HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 5Rut 3t Il!f taWautoob.. Thti4:411 the Weather was somewhat gliitagrehaule, .tbe literary was ' well .4' attended on Friday night, the sehuot richt hong tilled' ;Minuet to (lie (luurs, The tevu competing Nasties, captained by Nleesis. Thus .L+`•.Iwards and Juhu 3l' 0.11, were distinguished 1.1 their r«•. sipeetive badges, Goodie of Mr Edwards' side l,.t•itig„ it large white r.ohou with f4'lu:a, whine Mr .ii ttiessnpporters Ware rue Gutuu Jack. Haute side was a tutted uuy hour laud fifteen wiitutes, that 'of .ilr. Edwards being tip•st t i tali@ tial platfnrua,and although stisoral woo were expected to take part failed to ai,tun i, an , excellent prughaul ne %V48 'blur+,i, O)I1Sisthtig of viu!in uy Porterdei•t Bron ; songs &wJ 1ustruttiuut•4l. niu,iu by Misses U. a,h.l 11 •au'1 .411 G P,rterfittld ; dialog. Odd attd tibttleaux Fly SHV.eral uhat'artt rig recitations by 0 Wightinan, 0 Sleek, J ,41eGitl awl L i+;dwards, making e total of 23 3 pieces. in 114r Rath's pros gruuftne there watt music all the bag pipes by Mr J Dingwall ; mouth urs+in by Mr.A Hingstotl ; singing by Misses Oinittfr•, Black, Anderson, Ro laud, I,irtlefaer and £ a,Wteuce, and Messrs l7.xlli.es and Eliugston ; violin Inhale thv the ure.lestrn, comported of M tris s Dttanl, 13irut,y, Anderson and. I Eiu stuii ; Instrainentewl music by Mose I.t.11y Ki. ke anti 1•Iiss Ida Stew art; readings urlld i•ee tarions by J Nig, J. T Biedl, Minnie Anderson, J $nett loud •M 11 Harrison ; Dialogues and tableaux by severtl anaraeters `life pieces on this programme being s.i. r!", the ihgtnher given and 'tinted to 31,. %Li•ss"a u WI to to ill, tf (* Stew art, au 1 0 L bwre,uce were appoint •d judges and decided in f,tv)r of Mt' 'LUo ficial Westing was a very imprea• H sive one, during wJieh nin', persons, uhi'lly yonug ates, professed eoitier- sioo. Altogether between forty and fifty periloifs were brought to ser their ALSTED &SCOTT ivst condition and n0Ctpt. Jesus as Josephine Street - c.pr4r S °,1:',36 ^, ua'hst of whelp have. J. A. IIAl,s'rsn, J, W. score, attired lu elveH 4 ilei t f. this oh' 3touult] Ferran. I,ietowel, seine other ohureli That the good wurk may nut be allotved to cease, it Deposits Received arid. Interest is intended to hold a baud meeting in Allowed, file Alluroll every, Sunday eyeuip,g anti a general prayer meeting on Wethleit. clay evenings,—The stock of Alex, Stewart, •f the 4th flue, was seized fur back relit autl sold last t aturday win$heet, Ont, Money Advanee4 to Farmers and Bulginess Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral sequrity. Sale notes bought in Beigravo by James A.te idon, agent ata fair valuation. stoney remitted to all p&rts of Cauae`1u at reasoin ble charges. Fur Thus, Atcllisun,, owner 'of the Special Attention Given to Col - farm on which Mr, Stewart has fur the lust two veils keen resitting —We lecting Accounts and Notes. understand P. L \Vide, of Brussels, • — tried, in the interests of Mr. Stewart, or in Canada—The Merchants' Dank or Canada, to st ,p the sate, but Jimmy was not to be bluffed" in that way Gaud so he went straight ahead until his demands were satis.led.--Last Wednesday, 141x. S. Irvine, of the 5th, wits united to wedluek to Miss Jennie Ferguson, of St. Helens Tile happy couple arrived home of Thursday afternoon 'and at onceentered upon the duties and responsibilities of married life. The Tiariss extends its gongragulations• The bride is a sister os Mr. ll,ubert Ferguson, tanner, of WitiThaui.— Wednrnsdtay of • this week witnessed the formation of ft life alliance be- tween Fleury Johnson, of the 5th, and Miss Gaulay, and also between Mr.Iijtcharri VVightman, of Wawa - nosh, and Miss (Jharlutte Johnston,. si. t it of H Johnston previously mini tioued. -1'n these young people also the. '1'tHsti extends its hest wishes for 1 ,,I Rath's programdie by 101 points — i.a lou and fir.tspHrons voyager dew Bias 13+1'th'a Gillai ic, of BIu"vdhi, I tee sureatu 01 illi 4I .•icier Wheeler, 11 as 1,e'•u v•sttiu.. ar, Mrs It' Harrison'sf who nus injured by on- .of his cattle taus V. k.—xlr Iticuard �V'r {utlnttu has returned frutif \.liclfigau.—lite Office Howe—From 0.0., in. to 5 p. m. A.. E. SMITH, /wont. WII\TGHA VI RBLE. VORSt. Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen years bus(nessin Wingham, I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends`, and the public gen- erally,for. the liberal patronage extended. to well' the past. I may also state that I am In a position to offer bettor inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, i IEADSTONE S, • a few days ago, is again able to be ubnil,t.—',Mlle Scher evening We Were. stttte.ineift that lir John 0uutts had a shown every handsome quilte'contain w, id bie and a dance was an error in lug 4240 pieces, the work on which was done by Mrs. Baines, an old lady living in Sunshine. The workman- ship was of rhe finest quality and • tall, cis -great credit upon Mrs, 13aines, wli i has during the, past few Mouths R she has bean eWf I'd on It never ceased to be it sefteter from a disease which has at sillies kept her' aonfllued to her bed. • • print; is should have beau Nit. John (3'tultes, jr, who lives on the 9th con- cession. • Teeswater. - • MIr A G Stewart, of the \Tows, gave ' our t0, vhf a pleasant surprise by tinting a pilgrimage t:, ldvtueo's :altar in caul platy with Miss.S•trah Inglis, Of West `'Vatvaniah with such excellent facil- ittf's for acquainting oar people of y 14q";tPiiMF the omitted hi/. pcbtislr - the 0001e.,•, ,•11UW.eve)', he has given u$ his solemn pledge never to repeat the , offence and we freely, forgive him. y Tue. napp event took place lit the residence of the bride's father, and was witnessed by a large number. 'of sAtk+- friends and relatives of the bride and ler groom. We joie them fa wishing Mr ,d Are ,;,swat a lung and happy married life..—A sad drowning acci- dent occurred this moruing,4th March tat Westfurd, 19 concession of Cnlross. Two young men, Messrs Henry Hetherington and John Murry, were engaged in getting out ice oIl a sma 1 lake. They. had just loaded a sleigh and returning from the place of load- ing to the s -pot where they wore then engaged in cutting they . waled by accident over the place from, which ice had been taken on Saturday, now } frozen over and snow coveted. When well on the dangerous ice it gave away and both young Often sank in the lake. FARIVIS FOR S•AL] . iew ^ Jevieiry , Store - I�ingha� W. H. WALLACE I 0) Ca • Has just Opened out a large new stock or re q 900 1• wane, yy�'� Ger' v)1,' CneC''oAc k Iii the store ono door south of the Post Office, and is prepared to ;,;;re great bargains in special lines of LADIES' (OLD WA:TCti 1!; •, UENTLEMI:N'S GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CLOCK., EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. REPAIRING and NEW WORs: —Dune on the shortest notice, and all work guaranteed.— • WINDOW SILL$, STONE TI1I11I2J.IGS, FOR FENCING, to t would be pleased to have those desirous of pro- curing any articles, in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that the goods may Qdeured and prepared early in the season, You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest workmanship et the most favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, WM. SMYTH, iVii.gham, Ont. 1 have n ',Umber of farms for sale in different parts of; Ontario, As yell aro aware, farms Were never s cheap in this province as at the present tine, and it you want a farm l would recommend you to buy now. If your means are limited I rani sell yon a fare} on a small cash payment. giving you plenty of time to pay balance of purchase mtonev at a low rate of interest, thus enabling you to acquire a home of your own most easily. If you have means and do not tegniru credit I eau give von as good Laine for your money as you can get elsewhere. I will gladly send you description of farms for solo to any locality on hearing from you. JOHN J. PATTON', 84 King street east, Toronto, 76plfast. ;4]r H.Rutlserford and Son have solcl their block of Sine to Mr W Stuart, of Luckuow, formerly of Dungannon. The sum received was a handsome one. Mr Stuart h,is bought the plaining Mill of the late John Stuart. EIe in- tends to run. business this sulntner on a large scale. It is the talk that Mr Stuart itft&tnds to move the machinery belonging to, the saw mill in Diinganu- on to Lucksiow, which also will add to that plane.—It is our sad duty to announne this week the death of Mr T Woods, of the 10th concession of • Wa- wanosh, which took place Prid,iy of last week. .Ha Was 111 for some two months or more, yet his end was un - looked for till within the last fe lv days. His remains were brought to Hougatt don cemetery, the procession being the largest witnessed here for rn.thly years Death at this time has caused a bbtilk which eternity alone can fill. Itis friends have the syallpathy of the colt - mark at large irk their sad bereave. snout. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale Lot 18, Concession B,Howick and 6,aores off the east end of Lot 19, snaking 106 acres There are between 80 and 90 sores pleared and in a good state of eultivatlon • On rho premises are good bank barn, two frame houses, and good outbuildings. Situated about tour miles from Wroxete • " !_or particulars apply to CROCKET WILLITS, Wroxeter P. 0 AMBLER 8,T. CO., House and Lot f'or Sale. The subscriber offers for stile his house and Lot on the corner of Patrick and C ttharhio streets, Wing- ham—tho finest loci.tion in towel.' The house is a large MAY cottage, containing stn rooms; good cellar, well etc. Also two good lmiklin 'lots containing; ono -fifth of an acro each, Will Mr sold on easy terms. For full particulars apply to the proprietor. R0$1MtJ D. YOUNG; Morris. A replrt was circulated last Taos- day eve ling than Mrs, fiaxtsn, of the 8th line, had died va1y. suddenly We are pleasel to state that the raport'was incorrect. Tit nigh Mrs. 'Iia;Au was surf lftnly taken very 1111 and for s.minim I her life was des- paired of, she is now on a fair Wail t recovery, ribs 'evtyal meetings a �y7yulishiue clu4.41. lust Friday (Netting. Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, being east half Lot 22, Con. 10, Turnborry, coutainiu, ,O acres, more or less. There gine seven acres in full wheat and all the land cleared is seeded down. On the promises is a good frame barn and a log house, and a gond yOung orchard. The farm is splendidly lo- cated, being only three miles from the flourishing town of Wingham t'or further particulars, apply to ANDREW MITCHELL, near this farm, Wing - ham Post Oelice, or to the proprietor, WM MITCHELL GrPudln, Cass uo., .North Dakota, (SUCCESSORS TO 1'. A. BILLINGSLEY,) HARNESS , MAKERS. ria. An in peotion of Goods and comparison of Prices invitt+f' Goods ft for repair with Mr. R. R. Vanstone will be given ot,t, i p LA WALLACE, Wingham, Ont. have on hand a Large stook of HORSE BLANKETS, CU111tYC0t1BS, BILUSIIES, WHIPS, THUNS$, VALISES etc., Which will be sold at bettopi. prices. RARENESS, double or single, madeto order on short notice', and satisfaoution guaranteed. ,)41491 4)OE8 CURE U CONSUMPTION Co' its First Stages.. Palatable as Milk. 1#a sure you get the genuine in Saluron color wrapper; sold by all bruggis,s, at goc, SCOTT & BOWND, 13ellevflle. ,GTA calk solicited. Sp,OP—Opposite the Banir of Iiantilton. AMBLER 6e C0.• Wingham,'Feb. lith, 1890. WING HAM `a N EY I S®3.e, BEST BRANDS, 9,, Harness, anti Upper L 'R A. 'T HER ALWAYS ON HAND. rlanufacturers would do well to examine stock and compare prices. Ladies' & Gents' arising Gloves, In Dog, Coon and Astrae'`au, made to order. Also ti0 re g .) -r; ze2•r7C o o r r-1 CC3 0 ce or on icTim tot . te la CD 1S - 511 CD 0 O En 40. a ren F+ 1, cintyre desire to 'say in addition to what they bad to say last week. about their PIO, TEAS Lately put into stock, that any of our customers. getting TEAS from us, who are not perfectly satisfied with thele, after a fair trial, can have their n1o41ey back by returning the Tea. 171 Strong Workingmen's Gloves, In Deer, Goat, Calf and, Sheepskin. Highest price paid for Furs, Hides, Sheepskins and 'Wool. W. J. CHAPMAN. WEST HURON VY1LLIW. MLS, WINGi3AIVI, ONT. INGLIS&Q,1Qt, have these thins hi full operation, and oto in a posi- tion to do custom work of all kinds onshort bottoo, 'WOOD AND WOAD;; WANTED;, Id e:tohabge tor goods of austem.wori1. STOC151I,'G YAit9TS, eto„ cheap, 1301,16 Wingbaut, iroh. rith tSu,i, CANPD1k SPRUIG. SUITI.NGS are showing very S ;?LiSii, D i'SIQNS:.., and.. SPLEN OLD , VALUES, and- we guarantee'satisfaction in FIT and WORE- . MANSHI ? in 'every„ shit dye make- up. r late at, once, before the. ;goods are picked over, ur, the spring rush sets in, fur WO can , •Lli1 1,tpt4er for fie 'n{itY, ulaetri flier]. ' Please do not forget to bee our . New Prints awl 4New ' GO and nhe other attractions of our spring arrivals. Good; DON 8z Mc1TYR E: The Brown Anclto:y', DUFFIELD O., give all chaser a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in Co , PARLOR, BOX AND COOK STOVES ;. FIIRN ACES A ;s•1 ` •A.IiP.ES, TINWARE, Sze., &c.; LAMPS, LAMP UOvlli CUTLERY AND WOODEN V4 ABB. Anlericat and Canadian Coal O.il, wholesale Anel )'atail. 1i sivt ti:' lug a aspecialty,. 11csp<tiring ncs,tly and promptly 'dune, ])ext t 1atn.t„ any mistake but call and inspect;, our stuck and gut, Our hetes+, D UP •s►° I ; Ss SON, , TCNE. BLUCI, WING