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Wingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 6
If; lite, Wl nil W1. ria 9y ua T).+ dacl, 33a, pais Ar' gore fell Iurt • en, 1•t Duff, D Patton, J Messer and e1•1: A ; lst Line -iii Vaualstl ee, I„s( Campbell. Jas Gray.. A gb , Illi `racer, R Mothers, Win Robb, • J' Johnston and R 14lille r ; 2nd line - Wm Oasetnore, Jno Elston, William Gaines, I Ferrsind, S Patkl,I•I 4. Shaw, Wm For,:st ani John Wilson; 3rd line -John C•tultes, Wni Geddes, R J !!'osbnti, hlOliver, R Iyoughl, H Set- 1etsand Geo Henderson ; 4th tine - It Sterling, W Fi Brandon, Wart, 3ry- xt'a. Tilts �tiil'ttiasoti, L Wheeler, 1V,m Little, \Vin Sheadan, Wm Mc- Cracken, Geo Brewer arrd 13 Currie ; :5th line --A 1lalliilay, J Otoakey, 1.f' .nsinee, Gan Paelrer:r P McNeil, S. Love, P-Sominc millet J 1 irkonell, 1) Pipe, M' Cardiff' and Jno Moons)? ; (ith line -3 Nethery, R Young, U Arlen. J On k. 3 Doutrlass, T Ber nand. ;3 1''orevth and John Robb : Ith line -A. McInnes, J Wallace, J McCaughey, R Hughes, NI Hughes, A McCall, :1 2vatre, J Clennan. and Gen Redmond ; 8th tin„ ---F McOons will, A, Luui.s • y, T,Llttritaev, J,White,. Wirt I:'hw an, Win Skelton, Wlai Jack- son, S Fear, (Teo Kelly and D Moore; Jilt Sno11, H Richmond, W M Semi, (3 Taylor, Jas Jackson. J.is fshortreed, McDonald, Wm Tlty. or, P.Aiellrthur, Geo Grigg and W i. Clatter; West gravel read -4 Getty, ( W Lawrence and )1p, (rostn(1,n; Past gravel road -A i3.t on, Jets Brownian, '1'lrns Maunders and Jas Bulger, The (ioulucil then 'adjourned to meet again on the 81st flay of March. W. Cr.4ttlz, Clerk. bt atuitgb bin t DAY, M AROff 3.4, 1800. 1Y1OrrIS, The eatunoil met pursuant to ad- hinrninant, tit t;hf, Caltl;vil ROOM?. ,liorrlrS,, 1.'''^,Il. ;;kill, 1801. Me'nibera atl.urese'it. The Reeve in the elinit. Minutes of last meeting . read and ;a t red Lel Auditors' rep in WAS presouttttl,•.Itud after being examined by the council, it wits mover, by Jd,. Oullibiok, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, Vint the report be adopted and the nbstrttca bplZblish0d in the Brussels .1'•ist and W11l;;tlaln 'tdranee---Carried. 9tlr.'e4 by .J e Pruotor, Seconded by Gea. Kirkby, that the Reeve and Preae'Irer be instructed to deposit $20f)1). along with accrued iiiterest, in tins Bank of Hamilton in Wing ham, .t'> the credit of this corporation -Carried, Moved by Jas. Proctor, seconded by S. Caidbick, that Jas, Nesccnabe be reeppointe(l. Treasurer, sit a salary of $100, on furnishing satist'u'tory security to the amount of $16,000 -•-' Carried, Moved Ity S. Oaldlrlek, seconded by C. A. Howe, that Sohn Mooney be reappointed atatteutar, at a salary of $35 and no extras, onfnrnishing satisfactory security - Carried, Moved by 5 Claldbiek, see'nded by Geo Kirkby, that ey laws Nos 2, 3 and 4, as now react; be passed—Carried The follow- ing accounts wore ordered to be paid, namely :. Wnl, Laidlaw, Auditor's salary, $10 ; R. Johnston, Auditor's ,s,il,irv, 810 ; Geo. Proctor, removing flood word, 50 cts•.; • D, Herrington, griwel, $2 50 ; Jae .Osborne, charity, • Iti ; Alex Cameron, wood for Mur- phy, 0..50 ; Alex, Cameron attend- anee to JI nrphy, 82; Mrs. Living- etone,attendanee to Murphy $2'W.'H, Kerr, printing assessment blanks, $4; Joseph Smith, repairing culvert, $1; T; Newcombe, Treasurer's salary, $100 ;: A: Eason, ch'trity, $8 ; John Mooney, remissint-, of dog tax, $1; J. Mooney, postage, $,4.612 The following Fencevie vers, Pound keepers and Pathmasters were ap. pointed, namely FT,wCEVIEWgIlS-Div, No. 1 -Sas Fortuna, ,jars. Gibson and. Joins Rich- tnond ; Div. No. 2 ---Jas, Murray, Geo Jackson and .Geo Kelly ; Div. NJ. 8-- , Goo Stood, W ni I3rvans and Wm: Clark; Div, No. 4 -•-Jas. Sharp, Win. MoOracken and Win Barrie Div. No. 5 ---Jas Elston, David Geddes and Geo Proctor ; Div, Na. 6-R Armstrong, Wm Gulley a.nd.Geo Turvey. Pot7NDKEEPEBS--i) v. No. 1 -Jas. Logue anti S'Tlluell'; div. No. 2 - Jos Murray and Geo Jackson; div;. lvo $_Wm H. Watson; div. No. 4. -,-'Jas. Sharp ; div. ITh. 6-- J,piyn Geddes and Richard Bloomfield ;: div. No. 6•--AIlan Ramsay and Quinton Anderson, PATI ASTBES -- North boundary - C H euder'son, P Fowler, J Me0raek- 33eii Cwt Bu* 11 to Ati4 kani Vet( Tlt1 i•i; cmot hook :611.4 nil i ipp of tri*` The ,torpor esti, ,Curr. 1'si rilings of gale way ; r'o a3ways rallinit l nt. each: • Cattier.` Afrir,.� r Aftor fru I>f tll I( nl.t �tln,tf ttiat tvjaEiill ;i tiC.ttt, workmr l.,o...;.• iticting9 dor `• . >3 .e the ° ' If your subscription to the TV11101Is in arrears an early payment of the indebted- , 43 t ANN 1►rikIlt! tlttp>:t`oiAted by, tit oroDrt(lfnw,, lrti blltlleWtf �1tk ';tl •.lJo,gls'�I•ied„ DELAWARE'S. WHiPPING 11ST. 1Cx�erit oatltaeny its tel who xt kiss ireen awl 'Mot It Di Now, At the last session of the legislature it was enacted "that hereafter no female convicted of any crime in this sate shall be whipped or be Made' to stand. in the pillory. The introduction of this not revealed fact not generally km:mil, that wonre txl"Xloc1S. The following is the etftnding of tate echo are in 5 Fi No.8, Bask Wewnunsh. 1'h” WIMPS oftIle three higltt'stin -each I giros are given: 11'tftli Cu_ -OA - Join), Notre, Maggie Porterfield, Dittman McDonald, Fourth Class. Sa.-,lault'tl ,At;ut°1t, Alex Porterfield. Jttl'. 1a tt :'Bobt'rtseiu. L+'tatlrtlt Ohms , Jr. --- n Agnes $enft, Bella Blnek, ltsliirda could Iawfully, be erhipped, for counter feiting.lhorse stealing, burglary, arson maiming by lying in wait avail poisoning They are liable to be put in they piilor for perjury^, subornation of perjury, /or ;ery,receiving stolen. goods, assaul with intent to kill, Conjuration, watchs craft, fortune telling and' dealingwitli• spirits. The law had been a dead•letten for' many years, the last white woman having been whipped for larceny about the year 'MO The law was afterward amended to do away with the lash for white twiner. As late as 187d -colored woolen were sent to the post. .At the session of the legislature in 1871 thew.ord. "white was stricken out of the ItktvIi,c', lating to the punishment of women for larceny, ani.. the black sisters were put on an equality with their white sisters. Now it is designed. to remove all possi- bility of women being whipped or put in the pillory. A,g'entleman who ,bas been perfectly familiar with the operations of the whip,,. ping • post for over forty years says .tlrntt be has seen scores of ' prisoners lashed:at the post, and while it is seldom now that blood is drawn, if ever, he•basseen backs of prisoners that were almost cut to "a jelly.” He says that the whippings be- came less violent when:the .newspapers began to report the quarterly perform- ances at New Castle with the cat. The whippings formerly only took place twice a yr. `.Cheaere was a great tendency upon the part of sheriffs to regulate the force of their blow entirely through prejudice for or against a man, For instance, if the sheriff was a farmer he would have but little mercy fol; a fellow put under the lash for horse stealing., The plan who robbed a store would get.off pretty well .if the sheriff was a farmer. Then again, if the sheriff was a city ort.town roan he would have no mercy. on a city burglar or sneak thief. This saute gentleman de- clares that he has seen, but many years ago, nine or ten men run back from the post with their backs ,all bloody. The story that blood often runs from the backsof the victims and soaks the ground is absurd. 'The writer has seen two or three hundred men whipped, but has never seen the blood flow. He has seen large welts on the backs of the victims, awl fine drops of; blood almost ready to come through, but:,, never any blood run- ning;. Many years ago oi.butoher named Stan- hope was waylaid, and robbed. on the highway, first being shot and baclly;,hurt. TIIe robber was arrested and . convicted and sentenced to the pillory. A number, of the butchers purchased three barreld,: of old eggs and went to New Castle on the day of the whipping armed with. eggs. After the rnamwas placed in the pillory, wi3ich was then;ju the•open space outside of the jail yard,,the butchers be- gan a fusillade of eggs. . The poor victim was a crass of foul matter, besides being bruised by being hit in , the face. The sheriff had greattrouble to stop the out- rage. At the next session of the legisla- ture the post was moved inside the jail .yard, where have been no incidents of the Stanhope kind since. The jail gates are always thrown open to the public on whipping days, but the best of order pre-.. vails. The historyof the post fel: ft'ty.years is that the lash as a rule Iris been used with leniency, The whites have escaped, it has been claimed, for politicaireasons, the sheriff being in a position :to win a vote every time he Spared a man's back. There has been but little difference as to numbers between white and black vie, tints. There has been a great toning down of late years of the number of lashes ap- plied. It was a frequent thing years ago to give a prisoner a cumulative sentence, and for three successive Saturdays he would receive eighty lashes. The result was, even though the blows were lightly laid on;that the victim's back would bo in au awful condition. The story is told of one old black man, who, after being. whipped upon three Saturdays, was sold into slavery, Ile declared., that he would never go south, and when, his purchaser got as far as Haire de Grace the poor fellow cut his throat. It was the rule at one time to sell col- ored nnen and women to the highest bid. der after they ha been whipped, and they were frequently knocked down for $$I stmt quickly hurried south. There is an old num now in the New Castle county altiglsruse who •was regularly engaged, the laui•chase of blacks and selling then into slavery.. it.1s really svi;ltrising, however, how,: few are the real f4cts and incidents that. tl. ise.wltn are in It position toAtnow can. t 1l. There are very few whippinrrein Trent Wu sh. Third Glass--Milmie 11v- .L)onn'd, Julia Ta) tor, i)nnean 1\1e. (7nlluln, Seentyl Class --- 111,ii3uie Johnstone, Annie MC(;o 1utn, Mathew'. elan, William McDonald, Christie f Robertson, t 1. --Annie M 1b'rghtmau,..Aggie I'o bertson, Jtrntf's 1 Williamson. Part 11:--Pertba t1 iL;bt• ' 0, At. Jazzes, Teacher,. 7;ue COW of I3omsos, • ' We lave never been very positive about ilio valor of horses ba'iug trite,, to do with their usefulness, s}1faod or endurance," asserts the editor oE,F1'lc1 and Fenn. A test has latf+lyt been trade in France whether cotor.bps any; thing to do with a horse's Otaraett'r.- istics, and it was demonstrated that it has not. Pedigree, fed and early training has all to do with it, say the French .experts, and color nothing whatever. Amon; the brgedrrs of trotters it used to be said' OA a white legged horse is not worth the raising, and so it, passed current until Dexter with lijp white stockings above his knees paralyzed' the betting ion and ilia old, ftygies who knew that three white legs couid•never win, For the Twits. His Pore $'oJt', Monsen. A farmer who liven about ton miles from Wingham, sold a mad of wood' to a woman in town, a ft -w days ago; and after he depomited it in the back yard, he called iii to get his pity. Vic, elras asked how mueh was m the Ji,. act What a cord. ids replied: There's just two cords and a quarter, but set- ing it is a woman Imo dealing with I will let it go for two cords ; and my price is 81.5() a cord: T1s received his pay, and went on his way, rejoicing. The women having known this man ford,:any years trusted his word ; but of .going out saw how shamefully it was ;milled, and thought a man who Would pile wood like that woul f other- wise cheat in the measure. So she of two men who measured it end found there Was only one cord and three ,quarters. Now this wornan would like to know bow to be protect- ed from the unjust lave of such inen who are willing to sell their principles SU cheap. .principle and honesty makes the maul' J Though for food, on you may cult ; 33nt a rape though he wears a crown He isruo man at all. I alt,lttys loved the honest than, And prised him all others above But keep from me, those sinoothtongued rogues, For I do not want their love 1 IC. The. glad -hearted cherry ,wotnaza, who makes the best of everything is a treasure in• any borne.' She .may ,rake mistakes, alio may forget, • site, may spoilt dish in mixing or in bak- ing, butif with the mishap she sends in a glean, of Sunshine, a Smile, e. Iaut;11, cr some gay and kind wv,ord, people forget 'their disappointments and make the best of what they, can. not help. And how mutli bettor this is,than the unvarying precision of one who has no fauits herself and no patience with those Who have;, who never makes mistakes or•Inttkes allow- anee for those who do. Accusscy and precision are excll,nce.. Punc- tuality and proinptness.al'e most vault able; but love is the ftfliitling of the taw„and chr'istian charity is greater then faith, hope, faultless housekeep- PATFaiSaN, fiAtf,111 or 11Q!ITH Division Contr. Iesciia n Nhit• SLAM M i,n`4"hats, AINGIIAM, Oaf. 1 P. CHArnA:S, is ARA, or, NARRI3ff1: LTCI'IN.ES. NOTARY CUNT, e, f'itXv1'.YANustt, i;cc Ura'rgs-•” Big"' Boekstore, } IUPLEY, ONT. Molts to Loafer` fano 8eCul'ity at Lett' Bates of ifitereit. No t vin tsel.ae charged, u1 tt()1 T. 1ti i UhE, . P, L..Surveyor. Civil Engineer and Draughtman Particular month/if paid to dA'islou of propertied into budding lets, gettlhrg tlleputrd uonm1srtee,, preparing complete plans of tonne and vlller;rst ae per Ile{eletry Act, and descriptions el pret,u, ties for ineerflon,in deeds. Utoss.Sections of tit era made and enthnatoe of eost of bridges, Culverts, Se, rro- tlres and estimates for grading ,,ills, drainage, road untl street Improvements, sewers and Oth,t' 1ing1• Hearing works. Correponduoeo solicited, ,.taring Waco and character of work, tll'I'ier -At J. A. Dlot roc's law eflice, it•h,gham, Get, FRED.WRIGHT, Contractaz• and Builder, WINcmMe„ Ageatt for Downey's (Aelgravc) lim ON T. $500,000 1'O LOAN,„ On Farm and Town Property at t cry Lewett Rates and oe Tenttsto Kilt, borrowers. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. NO COMMISSION QHARGED. borrowers cart obtain money in 5 daye satisfactory, R. VANSTONE, Scorer Meet) Wfngb,lut. Moi ew til] LtoatL ou Notes.. NOtt . ' saui.tted AT RE/ SCNABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgagee WO per cent. with privilege of Awing at the end 01 oma` year. Nates and autunite imili retell. ii,o$7'. 3 tofll$1o0. 0>rrlus,--BmA cs.t lock. Ul Ingham; 'salt. S G3 2;n,' I .' (pulp. 11's REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY. OFFICE : KENT';.` BLOCK WINGHAM. • Prteate funds to loon. ' A number of Building Lots and Residence proper ties for Sale, Those desiring to make a homoin rvingham should ,comnntnieeto with, or apply in person at my Mice, where all necessary Information can be btaoined. BANE', OF 1-1. t.MX) T ©.NJ Z'? LST 0— I-1 Capital, $14).00,000. Rett, $400,000. Preident4-3.ang} STrAtT• i ico-President•- t,- G. RAMSAY. lia1tZCTO $ Jens Puooroa, Ctus, Goaxrsv, GAD .RoAcu, A. T 11'oon, A. 13. Liss (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Sav10.1.8 Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Satnrd^:vs, 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and,'intorost Allowed. Special 7Japoslts also received at .current rates of interest. rafts on Grcot Britain and the t:nitel„r St to bought and sold 13. 'WILLSON, Aerzsx. 1111111 11 1/e DICKINSON, i'3oIaciroas, H. DAVIS IS O'ERING M 01:'1\T at ON '11zLM 1=?.V.012)- ,RTY' Al" WAY! 1,40W RATES, S E :STM I OF1=tCE-OPPaSITE THE MARKET WxaotAat 0etoiiER 4Tn, 1886 C5.1„4, - ,,, s.. t e -I1IIi ISF[ls1lY• la1 ) �ICItAz. —Ar Tltr--- TIMES OFFICE, JGr3Eh?Httvb E:'/wrtt E7t WrAi01:-I4.1 , - UNT',f'tit,IQ.. ISubtleillltif»:111.101/, $t yor ycari'fit cdrctaco i __4'(1r r'llir k1.1T ItA7'•ES: ---------.. hbeo. 1.yr. 1 if mo. I J are, i tutu. alre 0'�-' rlu> ,iiu 00 530 CD i su 00 $8 ii Quart)30. r 10 00 1x 0' , i Si. :3 Goo ' r 1 •, l a n ,I1 u sun ;! I. l�� 1 Decal nap.1 other result advertisements Ae pt; lin?, r Srt ft •crLlon ` u l{(. ,ul'u'r• ' 1 l •l insertion, Lodi( ranges, 1» vont 'well type, lot's for lh'st in- sertto'y,aud5e. inhibit: tot' each enb,oqusut itsoctict No local untku will be t• un;:rd Il Ilan 45e. Advertisemente•otLoot,1,mum, t trayed, Situations, and Business l:h'aares A atrttd, not ei Gkt:thtt 8 Ilnua Donpttrell, ii per u,untlr. Houses and Varian; fur Sale, not exceeding 8 Bases, 131 for fist month, ave. per subsequent month.. These tutus will hu et •iota,' odher ed to. Special t•ates for twitter mit-enticements, o': fpr lottger pcl'fods. Adt'ortiseulents without specific dircetlons, will be Inserted till forbid and ehar;;ctt aceordingl,', 'Italy eitory advertisements must be pain in µooanee, i, changes. ter contract tuiturtlrtrh,elnt, Mao, he in !rr' the of ' t 1 y Wednesday' loom, in eidi,r to •a3 info that wouk 1 Peoritlanoa ANS Yin 10111it for ,r , �.e l t! ! at) et bot ,neat 1 11. DiMaieNAf n, JASEISHINE STItl 1sT, . WM011AM3 -il'A7 A NUN, ng. J. A, MLLD111.11, Dorset Graduate of Toronto Ibilvereity, Otfice and Residence -The old stand formerly oven., Ptied by Ile. Bethune, at the Corker of Cotte ma, atrick streets, WinotiAti, • ,• ONT.' DR. F. E, Gomm?, , , First.class honor mon and general. rpyoficiency medal tet Toronto ,Suis:orsity. Alciuberv1 ullega Phystctatt{ and Surgeons of Ontario, Batonsus, OWL,, :3 Office--"AtMot,hodiet Parsonages.,. IT 13, TOWLEE. 11,1) 0,81., P(cintberCollege Physicians nail Sur;;ecss, Oniario. -Cotonor for Cionly of Iluron--. ai ieeat"TrlOPutnstnc3" tlinc;llatn, Ont, J. A. OO11T0'. BARRISTER sc., Whighnm • Outnrio. BYER & DICIi,1NS(tX, ,f H. W. C. IVIEYER, G. c 1 C. l:. tioNtl,sows I3 13ARRISTER3 AND SOLICIT011S. k;tt., Ett,. So- li.:itor$lor Bonk of riamrtton, Commissioners ivr taking affidavits for Manitoba Fern., Town ani Vitinge propeoty bought Arid scald. Annoy (private • funds}loaned i.0 ntortgaga seeuritt at 34 Der slit. Atonog invested for private persons, upon the beet mortgage eeeurttiea withont any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba Cu,i tilt xorth- West. Ofli