HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-02-28, Page 8The Pharmacy" Towier's Druz Otore Physicians' anti moiler Prescriptions arm:retell compounded. Pure '7?rz47s and Chemical* $pecialti/. DUO ot Toilet Articles, Teatimes, Snoops,* —Spectacles, et.t., aiWay8 in stack* znia, TELDPUOND OANTVAL OFV10.14, $ KAMetuT and GRAND TRUNK TOWN TICKET OPFICE. . WhiMutto, •Ook Cteading ara butts FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1800. Sunday Iduetngc • Mx Duo Tanta—Lord Lytton in o of his early novels, remarks that old a seems to get .a new tenure of 1ife in ear spring,but as I was in the heyday of you thea, I could nos verify the remit jO coasciousuess. 33ut now in the se and yellow leaf, my fri end the ap row brought it to pass, that quick than electric Sash, 1 was on my way Ediuburgh, iu the month of Februar somewhere among the fifties, The ro intersected Lord Xforton's demesne, au in sheltered nooks, groundsel, a dwa species of airchameel, and suudry oh • wild flowers had pat in their appearauc The gash of delight I experieneed the burst ferth in (rhumb once more, as 1 e observing mi,'teacher hopping fora pew pew. A high wall runs along the one aid of the road, which shuts out the view -humble pedestrian. Nevertheless tufts o /1110Ss oroppecl out of the chiaks, suggest ing that pleasing ineideut in the career o Mange Park, the Scotch pioneer in Africa expleration. Ee had thrown bin:zeal down, weak and dispirited, when such tuft met his eye. Tiro effect was magi cal; his trust in Divine Providence reviv ed, and he started, once more to carry ou his arduous undertaking. Over and ove 'again have / been reinvigorated when ad fallen upon some flower, it stranger •- bye and bye identified. tin one occasion I had bean disappointed in meeting • friend, and securing a situatiou. 1 wa en Way to Edinburgh, and was pasein through the parish of Atheletumeford whose manse is famous in the u.unals o Scottish Literature. Close by the way side on a dry knoll, I fell•in With a floe known as the lesser Whin. That flower dis- pelled worry and fatigue, took nue on to Headington for a night's rest, end with spirits revived 1 wade Edinburgh the following day, As my tneanderiug epistles ;may pall, if 1 were to expatiate en the lessons taught me by the ;Termer, I shall bring there to a close by quoting a •few lines from Thoreson's paraphrase of • Matthew's gospel; Behold, and look away your low despair, See the light tenants of the barreutdr To there, nor stares, nor granaries bel'ong. Nought but the woodland,and the pleasing song, Tot your kind Father bends His wakeful eye On the least wing that flits along the sky. 11 teaeless thus the fools ei heaven he feeds, f o'er the fields such lucid robes Be spreads, "Will he not care for you, yo faithless say, is he huwise? or are ye lees than they? ge. ly th rk re ri er to y, ad "t1 rf er e, u, at to of 1 1 t r a g • r Me Plate Like 'Unfree. • To the Cape Codder, like the Icelander ittta the Swiss, his native province is the best the sun shines on, So unique, em- . phatic and personal the cape and its towns have become to those reared here, that a cape man finds nowhere else so glorious as home, so full of such sweet memories. The nape colors him all his life --the roots and fibers of him. He =ay get beyond, but he never gets over the cape. Make him e merchant at Manila or Calcutta, a whaler at the north pole, mate in Australian waters, a millionaire on Fifth avenue, a. farmer in Minnesota, and the cape sticks to him still. no fevl in odd hours to ids life's end the creek tide on which he floated in- shore as a boy, the hunger of the salt Marsh in haying titae, the cold plash of the sea spray at the harbor' raouth, the spring of the boat over the bar when he came home from Ashing, with the wind aiding on shore out of the gray night ohm& seaward, the blast of the wet northeaster in the September morning when under the dripping branches he picked ap. the windfall of golden and crimson apples, the big flaked snow of the December night when he Waned his first sweetheart home from singing rebut I; and he will see in dreams per. haps the trailingstrbatus among the e:rav softie& un tne tom etigeot a spring anon' I bank, the bubbling spring at the hill foot near tidewater, the at, crimson Mee under his mother'sNvg indows with a clump of Attron'e rod or Mae for back. ground; the yellow dawn of an October morning across his misty moors,. and the fog of trio villa pond among the pine trees, and above all the blue sea with its headland, on which go the white winged ships to that great far oir world which the boy had heard 61 and the grown man knows so well.—New ediglandMagauhie, A jar atiese �ftL The following details of Japanese legal procedure will be of interest. The eenrt is held in a mem, the largest portion of which is covered by a rostra/A usually three or tuore feet high, the remaining part of the room spade being flagged. The object ,t)1 the rostrum is to accona- tootlate the jlidges, who sit behind Breen desks or tables, each table being covered_ with a green. baize Cloth. The number of these tables varies according to the court, in the common pleas there being generally three of them, but not all are occupied by Italges, for the judge only sits at the center one, at his right hand being the prosecutor or prosecuting law yer, and at his left the clerk, each with his table and a little paint box for writ- ing in bIaCk the Japanese symbols, and of course such a person as a stenog- rapher is unknown. Below this rostrum is what may be called the (leek, where the prisoner stands supporting himself by a low- rail - Mg. The only seats provided in the court beyond those appertaining to the tables on the rostrum are one or two benches. at the extrenie end of the court for the accommodation of ' visitors, though prisoners awaiting trial are per- mitted to utilize them. A jury is appa, rently unknown to the Japanese legal procedure. At the trial the prosecutor states his case, and then the judge ex- amines the prisoner, who may, however, employ counsel if he prefer. On the completion of the case sentence is pro- nounced and the next prisoner called up. —Law Journal. Literary Partnerships. Collaboration in novel writing is get- ting to be quite a common acciurence, writes James Payn in The Independent. One gentleman does the plot and the other the dialogue; or, better still (though surely a little dangerous iii tho ease of such sensitive natures), a lady is intro- duced into the partnership, to do the love scenes froni her view of, the ques- tion. Alen are apt to Make mistakes in this matter, and vice versa. An author was once discovered to be 'a spinster fromher desoribipg a husbandand wife going onlvith a Auarrel at tho breakfast tablet the exact paint wherethey had lefitit at supper, time. Still,. collabora- tion does not do in everything. In ath-' leties, for instance, it was recently dis- covered that two gentlemen were in the hubitof enterin,e0120 another's names for races, instead obf their own. The less speedy of the two 'modestly appeared on the list.and was given &start on account of the indifference of his previous per- formances, whith the quick one ran for him and won. Untouched by this speo- taele of so muck friendship, a magis- trate sent both Orestes and Pylades te jail for obtaining money under false IVIBLER & 00., (SUCCESSORS TO F. A. BILLINGSLEX;) HARNESS 1VIAIKRS. have on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CultuvcOsiss, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc., Wiffeh will be sold at bottom prices. HAI1NNE.8S, double or Mimic, made to Order on Jihad notice, and satistamttion guaranteed, sgrA iisolielted. SI1Or —Opposite the Bank of Hamilton, AMBLER &co. Witighatn, ffeb.Eth, 1820. HALSTED &SCOTT Josephine Street - Winghant, Ont. J. A. Emmen, I 4.1.V. Scott, mount fort, LfettylvaL Deri0Elitfl Xtoceived and Interest Allowed. Molly' AdAraileect to r armors and Rosiness Ou long or short time, an endorsed notes or collateral seturity. Salo notes bought at a fair valuatiou. Mousy remitted to ail parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Gitren to Col. leetxmg Aeeounts and Votes. Agent* in 'Canada- Vec Merchants' Bask ot Canada., ornee tIcites—ltrom 0 a ni. to 5 p, i. snizt, Ago*, WI IAM vraisuAs, Vesnutry 27, Rea Corrected by 7', netmei Produce Pecler• Plane:per 100 not, s 2 28 to Fall Wheat per hneliel, • (7 75 tO 0 22 Se 20 to • • 20 tir 80 • 58 • VA 30t to is I2 to is 11 to 78 72 20 18 1 85 to 181) 0 00 to 07 tt '90 to 08 to • 00 to New Onto, • Barley Pecs, Potatoes, Butter, toh do Rol 'Ng, per tioten, Wood per cord, tray per ton, Turkeys per 1b,r .)tean, 4, punka. Chickens, 225 020 SO 26 • n's11. FARMS FOR RAZE. have a number o▪ f farms for sale in different parte of, Ontario.,Ae you are aware, terms wore Hover so cheap in this province as at the present time, and It You want a :arm I would siimOrnmeinl you 2* buy new. If your means are liniltell I can eel! yon a farm on ft small cash paytnent. giving you plenty of time to pay balance of purchase motley at a low rats of interest, thus enabling you to acquire s home of your own most easily. If ,you have 2002010 and do not t (squire credit can -Oro von as good vatoo for your money as. you non getAlsownere. I will gladly send you description of farms fut onto In any locality en hearing from you. JOHN L. 'PATTON, 85 King street east, Toronto. eking of Sharehol ers Wo 2 undersigned Shareholders of e Minim Cheese a utter Company hereby gin • ublie notice that, end rovision of Letters r out, 4,. special meeting of e said Company w be held in the Temperance a, Balmer°, on F ay, the Mith day of February, 1' , at one o'elo p.m., for the pur. pose of electing rooters for as current year, and transacting such • er busi 'as as the interests of Company may requ WILLIAM Witscor, Wm nommen, nommen, Josnen Ninth, WILLIAM H. BRAD OBORGR NICI1048 FLIIMING BALL 12, PRTISR. Tunny JARRE HIT 15, WILLIAM ANSOR, GEORG VIRZI, J01.1 titan. DAVID 1VIIIR, aDARVII HALL, urines FORTUNE, LLIAM Ifoltss, 11 •reser, • WIL DT JISPYILAY, WILLI I GRIDAILL, .70114, 13 RBI, Wittfsm V SI% Wxr,Luii luttr, Whadtm W itself t Con J,ttuis 121101118 ittee: ERS WILL REOVIlrel) BY THE •DER. ned 588igne11 of the Rotate of Th as Plunk. ett for e purchase of the East half number 51 In the it concession of the nebip of East Wawanosh ' the County of H , containing mat hundred acre more or less. .Tbeproperi1ya about 2 es from the Town of Winghem, 89 Acre edea 4 , well watered by wells and flowing spring, ea fall wheat, IS acres seed. ed down, with exec uildingo on the premise.s. For terms and • bleu apply to J. A. Moms( Nximarens, 8 (tor for Estate. Aseigne, Thor also for sale by said meg e a good self Wilde eienging to the said estate. ghoul. Mien, 1800 Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers for eel° his farm, Wog east half Lot 22, Com 10; Turnborry, containing 50 acres, 212010 01 less, There are seven Acres in fall wheat and all the land cleared is seeded down. On the premises ie a good frame barn and a log house, and a good young orchard. The farm is splendidly lo- cated, being only three adios from the flourishing town of Wingham. For further particulars, apply to ANDREW MITCHELL, near the farm, Wing - barn Poet Office, or 20 the proprietor, • Wil MITCHELL ,,OrAndin, Cass Co., North Dakota. 7." House and Lot for Sale, The subscriber offers tor sale his House and Lot on the corner.of Patrick and Catharine streets, Wing- hain—the finest location in town. The house is a large new cottage, containing six rooms ; good cellar, well, ate. Mao two good building lots -containing One-fifth of an limo each. Will be sold on easy terms. For full particulars apply to the proprietor. • ROBERT D. TpUNG, WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS! Taking o retrospect of iny thirteen or fourteen years businesz. Wingham, I deslre most heartily to tender my thanks to uly friends and the public gen. orally for the liberal patronage extended to me In the past. I may also state that 1 ant in a position to Offer better inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone Alonuraents, 1111ADSTONDS, • WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, FOR FENCING, int would be plessed to have thoee desirotut of pro- curing any articles in my line to eat! and examine goods, compare prices dad leave their orderif, eo that the goods may be secured and prepared early hi the season, You can soled front the latest deeigns And obtain the tinest workmanship at the moat favorable prices. Ifost respeetfully, yowl* W1t• SMYTH, Winghaut, Ont. HIG Is now open, tiL H. W. PEIltr, or Graduate Victoria 17n1 Moderns, JAIfES GitAY. 114. of Toronto 11 Science, r. w, Pumas - of oruuto and Com OOL 'tug excellent fs 1 21M2M37815, Etoll• old lYtedelist of Classics and , Honor Graduate sity-zEuglish and BO A., itiverait mild Wan onor Graduate —Mathematics hes. ;MISS JANE BABB, Vire Class Pro rtifioste*-Ilizgli and. Mod. DraL , uncut supervision 6 a gradth4. ate of th. Royal School of nfan ry, Lon don, 0 . W. C. toscom Cloti DAWITT t, MC, UNO. BIGGEST 'PREMI w Tire • VER OF FE RE D A1 WANZER SEWING MACHINA: To be Given Away, with 100 POUNDS OF BAKINC POWDER I Everybody come and, take away a can of the POWDER. It will only cost you 5004 and the „ Powder is worth the money: EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF WINTER 00 SOLD FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS -AT RUINOUS. PRICES -30 DAYS DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WOOL .SQUARES, .HOSE, CASHMERE GLOVES and RID IVIITTS, TWEEDS, ULSTERINGS, FLANNELS. SHIRTS and DRAWERS, OVERCOATS, Et°. FURS! FURS! FURS! GENTS' AND LADIES' ASTRACHAN, BULGARIAN LAMB COATS,. GENTS' BEAVEf COLLARS and CUFFS, BEAVER CAPS, AS- TRACHAN AND PERSIAN LAMB CRS, SILVER FOX MUFFS and BOAS. IN FACT EVERYTHING SLAUGNTERED TO PREPARE F01: STOCK TAKING.• gar First. to Come gets the beg assortment to select from. T MILLS, Wingham, 'Jan. 801, 14 SEE Gerster'S bdrt. NEXT WEEK. , JUST ARRIVED ! 13y SS. Europa, frgns Rainburt Germany. 3 —OASES PANOY TABLE CHINA 3 u•GG SETTS, SALAD SETTS, FRUIT BOWLS, VASiPS, BISCUIT JARS, WATER. SETTS, ROSE JARS, CUIS & SAUCERS NEW RAMS, NEW CURRANTS, "," NEW PEELS, NEW Nvm, Nrsv rutiTs+ CELOICV & RELIAALE GROCERIES wow., w Calf and inspect before VI akirw Vow ZMAS PtiltCHASAS IL THE CHINA HOUSE, W. T. YATES VOL XIX MARCH THE LAS1 THE As spring rivremelit locks 414004 se -1 th,t bet's Sprtng snit Tile efter the stnal boY, but intentions • This tiMs lie is 10941 $nits, Boys 11 van be libe1 sitlt •rinttile snits, an(1. tI pr y.,43,312lease you, iir) l4t10g 10 ' 104 the Bear tit t horn BPoin A lKn clothes 1 • . takes their men:slits ai• fawn 4120 elleapeet, arid • 'the finest and bro,t go( • Iron' /Paut, Snit froin •••. Calf W.4.! • Tun Bi1..4.4, Marob V, V .nnt..........croninperennznammajoism, LOCAL INT iftVg.te retook 01 ()mug he sold cheap at Meffelvie --The regi' Moe Orly Public 8012001 oard will, day e *dog it. • WArrien lritSnr58Vy serval' t to o Moult t Appty to Mrs P Erookel —The ligh fall or An( afternoon am night has •'fileighina wit ali being nt nf 47 atV mil med and jiist ricei ved a large cera 14 R Iiilrig. —,T14,...fiira 61 pore baiiderttit4 •tow t, ha ' ThEilia44.sr,„ Iii 0 tig ii by hfrVri Dore, .4*4Sytters ilor e id .; Rill's, • • lk "—Zee ltarveating 'is it Cha ii hleConnell )2 1(!14 oh 'car leads to Cheat ' in, - dor during the past Wee . ----E t deter is It 'proved himself the raft zn towe. —Evangelistie ser lc -..•.tucted in the Congr gal • ing the week by Re ,T *sty superirttendetif, ft attended. . .. A . —I/ P GerFiter ha de • town until Wicallard.b —The „gnoins, We1fo will play in 'Winans ramming Tuesday V Further partfahlarb future itisue. ---.E P Gersifer's is tl engraving is neatly ant —lArT P Austin, *Ing the firm of Au- iron founder's and ro a Oa gelidity Woking ti This arm give speci building of all kind 'the mannfoetiire of f —The Council took 'to the'electrie light 6 Mr Allen, a represeti • Electric /Agit Waren stated the terms oh AV be given. The comp light for SOO eights pt lighter night. —Stone of oar tolyl Senforth on hronday 46:Oaf OhOir, :-ZthisUOit, Scott the Onto hes, choir but s eg4ttlieY ar� n he oPiniOn of thorie to bear them. --The regular Mot 1J Was held in Biteir evening last. The More; young Woktiet heir invitatiOn Of 1 ?eneW the invitatio 'trill join neat our n 122 gitchloit 7a11, Al jigth, mot —vat