HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 8�1 IN rfl EIf Cy Dr. Towier's Drag Store 'histotaaie and popular Prescriptions accurately compounded, ?zero Drugs and f hemicals- a specialty. +- fur! lino of Tollct Arttele', portunres, Spongee,-- •5peotaclae, etc, always In stook -.- T LL c TRUPHON.C: CENTRAL OI?1'I L AMSuuP and GRAND TRUNK TOWN -TICKET FFIC . . 11'inglrpm, Ont. c Minglynn 'Cm es FRIDAY, MARCII s, :890. 11fir Wm Black purchased Mr Aguew's 'bus the other day, and now Mr Black has ful control of the 'bus business in town. itt:r Robt Orr, who has been in failing 00,1th for 'some time, left on Monday last for'Soath Carolina, with the hope of being benefitted, He is accompanied by Mrs Orr. Mx Di & z Tivas.-You Nould perhaps notice la the Loudon Fres Prom of Monday, that the irrepressible Talmage was hold- ing forth lately on (,reeds, the burning rlueatiou of Christendom in the two hernia. pheres. He. toak for his text the words of the Master, „Loose him and let him go." 1, too, mean to make it a mato of a homily addressed to the young folks of Wiugharu, who desire that their brows be entwined with the poet's wreath, in the first place,. then, X say pout bleak, try blank verse fi,Ys6. It lifts ton syllables, and live feet, the stress failing itpdu the aeoond, fourth and SO on to the tenth. 1 subjoin three lines from the first book of Paradise Lost: Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal piste ,Brought death into the world, with all our woe. Observe that the last word in each line has some backbone iu it, accordingly avoid trivial 'words, such as, in, he, she, it, "S;latakespeare may use them, but in stage s's;tiolarnation, too unpleasantness grates ' iipon the ear. Try and hit upon the syllable where s. pause or rest comes tri, and see the effect of hs shifting from one '.'011a61e to another. ;Gast, try your ;sand art original composition, and you will "iassurodly .discover that the nem -ciente, the grave clothes, the shackles. of rhyme; Were a hiudrauoe; that your ideas are '4brokeuloose, and are holy in full swing; W. L11.34eow. Minto, 'The people on the 4th and 8th wore vine' a nice' time last week ttv Spe- ll meetings: in No 8 schoolhouse, ',On Tuesday, 2t5th, the Rev. Mr•.De&t; isf Uarriston,pretlohed and on Wellies:: 'day and Tllurarlay, Mr, Cozens; the Pby siol;notf;ist; lectured and read Xteiid4, and the ft#egtient bursts of 'applause showed how the meetings were ,;appreciated.= :1.'fie Methodists, 'on the sixth, ;'regall what was to be fa series of revival Service=s; but both minister and people tieing prostrates c Forel;err, The -following ere ax. rioted to take fiart in the programme; \Yin Shane, Myth ; J A thine, Gruel', Goo k uliield, Miss' Jennie t7al ;ill, A. Sebastian, J W Scott, ki Ireland, Miss Nelio il'loLiardy, of ►Vingliam; bosir'de the Wirtghaxia tn*11 Lana and ors;hescrzt ; • Mr and Mrs t'intou add I) 3.''ryfogle, of this place, and sevt'ra1 ftf the sUlrolara of the )ehi ore Public School. Colicert *W Begirt At 7,30. Admission 25 cents ; reeet'ved seats 35 cents. A grand treat may ire expected, Culross, 1ressrs Webster ct Sons had .an ado• tion sale of farm stuck and itnplemerltg on Saturday last, The stook sold well° some of the cows going for f+41, and the implements also brought good lig ores. Tile total amount was nearly $1800. Mr G. J3artok witilded the hammer,. • Messrs Webster Left for Manitoba on Wednesday, going by 0 P. It, from Teeswater, Jr Tritnble' of Mt. Forest, wi'l occupy the farm vacated by the Messrs tVebster.-Mr1 Henry Inglis, after a lingering illness, departed this life on Saturday' lust, He was a wan just in the prune of life. --Since the the collapse of sawmilling Erna of Pattison, times are very (lull. Still, some of the young folks are courageous enough to embark nt the matrimonial '•oynge. Mr. 3. Ring is wedded to Miss l'reetnan and intends moving back to Manitoba -Mr W. Ouse and Miss M. McIntyre were made one last week, and if it wits not fox the extremely hard times I do not know where we would stop. --The people of No. 2 have a temperance organization in full swing and are go. HVUe addltiouai mattPy. Al Lotter Nino Vea►ras on itt+t'%Nes se)p. A registered letter, supposed to eon. tato something valuable, wag returned to the Baltiniore ,postoflice recently, It wall cent from here to New York city for a Party theft as far back as hMarcll 15, 1881, The regulations reatur:1 relzis- I. tet•t d tr t1rsrs to be returned to the sender 'rurd tidily clays iF undelivered. '1'lte latter had Pot!aplintAtion or indorsement after its norly pule Fears of sleep in New York„ if the woman who suit it will call at the ppostoilice she Van ,get it back now, but she will be reiitnreci to identify it. ---Baltimore Aniexican. I'uoir._X» r;htevaio,¢jthn Bt!z nit„ the wap of Mr James Pugh ; a son, 3lolinr In Turnirerrry, on the 8th alt„ the wife et M lobe McRae; a daughter, kenufer--tri lsst wawanosh, on the tib lust., the wile of Mr E Pearerr ; a daughter. Taov..-In East wawahesh, on the Ah chat.,. the wife of Mr Patrick Troy; adanghtea', EVet5'rr-Lt Gower Winµhugr, on the tat lust, tine %Woof Mr Wm At erett, jr ; a daughter, h,ttior r It Turriberry, on the 1st lust, the wife Af Mr W H EUiett ; aeon; InoixAap-In Morrie, en Feb. ;4th, the wife of Mr, Thos, E. Ilernard; a son. anatomic -In Morris, on February. 26th, Mode, daughter(/' Win.Sholdlee, aged }eyears and 12 day s. I AWARD -Xaroprs -044 Feb, 27, 1800, at. tho donee of the bride's father, west 1Vawanosh, by W 11 Geddes, Sarah, daughter of Mi John Inglf Angus O Mtowart, editor of the 'Nowa' Teesw hie$AGVR+Arimsota.-On Wednesday, e'en, 10t the residence of the bride's father, by the R Malcolm, Win Moicaa;ue to Miss ldaAilison, Lwg of Mr nog Allison, Culross. Oaatrinstn- Wiese -on Tuesday, Fob, 26th, at residence of the bride's father, by new J Malec Mr Archibald Campbell, Teontaater, t0 Florence A daughter of 61r Robert wicks, Culross, ,r ritrestn-ln Tnrnbeerry,,ron the sed Instant, S ansa, daughter of 7.0- Isaac Metcalf; aged 24 ye 6 months and 10 days. real - Rev sntor, to . 11, at ev.1 than the Ian, nn, us• are, tYINCY$A11i iVZAitIU Ts. 'VraoffAn[, Maro h 6, 1890 Ing be a grower in the gnarl for toI Corrected Ly P. Deans, Produce Dealer. blindingup' of the social uaiiti of vyheut a' 2 25 to r u'o 100th n 9 e. n j g ,cilli; per bU$hot, - 0 75 to the young. -Mr A. Sanderson's team sow oats, 6 15 to ran away on lintiday last, coaling from 1;arloy - d0 tic Yens,-°1211072025 OS °borgh, No harth dine, except giving Potatoes, a severe shaking to the rig • and its Dat to'Rnly, �2 t0 occupants. -:Gtr A. Galbraith, the G phrenologist, passed 'throngli here a couple of'days sgo, looking hale and hearty. • Langsiote, `1`ond bees are a pest anddanoea arm as. great a humbug as the McGinty nuisalrep,-_Signing school is almost out and we Imps the so (Onions will trio ---White intervieWine a weather pro phet, the other day, he had anion Many of his predictions-Sleighing'for' three weeks,---]tIiss A.,7ohostou has re- turreedltntxlN.-.4Ir W. Itutson has re, j turned homatwith several dozen rabbits. --Mrs David. Ross is seriously indis- posed. siod.erieh. itxr B I.'Lomas met with a • very bad accident iu the Organ Factory last week, which has caused him the loss of ahnger.---Mr end Mrs J Yatts,whfte out driving on Monday; had the mis- f-rtune to -have a runaway, the horse taking fright at a `tog, 1lLi• void Mrs Plates were thrown into the ditch; and sustained a number of bruises besides1 Fields' b ca t%mge on 4 Mrs Yates having her wrist hrolten. 2 0 n Flus per dazan, o Stood pertcorca, 12 to flay per ton, 1 26 to 01 Turkeys per lb., fi 40 to 8 07tt Ducks, ,, 06 to 06 Cuek34, s, " 00 to 06 to ____0007 Shorthorns for Sale. firstpr el ss sale, edtgono goo, ingSired by Imported lianimal d 1v with TThey are x11 registeredlso several tom ]ie}f Dominion similarf erd breeding, hook. Apply on Lot 16, Oen, 10, Morris, or,nlyth P,O, NEIL Sir:DONALD. s0 80 28 65 30 18 10 13 50 00 08 Holstein Dull for Sarlea BLUEVA•L ,CHIEF; No. .24401, bred had owned t,y lames >alliot, Blue - vale, Uht, culled February 16th, 1889. Sirsq,Crown Iniperial,;54c; dant, Tbecela, No. 5107, Bluovaie Chief has bee accepted for registry In the sixth volume: of 1 floisteia-Fresian 'herd Book, and numbered $ above. Stock for sale, JAMES I tlt,10 1', 1Aluewaae, Got, Dress king A r nncerr ect- s Misses GLnti11 ' Mc ertzie nave milieu pneseesli of s.. re op osite the Rank on Josephine st :et,,next door to Mr , re they intend The greatest lament -here among our Dress young teen is what are we going to / �' ' 1e treat our best gills to next sninmer'Establish keit when it is hot, if we have no ice ionmtly attended to . Satisfaction { arae, tees. weals _A young gnats, well known in t-'a•lr, the other evening, after seeing Dy��+t1I.61�1�� of Orders Ida air one lidtne, oil his return was owertaikeii by to ectY3i110, turd while N05tosr le perdu%-2ivon that the partnership het- totore existing hatsceen ud ps. carr ago -builders, has re;YYronstratln� with the animal fl thiadayl,een dissolved by bout lti consent All ao. 'policeman Ileal'[' his cries and told counts duo the late firm ere to b`epaid to Wtn, Dore, who will lfay all Iiahilltics, 'With, eta, grippe, the tneetingli Were phut: to lytral(tan) +;hell up and !a/ indnnia sty postpoued. onnlpully .lint to the cooler.----TLe new Beiniore. Toe spe9ial general tweeting of the !shareholders of the Delmore Cheese .nnd butter ()o. rendered necessary by `tbo°rgig Iatiou of the board of direct• koits, was held in the Te;riperance ha,l, Iieltnore, Friday, 28th b'ebuary. A •ia fge number of shareholders and pat- io Is.were present, and much interest' w'a`s manifested in the prciseedin;;sr of i lei meeting, which was a. very liar» •)1 Ol2ious one. ---David Weil; Esq., of Wroxeter,prosided at the ineehug m hie 4iseuailsatfsfactorymanner frac principal hookne;ss transacted was the electron of Dirrastot's,the following beteg duly t kkleteds--=,Jas: Jobnstoil, Jahn John. "ton, Wax. 'I il'ir; 41,tn. Mc Ree, Janes t lasrke, James Ritchie', Peter r1'eriff, Adam Darling and. Wilmott ,7M"1'ray, D N. McDonald 1'Qsign5et his lia,t1,ti;sn 1.40.,410 dOmpatty's auditor.. <i1i rpsig- ; s (duly accepted lip the share - boot and shoe factory is now running full blast.,-lh, A E Pridliam ha's opened out a gents' furnishing htore in McLean's new block. -The Band of Hope gave a concert in North Street Methodist Church on Monday evening. The juveniles did etceied• ingiy volt. Tits annual °report of the Depart. Client of Militia has been distributed lti the rhprojt of Lieut. dol. Smith for Military District No. I, the strength of the 33rd Batt. ill camp fast year is 111Wat 20 o:bcers aid 886 men, these; 1 iit'es being„exceetted in that camp ttnlyr by the 80th ''Wellington hi#Ies, rhe following special mention is of partialilar interest; "rho Infantry regiment turned Dot fairly well, halt ill'tie nt( bases the physique was del f0etive, The 80th, under Lieut -Col* nt1L l Clarke, and the 88rd, tinder Lieut. Odlf nel Coleman, rotatively the hest rs, '.rise, tllectlnl; thea closed 1 infantry corps, both as to numbers all feeling satisfied that' the interests I alit 40 to physique. Thrrs aliperiority of the Comisenly Were in then halls of. is. to a great extent, accounted for era aisle and intelligent board., At an i when it is stated that the, rniullties after (Meeting of the board ,lamesfront wvllicJh they tare re covert' nttirkn was appointed' presidollE raid ` drawn, Wellington and .H'tlront ,Ihake i3 N 1iCDon:rid,'3'rrtrtary-ire3surer.-... [di allowanoo'0f25 cents a Arty to Vona mttsicaalanti literary entertain.,11'aiih daort N. 0. 0. and -Maur' .in swlnt will be gives to 111e Tempertiiice additions td the f3overntbent Vey, f herfti nn Fria evettingi tire This totilal trig(1 entirely diaapp#'oire of 1tk0/41 OVA* 1.111: tilts atgs 4if rllt j;it'itliii3leg 'taC th lis' b :gtlipldg Nib* Winghoni, Feb. 10,1800; Wj?aabs : 1i ELLIOTT-(kainua COOK. WM; DORE, In connect n with abovebeg leave to remind all customers the late firer and the public generally that 1 s I sail continue the business In alt Its brta;iohe , Fine work a specialty'.r• • 1YM. WWI,WWI,AGRANGE ' Is the ens.Waiang BliiSign; XN [H r.tA,x W13shas to intimate to trio people of Winghhath h2 surrounding Country that ho has purchased the harness Witness lately carried on by Messrs; 1,4, Ilomuth u son, and will conduct it hi the belldhlg ono door.'senth of Mr T A anis' Store; Doona Asp SxNom Muzak heavy of light, made to order, aa 2r N11.11116 of 1lorse Ralik -etc Stoleh Tens, Whips, txnr7ycohrbs, 'Brushes, ata„ *litayaoft liand, itepzilring n04tly dud prompt/ + done. The pdtranafte true )10h11c solicited, and s atisleo: tion In tsotk had &gottax itnarante d' Ill :to'' litrrh EVER OFFE RE NUM= SEWING .'AO:EINE To be Given Away, with MO POUNDS OF BAKING POWDER Z'rerybody Ooine and take away a can pts' tile POWDJ R. It Will only cost you 50c,, and the ?owder is worth the money, EVERY1'TiING ].N THE 'WAY OE NTER . Gi;c,i1 SOLD FOR THE NEXT 30. DAY$ AT RUINOUS PRICES-30DM -=-•ate--. DRBSs GtoDS, S}rA1vL, Wool, SQUARES, .HOS+', 0Aati.;VJE,LtE GLOVES and RID MITTS, TWEEDS, UI,STERTNG., FLA1 NELs. SIXIRTS anti DEA W'1,;RS, OVERCOATS, Etc. s FUR ! FU,R8 FURS I. GENTS' AND LADIES' ASTRACHAN, BULGARIAN LAMB COATS, CENTS' _BEAVER AVER 0O%LAfs and CUFFS, B+'AVER, OAPS, AS- TTRACHAN AND PERSIAN LAMB CAPS, SILVER FOX MUFFS and BOAS. D' FACT EVERYTHING SLAUGHTERED TO PREPARE FOR STOCK TAMP. Illi lrirst tb loiue get;; the best assortiilent to select from. To Winghan), eat;: 8th, 1890, erster Advt. NEXT WEEK; ti. ST'. IVED By SS, Eilropa, &am Hambttl✓g, yGernrltlzy , -.0A8g8 FANO"? TAB . EGG SETTS SALAD. SETT o FI IfIT BOWLS, W BISOU.1r.I' J'ARS,*44TRE SETTS, ROSE JARS, Milt & gA1io1 S ' NEW 'E+IIS,N64,1NUT►11,NEW. I+"gUITs, Z +'W ,BASINS, tti% ANT ��rr��'yyRox /� �iil'w.8v AELIAIIIIE GROCERIES + fit$ °'ancd- inspect before Matting Vont yS P4li ACS RE SNA ROUSES . W YATES • a by