HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 8Dr. Towler's Drug Store t., «WP thyslol4ice end popular Prescriptions lieteratel) • • comiounded. • Pure 471.1,gu and Chemicals speciaZt y, ilfinos. • .:.• • The IOW uewspaper 'heal& be. bond iu eviry hoMe. No cbildreuyU grow up igooraut who can. appreciate the home paper. It itt tInrstopping stone to intelligence In all those matters not to be learned in books. Give your •ollildren a foreign paper which Coyi,1 tains not one word abent any person, place or thing which they ever elm or perhaps ever heard of, and jkow cup you expect them to be ititerestecil But irt them have the home paper and read of persons whom they meet and of places with which they are fainiliar,and soon an interest le wakne- ed which increases with every week-, .111y arrival of the local paper; thus a Habit of reading is formed and „those children wLI read the papers nil their lives and become intelligent men and wolne.i, a credit knowledge of the world as it is to•day. „ **-;•A full line of Toilet AliieleB, reilOTOOR, Sponges,— ***-Specticler, etc, always le stook—. 'DEM TELIIIVRONZ ; CEWV.EtAL OFIPIOS. STEAMSHIP and GRAND TRUNK TOWN TICKET : FFICE. Wingbana, • • Ont. The erst,of 0044 itamtAly horse fahlti Vatd*.at /4x,et,rlata, largtt hOlitile of huy ere Van London, Weafortivilionsalijtogcroille. Exeter and other place preaent, About 26 horses, 7wera,thiEkised of 1.1 private sale Itud. public -auction and g=rollili=1Lices vretimmono==.0 Corrected by De:sePr104"5:10V013, 18". 93trrell1 inour nor WO Ihs, f 2 25 to 2 25 Fall Wheat per bu!leti, ,I1), 7756 tto0 008000 p sim„ 25 to 26 Now I, t • • • • 30 to 35 4 .) , Barley •30 to llutl.30r! I2. t600* • ' 12 t Egge per ,dozen, (ty blingipm Vats FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1890. Personals, Mr jos Knight, of Windsor is visiting his Meter, ,Mrs jobe 'Norris, Oita town.. Blies Eltrachan,int Port Elgin, spent a few days iu town last week, th guest of Mrs B C; Clarke .. ifr and 511s Bonthron, of Southarotitou,were visiting their daughters, this ton, last week- Miss A. Boycl was in Toronto last week attending the tnilliflerY . openings—MissC Wilson left here on "Wednesclay list for Groton, South Dakota, , Where, it* intends +to remain for some timeAre 'Kingman, of Mitchell, is ,visit - hag her; sets, :Richard Ii2sflaj pf this place,. Vie :Old lady is over .87. years of age auqn tittering' of the sickness of . her grandson; ideithe first train and tilled the entitre distance alone and unaidedf.*.Mr W R Kinimaii; formerly of this town, but lately of Lansing; Mich., has returned for a short visits to his father and friends in tails vietuity. 'Things are rather duli. itt •Illichig,tothis winter, but he reports that a Vetter p ace for the working man than tbit. .MrA McIntyre, of LucknOws was in town on Weduesday, on businesi..51r. Alex Hay, representing Messrs Dixon, Bros, of Hamilton, paid Wingham a visit on Wednesday ,.M.r Inglis, representing the Waterbuialngine Works, Co, Brant. for4, waiin town on 'Wednesday, intersiewing the 'town authorities in regerd to tue sale of more-' lire proteCtiou ttppIi &noes.. Mr 3 H Hillhouse and wife. of Clifford, spent 'a 'lei* days in town last week, the guests of ae ht Davis—Mrs Jas Louth rm. called te Mandan oue day last week. to attend tue funeral of a piece..Mr Geo 160.4fer 'returned Its Week; from an extended visit to Packenharn and vicinity.. MrM HMoIndoo has been visiting rela. tives iu Faterboro and vicinity for the peat couple of weeks.. Mite B Murphy was iu Toronto Iaet week seeing the opriug style! and spout some time looking through the different wholesale houses on opening days... Mr Jas Johuston, o Pahneraton, was iu town on Wedneeday—Mr Geo Thomson is at Princeton on business this week.. Air Bean, of Fordwich, lies been in town for a few days visiting "his brother in-law, Mr It Mitchell, of Victoria street. Mr Bean has had charge of the cheese factory at Fordwieh for epe years, allit believes that our faratirsjrrittSt give more attention trscheese making in the future in order to be successful. • *Fatcossa—In Culross, on the 7th inst, the wife el Geo Falconer ; a eon, . • ,. '41 PillEDDED • Flanna—McBtrartas—On March 5th, 1890, at the residence of the brides mother, East Wawanesh, by RevEll W 11 Geddes, en, daughter of the late Mr Campbell Hanna, to Robert McBurney, all of East Waiinott—In Wingharn, on the 10th inst., ' wanosh, by the Rev II Meguerrie, Mr John Ward, to Miss Amelia Dawson, daughter of Mr A Dawson, all of lawca—Wateri:•At the residence of the bride's Wingham. parent:4, ori the 25th ult, by Rev George W Racey, Mr William Irwin, to Miss , Alice Damietta, eldest d. ghter of 14 .Tehn Walh, rdloi Est Wawanosh, Aerals—TERV1T—Ill East Wawanosh, en the 26th nit, r‘t the residence of the bride's father, by Rev Mr Shortt, Mr Wellington Adams. of Lower Whighani, to Miss Kato, daughter.ot Mr George Tervit. HOOVER—GIBBON—In Morris, on the 19th Mt, by Rev I B Walwin, Mr Robert Tloover, of Wawanosh, to Miss Mary Gibson, of Morris. . „ ' BUCHANAN—MCCULLOUGH—On the 26th lilt, by Rev John It Isaac, at the residence of the bride'sparents, Mr Robert Buchanan, to Miss Eliza llicCullough, all of East Wawanosh. 'mew —Doons—In Winghtlin, on the 5th hist, by or a MoQuarrie, WM Drew, to Maggie Dodds, all of 401114 BTON—CtowAY—At the residence of the brides' Wing ham. , • parents, on the 4th lust, by Rev Geo Barley, of Blyth, Mr _Henry Johnston to Miss Maggie. E Golley, all of WHILTXMAN—JOHNSTON--At the *residence of the Morris. . bride's father on. the 5th hist, Wiley Geo. Racev, Mr Richard Whiteman, ot Sardine Co, Michigan, to 11115 Charlotte Johnston, of, Morris. . . =D. Cooe—In East Wawanosh, .6h the 6th instant, Tt 11 on ;3i.d Inst., Isabel E, beloved Cook, aged 39 yeetrs. . • 1 25 to woo yet cora, :- ; y 5 00 to 09 to 06 to Ducke, " 06 to Chlekene, Hay per tOrl, 07 tt Turkeys "*• • • 30 16 16 13 1 Mt 000 08 06 07 06 EVER OFFERED 1 A WANZER SEN'CrING MACIIINV To be Given Away, with Shorthorns for Sale. • Tor sale, one yearling bUll, a splendid animal with first -5l& pedigree, sired by Imported Red Night. Mao several cows and heifers of shnilar breeding, They are all registered in „Dominion Herd Book. Apply on Lot 10,10, tlerris, or Blyth P.O. NEIL MoDONALD. Holstein Bull for Sale. BI.j3EVALB OIIIEF, No, 14491, bred and owned: by James Elliot, Blue - vale, Ont., calved Febrilltry 15th, 1889.* Sire, Crown .Imperial, 1849 ; Mini,"Thetela, No. 5167, Bluevale Chief has been accepted for registry in the sixth volume of the 'Bolatein•Fresian Ward Book, and numbered as above. Stock for sale. JAMES EIXIOT, Bluevale, Ont, 100 POUNDS. OF BAKING POWDER I, Everybody come and take 'Wray a can of the POWDER, It will only cost you- 50c.„ and the Powder is worth, the money. EVERYTHING 1N THE WAY OF w NID-- e of Ada eCasio Creight, Tteid, aged 51 years and 6 mon Turnberry, on the Ilth Mgt , Sarah : aged* 100 years. HO010 pOrfiesidan of store opposite the • ., , 'Notice of DISSOLUTION et PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately sabsisting between John Ambler and Francis A of the • TOirti. of Winghatu, under the firm of Ambler & %Vas dissolved on, the 8th day of March, 1890,by mutual consent. The bueiness of harness ma ing,,setc, will be carried on at the same e future bythe' said John Ambler sole ly, id John Ambler is stand fort5110 author! d to settle all debts duo to and by eaid on his ow account, an , coin ny. ,• • ed 8th March; Ase. ITN1169 t V, A. BILLINGSLEY, ATHEYf AMBLER. JOHN AMBLER. INTER GO DS SOLD FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS -AT RUINOUS PRICES -30 DAYS —Dressmaking. Announcemant— Mioge$,McLennan Bank' futi',,,TessPhinie..etreet, next door to Mr /hada butcher ,ehop,-, when? they intend cairyliirren.a first:Flap Toronto street Markel:: This market was very dull on Wednes- day, with 'prices in some cases' nominal. Wiliar•--The market remains dull, with receipts of 150 bushels. Prices steady,itt 99c forjall, ilits for red winter, 80e to,81.c for spring. ' BARLEY—The Market remains dull and easy, with sales of 200 bushels at33o to 89o. • 04ars—Firmer, with sales of 200 bushels at alio. FEAS—uone offered, and prices are nomi. • DIMMED ElOGS—Tb0 - market was steady, to -day, with . sales at $5 60 to 06 00, the latter for choice light ones. ' Dress 0 -- DRS -SI GOODS, SHAWLS, WOOL SQUARES: HOSE, CASHMERE GLOVES and RID MITTS, TWDEDS, ULSTERINGS, FLANNELS, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, OVERCOATS, Etc.. • rantle-making ' • .".; ' tagielneent. eiders promptly4togded to. Satisfaction guaran. Buffalo !Stook Markets, EAST Burnt°, March 12.—Cattle—Be- ceipte of sale stock were only two cars,:for Which there was apparently no demand. Reports from both the east thud west were lower, and the general tone of the trade was weak for shipping and heavy cattle, but good light butchers, gild good mixed butchers' stook iR considered steady.' Sheep and lambs—The receipts werelight, only about 9 cars. There was a fairly good de - mud for choice lambs at full former prices, but common to to grades were, - lower ; Cheep oleo ruled easier, and the general outlook is to lower prices, especi- ally for all except choice lambs. should the present soft and muggy weather continue. Then again, prime here have been much higher proportionately than at either the ,ettet or west. A.t the elosm abont all were sold. Saleerangea: Good to best sheep, $5 26 to ; common, 54 76 to 05; Iambs, 04 76 to $7 10, Hogs—Receipts were 10 oars. The market opened with a fairly good demand, and firm at yesterday's closing price,. and the bulk of the early males of good Yorkers and mediums or heavy were at $4 40 to $4 45t but eloped weak at the inside figurea, ankn few load . held over, for which buyers -*mild 04y, • offer 54 35 at the close. A. fe*.pigs stfrd!, • at $4 35, and ends, stage, etc, were Mi., changed. DISSOLUTIVLAIRTNERSHIP. FURS ! FURS I FURS I GfiNTS' AND, LADIES' ASTRACHAN, 1,WLGARIAV IAMB GoArrs, GENTS' BEAVER COLLARS and CUFFS, BEAVER CAPS, AS- tor% ,„ TRACEJAN AND PERSIAN LAD113 CAPS, SILVER FOX MUFFS and ,BOAS. IN FACT EVERYTHING SLAUGHTERED TO PREPARE FOR. STOCK TAKING. N twig is herehSfAlven that the partnership heie- toiore existing betitHien us m camage.bultdere, has• this day boon distr./red by mutual consent. All a. counts,due tie; 'l5tit firm are to'he paid to Wm. Dore, who, itill PI ill 41P111/4,B• - • ; • • Wit:wham:Feb. 1;8l90. , . i ARTHUR COGE 'Wknui," '''Ilf,011Prragi,; 1").?"' 1 Wr4. DORE. . In connectiontvAle above I beg leave to remind all customers of tlfearte gnu and the public generally Nett I shall still continuo the business in all it* branchea, Fine work a specialty. WM. DORE. . , . Bad News for Newspaper Dead Beats. Chnerfiil news for newspaper proprie.,0.4 c...utes from Ohio. A paper in that State recently brought suit against far ty—three pen who would not pity their subqcription, and. oh taitiod rapt:tent for the full amount - • eon ease. Twenty eight at Mice prevented attachment by Making affidavit that they lind no mon that; the law allowed. Under the decision of the Selprerne Court they were arrested for petit larceny atid bound over the sem of $300. Six of these slid not give bonds and went to jail This is 'Ale result of the working of the now ?oval law, winch makes it larceny to take p tpor and virago to pay for U. Wawa Journalist. SoOk Se,ttie,'S financial returns hIW nit expo* Aut.,011 retirentie account of 471'7,)41,tealitt4,a d. fiCit of $4767 / this Ulm* woo ftzr3nd- NOTICE.TO CREDITORS.' bathe wafter of Francie A Billingeley, of the • Town of4ingham,in the•Oounti of Huron Izarnes.romikry, on Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named Francis A Billingsley has made an assignment to me -under the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Outario, 1887, Chapter 124,,and amending acts of all his estate and effects in trust for the benefit of lila A meeting of ria creditors of the said Francis A, creditors. Billingsley is hereby convened mid will be held at the law office of R Vanstone, in the Town of Wingham, on Monday, the 24th day of March, 1890 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the, appointment of inspectors and the giving Of direetions with reference to the disposal of tho said eetate. All creditors of- the said. Francis A. Billingsley are hereby,notifiett to file tkeir claims with my solici- tor, IL Vanstone, Wingbam, duly verified by affi- davit and alto stating the nature and value of the security (if any) held by them, on or before the Ifith day of April A.D. 1696. Dated at Winghant this 13th day of March A. D. ' S, J. SMITH, 'Assignee, 1800. Winghtun. ,golicitor for Assignee, IV in gar First to come geto the best assortment to select from. 151 it0Itit'' 01 eunits, •account, $8G .450. l'retriter11th34, aoduced *401 it:,• 4,110Legisl.tture rising th4 Govern 4:0117 1..reor4r7 0 1 -01 for esPenli lure 0 t roads. tri' 5,85't Miler of railvrtot Ploolleti rind to oparAtitm, it Id 986 Utiles u 0Uibb of t ouatroatioa; $ I took Cold, 1' sick. i'rO SCOTT'S \ENIIILS. 10 ... , I take Ili Meals, I take MV Iteat, 1 AND I AM VIGOROUS SNOUGII TO TAKE Artvrnitto I CAN La SLY HANDS ON; itettitig it too ?Mt .SCOte Emulsion of Pure Cod Uver 11 and HyoophOSpilKOSOfLialeallid ) ?WIN& omit cUltIlD SLY Indy. ) rLeso OH MY *ONE'S' ) exit Ctiusintiption not BUILT ) AT THE /trait Or A POUND DAY• I 0/tilting /18atit 4" ?"1"tt7 d4ineel Call and Itispect before *aking Your XVIAS . • . U •• P.Plit ,..) 4AZ Ur" ANDXS NOW thrrING , ., ii Beettra illintileloo is pat Sp Milt% Minton Sloulti work add, material truarenteed, . color **peers. Soul 1)/ eh DrtIggistel at 500•111/4111.00.-si -10 • IttISOIrr Mr HE , A , . 1- : . i. „,, TARE ITJUST AS EASILY AEI DO /1110./f• ' The pitrietnier Of the milAie solicited, and catielitori t SC'do BOW1Vg, helletnae. ': IV ..„,stigD,,w:_, Mitt* . IO • • , . • • brImitinii•4601144.10•41610,0014atotamovIalmiOtado'6.1114 o6W, R. ANSTON •A CHANCE In the Ilartitslazinots CHAS. ud • • T. A, MILL Wingharn, Jan. 8th, 1890. Wishes to hitherto to the people - surrounding country that he has purchased ; the harness businestt. lately carried on hy* Mssrs, .J, J. Homuth & Son, and will conduct it in the building one door eolith in Mr T A Millet etor4, DOUBLE ,,AND SINGLE HARNEss, • ' IfilArtorlIght, made to order, • A full llneel Retie Blankets,• >Neigh Bells, Ottrryettratt, Brushes, eta., • 41.06 ex hand, SEn Gerster'S Advt. NEXT WEEK. JUST ARRIVW) By SS. Europa, from Hamburg, Gtr 3 —OASES FANCY TABLE 011INA3 EGO( StTTS, SALAD E S*TTS, 12'flTIIT 130wLS, VABIRS, BitiotliT JABS, \VATER t3EnA s, Boat ux, oks 4.0volo NEW it.A.SINS, NEW OVIINANTS, • NEW tiEEIA 144gW Ntati, Ni TITS• CHOICE BELIABLII GILOO .• "WO ' •e•