HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-14, Page 111
1S -
Fitt ITS;
THIS \ EK we want to tell you
alidut our B'r,. t and Shoe departmen t,for
now the be eiful bits moo again, we
may look out for Itere4e'SLUSil au
:Annealed lots of it.
This means wet feet uuless you are
wol, shod, so don't take any chances,
Yoe cannot afford to,
Boots and Rubbers cost less than
medicine and are more satisfactory in
every way, ---Try ib and sec.'
We make a specialty of this deport'.
Aleut and fit you or any member if
your 'family with good Water•teeht
goods at the lowest poesibfON prioes—
We have said it, ;
Don't wait until you, he" contracted
a comAtit,come at once and he,, fitted
by the Bear.
GlIA.M, ON,T„ FRI AY, 11/ARCH 14., 1890.
liMt‘ r ciao 0 ed , itt• J tie oRelvie'13. Basiquetted and resented with an Ad. MR, 1110 . H. 14.1141.1514 Public SO ol Board
e —CannediptiaPkIll t aeplee and scluash,
" Irdik't4et 0 rdrams and u Eleant add Ring by his
Beard was held en 'ue
w „ghene pee„ . edtty evening last.
Th regular moil Ay tneeti.ng. of theSt.
St. Piok's day, aa
1.—Ilto w 1
—Fresh supply ot 41944 and o er kinds On Monday eve • ng lest, a large nem. Preeent—MessreM rton,Pettypiece,Ingliet,
of tetudies arrived tlilI Week at Tee 1.10 bee of the numete frieuds of Mr Thee H Chisholm, Moore, Abraham. Iu She ab-
Kelvie - ' Miller met Mc lvie'e restaurant to do Bono° of the cba rman, Mr Mortou was
's, at
_Mr Wye 'etelouff, of this town, left em , prior to his de- to that gent called to the ohai . The minutes of last
on Thuredity 6 11°4*/ for 'ar'nta"' I/ 8' Parture for the fa west After full justice meeting were rev. and adopted, The
—Fur °regal, let/Mlle, bananas, apples, had been done the u oPrincipal's report was ead. Ii showed
tils repast, pre -
call at R Hill's. pared.* Mr BleKe ie's well.lenowti first. eantini. s.
ar r of ice loft 'Mug- class style, Mr Tho3 ell was called to the II* BoY0. three. Taw. Average
re month, per Grand chair, and Mr NV E G ves mad the follow, 2 17
25 2e
23 48 80
—Just eceived a large stem e
goods at It Hill's,
—Mr John camels and family, Mr John
Belford, and i oral other young men, all
of T rnberry, t for
toba, live ate mad effeete, per Grand
Trunk Railwey, on %tatty host,
—A nice line of baby carriages just
ived at S. Gractey's furniture store,
OAP gimlet.
/''So under and Mr le G Sperling has
purchay Mr ',ter Boott's fine residence
in town. The prie aid was about 42,500.
We are pleased to se ur townsman teed-
fyiug his faith Mille t vn in the tnanuer
he has.
—Over fif
ham during tlie
Trunk Railway.
—Fresh oysters, at
in any a
4 47
' " ing address and made t e preseutetion; 3 21 25 46 33 27 27 • 2
Winghare, Ont., arch, 10th, 1690. 80 64 36
6 45 9 74 37
7 48 r.7 8.5 41
tee, daily, (Mae up
le, at Jas Me elvie's.
—A gen rean.from Wiudsor is shipping
—E F Gereter's is the only place wh�re4potatoes fro here this week, which are
engraviug is ueatly and artistically. dotal. being br ught i be, fillmers.
—We under and thtet Mr J 0 Etolnees, —Gordo Mo ntyre are ging speoial
barrister, of Tor to, atid son of Me Thos ibargains in b ts and, elutes as, *ell, e,s
Holmes, of this tut , leie been offered the other goods.' .Lbq,Q their adversisement.
defence of Burchell, b&e wan under arrest
.-,-Lathes New DreseGoode and Prints,
for sleootin& young Be welt in a swamp
i? a eltawls,Litoeseidloves and liesiety
iirr PriuAton. . ... . • . at M Indooet„
• —The annual meting .of tlee,Woman a —The • NVelle Come Company,
Foreign Mission S tety in conneetion uuder the au s of the Town an in
with the Defitithead Pre ytery, was held in the town hall, ngham, fromAArch
town on Tues last. TJpwards of fifty to 81. .
delegates etzre present, auas great deal 9f
business wantrausacted.
—The Old Reliable Star Restaurant
take the lead. Jae JelcKelvie.
TUE BEAR, March 14, 1890.
:Mai 1114.
ud, mud.
illtillta :weather.
Wiughatu beco.mes a oi
town until' ty. .-71f your watch or clock iieeint of repair
—E F Gertit 11044040. to remain in
taketitiole 7 Gerster and get it repaired. taion intrat , rsoo::0,114: ,..:,.t two
mead of Lido 1 at $90,000.•
—A bill as passed In the Ontario
Liegialatare o soliduaiug the debt of the , .
. eeepeleseree, of Bedell of monthly loads of'itirnitu .onl.Tuesd er Grand
eneeeeilingice you. good satiefactiou. - —Meagre Ichristi,G, re' .,,,S:l,04:;„ of •
i e-sfaystere aride up in any etyle 4t.',. 4t, issue fairs will be h (Ito vio,v,itsin, ou Trunk ReiTwee,•.
Hillat. . • •Thliredaleild.arch '27th Jeliergexenmbee O. ,—.- it, Geretetir.c 111 a
e ee ,, eoiee ervieee /We .noutinuedein' 'hOerfeatefeexpeeted toy, teen*, :sad thofte °thee 80:ea otdoeewith
ttiye.ni 0 tio rr
• ,
ViRe4 4.1h.r.eek, . . ; iteipt 40 he eRreient itith, ,t ir •etiOeir,!!1.te' `.ee-Attatetiont dine' ted t ertise-
7b Mr. Thos. H. Miller.
PHAN SIB,—The cocas on of this meet-
ing of your friends is to
ary adieu. You, as wel
realize the fact tha
prisms the qualifica
gressive perseveranc
solace themselves wi
this is the predo
actuating you in y
seek fields afresh
therein to effect t
and that experien
to every young m
address this to yo
give you an idea, th
ancient sages, but
'Hiiould you, in a ha
tater life (which we
will enjoy) let memor
the contents of this c
will find in your matu
and When in the sere
—Ou Satur
auctioneer, sol
east half of lot
Wawanosh, to Mr
near Wingliam, for $
Meson has got a de
last, Mr Peter,Deans,
e'Vluukett farm, being
concession 12, East
bt Mason, tee Morris,
It 18 solid that
ed bargain.
—LI F Gerater makes a specialty of
makiug monogram brooches, ear -dopa,
bouquet aud tie pins.
en laid up,
—Mr H areu, who has
for upwards o two months
poioning in his me, expects to
work net week.
—G R trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.30 a.m. and 11.10 a.m.
Via W G B Dieisien, and ai 6.46 •a.m.
and 3.40 p. , Clinton and Guelph.
Good stionmections by all traieet •
bid you e. temper-
as ourselves, must
whilst young we
on known as pro -
and your frieuds
h the knowledge that
inate feeling now.
er .determitiation to
ud eaeturee new, and
t advancement in life
e which is an desirable
n. We desire not to
in langaage which will
t we are patriarchs or
u while a way that
py prosperoas
incerely hope you
carry you back to
nimunication, you
age a pleasure,
ud yellow leaf it
ect and review the
ith pride and with
sued in Winghatn,
hat your friends ap.
shed you success in
For past acquaiu-
your acceptance of this
g friendship, and as the
t Solouio .days 'wore
• ou s in the symbol
freeman of our good
d' when you depart
sphere, natty the token,
'th blood, willeetuse you to reco
eight years of youth
pleasure wbioli you
with the knowledge
spreoie.te you aud
life on your feavi
ranee sake, we as
token of our lesti
ancient freemen i
the ring of gold, may
consider.yeurself as
will Red eespeot, a
fromethi widen
as lie the:Oldtifeti e, pass to your posterity,
witleihe dge that it represented
the respect en• esteem of and was the
gift of the fri nds of. your youth then
'resident in W ngham, Ontario,
e*,0ei4 nte weaneede* sand: lieeritig .horses to sell -It *aid ,eaaite itilk,a; hours/ •
id., e,eyfir, Wel ° vat aittree
B ClgairS Sre0 • e A .
il°14 cheap
V496' ' UM% Braids:. —.Oka:email jaq Wirt 40b • eir new geode; ietprepated to give
Ibe —The 100,4 413uted_ te_aiti Moire Oita' '..Deenee: Menge, Creep% Bella pieere, tpe theveoPie exeepteen" al itt" gaitie jewelrY,
. ,
meet -tilde :..keirle ell n anoth.er
• make tikelert, suossee.
aetfeli'cii4 leads 40e, on Weltesetatti.eri. ' World, Cable, If Padre., i3te.
‘'ik three cli4itieta ° t416 it up t44''0'11' ' . --The Lodge a ‘Geogl•Tepiplars that has ., : e
aegl ligr ee of boots and
iielWeeta the Station nd the elektetWie`e ,:been•esttiblished le , 'iti flourishing.' About 4—reetehtew
es is ri , . fug eneeat McCormick &
—E le- Gerster is the olateit "met 4(44: 80 have joined, veldt eM is it good attend- C 's, ' eha, Over 04,000 worth to be
- nd un remit:. Now' is the time
• proved hiletelelf the mast reliable psWelet .anee, Aft.eueuerit p rautme is, furnish -
to get. sapient.
' 'el mere. , . Le .. e , ' ".•• ' : e ' ed each evening, of Teta Mons, dialogues, • .
--,MeAtlituill',,r, byyjy. Mit (0ttie Wing-
, speenhes, etc. The Lodge meets in the ..—Woiel Was eceived fro Mr Itobt Orr,
9„neages.; • on MoudaY last. a had not rived at his
hatii riaibitMi'' ikk...74:: !" ,1°.°8dRY Odd Fellows' Hall on Tues
destinatiou, but e meted to res h , it in, a
Emit. Therivettee sefille,eatifitiditece • of —Gents' clothes cleened, ow, repaired '. The o uge had
481egatia& ii'' 1°4' ' PP"' '41i't kt'°°°°di'uga and pressed also ladies's! gee:W./4nd dresses day or twe alter w
. '4eill appear iu next,* k's idea. dyed aud pressed; ,Siegifection g aranteel. , proven beinefleitil to helth, us e was
.. • --pepts, Fall prase. titutits; Ties and Shop on Viceotia.4, pelt ao0 to Aare-
'. , muter,. • inch better them w be lelt4Win am.
—.3fr S Yo hill receiVed De
., , , • ' ,
-.445kieveee Nett styles in' Cellars and Cuffs ; hane'FI 811" 01100; . it
contplate range of ;Suitiage, at M M Mo- At ameetin E. the, Directors of the
rising Ink, et - ae serioue
, Thursday, a
accident vveich tad befallen his s u-iu.1ww,
_me 3 ehtt, toff, who was ss ,i?sk41,',1.,4. 0,i,, iiirtillx,1:,!priviBuorrstionfau utos.61.srd:ctuiert,ylieeviedu thing.
.3,r E G Ash, o East Tawas, 'ohigan.
tinjiltea at the: iteiFiteteteye teaMi4iiif*'Ititit ,the.Cffar of Me . u, Henna for theih,
sego, We are Pleat) d to 800. .is able 'to 'he' leiOhttee'nf the berth% ural grounds was Air Ash is extensly eugaged in th
.arodud. the !streets gain, it will he Rolne accepted, and the ground baring bueiness, a while in the w Will be couveyed
time yet betote he ill be able to take Itis . fp ' him daring the pros t week, the he met with an aec ent, tie, particul
of which are not give iu the telegram, b
in the. factory. ; geciety reserving the use of he grounds . which one of ,his arm and hands was
and buildings for holding the fall show
--gootoe•to rent, at the rear and over ,_, badly crushed, neoessita 'ng the amputa-
ileitted ec teeotiel bank. For particulars tins Year!
213.192 405 286
The'principal rsorted that Miss Burgess
bad been abse.from her department for
three weeks, • d that there was little pros.
pact of her esuming her 5140, for tvei.
weeks. The department is:en ,eilealege of
Mise Hattie Reyuolde, Tb e 'report was
adopted, on otion of Messrs Pettypiece
and Chishol • The Finance Committee
reported, re et:mending peyineue of the
following sec unts; R. Elliott, printing,
.412 ; W. 3. Ch man, sheepskin. 41,20 ;
Hattie Reynolds, teaching, $M; If
Stephenson, iMue, $ 20 ; W Wilson, woodc
17.50; it Clerk% re leering pump, 41. On
motion of Messrs P ttypiece and Moore,'
the repeat was ad • ted. Chairman Bell,
having entered, to her sopa attlie•Peuerd-
Dr Chisholm bro ght up. 7thelnee,inf'.1)liee
Cargill having ntinueclto leeeeteee
sohool while m ales were in her boarding
house. Moye by a. Eettypiodo, seconded
bv T Abraha , that Mimi Cargili benoti-
fied to atie d next regular meeeing'—
Carried. 0 motion, an account of .Geo
Mason, of 419.16, w ordered to be paid.
The Chairman,andsecretary were author.
lied to pay teache endejatator's materna&
When due The o'ar4 thtil adjournede:ee
and about 30
Mr Miller
thanking his
him, and assur
always have ple
eight years he s
had always been
kindness and cou
of Wingham; they
people, and he was
but he hoped to be
• Tom BELL,
replied in feeling terms,
'ends for the honor done
g theni that he Would
tient recollections of the
ant in Winghatn. He
reated with the greatest
'dere.tion by the people
were a whole -hearted
orry to part with them,
er his condition by Bo
doing. After again thanking, those present
for the honor done him, he resumed his,
seat amidst applau e. Short addressee
elegre.m on ever° made by Dieser Williams, McDonald,
hill, Dinsley. Win -
Spedding, NVilleon,
, Bell, McKenzie,
then, and Elliott,
in which they
eveuing. Songs
Cline, Youhill,
r and Elebastiem,
elated by those
le weaning was
"Auld Lang
onto,a brother
t. Mr Miller
Woman's Fore ary Society.
The sixth ann medtleg of the Mait-
land. 'Preebytari :Wainva's Forekell
Missionary Soctiai wifkbeld in the Presby-
terian Chureb,* onnoliday4ibe
ilth inst. There as a Parger
of delegates front' the several et farms
in the Presbyter . The meetiug was
opened with devoti nal exercises by the
President. The address of welcoroe,
which was read b Miss MoCeuarrie, was
ably responded to •y Mies Davis, of Ethel.
The secretary's rep rt Was a most encoure-
jog one, showing w t marked pregrees
the society hid mad [during tho pastyea'.
The aggregate cont butiona venouuted
4245. liontributi..s in olothing, vela
at 236Q, were s nt to the North -Wee
Indians. The P mident's address follow
ed, after which a interesting and thought
cul paper was read y Miss Johnston, o
Sincardiue, entitle "Three Model Mis
sionaries." Mrs rown, of Wroxete
then offered the d dicatory prayer. Mi
Anderson, of St elens, Med a very 11
atruotive and omprehensive paper 4
"Miasiou Work i Madagascar." A vet
pleasing inciden tben took place, wh,
took the form of a presentation of a carte
cate of life mem ership to Mrs Sather%
President of the ociety. The preseutati
was made ley Mr Dickson, after a v
touching and ppropriate • address
been read by s Murray, of 11.Aniardi
Tha meetiug • eyed to be a very shelp
and enjoyable e, and it is to be ho
that the dole,- tea returnee cheered
stimulated to ender even more effiei
service te eh° I, aster in the future t
in the past. T ere is reason of gretit
to God for the mat success which
attended the peratioas for the floc
'slime its forma ion. During the rat
there has been • eatly as much oontri
ed by the aotiet within the,bouude a
Maitland Presby ery as there was by a
the eoceeties the ret year of their ot
zetion, thirteen years ago', Since
marked, progre has ebareesterized
operations ot ti e General Seciety,
year showing large increase on
previous tem, so that hest year sum of
ly i180,000 was ended over to the 7
Minion Commi ee. The following ol
Were then electe for the, 'Muting yam
Sutherland, Ti • ey, President ; Mrs
bam,Brmsels, reasnrer ; Mrs Mel
Lucknow, Seek toy.
apply it the hi it, For OM accommodation of settlers going
eeithdetkiitilig det on ijoawc;:§ffiorxt, t9,1041140ba and the Northweet, the G T R
* ' •-• : Will eati colonist trams on Tuesday, Feb.
• ' thertipiod of Weetti •Ohtierice, Med. .b!Ir V after during 1.1e.rch' and April, lettving
. • eindeteeti of tide pia e ma not -teroiivate Wiugham G T R Station at 11.10 a. me
making quick time through. All arrange-
. . • , 1 : . . • ments completed at starting point. Through
a iiatiefitetdrili ,th •iii tiy ot our towns-
peoPle as ecutd be 411M a, Mr atalla03 . k • i freee .
.,e• coupon tic tits coVer ng accomodation
l'sLiv? .. A' Vf012 1.4 one atel, els, ,. time being in colonist sleepers unwed by GT It agents,
e lai; tiel ' ' • • •
antedU. , ; • . • end through Date of the best description
• for live stable and effects supplied. All at
• —.Aorics,—A. good Kat tee ch given lovrest rates: Gall early on G T R agents
away , with' oue porton Of a og d for full and reliable information.
Call auclegett qeettioo sheet WM W T .
Yetis, the grocer. ' beaded. men
—A public
• .—The Toronto,. Typographitied Union '
holditi the Con
of which the late. . AV IlloodliU was 1
beiWetia M Graharu, o( 1'ergUL
45thetted. etioh succeeding Tuesday there.
• e
eating of the merchants,
d others of the towu was will be conuidered.
'1 Chamber on Thursday 1'. P., and manager of th
nsider the electric light is expected to be present a
McKenzie was called to converitioni The, names
tion of several fingers.
Prof. Loisette's memory system Is creating greater
interest than ever in all parts of the country, and
persons wishing to improve their memory should
send tor his prospects tree as advertised in another
—The anti al meeting of the East Huron
Consernative sedation will be held in
Brunie, to.de (Friday.) The election
of officers will ta place and the selection
of a candidate for he Local Legislature to
omelette Mr Thos Gli on, M. P. R., in place
of Mr A II Musgrove who has sent in his
resignation, owing to me throat trouble,
D Creighton. sl.
Toronto Empire,
d address the
1 Messrs B
'Kelly, and
(Ay to come
tion with
'on of Mr
Groves, Henna, Yo
field, Brown, Huuu,
Miller, Fraser, Berme
Kinceid, Hanson, Saba
all expressing the este
held the guest ' of the
wore given by Mess
Spedding, McKenzie, Mil
and were heartily appr
present. A most enjoys
brought to a close by singi%
Syne." Mr E Miller, of T
of Mr T H Miller, was pres
left on Tuesday morning for
ingtou Territory.
L tar of Condolence.
At the lasN, eating of L 0 L, No 794,
the Recordin: eceetary of the Lodge was
instructed to c n4e, airs Wm johnston
an expression o their By ra path y with her
inher sad berea ement. The followiug is
it copy of the jet r sent
NVin ham, March 6th, 1890,
To MB& Wu. Jot BTON,
I have been in truoted by the Worship
ful Master, officers and brethren of L 0 L
No 794, to convey you an expression of
the pretound sym athy which they feel
for you in this hour •!stances and bereave.
ment. It was wit the deepeet sorrow
that they heard o the sudden death of
theie late beloved b other. They trest
that it will be a corn rt to you, to, know
that your dear husba d was held in miler.
ation and repeat by t e Lodge. He was
universally respected d beloved and will
Wig be missed by out ssooiation. That
our Heavenly Father m y keep and com-
fort you and soften the •itterness of this
hour of sorrow for you, s the prayer of
our Lodge.
I ane, dear Madam, in b alf of L L,
Yours tr ly
• No. 794,
Joan nil, It B.
rnember,heve decid io pay lira (ikoawia troG°
$09, the amottetwhle
due her incase• h,er.le.te
In good standing. finimoi
at' Vitt time of kis death.
on the pat of slis Caton i
tiniy might legally have ram
'• 'Pt the seasou. Fine stock of DeWson,
• hateibea mid pineapples juet arriVed Atlas.; ,eeeett wee mandee
• alelielideese •
woudd have betel
niebeind bad been
ly, in tbe Uniort,
Thie liberality
paring what
ed, is highly
. .
tlia Muter and R Mott eppointed Seers- "'Getty, 3 Perkins, Wm Clegg,
ity. Mr Molten ie explained the object T E Hays are mentioned as li
a the meeting, and skedfor an expression ‘before the. •,ineeting in moun
ot epinion from lb e present, edesere J Vie vacancy caused. hy tfio resign*
.ii. line, John an , J 3 Homuth, W T Musgrove. .
ellen, R Tennant, TI a Stiles, F G Spar-
big, 0 Kerr, id Gra eV, T A Mills, S ' . AttOttet1 sass.
oiegg, Dr Chits. ate i mad sale of farn stock and
. ,
Vialealtni,ifigenotothi:Isi, etiaolsee'llrTounrnblethya, If oolfe
• H at obe- &clock p. in.
*I.' Piling 5600 TornioAli auras 5 and under. cash;
• giving their Views.
W 11. rePe'eeentiuft 14$ ititietlealy opposed to the
ere for street lighis*
airectory no of L Polk.*
(les, et tVeeelitet will h 7:silnnithlehl teeing the light tati•
•' fe*'NttYkt9t_ .4000" the tatrY by the cromplittiSi
• klep 'for * Bpssinion B Directory 1,•11,4
ijrnt tlity win Issue aori tto twining Alter had been*
nneener, We is Work .4 at is mush. citaiia#4,-,,lks-weetiog adjourns
ussaaa..stitti it to be hOped t tu Will ,ii;itett ,*41t s getinine good clothes
moat with sf#h*itntitl enema/ *InciitAu wringer woo los those luipt by ;awes A
theft work. 014, dr10(T. ‘18orite0ing ori, loot (loot).
those who rime *tient s crsditms over $5. Jos
to, the price A eltayepeoprieengPitee Dbaus,auOtiofleer.
eit too high, " The eitrterltbelf ,of the north 'half of
thee neioe, let 83, gelmeseion 6.•Eaet Wawanosh, will
lire:elliaAkeVetbeiteogiltillale;" 113acritotallti::'
at 2 eolelsa p m. Verres --10 per oent eon
aiki oi tqile, ola balance in 80 days, JA
MOrtelliVender's solipitor; Peter Deane,
auctioneer. •• • Listowel, at Litowel, April 16.
. It is prop() a to establikb s
Suring Snows
• April Indastrial SC ool for Toronto, a
Best Ituronott Brusels, April 19. to Victoria In 1141'14 School, al
Bast Virawanosh, at BelgraVe.
ico, for bor.