: it is a very nice; Laid
eine for. a town. The 0. P. runs: a MTh
brauch off their, main line.front. Bran-
don, and they intend to put it through Pat
u to the coal fields this corning summer,
•we will then have felea at a very reason God,
•;able price. This is something that is .hlad,
+,weeded. badly, in this part as some has b
• of the settlers had to draw their wood : is ab
' :thirty utiles, two good lon;, days' jour. 'motif
ney, for one load. We have only been 'moth
here one season, se.i.t would, be quite week
a : otit of place to begin to. pi;aise or con, was. i
denim the country,. 1. can only speak hey
from one year's experience,, We . hey
arrived ved here ou the 20th of March,. , nor
1839, and people sere then busy seed; :in to
i zg, but iti came eoid backw,aard weigh- who no
er after that aud grain did not grow the en
.:ouch far soma time. There was onie short!
'sue shower of rain from, the tient it secure
a was sawn till it was harvested, that ned!ini;
Was the 1st of July, too late. to, help, -Mi-
the growth much. Tile di~ntxght did B'x to
hoot,,! Iki't the, crop so much ae the •$arta
4i p i it beiu„ such a dry aeasou in our
she ponds Were all dried up and the PlutzP
• grass withered so these Tittle, mischief
!trackers beau to cut down, tiro grant
fur the sap. Soule farmers. bad nearly
e ythieg destt•uyed .vitlz. them. while
athero;diel not fare so, badly., My
rop:rgsis-riot hurt at all but my neigh.
,tvr saff`eted very :badly. Grant did,
Blit turn out very, well, only itieraning
liiotrt ten bushels "to the acre, Some
Vas as lo,v as .five and finale 'as. high.
2i0. Oats about twenty, barley
;tout the sauce, ' potatoeix not veryt
end head hay 'very aoaree . Feed. ei
iI kinds is very ddsert at' present.
'eople diel not takes' care of it., X,
'Milk wheia the weather opens tele a
A �te uidre thiire Will "be Witty.'" AI -
this haai been 'aa hard year en
tint people, but everyone int looping,
sward to a good harvest tlliat, year.,
'nlw, hdwevt~r' will' telt, 14 there
▪ reey Of; oxer feidedti; 'coining to:;
auitulie, take ax'toe k a+ `alis part, iso,
rp settlilig. elseatherse�, Tile latliaans
diet tr
i n
a i do
a„p,'it may be ti ua . finis Ilitel been
old. rough wizltt;tt; the 'tlxei'ulome.. '
1 r
t f: t . u du�►rk.to �5 below sero. (3f,
brae -Volt '. on't feel it."' i have
'+ ,llfaege ite l`f�idli'<rked, when, in
especially as rnernhers of the els
and Sabbath schot:1, has been ph
and profitable to us all; your re
news to help, your cheerful and he
being iia the place, He lectured on
We ate pleased that 3. C. Burt„
merchant, is going to remain in town
oath .Saturday, loth, in Mr Laacey's sitting
asiug room and read heads and on Sunday
adi• eveuing gave a lecture in, the hall, on
arty "Satan, his personality, his nature
retiring and unassanling demeanor people he te;ncpted most. He al,;o
upport to. every goad cause your and work," an,d, shuwed the kind of I.
I+ some weeks past it was feared he•
have captivated all hearts and it is
with the deepest regret that we, see
yon departing from amongst us, Dear
friends, we shall miss you; yes, we
shall miss you, especially whoa
think of the Sabbath school work,,
hearts falter and fail. But our t
is. in God the Lord who made ilea
and earth. Our bas.; wishes and.
prayers go,with you, and we ask.
to remember tis and our work
that the Lord of harvest may apes
send forth more Looms into iii l vi
yard in this locality. Wo think it
very fitting that the sincerity of
utterances should be attested in so
suitable way, still more to assure
that this formal expression of our
lave • and esteem is also the true index
of our hearts best wishes. Miss
Bessie McKee we respectfully request
that you may be pleased to accept this
;china tea set and also this set of
cryartal. Miss, Annie McKee, we re-
spectfully ask that y.,u may be pleas-
ed to accept this album, and crystal
salver, and which we hope you will
both, receive es a small testimonial of
.our love and esteem, and: inay also
serve in future years to remind you
of your Belmore friends ; and wore
especiaily of our happy association in
connection with. the Methodist church
and Sabbath• school berg. Signed, on
behalf of the elzuroh and congrega-
Boo. A. Tl SMITH, Pastor,
linen Lowrey, Rec•Steward,
Jam. 11. MoILuu , Supt., Sab•
hath school.
A f,w appropriate remarks and
regretful goodbyes by the pastor and
others, after which there was a boun-
teous spread of good things and at,
pleasant evening in social intercourse.
by old and young,
Ma special meeting, of the share-..
holders and patrons of the Belruore
r son, wird is ver sick, --Miss Detest and Butter Company, Mr.
y 1Peter Tereiffmade to certain charge
1 Mcl iroy,,,ef Toronto, is home against Mr, Guetaivue Bartotl wlticlr
g her parents,, who reside -a he eould not substantiate and; he
of'mfles from Blyth, publicly retraets,the expression used..
Brussels. 'Tire following is,ttie retraction men,
piaster 1iarrow had the misfor, tinned, which appeared. ir, the 4Vialker,•
a er ay i s:' o w iutita
rust l
ven `
Our I
you a
here s
nae a
you P
stated that intoxicants, fashion, etc
were only other n,tm.ea for the Devil
and advised his hearers to learn al
they could about him while they we .
in this world, to live so that they
could avoid sharing his doom in the
next. Oa Monday, he lectured' on
`How to select a cotnpani.on for life,"
which was listened to with marked
ttention, and highly appreciated. He
howed three kinds of matches ; let,
The physical match ; 2nd, The Pla-
onio match, or the mato!) that Plato
elieved in, that consisted of a union
ecause of the spiritual and mental
fHnity there is between the partici:,
tors 8rd, The Lactfer match, or
would be leaving, as we' understand.
that be bad the offer of a very good •
, position out of town. He has bought,
E out his brother rod 141, 0, Fry'e inter-.
re est in the business and will retrain..
'Grim e
held Isere on the 12 h of July,
g ; eirionstraltion, that Will be '• Barton.
'.l?txi tiet'ittJ;'t.
Jos A Gray's sale, ore Pride? last,
was well attended, asttl,all the stook
raipIoments we'rz.* sale .at good
prrkea, Mr Peter ' Deans was the
auctioneer. Mr 'Gray leaves for
Hillenta, Montane, in a :eve aw. iki ife
titoro#.!llflit+ vino%
' Peen Tallinn...,
Walkerton, ?1farelr 12th,'1890,
Corlagitm.�--Cltt Friday
evening, the 14111, the Foresters' of , f
Cot Tie*, ..
Court .tuck, Isla; 30, of this, pl�tca, ;
held their annual concert; and al.
Monte) the weather was not favor-
, able, nor the MAUI Of the rads good,
a.. „ • 'OPP ale 4911E14 t oliitlt# Iiva ,grrlved
marrying for money. The ladle
turned out well to this lecture and
judging from the attention, earnest
nese and frequent applause exhibited
it is some time since they enjoyed.
themselves so well. Tire lecturer also
showed the effect on. the children• of
those who were wrongly mated. His
visit will be long remembered by. the
people of this locality.
C. is too good a mats to 1oee.---.
B. Bothweil's address and the enter-
tainment in the institute rooms has,
been. postponed for ane week.—D.
McKenzie Lost one of hie little boyar,
from diphtheria last week.. --Abram;
Bailey, of Wallace, alio lost his third.;
child from, the seine deadly disease..
They huve the sympathy of the cone
Inunity,--About a year ago Jonn
Robson and: his family moved into..
town from, their farm with the inten-
tions of settling down for tine balance..
ieir i e,,he being 65. years did."
s I but after the active fife an the fame,
he found retired life too monotonous,
so last fall he went out to the gold
fields of Colorado, and has been work-
ing in a chine at. Asken. On Wednes-.
day his wife reoeived a telegram that.
be was dead,—.E, y,eldon, of Wood.. :
stook, preached to the Baptist church,
• on gall ay.
Mr Btobert Miller, of this piaoe,who
is tie and lumber inspector for the
Canadian. Pacific, Railway in this
district, was shipping saw dust by the
carload, from; this point- oat Tuesday
last, ---Me JEo T3one„ long resident of
our village iu.ablacksinitbing capacity,
left on Wednesday last for the Arama-
ean “Soo," having bought out a simi.
lar .business up, there. He will be
missed in the village,as he was to good.
hearted fellow.—Ar 'Jim. Paulin, jr,.
has. arrived £rare• the Western States.
He looke.welt and the West must
have agreed with him, }F saays.Msaek
Allan is~ doing well in Colorado
Springs,and, is now foremen inn large
paint shep,_.4frs Johnston, of the
brick hotel, here, is still very low and
fears are entertained that she miry
never recover,
Miran Mems.
At the meeting held in. Goderioh,
Mr. John Hannah, of the Seaforth.
and Kirkton creameries, made a pro-.
position to collect the cream, manufe°.
ture, sell and ship butter for 4-
cents per pound. The proposition was..
The schools, of the township of
Tuokersmith have for some years been
Managed by a township board of four -
or five parsons. This system was not
deemed satisfactory and some time ago.
a vote of the ratepayers was taken as.
to, whether the township should be..
divided into seetiana or remain under•,'
the system. in. vogue, which resultedi
in favor of the new scheme, Andt
accordingly a committee was appoint-
ed to visit the several sehoole, of, the.
township to value the same, divide the
township into sections and apportion
to each. section,a, fair and propen-
leivalent to,the amount to be received:
n and paid to the township. The.
nrnistlon divided the township. into,
sections. '
Miss Thom, from, Credit ,ii'orks, is. fru
presently the guest of Mr Dunkin, oor
blacksmith, --miss Currie, -who haat: 13
been visiting. at MerTIionisis Tottea'al,,
lett ora Wednesday for her home in,
Zatnitoba...�.f31J1 Dunkin is.home,.
suffering fronts severe burn to hie, to
hand. --,The,tueasle epidemic is edit be
raging hare. Theatre a few dangerous sac
eases, although none proved fatal yet. to
—.We are. sorry to learn that Mr
The farm: on the 4th line belonging;
Mr. Jelin Bruce,. Port Perry, has.
en rented:, by Mr: G Oooper.--.-Un
count r f illness Afr. Muir,. Presby-.
ian rnlniscer, I+''ordWjelr,. has been.
Arthur Liman n is. confined to bad{.
1 suffering froths severe e,,ld,
East V9'aa'csaf•an.osh..
Mies Edith Henry has returned,
from Essex •-.ly1i, Ronan Riley left
on Tuesd,ay:for Manitoba. -'..Mr Wru,
Iteitli;sr,lrad a wand bets on Monday.—
Messrs J.and W,R,atlt have ranted Mr,
,'v. Martin's
t is eaid, sat
d, and it
may he the house will be occupiO(i be
ore laic;, - 'l htt Carlton farm, 012 the
d h.e a r
t a t sessiuis, Will he said by atec�foli
.at the Queue hotel, i e:grave,tllasfleri--
dt.�t}afternoon,. -.A. 'argepartyof young
people gathered latMr 'S, Scott's ori
rein y svettizig, Where they tripped
lie1441 faniacins till ahn.oSt daztiaht,
ztnable to take his work, for the last
two Sabbaths,.. -.-We were favored, with,
a lecture 'from Mr, G, Cozens, Whigs
than 'A goodly nuanber receiveda
charti from him. ---00 the 16th, ' M ; ' .
C. 'inter h,td a
sale wiltiuli w:;s,a,
nauoial success, Mr, Newton vas t}ae
auctioneer. Mr,Tilker hitende dialog-
ing occupation to thateta carpenter:
The marriage of Miss 'Viotti& Mer
+Garnett, of the second line, to Mr,
Jas ,Hutchison, itili:toba, took place;
on Wednesday, There were. preeent ."
ovs,r mie hundred guests. The re,
eeived many useful 'presents, ancli
intend going to their new home they
latter end of thins month. We Wish
them every blessing that will result,
for .04Jr. uWu ipoc o.,.,, • . , ,
1sNrr '#'
Toror,Lowy* i4
fiat to alkane
held at °atoll
ed to mein!
First, wher
genera do tal
volts toll for
w'bht Sy
measure, Maur
i5 40
69 40
ass: ao
56 28.
G4 ai25
d iia 29
Further, t
grades of fim
wheat, and I
clever' gets any
grades of flour
but is geuerall,
second or
being kept fro
this meeting of
ton,, now ass,
anthis a£terun,
1''ebrttary, 1891
yea, even dense
rueut shalt pr
lea*islatioa agai
of the millers,
the farmers sir
p,unds of floe
follows :—
w a;rrt by
anega„re. Maur,
lbs. lbs.
62 40
61 39
60 88
58 se
57 34
54 and 53 23
Also that fr
88.Ibs. and to
be entitled to
the fine or hig
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tot' back the flou
Be k thereto)
not allowed.
dirty or mus
wishing to la
must do so t
That the gra
one bushel, t
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But while tl
pent thaat.th
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Go verzintep.
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The co
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It opens wt
Lord Kaut
ant Aldan
March 2,1
asking info
Stanley fo
from the
.Alliance a
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next Cris'
froin Lord
July 2, es
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officers r
Act to be
vineial Ie
their epin
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To the
replied :
memo 0
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to giving
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The p