HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-07, Page 15f SOMEWAY; AUGUST 7, 974 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,"QNTARIO MocKeflZ1es .HoId 11th. Reunion Under sunny skies the descend - rs of Neil Bain MacKenzie and ry MacRae gathered at Ash- ld Park fortheir twelfth clan,annual inion 'on July. joved reminiscing during the irnoon and later all the memb- participated in the activities ;pared by Charlene, Lynda and I1 Barrett. The games included life saver ie which was won by Jean Mac - 'pie and Jack MacKenzie. The ter filled balloon toss was won 'Janet Meyers and Bill MacKen. , Karen Martyn. won the ladies' 'per kick with Lynda Barrett fond, The men''s slipper kick s won by Brad MacKenzie and an MacKenzie second. The ole tots race was won by Jim l . MacKenzie, Heather MacKenzie and Ainslie Martyry. Kevin' Mac- Kenzie won the boys race with Dan MacKenzie second. The young men's race was won by Brad MacKenzie , Scott MacKenzie and Gordon Meyers.. The youngsters took part .in a treasure hunt and peanut scramble. At the dinner hour Bill Barrett gave grace and everyone enjoyed the smorgasbord dinner. After dinner the business section was carried out by the presidents Mar- ion. and Bill'13arrett, A moments silence was observed in memory of Henry Mac. Kenzie, Mrs. Currie MacKenzie and Mrs. Jim MacKenzie. Among the honoured guests were Mrs. Rhoda Compton, Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie, Mrs, Violet MacKenzie and M!Ir, and Mrs. Eugene Martin. An invitation was extended by Mary and Jack Collinson and family for the members of the clan to meet the following day at Hemlock Haven at the lake. A draw was made for an. electric • mixer which was won by Ewan and Marj MacLean. These com- ing the farthest were . Mrs, Rhoda Compton and Don and Jean Comp- ton from Klaska, ,Michigan and Don and Gail Kembler and family of Rochester, Michigan. Jack and Bertha MacKenzie, R. R. 3 Lucknow, were elected presidents for the 'next. term, Mary Collinson gave a vote of thanks to.lvlarion and Bill Barrett as retir- ing executive. .,The date, of July 19 was decided upon for 1975, again at Ashfield .Park.. The men. bers of 'the,,c lan parted with a hope to see- everyone again next.. year. EFFECTIVE UNTIL AUGUST 17th ■ ■ 1 NOXZEMASANTI PE SPIRANT SCOPE MOUTHWASH &GARGLE 110/. 1.19 ADORNHAIRSPRAY 1 YUCCA DEW SHAMPOO BANs PER DRY ANTI R011 ON DEODORANT HANDY11h`OUSEHOLD SPONGES 1 , Packages of assorted sores and colours e • SHOP I D A FOR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES • ,0./.1.19 1 1 1 1 1 DAYTIME DAYTIME OVERNIGHT NEWBORN 24s 18's 30's ts1r01 4.99 51,79 966 1 . XZEMA • SKIN CREAM Medicated .. • Greaseless 6 oz. Special 1.17 6.3or. , c 7.9 D./. 1.09 2.5 or. 1.13 66c,KG KANDY KETTLE CANDY ■ ■ 1.. 2 �43 bteps f AH typos hags SOFT &D RI NON -STING ANTI-PERSPIRANT Scented, Unscented or Powder 5 oz. Aerosol O48 .' 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CLAIROL specials ... LOVING CARE LOTION_ 1.66 LONG & SILKY CONDITIONING LOTION 8or. 1.66 BALSAM CONDITIONER ,60,.1.19 ALLEREST alletest 441„),14,4 disposable diapers Ili FOR REIIEf OF A1IERGIES. HAY FEVER Adult Tahlets, 24's Children's Chewable 24's or Tome Capsules 10's 51.19,. bac II sem CHLOR-TRIPOLO.N RAPID RELIEF OF ALLERGIES - HAY FEVER 4 mg. 36's (� or J 8. mg. 18's ■ ■ ■ GILLETTE • TRAC II in TWIN BLADE SHAVING SYSTEM ■ 52.33 li,,iu� & , Twin Bladed,, ■ re ■ ■ CHIOR.TRIPOI aNrl� l�MlhE R,o,d ,elgf of ALLERGIES • day lever ..1111111, 11 • Elmer Umbach• I.D.A. Discount Pharmacy • LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3004. 4111 IMIllaiii\1111■ME1INi►1 ■ J PAGE FIFTEEN ARNOLD'S TORE R.R. 7 Lucknow — Lanes - Phone 529-7248. ERIN STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY ” JAM, 24 oz. 83c KRAFT PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lb. size ____ $1.56 SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING, 32 oz. 86c KINLOUGH Mrs. N. E, Evans, Linda, Larry and Lisa of Georgetown visited on Tuesday with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Bert Nicholson. Larry stayed for some holidays. Other visitors at.the same, home were Nlrs, Cliff Langford, Jamie ,,Paul and • Kim of .Woodstock who returned ' home over the .week end. Mfrs, Don Bertrand of Simcoe visited with her brothers • Bi11 and Brian Percy and with her aunt • M1iss WWinnifred Percy and with her uncle Bruce Orr, On Sunday afternoon, a fanii'ly gathering was held at the Angli- can Church.basement for h1r. and Mrs.• Jack Walsh and family of Mlelfort, Saskatchewan who are visiting with his mother Mrs,' Ger- trude Walsh and other members of his family here. Mr. and Mrs, Prank Currie of Waterloo spent the week end at the same home. Visitors during the week with Edna—and' May, Boyle were Marry • Cole of Exeter , Mies, Pearl Lloyd, London, Mrs: Ivan Lloyd of Barrie Mrs. Wesley.,. Whytock and Mrs. Howard Whytock off Teeswater. A number from here attended the Lucknow Sununer Craft Festiv- al on Friday and. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Murray;, Paul, Charles and Grant went to Deep River 'over the week end and were guests at Mfr, and Mfrs, f=rank Stark's wedding. Others who at- tended the wedding were Mfr, and Mrs. • Lynyan Sutton and Mr. and Mfrs, Chris Stark. Misses Edna and Nlay Boyle entertained ladies from Wine;yam on Tuesday afternoon, honouring their friend Miss Norma Coutts ori her retirement frons teaching. Miss Coutts completed her many faithful years at the F. E. M1adi11. School, .Winglianr. Mfrs. Arthur Phillips of Fonthill visited with her sister Mrs. Frank Miaulden , Mr. Maulden and Keith. Miss ,Marilyn, Murray , conces- sion G, Mr. aid. Mrs, Allan Rhody and Matt looked after the Murray home and children, while Joan and Charlie and the lads were away. Relatives here on Sunday for. the Scott Walsh family day were from Melfort Saskatchewan Plain'• well, Michigan, Tottenham, Niagara , Waterloo, Freelton, Lis- towel, as well as neighbouring towns and the area around, It was also Mrs, Gertrude Walsh's birthday. Mr. and. Mrs. 1-loward Bennett of Toronto spent the week.e.nd with Mr. .and Mrs. Art Haldenby. The annual meeting of the Bible Society for this district will be held or Monday , August 26th at 8,:to p.m. in'the. Presbyterian Church. The filet "A New Spring in Coppermine" will be shown by the District Secretary 'Rev. A. F. Cowan. Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend. SOUTH KINLO55 Mr. and Mrs, K, de Jongand son Gert of Holland• have been visiting with his brother Mr. and ,Mrs. Jelle de Jong of Kinloss for. the' past six weeps. Their oldest 'son John has previously visited Canada on three different t occasions. Married In B.C. The marriage of Robert Forster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forst- er of Ripley and Mary Ann Mac- Lean, daughter of.Dr. and Mrs. J. Beattie MacLean of Victoria , British Columbia , took place at Victoria on Saturday, July 27th. 'Fisherman's Cove TENT AND TRAILER PARK on beautiful Clam Lake is now booking for seasonal camping CALL FOR INFORMATION 395.2757 Freeman Olson Gravel Pit W4 Miles West Of Dungannon CHOICE CEMENT GRAVEL • CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL SAND, 3/ STONE, TOP FILL FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN GRAVEL ALL LOADS WEIGHED FOR YOUR ACCURATE MEASURE 10 METRIC TONS — 22046 LBS.