HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-03-07, Page 1L ) NELS, JO ATS, AS - LE FT S- iE.FO a .fro r IN.A w- 3 • SA+�UCW NW y�E, r R ES YATE8 VO . X.I . --NO 10,. OTT,, FRIDAY, MARCH i, 1890. 7.11 ARO Fl 3 &ST MMONT11 QF I —' 1 Gerster ekoi :a apeaialty of **- ".IM ER SEASON, making rnauagrem brooches, ear -drops, r;+ THE bouquet and tie pills, At+ Fprirg rppronchea the tnotlior ( injokeahead'hrtawlui' d tltrrila nhnilt the 1,ey's sprti,g shit, The Beer alio looks efter .the emii, l hoy, but with no hostile teutinto • '!his time the is landed with Bays' Sprille Suits, Bay's ii tie, end boys hig, wan he lite I with sty'is11; Il-. ..jnitde suits, and et price • that 'will 1 i'r.'txierls;' you, en 1,1'l4 iu ,;lobe 'boys 'And let the .Rear lit them Bruits oleo clothes man, but farst talion their rueasrire and !rived then fTom 'the ('lienpiist ftYd str•otigest to 'the filleist .and hest goo'is to choose from 'flay 'du'r firth fro the Be'a'r, • —Au exchange say materializeso slow! n Ur ea news a t 2 pay 1s —A, meeting of the ham Horticultural el Mr S Yauhill'e office there lire few things. t o woad tis promises of r subscription. diroctors of the Wing- eiety will be held in hie (Friday) eaening et 8 o'ooak, A full attaloe° is requested. —Ladies' New Dress Goods and •Printe, ]•veniug 13liawls,I,awwe, Gloves end Hosiery at def 1I 111oIndoo'a. the Lard's Sapper Fi ingham Proeby- adey ;last. There o the communion lie Sacrenieut of dispensed u the terihn Church, on Sui was quite an addition roll. --1E yOtt want • a gesluine goodclothes wringer 10 and see those kept by James A CHI•. & Co. Something pew, very cheap. r1 a Chesley Tante • rise saysthe new tunery beinp erected in that town by 'Mr 3ollu Beeullan, late of 'Ving1iarn, is peariug oompletlou, Them a building is 72 feet in length by 24 iu wit] 11 and 26 feet high, with a wing 26 by 48 est. There are fif- teen vats. —Mlle Old. •Rellehle Star Iteetsurant takes the lead. Jas Moleelvie. .r ores lenient), "homages, apples', at B !:fin's, Tara list I u the *Ieotrio light pre- position a sig i4,utlis' has it. o' r -•I:, F Gerater salt fill zti presentation other special ordure within t*Anty.four. !bum li mere kitten & Carr's Med liy the 16t1 of • RU BT. Oita. TxE BtaAit, March 7, 1800. LOCAL NEWS: —A large ,tock of oranges and lemous to be sold cheap eat MaKeivle's, —The rage' r Monthiy meeting of the Public Se11ool yard will,be held on Tues- day eyouiug i >st. • . WANTED GrGiEnrA.TErZ,—A good genet... x�re servant. to 6o t17r,Utit;Vernon, N. Y. Apply to Mrs k' Brookenshire,Wingbam. —The ligh fall or .'show on Tuesday afternoon cut .night Ince made verygood god sleighing, evil It Ili being adieu advantage ,R e oy/aW 'nil MOand caber$. Jt4st received e largo sleek of canned ods a :u. It Hilly. ' Thaffli+ro, of lire 'Sr (fools, ,carriage lIellaIr `k Iii tow i, lies heOn dissolved, 'TheiY;1''gih�sis fu nra Will be ce.rrlerl on 'by Mreas'i Dorn. -(J'ysters'dolre 'tie3 id any style lit R ?r iill's, --Tce heeveetin 4s in full b '. last. Mr t' ;'°1ChaA McConnell Ifort s' shipped about y 'car loads to Chath' n1. Petrolia and Wind- - slor during the past week. -The live mile c; Face between Gyula Anderson, cf. Wingba do Mouday evening, nese of Graham. It (Friday) evening, a Bell's ftictory Babd'II and there will be sk..it ampionaltip skating , of Fergus, and , slid 'not 'come off d account of the 111 - win take plane thi mmenoiug at 8.30. ill be in attendepee, ting after the roe. —The bridge at Mill is to be 'c na April. —Fleet b`E the, assn Ian, lehei atodk of baniaums and piueapplas jomtarrived at Jas, tot e1Vie's, —The town eo noil, at the meeting .o Monday nigh lea made ;plea' usual grant of $100 to th 1\le hantaetnstitute, 14lessri a Sr 'e Li Are offering their planing 7l 'and plant in Wingham, at puirl5o ado 'on on the tet •h'Laroh', 1890. Fee pattibnla .e potttees• Gents' Full Dress 13hirts, Ties and Gloves; New styles in Collars aud' Cuffs; complete range of Settings, at Vi M Mo- Indoo's. • ber the Act require �E F derster fs the oldest- and has ” a'at reliable jeweler r 'proved himself the to to town. —Evttnfielistic see (. :ducted in the Congr ing the week by Be ary superintenabat, ;attended, —1:1 F Gersten hadecided to remain in town until Wiugliarn,beoomes a city. Comedy Company l'or'one week, com- venTne, March 25th. vvil1 be given in a -It is well to retie ing the, registration and deaths, with the polity. A birth must 30 days by the pare marriage within 90 ds who performes-tile ce the occupler of the !ruse kn which it take ik iierment of tl ices 'Have been oon- eetlouel cliureli d'ur• Th•oef Mall,, eniesiotie • and have, been well —The Bynum Wel will play in Wingba! mooing Tuesday 7 Further particular$ future issue. —E F C erstier's isf lite'onIy place where engraving is ueatly and ariistically done. --Canned pum' :inw. ;;tpies and squash,, just received, at sari Ma11e1Vie's. ,;1171 1 Mair ey, by communioatian, wn council to netpay mut teethe town 'band. lie conte de tat t, the ceunoi1 'lave no• authority o mak ' the,grei:t, which - con- tention is nob nbt . borne out liy the statutes.° —G T trains foe T .tonto and east leave Wiugham at 6.30 call, and 11.10 a.m. via W G & 13 Division, and at 6.45 a.m. and 8.40 p. rd., via C'hitin aud Udelph. Go+d counections by all tri int. hasnetifi the t over any the f births, marriages. erk of the muuioi- be re„tabered within in is of the child; a ya by the clergyman emony ; a death by place, mud before th body: e , eTee NaTzais. gad' goad away with one poidtd; of Balch Call and get question sheet? Yates, the grocer. • it —Mr J P Austin, ' ing the firm of Au: iron founders and m .s, on. Monday looking tl This firm give speci building of all kinds 'the manufacture of f ListoWel, reprosent- in, Clitilie 'Bush, ohinistt, *-114;113, town rough ode "factories. al attention to the, f machines used in eniture. Mr Chas 1Kueelitn' in an ether her ao lumn, aa purchased the Marne fore Messrs,J J Hole carry it on in future 1 door south of Mr T Knechte] is well rand Wingham as a retial .mechanic, having w 'hire for the past six' --.The Council took ne action in regard 'to the'eleotric light i Monday evening, 1Ir Allen, 0, represen tine of the :Reliance Electric Ligh tOomp• sty was present, mid stated the terms oh .vv huh the light would be given. The comps' y offer+' to give the light for 300 nights pe annittii at 20 cents per light per night. :.Some of our town SeafoY,b onIli:onday t 4tno'ra'1 Olieir, a ib hklaegow, Scotian tq:, the 'expiect. people Went over to hear thefamous sical orgahieation' hesingingwas ions; of those who WHOLE —Booms • to rent, at the rear and over Halsted & Scott's bank, For particulars, apply at the bank. Spring $hbwa, Bast Vawauash, Beldrave,Apri 11 17. ast ast siren, it Brio/eels, April 18. istowol, et Listowel, April 16. Prot. LolNettii's.niemoryiyztem is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and pervious wishing to hnprave their memory should send tor his prospects foe as edvertlesd in another. column. e 6"tall given' Powder. om W T • -The Wi ghan arranging fo a gras ee the 24th o May ori the progr slime., fire comps 'es, b watches, &o, The by halves w en t band, and til y wil trouble to giv the sport ou the 4th May. —Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed ,repaired and pressed also ladies' boats: and.. dresses dyed and pressed, Satisfaotionguara9te9d. Shop on Victoria Sf., next•lldor to ' Abeve Cur o Monday last, a, the rink here be Tories, which resulte Glrits. by 10 Shots. Id Grits, W Raierson; J Inglis, 1' Paterson J N.eehands, skip..18 Fire Company are d celebration in town Attu/eget other things vill be ontestsbetween ase ball and lacrosse renin never do things' ey . take :'anything care neither time nor people, e, grand day's qty 3tidey last, a gw 'tween the Old Couutr diets. The game was the Canadians finally idiots. The score at the ;Qanad(ass. 'IT' W C Meyer, J ng. ewe. was played ou en the Grits and, in fevee . of the', re; TorKa. I' Johnston,. Stiles, . Hanna, (load,skip 8 e was pliiyed be - men and Cana• eeuly -contested, wiuning by six dish stood: Old Country. nt lis by advertisement, ouuoes that he has siness s ina7tfug hu th & Son, rind will the buildi- d one ti Mills' store Mr avorably known in le . a and a good than rked at the business years. --If your watch or clock is out of repair take it to L F Gerster and get it repaired. He will give you, good satisfaction.. is 'Magazine Contains 'Private Economy;" of the MissottH —The March ,Yi %£ a suggestive paper on by Jaynes M Lorin y. hatri s shoo shop,. eV, . MITOnELL. Legislature; two brigit stories by Eben E Rexford and Mrs 11 against tisbpreseut m ekev 011'40 Treat) tbeories ars`s' edvanec Wheeler'Wileox; "Light Moods," by De Moil and other 15 'cote; Specimen ward; au able paper ttbod of burial, by and ib which uew l;'a poem by Ella iterery Chats" and ediiiir Alexander N. eatures. Price only dopy 6 cents. —Mr D Lower W Manitoba ivi'tow'=1.. school, Mr Clark Lowe ]+ themaely tor of tl aentlm en 'Whet we P.Ot*. ,formerly tettoher of the 141:01634 school, Sod 'Who left for the let or part of` 1,)cember1ast, 0.1e 11 from Wi agile, eye not disposed to Ottawa at presen mtll?ioatiouwas ria collector, asking1 t t crease of salary. 1V1 seconded by Thos A ing's,salary be suppl<reet#ted by $2O—Lost. eecouded by Geo, tisfeettory return of remover by Mr ' he: be paid bis A deptle tleetelrom echanicsa Institnte, 0 W Moya, P op, addressee the o tine usual grant +lr by Go McKenzie, 'ams,that tlse usual e to the I'decbanice The T'ivauce Comae omulending .paymeut" untie Charity orders —to Mrs Sadler 81.15, .15, furnished , by P. rs--ordered by Mayor .n 01, P Morden t,5 C' N Gri6bij charity: 'Mayor -to MT 'Monk' 76,11irs Sadler 53.50; eyed by Mayor-eV/1i oket, e4.80,.iurti Saint, repairs to water pe and W 0 Fituart, Barber, work on o Hughes, work on os Bullard, iteareiug, J Neelands, A Mitchell, J Dingley, • Kent, B Willson, skip ..19 4aterson, skip,.13 sab:na •-iu"'�"b'�',�'Pra `.f•p, iru a sa ey ;sof $500. per ,annum - t is a 13. ' (asking temeher, heed th rt Gee. ' people may congratulate 2 00 he wring'so-.able :an instruc- eir you h. ;Wee' but : voice the sof. M Clarks t1 Many friends here ish hi every success in his new field'of labor. 1' e -Fresh oysters, arriving daily, done up. to Goderieh, but nil :a deputatioe :eo Carried, o eras- From Mr i3 I'al ytg, couueil for. pyo iii• r ved by 0 F �Vllliurns, new. that Mr S 1'al- 1?toved by A Dawao MuBenide, that on $ the roll to the Town Paling, .Collector, 'th salary—$40—Carried tae Directors of the consisting of ,leesara Fisher aud. J A let Comma in referene the :iuetitute. Mov seconded by C 11 Wi gi•au.t of 0100 be ma Institute-40arried. mittee reported, 1 of the foliowimg ac -ordered by Maya Mrs Thompson $ Deans; charity ord -40 Mrs Thornp. cents, furnished by orders—braerea b' $1,25, J Johnston charity 'orders—or Good Win, railway by Dr Towler; Mra Dart, $5.95; R. Vans auditors, $20; Ch gravel pit, 03.50; .G streets, 93 cents; , Auction Sales. The assignee of the Plunkett has instructed: tioneer; to sell, at the 1 Wingham, on Saturday, o'clock, p.m., the east hi 13th concession. of the Wsiwanoslf, centaining 11 10 per cent on day of in 20 daye thereafter. assignee. Au unreserved sale of farm steels and implements will take place ou east half of lot 16. eancession 12, Friday, March 14th, at one o'clock Terms—All sums Of $5 ansI Tinder. Cash; nine months credit en sums over. 83. 0 -os A Gray ,proprietor; Peter: Deans,auotion bbr. The easterly half of the north half of lot 33, concession ,G,,Eaet Wet mnosll, will be seld `by publto•setiotiou at Scandrett's hotel, Belgrg,v on Friday, March '21st, at 2 o'clockF:. ms -10 per cent ou day of sale, andelrel nce iu 30 days, J A Morton, venddteiti3olicitor; Peter Dettns, auctioneer. estate of Thos. eter Deaus, arc- ruuewiok House, March 8, at. twb If of 'let 41 In the pwnship of East acme. Terms— ale and kit/Jame John lieelands, us Por the accommodation of settlers going to Maititobel and the Northwest, the G T It will run colonist treble on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, and each succeeding' Tuesday there* after flaring Biaroh and April, leaving Wingharn G T 31 Station at 11.10 a,., rn., making quick time through. All arrange- ments completed atstartiug poiut.Through coupon tickets coverlet; free a000modatiou i� na colonist sleepers issued by GT It agents, edltd through oars of the best description for live stock and effects supplied. All at for full rend veli able inf0.1 rtnat oon G u 11 agents in any style, eat Sas ➢'Iciiolvie'a --�bu -wed, sday,`we• sad a call from., Mree L Dodd ge4tleniau is' tarso in the k'aoilW 11ailw Land Oompa been in Peter has a large p for iititnitob iu Manitoba a good snow taut they wi tear. Mr D MrJJAnd confident will be a j running to —The Adelaide (Australia) Acteartisee contains the annoixn enie5t,that. the speak. er of the House of Assembly; Sir 3'oltn Cox Bray, has been t ade a Knight Com- mander of the Order of St Michael acid St George, The Ad Maar says that the !toner wail offered to im some years 'ago, but at that time ad Linde. Iu au hrtiole eulegistio of this ateemau the paper ikel'y to succeed Sir ent•Gleneral for the trails,. Sir John is late Of Wingham, f ltev 4orace Bray, t b'y Mishap Baldwin, , of Stelittt, Manitoba. This at present Working in On- interestii of the Canadian Y Company and.Nort11-West y. For a short time he hoe borough and ''vicinity, stud irty who will leave that place in a short time. The winter las been a pleasant one, with :all, aud Mr Dodds feels' cer- l:bre a good Drop there,; this adds lives at the place where son bee bas purchased, abd is lite will be a large toilet; as it ration of the two railkeys ie Intel fields. —Fresh_ supply of cream and other kinds of candies arrived this week at :'Jas Me- Kelvie'e, ti Pacific exhibition car uearlay and was visited S during the day. The sed principally of grains; as from the great fertile ' Winnipeg aud_Calgary, in nits andminerals froth bis. The mineral exhibit d prove$ that there is an wealth for Canada in that e speoitneu of silveraore 15,1100 ounces per to, and gold quart% from the Iteiter d is Also very rich.„ The rain, roots, fruit, etc, Are of appearance, particularly the rltiah Celunibia attracted a of attention aud many weber the dot; of wonder. Mr P Lillieo, Mayor town ou business, o Gracey spent a few di week; returning hotne i rs Is` G Sparliog, 0 been in,Lakelet in att sister, Mrs A Halliday .With la grippe, returt •Mrs Sheppard, of•Lucku Mrs Bray's, this town. Kincardine, was a .guest this week. . Messrs D N J Berton, of Belmoro, Wednesday.. Mrs John been visiting friends in 0 time, returned, this we grove and, 11awlsina, of tilalting at Mr A W Chapman, who has been visit be Parry Sound and turned to town the oth Loutit, 3r„- who has b Battle Creek, Michigan, r Friday last—The Misses Wroxeter, were visiting this town, during the McKay, of Ailsa Craig, wl ing'her sister, Mrs D returned to her home nti WP Dulmage left for ,li Hensall, on a business t day .:Mr Wane, of Bl Wednesday. Ir Geo 1 'bus for Mens s Dulmap. for some time, loftier day. y lire R Hill left J oro'3tte, to visit her m ,tiiok't ,Ira 11 llerdsrhe, millinery openings in Mrs R Hill paid Mrs don, a visit last week, f Listowel, tans in Saturday. t Mr S it at Detroit, last n Monday evening this •town, who has edauce upon her' very vho is e y low 3 du Mouday. w; is visiting at Mrs •McGaw, of t Mr Jets Angus + lcDonald and B re in town on argill, who has nton for short t..Misses Acus- Turnberry, :tee Vebster's..1ltiss on es, month's orth• Bay, re- day..Me 3aa en residing in turned home on Sanderson, of Mr FI Davis', est week.. Nisi o has beet/ visit- teWert, Morris, Wednesday ..Mt tori, Exeter and ip, on Wednes• th, was iu town Blow, who drove and Mr Agnew routo on Thurs- o Thursday for tiler, who is very is attendisig the oronto this week' B Brock! of Lo $5.67; 3 Fleuty, pri . ting, 57.50; Stiles & Kent; sundries, el..; T A ' ler. $2.38; Mrs Th. • .. and Mrs Showers,'' X2.71; Gray, Young , f tuxes '1889, 577.71; rdered by Mayor=..]? shed by C J IEeadin+ '., sed to retch/amend the Charity orders—er. rs ' oodwin *eight', (x 1 g Ohne account 5ii.42, fs mashed by Mr ftrlk eek isiderable die `Y A 1)'es ivfic`ti, ;s,srt.of thS `' ittin tfae tV zu be re Com - n Messrs 4 ng' town hall & Sparling,.refund charity orders -- Morden, 51.50, furn The Committee ref following account: dered byMayor e Y 59.72, cash 610,25, telegrams 58 • ce Elliott, 525.97. cussion,t it was seconded by .kt Fibailee'' Comrnitte account of charity y paid — Carried. mittee reported ha Gilchrist, Green bouts agreement; t a statement as to t cation of workme during the year 188 an extension,of. two 21st of 1i'ebruary,1$ 500 payment due $ Py last, they agreeiug thereon for said ti —The Caned' was ib town on by large numbs exhibit is cowl roots and grass regid'. betwee addition to British Oolu great dea 'the opininn of timid WI O wept froto here IT was held it Ritchie Hall, cto Monday 1 , Colony of South Ati lick uma ovadog ittst The .)t's *ere tkiii9' that 1 1161.1hew of gill Br, reasonable to Mere. young *enact 'd pot respond t° / midis a iull consin the best id 'Wiu 'their invitation of last eek. We would I itt,tely ordahlea ptie land, good stable, 'renew the invitialon, a a hope that many i loor fine cigars , on should call at II molt through the ho 'will join us at our next 1 ceting to be held I y Ws. Braildst Stonew sit Jaeltson. • ing. ' For full partiot in Ititehieit gall, Mond blietithg, *itch &via' uttgo, Cream 1)eht Cthathi the 1 , ersignad offers his dolumodions luated et/ the corner of Pat - rands streets,. for sale on 'A, The house ie one of tan:tett/4 is most detairahly convenience; e• acre ef 0, Parties wishing to se oan to by call. apply to Una SCOTT. , Tetknit.c4 0111. be to 11 s t'ro; The rabii,e ing wai Co. iu reference to at the firmsubmitted:" • ' o rtureber and olassifs-., employed by theta that the firin3easke'd` ouths' time from•4he + 0, iu which to pay the day o' December sG t to pay beak interest e. the Committee ment made by Mess el Gilchrist; Green & Co. in reference t hands employed, if accompanied by au Litidavit of its eerrects rtp. The committee he exteeeiot of .4'nm pew, drat the matter Green de. Go, he re- xecutive Committee, it as per repert e, on aecouut of the ness, as called for b the town said the also root:emended, asked for. Move seconded by Thos ferred buck to the giving them power statement, Gilchris leg a proper seied obey from the Ode; ill give the term. • ight ,2C'Oeiiiti .11.10 light per night, fo 800 nights in the eon a resolution pass by the Connell on 'the letting ef the to hall for ,:Prge"Thougilt, leotures, goite by a wet', seconded by' solution. riarara. on thci llth of 4itimitry, 988, as to the use of the Idetinley, Oote ng against the peplum of the $1001gran to the Skase band;'a notifying trio co that if the resolutte be ilet recintled, to would, apilly foray,. any part of said 'rant being paid over, having beet? gr ttyl. o t of the Mice: 13 ;town Go Town Cohneil wits he a: ie the Council Present—Mayer Motu oo; Reeve Gregode Meters Hill Deeveon, Holmes, • Elder, Eromuth, Lem sex, Sperling, Me - Lean, and Agnew. T e minutes Of hilt read from the Temin lerk of doderielt, upon the Government, be advirktbility of granting hid te tbe ich Moved seconded by Wei Holm it in. sytupatliy with • meeting Of the 8, that, the Coto/ell WAncil ttke