HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-21, Page 1{ the the. 1 s SYS , 'ETOL. XIX --NO 12. W IN GH i1T, ON ' , FRIDAY, MARCH 2L 1890. Tbey ha • conte They are • a -re now',' Our Ohl "Jountry mods have • arrived, • and all hands are busy marls ng thein off, Comae and. se them ; it will pay Everything is ew and imparted direct•lfrom Euro e by the BEAR. —Agood farm t rent. See R. A. Gra- ham's advertisem t in another column. —Messrs Ruttot & Carr received a car load of Manitoba o, 1 hard wheat this week. " —Calmed pumpkins, apples and squash, just received, at Jas McKelvie's. —Mr Arthur Bi wn, of Listowel, has charge of the pail t shop of the chair factory. —Mr J 13 Oulumi gs shipped fear of the celebrated White swing machines to Manitoba, on Tuesd y. —Mr A G Markle, or many years pro- prietor of the Royal otel, Harrieton, died in Chimgo a few day ago, —E F Gerster is he oldest and hail proved himself the mast reliable `jeweler nto n, —Fresh oysters, arriving daily, done up liIr R C Sparlin shipped tee oar iu y style, at aas McEelvie's. loads of wheat to Mon eat; for export, on _ Tuesday, per Canadia gaoifio Railway —Masers Reid ros.,,pf Goderteh, have Senate.. o,,;w .,.. , leased the vac t stare opposite the t• —E F Gerster makes a specialty of Brunswick Hous , and jntend o e out BORT. q•13,. making monagram bromine, oar -drops, ppg 1 a stock of gents' f rnishings, in a few days TiIE t)EAt{, March1890. bouquet and tie pine. 1kr''I'f3' 21,—Mr John Hannah of Seaforth,will run They will also catty pie the tailor' four creameries durin the coming season, business.„ LOCAL NEWS. ieaforth, Londesbor , Goderich and —The' Huron unite* promotion ex- -Read R. A. sham's advertisement Iii •toe, amiuutione for a public schools will be of farm to rent. —Work on the brid at Messrs Hutton held on Friday Elarah 20. Teachers AATS,• --For cranes, le ons, bananas, apples, " & Carr's mill has been topped for nearly muse send to th Inspector at office for the call at A $ill's. a week. The bridge is o be completed by number of pdpe s required for promotion from the second nd thir'd to fourth classes, —Mr Atoll Pat 'sou has decided to re- the 10th proximo, 1X main in Bluevale or the present, —Just received a .jar stock of canned Papers will be fled to the teachers on the goods at R Hillsit, 24th inst. —Spring aaaiZ s for Huron County Cornriteuce ou Mo da ist inst, at Gode- —Mr Sanford Carey, , o was employed. —E F G'rater's Js the only place where Y. lengraving is neatly and artistically done. ria in the chair factery', o` some time, has Mr Thos Bell shipped a 'car Iced of accepted a situation fn anover, and will —At the Ea t Huron Conservative furniture to Maui use per Grand Trunk, remove there shortly. Convention, hal iu Brussels last Friday, Beltway, ou rueN lay,—On Sunday, the 3 th inst., the Rev.. the officers war elected for the current ear, as foll s:: B Gerry, —Ladies' Neiv Drees Goads and Prints; Jas. Livingstone; of 0 atop, will preach y Y+ Brussels, Evening.Shawik,L;tees, Gloves and Hosiery Sabbath.School anniv reary sermons in President; Dr isholm, Wingham, Vice - at M 13 Moludoo's. •the •Methedist church, n this place: President; A L aylor, Brussels, Secretaryq and, J 7n, 6 Denm Brussels, Treasurer, --Read Miss B d's advertisement, in. —If you want a genuine good clothes another column. Her stock .of spring wringer go and see those kept by James A millinery hers just rrivedfli cT)1 ,repay On account of t ere net being a full at- 'Jliue & Co. Something new, very cheap. " tenduneo,a card ate'vras not elected to a look throgb. —Wm. Dickson, county gaoler of Huron, contest tate rxdfng .fvr`l1te Local . After Legisla Lureea in several resolutions, int the proud possessor of a brood of p chickens which were hatched on February the Convention journed. good yoke of working oxen for sale, ty to. McLean & San, Wingham. —Messrs Hut on 0 Carr shipped a oar load of !four, ou Tuesday, per C k R, for Halifax --Remember that the Emma Wells Comedy Comps will appear in the town hall here, underauspices of the town band, from. Marc 25th:, till March 31st.. Go and hear the -Gents' Full Dress :Shirts, Ties and Gloves; Ntiw styles in oilers and Cuffs; complete range of bails ugs, at 4 1111 Mo- 'Iudoo's. —Tho Ball's Factory Band closed the . mama at the iikating rink, on Wednesday even g',with a benefit to the skater, Mr Joh Anderson, who leaves next week for the West: 1E FOR. • WB.OL +' NO. 947 --The Mines Bo throe are selling their '.Ca ding. stook of fapey .good: a greatly reduced Oq Selturday las the c Ingham eurlers prloes, priorto their ewoval from town, playied for the 13r. sliver cup, The four —For fine Cigars • u should call at It rinks took their • laces as follows ~ .- Hill's. Brands; -tonewell Jackeou, Art, Stiles,John Inglis„ Davie'. Mango, Ore' m' Dela Cream, the John !leadW Paterson, Wrld, Cable, El Pa ra. F Paterson, A 11f fiche!!, • --Last Saturday's 'lobs illustrated the G McKenzie, s •p.22. S Kent, skip .. •,10 mode of taking out th foe from. Kempen- John Haunt's D Sutherland, 13arrie.F •m 17,000 to 18,000 J Duffield, T Gregory, fetch Bay, Willaou, Neetands, tops of ice s B J day is to n out. JJ Anderson, skip, 1+ ,T Diusley, skip, , 27 —Gents' ciothee clea ed, dyed, repaired On. Monday the wo winning rfuka play and pressed alsoladies' coats and dresses ed off, with the fo owing result; dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed. Art Stiles, D Sntherlaud, Shop ou Victoria St„ next door to Abra- John ODed, T Grobory, hate's shoe shop. R. MITdnarI. F Paterson, J Neelauds, —A representative the Ball Electric G McKenzie, skip 18 J Diusley, skip..12 Light Compauy was u , town on Friday The result of th : matches is that clic last. He left a letttr ith the Mayor, in 11cKenzie.rihkare t e champions of the which he says thereis prepared to put a Wingham club for th =year,. combined plant—thea c and ineundescent On Monday afteruoo a friendly genas A. —in Wingham, if th people desire it., itehell•aud Haeeu r Insley pCo. s las skiedb Tho The arc lights are 100 Dandle power, andcompany rink won b cue al o will be supplied at 15 ents per night and the incandescent light will be supplied. Address an Presentation. for from 2,} cents to 3 ents per light per On Tuesday fore o'n laste just before night for 16 candle pow r lights. the Grand.Trunk tra, left for Toronto, a. —At a meeting of the I 0 G T Lodge, 4 f Mr Rob lteiily, on Tuesday evening, very good pro- o were sleet to gramme of vocal and in trumental music, Tees!!, invited him dialogues; recitations, r adings, etc.,was of the station, when rendered by a number members, under the following addr:as was read dud. the captaincy of Mr Ito t Maxwell. Next Mr Reilly presented ith a beautiful far Tuesday eveniug, the side captained overcoat and a purse -fl mousy, The ad- by Mr Isaac Swindlehu at, it is expected, dress was as follows will render au except nally good pro- gramme. —On Friday _• ev Band and Oreheetr • ling last,' the Town and several, vocalists from Wingham, too part in a Foreatere' concert at L'elnt,4re. —Dress ; and mantle making done romptly .vend to order by the Misses Baxter at their. home on Victoria Street, 1/, opposite the old gest Office. -Mr J W Smyth brother. of Mr W Smyth, of this t wa, marble dealer London, has gone Califoruia for the beuefit of his health.' ce is still bein shipped from here in arge.quantities. O er 50 oar loads have been shipped this eek to Buffalo, St Thomas, and Chath . 0 —Fresh supply of cream'and other kinds of candies arrived this week at Jas Mc- Kelvie's: -The days 'o syvvb oh +he next. entrance s, ..n examination ayil be eld has been already: Xt i gazed by the i dyxoati n• Department, Viz„ July 3rd, 4th.; 3:rii1't5t , What about base bail, cricket and facrosae,for the oo leg season? It is about time those iut Bated held meetings and made arras gem ts. —A large ato4k of oranges and lemons to be so d cheap,at MoKelvie'e. —The firm of Wa t & Little, of the mil hag been dissolved, ' m planing Wino a p g , Mr John Watt, the se idr member of the direr, will continue th business. —B F Genitor has decided to rennin in town until Wiugham becomes a city, —The regular mont ly meeting of the Council of the Wingh m Board of Trade will be held in the council chamber on Wednesday evening, 2 th instant, at 7.30 o'clock. Oytters done up n any style at R Hill's. 4000€Mr Alex Rose, sta ionor, has been, ap- pointed agent of t Canadian Pacific Telegraph and Domi ion Express Com- panies,'and the offices ere removed to his bookstore last week. --A great slaughter ale of boots and abode is now going o at McCormick & Co's, Wingham, Ove 64,000 worth to be sold at and under cost Now is the time to get bargains: —A large number f our townspeople attended an entertain ent in the Stone school -house, Morris, it T'ueeday evening last. Vir.3'ACline d Mr Chao Peek took part in the pregr me. —Mr W 47 Henry, of the Doininion Directory Publinhiug mpany (It L Polk et Co.,) x'oronto, was n town this week getting information for a Dominion directory, to be publish el shortly. 24. The brood num Bred nine, seven are still living. I '—NoTxe2.—A good gold watch given away with one pound of Baking Powder. Call and get question sheet from W T Tates, the grocer. —By a typographiclel error, inlast week's issue, the amours handed over by the Woman's Foreign issionary Society to the General Society as given as 080,- 000, instead of $30,000. —First of the season. Fine etnek of bananas and pineapples just(rrived at Jas. MoKelvie's. —Attention is dire ted to the sdver- tisement of Mr John ' err, of the Eclipse restaurant, in anothe column. He an- nouneea the'arrival o fresh fruits; from the Southern clime. —Thursday next, t first of a series of horse fairs will be hel in town. Parties having stock to sell sh aid bring It in, as there will be a numbe of buyers present, prepared to pay the gbest prices. ---A nice liue of baby carriages jet received at S. Gracey's furniture store, Wingham. —Bell's Factory secured a number o practising a num! music; When the suitable, they int' oerts in the town Band, having lately new players, are now er of new pieces of eather becomes more d giving weekly. eon - irk. —E F Gerster can fill a presentation or other special orders within twenty.four hour t -" Mr Robt D Y number of years store, leaves this ho lute s ember business s a part' Obert has been, ' wish him success r —The Old Reliable leiter Restaurant takes the lead. Jas MoKeivie. —It is learne that a clerical impostor named Thoinas J George, who sometimes passes by the u me of Cahusae, and has been•fieecing th clergy of Michigan and Iudiaua,, is cuing towards Western Canada, and ni halt here. George is a smoothe-tongue , suave person, aid enacts several roles by hieh to fleece his victims. He is at times ciergymitu, a doctor, and occasionally a rd of high degree, Look out for Mr Geo •ge, alias Cahusac. number of the fiien of Last Wawanosh, bid him and family into the waiting rue —G T R trains for tI'oronto and east leave Wingham at 6.30 a,m,''and 11.10 a.m. via W G & B Division, and at 0.45 a.m. and 3.40 p. m„ via Clinton and Guelph. Gaod connections by all trains. —The San Francisco Jo rnal of Commerce, of a late date, in giving a. amount of the •"Builders of a Great City ' gives an extend. ed sketchof the life an labors of Mr George Henry Roe, a br ,Ther of Mr A Roe, of the Queen's . , tel, this town. From the sketch, we lea that' Mr .Roe has been a resident of flan.+ rancisco.:since 1875, and in 1879 began th electric light business. Itis said bis w the first pub- lic electric light established iu the world. He has now the largest elect ie light station in existence, the money 1 vested in the plant alone representing ne. rly 01,000,000. He has associated with him otne substan- tial business men, and they lave not con. lned• their operations 'to . n Francisco, but have established electri light plants in seventeen other cities nd towns, as well as erected upwards of fifty private plants during the past to years. The company are now giving sp.cial attention to establishing electric .'tor power plants, and are meeting witl gteatsuccess. Mr Roe \vetit west when a y ung men, and after overcoming all difficu tie , has ac- cutnulated a competency, -os Roe, a son of Mr A !toe, of this to ,' -is with his uucle in San Francisco at p 'sent. —If your watch or clock is out of repair take it to E F Gerster and get it repaired. f•Ie will give you good satisfactiou, —Some weatl er crank, with a phenom- enally long me ory,writes to an Americau paper to obaory that this winter has been a repetition of e winter of 1815.16,and to prophesy that e corning summer will be after the pate " of that which followed the aforesaid inter. In April, 1816, it became very co , and that sort of weather, with varying qu ntities of show and ice, continued unti September, when there was a brief respi e. 1f the doleful pie- dictions of this ow Wiggins are trust- worthy, Cauadia a may as well lay in au extra stock of co 1 and blankets and pre- pare to spend tl a summer holidays 'iu frantic efforts to eop warm. For the acconirnodation of settlers going to Manitoba and the Northwest, the G T 11 will run colonist traiue on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, and each. succeeding Tuesday there• after during Maroh and April, leaving ung, who has been for a Wingham (•1• T 11 Station at 11,10 a. m., in Mr John Hanna's making quick time through: All arrange - eek for Heneall, where mutts completed atstartingpoint. Through oubu tickets crewifreeon ng in the mercantile in colonist sleepers issued by GT 11 a etuts, er with Mr R. Road. and through cars of the best description good citizen, and we for live stock and effects supplied, , All at his venture, lowest rates. Call early on G T 1i„ agents for full and reliable inforwatiou. —Booms to rent, at the rear and over —0u Tuesday mor ling last, there, was Halsted & Scott's bank. For particulars apply at the bank. considerable hurry a d bustle at the Grand Trunk station. the o asion of it being the Agricultural Implements. loading of several ca with the stock end 1 have accepted the agency for the Salo effects of Messrs Ro t Reilly and John of the agricultural implements mane- Coutts, of ''alt War nosh, There were factured by Messrs Prost & Wood, Smith's between Duo and tw hundred people at Palle, Ont. TIiey tnanufacture the single apron steel binder, the model Buckeye the station to see t teas gentlemen and mower, the new model one-horse Buckeye their families off. I, hen the train arriv- mower, the daiey reaper, the tiger and ed here there were fl cars of tatoek and Ithaca horse rake, walking, milky, gang effects and 35 passe gers on board for and general purpose plows, spring tooth harrows. Theme' irrfplements are of the Manitoba or the Nort -West. An addl. best manufacture; and 'were awarded the tion of 3 care and 21 ssengers was made higheat honors at the Paris, Prance III here, and when the t rain pulled out of poaftion in 189. Poitiers needing im• Palmerston there were 6 oars of stock and Memento should call and free theftitnple• meats and get prioea before purchasing. effects and upwards of O0 passengers ori Whir, Gi no,rr, Winghatm.. board for the west. Spring Shows. East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, April 17. East Huron, at Brussels, April 18. Listowel, at Listowel, April 16. Mitchell, Wednesday, April Oth. Fullerton, Friilay, April 4th, Stratford, Tuesday, April 15th. South Huron, Brumfield, April 16. p—` To Mr Robert Reill DEAR, Franzen,— 'he occasion of this gathering of your 'rieuds 1s to bid you: goodbye, We sine rely regret that so obliging a neighbor ai so kind a friend is leaving our ueighborho.. ,and are thorough- ly aware of the loss we a e about to suffer. You were never slow i leading abrlping hand to every good wor, nor in discourag- ing anything that y.0 cousider detri- mental. We siucerel hope your fondest auticipations may be ealize, and that you may enjoy a prospero s future, which is due to both your indu try and honesty. May your new neig bora and friends thoroughly appreciate you, lire Rielly, mud your family, and... ay you be period. ly happy iu your new lours ou the -prairie 13 or past acquaintanc: sake, we;etek you to receive this present as atoken of friend- shipand esteem and a•. a symbol'.of our good will and respe•.t. That you may have all the blessiugs +f a kind Providence is the sincere wish of our neighbors and,. many friends in Wawa osh. Signed ou behalf of .ur many friends, JOHN M =yZIm, WM. Ro E, and others. Mr Reilly replied briey,. thanking bis friends for their express ons of good will and the taugible tokens of their respect. He was sorry to leave s many good and true friends as he had f. iud in Wawan- osh, but would always ha .e a warm spot in his heart for them, an , ever remember the many happy year spent in their' midst. Air Reilly was .ne of the leading men of East Wawanosh has been a meta- ber of the Municipal Cot ail of that town- ship and held other poei ions of trust. He was a progressive farm r, and he will • be greatly missed in the , eighborhood 111 which he resided. He 11, s purchasltd lana. 's near Neepawa; Mauitobwhere•e,a2• tends making his home in f curse; Woire- speak for him a hearty we orne•from Ithtlt„;i people of that towu and v'ofnity. Auction Sales. The easterly half of th north half of lot 33, concession 6, Eas Wawanosh, will be sold by public multi t at Scandrett's hotel, Belgrave, on Fr' ay, March 21st, Ter s-1f1per cent t at 2 o'clock p m. ' t o n day of sale, and balan a in 30 days. J A. Morton, vendor's solioi r; Peter Deans, auctioneer. To Horsemen, Farmers and Others. We are the originators and manu- facturers of the ADVANCE Road Cart. As the name indicates,• it is in advance of anything got up in this country yet in the shape of a art. Any person wanting a cart sheu call' and sec it before purchas- ing. P ce 1325, GANNETT & lilcCtirnoNT, Winghafh, Ont. MT DBAu T +TEs,—Homer's genius has made the Me: oder, a tiny river of Asia Minor, a thing beauty slid a joy for over ; and, the gr at poet has thus afforded occasion to the ' nglish language of ap- propriating a wo d so descriptive of any river. The wo meander may have originated the Scotch hybrid maundering, that is Gcesipy talk • writing. Should a few sketches of Clvd sdale from its upper reaohesin the South nPlighlands to the Frith of Clyde serve recall, however maundering, the happ, days of youth, I hope you will not gru ge the necessary space. Wn. LtTHdow. Peeso . Is. Mr R Hill was i4)310 tford a couple of days last week, on btipi=as..Dr• Bethune, of Seaforth, spent aday 'rl town, last week Mr D McInnes was +onne'frotr Tiverton this week—Dr Siuotai ; 'of Toronto, was in town on Monday.. i d D Sills spent a few days en Seaforth, reti ning home ou Monday r T J D , ols"Ns esemaker, Eluevale, has just returnillot =: from Northern Michigan, where he seer several week+. He says times are very hard there, that farmers are drawing st.ve wood ten mules to market and sellinet' or 75 cents per cord. Crops were shOtth. pastyear, and prices very low Mr Ili Molndoo re- turned from hi visit t4 .Teterboro and. vicinity, on Friday last, , Mr 131 F Gerster,: jeweler, was in Harnett n, on business, on Tuesday and Wednes ay.. Ears R Hill, re- turned from a visit r Toronto, on Fri- day—Mr J M Jerome, Blyth, was in town on Tuesday.. Mr F aterson was et Ethel on 'Tuesday.. Pro Wilcox, the r. catarrh a eoinl' great p fat, o St Thomasi,wit4 in town on Tuesday.. ss Venin Nelsen left' town last week, f Brandon, Mani. toba, where she will re ide In future,,Mr Joshua Coate, of St T omas, was in town this week, shaking ban, a with his many Wingham friends.. Mr at , Mrs Dunetnore 't and two datxta s,;froni •+:ed City, Mich, were the gnellt'soo Mr and ra Webb !est week,.Mr 'H;''Davie an wife were 11 '-1'ofotito thie week, for '. few days..hi John Brennan, elf Chesle, , wits in tow Wednesday,.Afta Mant ce Eeckwit been visiting in Clinton and bun thisIveeit..Mrs It, Mitttih:il, of Go been visiting et 111t A:%t1t ell's this week.,Mr J G Halm::, b Toronto, spent' a law day: i creek, visiting his par ut Graham, of Toronto, fo m has been viaitiug hi 1•r, sues memory system is crtedlntc greeter fol` the pant fete "dant fa Inter en ever In All pests 6t the country, and of pans, who has beef, perswue wishine to improve their memory should Mrs Walter Ta inr i orsend tor kis prospects free ee teverbeed in outer y lwon. scZC UXned to lion h '.-i' •"veldt _ ,. ........,-w-