HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 2ter P'ltilip should Ila atbliged to begin
{ p0:14:71.4!!'..„o sell this Tartu would be the very 1881:aiinwafisktwolIestro.ee,bwohthryto:igi:tptter,..
d '�!l' �1+ ' .0 • tt pproperty to go. ,[t'a•tha. fturtheat Well, her father paid ten pounds a
. k o r .' bit o aid once six mouths, My
(anti in3 fares on the estate. ,list year, and p 1s
,first year's rent was twelve Banat ,
then it went up and np, and for three
years last past. I've paid two' pounds
e .itrontll; and now. air, I've'gob notice
'rtt I'm to pay en 'adviint:0 'of, five
sllit•in's a month. That's1 three
hut it's thethat
Hallo I dt cluru it's may say
Omit Of it! Weer nigh on to five
I'ItII)A'5:. MARCH 31, :8`00, iiketi.from tite•Ball end.yutibe •oWut;
all the toad atween 1n aur there-
_ — very rood of Lt. What a sheme )t is
i.Toa• Been Married. a Week. a yuatug t))adl without any Minify, only
c ' 1) felliti kidder happy. 1 mother and ....,..n sistei s. t•l,ottlti .at
help a
imner •
.t�iaudar rosy -litre and limner;
Couldn't it I would speak suel)l)y,
Seem tube auuther feller;
Feel delishes, ao to speak--
,tes' been rnarri-ed a week.
he& to be, almighty serge
inert wee too dual Coal for wit -min,
:recce to teeture and dishearten
Atcy •'oe who par faith in'eta ; •
,','eel to ut;;ht uucotumou rneelc-
rtes' been marri-ed a week..
Been a wnnderin' ever since
Haw I come to up en' do it;
A.iu't got round to half oonviuce
ltiysel(--can't yet see throogll it;
happier, though the more 1 seek-
Jes' been tvarri-ed a week,
,Guess I never lived afore,
Jos' existed, as they say,;
But I'm lmvin' every hour,
(•titan' all 'Sts iu a day ;
Time slides by uncomwou sleek--
,aes' been Inarri•eda week.
Cxos i I to feel them eyes pf Sue's
Bookie' trustful fu ray face ;
Iitss, them lips of hers au' lose
Beery care of time and pt
Bear theta lovin' words she'd speak-
Jets,' been tnarri•ed a week,
' antler )fill it last forever,
Thee yer love of bue'e xwo' mine?
Feel right now'sif uothiu' never
Could be „o eternal flue, n cl' his skin auu'
Baug up, elegant, unique-- - t p 1
Its' beim i arri•ed a week. I stem b 1tipty. exposure to the weather; his blue eyes , turned off; nook and heels, without
-.row a 1vt
bright and clear; his face
eil(iidti1d to amu I tu1t11Would he'd Z amine Ah ! didn't hal eriecl
It fl p 1 THE TZ+NA,N`1'a. PLAINT,.
The cheertalty, and i't a said floe
Susan, 1 tell you 1 can't live so t cdest.rihect his mishap, 1011 1�. dared to post
trarne-Pte er of an adjoining estate was 1cl he got his f h' who had given him
1)lUall longer.. 7''tu wrOl'liitl¢r the f1Nfi• "'
aura my Wiles; I'm star in' my lntrswunl to rim loay. to rte
into, :owls a grand old heritage so on'. pounds more a year. last nines.
rpr,,Y,FUnsly 1 tl o 1 -. "
• •aduiu,
Weeks the oamel's back, When n
\\ by, W5 been Milling this half ! mutes peril' all he can pay, haw atria
hour, 1i:nleolm.
\ti'ellt 1 1tevwr natio(' it till now.
Ehl who's that wtouctol
It was a wrap upon the artier door,
111aloutnt got up aurid took the e,tudle
and weir to the answer. He found on
the broad dour•stone a young man,
tall and strong, clad in a rough forest
garb such ss gainokeepers and foresters
were wont to wear -leather breeches
and leathern jacket, ^
With strong
he pay�tlo.. ?
But, Haia the wayfarer, shaking the
ashes from his lupe, why don't you
spook with the sem ire himself
What 1 and 11(s away i11 Paris
Then why not write to bini 4
,alit, air! there you've hit it. When
young Master Philip tante into pos-
sessstnn he made it a law th=it the
man who eamplained to him should
important letters fair frim' more than
Malcolm, won't speak for himself ;
bat it'll spea;t for him.
Mr. Sidney nodded and smiletl►alil
()hanged the sultjeot. He risked Mal.
eolin about his land, about his erops,
and about the best methods of treating
land for different kinds of so(ad. And
then he asked about the (minty of the
land Of the various large farms on the
estate, and sought to !(now how they
were carried alga To all his g
the farmer not only gave lute How.
answers, but he offered many thoughts
and suggestions that might have been
of real value to the owner of the
laud, •
A,t mine o'clock Maleolrn suggested
that,'as it was late and very dark,'with
rain still fal•ing, Sidney hart better
spend the night with them, if he wield
put up with their homely aceomarlt-
tions. Ile accepted the offer
fully. The good wife provided him
with a Clean, comfortable eleepnlg•
irobe, and gave tt m a comfortable bed
in which to sleep ; and ou the follow
int; morning, after a food hrettl(fast,
the weather being clear and ur.#;ht,
be bade his entertainers .6 kindly
adietr, promising them t hat, if he
should ever be i) that region ttg€till, he
world not fail to call.
Both Malcolm end Susan thought
it rather swamp that the man haul
made theta no offer of r.tnru for his
entertainment ;' and yet, they would
only have refused it.aud thus,i)erhaps,
have hurt lits feelings. Bet, very
likely, the men was poor, like them.
selves They remembered that be
had worn no jewelry, nor no orna-
ment of any kiwi:
That afternoon Malcolit hitched up
'poor his horses and "male . to the vi age,
Uid Lan had the Gcao the estate -as farm where he luancd great commotion, Does it please yon?
one nfes si hetet . the ed to post
The squire -young Mr. Philip -lane 0, Malcolm! hove can
alettes six of this. waived itt the Hall, sari it was Miley• thankful ehuttt(lr?
iu letter to tlre.tquirP, and ec1 that he wit going t , spend the Simply by doing the very best we
can for Philip Maxwell. d and we
Yon are right, my husband,
will do it.
And they kept their word both of
thein; and before another, year passed
awl not only did the young squire
bless the storm that drove tltttt into
the shelter of :tliticolm Wonsiey's
humble cat, but his tenants of every..
class had mese to tern their btessiuga
iu tits satue direction.
• be tarried Ott at Ono .
leather gaiters, and upon his heat! a Hete kin being ticklibothh, I and n]e•
Higt,land bonnet. He carried in his! ll(d�'t like
have his feefin's stirred
band a fow,deg•piece. with shot -pouch
and powder horn at his side.
Malcolm \\•anstey was not the man
I to keep a wayfarer at his door to tett
his story when the whole story could
be read at a glance, ,
Alm,strangerl out caught in a show-
er, eh4 Colne right in. Wove room sir
and a bit o' fire to boot.
Come to lri-ing him into the full
light, they beheld a flee looking mart
:nearly a head tabor than his host and
C,. ro portio e , t ' 1 by
up' so when be took possession, lie
was drternlined'at he wouldn't have
no 'complaints nor fanittindin'. He
planned 'at be would enjoy all of life
that could be enjoyed, and if his.
tenants had troubles they shouldn't
sodldle 'Fin off' onto him. So d you
-see, he just made that rule -and he
'made it strong -the man that opened
his head to him about his rent, or
shoat any abortcoml'u' whatever, or
that dare(! to write to hint, should be
And now, Malonlm, �vaxd regar .
ing yourself. The lir s cot•
tage u the park is env aineP Carter
left it, and 1 am without an agent and
sutirintendent. They ripen to you -
the cottagt) and the otfice--if you vitt
accept them, aro 1 will add t By ac~•
reptlug ou will confer a fayor upon
me widen will commend my deepest
and warmest eratitude, I think I tttttkil
not he disappointed, Ali 1 none of
Ithat 1 tly eyes are open.. 'I know
what I am doing, Not only will 1
take your wife's word, but 1 11avn
spoken"with others and 1 hear but
one report. A I speak in vnur favor.
Cone, say the word and 1 will go
with yen to the snlieriutei d)li]t'5 office
and place the bootie atl't papers in
Tent ponds at once,
It was in the edge of the evening;
when Malcolm Wansley was set down
at Ills own door.
Malcolm, where have you heen ?
Where I told you I was going -to
the 'Hall,
The squire sent for me.
The'3quire 1 Is he at home ?
Yes and intends to retu:tin at hone.
0,1 am glad 1 Rut what itt the
world did be want of you? •
Oh nothing pam•tieular. Ile only
wants act to live in the stone cotta„,t+
in the park, and he LISA made me his
agent and general superintendent.
Malcom S usttsyl 0 1 how can you!
Bet is it true -every word of it. •
111tide-�yalc-fieentl And who in
the world pot 1bat•idea into his head?
You slid my darling.
1? fl, what a-
1J old on! The squire ate supper
hr're last evening and epout the night
with us.
Yes, dear wife, it is All as Itell you.
we ever b1
}wwillaloo' u tett;)nu ,.s
]t. Mitleol in, explosively. Go and ask
t D what he thinks,
` d a lannhlutY way
roi3B JR. ' stranger sponte pleasantly, • and ;for old Den Sampson
nv' smvAxus ,
friend- o his,
deer if ie nisclitergle papers oft -}land, es, syr,
sef; m
con let summer on his estate. \\ imo has seen
c0111t1 brit he hadn't ',done it, though hie war turned tl nay aweek)Haftf r the hila ? Nobody. But they, 'knew be
th to another hitdl uonme, because his lug; ;age had ail
`'�'etl ( carbo,
ao. td�ul w , day 1 went up to the Hall last evening,
nf'it fight up ail' down. -lo earnest—' Oftel' be burl partially dried a•ll ter'dunder ide tl)tlmh: QI)Oft btlllftlll'B said the 1i4'eper Ui the vlltttr k 1t,tm. Veit
1 ork-`g nee an I'd rather go t„ the ion -resents, the gond wife asked bits) it I the' squire owns the lin told
have done with it. P snpand a bite, if she where his store is. 'arid where the i he
) ul aFert there, hut They
he hado he
,work -house and be tw,)ttld take a
l k, eo da. it i 1rder?ltn; but, id et it befre him• With a' post office is. .rah 1 it was d iffereatt I had
you are s,arvin'; and the Lord knows
tl I ' v whi'
Ile "(1 f„nud It good wetting,
our cklildretl are poorly enough o .
you, 'taint 130 use, 1 moot
Ilve would. help to fitl out the story of the
• t • 'nines when I git tuinktn'
letter' hail been pot luta the post,
Silas Carter must have the postenas•
' would d
:z•etally, euuldit't it ta'* harder? C smite he aunt;•tired that he was � when the incl squire was mvtti honest I .Fust than a servant from the 1latt.
' Harder? (;e hartlery Whitt lien you • I ungary 1�N would Not p 1 a1114ed on {
harder'n what trouble but it- � � me we t gige store, post -office
'Tenni .
^ ut ht�r to •never turned a deaf ear to au tht+ ;+ ant -the lttl•LTeSt vile-
• , 496 11Hv tO mei- . 1 ^ ten8rlt--not hewhere tftahigwas.
re now? I ltatcolel stopped bite abruptly. I Why, bolt; Susan an'
1 was thinkins of the health of our Don't talk of petting its to trout.lr','St1'. , hind n' promised ourselves 'at we'd 111 a Moment he W5f3 plied with grecs-
. we cannot `• give env seemed child -little Georgie Liotta, f;
little ones, Vitale lin, and our own httt'are we good for, if tg a LrA old now, sea, -'at Where did the arlltlrP, go to last
health. too. ilei one another in times of trouble _-he's ten y s 7i,Whe the lit a Wore of the tall asked
and want 1 We •hsin't got mneh, and we'd gri veto .hint to leetie better ecldina-1 right
Aye, ext aimed the weary mau],trith p
n twist in his otge that was amides'.ad what we nave got's plain and Homely, tion 'an bows oft hifl tanktogenerally
! L don't know, the servant angtvprPCt.
for it hitss a cosuli, LI idea that told hut it's gu(d and it's honestly . come get ; but we cant do I Re took his ;ou the se van middle of
ttruckohise ne ;j If see m the health 1, last raise in our rent ha$ took the Inst
tlpe r4 teem fee think Y Susan set .out a penl'y,-and more too. Itea,lly, an.t! the afternoon, yestertttmy, and went; off
and rabitptAnd thereuponp"Y it, 1 tut y thn woo Sri P
t'll a `•',meal '1 ntfore th git 1 tall table and pr iparerl a snl,ataut•ial I truly, l don't think 1 can place,
1 e . ,it small came upthe dear old p , 1
they'll a br at all' tip -afore they 6 meal. Her three elder children c 1 hate to give
their gra O�e 1111 from the little kite tett, wberi tt •q wiiFre.S igen was born and reared
fondh'g.t- I, da.phed, f ear elle' herenew haw •had b;eri . ""Ping corn, and seed bit it must come. I can bave a farut imagine. and.-- hasbtted t 4•,p modes�ly by the lira, wlthlut lir ptiver'ltlt)rurllke for clout one LV alco:m R'sneley Vett dizzy. RN
loveti would riticegfur t and linty t,( dish of the snowy aura between half What I've got ', to -pay tuwth r 1 hand leetued,to whirl and els thrust:
.Sh.much Ins afrai ' to tut bi fur their sakes. ', F ,and air. This is � to filldtip.. Without n nd L to any -
ta)at he would be flu • ,then! The strainer begged is few year for this, !
:She wttS, !L ' !kernels, awl 'the o dust, a •girl of ,Sot -pardon me, gr 1 body,he got bank his watand
P vice; u :sb 0,0.1. She tt' . twelve tit ones infored hint htt:f of all no business of yonrn'; bat yon Raked drove he obck into upto his dour
xtl y g, p goie
:]koro ou it, a:ul sin. l,ate(1 . it clear!„', they had, but be only tlranited lter,and di a questirVi, and to s ein,'t• just as 1, tight chaise from the Hall
xrrrd it woe ;(i pe 'I. kerribli upon her accepted ti snlalt quaiiticy anti a5 h'' I didn't knot howstop,idlest up,' in which was one the
heart a+Ll'ES,rS to;,l£"iVr/ it. J.ldr six L he told file little nue$. how he had
raise in my :wilt ha,fl,jtit(t been • the squire's groodie. 'Malcolm was want.
10� -re I tl I
t hi. said, to .start u a
deer; and, it �ou'•1 believe it, he
didn't get back till this morning,
dont know where Ito stopped. 1•uan't
• 1 Ii ria lteneatn that
sheltering POOL, ,Grid' ' themselves.
c nldle. hter ,oeu t a tOretail•lovttd pupped corn wIien he teas it
awln^ shalt• yin., . f 1, �'rlrttd like
ru5d � the
t 1
•• C ready, eery 5 F.w�,ttt was r fi 1 ,
r v
F a etti Y
hen v r le 111.
i ban When i1 t
r+rlf le
w t i •at relish
and h tppv 0')e• net ;i11w lout ) I stra111s;e5 ALF and drank with a 1' l �t
theywere, paving an dxorbltllet relit t and when tae hard (nlluhtdtrl he g!,at y! 1
,;--altogether too. mu -! iii..re by far ' �m(:uF ted a pipe., and As he smelted, lie ,hnuid herr what I've ,1 �t�'lsouncllt+n
thdtl the f'irrn was t'i'nt -•k Bot i)tlu•,'a }mon to gilestioml the host about I teens 11' yon see, etch things undo o
did the same, and he suit. Hue "`n•rt, himself an(i his affairs. He said i different, when they're
:bear trent. All this ladle:s.said t� 10,,.: lie was it Rtrall Pr' in that re,,riun, band,
second -
„host -Cod as he ear. by ilia, fire filling,' and he knew hut little. of it• 1 -lave no `ear of me, my gond man,
pipe. ;,1e spoke modestly a W.Itat aaad ire, in surprise, niter returned the stranger, heartily, my
tris p p ( ,
;int{ y and persuasively Mitleoln) had told him wit , was hies itarne is Sidney -George ,Sydlie3': I
ai,r!rn!rlt lighted bus pipe fitlt? Qniok- landlord. ages this farm belong, to the Bove met young k1n,tWitll; and shnnld
I ahnnce to meet him again. you may
be sore 1 shall give him a gentle hiut
of'h )w things are going on here, Is
'here env Otte on the estate wi..o, reit'
mut believe me, good sir, ata` , u at the Hall at uuue. He was- to
habit o' temlln' this stuff out a school. I ridee with th0 fiat oleic.
Yost re the first man, not one of us tit The startled the man liar. not to tell
I ever opened. my head to on the sub- f ter@ wonderful nota that
P h of
Nati Therm Aphorisms to tbo Bars -door•
,,Who enters -here leuves pipe be-
The horse will he nil the better for
working his way through the winter.
The man that knows the richt use
of it horse blanket is a tiri;t-class horse-,
Too many horses mat pp, during
the winter, all they have earned 'hi -
big the summer,
lime horse blanket staves ft ed and
flesh -less substance is used to make
animal heat,
Keeping matches in any other reel,
tacle than an iron or tin box is tail -10
ing Providence.'
Some think a faro] aminal is like a
poste stamp -no good until licked.
They are sadly mistaken.
The farm -horse, having only light
lab r, and not lunch of that, during
the winter. "should have leas grain and
more roughness than during 'summer,.
iron bt
art t l
The m
had happened. He unlmarnessed hiA horses, months iu very co'd weather,
gether ton much of the savage in ins
composition. --American • ,Agricultu"•ride.
put I wouldn't like 'at Silas Cartera
rel for a time In sitenrla At lt,ng ill hF j l\ axweli ontste l I had no idea that
t;)rail h' 11tH foot down with ii . ;eta'i1 ! the territory extended so far.id a..bnrat Yes. sir, responded the farmer.
Deng tt ell I didn't meati iso t«.11 ,,,font• 1)nitlp ;atx yell (WW1 a.
von, rltta,tn, but 1 rw•5t 'keep it Ito F tate, snarl tee to pity he don't take think, wiiticl be entirely fit, and corn -
Inger, Car says the Kilroy: t gain rare of it. ,1f all I hear is true, Ile'S I potent, in every wary, for an agent to
Ca'rtmr's plaee.
Yes, sir, tialrwererl Malcolnl.prompt,
lv and heartily; I known just the
air Savin' any wife's presence. It's
rows another Atte on the rptlr., rn+wnin' through tlrettt° fast.
';;*Tu, n t, vlalcoloa 1 you incotmoan1 lA that so ? V4 hat makes you think
�it?te jest ss *rue As gesnel. i+iveit? Whet k
Thai's three pounds
r►arintt]. 1 1l
�+ yeer.
0, wf,t�coltit 1 1 don't believe ,the
,:t_nmlw' .got •any hand in the business
:it's C!,t •,-r,s own (loin' now you du-
,et;rl 11oo-10 it.
it ce tntrttt_Ylit o' the met;.lf, Slime
toil 1 ..•1.; 'rhe young 1, 0o(1 is always
a• i the 'nntinertt-•in Paris, I believe
own horse and pot him back einto his
stable, and then, siinply saying to say-
ing to Susan that he .vas; oir,g up to
they flair, he got into the chaise end
was driven away.
Arrived l t the great mansion house
-,tlaxtveil Hall -Malcolm was con -1 1n the matter of trades' clergymen
Asa rule lie joiners.
Sealed proposals -Kissing on the
strength of, being accepted.
The highest ambition of somemen
is to he Seen'ot) a corner talking with
a policpnian.
Rogers - What is that Kit Kat
clue I see mentioned in the papers .
poet-Boot•iank, I suppose.
The plot thickens, as Fagg remark-
ed when be sank ankle 'deep in
the rod on the site of his late kitchen
gaiden. .
When Edison had given kwvo weeks
of his valuable time to going up and
down the New 2"aek elevated railroad,
trying to discover Whitt caused its
nose and a cure for it, ho gave up
the ta'ak. Then It little woman 'toots
th .
rodeon the
cars 3
i t.
was denied a place on the real: plat
without wttrtning the bits, has alto -
W ra , ma 'ns rag think it ? eoh0 '1 1 to ,
Maicnlnl, elevating his brow?, and hseri,rothrt'--.1neinGuilford. He used
blowing nut an extra Olend of stnnl:e. ( torentta farm here ; tut he got dis-
U g • L; with Canter's upptshttess, and.
tVoulrt a ynrta;� roan 1tp 111111 without gusted
a family -leastwise 1 never heard of left, Ile's now with Sir Oliver, -
itis bets' married -would be, ownint a serf of useful titan about the old
sueh a'grand estate as titi+, crowd.; eastle, but. not engaged permanent. -
down on it poor emu like rue till he'd
got alnnortt his last ehillln'. and then �yyDitt you ever write to your /dung
' rowel harder Ater,
that, 'Writ and crowd rna
lfa nt ,1
Whn kills the the • dead letters ?
Miss Direction.
«. trig 'ra Onr
wont ofn
it pretty att
fast? beers eterAttlee he
fs°om e.'13 bridee. anti lip fl;, spent ni
;gnnnety fast, 1. tell yrnt, 1 tonic to ape
11.10 wu .1e0018. et.,tare, hsi1, abhy and
„I...4 pet tip to the Nligtae6r, 'bidder One
), time." (I4t)q°ie, +i1! 'taint SA it 'twits
ph1 fatheir WAS li*tirt'
40,4 r...tetl`t gr ter •
Mnlcoltn was heeounng p:teltud, nut
the thought of the last rise in his rein
whioh had been made known to him
on that very day, tilled itis cup of
indignation to overflowing.
, , wont on I'.e boon pay.
)or this :atria that tie Mi n'd
ducted at ounce into the main vestibule
thence into the great hall, itnd so on
to the sumptuously furuishr'd library
where sat his ganef of the -prevtoUs
evening, who anise at Once, advancing
with n. genial, kindly smile Linden ex-
tended hand.
Well, well, Malcolm, min ire met
again. No stammering, man, There
has been no deception. Didn't you
know my baptismal name'? George
1>hitip Si'dne Maxwell.
Malcolm. might have remembered,
if he had thought, but he had not
ttaiwell polder) the farmer to a
seat, and thea opened oonversittion ;
but 'there is no need thst we sliotlld
follow all that, was said '1 Pte squire
spoke of his old agent, Silas Cartel,
t '
ctnsnlb his remarks ort. that subject
1 should sere him jnst'y if 1
:should consign him to If;iln]ainharn t tarn. laughed at for curiosity, nary
jail ; but 1 have stripped trill: of lis' olitel ughed 1 b ceuriictots and
mthgotteu gains; Most' of which 1 shall p y Y
passengers. 13th she diseovererl
restore jit to the tellttnts when.' he hasrol)-` khat a treed fbe noiso rind invented
hie! iii no!'” ittut. and I have a rtlmedyt wrhich w `as pateuf?dt atltl
him nut from tguf' midst, iYArnittig Mtn and
thatif 1 eta hh4 liere ttgtai% 1 nafy she was paid the 53303 rf '$10.11410
o) 1 against trial leget1y, • a royalty forivrt•t'. Her tame is
r b g li"tary N til$' nl trail flan14t'h tele
Ara then1 atter` ftiw xFi�1"ttlli t
Ctitbetirlatlt t S1, till tgfat'.tl tii;l ity9
No, si",---`.1ovor.
I suppose yon --oar Write?
;Chet helmet, hard.banded fanner
enlored up to the eyes ; and, ht+fet t tie
would speak, `his wife answered for
him ; ,
G4.ohd s;r,-•-Mltloolms got into it
tthMtl i o1 t3� 1 ins Yes ear, he ,
cart I (kWh tiben 11p rte ft relit f sort o£ oarelesu way of speaking ; bttt
has and educe-
( ,.. as you !tea g
11 t
r a assure mit C
t t 4
Et . t 1
pre t �o
n 1 a
k e ,•
,,•r, ore fish place 'arid loo o ever nr]gfltt r pard.• -••a. 'r
i tti.(elf,, >atld' now See wller0 the atoll . h d d vrdi+d wire. end the win. As for Writing, Il 'A°dot]tl that
v to 'ilii; "at he Ladd ttp�-tlltitas+t»dA
little tt tt, , e'll kill the
tat, '1(1rn het tA.'ispcl
=st i'atli ltt>1)Ii 1 intzi'etir.6) 314 he 1gkln. Stlsnttl tb,il.lt' lily' '/tip's, tt ithe, 4-+-th*t 'thy httilbattt'l has tstriti tth'
rim? w.it +v aaww, ttultax,ltd tit' d,thI% rwttla ; til ';y► Yltt� tt4 r,I ll.r1*
.�t�'I�' �ibt. rid Iln�l��tl lot '�'�'
ro be ►rte an my °
n of things 40,t we rosily ',ter ejt3Ctl he ii'ttii' a 'child; arta Mr.
41 t#aads of pnunde I
01151001180 11Y W
Six Menwere
wounded as the
row in Mitrhdll o
A total aliatinei
started in the cl1
ern Siberia, and
degraded charaot
is already doing,
;Sore than ei
Africans have
"1'ettplar nmenteel
Nu. 1," at Free
tinting they tones
passed since it v.
cit 11. M Gunhoa
rite amount o
r. in 5 yFura,
3,5110,iga000 grttlo.
liquor r'egtslere�
stopped at i\lad
in one week t5
Cmt$l S of whisker
;50,000 codes of
of hist: whielu
of ruin; 30,000
barrels of alm:,iu
An English
i)] 00tineeti011
work, its palled'
Good Life;" lt'
girls as month
by the linin. a',
book, . "Cru ,s!
No one oar
giving up �irmu
pledge is brok
1'he uom►ny
baeu started.
horrible butt
Charles .Shen
olhildreu and
to have take
inontlit)C',. \V
wavered all !ii
cold, with til,
to ear, Shelal
together aerl
and the child
door in•dtth'f
Shelia was
employment '
Some one
no more b ,
suw•amtlls wv
Ohictag t, "a'.
knot. of bow
holes in sem
of theta up,
what it oleo
. that a saloc
saloon near
those cards,
u dritilt, he
for beer, til
three for 1
month be g
had the too
card got a
of Jesse
ineerselt out
salootl bag'
boys.and si
ruinous bo
A man
County, N
license, de
i,tig the "5
posed of i
his saloon
to disponi
of the Cln
work, and
rioted as
Will st
d ifference
and some
social and
It may b•
cident of
stone, till
results it!
"Olt us
vitamin -1
The es
ed down
of ream,.
man wva
who is
going, I.
lie is pr
to idea
Mai; t
sllotlssi li
has r1
the ria