HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 7TRA.A-1 ,10. avenge i'''... ifsoo > 000 • 400 0 a tIe Pe. per line subutittent for tir'st sn- it snsertttl.. f,ic. klituatih,:W., Ulu{; b liber ling 11 liner„ Routh, r. u,ts, or fur Bone, will he ugly. Til.tt- u rtn 14e - R 1111141Ie ill e1 to et pros gm PC masm • ()UAW rersity. fo:wetly °Nt'n- ui Centre nod Oar. Iffriel:oy mtcdal- Lege kilyaiciu»a ,t.anhcr:, OJT, brio. 'AUX Pt.11LIC :C. ONT., an at IOW rates It, farm ^'-- t_arm mopjert} LtiOne A eutel dtx 11 unman, Celluloid Plates the bestmateria an be got In the nk warranted. for the, painleeu aneethet.lc known, etth for 10 center, ek, op);otite the NAL•D,. W12:0111.4, e, Celluloid A110 .. du., Plates, ranging M towards per sot ;gemork. Tot' ex y the use of Vital: ,, side entrance op: ,fly (Snnuuys except+, be at Myth e1 urx nth—Olticeat Miine t: eys of each month-- not 20. cents. CE AGENT r, ;E RRINE, FOR THE COUNTY )N. rt of the Co. Charge; idnALl, 01%,. 'Olt TEN COVTT= orE a. otice promtltly at gad t COlINTISS tiDROli Ane E. aptly and on the shortas ntta0an bGuaranteed. s eee .t' Ott tfa�vlcllee {a MO) 01VIL "Nelnrl&Q. to ertnonAM. Nee of the Tom will re ngtneerand, Drangphirnan to division of puted ribparties I otptO'OOS and villages. as descriptions of properties fridges, Cuaertte iv&5s made ailing 1'iille, drlrilla0e, road is, sowers au1 others ball cit od oli , p11dt.Ce e ark. OFir1CN"-At J. A. ahem, Ont, SQN w NEER Oen NA 1.1s, \cape,laicivms proTELOtrifi'A. oovue rt.an dish made from In a , OF THE ODD TITLES BY billet fate. Cat pond i p lCH LQCAL1TlES ARE KNOWN, from the plant coiled "pussy �ivillow," MAO grow on its margin, Donefnd- { old time feast, at which "loblolly,,' a din Meal was tho s robably named ; 1n is the name .Applied p Hew ll .he mut Was NHmod••-•Wh0ro the Rog Was Run Down by a 'xluln--$04 tluntllue's Contribution—Stony Lonesome, Barbary vomit and Chrietfuri Shore. "Can you direct nie to the Lllchardson neighborhood?" said a newspaper man, � "lard;ing' r prowatpelling ni } V islvitth hi-' 'les as tramping along a dusty country road when the deep last summer, Two farmers leaned on reached. GOOS0 cove, on the northern i akes and looked A t each touter in- side of the cape, was probably so called their r from the tame geese which were kept in that place. --Boston Dispatch in !New York Sun. g , ie to that etre o Square river between the cut. bridge and the old town landing. There are various derivations• of this. One is that, the river being shallow near this locality, the boatmen in the olden time, who used poles to i>repel their crafts, were done quirt "Richardson neighborhood? Never heard o' no such place. Guess you must mean the Coop, Used ,to a Richardson „ OREGON'S W uTE WOLF, It is just this way allover New Eng- land,;DESCRIPTIONOF !:very to�vnshipisaitbtlivided into. 1 WOLVES AND ELKS. localities 1'ti d neighborhoods bearing odd more than odd: they are quaint and ec- Several Benohers of Southern Oregon Start Ort on a mutt Afton the Ail ranrters of *one Coop was bounded on the east by Their sheer noel's and gleet With an 14,- centric, and sometimes laughable. This the Rock o' Dundee, on the north by the etthri; aavetttltrn. City, a solitary house, standing where four roads lnpt, and on the west by Shade - gee. And so itis in every town, there is an unwritten geography of New England. THE BOG'S (=ASE. Boston may )rave at one time been blessed with queer eilbdivisions of this 04)rt, but they have now nearly all been swallowed up hr the North End, the West Tend, the South End. etc. Lynn, on the ather_hand, abounds with thein. There fire Rail Hill, Breeds End, Blood Swamp, New ew Light Hill, PanSwamp, Vinegar 1iill, Seller's Rock and Padding Hill. This last naive came to be applied from the fact that the father of Preserved liprague, who lived hi this section, was aiute(i for the quality of his puddings. °`Vhat is now Market square was once known as Kite•End. It received its name et the.banele of the late Joshua C.Ojiver, who published a little sheet known as .- and distinctive names. Often they are reptstllnn, until they &'loay # �� offensive altogether and begun to attack the wolves with hoof and horn. For a. few minutes the acerae waa one reaorxl- bling pandemonium, The plunging and leaping of the maddened trapped wolves and the steady rising and striking Of the bodies of the deer, with Bowls of pain intermingled with the shrieks of rage and fearful gnarling, made it an occeslon never to be forgotten by any who were present. Aa ono of the wolves, loading a desperate dash far liberty, broke at last from the circle and fled down the valley, Mr. T—, who was my next neighbor in the brush, sent a shot after him, but it was apparently without effect, and was likewise wholly unnoticed by the elks, In half all hour the was and the fury of the elks being appeased —as it 'night well have been, for they had killed the last one of the wolves-- they withdrew so that we could see the torr. and bleeding; bodies of the wolves that lay scattered about, the dead lawn.The deer bean now to betray their old uneasiness at our hidden presence, and we, judging it was time to have some sport in our own behalf, sent a volley of shot into them. Three of the beautiful,. stately creatures fell plunging to the days of your yout Mine were not so !-filmy as they we slippery and stroppy. First man (excitedly)—Onr board, ing house is acre. Second man (calmly) -- Como, then, hurry up, and perhaps we may be able to get something hixt, The owners of the largo sheep ranches ground in the death Agony.—Helena in the vicinity of Linkville, Ore., have (ndent.) Enterprise, been so much annoyed by the depreda- tions committed by the white wolf in their herds that a grand hunt for these daring marauders was orgrinieed. The white wolf of southern Oregon is the fiercest animal—not even excepting the bear oto be found in the country, and is a formidable looking beast, often attain- ing five feet in length and nearly as large as i. yearling calf. His strength and ferocity are remarkable, and his courage undaunted. . Knowing him to be a rather tough CUs,• tomer to tackle at close quarters, the hunting party, which consisted of half n dozen of the neighboring stock owners and a correspondent'of Tho Independent, went thoroughly armed against him with hunting knives, revolvers and rifles. The At a meeting of the Exeter Agricul- tural gricul-tural Aspociation, Mr. ,A.lex. Dyer wag: re -appointed secretary and Mr.. W. G. Bissett trraaurer, It was deeided to bold the spring fair on Tuesday, April 0th. .ktewnrd of Virtue. Waiter, that man carne in after I aid, and yet be has his roust goose, and I have noth- ing. Oh yes, sir. but then ho always gets very cross if we don't serve him at once. The imagination of ;pian • cannot 'conceive a more humorous situation than that of a three cent prhuoe stand- ing before the altar murmuring to a 00,000,000 girl: With all my worldly goods I thee endow. 141iss Ella Green is the prettiest drum= trier on the road. She ie traveling for a St. Louis paint house that employs eighteen traveler's and receives the high- est salary of any of them. She has save4 money enough to buy a hotel at Tppeka, Ilan. ' The Tattler, and, out of spite, he neck- 1 cunning of the animal in evading pursuit. named the locality Kite End, and its peo- ' is incredible, and after chasing a couple ple Kite Enders. all night we found ourselves no nearer Manchester, N. 11., boasts of a section than before, so just at' daybreak a halt known as the Barbary. Coast, a name,was decided upon n.nd breakfast was ,givers it by an old . sailer. here too, are eaten under an immense pine growing in found Jacob'a Ladder, Pig Village and a narrow glen between two rocky crags Phinenton square. The city itself has about a quarter of a mile or a little more ibeen variously known as Harr/town, Tyngsfon, Derryfield and Nomoskeag. In the suburb:! of Banger, Me., on the line of the old Veazie railroad, is a vil- lege still known as Hogtown. Years ago, when the railroad was in full opera- tion and trains used to drag lazily along between Banger and Oldtowa, a terrible .acillent occurred there one morning. A woman living near the track Was the lurppy possessor, of a very large hog, and the aninal in its nieanderin gs came upon the road in front of an advancing train. - The hog had never been accus homed to turn out for anything, and did pot propose to commence with a trifling thing like an engine. It therefore held •its ground, and ,a dying !tog was soon rolling down the embankment. • 'The train stopped, as was its c upon all occasions, even to allow a pas- i• just left. A nobler looking creature senger to alight and cut a twig. Out titan the elk found on the Pacific coast, cane an angry woman, brandishing her i with his stately antlers, such as the arms and wildly calling upon the con- hunters of the eastern states have no ductor of the train to pay for the fatally conception of, and his dainty tread and Injured porker. In those days the .con- sensitive nostrils, cannot well be im- ,cluctor of the litre was of as much fm- agined. The fine fellow I have spoken ,ortance as the general manager, and he of advanced cautiously, sniffing the air flatly refused to pay for the hog, saying with the excitement of suspicion, but he . that the owner ought to have kept ,tam had already passed our most distant out - away from the track. This settled the post, so, apparently thinking return. ivatter, and he started his train and left equally hazardous, he brushed forward „firer. When that train returned, how- and was followed the next moment by .ever, there was sorrow on board. Tho a herd—one, two, six, ten—it was im- woman had taken the fat from the hog, possible to count them. rand for a long distance had greased the But before our rifles could be brought rails so that it was impossible to pass the to the shoulder a new actor appeared on place. None of the modern appliances the scene. A white wolf, quite' six feet for surmounting such obstacles were in length, and the largest the writer Of, then known, and the train was hopeless- this article ever saw, came howling from ly stalled. A crear was employed to help the belt of small timber already spoken the trainmen, and it took hours to clean of, howling frightfully, and sprang on a the grease from'the rails so that the train ,could proceed. Since that time the place wolf bore it •has been called hlogtow.n. OTIILtR. ODD NAMES. To everybody in the city of Portland the neighboring town•of Cape Elizabeth Is known by the simpler name of Poo- xtuck. This is a contraction of its an- cient Indian name of Purpooduck. ,Augusta has - among its subdivisions Rotten Row, Slab City; Mud Mills, and Britt's Gully. Suburban Lewiston is made up of "patches." 'There are the J3aby !patch, the Strawberry patch, the »leachery Hill patch, the Foundry patch, Water street patch, and' the Gas House -)itch. • Portsmouth, N. H., !las its oddly named ,,focalities, and these Iurve beezl well de scribed in Thomas Bailey "Story of a 13ad Boy." One of the best known is Christian Shore, The name of the district is supposed to have conte frolics seine early'settler named Christian, who lived upon and owned the laud on that side of Strawberry Bank creek, as the inlet now called the North pond wag • 'named by the early colonist. In Providence, It. 1.1 and its vicinity n b some Iv. Not All Ee Seethed. Ethel—N17110 Was that jolly • Old fellow that kept the table in a roar? Edward—'That was Nophlowers, the obituary editor Dr The Weekly Casket,-- Pittsburg Bulletin. in length and through which a little sha - low stream trickled over a pebbly bottom. We kept as quiet as possible, for the tracks of different animals in the sandy banks of the stream showed that it was a frequent resort of wild beasts, and sure enough before the meal was finished, we felt the ground begin to tremble under the tread of an approaching band of some largo animals. Quick as thought we had dispersed and taken up stations about two hundred yards apart in the uuderbrush, which was dense enough to Conceal us. completely, and yet admit of us getting a good view of the game: We had scarcely time to freely breaths before the lower growth of trees closing the Qntrance of the little vale parted and the form of a huge elk appeared, advanc- ing proudly toward the stream we bed All parties who beve not paid for the" TI'�tllf3 " for the years 1888 and 18h0, axe requested to re- mit the amount at once, We aced money, and hope this notice will be tufioient, and that a general response will be the result, ELI�IOTT. E,ngland's Water Supply. Taking England all over, it may be es- timated that the average supply of water they successfully conquer influenza per head afforded by the various water- l works is between thirty and thirty-three I they ally in an incredibly short time gallons. Probably about one-fifth of l the distressing fever and teasing that quantity is used for trade purposes, coti"�h. leaving from twenty-four to twenty-six gallons per head daily for domestic use. This Seems a large amount, and there is no doubt that at least half of it is abso- lutely wasted. Considering that the price of water comes to something like £25 per million gallons. it will be seen i that a saving of 8,000 gallons or so per head every year would represent a con- siderable amount of money. The total sum thrown away on account of this Iwast must amount to nearly a million and a quarter sterling -'tennually.—New York Telegram. Sh h,g1es,Shi .g1e The undersigned hove on hand a large quantity of ' FIBSwT-GLASS Hotlotrlep's Cintrnent and Counsel for the Delicate.—Those to whom seasons of changeable tempera' ture are protraeted periods of trial should Seel( the earliest opportunity of removing all obstacles to good health. This cooling Ointment, per. severingly rubbed upon the akin, is. the most reliable remedy for over - coining all diseases of the throat and cheat. Quiusc•y, relaxed tonsils, sore throat. swollen glands, ordinary catarrh end bronchitis, usually pre- vailing at this season, may be arrest ed as, soon as discovered and every symptom banished by Holloway's sire pie and effective treatment, The Ointrnent and Pills are highly com- monde i for the facility with which Shin-gies, WHICH WILL lir, SOLD QIIE+A1' FOR CASE(`. ALSO, 9N HAND, He-Iock and . Dry Pine Talleyriwd's Brevity. Two autograph lettere of Talleyrand have just been sold in Paris. They were written to a lady, the first on the death of Iter husband: "Dear Madam—Alas! Year dented Talleyrand;" and the sec- ond on her remarriage: "Dear Madam -- Bravo! Your devoted Talleyrand."—San Francisco Argonaut. fawn drinking near its mother, which grief stricken people at every atop oat le phites in their tulle screamed loudly as the o e journey -sorrowing, weeping women ! D. LRC P. ect Lincoln's Funeral Oar. While sitting in our office this morning a train passes the town. It is running wild and is composed of an engine and one passenger car. This car is old in Des'ease s Ll-CTMBEB, DRESSED OR UNDRESSED, "WOOD mac_ AT THE Wingham Mills fosephine street, adjoining C P 11.. track. L. & J. MoLEAN. Wingham, Oet.11.1888. Pioneer Hardware Stoic, Onl 'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingham Agency. —If your subscription to the Times is 'in arrears an early payment of the iudebted- ness will be appreciated by the proprietor. A1wIcn 'ro MoTIla$s.—Are pin disturbed at night and broken of your restby Teed child Ifsopseud and at STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to thr following lines: IRON PIPE, ALL SIZES FROM . TO INCII. IRON AND BRASS PIPE FITTINGS. fashion and appearance. It has not seen tryins; with pain of on tlnir Soothing p tint for years, though it still bears the I Berne foret bottle of " Children Teething. t Iva! value a icaaul• iulo the poor little sufferer jaded lines of former elegance and re- finement. Now it is only a construction car, Used to convey Hien to wrecks and accidents, and holds one of the humblest positions in the car service of tho Union Pacific system. But that old weatherbeaten car has a history and it has been honored by a grief stricken people as no other car in " bobottle. 3vnUP;;'and talo no other kind the Union has, for under its faded old _ top lay the . remains of the martyred Chron o Coughs ' president, Abe 'Lincoln, when they were And all Diseases o the Thr borne in state from Washington to aures by the use o[ ,cerT: • car poured. 'Springfield. Through that a 1the healing virtues e able. It will rot immediately, Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no .mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, rev elates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,, tone a the Gums,o the whole reduces Inflammation, "Mrs.'iWin- es slOw'a»d energy for children teething is plow's Soothing Syrup " the to tho taste and it pthe sicians atndnnurses it the olnite and best female Incsale by all druggists the throughout States,eand is or sal throu¢hout rho world. Pk In t" Mas d WtssI.Ow t FIRE BRICKS, the ground. This seemed to be the sig- nal for the rest of the band to appear, .and they came yelping down the glen in pairs and threes, their bloodshot eyes and gaping months, with smoking, loll- ing tongues,,proclaiming that they were hungry, Inspired by the same feeling of curiosity to see what would come of the wolves during the attack every man forbore to interfere and quietly watched the combat that ensued. For the elks, wbich'had at first scarce- ly seemed to comprehend the intentions of the wolves, soon collected themselves, and, tossing thei{' great heads, began to paw the earth with their fore feet, mak- ing the air resound with their wild and furious bellowing. They forineda circle about the wolves that had crowded around the body of the prostrate fawn and presented to them a formidable rant - part of bristling heads. This circle nar- rowed and narrowed until it completely inclosed the wolves. that now began to realize their danger, for they left their prey, plunging forward at a deer with snapping jaws and snarling in a fright- ful at revealed their sharp, on- slaughtwas received • dere that in turn s r men whose pulse beat meant sorrow anc , exporieneeI resentment, children who are now the !poet fa th mains ring of this republic.—Forts Lup- ton (Colo.) Cyclone. . !f } Strauss* Lat�posttion. I have received from Vienna the "Edi- IMPORTANT AN�OUI��E�1E, serwalzer," the last production of John b T. Strauss, the great valse genius, the only, F � � x -890 - real Strauss, who for fifteen years has . non, ��� pgEju-$;, 8 Select From. disdained writing anything except ope- rettas, but who has suddenly now been GI11;AT INDUCEMENTS FOR OLD induced to 'crani to the old field of AND NB`v SUBSCRIBERS. glory; and how has be done it? Ask the See the Premium List. thism ter. ladies—the high Areopagus e m Aithe Su miitrr L this matter. Five times they made him . play it, but there are particularly two Daily witness ,SI 00 parte in it, one in Aflat and one in F. weekly Witness ...• •.' •. .... which I defy any lady to listen to and o�onnum, iehe atho htlap st iltnatrated aper In the. her little hotline in peau donee p for old lee world. Comate the Sunday S information Doan and quiet. And de you know tho opus num- has abunde.lt of interesting iere stir premium hooka for olti ber of that ''raise—otherwise, how many dad young. bgScothe. ml [roe its prolific author has written? Four 1 Agents wanted, Sample cop` es hundred and thirty -several read 43111 • Jts w n Df�VGALL rc SON, avid still this vivacity, this entrain, as if ° u Witness" Off)oe, ears old.—London World. ltONTKB_ AL. lig wereU y • f _ .. gleaming u Squaw on the dowel ed ant- nlldbg IIYEI AWAY YEARLY. h t vol at them and sent Duro t do lto Iden s theta howling back for a fore moments, 1 merely a me, disease made fo ruro, N milder Scott's arket. Very exo d by all Druggists, See. colds and Lungs can be muleion, as It contains d Liver Oil and liypephoe . See what W S Muer, M says : After three year's moisten ono of the very ent in Throat aifeo el gl• -MILL FILES, MACHINE OILS. AMERICAN WATER WHITE OIL. We are sole agents in Wingham for the sale . of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the world. All kinds .of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom prices. COAL !THE -" WITNESS there are loeatiens know Y fol manner i cuTh r names that ate not to be found in teeth. 13 t their ferocious THOUSANDS OF 80'il` S the maps or is directories. There aroS r nl to return again, to the a 'mp familial' •to the genera public. RAE �Iatlow, Cadet,,.... Foot alley, not ram, square, Sl lily Village, he petit and a parieto of others less but o y i ttc, t d ave aaA Prayer p themretnraa ala. Mrs A RAtilestudy. !warrant nay, tajr remedy to Cure too When t say rw toeto them for t time, Shoo : end e* f have � r� a tan. Seas wall o i Bre. }k tri novo gtt coca. I bristling ICkc 1 hi f3rd bli 1 t g Illn not noir o • through raids* l 1 t i r F fi n[o(' a U a e o ns br gr t�8no m Uo>a ra tee Mtaex re a+rd phave Med as E others d Gi , e o hw+o r was, sR. I ace uIr In I this state u lout eine' e especially a11y their antagenlsts. Tltls perfoa irla l'o'st eatrea..13ecit rd(tdi ]n these'!neer loGaldtlert. Loblol:l• repeated again and it ;a{li, tl elks Dloe- bate O sten cos an nothingOBe l� r ma a� It of 5 Yyeu..At dreni :--4 a Mfrs iitlJt i# la faitturti)rI oil Cl?tl inn/1;04000(4 pita tet tQ 4itllet` tle,T3et' mut ilelllQlt ;if gook MAN �'N11QIi OMQQ• ft11t WINT i DStalo Q� w TORQsl1X t' 4. Land Plaster las. A. in bags always on Grin Go. BROCKENSH E'S Photograph al ery. Long Experience, close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out uniformly a c'ass of -work equal to that of any Gallery in the west;: 'Work of every description artil•' caliy, promptly and satisftictorily done, jBlllMS AND FAMILY GIMPS —A SPECIALTY. --- A Large Assortment of !'parses kept constactly an hand. Prices ata low as are consistent with good work , =LAND SAW MILI GEORGE HOMSON, Proprietor litunber. of all ki'ads, First -doss Shingle and. Cedar :Pos Car load Orders a Spec a4 OOD delivered to any pot Witigheln. j '(trees by mail Pro1n11y Y intended ende is 020110E "lbOM5Ol 1 W1ngltts>w !f.