HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-24, Page 2,
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Second • gess 114ai1 Registration Number 0847
R�+t;�,il� Established 1873 --Published Wednesday
M' I
Y Iylember of the CoC.N.A. and 0d1N.N.A.
SSI �` r" �" ` Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year 'in advance
2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign
r� t Donald C. Thompson, Publisher
"IT t� , �-
Several From' Area On Young Voyag'e'ur
t H
Iasi# To Ottawa and
New Brunswick
he Young Voyageur Program is
' The group was bused from Clin
w .e
astudent exchange venture for
ton to London where they flew Ai
high school students between the
Canada to Ottawa'. They were rt
ages of, fifteen; and seventeen,
ceived by a guide in Ottawa who
These students are selected b•
remained with them for their fou
the irteachers. In making their
day, stay there. Points of interest
selection the teachers consider a
visited were the National Museur
number of factors. Among these
of Science and Technology, the
� r
are the student's academic stand -
Parliament Buildings, the Natio
;G s�
ing, the student's personality and
al Art Centre, the National Gal-
attitude, and the student's person-
le y., the National Capital Com -
ability to get along with others..
mission, the.Experimental' Farm
This program provides these wor-
a city tour and Upper Canada
thy students with an opportunity
Village at Morrisburg.
to live with a family in. some
other of Canada. The
The guide accompanied the
part e main
group b bus'to Montreal where
g p y
'' f
objective of this exchange is to
they spent several hours before
these 'selected students
taken the CN train -to Newcastle
to a portion of�the great cultural,
economic and .social diiversity of
In Newcastle they were receiv
which Canada is comprised. The
by the receptionist from Tracadi
provincial and federal govern-
mens co-operate to finance and
who accompanied' them to their
organize this program,
destination. Each student was bi
billeted to a ,separate home wher
On Tuesday, July 9th twenty
the sent the week with this hos
y. spent
a •:
young voyageurs left Clinton for
family.- French is the spoken
y • 1?
t _
a twelve day holiday in Ottawa,
language of Tlacadie although
Ivlontral and Tracadie, New. Bruns-
English is fairly well understood.
wick. The group was escorted by
The week's agenda. included loca
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hunter of
entertainment; trips. to the beach;
Win ham. Murrayeaches at
g y
a visit to a fisheries school, whit
F. E. Madill Secondary School
all new fishermarr now attend; a
and ,representatives of that school
clambake; and other activities.
were.Mary Bongertman, R. R. ## 3
The highlight of the week was
Teeswater; Rozanne Petteplace,
the municipal banquet on the. last
Teeswater; Murray Keith, R. R.
evening at, which time souvenir
# 5 Lucknow; Kevin Adams,
gifts were presented to ,each stud-
Wingham.: Other students came
ent and escort. The group was
from the Goderich , Clinton , Ex-
bused to Moncton on Saturday,
eter, Strathroy, , Seaforth , Park-
July 20th and returned, to London
hill, Arva area.
by Air Canada,
). �., i(.:. :::r
i • ��. 1 `•
:. �' • i '; ::air:
15 ani! 21 cu. ft.
..Phone. 528-3024
ply •o_ C KN®VII°
'NR►No�I �7I�NTINI�i�° LUW..
a XR-a
Ashfield Township council met
on July 2 with all members pres-
ent. Ray Brown and Lorne Cook
presented petitions for drain im -
provements on.the Pentland Drain
and the Cook Drain. These. peti-
tions were accepted by council
and the clerk was instructed to
have E. H. Uderstadt make a sur-
vey of the -areas and report to
Tile Drainage Loan applica-
tions were approved for Donald
Aiton. and, J. Card
William Nagle of H: M. Gibson'
Ltd, was, present to discuss the
agreement between May Park
Developments and the Township
of Ashfield on the proposed sub-
division, Lots 40 and 41', Lake
Council agreed in principle to
the'agreement with the condition
that 10 lots be conveyed- to the
Township as security.until the
When tenders. were called in
November of last year, the three:
tenders received were $147,000,
$145,000 and $148 , 000' and were
obsolete almost'as quickly as they
• were received as one firm replied
a.few weeks dater that the price
ed had changed to $161,060. This
e was in January'•
1_ In the initial discussions regard
e ing.a Community Health Centre,
t a cost sharing formula was decid-
ed on assuming that the ,proper
price was received. Lucknow was
to pay 30%, Ashfield , West Wawa-
awa- nosh and Kinloss 2016 each and
Huron Township 1010.
h When Ripley -Huron decided to
build their own Medical Centre,
Huron Township opted out in •fav-
our of participating in this ven-
ture. This left an additional 1056 .
to be picked up.
When the initial tenders were
received, they were completely
out of line with the thinking of
the majority of the committee and
the idea has sat dormant for about
six months.
At last week's meeting, which
was chaired by Reeve George
Joynt of Lucknow, a breakdown of
the financial assistance available
under the winter works program
was read by clerk of Lucknow, A.
E. Herbert. From .September 30
to December l; a 5016 grant is
available on labour and from Dec-
ember 1 to May 31, 1001% of -the
labour cost is absorbed, by grant.
Mr. Joynt said that he had been
in discussion with the architects,
Cluff and Cluff of Toronto., and
that they believe that by switch-
ing to more steel construction,
and away from wood, a tender
price of $130,000 is possible •
This would be broken down at
4066 labour ($52,000) and 6016
material •($78,000).,
After discussion by a,Jl munici-
palities, it was agreed to re tend-
er again on the job..
Discussion centred on the cost
sharing formula for the building.
Reeve Joynt stated that Luck -
now could not accept more than
4016 of the costs.
Reeve Girvin Reed said that
Ashfield was willing, to stick by
the 201% originally agreed on,
but that the final tender price
would have to be considered close-
ly when it was received.
Reeve Leo Murray of Kinloss
had earlier indicated that Kinloss
r—A -
services are properly installed and FARM. A
.the roads be hard, surfaced with ND MlDENTMt
tar and chips or hot mix.. G ,neral Towp 2nshi
Road accaunts of $20,929.03' Duna 8,15
g anon Street Lights 8 83
and general accounts of $5,345.,36 (8.54); County of Huron
were approved for payment.- (22..05)., .Elementat 2a.81
y Public
A lication 'for severance was (20. 0 Elementary Separate''
PP � .28.50 (25.94 ,
a roved for Wilmer Robb. ); Secondary S,h
pp 21.71,(18.48). -
William Vodden of .A • M. • Harp-
er Co. presented the 1973 financ-
ial report and the 1974 budget was COMMERCIAL & BUSINFS
approved and tax rates established.
'General Township 31,50
The total tax rate for Public Dungannon Street Lights ,-1
g 83
School supporters on farm and (8.54); County of Huron 23 59
residential will be 97.03 mills an (22.05); Elementary Public ?5
increase of 13.2 mills over last (22.94); Elementary Separate
year. The total rate for ,Separate 31.67 (28,82), . yScb
Secondat "
School supporters on farm and res 24,12 (20,54),
ide.ntial will be 102.28 mills an
increase of 13:11 mills over' last
year. Council. adjourned to meet
The following is a comparison 16th.
of 1974 and 1973 mill rates with
1973 in `brackets.. , DONALD M. SIWSON,
would be willing to pay a maxi-
mum of $15, 000• towards the pro-
ject MOM and this was also -indicated by
Reeve Bob Lyons of West Wawa,,,
nosh. •NoSt,WeSterllY;
They could. see no reason for "Two farm union youths tio'
adopting a cost sharing break -'.,Saskatchewan spent lU daysll
down in view of the fact that they Local 335, Baan Strain from
had' already indicated the North Battle -ford and Dale 0
maximum amount of money which ich from Lloydminister
would be available from their were at the homes of John A'
municipalities,. They were in and Lorne McDonald;
favour of tendering and then con
sidering the cost factor. A barbecue and ball game
at Ashfield Park gave the boy
After much discussion, a mo , opportunity to meet other
tion.was presented by Girvin Reed members of the Local, on Ti
of Ashfield and seconded by Don day -evening.
Bell of Kinloss that the municipal,- They attended a Districts
ity call for tenders through Cluff meeting in Mitchell on Monde
and Cluff for a community health. July 15. There were 12excba
centre' based on a percentage split students in. District 5 from Sai
on costs of Lucknow 4016, Ashfield' chewan•
Kinloss and West Wawanosh 2Wo This year the'NationalNu
each providing the tender is Union did not receive a Gov.e
favourable. This was passed un- ment grant for its exchange,
animously. als and youth raised the need
money for travelling,
It was agreed' that the, clause The boys left London on M
"providing the tender is favour- day, July 22 to fly to Windp
able" will.give each municipality .for a 3 day, seminar with all)
the opportunity to. either approve involved in the exchange, be
or reject the new tender price. returning home.
Ripley Agricultural Grounds
'Sunday, .August 4
4 to 8 P.m.
$3.50 AT'GATE '
$2.00 AT GATE.
Girls Inter League Ball Gani"
). �., i(.:. :::r
i • ��. 1 `•
:. �' • i '; ::air:
15 ani! 21 cu. ft.
..Phone. 528-3024
ply •o_ C KN®VII°
'NR►No�I �7I�NTINI�i�° LUW..
a XR-a
Ashfield Township council met
on July 2 with all members pres-
ent. Ray Brown and Lorne Cook
presented petitions for drain im -
provements on.the Pentland Drain
and the Cook Drain. These. peti-
tions were accepted by council
and the clerk was instructed to
have E. H. Uderstadt make a sur-
vey of the -areas and report to
Tile Drainage Loan applica-
tions were approved for Donald
Aiton. and, J. Card
William Nagle of H: M. Gibson'
Ltd, was, present to discuss the
agreement between May Park
Developments and the Township
of Ashfield on the proposed sub-
division, Lots 40 and 41', Lake
Council agreed in principle to
the'agreement with the condition
that 10 lots be conveyed- to the
Township as security.until the
When tenders. were called in
November of last year, the three:
tenders received were $147,000,
$145,000 and $148 , 000' and were
obsolete almost'as quickly as they
• were received as one firm replied
a.few weeks dater that the price
ed had changed to $161,060. This
e was in January'•
1_ In the initial discussions regard
e ing.a Community Health Centre,
t a cost sharing formula was decid-
ed on assuming that the ,proper
price was received. Lucknow was
to pay 30%, Ashfield , West Wawa-
awa- nosh and Kinloss 2016 each and
Huron Township 1010.
h When Ripley -Huron decided to
build their own Medical Centre,
Huron Township opted out in •fav-
our of participating in this ven-
ture. This left an additional 1056 .
to be picked up.
When the initial tenders were
received, they were completely
out of line with the thinking of
the majority of the committee and
the idea has sat dormant for about
six months.
At last week's meeting, which
was chaired by Reeve George
Joynt of Lucknow, a breakdown of
the financial assistance available
under the winter works program
was read by clerk of Lucknow, A.
E. Herbert. From .September 30
to December l; a 5016 grant is
available on labour and from Dec-
ember 1 to May 31, 1001% of -the
labour cost is absorbed, by grant.
Mr. Joynt said that he had been
in discussion with the architects,
Cluff and Cluff of Toronto., and
that they believe that by switch-
ing to more steel construction,
and away from wood, a tender
price of $130,000 is possible •
This would be broken down at
4066 labour ($52,000) and 6016
material •($78,000).,
After discussion by a,Jl munici-
palities, it was agreed to re tend-
er again on the job..
Discussion centred on the cost
sharing formula for the building.
Reeve Joynt stated that Luck -
now could not accept more than
4016 of the costs.
Reeve Girvin Reed said that
Ashfield was willing, to stick by
the 201% originally agreed on,
but that the final tender price
would have to be considered close-
ly when it was received.
Reeve Leo Murray of Kinloss
had earlier indicated that Kinloss
r—A -
services are properly installed and FARM. A
.the roads be hard, surfaced with ND MlDENTMt
tar and chips or hot mix.. G ,neral Towp 2nshi
Road accaunts of $20,929.03' Duna 8,15
g anon Street Lights 8 83
and general accounts of $5,345.,36 (8.54); County of Huron
were approved for payment.- (22..05)., .Elementat 2a.81
y Public
A lication 'for severance was (20. 0 Elementary Separate''
PP � .28.50 (25.94 ,
a roved for Wilmer Robb. ); Secondary S,h
pp 21.71,(18.48). -
William Vodden of .A • M. • Harp-
er Co. presented the 1973 financ-
ial report and the 1974 budget was COMMERCIAL & BUSINFS
approved and tax rates established.
'General Township 31,50
The total tax rate for Public Dungannon Street Lights ,-1
g 83
School supporters on farm and (8.54); County of Huron 23 59
residential will be 97.03 mills an (22.05); Elementary Public ?5
increase of 13.2 mills over last (22.94); Elementary Separate
year. The total rate for ,Separate 31.67 (28,82), . yScb
Secondat "
School supporters on farm and res 24,12 (20,54),
ide.ntial will be 102.28 mills an
increase of 13:11 mills over' last
year. Council. adjourned to meet
The following is a comparison 16th.
of 1974 and 1973 mill rates with
1973 in `brackets.. , DONALD M. SIWSON,
would be willing to pay a maxi-
mum of $15, 000• towards the pro-
ject MOM and this was also -indicated by
Reeve Bob Lyons of West Wawa,,,
nosh. •NoSt,WeSterllY;
They could. see no reason for "Two farm union youths tio'
adopting a cost sharing break -'.,Saskatchewan spent lU daysll
down in view of the fact that they Local 335, Baan Strain from
had' already indicated the North Battle -ford and Dale 0
maximum amount of money which ich from Lloydminister
would be available from their were at the homes of John A'
municipalities,. They were in and Lorne McDonald;
favour of tendering and then con
sidering the cost factor. A barbecue and ball game
at Ashfield Park gave the boy
After much discussion, a mo , opportunity to meet other
tion.was presented by Girvin Reed members of the Local, on Ti
of Ashfield and seconded by Don day -evening.
Bell of Kinloss that the municipal,- They attended a Districts
ity call for tenders through Cluff meeting in Mitchell on Monde
and Cluff for a community health. July 15. There were 12excba
centre' based on a percentage split students in. District 5 from Sai
on costs of Lucknow 4016, Ashfield' chewan•
Kinloss and West Wawanosh 2Wo This year the'NationalNu
each providing the tender is Union did not receive a Gov.e
favourable. This was passed un- ment grant for its exchange,
animously. als and youth raised the need
money for travelling,
It was agreed' that the, clause The boys left London on M
"providing the tender is favour- day, July 22 to fly to Windp
able" will.give each municipality .for a 3 day, seminar with all)
the opportunity to. either approve involved in the exchange, be
or reject the new tender price. returning home.
Ripley Agricultural Grounds
'Sunday, .August 4
4 to 8 P.m.
$3.50 AT'GATE '
$2.00 AT GATE.
Girls Inter League Ball Gani"