HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 4A x 1 1t Le I t$1 ii .ro, wen Nott e tta Ili ud;t, Ifs, welt) Wb, 'iV1ti• Jetzt tad Lit sql 7io`w didei ktus' latial got Ci: Nigh fell,i In t1 rell, int clirr, fe: Beet c: ow, b But l 11 trill And• ; knots �itft cel. Well; T�['n Will +,hoot' ,cati ndi 4 upp 0ttiat Tc+.e' it �pl►,ntit )trite ottt • Wind her vanil ,`iti ate 'tt*. trees, til ,L ;JAMS, CHENEIST C. P., 1. TICKET AGENT, 1013.11;VI.TELEGRAPH CO. Oup. UISWICk ,House, ughl ., - 4 Opt. Olindati Vaes FRIDAY MARCH 14, 1890. in tits peat otfidtl, !Wording to Itii.. own t►tatetnezit, tar thirty years: and, he was ea eprigi tty, and as lively, and as capable of discharging his duties when he was superannuated, as he wast thirty years ago. Me is at the preeeent time engaged in another bust - nee in the city of Toronto, and he was superannuated for the purpose of wale ing room for another person to take kilt place. Siuce .his superannuation, be has drawn between three and four thousand dollars, at $700 a year, and he is just as capable to -day of lis charging his duties iii, the post office ie. the city of London, as he was at any time during his service. We all know something about Mr. Joselib Iseselie, of Toronto, who held the important position of postmaster of that city for thirty-five years, and wen, when be was Superannuated, WAS a robust, healthy and vigorous gentle-, man of sixty-four years of age, In fact, he said himself, when he was offered superannuation, that he was just as capable of discharging the duties devolving upon hitt in the post office, as he was at any time dur ing his life, However, an outside' gentleman, who was making applies• tion for the position, brought such pressure to bear on the Government that they superannuated Mr. Lesslie, and opened the position for him. That gentleman was a strong political sup- porter of lion. gentlemen opposite. I•Ie was at one time a journalist, and he wrote very strongly for the Govern- ment, aud thus he got his reward. Mr. Joseph Lestie is living at • the present day in good health and well able to attend to his business. Since hehas been superannuated, he has' drawn nearly $20,000, front the Government, and the postmaster ap- pointed bads stead has drawn $30,- 000, making the expenses of that post office, during, the •last nine years, about $50,000. Let me give you the case of Mr. Gilbert .11f ellickeu of the oily of Winnipeg. He was siek some years ago, and was superannuated on account of his sickness, Afterwards he got well, ran successfully for a con- stituency in Manitoba and was elected to Occupy the position of Speaker of the Local House. 'Then he was draw ing three salaries. One $1,579 for superannuation, $1 000 as speaker of the Assembly, and $506 for his -in- demnity, and all because he was ;too sick to discharge. the duties of the oiiion Ineheld under the, Government 1 ask, is not that on. abuse of the superannuation 'system 7 I see the hon. Minister of Customs taking a note; he will;' in ell probability, -tell me thatGilbert Mefilicken was super- annuated under the late Government. 1 do not care a fig under what Government they are superannuated, 'for it only shows that the system is had which will enable any Govern. ment to ssuperannuate pentane who are not entitled to superannuation. THE ET,ECTRIC. LIGHT. rhe electric light qusation is just. now engaging the attention of aux townspeople. The Council and bust• mess :nen generally have wisely eon. eluded not to rush into heavy obliga- tions without full investigation and cuusidsration of the matter. Because Clinton, Seaforth, Goderieh and other to+rus have electric light, is no reason why Wiugham should be forced into a heavy expenditure far it The question must be considered Iran a baainets staptdpoint, , {1au the town afford to pay froz 600 to $900 per year for atreeedightiug ? That's the gttetetionthat should be uppermost in theaminds of the ratepayers. The -teems offered by the Company are as follows : For street lights, 800 nights in a year, $60 each ; shop lights, for one light, 300 nights, 20 cents per niht, and for 200 nights in a year 25 cents per night, with a smallreduc- tion ea those tatting two ' or more lights.. There watt no mistaking .the ::feeling of their public ineeting,,held,in the council obomber on Thursday eight Last. If the light could be ob- tained for 15 -cents per 2,000 candle power are light per night, there is no doutit`but the business. men `o€ the town would continue it. gt is found that one 2,00J .candle ppwer light will not light any of the Targe stores, aud two lights will be required, ..The expense for a site -hour service—from 5 till 11 p. m. --is more than, the mer- chants ban bear,—at the, pgicee, asked by the 'company. The whole ques- tion as to whether the light . will • be { Again, we pay $4,300 for the super - continued in Wigglitit i off. e,ot rests! annnation of Olerka of this house. with the eontpatty. IMPORTIltD Tbe , Dutninion `(teretbment bei purchased XO, 00eletielxele Pf "Carter's Prize Prolific)" barley .frons the well known seed .0etehtllitimenC of dames Cetrter tit 00, ef,':Itondozz; England. This variety of• ttvo•rowed barley.—e recently improv ,t , e rain, of t1te. Ohe' valier type mules.—high iu. Greet Britain for tntatting:,purposes, and has bran pronounced by experts. as one of the beet sorts aobtainable, It has been awarded many prizes and was given tite'first prize'at Windsor Royal Agricultural Shote last. year. 1t is very prolific, has • stoutebrtght straw and long, beevy headsusuallyaverag- ing under' good ori ,tivation,about forty, grains per.. bead, It may be sown thinner thaq::less; vigorous growing sorts, one and a hal£ bushels per acre is considered sfif icletit..'. This variety distributed fromwas grown 'rota, saaiples dist, from the Central Experimental Farm, in the barley district of Ontario, and in other parte .of .the Dominion, dur- ing the past somewhat unfavorable season, weighing"from '54 to 56 lbs. per bushel; samples of which have been suhu*itted,to experts in England who bave pronouiiaed them to be good, marketable specimens of malting barley, which 'would command at present from 38a eo 40s per quarter of 448 lbs, in the 1;p„li'sh market equal to 99 eta to $1,04 respectively for the Canadian bushel of 48 his. This "Prize . Prolific" barley—for which Carter's catalogue price is 10s. 6d. stg. per bushel, of 56 Ibe.--will be offered to the farmers of Uanada in bags of two English bushels (112 Ills, one bag to each individual,at four dol- tars per bap,At•this price the bar- ley will be delft ei'ed" to the nearest railwaystation so that farmers in every province may o'btai'n it at a uniform rate. Those wit?,desire to participate in this distribution should send their applications at once, with four dollars enclosed, to, Wm 8auvders, Director Experimental !arms, Ottawa, giving the, name and 'Post Office address plainly, and the mote of the nearest "railway stattbn.tvTh'e names of : those who reuait wit lee,entered in the order in which they are received,and the dig tribution made in the same order as far as pessihle,having :regardtotherequire- menta of the snaeral provinces. Should the applioati'ottawexceed the supply, those wlio+appty last will have their money refunded, but if the quantity imported; shau1d bo greater than the de- mend, ap the chili of a two bushel dis- tribution, theepthe applications of thosewhq may have asked for larger quantities Will be. donsidered; And the remaining stook :apportioned among such applicsnts.> • 'I EIS, .INIQUITOUS SUPER- ANNUA'r'IQN STS'll ,Pd. S .Alfred Patrick receives $,2,400 a year, Mr. Leprohon $1,5.5.x, tf I re- mez ber:aright, and there. i,e another Superannuated assistant clerk reoely-- ;ng $400. That is $4,3000 for which this House receivett;•noyalue whatever. pa. ntapoort! ID's views ctx xx sera, I believe it would he, itis the interest of ewe. the Government, as 1 am sure it would be it, the; interest of the country In the course of the debate on this , to have this Act repealed, and to question, Dr. Macdona'd said I desire to add a. few words to whit Inas been sal on this question. 1 look upon the euperaninuatiot; system as u very, bad one, and the more 1 examine it the more 1 am convinced tt.ttt;the system should he abolished. Instead of the ayetem Having teen Curtailed during repent years, it leas bave the honor to, represent are Avery been extended ;. last year it we,, day working just at hard in the inter - extended to the North-West Mounted eats of the c: untry as any civil servan.. Police and also to, the lumber others' and if at the age ' of forty, fifty, or 'of the Province ox Q,uei►eQ, Xn fact,, a sixty yet ea they fail to snake a, cora- believe, that if you, ohtamed the, pri peteney f.sr themselves, is tbe,Goverte vate opinions of the majority of the ',pent goinn to come to their rescue and members who suppgrt the Govern-, 44, ttt,at ere. are prepared to maintain treat. you will heel that they desire yon, and yoin famitir during. the to return to the syetein cvrhicl► bbtained balance of your Life. T da, not think previnug to 1871. I, was told, last, year by a Qonsargative; member, that be knew about thirty irerebere of rite party who wouttl lilac to. ,rote fo,r the nbolititsn of the superetentatiou fund, if they :truly had the liberty to do s. Perrisi,t lit to give sit instatpee or NO, of the e; teats e,fi '.,tilts system,. I do not wish it to tie understood that I eentend that tit& pre*ent (Xt►ver,ntttent hes been tl►eotil,r gouty party, became. the system is of etteh a chareetee that if used by eny (overntnent, titre wonlel he anon influence brought to bees uponthem ley i.utside. pasties soopetest. is gettitee posititlttn, that they ,night be constteined at tines t , ,cot ag tittst their o' to ,judgment. 1 know t► geuttertigh, named john tint' 1 nn WhO a rats sioperetiuuated from allow these men to earn their money as other people do. If they fail during their service to provide a Doti- peteney for their families, they are only placed in the same position as other clerks engaged in the various departments of business `life. The fermate of the constitheioy which• I The 0onH t et 7 t by the MechAniaB1 Itsatttutin '11r+►# . a. decided auoowsa ao far as the rite gramma was concerted, but it is .a matter of regret that eo excellent an entertainment, for so wt'$by an ob- ject, at such a nominal fee, was not better patronized. Tlierd was not more then one hundred and twenty: person& present, which was eearoely 15 many as the programme and cause deserved. The Wingbain kiarntonioa Dana fully sust►tined their rxcellAut Pita following ;slrete alt, l;er.. allndersou, lather o ,Ml,a 0.shudet-� sop, of tnwnebiP, in taken , fitotpe' journal called elbrep and Weekpe halted in Edinburgh, Scotland t • .� Mw Mr Thoaa A.ttd"reon, 1,3sdliou, the parish of TwAedgtuir, was born oil' the 4th of it archi.1799; When ele.veri', years old .he went, to • herd ,:cows, IIawksb w, and after that hegen tit ' follow in hits father's, foutetepie and became a shepherd, first at Ericetau 4 ti, and later on at Holp aw, hut when reputation, giving with good • quiet .A nineteen he returned to his hirthphipe, numb9r pf Ana eelectiona, air in a inetuding the encore pisses, Mr W D Oleary's 80105 were heartily ap- plauded and encored, Solos were also rendered in • excellent style by Mrs Milford and Mrs J J Risooac, and each responded to hearty encores,. The choruses by a company of young people were well received. Raoits tions were given by Miss A Milne, Mr Sommerville, Miss Lizzie Sharpe and tura juvenile reciters, Misses Cora Ferguson. and Laura Forsyth. The (tear Inusioal voices and faultless ren- dering of these was the eubjeet of much comment. At the oonalusion of the programme, a unanituous vote of thanks, proposed by Rev A Linton and seconded by Mr J B McLean, was tendered to the performers. -- On Thursday evening, 6th inst., the old residents of our town gave an oyster supper at the residence of Mr. Brink, in honor of M r, Juo. Logan, After which a handsome silver tilting water pitcher, aocumpanied by an address, was presented to the guest of the evening. ; Much regret wits ex- pressed on all sides over Mr. Logan's contemplated removal to Manitoba, as he hate been identified with the place, as, one of its most worthy citizens since its origin, having given it the name ,which. it now beau,--- Qiuite a number of persons left Tees - water statist ,for.the West on Tuesday morning, among them, Mr. and Mrs. Oampbelt,Mr.Aitcheson, Mr. T. Logan jr , and Mr,Johtz•Logan, of our town. Mr. Logan and son go direct to their faun, near Portage la Prairie, where they will be joined shortly by the remainder of the family. , W'.k�tte�3h ch, A gloom .liae been oast over the com- munity by the death of Mr R. H Cook,of klaa'ti<:' WWawanosh. He bad been suffering from pleurisy for some time past, and although his death was expected, it Was's great shock to his friends, by all of whom he wan highly respected, The funeral tock place on Saturday, and was conducted by the. Whitechurch Court or the Canadian Order of Foresters,of which the deceas- ed gentleman was a member, Lind wets atteoded by a; large number oh friends and, acquaintance -•-Messrs Hamilton de Gillespie. shipped a carload of fat cattle from, dere on Monday.—tllthough. the winter has not been at all favorable Mr James Found has, succeeded it: lay- ing in quito a luxe steels of 1 igs.—As Mr. W. Siltops was out driving with a couple. of, Iadies,tast Suuiay, the horse tundeetook to ren the excursion accord- ing to his own ideas and as his p. S. stingers objected to this erraugeatent, he spilled them into the swautp, and took a bee line for home, but was stopped before be had ,gone very far. Fortun- ately no one was Butt, and vory little damage done to the outfit. The in. jury is a very painful one, but the re. stilts *ill eearcety be as serious as if it had been his neek.—Mr Editor, I wish that your other esteemed White- church eorreapondeeleWhoeverhe may the Government is preliared todo, so. .be, woul'd proclaim himself, as it makes Titnt whple system is wrong, atnl the sooner we set; it right the better for the Gc'vernnent themselves, and. the better for the eountryc I art;:, very glad that my hon. friend tram. 'Hall - tax (JIr, J;ones> intents, to trice.+ a resol'z ion, in tilts direction. li shall support iti ity sly vote w;rth; the; great. 'Pat datlr.,e ee satisfatuci;rir, Howiek• The council met at Fordwioh, Fe1r. 19th, 1890, in loun;'s betel,' pursuant to adjournment. Members •all' present, except Mr Jacques. •The 1teevein the chair. Minutes of last .meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. 'Dula maga,-Seconded by Mr txrahana, that $27.50 be' refunded John Haskett:on his hotel license,. and $2 for .a bitch —Carried. 141oved by ?&r Graham., seconded by Mr Dulmage; that the election expenses for poring booths, deputy returning (ewers, and poll, clerk's fees; be paid.--Oarried. Moved` ""by I4tr ] uttnage, tteoouded by Mr Graham,, the1, thiscouncil act upon b3 -law peeled for open- ing allowances, end the clerk notify the corporation of Clifford that road allowance oppeaite lot 83, con. 16, tae opened to the public for traffic and notify parties in possession t Jno. ,Netwill, ;as, S. Dewbr, Clifford.— !Carried; Moved by Mt Dulmage, seeotaded• by Mr Graham, that Wm 3, 0. Olegg be appointed caretaker of ;the. township hall the present year at ffi10, collect rent, etc„ iu accordance with resolution of council.—Carried. Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr. Duimage, that the reeve prepare plans and specifications for bridge on S. L. 15 and 10.—tarried, Moved by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr Rob• rrtson, that Mr Ross receive deben-. tures to the amount of $513, being taxes remitted to Mrs, Tt'.maay, Mrs. Smith, Mrs .lamas, stn,) •rt t John Stinson for clog tax reuu i,t.•d, --.t' ,rri,•cl Moved by Mr Daiwage,,seeoudeci by Mr Graben', that H. Denny receive $10 as chariry-,-Carried..i.ccounts passed, —Hart is O O. $5 30, for tueieas. 'tent schedules ; Cyrus llorton,$4.60, for charity to Mrs. Oromwell ; Agnes Stewart $10.93,for gravel; R Jamieson $8,24,for gravel; Geo.lienry, $1,50,for repairs on culvert, lot 28, con. 13 ; G, fleury,taxes remitted a's charity to Dirs. Baird, Mrs. Al oDonald, Mrs MMeDerruid aril Mrs, Mcitinn ; W. Dane, seleoting jurors, $4; S. Jamie- son, balance on :pence's bridge, $25 Moved by Mr Grahatn, that the enun- oil do now adjourn to meet in tin towt.iehip ball on the third Wednesday in Mara, when the pettndkeepars,, pethinasters• aid feint eviewers will es appointed- -Carried Wm Dem; q"p Clerk. tit Wa, tvateosh., Me l:Wet li,rtey's 0,1 , fn Wtrdties day, was a competesilecese, the wt0ck sellirig at high figures, e•twa bringing over $40, and, young stock e,;ualiy at good prices. Mr. Peter Deana tv:ta; the aeoticn:►er, and did his work Well, i:lpwarciss of $1,800 Worth a' goods me timid to be "oreedited" as I have been lately ,with what Ineverwrote,and the items are printed in such a manner that would lead the reader to suppose that there was only one scribbler at woe tc. • Oorr e• 'the resters of OmniGulletlinen decided to give a grand eoucert on the Pith inst.,and have secured fot;.the ac• oa<io 1 the following rioted titled Mr Jai. Pax, humorist;, and vt►vstliat, l'orntito; ilr P, A, hied, club swing. er,Teeswater; Miss Kate Strung, vocal - tet tend elocutionist, Mt. Forest.; Miss itteliardy, pianist, .`Winghatit. For- esters Orchestra will also be in attend. were dieeoted of. Mr Riley grill once.—Mr W .f1, 0ltegg attended Pro - the London .pont Quito, when he wee /leave i:.� Nreparva, Manitoba, with viafonal t3•ratirt'tbrattge Lodge meeting and et twenty-onse niitiried, and hits resided there ever siuco. During his tong stay he hits seen Ito fewer than, five landlords WO served under five*. masters; , end.moi'a reixiarkablo still, two .of hisrsons who hitye been with him in the time service for many years, and et present two grandsons, are there -a geed r com u N nd t ► for both he and „hie ,'amity, Nims' withstandinghisgreat Age of nitoty- oneyears, he ieetill;hale. aid tiearty but has not been iii t etivK /ark several years, yet he.'is never abaeax, from a "handlioe,",pad tide year, its' in many former ones, he dist' all the' ebuisting" to a dozen clippers for two days. Ele id an earlyriser, has ,irt4'rl} a quiet and happy life, seldom.totioi153 stimulants, and never was the' dt'ersa for thein, facts which : verity` the couplet "Joy, temperance aud repose, Slam the doer in the doctors nose," for he has never required one of the profession in alt his life, For thirty . years he has been a much respeeted elder of the Parisha0hurelr of Tweeds,. and until a very few' • yearei ago his well-known forth • ile ' never . absent from the sanctuary, ';Although it is tate miles off. Last sutnmer he paid, a visit to Moffat, a distance. of tee tmijes He went in a cart, but on the return journey he preferred walking half the way. Daring hay time he was up as early at five a. At. luta worked Hint the others the Whble''day. He is of a quiet and retiring disposition, but is very intelligens; and • that combined with :his great experience. makes lain one of the beat• judges of sheep,.:and their arrangement, • in the .centsty. He is and lige always been. 'a most faithful and valued ' servant,,.. and 4, good and esteemed friend to his, etas. tern. It is to be hoped that for many years to some Tweedsvilte may boast of having oiie cif .the oldest stew y,,ttd beat shepherds in' the aonttl.,of; :Scat - land." Morrie- , ,,.c Thursday hitt, as Mr, John cleddee Was . returning from Ilrussets fair; hie horse became frightened at- a :'dog, while passing the residence of 11 Ir. J. Little, with the result that it' ran away, smashing•tbe cutter pretty'badr: ly. Mr._ Geddes was trailed some dts.. twice, but fortunately .escapedi with only a few bruises. -The trustees oft S. S. No. 5 are making arrangements. for doing some needed repairs, to the school house and grounds. Saturday last they got the seats moved closer together, Messrs. F, Baines and J. Currie doing the work. They have also let the job of a fence along twa sides of the yard. May the good work continuo.—Saturday afternoon. the pupils of t3. S. No. 3 and S. S. No. 5 had a foot hall match on the grounds, of the former. After an hour's hard play, the game was declared u ;draw,. neither side scoring. The return match will be played before lone and the teams being pretty, welt match- ed, an interesting, game may be expect- ed. --A special communion service was neld to Sunshine church fast Sus - day, Rev. Tongs officiating. A large number of those lately oonverted took part. --Mr; Geo. hood • moved the house which ho recently " bought in Sunshine on to his own premises., Saturday, where it will do ditty as a ktteheu,—A number of the young people of the Vicinity Met at the resit, donee of Mr. Thar. Miller,. Friday evening, and enjoyed a racial "hop" till neer the breae'of day.—Mr.13laek, teacher in S. S. No. 3 was absent. from his oboe! a day or two last week writing ori no exgtttittatiou,-r••iklr• Joe. Seals, of the Oth line, has sold his Earth, the hotiaestead, tu.Mr..Alex. Nioliot, for the sunt, of $4,500.—%lr. Noble, of 'Nitrate, has sold his fifty aero farm oat tbo 41,th to Mr. Jolla Wiglitutatat of Wawanoah. Zetland. The snow and the extreme eobl weather of last aeek was tirade good use of Around here. Sotne parties have thought it a gond ;tune to get niitrried, and others have boon busy hauling in sawlogs and wood, starting n y fifty -sit rues, off , alae• II° Wats life fair ,ilq, ori Tttesdaa ;exli, I at 1lratnpt sn thin Week,* 'OA carie 44, tl ee iti ttlle rho iti, ,gt Tait \tanitoba Legislature 44s imts- et1 an got taxing all church property. '(Melee the new Aasesentent Aot brought into the Ontario Legislative by MrTteasurer hots, the exwtnptic►t8 hitherto enjoyed by blerg uteri 00 minisbere of religion,both as regards, notaries and dwellings, are to be abet,, ,tilled Witheut tputlifteotittees ► e -i Pk Attie are hol e 4 eiottnec stud ar. Mr,.G 1!1'tirth; aros' John Theis' war h evInii► Mclfin ley thi Trinity Moeda atlieers place. Wee e Lizzie Allele Pettex, e)".tow itp. .town •either eratt'g. Lizzie tints in Johnct trade t his or in Wa • Mis comm the last. 4f sit life; ease i tier full• sever the p tor. a 'in • ;Atwell s ''on ow even whi "^•trod . =nian • ` dell° lost eve on '..; Kit( day • tint bei uu tai ,fit pet • nu (u tr wt th b eo a t t h I It 1 r •i f