HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 3TE14 PE tANCg COLUMN. 1 l441:7l "m = Brothers, the poplar restaurateurs o Poughketrpeis, New York, appear. two vtary ulillslual'Aitpou110:'ntent in 813011 enitltection: 011 the title age Is the following "'Arsenal service, waiters and woke will be furnisher) for w'eclti- in spve ede,dinnersesu pees, collations, exeuretoes, etc., except lu caeca where intoxicaing I uors, lunch, ale, beer, t ic+r, etc , are to i eerve n that Mae 9 BY WI1;Of AIX 1[. W. c1. T. V. "s:'rtnc noes, he oat tc1 >~t4 a:ty vay':" teeke4 the young loan, sans agcly, for l:e felt that the idol t:f 11iu heart ti~ ae tripping ;sway. .T . p• ""I don't know exactly," replier Jess, I► zealot, 4I Iatiiacey,• "but, ulaylie, 813,000 a. year mill tlo it .t drityniu rolled forth from tile.. nicely," Pert to the street !� e 17 ""lluiul)11l I4etnlotloalittle ilgurin ." A read )leaded Inerrel, well: found h x110: young man:* liguriiig was like and .complete; a l'q l l i t111 8 ; Feo'3ah10 COS cf f ).vinare, I,000, gnarly . n,1 on it' teal lettere, like forked d I 1 t Inskulhuc•utx •-•., 70 uu;uas of 11111te event,• suoli service wil not be furnishe neat; el; ldt ti:ll3iooltiyn) •. •••• Gia t e . ed.' On til inside o the hill of ,fart) � 1Fa„cstll servant - tee ern"'i.%1e"led "Ile grade, nllmbei',.. }Fite'selpthin;,tll,ltsUrno.t9) 31es0 quality. faint-, appears $tiler fPllolvil g: ',The use of :� Sly olotlnnd, t ply a 4tia)ata) lea Of tide world-renowned whiskey, intexleating liquors - -.ale, beer, wine, areQasulyreere tton,Vlcat,ons,andclaltky, ewe: front notch. 's bill 1, • or eider --Is prohibited'iu this 'lease • Who attested the grain on the wa r . to the mill. So there" stood the barrel delivered, but 1 Could stee that a shadow was 11O Very conti:lt>Hs to give a extreme Ode to ing nigh,I tlt.�' scar the i. It iv riot necessary to stay that this Total...." ficin commends the respect and lltysr.°larg suet" se it so richly deserves. Liquor in ik'l."edagascar —Alcoholic ligtt 1r, deuleres the /hate Graphic, despite the desire of A f-nlpituruus t,1iaclow that grew,as I Ma 1„a 1 Iauthorities to dual drastically with the gazed, subject. Over 20,000 barrels of runTo the form of Mephisto. Though Tare}introduced into the island .every sorely amazed, year, and this results in the ruin and Ti r eau: ed to quebtion this imp of .death by alcoholic • poisoning of the 'the re,.Iin, with Crime coast tribes at a fearful rate. The V1#herr+ Vice is the pilot, 1 vit r P rum is also now being taken up into at ib"' 11"111111k11t1 asked Law politely bis mission I the interior of the islttud, and even 1 into the capital, unlike the praoticc), to name, I of a few tats ago, Resides, it ape, A I'd if he Has licensed to retail the y p ' same Identical bat rel of whiskey which he %us fondly surveying with domestic glee. "Oh, I never handle the stuff," he, the Conaredational churches, who replied; ' 'presented a petition to rile Queen and ""fly p:trulers Motel are trusty au.c.:ltaovernnlenli asiit g thein to'do all in trit.cl; their power to stole the importation of 111:tyLn p, pgl'aelventure plus, udglit rum, which is said to b`r the first time wish to look • la meeting of ? i alsgasy people had' so A t the illvoiee coteplett:---I will read . petitioned their rulers with rederd to from. title tew c, I their ewu good and the affairs of the You "g ill WI that tilts laurel eorE• is and, pears that, while a bottle of ruin cost 3s. in Mauritilts, the same quantity can be bought for 3d. in Tamatave. This statement greatly astonished: the .Malagasy Prime Minister, when ]made to hien lately by a deputation from Desch..... rA410 ............ .40 810 Jess Vont her head over this tltialo and studied it intently, "Are you estimating what it will cost us to keep house?" she asked. ""Yes," was tbo dreary reply. "I think I can improve on that list," She said. "Now, cutoff from my estimate of clothing $850 and add $150 to your estimate of your clothing. Deduct 8100 from the,cost of; recreation and so forth, and another $100 off the rent. Reduce the servant's wages 800. ] am sure our furniture won't cost more than ,,VON but you can let the yearly install: ments stand. I 'think you bad better, add 1125 to the cost of food. Now, )how• much difference does that make?" "Eight hnndred.•ancl eighty-five' del - lore "And the $10 tlefneib youmake by your figuring reduces this to $875.. I can live on this if you can," And .b'esaid he'd try it if `she New -ir':ork Sun.. iR P.iNirt � T ' *.�C�• O D J4•=a. D CLOTHING, HATS, 00 TO CAPS, SIRTS, C©I.1LARSa CUFF: , Cheap' for KASH. VY- E B S T E J 1, '.S +40004or01 ONTARIO— I rri ASL LiFE.. Cash. Income for. 1888,x. •o".,•.,.....",;•, ..,,. • $ 393.011 Elft New Assurances written in Asa .,.c ...... ........ 2,51; :.ti fit) Assets, as at Dec. 31st, 1888 ...„... 5,318,a4 t 13 1 Assurances in force, Jan. let, 1889 Surplus, Deo. 81st, 1888 TO OUR SU13$0RIEERS• The SPECIAL ANNOUNCiraIENT w11101.1 appeared in our columns some time since, •announcing a special' arrangr- talus til Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers o s ,two L g more WHAT IT COST H>ali TO 1 1tIES5. r meat wtili Dr. B..1, KENDALL Co., of Titan forty ,two galloud of wills ;ey f lore.” n, Thousand Dotlara a Year Now, but "A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis• eases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of the vain able work FREE by sending their ad. dress to B. J. KENDALL & Co., (and enclosing a two -cent stamp for nlai:ing same) is renewed for a limited period. • We. trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indis pentettle a» it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflictthe noble auin,ail.' Its. pbenolninal sale throughout the United States and, Canada, slake i11 standard author- ity • Mention thie7paper when sending tsar "TreatLs.t " ' r ga • Aud ere 1 could slip but an"lthor word it. Ile t lwe1 't it oi3 gaily, this cargo of ,it,: , ing at his best girl and judging as• well. •• A barrel of headaches, of heart- as lie mule) by the dila light the cost of her ai7perel, They had been engaged for several months, and, having passed that period of ecstatic bliss which oh- scm,es all thoughts of worldly affairs, they were able, at odd moments, to speculate about the future. The parlor was elaborately furnished, and every - A bane' cf eares and a bane l dobe; thing about the dear girl, from the tips A herhel of :gime and a barrel uf of her dainty patent leather shoes to the path; gold pin in her hair, was suggestive of A bari••.1 hopes ever blasted and wealth. The night was clear and cold, and this vain; was one reason why the young man had A. barrel of falsehood, tt barrel of tri© power to look at tillage in a cold, ct iesworldly fashion. The night on which he That' fellfrom the maniac's. lips tts had Sopped.on one knee and laid his lie dies ; heart at the •feet of the fair creature had. A barrel of egony, heavy and dull; beenwild'und stormy. She land accepted hila in a- particularly wild: burst of rain and wind, and thereaf ter on every stormy night visions of bliss swept over him and. made his rather poor: prospects glitter With unnatural brilliancy. On this night, 1 however, the ,saw things in their true • light; and after the;heavy tread of his dear'.girl's mother.had given way to a liw rumbling snore, he suddenly cried: "How much did that dress cost?" He touched the garment lightly, and looked beseechingly up in the girls_ face. "The material cost 11$, making it cost "Phew) • Can you make dresses?" "The ideal Of course not." "How many dresses, do you,get rr 28O Would Do After the, wedding. The young man had been sitting in deep thought for several minutes hook. aches,nf woos; A b tet el of ct'lrs:bee barrel of blows, A bavral of tear, from a wor:d-weary wife; A barrel of serum, a barrel of strife; •A ba.trel of a leueavailing regret: Aof barrel poison—of this nearly fut; • A barrel `o£ poverty,ruin and blight; A barrel of terrors that' grow with the night A barrel of hung©1,', a. barrel of groans ; A' barrel of orphans' most pitiful groans; A barrel of servants that hiss as they pass Eroul.the bead cu the liquor that glow:) in the gl ass. 111y barred! lay t.reaeurel 1 bid thee ferewell; Sow ye the foul seed ; I will reap it in. Llplll''t Wisconsin Prohibitionist. Denioraliztag tho Xoung. A boy eutered to saloon with pop- corn: The bar -tender Oared to buy the cola if the littlee fellow would take his pay in drink, The boy re- furc:d, saying that 11e used bis money to buy bread and clothes for himself land little tsister.. The saloon -keeper bought setae corn, and the boy start- ed on this way to the door. The Weep- er of the.den culled the boy bask, acrd gave hint a glass of. whiskey mixed with Luray and uvatel", saying that it was gond for colds,' The boy prenouu- ced it good and • went away, Then t�hyi:l fiend in human 'shape yid: " The ' 1:rohihitiou etteik:3 111'e injuring 08, and, unitise we e,lltinne nlak'ing cuss tonler5 out of the youn;,they lviilseem "iTtive'thein all on thei..aside,. If that boy keeps seilin;g corn oil this side of the river, it won't be three weeks till `' he will buy drink of.ItIN. They learn easy whi a young," and he Laughed heert.ily. Then the tn+t.0stt'r welts on to eunlnerttte tile many boys he had taught to drank. Oriel WAS a six veer old. son of a widow, wit'01 be taught to drams from spite.-- (olden, Iiuje. 12,041.'4 •i• i ,t,.., ...................... ., ..... 90,:.137 SPECIAL FEATURES: Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guarc^:lt;cc. Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions. ' ;ALEX, DAWSON, C1lprlrtate' Judge -e" if I licit as intoxicated as year do I'd shunt utyself." Prisot,er watering );lace, and then I i et rid of an „ if gull wa to tome ted as 1 am yo• u awful lot uf money inn helping the church tt' ittldll"t liekte b"rn clue r."". along, in ear fare., bonbons and stloh in a C. P. R. TIME TABLN.I. Trails arrive and depart as follows : /AWING AItRIVI:i.S 6:36 a. in ..........For Toroutp ...........6:36 a. m 2:16 p. m :15 p.m •15 p. n1 • For Teeswater 2'5 � 10:30 p. 10:30 • •r Well," 5110 said, contemplatively. "'when I go away in the country I mit- ally sulily take six. new ones with me. They cost on an average $15 each. Then I give: fear receptions ayear, and, of course, a, new dress is necessary, each time. The four cost about 8"10, • Then I suppose I have about five 4.tber dresses, which couho cheap; perhaps about 810 for each onje." The young man buried his face in his hands for a minute, and then said: "Hats and shoes' pretty expensive?" 001,, my; no," replied the 'girl, with a little cry of scorn. '""I suppose my hats and ellocs do not cost more than 8200 a year." "Now. look llere,.Jess," said theyouug mans desperately, "what I urn trying to. get at is how much, it costs to dress you. You do a little figuring. and let hue see what the result is,", Jess bent lht i de ar:little bead over an' ivory tablet and scribbled away indus- triously and bit her pencil thoughtfully for five minutes. Then she subinittdd tide table: Ilttte,, 1ii1Llneu, etc. .... 1 hllnttiS. 1,111, Total. S B 4 S. E. i� R SITI 0 P The.young man rend thew items over. • Gam„ L~TDD TR'UN'K R''Y' A. 0. STRATHDEE, AoRNT, 1V)NeuAM. G73NLRAL, AosNT. Wineau m G ED. DINETS :ETAELY Has a most complete assortment of the LG.TEST, ,0,1I0ICESt', a,l;ti MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Good TUT UN$ WY AT § BARGAINS, CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, • AND WORK. WARRAiNTED. GO RIGHT TO (f.REEN'S BLOM 1f'OR YOUR JEWELLEI:Y` Throul;l! tickets to ail points in Amorica—North- West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular relates. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. - —TIME TABLE. GRA\7I. NINGIl'il, ARRIVR AT wiser AiI. 0150 a.,u.Torouto,Guelph ,Palmerston, &e. 3:301p.m. 11:10 "10:10 ". 3:40 Pap. "r r" Clinton, " 7:d6 " ..... Palmerston, Mixed., ....10:16 a.m. 0:45 a.)n1 ....London, &o.. 11:00 " 1:•10 1111. „ 11:10 a.nr,. ......liincardine, &o 2:80 p.m44 - 10'1,1:",- , 7`46 p.m. 0;30 a.m. 7,f:10 6:60 p.m rr • 4'e tS.'•freth;•e:i74' GRACE -E�,TAI Supplie • all :mosso, es for fun. era) furuis ing hay' rg a Delivery 1Vagon spec illy fo this branch of business. Il rders attended I:Orson:illy, a i• delivered any: where within 0 miles of Wing: 31 n. Retnenb r the ace, first door; • south of ie big brio hotel ou the main st';et, Hingham. tez- and over again. "Great Scott, d'ttesr" he said, "that`s. pretty i,t c"ep, islet it? "•011, • I don't know," she replied "That is only a email past of what 7 cost, for you have no idea, what an ex- pensive girl I am. Von know I usually 51)01111 it month every summer et socio 1ly' Reau.rt Fresh Ai tars !•, • and gof n up . Every S{ a RUIT! FRI A Finc'btoek of GP,.APES, APPLES, ORANGES Ete • CMARS - 8z SMOKER'S SUN . 1. fl aONFECTIONE Y The moat complete stow; in the county.. Pere• Creanis a specialty. and see•nlc. IIJLL9S CITY RESTAGEM. A Blessing . to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PUS AHD M I E R These relnecies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the hest 2.h�dici family use.r: ruetfy..tho blood, correct n1l d"eorders et the LI I:ll, ar(16!AClt, NIDNEi'S A6.D I0t LI 8 im alnabls in all complaints incidental to funnies of all ages. Thi.; OIIITTM 7-1:.11' Is the only reliable remedy GOUT, Itt'EPI.IATISAI, (iLA1)t La}:and old t�d IN LLINOSAAriM,,iT,! DISEASES, ) lt'MI15, 1 DISEASES IT DUN° mum., Inftufuceurcfl only et 78, New Uxford. Late 533, oxford EAR, A, olid sold. by all Idedicine Vendors throughout the world, \r..:. PurellatuVS abculrl; lridk•jto the Label on the Boxes aha Pots. I1 the :sold 1 o..1 Seraa;, 1 till mettle/ dtta stn 1.8.s.13. MR. IIALCQL1f McDO1 ALD, (GATA er RtrIRY,) Dating ptnehasd•d the ',whoring bushicna el.6Lessr5. . Sebastian iho os preparedtotareall'oldcosto ernI and ns loony now 0000 as patruuixe hhn, Satedinc:ion In all lines of the profession, SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Are my apoetaltte . !M fare the as earl at the old Stand, opposite Gordon putt Wird) Wsstore, ,MCIIGNAT,Ti. ,3 Tliiil 341DIT01:4 Please inform vat reader:; that !have a positive remedy for the abooi ar (seals. By its timely use thousands ofhopelosn cases have been permanently mut 1 sii glad to send two bottles of my remedy 1=•I1 to any of oar readers who w. i rmppttoli if they will send nue their Express and Pont .Office. Address, Iter:cca A" g1,OCUMt M.Q., les wait oriel tide �t.,'tronfbN'ro3 to Aw • w S Varkr.stiA :� 8As1 610101660.610