HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-04, Page 5PAY, SEPTEMBER 4, ,1974. oceobeT oaten OARCANCER SOCIETY Agent; lean Whitby Lucknow 'S ALUMINUM. ES and ,SERVICE WS, DOORS, CANOPIES, NGS, SHUTTERS, ETC. Mt the value of your home or cottage by Phoning 392.4065 for free. estimates NVESTMENT. SIE STERLING RUST CORP. ailing Interest Rates Iement Savings Plan our Representative EX MacNAY LUCKNOW D COLLYER RICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In CTRIC HEATING, C WIRING AND REPAIRS and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Financing Available w - Phone 528-5802 acKENZIE RIAL CHAPEL MEMBER OF IATED FUNERAL CTORS SERVICE NERAL SERVICE conducted according to es at your Home, your or at our Memorial no additional charge. w, Phone 528.3432 Day or Night Wingham Memorials WINGHAX EMORIALS ANTEED GRANITES TERY LETTERING. ONABL PRICES Kenzie Funeral Home 3$1.1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CHISI-HOLM FUELS .HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTgRS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or, 524-768.f FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES HEALTH CENTRE R. BRAY, D.C. D. LEE, D.C. 197 Josephine St., Wingham Phone 357-1224. FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR HOME, FARM AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING PHONE AUBURN 526-7505 ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN IVIcDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE R. W. /BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 Reid 81 Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Win' am 357-1522, PETERSON, C. A. R,8, 5212004 B.. W. REID, C.A. LOST PAGE FIVE LOST - or strayed from Martin Bros: farm, 4 miles west of Luck - now on Highway 86, . a Polled Hereford bull about 850 pounds. Contact Bob Simpson, Kintail, phone 529-7368. LOST in Lucknow, red acety- lene tank, reward. Contact M. and A. Salvage, Lucknow 528-5154. LOST - would the party who found a pair of girl's brown ox- fords in their car (put there by mistake) on Tuesday of this week, please leave them at Petter's Shoe Store, Lucknow. STRAYED STRAYED - from the . farm of Joe Courtney, Lot 4, Concession 6, Ashfield Township, 10 Hereford and Holstein cross bred steers. Finder please. phone Dungannon 529-7189. FOR RENT FOR RENT heated apartment in Lucknow, newly decorated. Apply Anderson Apartments 5281 3045. FOR RENT - heated apartment, close to main St., private. en- trance. Call, 528-2397. FOR RENT - bed sitting room apartment, electrically •heated, phone 528-2174 or 395-5596. HOUSE FOR RENT available November 1st to. April 30th. En- quiries to Box B, The Lucknow Sentinel. WANTED WANTED - eneral carpentry, cabin rm'ca and arborite tops. Elmer Cu bert. Phone 395- 5298 or 395-5516. WANTED part-time day baby- sitting required, preferably to come in to our home. If interested please call Mrs. Fred Flanagan 528-2328. WANTED TO BUY straw on the windrow, Lucknow to Bervie area and also Amberley to Tiv- erton area; 'Mark Rohrer, 392- 6053. No Sunday calls. WANTED TO BUY - manure, will pay $1.00 a ton. P one ny _, McQuail 528-6542. WANTED - a single to share house, Dungannon area, $65 per month plus some pet care. Write to Box 83 Goderich. WANTED - entries for the com- mercial feature in swine for the Lucknow Fall Fair, September 21st. Weaner pigs to include 8 - 10; 8 - 10 weeks old. Entries to. be in by September 14th. Pigs will be auctioned at 4:30 at the sales barn: Good prizes. Contact Ross Errington, 528-6693. WANTED - near Ripley a baby- sitter for two children, 2 to 3 hours in the a.m. approximately 2 to 3 days a week. Phone 395- 5109. CULBERT'S CABINET SHOP AMBERLEY STYLES DISPLAYED Pioneer, tempna, provincial, Winchester, carriage house F ,' ES ut, cherry and white PHONE 395-5298 AND 395-5516 APPLICATIONS SCHOOL BUS DRIVER BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL R.R. 7 LUCKNOW Written applications addressed to Mr. R. L. Cunningham, Trans- portation Manager, • The Huron- County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0 will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Sept- ember .12, 1974. Duties to com- mence as soon as possible. E. C. Hill, D. J. Cochrane, Chairman Director PHONE 528-2822 WITH YOUR WANT ADS MCDONAGH $ IAl ISIATI tiROkk{4 .,p 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Large lot, 4 pc. bath, large kit- chen, attached garage. 4 yrs. old. Asking $27,500, easy terms. STORE 1400 sq. ft. main street, modern 2 bedroom apartment with broad- loom, immediate possession. 2. BED BUNGALOW 1 block from Main St., large liv- ing room and dining ,electric heat. Asking only $17000. Phone today. WANTED LISTINGS As we have prospective clients. Robert Campbell 529-7417 or Pete Bremner 529.6686 Office 528-2031 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GORDON CLIFFORD DARBY ° ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired. Operator, who died on August 16th, 1974, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 14th day of September, 1974. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall .then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 20th day of August, A.D. 1974. CRA.WFORD, MILL & DAVIES, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors .AV* .-.-.-.-. ,.-.-....-. -... -...+. FOR SALE FRONT ROW COTTAGE Kintail Beach, 5 rooms 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, carpet and tile floors, sundeck. This cottage is n• ,ely furnished and the lot is well treed. Possession can be .arrang- ed. 5 ACRE LOT, all bush in Ashfield Township. Listed price $7,500. Terms available. . 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE located HOLD REAL ESTATE STONE SCHOOL HOUSE Solid as the Rock of Gibralter, situated on nearly one acre of land, mature shade trees, excel- lent water supply. There • has been very little interior altera- tions since school days, they have left them for you. Located only 3 miles from a progressive town, plus on a paved road. a SECURITY When you purchase this well kept bungalow consisting of a spac- ious kitchen, large living room, 3 medium size bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, finished recreation room, oil furnace. Attached garage. At- tractive grounds surround this home situated one block from a store. FULL OF FISH 74 acres of rolling land - two large fish ponds fed by strong springs, now stocked with 4000 trout weighing up to 5 lbs., an- other larger area with many springs, that is suitable for a manmade lake. The 5 bedroom home consists of 2 kitchens, sit- ting rooms. Ideal for recreation, situated next to a private airport. OFFICE 357-3840 WILLIAM ADAMSON S28.2113 Lucknow C. Sutcliffe 392-6969 Tetwater M. Gibson 335-3909 WroXeter Don Hoist REAL ESTATE Limited Realtors WINGHAM at Lurgan Beach, treed lot 70 by 132, fully insulated for year rourd living with furnace, 3 piece bath and furnished. Possession August lst. Priced right at $18,000. 2 BEDROOM FRAME HOME, located id -Clinton, 3 piece bath,id-Clinton, hardwood floors, every conven- ience. Asking price $15,000, im- mediate possession. 2 LOTS -at Point Clark, 75 x' 150. Taxes $48.00 yearly. Listed price $9;500. 80 ACRE FARM located on High- way 21 Ashfield Township; .,8 room brick home with every con- venience; barn 45 by 55 stabled for hogs with liquid manure pit. Excellent corn and bean cash crop land. Possession in Fall with terms available. MODEL HOME, one floor brick with garage, 4 piece bath and recreation room, plus 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room with electric heat. Located in Lucknow on a large lot. This is an ideal family or retirement home. Make an appointment to see, this home. If you have agricultural property, Targe or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would ba pleased to talk to yr All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN 'Phone 529-7350 Wilfred Mclntee Co., Limiteii WALKERTON Member of the Grey anti Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. - Over 60 Salesmen Working For You { 7