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Wingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 3
►.X 01111, tit out testi"ill you opher, down waisted tette as rn his e owed ed his senate's ty, so way of neliG ti) the re. piall�,, It canbe hi^h ft ecreased titillated argues len are iu spite act laws logic prohibit , prohibit to social ed to tL ion ; and ]w from. hod and ohibitory saloon, -•••- the past ;t Churoia • 4d by tilt t denom • tlisaionary Goderich, i,Victoria ury street, ;et, $230 ; Is Circuit, ; vttrna snit, 677 ; 11 ; Dun- I3r]lvniiier, lVruxt•tc'r. 92 ; Wel- sboro Oir- lit, $149 ; graveCir- ; Exeter. Steri AJ.ai11 ue (If the t in Cdnadau dissatisfau- aa follows:, tight` not to. went condi. )urdens for Choir profits below theeo The pro - to get addi- te asking; no ode, no evi- s is sought, in one sided, le who are othing could isatisfactory, IriSing, froilk otne to the, bled to raise. it couldnot way without be cord will, the farmer. ;floe of which; tim. no grievance, try, that their' ane of respect Id prerogative,, :11 that isgrand story, institu- E of desire to, sociated, wink of Britannia's past,few will, ,o, gainsay or ion people as i ,t large and in - hem who have soil, look With r present sub ouista, and are pertnenent,will (firmed by few observers. It things, certain• t nature, that it, a not be to the character if n« bolls were alter - Great Iritaili k the lyes rattier ,with all otlrinl- portunities, we 1 to a perpetual ow They Worg shirts Snow. f" * interest has been manifested since, aturday afternoon In the running of the: 4eotrlc czars, as this was the tlrst snow atone of any tnaguitude ehicu they had been in operation. To their credit be it said that they worked aduliral:Ay, and that had It not ]teen for the Burse cars on " the saute traoks passengers by t1ii electrics would have had llt,.le to eou1piuiu of, The newly equipped eleir trio snow plows were put on early in the afternoon, and with one, exception clitl :14eir work admirably, while to :supple- ineut then] in Severtil caeee an ordinary plow was pushed ahead of a motor oar, 1 rl'hetracks of the elt•ctrie lilies were as oit'aatly swt'pt. as if by hand, and the •smooth rails alt day bunday were in marked contrast to the ace eoalteal iron 00 other lines,. Good work in this dime - Om with the bulla Of the 8110W once oi? wain dune by the small brushes oarrieu b, enohsdoctric ear, The eleetrit: plows are novelties to their way, and mutat interesting. to watch at work, Each swee,,,ar eouslsts of a plat- form oar mounted on as four wheeled truck. two Tlto, nsoal-aoustot] motors eon - r �.ntnCtlltg with the axles furnishing motive ,power: Underneath each end of the car is a lame- eylindricatl brush reaching •toss the track at au angle of about • KINSHIP, ,A illy grew In the tangle, a liasne red garment dressed,. And many a rabv ovengle Besprinkled her tawny breast. And the sticen moth sailed by her it a get ert bee vulsnow oe nigh tier, Nor Not a get yin lits gay green mall. iroraay And the bronze brown wings and thegoldeu, Werestthe ill Asby holdeneadows tilawa, From the illy that gamete Mono; Tirant tangle l wanerder wahe nderer n ]; wens At'd with many amble Ramada W era his tawny vans besprent, • ,Aral he Hovered one moment stilly tier the thicket, her mazy bower, Thou he sank to the heart of the U1'y, And they seemed but asingle )lower. —Helen Om Cone, .Dips us Eislt Esters. Dire you ever visit the Fulton fish mar- ket iu the early morning? It is crowded by a throng such Its can be found no- where else—stewards, chefs and hotel keepers, boarding llotise proprietors and restaurant people, econoaiieal house- wives and Chinese merchants. One day, r this week, I happened to be in there, and encountered the oddest person of them all. It was J. Yatsnioto, a Jape- ' is the successful proprietor of O OUR IIUBSQRZB RS• The SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Which app.avec; hi. 01.1r QQllIDAS Sonne blit@ brute, announcing a special arrange- ment whit Dr, U. J, K1010A14, ilo , of ,Euueburt;h hulls, vt; publishers of "A Treatise on the 1rlorst' and his emelt," Hltereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of the vain• able work Fuze by serJnduag their ad. dress to B. J., EttliI)A1T & 00„ (told encluaingg a two -cent stamp for mailing same) is renewed for a litnited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indis. pensalle as it treats in a simple manner till the diseases which afflict the nob.e anitnal. Its phenoininal side throughout the United Slates and Ounada, make it standard author- ity gentian this paper when sending for "1'r•.eatise." FOR TIM . B$ 4. ORDUT.tEa OLC SRIN, xw :a m def;w Upon the carp el hich itc I two boarding houses for his own cam - rims of fibteen horse power, which , Hansa. lie bought so many fish as to runs these brushes at a rapid rate of excite attention, and when spoken to speed. An upright standardtheini the esu- about it said: Our peo )le from time " 1 • of till cktl' supports. the trolley, whichs immemorial havo preferred fish to all Lea is similar to diose on the box cars, and around it is a group of • incandescent' lights. The motors which run the carand almost unknown that the one on either end can be to use veal, lamb are of thirty horse power. The car runs i or mutton, Pork is 'used more fre- either way. and the brushes are so geared gnently. But the great standby is fish. oyere Our fishermen form a large clement of ated track, 1Tl sweepeyile le the track ver is lifted ry cleaom n, Labor is very cheap at home, so that in the population and are ver7 skillful. anti throw clouds of titre snow ahead of ; every village, town and city you can tiliu, as they do it.—Boston Journal. buy fish of every other forme of annual food. It is 01 tluin a rare event to use beef for food, kind anti in any amount frons a quarter of a cent to three A Now color Test., 1 cents a pound. Even when we go to In reference to th colon' test" for the; foreign lands we carry our tastes with eyesight of railway hien, Dr, II. E. Led -1 us, and try as far as possible to have the lard, of Carlisle, surgeon to the railway', same fish diet as in our native country. companies in the district, has devised an l —New York Star. iustronient which he thinks will serve I �V,tithrg Sonya Philattthron7• • all 'purposes. It consists of i holder, I It must be that the discomforts of with a revolving •d It of colored glass raveling awaken i} responsive feeling of —purple, mauve, green, yellow (the t sympathy for a fellow being in. distress, 1 symp y blue of a White signal lee , for 1 have noticed that an unfortunate l]luo and red, which, it will b peen,l on his way to somewhere and without ! " • includeho alle the colors tided on railways.lght, ! sufficient money to get there never an - • and the surgeon is ltl fn fr inet of a is l or ! to the crowd in- the waiting room i sod rho.anate byes the color l pealspoliceof,Ttcg, sight of the candidate revolving; the ;for assistance that it is not forthcoming, if, after investigation, a r disk and bringing in;; rite separate eo7orthrough poor wogen- glasdes .in front of the orifice tllroug;li ;announces that the case is one of gen- -cactl nine distress. Let some p man winch the flame lsign shines—thus a p exactly., ! With children be found in the room need- 1 • sugg tst 1 the he al iii nal lamp. tie I ing a few dollars to Make up the fare to smoked glasshat the addition of a Niece of her 'destination, or a little money to 4 f tuol.ed would make the appearjcolors bu their food or shelter., some one 1 c lnucli the wine as they \would in l 11azyt only to announce the story and get a fog. It is not convenient always to 1 an officer to, pass around his hat, and test with actual hue of railway; but a I the pennies,, nickels, dimes and quar- y test this fnstrut thet, inwhich the • tors commence to chip right ill, and it is tegaminer can change the colors qufeki • `, all the more silrprisiug, for the class a l •are ETA TABLE. 0. R. B. TIME Trains arrive and depart as follows: T T 1i 'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, Gun's, Cheap for KASH. ,A.T WEBSTE1t'S ONTARIO MUTUAL Lr I F. Cash Income for 1888. New Assurances written in 1888 88 1. 8 ARRIVING Assets, as at Dec.Di'C. Sls ., a' nt Assurances in force, Jan. let, 1889 :15 p.na Lt1AF IA4 For Toronto 6'3' i 6:55 a m .,....,... 2:16 p.m „ Surplus, Dec, 31st, 2:16p,nt. ForToa9water.,.... 215 1 30:30 10:80 p. an $ 393,074 (if) 2,518,650 it) 5,318,853 fats:: 12,041,914 ('0 90,337 Ot$ SPECIAL FEATURES: K _Rpm. Prompt. Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution of Profits, Guaranteed Surrender -Values, and Liberal Policy Conditions. A. 0. STRATIWEE, AGENT, WtNGIIAM.• ALEX. DAWSON, West, P gb tickets to all pointe in America—North.GII gAL AGENT. Wcst„ Paolaio Coast, orae],, via the shortest and all deetinatioa.0 xoweatt1rcight ratos ton11 pointe h to I LIIAVE 0:30 a. 11:10 3:40 p. 7:28 0:46 a. 3:40 p 11:10 a. 3:30 p. •10:10 • --TIME TABLE. .auA r. • wlNtlRplt, ARRIVE AT WI:$011A14. m.Toronto,ggplph,Pahnelston,&a.13:30 ,ii. " " Clinton, " nr. Palmerston, Mixed.. ,...,1016 a.m, rn ,.London, &c,. ,,,,.... 11:00 'm. m.. isinoardino,t�e •••„•..030 a.m. Has a most .complete assortment of the LATEST, CHOICEST, and 'ml • . 11:10 •, :, MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in 0:60 van Wingham Ont DIEM lEIVUE LZTABLIZIEF1 iessaMpiAFaW,1y 4M,R7i V z;t "would at least weed out those {vino positively color blind. —English ° Me- chanic. Thought Ito ',V:ss a gorse. A Vermont farmer and his wife, on Mont- pelier, Citi used beforo the statue to the of Ethan llelier,l. ;Allen. They gazed long and thoughtful- ly, and then the silence was brokettt by the husband: "Gosh, mother, anus thought Ethan Allen was Francisco Argonaut People who aro found in a 1Stlatmg, are not, as a rule, 'overburdened with cash. Policeman in St. Louis Globe - Democrat. YVatnen's Taste to Mien's Neckwear• Thever know what sfelio vel, and fellows are tog' e the sure they don't know . what to give the girls. Well, a man will take anything, slippers or ;Iowa' or handkerchiefs or —Sap mistletoe front with delight. But, sin- {jjj pular as it,?ma3' seem, nota L -tie that m1 pile women in I ten cau pick out for a man, anec Victoria's Ludlam more Profits. $1he will dare to wear in a place where he The queen pays.pore than er. Indian i is kngwn, The neckties that a woman r out of the profits of her . Indian picks out are enough to ,slake a man a year 'ahem for the education of her tenants. , shudder, unless she confines herself to There are at Bombay. Madras and model of 1 plain colors without pattern; and the oatta great iini f L udii pn the wof , man who has the bravery to pick cut Ire L7niversity of London, anti the whole t I. wearing; apparel for his lady friends may L of India is dotted with colleges and .schools. The universities have more than 2,000 native students, and the profcssor- ship}i include law, wedicizle, engineering;,• there are ninety -sig colleges in British ahair shawl or a seal sacque, that s diiiel and the classics. In addition to these lite You can 1 present any girl with one those—and if it isn't Atilt it can be India containing nearly 9,000. students, of changed.—Buffalo Courier. and as to academies and public schools their name is legion. There are now the teac1 ing; of English in will be sure that in nine cases out of ten 1 will never see the light of day after it is resented. Of course, if it is a cannel's I l - S. G RACEY, Supplies all necessaries for fun, eral furnishing having a Delivery Wagon specially for this branch of business; All 'orders attended personally, and delivered any: where within 10 utiles of Wing: hum. Remember the place, first door south of the big brick hotel on the rain street,'Wiughhm.' BARBER SHOP. 31R. MALCOLM McDONALD, 1Watches, Clocks, Jewelry { and Silver Goods. A GAINS. TOUTgCAS II 1�s er AT' GO' CLOSE ATTENTION GIVbN TO REPAIRING,, , AND WORK ALL WARRA1NT1 D... , G9 RIGHT TO, raPEEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERYL• (LATE OV RI1'LRY,) Hating pudihosed the Whoring business of Messrs, Sebastian Bros., v ones pood to p patronize himive all , satisfaction d customers and as many of � in all lines of the profefigion, SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. lts,Give me a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon ;lrnd Llclntyro's store, X. MCDONALD. The Dog gee. One of the features of this town is a sad e� ¢d man who wanders along the t'6 beforo education can '� notbnster. o p 0 1 desirous N CUR will India ! KEi�DALL S SPAVIN 1. schools for everrq district, but it on an genet a esefol Remedy ever diseov 1 t 10' B 011 a TLO d as itis certain in its orf 1 s be happy —Chicago of selling the brutes, but he never E. his voices and when he stands for a min• OFFres; or CilAnr'E' A. SNYDER, ute or two on the Curb. the dogs get as BnEEnRn eS )y possible, and, crouching monsvate8n BAs: AND Tao1Tnro Burn HoxsEe. $ Hear ISini as p ELtnV001), ILL. Nov.20,158 . down, blink demurely at the public. Dn. B. 3t NDALLaa y ball's Spavin Oure by rho half dozen Mottles, I They are both small dogs, but and he is, won alike prices in large uanaty. 1 thinlritle little bigger than the other, ('one of the hest liniments on earth. there used it more noticeable because several fgches I cn,,,ystables for t]iree Yeah'. Criss. A. 9xrnsa. Ii • , a Yours truly, '� spr . big thoroughfares with { Herald. ea a Bloat as uca effects and dose tions l two I ered, tars roof below: throughout the people, and Only then string. It ' supposed that he 1s er in'ous raises Oit �! L►�lJt a 1 51�� rets I, Oysters Fresh, and.. got -ken up � -,in, Every •Style �°rE , rIo Ilona°. It having been rumcareu that1 ' promi- nent Detroiter had beeih bunkoed out of $400 in New York city, a friend called upon stint and told him what was rn hide and asked him if there was an 1 of his tail have been cut off. 0 is SPAVIN a. ���E the report. ” i indignant solemn looking canine, with 'a coat thel KER®ALL'S iGa "Not an iota, esti Wa% the slid a color of brown sugar. The other. dog 1 gn00i LLTl, 15.Y,,.Novetnbor9,1888. response t d ++ has a,' woolly coat and a Tittle stub of tt I on,B.1 1r8NDALLoo. Sirs I d onto to giVa�on testtmonlai of idly' "Its singular { back tail that is wars ' good r i on eee 131;e. ,Idaho nn "So it is, an ' 1.trace manner. There 1$ nothing I• i signer and I have foutt 1 a aura . + 1 r how the report stat' c . ( always in a nervous 1 Dear s ria t oL vont HoRdB 's$pavinCure. Ihava d 'f 1 • RUITS,i A Fifa. r$toek of, GRr; 1 ES.e. Af?PEES, ORANGES,?Jtc.:. G'A]S & OR' .-' DRI CO FEG iONEt4Y,{ tile. comity. Pur©,.Creuuis; a speOialty, (: and sea me. 111L '$ C%T` .. STAU ANT ,The most oompletQ,,,etoeit,, itt eotlld tl co t T Ll nig about the need is for Lamen • d e cure Icora, I'd make the liar eat his wo? dst brutes i o indicate any special breed, and aL., rceommend ft to allhttraemen a r Gminrnr. "I O it iSbt it was odd;" Tours truly "So it is Tho only tiling 1 can think pot dogs: 3 ey {I no one °stcluld suppose, that they'are any- thing more than j a g : Th 're not. Nett' 'cork Sim. AA t''1,jier: . ,.. Mrs,, liuelntla,Jacitson--Is so got any vrorlc 4ti any I.incl yea like done, lady? tof•'e sireto.::c;' a story is the fact 0 give g hat I met a young man in Neer York who said he had drawn two Valuable hooks in a, lottery. Ilo.ofiered memo of Brent if I Wottld go along and get $t. 1 and i went eauuncl they had'a lottery (batw- ing ewer any *sway Teasels' in the earns room, I bought ,;,;1:00 Mrs. 1:'Ionsekeoper-••What kind of W,,ork nooks and uo Can yAu do? i Tours truly, Horbo neat*. worth of tickets find drew akiratnrswili J l•sen--•" ski, I does mepl?. l' `t `YEN CU >itanager Troy Laundry stables, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE easT, Wn+TON Conan,. cane, Deb. I ,1888. omits cited trier, ate Ivpent7•$VeKhorsessOthat lied liin d avis ,Q ten of ofand lb a Afflicted with ; Head ri nine +� r. Your Betio. o 13 x �b�I a o of rang i Since S seven of ]il �a tvca tho dlreetions,I have Haver r 1)n. B. r. X 00,1 to a iahitt I hawse don A Blessing o=.E�ue3� �oLsohold. HOLLOWAY'S -PILLS' AND :OI f fifty dare pronounced the best Dledternel • These renteCios have stood the test o Y 1 STOMAciI liII1DTYS.AND•L 1 'Purify the blood, correct all plaints incidental to earstetx experience, tcatclt list I was novo lucky 11 ties, ac. , six kin' ob it troru ALL S SPA Er + be taken, an 1 kin do y KIND ld l thin}tg rill,. idea that 5 con t male, b day 1•t to de Wiest All Drug- or .A bottles � Priadl4t rbpttib,Oretx u orlownttweeut TOE 0 , It Or n et Y veorda d eft 1 r e• + d' like o plainest a ry ay e x e and d in toy t such a buriln ri?., y s ata]u Alp .tt,�' Sunday kind.;• �$ yo' want ai] Drug - pt la art' sd3 a sonlo, of 041,1'> fellows 1 kin de, tO any a 11",r on neo.ipt of goo >inu srilIV whottartsucl . r'illg }sisalt:3'' e k,4i . teat fine moppin' tlonp, lady toxo, an.a?.saxDArsao,111�ii(4 t�tl' , tilt p mutt an' fh1e.--13etigpit hake Pres, l gO D ALL .. l use. °n • .. •. . 'OV, I:LS a all disorders l c el, the LININ., t females of all ages• ' 1 11.111...0 in-1r•al�nablu in a co�n- 1-t'��I- .1. .1 -1-r-I . r. Ea i ` \ •J L i �i i_�n .lam • s sores, ulcers, awes old wounds. POlt gONCNITIS:, , s the only reliable remedy ter bad legs, , Late LLI GSord D. ALL Lt I iGtI9, noI,DS, GOUT, I,tF klLtblA'rlS:it, itLAlltil>Att SWELLINGS' DISBASE , IT NO I1QTJA,,.. Llat,uiaoturrd only at 78, New Oxford.; L Did sold by iainc Vendors throniihoilti thG tperld..' 1 addC1 and sold yall tf ed rureliasera Mhoui nit �tileti}ate puiiou�n th0 Bot3a and Pots,, f t 10, , 33, Oxford 8 treat, Loud •, , y , • Witea 4 4ORM 1 �'.:�►, please ly. ?siteeetcel ack e *boat ?f? afor 1`AtBl0hPrl1TOTts !seam Ey its timely aset amehopleisvebepermanently Cu •,edd. . I glad to send two bottles of in remedy PEES to bay of our readers ho ha npilori r will send fns thr Pnr Pot litob Address. at,�.41/0As r.u+c4•a Most wrltatuld4►diON'Oe