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Wingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 6
M ells e went mit. ilia `1 1{ used to kneel by * b i'A•n1� his prayele,an p ,.L ��•v Ha 110 eezl d ho Soto L Xuam sea, say kneel with the 'ailed (aim to his prayers slows lied, wl by the bed and say t is sye rt prayer ..,LI 7 :SM an then I would n A - • AIi,QII The at'xant;H1np11t did out IL'112AY, � #0 1 the tltltd ni„#lt.. t• a loin, •,. Ile rtiVt' , him; so did fee! Wawenosb,• battle, Being or' anther Wouldn't ti Els Of Clinton, as if 1 couldn't ' rs. ear it, Out of all patience, I deter. Mr. ,A, ii. 141anniug' please tirecl ley head for whipping, to give Las been meager LY the sixth lana b him a good pP i • refuge em the "Tower of glued to giveha*ing Struck aohild, �' was Loudon," house d the small size of But neve uldn t see anythi,my use alld 1n00livttlliengh to not quite hardened enough to take y the :;cline, they , u e, ed the. hall slipper,. and couldn't o around, a volt'', lug e ed the depot, they have b g 1r Manning is else. As ng looked my ootiscirilce, at lit (grave. As we hope God speaking r: g fence, aucwu e a lee�cl U beaters a turf- asked : What! whip In ancannot Whip to sea users wilt be a loge ,because he his spirit, when you cannot govern outern to hear Lira. The date as �: been a little pe boy than the b .y .1.1.N.01 i Ott l far U arch 13th,. at 7.30p.your own ? Anothernd kneeling prayed for. A. West Wawanoah• needs to be �: tiler give me his Taylor is slowly recover- I asked my grand togive with a 'Mrs illness g from a tall strength, Lie train illness resultin self willed child. As 1 under illy wvllit;h she raaieved.—yrs, Johu Web- disobedient, his condition, but we kneeled, nd Willie crawledrto Say stop is still ia a.low arm, kept still hope to hear soon of her recovery.— very slowly and p No. la school has been closed for two prayers bie I prayed a few Wards and then. weeks s,owing r o b1 a Lockhart, of having asked : pray my own self ? Measles, --,neigh- Now, mayn't 1 p 9 • horn, paid a flying visit to Othisworthy Yes, darling. I's a smith, on mond bus - now repair- And these werelo his word won't do 1 smith,. crows is very Y and I's made her ing ((arrows, &c, ready for spring real mean lift Y , duo t let work.—Will's trotting horse "Barna " nothing ugly a bit, , beat his record the other day, trotting head most split. Oh God a mile in 2.50. -_Miss A. Rintoul re- me be a mean little boy any more at a fair turned from her v,sit to Ribbert on all.- R. l The splendid little fellow had was uoared, Saturday. lee's trotting 'McGee purchasedlli are "Nellie." trial of strength, and and 1 had tt her on the tray trouble or anneal mthe seven 1 public 11 RATIOititni, Zona ��g. xOlY1.ER, lI.R.C,DIa „ Ontario, 13AtL1rP or L1a1 ptatdieN (."QUAY, IbBVItR QM Aa• }iotlgtler aux College PhyeiC1R11s 0nd surae° ' oil fir C, Watt* Pies:Ass. s• .,.uO0Q,lor tor COuaty Ql Isogon-- Ont. wlNai IAM, • �l int:ban', Tn oirico�T, uai',lAicttacc'' lLrliit S D1CIi .. • , �1 blAltlil►GE LICENSES, NOTARY. ' 1', CHAPMAN, ICInIN$P1a, Oar*13tadV;xY1Q9 I E I,. P iSSUEa or CONVEYANCER, Eye. H. 1N. C. fiAeYEta, Q. C. C. ti Ete„ Etc., so. • eUzll�ia, rubtlorSpttaml►aSco,�ra>t:e%'� AND httL1CIT Ids' Deno- (private fur ( or81Q11—" nig" Bo°kator0, BARRISTERS Co►uu {. f Hamilton, TWO 111 l as IS I uelatewoe: e De liare C (til} tY 1►1.(a1I$Iliot -Ar 'rllk— 'rimes OFFICE, ,los PHINLTSIO.07 and ` 1tiPLEY aNY• f Apr, i 9151NtI 'RATES: I out buy Snot Nerds Alauity a qn I FRED lleitorb for .tan ' 0 . , u es 0 -- T.. Farm, � tut t I. taking adautw10 fur Manitoba I gD►on0y 0' 11tt... . •— tee ve„! vi l o0uilty at L2 per,auc, Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low 1 tit I 0 Hao 8 nio. ! oto. l,iga property cur bought and sold, upon the bast 1pterust, No eP1nu11ssiun to . s funds) persons, pFnsu 411 the Money iuleeteu for private p exp' mortgage dua,u4tie,a with I louder. !.ands 101$ west. 1r in ham, Office—Iiont's Block, b 1}lt -.Zee to Yiustueas r "0 uua l o' lout t"'li QO t{ 1UU I X18 UQ '15'4 " I tlglf tai Z O 1 VN •.0 t t lf. l 1 o •tut .. QO tt t I w 1• „ bb o A UO na int h 1 G 00 � Oyu Con WINGHAbl, Jituluie was the brightest ofvealGh, • C a love for ' u '' t l e 1fVe , , traot4r Builder, ' Loot and other casual odvertisetnenta, Se. per nee w ON"w.I for arra insertion, anti 8e. per line tor each sul,iequunt Local notices, in nonpareil typf, 10e, for first in- sertion, and Gu. per 11110 for euell suosuyuent n,surUt,•- No 1o041 notice will be t'`I ti 1(l hbo,b n 28eGuatt,' Yt 4veY ULray eeint, , Anent for and hl.v u n looked forward to the time when he would be a rich man' One morning, v at brtlakf}ts , his twit iufortnt'cl leis' that during the night twins iedlrbeen added to the family, y consisted of three besides The and ttfark The hey dtoppetl his u and exolaitned : "Great Scott 1 Aunt diary, if we keep on et this rate, there won't be fifty dollars to divide ltmoureet us!" R. IC. Miller's trottlu, til k and surrendered manfully; ace dor Tie intends putting no further roe with neat season, weeks he stayed mamagiing Children. EMO Mind wandering cIISed. Bookalearned parts of the globe.. Prospectus POE , pggg,, sent on 'Pith Asa. New Yorla A. Lot8ette, S8'# . 1 � 11,n Downey's (Below) ) A i Mees ups oCSats u. b lh e,> '.1 O LGAN. , 0110111usinaal:t,iatitl,mt\ el.OoU.15 $500,000 nonprtreu, s1 p,' drown Praporty at Lary Loeobt 'LAO Houses lull tarrnsfar Saic, oat. exceeding 5 Ibsen, On Ir0rn1 an $1 for mat month, 506. per bob/mould tint tit taorlth. and 011 Tereus to butt borruµeta. Ye. Special rated fur langur ,utrert,e1Hlents, 00 lux MORTGAGES PURCHASED: NO COMMISSION CHARGED. loTh,re uriods will ba atrial) Whiled reimlf, wits be borrowers eon obtain money in.b y Advertisements without apt( i i Ttl.u- saciehlutory, IL VANSTONE, pllaeTtCLLd \'elrtilaa111Chin ttb',nlnthe 1,U] `ill atil tole(' salver Si''''nk, Win—µhitt• dory. Changes W,contract noon, int u 001 must be 1 pA'., ._.------ � the otllaa t'y toLoan on Notes. 0.,..t ‘,...,k 101. }:1.L107T Cv P turn*$TUlt ASu I'ru1.1MIA Ii I Dn. big..UO At.D,. �J 40SEPH1NE STREET, Daniel 'Webster's Winning Ways• The following story of Daniel We ster, it ustratiwe of his winning person. al traits, told by a. leading local lawyer is believed never to have been wade • Years ago tate late Erastus g me. lost my /,Corning. of this city, as a. conlparative- X2ut how nearly I had glade Dir Webster's ane round! If we `would rule ly your,,, man> runt b g servants. As a result of the friendship it eturne8 our own spirits hove easy it would be acquaintance sulnewhat iutin�ate y. ed to rule our children and our out the former Sudoesed lir.. W --Congregationalist. note for a considerable sum. W lien - ---- the note fell due protests came to the firm and they paid the note. 1�,uow- DainfS' Farmhouse =liners. ing' 3lr. Webster's impecuniosity and net wishing to crowd him,. they did • J3Y MARY o>zz;Ali, 1'ABs0NS. not call upon him for security. After bills of fare for farmhouse t some years, and when it was supposed In thesethat Mr. Webster's financial condition dinners we n d t the rural home into was `Improved, Mr (Corning, at the material found in instance of (lit Rens,. wrote asking. Mr. - r, - Children not only imitate our faults, and suffer by our carelessness, but govern us through o it weakness. A friend came to visit me and brought a a generous, frauk and t n Y boy years old. But he disturbed our "whole circle by his constant crying. i This habit was not in keeping with the brave, proud independent character of the child;; I therefore felt a curiosity to find the (noise. My first discovery was bhat he never sled a tear. His mother wished to take a trip, but could not take her boy. Leave ltim. with .me. He'll torment the life out of you. •• 1 don't think so. `I wi% indeed, be most grateful. You tuay whip him as often as you Clean, white table cloth and p deme , to visit please, (tins pretty 7i ell kept tableware are: invitation for Mr. Coriniugrubahly be ' I most notr weilze a child, except liirn Later be would p t extreule case• fact l„ ' a mss iii :zatls in . gau the elan Then you can do nothing with ilial. Stet has gone. The next morning aft, •i i eaktast Willie asked. ego and play in thyyard 1 tit Stied last night, and its too ta•.. n at ton, not dam now.. You.lua ote% Discounted REI.SONABLE RATES. AT 10y advanced on Mortgages et $ percnt, with privilege of paying at the end of au4 year. oted and aecouuta gbllected• siXNDoO. ROBT. i i 0000.1 ,-gtnver Block. Wina;hant, Ullt. tempting savory weals. In order to accomplish this result„' Webster if he could make ib CODr p { allowed, Deposits also received at current t to details must be, Sent to liquidate the claim. The special Sai4'1 Youhi.11's REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENCY: OFFICE : DENT':'+ BLOCK WlNGHAM. • Private funds to loan. A nulnbee Pt Building Lots and Residence proper ti communicate with, or apply can onbtamy O es for Salo: hem should Those desiring to make a hoii�eienreon at my' Office, where an necessary information ed. BA F • 11 , IX,T©N, \i 2 N Cx 2.3 A W- Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President -MIS 1S STI+ART. Vice-Presldeaif —A. G. Itaaas1w. Osamu') • W,NouA,h • It. J. A. MELPItlIM, Olive and RResidenca—The old titanQ f Y et'oo. lied by Dr. Duttlnoe, at the 000ller of Centro and utricle streets (>Nr, Wnn0HAn It. r• Y GODFREY, r'h•et•class hon0) man and general proficiency medal - 1st Toronto University. Member Lintege Ph)siaiune and Surgeons Ot Unutt'10. I1r.LURAVIt, O. Office— At, Methodist parsons,:e• DIRECTORS JOHN PROMO. cuss GIInNRT. QUO ROACH, A. T o, WOOD, A. D• LER (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. 10 to Savings Banic hours, 10 to 8 ; , Saturdays, 1. De osits of $1. and upwards received and interest Honor Gis�duato of Toronto University. care and attention o and Seryl(, rates of interest. given. Dainty cooking a, g answer was a caarteous na ta. le .. 4tiuier - into air k excuses that just at t sort, Ar Great Britain. will sender a simple' nr he was and the United 8t fe DICKINSON, el,Ster' lila 'Ili eX' 1d 1 unable to meet the bought and so B. WILLSON, Aimee. =NEB & DICK SoLICITOBS. inviting feast. nap -IP pre-na and, ending up with a pressing fi jeftai� .. . leap( - $oo,:whao, �vt�oo, seat. Iwl1a uietly sewing:''.*Boo, ,I3oo, w oA, ` bless.Booc wino, whoo, teilcar. e ed on lg3 whoii, e'vhoh, fa]§ sewed on. ;,, oo, rest. Now° You may Itgo? , ay g ,U4 ten o'cjuek. y Coneert:, epeat`'d, I si1+1itlyee wing the White,' Mast ready' to ttoe ' ver meal. tie for y • I1rz v. following : Lean soup, moc - trashed potato, stewed turnips, apple 1 The firm advised Sir Corning inhe g to ac sauc'3 or apple jellY, trrixe4 s:vlidee cept the invitation, � t d. crackers cheese, cream pie, applra, Qu his return 141r- Corning came home. dei,yllted with the pleasures of cesary For dinner to -day, we will have tb trp able to pay him or at least to secure Ain't yo split I No, Mayn't I Not anti r head Fes, ut now en o'clock « f Concert resumed, resb'q. Ain't you most crazy 1, No, not at all. Oencert. resumed, with the addition of throwing himself on the floor, and knocking his feet up and down. After a. while: Ain't you most most yet 1 'fishy don't you shake toe, and call lee the saddest hay chat ever was, and send me out of doors ? Because yon are not going out until ten o'clock. Concert resutned, with the addition of bumping his head as well as 'his I toes; rest; a pause. Then picking himself up, he stood erect before .lire, with his bands in his pockets. Why don't yeti ,while hie and send me out to get rill of lily noise ? Because you are nut, going out until ten o'clock. moment He stood a a fou;Flfraid If I (lump lily head, ailk t . itwi!lkill nle?. Not in the least. Bait it does Imet meear awful. 1. ant happy • breath. t. Ile driew et long What c -on 1: do nests I's alone all now bow. Bee if you cannot think of cattle• ping kite. May t take :in ((locks., Certainly. A! nitro he'st"trtel up.. Now may 1 go i ')harts nine. '` n ttm ILA went hytsk•ta Lila MOIST eIthii!l outs, coffee, etc. wash }SEAN Sour : Piek over and ono pint of beans. Place in kettle, with two quarts of cold water, two chopped onions, one half teacup alloy- ed ll p ed salt pork,one even teaspoon pepper,. pinch of summer savory, if at hand. Spit until beans are soft, then press through a colander, and return. to kettle. Add one quart of rich milk, salt, if necessary, and boil five min- utes. Serve hot and at once. - b1ooS SAUSAGE Out thin slices of stilt pork, and freshen in equal parts of sour milk and cold water for `twenty four hours. Pitted in,a .frying pan, sprinkle with pepper sage and one .chopped onion. Fry until e • fight 'brown, stirring ponstently, the add ,one pint of boiling, water. Bail five minutes and serve, hot in a gravey boat. There are two mor three ways s of making mock sausage of saltl but this is ver simple and goad. STEWED Till/NIPS ; Cut in small art pieces enough turnips to fill a q howl. 13oi1, in salted water until ten- der, drain and add one pint milk, two feel this morning Poo y, tablespoons butter, salt and pepper do yet season, Serve hot. I I'm ieelin' right bad, iglu see 1 1V1Asuzuwat po• ATo : Bail potatoes in have to watch over my husband alt the salted water attmeys huig and peel- time. Is thec sier No; if he Was add When each dozen potatoes, ono sick' wouldn't have to watch (lith• sbalI te^for each d ilk, ansa two table- He 18 in g)od health, That's what's, half teacul'i hot p. tite•i}iattor with hi►n. .spoons melted butter. t Beat all Well S 1'1er w Hollatl toe a his visit, and entertainer( his partners neat with glowing aceourlts of the g statesman.'s hospitalities and descrip tions of the cltaeniing incident of the sojourn, in which he ignored mer ti0U of the hixsiness object which p Y impelled his • visit. Finat+}Y' after' he had exhausted description} of the visit one' of !4Tr. Corning: s friends said: "Well. I suppose Mr. `Webster was pleased because be was able to pay e the note ?” "Pleased to pay note," said 11r. Corning; " he not, only didn't. pay the note,. but lie so charmed mil that he got me to sign another note for X5000, and I am thankful he' didn't ask, me to make it $10,Q00, for I don't think I could have resisted his request. Mr. Corn• ing ie said to have had a` subsequent e.nthave invitation to visit 'Marshh0 declined on the ground that he could not afford so expensive a pleasure. ._4(iia+D y journal. H. DAVIS IS OFFERING ON '1t PROPERTY , AT VERY • LOW RATES. J. A. MORTON RAIUU31TLIt 5r„ 1Vingbtlnt Ontario. '. vANSTCNE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PI: i3LIC CON \'LYAI:tCER IITC. at`FICES Beaver }hock, WIo t.,, al, ONT., Ukutitia anti DUVril, ONT. Private and Company fields to loan "A low rates t - interest. btortgItus, town and !atm 1 1, bought and sold. Mercantile collcetbrab a t.vecieltx TISTRY.— J . S. JEROME, 1t,NelI An, DENTISTRY.- , nnfactnrn,i. Celluloid Is uta Plata': Vulcanite plates of the best imtterfa }' as cheap as the) can be got in the. --- Dominion. Allwork warranted. "Vegetable Vaunt administered for the painless exTAtirltNOTIUM... 1:Willthe � xt.ra15 fWe or 10Inman, �0tt5 oaeh. otito the Gi+FICE: In the Reaver Block, opp Brunswick Hotel. SSE _ I OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET. WniGUAM Oman 4T11, 1881 .A woman tnet a friend, who aid not seem to be in good health. How WlNGHAM RQUII1t r�ius )nITISTRY.—.W, 1I. MACDNALD,. D` Maker f Vulcanite Celluloid, A114Ia n , f" -' Silva. Gold, etc., utw, YIatue, ranging' stL In prices from 5.U00 ut)8nlds 1 orownng and brit:ge0iork. Tuetl ex treated without the least pail, by the use of Vital ized Air. Head uliice, t1 iti,Ui, side entranfi ce op visite the taners hotel, 017011Will b1e Myth et ur}( ed) from 9 a in to t p in. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month—O►neeat Milne q hotel; Gerrie: 1st and '3rd Mondays of cash month-. Office at Albion hotel. 1tracting 28 cents. JCHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT NYINOHA)t, l , The undersigned wish to tender their beet thanks, for the liberal patronage given to our firm durh'g 8Seeralietwe prior to the burning oxen tt we t li in- condiarisut, During the. }, maddened the town mill to the latestappr0v d,eye• tom of Hungarian ltollor P000o5e umU ling. ' e be Sieve weran now gists better accommodation, than ever before, Wootlor • Prompt DisbatOb, Fair 31 ctalx ns, QUALITY SECOND ':1'O;rUNel 1N'1Tills SECTION. iI . . t too k' d, said a travel ,+ether, and serve liar. - eta• M1xED SA LID l Cho line two p ler, is so common that it is ilupossil,lo tit Vaud to 'toll one person from ani>ther in a tats, tine -half Ririe beet, Ono -half of smoke Ott is any one ehree t alis a little cabbage, orgpork fet,and rowom out ei% a blespoononVinegarstttt, pepper then'? hask cl to be listener. Ops titin that six tablespoons Vinegar, cold , kYin ��' and mustard to sex, ' . tt with „clod oase a waiteand. (Slows r goof the with pair � Gat' s 111 in 11Y. g ztt.imI'in bole. platof bellows. tiled f' fore' each fife«' till he recognizes the crust, and hal: when cold fill arson coed it�1:'. to urelutse Cate with the following : Cre/t},} for plot p b fret, gtsutTtsttisn. And auilliontow ea quantic eapttnaett the in. two teacups sweet milk, place on Ah In dear, how thins cllan,P« stove, in double boiler, when hot a�rld; y�' lar of ourir' st liar IA 'r,„c • „arta, two well sato ew tisye�aaia 11 yaungiLturr eune to be � rr. 1 supply oustoinert with the Duel OUPegg teacup sugar, . ,loess was; Y they wilt pl . smooth, one na i teacup milk, mixed. y 1,photn Wend, our 1. apps G!NA1 s in Oat k With of butt, i, Kittle t hed milk, t p i trueltl arI lulu with an size of ft lzusttiir Slut, lit,1l,.olotldte"c;B--ft true paratl'+se. Day ail �� ��.�'�`s�y w butter, . who'd night L over until Illy r stirring tet constantly, ilk.f 1: with two teutptx)lls ir'mai>;� asses. 1. should rsw�X have eaten him i et,� t�> i�;licit uia r ��_ � ,>�a �vu� �,W�a.. cold, lever it a AIIaI Ithw C ? ., "- "` ... ...: . extrect, and 'ghee hi crust 'Sha t p. • •- v,,. • ',., . . w.,,_ -:'- of the pie ..yip,,,,.:ilk3ftlesiia'c'. ;Ll At 1 o:ITAstcv OBE='CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE N FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. .2 DEAN, JR., WnNGHAN, LICENSED AUCTIONEERHURON. 10 R THE COUNTY Ok Sales attended fa; guy part of the Co. Cheese' Moderato. JOHN CURItIE, Wisesam, ONxt, L000n08Nn AVOTION1tra TOR 1AS COVItU OX Hii11 Ai1 orders loft at the Tanis office promptly at vt+ds And by oloso Personal attoutlotl to the business hope to be again favcrod with a trial by.o11010• itionds and many new ones. 'i'Oure most respeeteullp, MUTTON ds CARR 'whigham Mill, Oct. 20, m89. Oat .ell Ilia Opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm er,t and the people generally that they hat reopened their', ed to. Tonne r*Rs0i,ablo. JAMES IIENDERSO, la ttabttn A00T10700$R I'OR COMMIS IIDR0N ,•1,Q • Minos. All sales attended to promptly and on the Short,ttl Notice. • Chnrgcs Moderato and Satisfaction iruarantesd• All,neeoesaty arrangements can be laude at to. 'bri • wilco t)i\'r not;,oTI dG ref .tv1. lNS P. L. &D. L. SvatEtoes Alin Own, Fr7el8RRa I ISTOWEL At;a wINGBA'AI. A11 orders lett at the office of tho TUL 8 will IP cotvo prompt attention 1.1 MON T. RITCHIE,. 1'. L. Surveyor. Cicll Engineer and Draaghtman Particular attelatietl paid to divisioli of properties, tiinnltlldisputed i sd,es,O prepaif e1et0 plans of tan11106gs 1100 'Registry Act, burl descriptions of properties tot Fl1sortf0n in deeds. Cross•Sectiotas of rivers made and'Afjliliates Of coat et Ilridget'Cuiverrtenatt . road tro- aifld streettri estimates efts ilSoweris@and other Engf• nlees a darks. Gorr eapoo.r0oOsFFICstation E -At J. A lace and 0hntaet0r of workrk. ouroN'tl law office, Winghain, Ont. .._ Isx -a.a 1., 0 ►1na8' N', LL° ticgAfi,DV. co.Ass}ts FOR lirSTRtv`T'tON c,'( 'I MPtO &ql„ NJ Lrllaa, In Volo* Culture foul,mu,,16;; �.E1 SO Ql~ TH W 1CCH I -00A U W IMGs MO- :NUE' d $10g Was IRu,s iflnntUWs'a Conti 1i,trhn;y Cnrtst "Can you flirt neighborhood?" tramping along last summer. a ems and their r k s quiringly, "Richardson (heard o' no sucl mean the Coop, Sive thOnto, It isere just ill la, leryt toeondtlities tvand n and distinctly more than( odd centric, and so atone Coop w the Rock o' Du •(Sty, a solitar fourroadsinpt gee. And so i an unwritten r • TII. Boston rub blessed with (31)t't, but they ewallotvetl ttla End, the Sou' 'Other_ hand, a` ere Rail Hill, New Light I I[ill, Sttdler's `'Phis last Hain the fact the Sprague, wilt Anted f t,t What is no' known DS Pei et tlie,hand1Y who publish ' The Tattler, named the h ple Bite Enc blanchestc known as 1 ,givert ie by found Soul I'ilillenton 'been varier Tyngseon, 1 In the sur line of tho loge still 1 otgo, wlleil ' Stoll and .0 betw000.131 accident aC IvotOan liy floppy p0°s the entitle upon the r .train.. Th itomefl to t foot propos thing like -its groU ll ,rolling do Tho teas upon all senger to came an arms am doctor of injured 1 /ductor of l,ortance flatly ref . that the ,away fro matter, r ,;Iter. W .'ever, the . woman I land for waso i plla ace for sure then kn ly stale the trail the gree ,cou' leas beldpe. To ei the nein es knova 4uck. tient August Rotten Britt's diads J3ahy Bleacl water patch. Pori ,tocatit Scribe "Star; know the d' groin who( that e the h )Sant there curial the n flop( aqua Pray fanli fn rie&