The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-31, Page 19NESDAYI JULY 31, 1974 SEPOY DAYS. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LaWn Chairs 4.98' and $5.25. LoungeS.• $2'1,.95 and $1O.95'. ........... __ Rubber Raft =46.95 Summer Jackets $21.95 and $14.95 MIIIgIIIIiIIIIIIII81111111NIIIII11t11111•gI11111111U1111�111111111111111:1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIItINlllllllllll nuc now D'isirict• o -op Phone 528-30.24 QLIVET.' Sunday evening Mr. and Jack McGuire and Brian dwith Mr. and Mrs. David of Goderich. and Mrs. RobertOsborne amily attended the Scott y picnic, at Lansdowne Park. Incardine on Sunday afternoon. s. Dorothy Engel and her kter Janet visited ' on Monday ing with Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'ire and family, and Mr. Mrs. Walter Black and family. ngratulations are extended to. and Mrs. Les Rose (nee Pat iarles) who were married ..rec - Van McGuire enjoyed a few days holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel and, childret4 of Dublin. They visited places of interest in the Muskoka District and around Midland. Wendy Hamilton spent a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tout and family of Kincar- dine. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet.McNall have been enjoying a lovely holi- day indifferent parts of the East Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry, Meurs and family were holidaying recently at Thunder Bay. • Miss Susan Tout of Kincardine is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Wendy and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton. TRUTONECILUX WHITE �1 est to'1'KUfO1VE, any other hite looks yellow It you want your house to b'e truly. white, there is only one way to paint It -with CILUX TRUTONE White. CILUX TRUTONE contains IDB, the super•whitener. Stays dazzling white, too. It won't crack, blister, or yellow. If you want a truly bright white,. with true Protection, you want TRUTONE. And, TRUTONE, the whitest white, costs no more than ordinary paint. Come and see us. (No need to • say white though, just say TRUTONE.) PAINTS Cost no more/ than ordinary paints OUR Coles u V1IIIAY LIE NOi� DECRA7TRG CEPrr p tTING CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM DON, ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C -I -L PAINTS DRAPERIES PHONE 321-7434 Village Resident Was Widely Known And Respected CAMERON MacDONALD The death -of Cameron MacDon- ald of. Lucknow , which occurred in Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday, July 21st, caused wide- spread sorrow in this community., John Alexander Cameron Mac- Donald , who was in his 70th year , was a son of Duncan MacDonald and Margaret Cameron. He was born in West Wawanosh Township onOctober 24th, 1904., As a young man he went, to . work for . W. J. Spindler Bakery in Lucknow continuing on with Edgar Hollyman, where he was employed for over 22 years. On June 18, 1945 Cameron com- menced work with Silverwood Dairies., later being promoted to Ice-cream Sales Manager. He re- tired from Silverwoods on August 31st , 1966 and until his illness of this past year had really been en- joying his retirement. On October 24th, .1928 he married Kathleen Hill of Lucknow and for 'almost forty-six years their home has been one of happiness and hospitality. : Cameron was a member of the session of Lucknow Presbyterian Church and was devoted to church and community. He was a charter member of the Lucknow Lions Club and the former Clansmen Club, a small independent group that operated in the village for a number of years, was a member of long ser- vice in the Lucknow Fire Depart- ment and was always quite active in all community projects. He was'a valued member of LETTER TO THE EDITOR Seeks Wherabouts Of Former Teacher July 15, 1974, 648 Bellaire St. , 'Peterborough Ont. Dear Mr. Thompson: I had the good fortune to be in Lucknow for the Centennial of St. Peter's Church and found .the whole place, the village I mean, greatly changed , and what a change in pace'. I have no doubt you, don't rem- ember me but I lived in the ' 'Sepoy Town' for 8 years and I remember you vividly, a picture Of you about 4 years pld and skat- ing like an expert around the arena Will always remain with rrte. I think you were called • "Campbell Soup" -- but this. may have been your father. I was a hockey fan and he was one of my heroes. It was wonderful to see so many faces that I remembered (after a little help) but there was one I .hoped to see and didn't. Could you insert a little note in your paper. enquiring the where- abouts here-abouts of Miss Ruth Mathews, English teacher in the old high school during the years 39-42, or thereabouts. She was a great figure in my life and I would like to get in touch with her. With'sincere thanks, Katherina V, Prest (bus. W. A.`,Henderson) Peterborough. 'PAGE NINETEEN ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow — Lanes -- Phone 529.7248 DREAM WHIP,.4 oz. pkg. 66c FLUFFO SHORTENING, 1 ib. 61c MITCHELL'S APPLESAUCE, 14 oz. 31c 01d Light Masonic. Lodge No. 184 and of Chapter 147 , Roy"' Arch Masons. A largely attended Mas- onic Service was held, at the funer- al chapel on Tuesday .evening. Besides his wife, Cameron is survived by two brothers and two sisters, Clarence MacDonald of Brantford, Mrs. J. C. (Rena) Mc Nab of Lucknow, Mrs. Don (Gladys) Robertson of Ripley and Leonard MacDonald of Lucknow,. He was predeceased by his par- ents, his father in 1918 and his mother in 1963, one brother Dun- can.in 1936 and two sisters Janet in infancy and Mrs. Everett (Helen) Harris in,1962. The funeral service was conduct- ed at MacKenzie Memorial Chap- el, Lucknow on Wednesday, July 24th at 2' p.m. Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow Presbyterian Church was minister. ' Honorary pallbearers were Wm. Wharry, Wm. Porteous, 'Wilfred' Anderson, J. W. J.oynt,, Huntly Gordon, James Little. Active pallbearers were Charlie Webster, Norman Taylor, Roy Finlayson, Clayton Alton, Harvey Webster, Gordon Fisher. Flower bearers were four neph- ews Jim, Ron and Donald Mac- Donald, ac-Donald, Ivan Harris; Alex And- ' rew , Elwin Hall and Bill Arnold. Interment: was in Greenhill Cemetery. MAGNETIC SIGNS ON FOR BUSINESS EYE-CATCH/NG 3-D MAGNETIC SIGNS • LOW COST • WIDE EXPOSURE • MOBILE ADVERTISING OFF FOR PLEASURE ORDER YOURS NOW! LUCKNOW SENTINEL Phone 528-2822