HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-31, Page 14!PAGE FOURTEEN THE LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Former Ashfield Farmer Passes • PERCIVAL GRAHAM Charles Percival Graham, age 82, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph on Friday, July 26th. ' Born in Ashfield Township on October 10th, 1891, he was a son of John Bennett Graham and • Emily Johnston. Percy, as he was more familiar- , ' ly known, was a farmer in Ash- field until retiring to Lucknow sev - • eneen years ago. . On April 4, 1923, he married Rachel Ann Alton at Lanes, Ash- field Township. Since retiring to Lucknow they have resided on Stauffer Street. They were mern- bers of Lucknow United Church. Besides his wife, Mr. Graham is survived by one daughter Mrs. D. C. Stonehouse (Blanche) of Guelph and two sons Jack and Jim •of Ashfield Township. The funeral service was con- ducted at MacKenzie Funeral Home on Monday, July 29th at 3.30 p.m. Rev. Glenn Noble of •Lucknow was minister. Pallbearers were .Gordon Mor- risetn, Melvin Morrison, Clayton Alton, Alvin Alton, Kenneth Alton, Charles Orr.. Interment was in Dungannon Cern etery. LES 'FETTER .SHOES •41 1.1 • A • A 4 + ••• .•;?' , :1' 2 *0.• • • 441 • Phone 528-2011 • No Sales Tax On All/Footwear Undo° $30 LORNE REID - SHOE REPAIR Lucknow. ZION The members of Maple Grove L.O.L. 1044 had a sale of the con- tents and the Orange Hall on Sat- urday, July 27th in the afternoon. The contents were displ4ed and auctioned,where the Zion Church once stood five years ago. The hall was sold to Walter Breckles of Kinlough. Bill Wilkins, his cousin Bob •Wilkinsand Joe Hendricks and John Jurjens left last Friday for a trip to the west in a truck camper. Bill telephoned his mother , Mrs - Charles Wilkins on Sunday night that he was in British Columbia. They intend to holiday for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helm and Janine , Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hunter and Mr. and .Mrs. Allan Ritchie, Brenda and Bryce attended the Helm picnic on Sunday at Ash- field Park. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie and family had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie of Goderich Sunday afternoon.. Eldon's nephew Mr. and Mrs. Bruce' Ray- 'nard and family of 12th of West Wawanosh visited Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and family attended the Hamilton picnic on Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Al Hamilton and family's cottage near Ashfield .Park. On Sunday the Cook's attended anoth- er family gathering, the Mac- Lennan Picnic at Point Clark, at • her sister's cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smuck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins and family had her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Irwin, Shelley. and Kevin of Oshawa and also her nephew , Graham Riach of Wood- stock and her mother , Mrs. Wil- liam Irwin and Lloyd of Kinloss Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs John Hunter and family had a yisit Sunday evening from Mr.,and Mrs. Gordon Lyons and Murray of I2th of West Wawa-. nosh. Rev. A. Cook will hold his first service at Trinity United Church Ashfield on Sunday, August 4th at 10 a.m. Heim Picnic. At Ashfield Park The 36th annual Helm picnic was held on Sunday afternoon, July 28th at Ashfield Park .with an •attendance of 50. Sports under the committee of Tom Helm and Jim Hunter result- ed as follOws; Pre school, Janine Helm and Andrew Campbell; girls, 9-11 yrs. , Darlene Whytock and Judy Hunter; girls 12-15 yrs. , Don- na Whytock; young ladies, Lynne Wharry, Brenda Ritchie and Linda Campbell; young mens, Bryce Ritchie and Gerry Huizinga; boys 16 to 18, Vernon Hewitt and Ken- neth Hewitt; 3 legged race, Vern- on and Kenneth Hewitt; kick the slipper , Mrs. Vernon Hunter; ladies' walking race, Mrs. Jim Hunter; men's walking race, Wil- bert Hewitt; ladies - number of • SPECIAL RACKS OP MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S DISCONTINUED LINES clothes, pins in milk bottle, Mrs. Robert Helm 4 out of 6; children, Donna Whytock and Judy Hunter. tied 4 out of 6 pins. A peanut and candy scramble for young and old ended the sports. • 'A bounteous supper was enjoyed, by all at 5.30. .Two jars of jelly beans were passed around to guess number in each, won by, Wilbert Hewitt, Wingham and Jerry Huizinga Amberley. • President, Vernon Hunter and Secietary-treasnrer, , Mrs. Allan Ritchie, both of Lucknow took charge of the business. The picnic is to be held nextlear the fourth Sunday in July at Ash- field. Park. The minutes were read and adopted. A minute of silence was held in memory of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Pharis Mathers and Boyd Werry. The following prizes were won -by: • . lucky plate, Mrs. Boyd Werry; oldest lady, Mrs. Wm. 0. Hunt- er , age 83 ,yrs. Lucknow; oldest gent, Bert Helm, age 79 yrs. , Tiverton; largest farnily present, Mrs. Chambers .Helm , Kincardine; youngek member Christopher ' Campbell, age 9 mos. Belgrave; men's birthday date, Wilbert Hewitt; ladies birthday date Jean Werry; children birthday under 10, Andrew Campbell; anniversary nearest to November 5th, Mr. and Mrs. AllanIitchie; most grand- children present, Mrs. Chambers Helm, Kincardine. Dudinen.sm' uir was in ,charge of the program - reading by Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter,, "Income Tax"; Bryce Ritchie favoured with •a solo "Joy in the Rain"; Mrs. Robert Helm 2 readings "My Wash. ing Machine" and "I'm Obsoletely Furious"; Mrs. Bert Helm read different articles she clipped from the London Free Press and Observer; Brenda Ritchie a solo "The Saviour is Waiting"; Mrs, Jirn Hunter a reading "Old Friel' and New Friends are Always Wel Corned"; M.rs. Allan Ritchie a reading "0 God Forgive Me Whs I Whine", The President had the electio of officers for 1975 - Presideni• , Vernon Hunter; Secretary-treas, Urer, Mrs. Allan Ritchie; Sports, TOm Helm, Jim Hunterdilei Hackett Jr. and Bruce Cam* family tree book, Mrs, Jim Hun er; tea, Mrs. William R. Hunter and Mrs. Alex Hackett Jr; pro. gram, Mrs. William G. Hunter, Mrs. Wesley :Ritchie, Its..John • Mac Kinnon and Mrs. Wilbert Hewitt; park committee, Jim Hunter. • The president thanked' everyone that attended and ho to, see them all next year at Aski field Park. w Open To Serve You ARRY'S UTO SERVICE AND SUPPLY 20 Water Street Wingham Phone 357-2519 * CAR -TRUCK -TRACTOR PARTS * HAND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT • * HI PERFORMANCE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES * TAPE PLAYERS - 8 TRACK TAPES * VALVOLINE OIL * QUAKER STATE OIL Open Mon. thru Thurs. 8-12 and 1-5:30 Fridays 8-12. 1-7 ' Saturdays. 8-12 and 1-5