HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 5Mr. George well, of tli*• Arm .4'2.., McI ithnoa . Powisll, perk ars, is; un road again {Irking stfur':theirt Ultima sugar toted 1Up n•, flI ;lti..--Tile Missed Hall, avanaetists,. are holding revival services hero in ti ei nneetion With the Methodist Olilarch and are meeting with great auooer t. --- Mrs George Bowes left for the greet Tierch W le on Tuesday teeming, on a prospeoting tour..4—'rise wife of Ur, John kieapy is very ill at present.— The regular meeting .of the 0. 0. F. wart lied in their hall, ou Tuesday evepiilg;a Coup,emere members were add..d•to,their number.—Mrs. D, B McKinnon is visiting friends in Pais ley this week.—The Y, Y.. •C. A . of Trinity Churoli wet at the"'rectory on Mouday evening, when the election of officers for the next three Months took' place. Thede were elected as follows: Mite Annie Walker,' President; Miss Lizzie Watson, Vice President; Miss Aiiuie Shai►e, Secretary ; Miss , Bella Potter, Treasurer; This association is new in a flourishing condition. --Our•' ,itgiwn deteativee, Will, Harry and 1)ick,: Went on a fiahing expedition the qth„r day and reported they never eion'got a bite.—Mr. P. Conroy, of Liieicloii, was in town this week.—Mr. T.'.D.Bruce, of.Olinton, paid us his usual' fish on Monday last.—Miss Lizzie ' Buchanan is visiting ° her par- ents in Goderich this week.—Mr.Jobn Johnbton, of East Wawanosh, has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors.—Mr. Wm. Powell was in Walton this week. Diaiaa<Jillon• Wiliam IIUMON ¥4R410A' --A, meeting of thiI' 11 stitste eras held to the Town Hull, Dndgaunon, on Thursday, March 8th, and .closed after the evening session work of afternoon session ; President's address, the progrese, of the Institute, gener• >!I diseust;ion, growing two .rowed barley for exportation ; Mr John Hannah, creamery industry ; A, MeD',, Allan, the apple orchard; Mr, John Linklater,Cheeee. Factory against the Creamery,; lir Bower, the Gov erntnent'a positkdh in introducing two - rowed seed blrley; ?4r. Anderson, oats agitimst barley for teed ; 'Harry Moire”; the att.on of the. County Council in withholding the grant of $26 trete the Institute. Evening Sea- eion :—Speech by Mr 0 Girvin, ghair- man; Jas Horton, song ; Jas Hannah, address, Farm Butter Making ;" {Musical 'selections, Mr and Miss Horton ; A McL Allan, address, "flume, Attractions"; H Morris, read- ing ; Mr and Miss Horton, 'violin and organ; The President, address, " Far. niers' Position" ; the meeting, " God Save the Queen."' I have a numerate( ert for"watts le siifrsrsllt peas at oetarle. 4 yea are aware, tarn* Mere never 0 cheap' in this peering°.. lea attire preee ll tittle, and If yoµ 'want .* gar'* 1 would recommend you tc buy now. It your Weans pre limited I can sell yon e, farm on 0. *Mali Oink gallient. giving you pienty of Mee to pay balansfr 91 purchase Money at a low rate of interest, thus shab}ng you to acquire a home ofyoor own mestteafily,t. • It you have means and do not require credit 1 can Rive you as good value farydur money es: you eau get elsewhere. • I will gladly send you deidrlption of fern r ur gals In any locality on hearing from you. JOAN,DTON, 84 Ring greet east, Toronto, House •and"l'`at for Sale. The iubsoriber Ogre for sale his House and Lot on the corner of Patrick and Catharine streets, Wing- haln—thefinestloortlon-in town, The. bocce le• large new ebttake, containll;ifieix room); good cellar. we11, etc, Also two good building lots containing one-fifth of an acro each. Will'be sold on easy terms, For full•particularsapply td the ro rietor. ROBERT D. YOUNG, Bluevale. Mr John Bossinan, Jr., who has been home on a visit, left Tuesday for Rat Portage, where he has been for the past three years. He is firing on a locomotive between Rat Portage and Fort William. — Miss Mary Collie also left Tuesday for Winnipeg, and John Peacock and wife and Frank .Belfour shipped from Wingham for Boissevain, Manitoba.— Our Litetury Society is . a grand success. The school house is crowded every night of meeting. There will. be a debate on Wednesday eveuinus, March 19. Subject—Resolved, that annexation to the United States would be a bene- fit to Canada. ' We expect a good debate, as there are some good speakers on both sides.—We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs J Max- well. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale Lot 18, Concession B,Howick and 6 acres off the met end of Lot 19, making 100 acres There aro between 80 and 90 aures cleared and in a good state of cultivation On the promisee are good bank barn, two frame houses, and good, outbulidings. Situated about four miles from Wroxote • For particulars apply to CROCHET WILLITS, Wroxeter P. 0 Listowel. Miss Williams, •a lady evangelist, commenced' special revival services in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. Miss Wlhiams is a young lady of slight figure, but full of energy and life, Her voice can be heard with ease in any part of the large church, der sermons are very practical and full • of earnestness. Up to 'date several.' have professed to have found the pearl of 'great price, and the pas tor neeslns hopeful of gond results.— 'Mr: D. D. Eny, of Stratford, preaolled (babWD&D; aeT OF LAST IB6II&.) In the .Congregational church, on .Sun, day morning and gave hie second : There passed away to that bourne - `lecture reviewing Mr. Watts' lecture froni whence no traveller ever returns,. Unbelief;•to a full house, in the the only daughter of au Iaauc old andes- .*oeveningMr. lay's morning discourse. teemed resident, Metcalf, which was on the power of force, its the lQth con. Turnberry, A>*nie, the •;"•niodes .of operations Godwards and deceased, was a favourite with: young • manwards, is staid to lave •been an; and old,, and was held in high esteem b,asIto,ptiotrtully, welLpreps. end and.'t,ahly. by a. .wide circle of friends; Her .'delivered' discourse. Mr. Hay. has sudden. demise, which took lace soh. lost node of his oidtirne force, when- Monday Morning,. 3rdc , a t a ever he gets evarmed up, whether it'be gloom ell over the neighborhood. She h . been for score time in failing on politics or religion.—Mr. B. Roth-� expected acted so lellp principal of the public school§; health, but death wee_ p •vyill Alves a lecture, under the auspices soon. The parentsl•uud brothers have, rid :the . Mechanics' Institute, on : Fri- in their h eiof the community. 00he sineare Her rerByin- day evening, on the improvement' of pat yiof the in Wingham Cemetery time.. A musical pregramr'ta• 'is alsog . being prepared, which • altogether will on We -attendedlast. teeconcourat se undoubtedly'be a good evening s'enter- being by g ' tainmeni,, and at the saine.time pro- of friends. litahle tc the young folks Who are On ua can be elver to our sight, patronising the Institute in large Laid in her low and barrow bed— • numbers. Dear frieud,so lately strong at.d bright. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of John Joheson, of the Township of East Wawanoah,tnthe G'ountyof Euro", Farmer. Notice is hereby given that the above named John Johnson has made an assignment to -me under the provisions of the. Revised Statute of Ontario, 1887 Chapter 124, and amended pots, of all his estate and effects In trnet for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of thesaid John Johnson le hereby convened and .will be hold at the Con,. merafal Hotel, in the Vittageot Blyth, on Friday, the 21st day of March, 1800, at 10 o'clook iu the fore- noon, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the said John Johnson are re. quired to file their claims (duly proved as required by the said act) with 011 solicitor, .1 A Morton, Wingham, on or before the 12th day of April, 1890, after which date I shall proceed todistribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which I shall then have notice, and I will not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persona whose claim or claims shall not have been filed. •Qlenannan. Are opening up this week a large shipment of 0013and0sh BS of superior Quality and handsome Styles, and the price(, at which they are marked will make them rather inter- . esting to intending purchasers. REMEMBER THAT THESE BOOTS ARE FROM THE •BEtiT Makers in Canada, and therefore 'can be relied On to give satisfaction. Our °HAR•LES HAMILTON, Assignee. Blyth. J. A ORTON. Shctcitor for Assignee, Date March 8, 1890: ` '' Wingham. JOHN A ,, BLER., HARNESSi,r,*REB,. has on band''a large stock 'of HORSE BLANKETS; CURRYCOMBS:; , BRUSKES0 WHIPS; J p1,j ' '; i TP,UNKSI i . i; 't .'s, VALiS1SS ate Which will be !midst bbtidui priced HARNNESS, double or single, made• to' order on Oleg notice, and satietamation :qudranteed, ' 62,A call solicited,. SIiOP—Opposite the flank of .Hamilton. JOHN AMBLER., Wingham, Feb. ttb;'1 0'' .r Wroxeter. A. fair flower, and loved by all, ---On Tuesday last our Just iu full pride and bloom WAR'S ME. of youth ; ,. curlers sped to Harriston on the early Lo, une espectedaled was the call 0, dreadful truth. 'train to play the Walkerton club, the I winners of the tankard for 1890, for We little thought when last we met, the district medal, but they arrived We should be parted thus BO soon ; back on the noon train with their In fancy 1 can Bee her yet— colors trailing in the dust, crestfallen How very sad to thick 6he's gone. and generally used up, but stating In this dark world of Biu and grief, No more her graceful form we'll see ; . tbut had they been better players But death to he than has brought relief — than the Walkerton club they might From nares and trials now she's free. have beaten them..—On Friday even- ing last a patty of our young people The Manitoba Tax Bill, disallowed hired the "canopy -top" and drove to by the Dominion Government, will be Brin Dog, Coon and Aetr,ic'>an, made tla Wessels to a band and orchestra con ie-euacti d order. Also Strong Workingnial's, doves, NEW PRINTS ANO NEIN DRESS GOOOS are receiving favorable attention, and sales are encouras;hh; for this season. A cordial invitation is hereby extendeel'to rl'i Ladies to call and inspect, ani, of course, purchase if they are suited. Our Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing Departments .i•: are now complete, so that in .. '= SUITS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, ,HO.ii:, Ste We prdmisg'you satisfaction and very close prices, , GORDON & McINTY'RE The Brown Anchor. W" 1J WINGHAM '1 AN.JL`I' R 3. . BEST B1tANT'S OF Sole, Harness, and Upper LEAT H1 R. ALWAYS ON HaN1). MauufaoturerB would do well to examine stock and compare prices. Ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves, cert, thinking they would hear some - Mr G W Ross, Minister of Educe - thing, very. line, but with the exception tion, was swum iu as a solicitor ole of otic or two pieces, the whole T'Tuesday at Turuuta, before Mr Justice programme might be called a regular uessou. ' farce, and not worth going across the The noted iron firm of H R. Vivian ' road to hear.— Mr Peter Earner and I & Co , of ted iron, England, of 1-1 are v ' his son George left on Tuesday last &i,iuf Loudrporation in gland, with; .. for Manitoba. taking with tltetn a ear -view of cartytng ou (lass nee opera - load of stock; implements, &c. They tions w to t11e urea of the Sudbury intend giving t'le.country a fair trial. We were paid a flying visit this week d►striet. ' by Mr W Z Watts, of Mount • Forest. The rewires of lairths, marriages and He feports business in that deNtes, fo,} toe j'roviace, for toe year town' as beteg somewhat flat ---nothing 1A48, have just been issued and the 'new cow -h -days. =- Miss Prude oil foglowing particulars are gathered Sanderson leaves this week Or O'rand therefrom. Nulither of bu•w,a in Rapids, Mich. Huron in 18813, 1,49(, a decrease of 90 less than the previous year. The • . Lower Wingham• l,et of ularrutgds, 440, uu iucrea,e Mrs Thomas Aflirtin'llas 'returned a t nuw'kite uufuuer of deaths, 632, from 1'dimerston, wnc'e she has been a decrease of 47. The death rate per visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stai%lyd, •1000 of popu,atlou, was 7.5 in Huron, for a month. --Word was received here b ly f ttr counties ru to -day that Mrs. Cranston, the old ledy`that left here three weeks ago for . X;eed. 0ity, (lied on the niuth of this inouth. She had been in poor health all winter, so that her death was not ' nrtexpeptfld.---Me. James Currie, who hail well speeding a few days with ' his parents and oth, r friends, has returned to Toronto, where he is em- ployed in the carpet department of ilite klatolti establishuro{it, t ,ere errs; ou fu e ' the PtoVlnCe with a lower late. 1� Util` I tion to docust0u{murk of s11 Linda mf Haug collas pair of twins were 'horn 1`Ir Huron, i —.l— and March clams the largest cumber. I WOOD of birclid, titers "b pug '134 in'" that` AND WOOL WANTED month,' lu Ularhiages the religious hit a clnsnl{C tor 1pudrl0rct1ltont work, dauouiinatiens repres"ut'll were.:—' Methodists, 305 ; Presbyterians. 277 i SMOKING YARNS, etc„ cheap, Lpisoopahaus, 106; Rowan 0attlulles, , , Be ; liapttsts, 20. Of the dowses, 3013 INGLIS & t weie f e.n flee, sue 3:20 *,iglu, 'wingbaut, to, pita is In Deer, Goats, Q1il., 9,114 eepsltiu. hilliest price paid. for Furs, Hides, Slwepslii;us and Wool. W. J. CHAPMAN. WEST HURON PIOG61Efl LIL1S WINGHAM, Ce T, INGLL 40,0 New -Jewelry Store.. la - Win hay W. H. WALLLC. pkiO B Has just opened out a large new stock or CD r; C) In .the store one door south of the Post Office,' and i, prepared t�� L V4 great bargains in special lines 'of LADIES' GOLD WATOI•i GENTLEMEN'S GOLT) and SILVER W ATCHES, CLOCK:,, EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. REPAIRING and NEW WORK • —Done on the shortest notice, and all work guarauteed, ar An inspection of Goods and comparison of Prices invite il , Goods left for 11'pai} wlt�i Mr. R. R. Vanstone will be given c�{.t. W. H. WALLACE, gha , t. DUFFIELD & SO1� have thepc has in full °per,ition, and aro in a post. !Ave all classor a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in ' COAL, P,AR,I,i +R.,130X ANA) COOK STOVES j Fulls ACCsA,; It AN(1.I+.' S T1NWARIL+',Yo, Sc., LAMPS, LAMP GOOD:). 01;TLERY AIID W 0ODENAkitE. ' Atuericitin and, Canadian Coal Oil, wholesale and retail. Ei,v,etl' 11 ling a specialty. Repitirirg neatly anil, promptlyy dune. b)oih'l;'il. any mistake but all and inspect our stock alis get ori: pt ict . DU1'P ELD' .8 SON, _t tTONE BLOCX, WING A,U.